Hey fellas, we got about another month if not a little more of cabin fever left. I was figuring what better way to start off the year with a bang and a bag of fat bass. Pending on ya'lls schedules, time constraints and families and such maybe we can all get together for a day on the water come March. I was thinking somewhere along the lines of late March the 22 or 23 (Saturday and Sunday). I could do either or as of right now. More than likely my dad and I will have the boat out one of those days so the other one I will try and get this thing organized for.
If anyone has any ideas on how we could put this together and keep everyone on the list for one of these days throw in your input. I'm trying to think of a lake with ample shore line access that isn't terribly hard to fish. Rivers and so forth are probably out since most of the parks are over fished and the tide issues may put us there at a time that isn't best.
Ideas I have thus far are:
-Lake Huntsman
-Lake Mercer
-Lake Royal
-Lake Brittle
If we want to, or if everyone can afford to rent boats (if they are available this weekend, which we'd have to call to inquiry) I was thinking...
-Lake Anna
-Lake Orange
-Burke Lake (shore fishing here would be harder, but we may be able to get on fish in a boat?)
-Lake Ridge
Any other ideas welcome. We are not limited to these ideas. So let's get a head count as well as more ideas. Who is in?
Let's pick this lake or reservoir based off best location, easiest place to fish, most fun, and most versatile. Doesn't just have to be for bass, but I know most of us will be fishing for that. Families welcome.
Put me down as a maybe. THere's just no way for me to tell what my school work will be like that weekend. I'd like to make it though. I've got a jon boat and I may be able to fit someone else in it if I can find a good way to transport it.
I would personally prefer Huntsman, Royal or Mercer but that's just me. I could probably make the trip to other places though. That's based on the relative toughness of some of the other close lakes as well as some of the pictures that guys have posted of big fish coming from Huntsman, Royal and Mercer. (your dad did pretty darn well during late fall at Huntsman or Mercer, correct?)
I had my PB Largemouth from Mercer last year on December 3, 2lb 14oz. I also had my best day as far as weight was concerned as well pulling in 5.5lbs of fish one day back in July on a crankbait bite. Mercer has been good to me.
But your right. My dad tore it up there last year pulling in one at 5.25lbs and another at 5.5lbs. Both caught within' the same bait in the fall on a Rat L-Trap.
It's a great lake and I'm sure with the pre-spawn there could be some hogs coming up from the deeper water to the mouths of the coves and surrounding bank areas. If we fish some of the coves to the left or right of the d**n and even the deeper water from the clearing or from the wooded side of the lake (opposite the clearing) we may have some pretty good luck, front permitting that is.
I know some other guys here have lost some big fish there and also hooked into some nice ones in the 2-3 lb range. Not too many dinks at Mercer.
Would be fun. That's two votes for Lake Mercer.
I'm in! hopefully I'll have a trolling motor and my Sea Eagle all patched up by then =D
Alright Simon. Two definates and one maybe. Keep it coming folks.
How far is mercer from Richmond
Bout an hour and twenty minutes or so. You could gladly hook up with one of us from the forum and drive over with us. Access can be complicated for those who haven't been there before as you have to deal with some residential neighborhoods and such and quite a few back roads.
If you would like directions you can pm me and I can try and help as much as possible. Or one of the guys who are more creative with google earth may take a snapshot and explain on here. Simon and a few others are good at that stuff.
I would but I don't think I've been to Mercer before, the one we went to that first time was Huntman right?
I am in and hope to pull in some hawgs.
Your going to be about 2-3 weeks to early for the pre spawn frenzy. You might want to wait if your fishing from the bank. Now if your in a boat, you might be lucky enough to catch them staging up.
Lets see who can catch the largest sack, 5 fish and all need to be longer than 16 inches to count. No dinks, look at it like a tourney. If I catch 20 and only 6 are keepers, I only see it as if I only caught 6 total. Dinks do not count. Try it.
Put me down for a maybe.
Fun way to start the year, that could work if everybody is down for a little friendly competition. I know it would be easier from a boat and it won't exactly be the start of the spawn but if we get some decent days later in the month I'm hoping they will at least be on the move.
And I'm not worried about having a boat. This new Suffix Elite line I've been using on my crank and topwater plug rod can cast A TON! Haha. And using some heavier jigs and drop shot setups I should be able to get out a way with my other pole. Finding the better structure to cast it will be the more difficult part (just going on visual), but that's what makes it interesting. I caught here pretty late in the year and got my pb then so maybe early will be on my side too? Gotta have confidence!
We could always have a bigger get together in April or something when the water gets better (maybe for smallies or something at the Rap or Pony Pasture), if not at a bigger lake like Lake Anna for some largies and striper.
Anyway hope to see you there man.
Paul, alright man... maybe #2. Lol.
put me down as a maybe,
Simon, i have a trolling motor/battery you can use.
Ok fellas current list:
-Dominion Dan
Let's get some more commitments guys! Hopefully some of you guys will be able to commit further down the road. I know it's early. Spring can't come quick enough!
Quoteput me down as a maybe,Simon, i have a trolling motor/battery you can use.
score! now to just get it patched up....lol
I am brand new to the forum and this is my first post, but I wouldn't mind meeting up for some bass fishing... Not sure if I can fish those dates in March but if I can count me in!
Welcome aboard!
Unless something happens to stop me I plan on being there.
Huntsman or Mercer work for me
CJBS, Wellcome aboard. Good to see another Virginia guy chime in. Looks like I'll have to come out too, I have met Jay, his dad/Ron, Andrew and Paul. It will be nice to put some faces on heses names. I still have some new fishing rods I need to get acustomed to, so I'll see you there.
Why Mercer? Lets try a lake that is more freindly to manuever around, Like Burke or Royal.
What is wrong with Mercer? It is really easy to navigate around the lake. I have walked all the way around that lake at least a couple of times. It also has some hawgs in it that should start getting active soon.
CJBS2003 to the forum!!
Ron, This time of year and the given terrian of Mercer. I don't think it is a good choice for a " get together ". I have seen way more hawgs pulled from Royal than Mercer and Huntsman combined and even more so this time of year. The key is steep drop off's, I only know of one at Mercer .
Flippin: Don't know where you fish but I've pulled several 5lbs from Mercer. Have never fished Royal.
Huntsman is almost overfished; plus I've seen alot of folks take fish home. Not too much catch and release on that lake.
Vaparrot, I hope this does not come off sounding wrong. I look at 7+ pounds as a lunker. I have caught alot of 5 pounders on all lakes mentioned. I guess my view of a lunker is a little different. Mercer has alot of great fish in it, but. My buddy Marvin has the lake record for Royal 10 pounds 6 ounces. I posted up a 9+ pounder out of Royal that was caught by the master of the Senko / Tom Doyle. I watched a guy in a kayak lose a "masive" LMB about 2 years ago. Royal backs up to my neighborhood. I used to walk to the lake almost every night after my daughters went to bed and throw the 'ole buzzbait for a couple of hours and would catch 5+ pound fish, that was until the Police started patroling the lake.
All I'm saying is that I would like for all of use to get on a lunker, it would be great if I took one of you guys and said "cast this, over there" and walla! A PB is caught. I have been fishing these lakes for 20+ years and have talk to and fished with alot of the locals. I would like to return the favor to one of these other guys. I went back and looked at my earlier posts and I guess I came off as a pr1ck. :-/ Sorry about that.
Get a canoe and I'll show you where the fish are in Huntsman in the summer, I can point to it from shore.
I vote for Jay picking the location, he was the man with the idea. I will fish at any location that Jay chooses, all local lakes have decent access for fishing. I do not have a problem with any of our local lakes.
Put me down as a maybe. Lets go where the big fish are.
QuotePut me down as a maybe. Lets go where the big fish are.Jason
I'm up for J choosing but I'd like to go where the big fishies are =D
Well fellas I didn't want this to turn into a "this guy knows more than or is more knowledgeable than the other", I was just trying to put something fun together where we could all get to meet maybe some new guys here on the forum in Nova and just bring in the season.
I know some of us have caught bigger fish than others, heck I only have a 2lb 14 oz pb, but look forward to breaking that very soon. Some of us have 4lbers, others 5.5, and then some 7+, doesn't by any means mean that we are better at diagnosing where the fish are than other guys.
The most important part of this get together was the "fun" idea. If people wanna learn and they ask another guy there, "hey how do you throw this or what's a good bait for this area"? We can help and answer that person's question. If not it's mostly about being there, hunting, and sharing some time together. Every fish caught is a bonus.
I've caught 2+ pounders out of Huntsman and Mercer on a fairly regular basis now, I know it's not much to some of ya'll but the location really doesn't matter to me.
It just seemed like most people were saying Huntsman and Mercer worked for them so I just kinda implied the idea that maybe that was best. However, in the name of fairness and ust to see what everyone would like based off the previous posts (even if they have not fished these lakes before) I will put up a poll on this thread to decide. Seems like the lakes in contention are the following-
-Lake Mercer
_Lake Huntsman
-Lake Royal
-Burke Lake
On the Saturday before, a decision will be made about the location so we can all prepare and get an idea of what areas on the lake may be the best to fish. At this time we can all contribute here and try and get ideas as to where the fish may be moving to, or where they could be caught from. That way we can keep an eye on weather ad the changes taking place as we move torwards spring in those weeks.
Alright guys, make your pick. Doesn't matter where we go, this will be about fun! Let's all bring in the year and start it off great!
Everyone gets one vote fellas. Make it count. If others are not fond of the choice we can split this up. But I think it would be cool for us all to have a get together to remember where we can share info, learn some new things, and maybe even catch a nice bag. It's a perfect type of get together for the guys on this forum because this is what we do here. Later fellas.
I don't mind where we go....i'm in desperate need of a catch though! MAJOR DRY SPELLL!!!! I forgot what a bite feels like. :'(
I honestly don't care where we fish, I don't even care if I catch any fish...It'll be fun finally being able to fish with someone who cares about it as much as I do. I have only fished with one person who had their own tackle...
I really hope I can make it.
QuoteI honestly don't care where we fish, I don't even care if I catch any fish...It'll be fun finally being able to fish with someone who cares about it as much as I do. I have only fished with one person who had their own tackle...I really hope I can make it.
If you hook a fish, can I reel her in? ;D jk
Where are all of the pictures of the hawgs being pulled out of Lake Royal? To date I have only seen you show us one old picture of a hawg being pulled out of that lake, and that was from years ago. Out of the three times that I have been a part of get togethers on Lake Royal I have only seen dinks pulled out of the lake. It may be a good lake to fish, but I don't see it that way right now. I would love to be proven wrong by someone here on this forum. It would only take someone to post pictures of the hawgs that they have caught on Lake Royal last season. I personally have seen more hawgs pulled out of Mercer and Huntsman. I am not trying to argue with you, I am just stating what I have first hand knowledge of. I have put up pictures of some hawgs on this forum showing what has been caught at both Lake Mercer and Lake Huntsman.
I voted for Royal mainly because it's only a few minutes away from me.
Rob, tell me more about night fishing at Royal. I'd like to try that some time as after the kids are in bed is the only time I can fish during the week. Does it close at dusk? Are the cops really d1cks about it?
if it's Royal I'll be there, if not i'll be at my lake on the boat, Rob wanna climb in?
Trevor, you know I'm down with that.
Ron,I'm not a camera kinda guy, most of the pictures I have taken are on my phone and ever since getting thrown from a boat last fall prefishing a tournement at Fountianhead I am unable to down load any pictures, take any pictures and the screen does not light up. The following weekend you and I went out on your boat. If memory serves me right, I showed you and your son the pictures on my phone. One 7+ pounder, two 5 pounders and a slew of 3-4 pounders. If there is any doubt, we can review them all again in the proper lighting. As for the Royal Lake record, it hangings on the wall at Marvin's house. I'll take some pictures when I go over there next. I just got off the phone with him and I did shoot myself in the foot, but here is the fix. The lake record did not weigh over 10. But darn close. It was a northern strain female which makes it that much more incredible. They don't get big as often as southern strain. As for the fish that I posted, it was not weighed, the length and width had been messured and run through the bass calculator which is accurate with in 2-3 ounces. Exact weight will be coming in a day or two, I shot him an e-mail. As for any other fish I catch, ask Trevor or Drums. They can vouch for the times spent with me, which is alot. Drums may have some pics to share.
As stated before, I apparently come off as a > pr!ck or a know it all. Next time read all of my posts while picturing me :)smiling
in a friendly fashion
. I thought the point of this thread and the forum in general was to share and help each other out. All I'm trying to do is share a location and tactics that I know can put some of you on your next PB! Thats all. For those of you that have fished with me know that already. I give tackle to everyone I meet, Ask ado124 and Trevorlakebraddock.
pkshul, PM me your e-mail and I'll shoot you a map of the flat/drop off that seemed to produce alot of the evening buzzbait fish.
Rob do you know of anywhere where I can download or print out a topographic of Lake Royal in prep? I found one site but it was not in depth at all and only had one depth marking for one drop off on the entire lake.
What kind of sturcture or bottom content is there mostly in this lake? How deep on average is it? Is the water typically clear or dirty, etc?
I know most places have stained water from the run off with the ice storms, snow and rain as of late, but Huntsman seems to be fairing well as well as Burke.
Anyway looks like this is pushing to Lake Royal as of now. I'll keep the poll up until week before in case any of the guys south decide to come up and decide on others, but let's plan for Royal now. Hopefully we can all just concentrate on fishing and having a good time.
I know forums can be hard to read someone's views etc and people can interpret things the wrong way as I think some of us have here. We all need to remember this is about meeting up and having fun. Don't matter where it is.
I have never seen a topo of Royal, even if there was. The lake has become so silted in, it probably would not be accurate anymore. They are preparing for a draw down of Royal in the spring to do work on the dam area. As for depth I would say 12-15 feet on the other side of the spillway, at least that is what I remember seeing on the depth finder a few seasons ago. There is no real structure.
The water is always dirty/stained as long as there is rain, during a drought the water has a nice tint to it, just enough to keep shallow fish from getting spooked.
Early mornings in the spring and the summer, before the sunlight touches the water is the best time to fish Royal. Once the sun hits it, it is over.
So we're looking at primarily humps, drop offs, flats, etc?
I'm figuring an early get together right before sun up would be better then before sun gets over head to high, maybe we'll get lucky and have some overcast skies or semi-cloudy day.
You think this early on there will be any top water bite here? Maybe throw that buzzbait or jitterbug?
First time fishing a late winter/pre-spawn bite here and this lake in general so just trying to get an idea.
Already have an idea of some baits to throw based off what you told me, but just trying to get the full picture.
Searchin' for fish without cover in stained water can be intimidating...
Spinnerbaits w/ colorado blades, jigs w/ rattles, buzzbaits, jitterbugs, rattle traps and wide action cranks sound like a good start?
I hope I didn't come off wrong either, if I did I didn't mean to. I know you are a nice guy, you are cool to fish with and you are a generous person. I did not get a chance to see any of the pictures on your cell phone but I will trust you that you have them. Like Jay stated this is a get together to have fun and meet each other. I just have not personally seen any good size lmbs pulled out of this lake and that is all I was trying to say. By the way, how is your daughter doing? I hope she is recovering well.
This time of year, I would drop shot, cranks and football jigs. In the winter I would start off in the late morning and fish deep into the afternoon. Topwater this time of the year might not be your best bet. Think Winter patterns, forget pre-spawn. What is considered to be pre-spawn is not for at least a month.
Ron, my girl is doing great. She is back in school and as happy as they come..... Thanks for asking about her.
Sounds good, depending on whether or not that cold front comes in Friday/Saturday my dad and I may pre-fish it Sunday. I'm gonna look for some of the run off areas around the lake where it meets up with the main lake, any structure I can find and whatever shallow flats next to deep water I can find.
Probably won't catch much, but I'm gonna give it a try. These muddier/stained lakes should be warming up quicker than the clearer lakes based off what I've been reading so who knows. Anyway, we'll let you know how we do. You gotten lucky at all this year yet here?
I have had really good luck with the drop shot the past 2 Sundays, yesterday I landed 6 keepers and the week before I landed 9. But the water I was fishing was clear. Before that it was all about the shaky head.
Where is the best place to park at Royal? The times I've been there I've parked on a dead end street culdesac down by the manhole cover a ways down the path to the right of the dam.
i've lost track... when is this again? the 23rd?
Ditto on Trev's question, i know we're debating the location, what about the date? Saturday or sunday should be fine for me but i'd like to know so i don't make plans.
We are planning on Saturday the 22nd. If weather is a factor we will move it to Sunday. That's the only reason I chose both dates for that weekend, so if one was bad we could use the other. So plan on Saturday.
Im down to go if I happen to be back from college that weekend. Doubt I will be but you never know. But later on in spring and summer I'd definitely make it out if we had another one somewhere. Flippin4it, you mind if I pm'd you a few questions regarding Royal, you've sparked my interest?
Vabasser, PM me and ask away.
Has anyone fished Lake Royal lately (last week or so)? If so what have you caught?
Gotta work on the 22nd or else I would.
Since I am brand spanking new on this forum, I'd love to get out and fish with you all that weekend and put some faces to names. However, I work night shift and work all three nights that weekend... If you all are going to fish in the morning or evening I can at least catch a couple hours before or after work. What time would you all be fishing?
Also, got a new boat last fall... I live in Stafford, but fish all over northern VA. It is nothing fancy, just a Tracker v-14 Guide Series with a 25 Merc, not too big for the small lakes but big enough to not sink on the big ones. Always looking for someone to fish with anytime...
Heya cjbs, welcome aboard. These get togethers we have normally start in the AM...7am-ish and last to atleast mid day (that's usually when I have to head out) hope you can make it out!
Welcome cjbs,
Are you the guy that put in the craigslist ad?
Nope, not the guy who put in the craigslist ad. If the outting starts at around 7 am, then I could definitely join in on the fun at least for a couple hours before I had to get some sleep. Keep it posted as to when the final time date and place will be. With all this rain though, Lake Royal may not be the best bet... It tends to be one of the first to turn into mud soup with all the rain.
So far still looks like Royal guys. Thread will remain open until next saturday (as far as the poll goes). If anyone has any reconsiderations as far as location let us know so we can get the final tally.
But plan for Royal, plan on 7am. Two weeks from today. Coming up quick. Can't wait to hang out with you guys and meet up with people I haven't fished with. Should be good times.
If it is indeed royal any ideas on where to meet up? The d**n seems like it could hold a good many anglers. Not sure on other parts of the lake as I've only fished it once and much of it seems shallow. Though with all this rain...
Jay, bad news for me. One of the guys at work quit and that changes the rotation.........................so now I get to work that Saturday!
Rob, what time do you get off. If the other guys can work around it maybe we can push it back. If not there will be another I'm sure now that all these guys are meeting up.
Sucks dude...
Thanks for the pm.
Are people bringing boats. i think i am going to bring my kayak, if i can make the trip.
armesjr - Bring the kayak, it will really open up your options.
Jay- I'll be working a full day with a full load.
Hello all,
I was wondering if you are allowed to park in the lot off of Hooes Rd at Lake Mercer... and if so what kind of a walk is it from there to the water. Also, are there generally a lot of people fishing from the shore at Mercer?
Welcome to the site Tuco!
I've never fished Mercer but rondef had some real good luck from the shore there late last year. I think you can park off Hooes road... those were the directions given to me anyway.
To The Forum
Yes you can park at Hooes Road, I park there all the time. I can get to the d**n in about five minutes. I have had some real good luck there, I have caught two lmbs over 5lbs (5.25lbs & 5.5lbs) and many lmbs over 3lbs. I fish from various locations on this lake and have walked the entire lake at least a few times. I think that is why I have such good luck there. I would be more then glad to meet you there and show you some spots to fish and I can show you what to throw.
Let me know when you guys organize that one.
Anyway, less than two weeks fellas. Get pumped. So now that we are getting closer let's have a role call. Who will definately be there (unless something comes up last minute). Count it down.
Jason - in, that's 1.
Tuco, not a lot of people from shore at the same time. It recieves its pressure but not nearly as bad as some of the other lakes around here like the Reservoir and Burke Lake. Great place to fish.
Worms, traps, spinners, and shallow running cranks have worked well for me here. Water is typically slightly stained to very stained. Wanna use darker colors and so forth. When this place turns on, it turns on.
I'll be there if it starts around 7 am, but will have to bail early so I can get some sleep before work... Also, you can park on Hooes Rd and walk up to the lake. There is also a second place you can park but the walk is a little longer but it gives you quicker access to the opposite side of the lake. It is off the Fairfax Co Pkwy. If you are going northbound from Hooes Rd, make a left onto Huntsman Blvd, then your first left. Follow that road to the end and park at the dead end but not in front of the gate. Walk the dirt road four about 300 yards to the lake on your right...
Andrew- in, thats 2!
I am in, that makes 3.
I'm in if there's a pre-pre spawn get together this weekend!
Yo Simon, might take the boat out on the Occoquan on Sunday morning weather permitting. If you wanna tag along as of now there is an empty seat. The wife isn't going because it's still too cold for her. Pm sent.
Hey, I am from the Springfield area and was wondering where exactly Lake Mercer was at? Also where would be the most productive place to catch some bass in the next week or two?
What's up Leegan? Welcome to the forum man, guys here in NOVA are very helpful so ask away bud.
Lake Mercer is off of Hooes Rd in Fairfax, Va, you should be able to mapquest it. It comes up as a recreational lake (can't remember whether the name is on it or not). But you will know which one it is. You can park in a few residential areas but I'm not sure of the names, some of the guys here will probably list them.
Dam access is off of Hooes Rd if you park in the dirt lot after the guard rail on your left (coming from 123).
Huntsman is right down the road as well off of Huntsman Blvd, there are also other access points to this lake as well. One of which is Golden Ball Tavern Ct. You can park along this road (but not in the apartment complex areas) and have access to the whole shoreline on the side of the lake right of the dam. You can also get quick access to the d**n and park right by the gate. Dorothy Lane will put you on the other side of the lake but the walk is a lot further. If you fish from the woods there and don't mind gettin' dirty then you can find some areas to cast along that lake side. I caught a few this way last year. Check your pms as I've put you on some spots.
In the next week or two weather permitting Huntsman has been pretty hot, some guys are catching em' at Royal too. That's off Guinea Rd in Springfield/Annandale.
Other than that I'd say the rivers (Occoquan and Potomac) aren't quite warm enough to tear it up from shore yet, but if you want to try you may want to hit the floating dock at Occoquan Regional Park on a high tide, plenty of deep water structure as far as timber and rocks are concerned there. For the Potomac almost anywhere you are gonna need a boat. But you may wanna give Mason Neck (on the Potomac) a try come the end of the month or early april, if you want info on where to go in this park pm me. Not many fish here and the good spots are well secluded. You just need to walk a bit.
Any other info you need just pm me.
Lot's of talk about Mercer lately... the get together is still scheduled for Royal though right?
we can always lake hop since they're so close to each other.
Hey all,
Thank you very much for your informative replies to my inquiry. Rondef, I appreciate your fishing skills and would like to meet you for some pointers, but my job does not really allow for accurate scheduling. Perhaps I will see you there, but I am hoping to get there on an early day during the week when I will not be elbow to elbow with fellow anglers. On the weekends I like to try to fish with friends who own boats.
Btw my personal best largemouth is 5 lbs 9 ounces caught at my buddies lake, lake of the woods. I know it kills him because it is his lake and he has not yet broken the 4 lb barrier and he is 3 or 4 times the bass fisherman I am. I will try to set up me and my beautiful catch as my avatar in the near future. In the meantime I am glad to have found such a close skilled family of bass fishermen here on the interwebs.
Tuco, No prob boss.
Paul, yea refer to page 7 of the thread. Still at Royal, scheduled for 7am.
I do plan on lake hopping after a couple hours or so if the bite isn't great at Royal. But I will give the lake a chance since I've heard so many good things. If I do leave, it will be more than likely over to Mercer, if not... depending on tides I may hit up a hole on the Potomac. Probably over at the Pohick Bay shoreline there. If the grass is starting to grow back and the temps are on the way up like they are at the ponds and lakes there could be a few in the spot I normally fish. I'll check tides a few days before and make a decision if I end up moving to a different spot.
Which area are we all meeting at Lake Royal? There are several access points to the lake...
Dam seems easiest and holds a lot of folks. Maybe we could meet there, we could all pick out what areas we may want to fish, spread out cover some spots. We should be able to put together a pattern somewhere on the lake between all of us. So we can all chill at the dam for a bit, talk, make a few casts and get warmed up, then spread out and hit the areas of best potential. Sound good?
Went out on Huntsman Lake today from 1-5. Not much going on...Got two LMB early on with a chartruese spinner near the dam. Then moved up towards the western part of the lake and pulled in one more with the same lure. Seemed like a pretty slow day..tried using jig and rat l trap with no takers.
so this is Sunday the 23rd at 7am? I'll be in town but I will have to go to church with my family since its Easter.
Ado and I tried the 3 lakes behind Hayfield High...no luck, we then moved to Mercer and fished halfway around alternating between traps, spinners, and I tried a swimsenko with no luck at all...we eventually move to the small pond near my GF's place and Ando caught his first bass of 08!
Simon, I'm glad to here about Andrew and his catch. He has been in a bit of a slump lately. I had fished the ponds behind Hayfield many years ago and never caught any size to speak of, have you caught any of size there? Talked with a neighbor and he said that he crushed them at Barton last week some time with a inline spinner called a Mangler. The color was white and chartreuse (go figure).
I'm so happy over getting over this slump. It's making me really looking forward to this weekend.
IT WAS ROUGH on mercer, the water was all churned up from the rain, the wind was blowing hard, I was feeling like i really was a jinx and that no one could catch a fish if i was around. I tried rat'l traps, different cranks, spinners, and shakey heads but nothing produced even a bite. When we moved on and i was able to land one fish and almost land another (threw the hook as i was reaching for him).
Today, Simon and I went fishing in woodbridge and we caught some trout. I caught my first and new PB rainbow trout (1lb 2oz)!!
Can't wait for this weekend guys!
Do you all do this a lot? I am new to this board. I do not concider myself a good bass fisherman but would love to go with you sometime. thanks and good luck next weekend!
Ok, if this is still Saturday, it looks like I'll probably be able to make it. ;D
Trout fishing was fun
....I dunno...It felt strange...something must have been off...notice the scenery...*cough*....
Ado's PB trout!
QuoteTalked with a neighbor and he said that he crushed them at Barton last week some time with a inline spinner called a Mangler. The color was white and chartreuse (go figure).
Rob where abouts was your friend having luck at Barton? off the dam? I went there for about a half hour at dawn on Saturday with no luck on rattletraps. I have no idea where the deep spots or structure is on that lake. I seemed to hook a bunch of leaves about every other cast. Running too deep I assume.
QuoteTrout fishing was fun....I dunno...It felt strange...something must have been off...notice the scenery...*cough*....
Ando's PB trout!
LOL I don't understand?!?!?!
QuoteQuoteTrout fishing was fun....I dunno...It felt strange...something must have been off...notice the scenery...*cough*....
Ando's PB trout!
LOL I don't understand?!?!?!
Lol, some community stocked their pool with trout for the kiddies to fish. It was fun =D
PK, I just got off the phone with him. He said he was at the mouth of the cove thats close to the dam on the left if your facing the water. He said it was "short and sweet". He has pics on his cell.
Andrew, you look weird holding a fish. I guess I'm just not used to it.
Rob, get used to it buddy! I got some confidence back! Still can't make it out this weekend?
Saturday at 7am fellas. The dam at Lake Royal. See you guys there, gonna be cool to finally see you out there Dan. Looking forward to hooking up with everyone else too. I'm gonna hang til' 9 or 9:30 if I don't end up getting anything by then I'm gonna hit a new hole my dad and I found a few weeks back. But hopefully there will be no need if they are bitin' alright at Royal. Been catching em' like crazy lately on traps and Mann's Minus One's at local ponds so, we shall see. Don't know whether the crankbait bite will be on, but I'll have spinners, and jigs nearby. Cover all the water.
Can't wait guys. See you soon.
Andrew congrats on the catch dude. You'll get more this weekend! Simon see you out there buddy!
QuoteSimon, I'm glad to here about Andrew and his catch. He has been in a bit of a slump lately. I had fished the ponds behind Hayfield many years ago and never caught any size to speak of, have you caught any of size there? Talked with a neighbor and he said that he crushed them at Barton last week some time with a inline spinner called a Mangler. The color was white and chartreuse (go figure).
Nope never caught anything of size there...I've seen some perch swimming along the bank there and 1 pretty large carp, but that's about it. Last summer I caught 2 dinks there ...
Four days fellas. You guys getting pumped or what? Shallow lake like this...
All the ponds I've fished lately have been hot. One of them is only avg of 6 or 7 feet in the middle, the other probably closer to 12-13 feet. I know Royal isn't the deepst of lakes so I gotta wonder how much warmer it is than the others around it (Mercer, Huntsman, etc). These lakes were good in February but with all the winds and cold nights looks like they've taken a back burner to the the more shallow area around here.
I know the bass may not be in totally shallow water but that's where I've been catching em' in my ponds 2-3 feet deep normally over new grass. Anyone know as far as bottom content at Roayl and if theres any grass growing here yet?
Depending on the wind I will probably be throwing quite a few spinnerbaits parallel to shoreline and or structure away from shore, dropping a jig/senko and probably running some rattle traps (top producer so far this year).
Can't wait to see you fellas out there. Current forecast for Saturday (Though we know it always changes) :
High - 49
Low - 32
Winds out of the north at 7mph
30% change of precipitation
Looks fine to me, lil' rain never hurt anyone and that wind is nothing compared to what it has been lately. Let's get some pigs!
Hey!! I was looking at a map of Lake Royal and just curious where yall park? thanks
Chatsworth Ct right there at the end of the culdesac. It's a pretty decent sized circle and I'm sure it will hold quite a many cars.
Dan you still gonna be out there bud? I know Simon and Andrew, my Dad and I, and Leegan are going as of now. How many others we gonna expect? If I remember reading right I think CJ will be up from Stafford and Paul is going to be coming out as well (PKschul). Looks like as of now a count of at least 8. So that's cool. More would be even better. See you guys on the lake.
I just hope that Lake Royal produces some nice fish this weekend.
Weather update for Saturday fellas.
Am showers possible, 30% chance. Rain never hurt anyone, bring your ponchos or a warm jacket and some good hiking boots. Royal was muddy as could be last time out for me. Be prepared. I'll still be there, hope to see you guys. Been stoked all week.
Get to try out my new Suffix High Performace Braid with my worms and jigs. W00t!
High - 47
Low - 33 (Saturday night)
As we arrive Saturday morning it will be 42 at 7am but feel like 38. Winds lighter than usual at just 7mph out of the north. Shouldn't be too bad once it warms up a bit. Not much warming though. I'd layer.
P:s: I thought I heard Dan and a couple others mention jon boats and canoes. Fishing would be better if you guys brought em'... and while I'm on the subject will you guys have any open seats??? SHOTGUN! If it's cool lol.
How many are definately going to meet at Lake Royal? I only ask because it is just two days away.
I'm in definitely.
Barring some unforeseen mishap or alarm clock failure, I will be there. I may be a little late though.
J, I did mention the jon boat but I don't think I'll have a car that I can put the jon boat on. The only way I have to transport it is on top of a car and I'm going to be driving a Ford Taurus because my parents will need the van. The taurus' roof is too small to fit the boat on so I can't bring it.
Anyone bringing a camera? I think it would be good to take some pics of a NoVA bassresource get together, and maybe some fish if we can manage some. ;D
i'll bring my camera if my GF doesn't steal it from me the night before and goes out of town (which she might)
Dan I'll have my cam. It's an old Nikon but it does bass pics a justice. We should definately get a group photo too if you guys ain't too shy. I think thatw ould be something neat for some of the mods maybe to use on the site or something, or just so everyone else on the site can see what a great resource this place is as far as getting people together for some good ole' fashion Bassin'. Can't wait guys. See you in a couple days. This is definately the best organized and biggest NOVA get together yet since I've been around.
Thanks for everyone's opinions, thoughts and help in getting this together.
unfortunately I don't think i'll be able to make it this weekend =(
I was looking forward to it for sooo long too! booooo
The wife and kids are in Nebraska!
I'll be there unless I'm too hungover to get up.
When the wife is away, I will play!
So far:
That sucks Simon man... egh. Next time though eh?
Cb? Armes? Parrothead? Slomoe? Leegan? Anyone else??? Looks like slim pickins...
Sorry dude, I had made plans awhile back. If I can get out of em, I'll be there.
QuoteSorry dude, I had made plans awhile back. If I can get out of em, I'll be there.
It's fishin' Slomoe... what plans? ;D J/k buddy. Let us know.
Where are all you guys that voted to have this get together at Lake Royal? I was hoping to see a much bigger commitment.
I have to work, but I might be able to get out of it. My co-worker thought I was kidding when I was sqweekin about missing the get together. He needs the money and is checking with his wife, he'll call me around 7 or 8 tonight and let me know if he can work for me. So keep your eyes open.
I was hoping to see more people attend as well. As long as I'm fishing I don't really have any reason to complain! Whats good (lure-wise) for rainy weather?
I am keeping my game plan the same (rain or not). I plan on using crankbaits, jerkbaits, jigs and worms. Hopefully I can finally catch something of size on this lake tomorrow. So far I have been there 5 times and only caught a couple of dinks. I hope the fish are starting to feed like they are at Huntsman and Mercer. Those two lakes are in pre-spawn mode, the fish are starting to feed agresively. The reason I say that is they are hitting the baits real hard and are fighting like crazy once you set the hook.
I just got home from lake Barton... skunked again. 90% sure I'll be at Royal in the morning.
PK, i'll bring you a Mangler.........
Andrew, I'll let you tell the story...........
Ok, here goes!
Pretty slow day for most of us. I was able to catch just 5 fish in total. 2 dinks, 1 keeper, one 2lb. 4oz'er, and a perch.
One dink caught on a countdown rapala, the others were all off my megabass griffin.
Rob, can you send me the pix again?
Real nice meeting Dan and seeing everyone else, Paul, Ron and Jason, again.
Good job Andrew. Glad to hear someone caught something out there today. I saw quite a few dinks but I guess we bolted before we saw any of size pulled in. Nice seeing everyone out there today, Rob, Paul, Dan, Andrew. Have to do it again when the weather gets better.
My dad and I bolted at 10am and hit a new pond we found a ways back. I ended up getting bit by a 3lber and missed him at the shore (saw him surface). Kept at it for 10 minutes and was finally able to pick him off. First good fish this year and a new pb. So pretty exciting day for a few of us I guess. Definately nice to meet you Dan and Paul.
Dan man we have to hook up for smallies. Sorry I bolted without saying bye fellas, we were close to my car and were trying to get in one more spot before wifey needed me home. Here's my big fish of the day. 3 even on the Rapala Digi. I caught another dink a little under a lb after but nothing else.
I agree it was a slow morning. I only caught 2 dinks, I have still to catch anything worth speaking of after 6 trips to this lake. It was nice to hook up with everyone I had a good time. Like Jay stated we tried to squeeze in one more fishing hole so we rushed off, sorry. It turned out to be worth hitting the other fishing hole, Jay hooked up with a sweet LMB (3lbs), congrats once again Jay on the new pb. Andrew, congrats on the one fish worth posting a picture of, I look forward to seeing it.
NICE FISH! I'll post up pix as soon as i can.
You guys definitely missed a few fish! I moved down to where you guys were fishing at the other end of th d**n and caught 3 in less than 10 minutes! I bet a kayak would produce really well on Royal.
Lets definitely get together again when it's warmer
It was good to associate more usernames with faces. I pulled kind of a d*ck move too. Sorry I bolted so quickly without saying bye. I walked over and fished near the manhole cover by the parking area. No luck there either. I got discouraged and just hopped in the car. I had some things to get done at the house. I'll have to talk to more of you next time.
There are obviously some deleted posts here so I don't know what really went on. I don't care who thinks what of who, I have no problems with anyone and I don't think anyone has problems with me.
I think we should forget about who takes who where and who left and in what way, it doesn't matter! All I can say is this: Today was the first time I have EVER fished with someone who cares about it as much as I do, let alone a GROUP of guys that feel the same way. You have no idea how nice that is, to not have to worry about tying knots for people or show people texas rigging for the 10th time, or have someone launch a $6 lure of yours into a tree because they won't listen to your casting advice. I had a blast and I didn't even get bit...
The point is this: I had a great time and I would like to continue fishing with all of the guys I met today. I'm sure everybody has plenty of information to share and I hope that I can share something useful with you guys. Is there really anything to get so worked up about?
Lets go to Happy hour! Maybe the pressure of gettin that biggun is gettin to everyone! Or maybe mixing alcohol into this is a bad idea. in any case, can't we all just fish along!? xXxOoXoOxXo
Well, I ran my mouth and retracted my statements. Things got out of control. Dan, you remember the fighting thing I talked to you about while we fished. Well that part of me did some talking and I am sorry to those that read it or had it dirrected at them.
Dan, great to meet you. Good head on your shoulders. Nice tackle collection, I'll have to have you over sometime and check out my mini-greentop in my basement.
PS., Andrew........Stop it?
QuoteYou have no idea how nice that is, to not have to worry about tying knots for people or show people texas rigging for the 10th time, or have someone launch a $6 lure of yours into a tree because they won't listen to your casting advice.
omg I feel your pain... LOL
Sorry I couldn't make it out guys =/ I'll do my best to come out next time!
I was whooped after work yesterday and was just way too tired to make it out. Glad to hear you all caught some fish. Sorry to hear there was some disagreement and animosity. I hope everyone can work it out. Seems like there are a lot of bass fishing fanatics on here. Would be a shame to waste all the good information we call can share with each other on here. I hope to make the next outing. Shall we start planning the next get together now? Lets all start praying it starts warming up and SOON!
Differences have been worked out from my end.
Dan it was cool discussing stuff with you out there. Andrew I'm glad you got on the fish we missed. And to think I was persistent. Tried Rat L-Traps, Spinnerbaits, Worms, Jerkbaits, etc. Tough lake I guess.
Maybe once it warms up I'll try again. I just like fishing shallower places right now because they warm up better than anything else. In case anyone is interested Woodglenn Lake is at 52 degrees (temp on the bottom of the lake), some kid was there doing a study for his class and let us know. He had a pole rigged up with temperature reading stuff. The surface temp probably would be more I assume. If anyone wants directions to check the place out, in a few weeks it should be on the verge of spawn and has a nice clay bank that outlines the whole left side of the lake. Looks like a great potential bed hot spot. Pm me and I can let you know how to get out there.
Ps be ready to walk through some thorns and have your legs ready for a hike if you park where we did. Later fellas.
Dan, I'm feeling a smallie outing in April at Pony Pasture. I'll start a new thread on this later, got family time to tend to. Have a good easter fellas.
QuoteDan, I'm feeling a smallie outing in April at Pony Pasture. I'll start a new thread on this later, got family time to tend to. Have a good easter fellas.
The issue was taken offline and worked out. There is nothing else that needs to be said about it.
hey guys, haven't been on in a LONG while since the beginning of the planning for this trip, i was suprised to see the thread, sorry I missed it I was busy with other things, how did everyone do? What time did you guys make it out, morning or evening and for how long?
I've been fishing Braddock, it's been slow, but the water is clear and we're missing fish left and right, they're not aggresive yet just flirting with the bait, not really taking it in. My buddy did land a 5lber though, he was pitchin' a jig to the bank pullin' it to the surface and letting it drop and catching them on the drop, he got 4 that way. other than that day it's been slow.
here's the big guy
I have to say that this was one of the funniest threads that I have read yet
Next time we should do it some place where we can cook out. Too much fishing going on last time and everybody spread out to much doing their own thing. Burke Lake park has a bunch of charcoal grills. I have a portable propane grill too. We could all chip in and get a keg... er... well... maybe not.
Sounds good to me! Are you allowed to have alcohol at Burke though?
don't think alcohol is allowed at public parks. could be wrong though. Still would be fun without the booze
whats wrong with fishing first and booze after?
i'd say the other way around to but the whole fishing accident things might be a bit of a problem . . .
I just checked on Burke's website, no alcohol allowed. I'm pretty sure that goes for the other parks in the area as well. Oh well, it's not very important.
You guys missed the "er... well... maybe not." part of my post... lol.
hey, i'm new and i saw this thread and was just wondering when the next meet is cause i'd like to join ya!
Alcohol isn't allowed in any Fairfax County or Northern VA Regional Park. Plus, drinking in public is illegal anywhere, so even if alcohol was allowed, if you were consuming itin front of other people, you're still in violation of the law and being bothered by the police.
C'mon now people. When I suggested getting a keg, it was a freakin joke! I WAS NOT SERIOUS! OK? Got it? Jeez... remind me to be all business here.
Pony Pasture down in Richmond on May 10th, thread went up a few days ago. It's about an hour and 20 minutes from Nova but it's definately worth the trip. Trophy sized smallies an occassional largemouth if you fish the right spots and plenty of other fish for the taking. Check it out.
Paul I feel you on the grilling thing dude. We should make it happen. I have a two propane tank grill I can bring but it's heavy as all get out. They got a HUGE parking lot there so we could cook out some part during the day if we could coordinate food. Also people can swim here as well, great place for that and for sunbathing and what not (wives, gfs, daughters, whatever). Anyway hopefully you guys can make it down. I'll throw this info in that thread too.
QuoteC'mon now people. When I suggested getting a keg, it was a freakin joke! I WAS NOT SERIOUS! OK? Got it? Jeez... remind me to be all business here.
SHAME ON YOU *Shakes finger*