Hey guys, I've been on this forum for a good while and have only met with one person off of here. If anyone wants to go out in a boat with me and can drive to the Roswell area, I'm always free on weekends. PM me for my number so I can contact you. Thanks.
Roswell GA ? Where do you fish at lake lanier?
I'm probably 1-2 hours away i live on west point lake.
I also have a boat
Kennesaw / woodstock area here , roughly 45 min away ....
decatur,ga. usually fish jackson or westpoint
U guys stay a good 2-3 hours from me...I live in Warner Robins bout an hour from atl
On 11/10/2013 at 3:42 AM, pancityhanman said:decatur,ga. usually fish jackson or westpoint
Decatur? Any ponds you fish around there?
i have fished a couple ponds in clayton and henry co. no gas motors. i have a ranger so all day with the trolling motor is kind of a pain. good ponds though big crappie and decent cats, have not done a lot of bass fishing in these ponds as of yet.
Kennesaw checking in. Haven't had much of any time for fishing this year.
Let me know when you guys want to go,,Im always ready
i want to fish full moon tomorrow night at jackson. crappie fishing under the bridge just in case it starts sprinkling. only about a 100 yard trip from the boat ramp. last full moon caught about 75 lots of fun.
Atlanta checking in. I got to check out Lake Clara Meer (Piedmont Park) yesterday and it was quite fun. I will need to work on my pitching/flipping to take advantage of the cover and see what's truly hiding out there.
On 11/10/2013 at 3:42 AM, pancityhanman said:decatur,ga. usually fish jackson or westpoint
pm me next time you're down at west point maybe we can get together and fish i live on the lake
If you're ever going to Lanier and need someone to fish with I'm open to itOn 10/12/2013 at 5:31 AM, basshole8190 said:Roswell GA ? Where do you fish at lake lanier?
I'm probably 1-2 hours away i live on west point lake.
New guy coming to Georgia going to be on ft ft Stewart for a cpl months. LLookinto get out wet a line mainly a largemouth fisherman here n just gettin back from Afghanistan so been bout a year since I felt the tug on a line. Til I get down to Florida and get my gear I need to borrow. I know thats not a good thing to ask but my circumstances dictate the situation. So if anyone lookin for a skilled partner let me know. Also you can hit me up on my email. Jenkinsbassnone@aol.com
Tight lines
Hey folks! I live in the lawrenceville area and am fairly new to fishing. I started about a year ago with my ex-wife and her family but have become limited to bank fishing now. I am pretty close to Lanier and go up there as much as I can but get a bit frustrated because I'm limited to the banks and I've not mastered the baitcaster just yet. Hopefully one day I can get out on a boat and have more fun and success, as well as learning more and making some friends.
would be nice to have someone to go with sometimes and split expenses. i usually fish jackson as it is closest to me, i am in decatur. hit me up and we will try to set a time. i usually have a back seat open. thanx
Thx pancity. When you usually go out on the lake? I'd like to check out a new lake. Be happy to split expenses.
shoot me a pm with some contact info and we can talk about it
Just want to say went to lake Jackson yesterday with pancity and had a good time. Nice guy, full of information and patient with the new guy. Hopefully get to meet others and learn from then too.
Well my status changed. Went to Florida and grabbed gear got my Ga fishin license
And post permit.
Now ready to hit the water..
On 12/2/2013 at 7:37 PM, mbalaban said:Just want to say went to lake Jackson yesterday with pancity and had a good time. Nice guy, full of information and patient with the new guy. Hopefully get to meet others and learn from then too.
enjoyed myself as well, looking forward to future fishing trips
this new guy here. I'm in the Oakwood area and Lanier is practically in my backyard. I'm always on the lookout for a new fishing buddy.
On 11/22/2013 at 3:42 PM, basshole8190 said:pm me next time you're down at west point maybe we can get together and fish i live on the lake
dont know west point very well, but here the topwater action for stripers and hybrids is getting busy. thinking about a trip when rain quits. thanx,mike
On 12/5/2013 at 8:58 PM, pancityhanman said:dont know west point very well, but here the topwater action for stripers and hybrids is getting busy. thinking about a trip when rain quits. thanx,mike
yea mike the stripers are biting pretty good last few weeks. i went out Wednesday and caught two in the 10 lb range while bass fishing.the only thing is you have to chase the seagulls around to find them. the bass fishing has been pretty good too they aren't hitting topwater that much but spinnerbaits cranks and texas rigs have been deadly lately
10lb'ers, that sounds like fun! Mike, I'll be happy to make that trip with you if you have a seat open
Whenever you get ready for your trip down pm ill give you a heads up on what's hot what's not on the lake i fish at least 2-4 times a week i live on the lake
hey short, was thinking about tomorrow weather permitting. put in at yellowjacket. go to the river and look for birds?
river is decent put in at yellow jacket but use caution waters getting low or head mid lake around the marina plenty of loons and gulls around there i caught 13 today in the rain an wind nothing real big about 8lb was the biggest use a bama rig big lipless crank or mid depth crank around the gulls river channel or humps the bridges have been holding mixed stripes and green bassOn 12/7/2013 at 6:55 AM, pancityhanman said:hey short, was thinking about tomorrow weather permitting. put in at yellowjacket. go to the river and look for birds?
When out with Mike to west point yesterday, got on the lake a little later than we should've (1030ish). Birds were swarming pretty close to yellow jacket, caught a good one probably 9-10#, but lost it trying to get it on the boat. Had a few more hits but couldn't get anything to stick. I would like to go back and try again.
Went out today on west point with my father in law caught 22 total all stripes and hybrids biggest was 13 lbs all caught on jerk baits and flukes it rained on us pretty good so we packed it in earlier
22? What were we doing wrong? What colors were you using? Where were you throwing? What kinda technique?
We put in by the marina and went to the pumping stations and the stripers had shad everywhere so thick you could walk on them we caught 12 there went back around the corner to the mouth of yellow jacket and 100's of seagulls gave em away we caught 12 there and lostquite a few couldve caught more but we left cause my fatherinlaw got wet and cold
all were caught onjerks and flukes fluke with a 1/32 weighted hook in arkansas shiner and pearl chartruese and jerks were ayu color sexy shad black w chart head or red head they wanted it jerked then paused all hit on the pause
jerkbaits and flukes packed up for next trip. was mostly using topwater last trip and was a little late i think. did hook one good one down deep but snapped 20# line halfway up. going earlier next time. thanx for the info.
I might be heading out to Lanier on Sunday. Any tips? Where should the fish be holding?
On 12/10/2013 at 12:41 AM, pancityhanman said:jerkbaits and flukes packed up for next trip. was mostly using topwater last trip and was a little late i think. did hook one good one down deep but snapped 20# line halfway up. going earlier next time. thanx for the info.
Yea as long as water temp doesnt drop much the hybrids and stripers should still have bait pushed up around birds or off main lake coves that have deeper water at the mouths. If temp gets below 50 youll have to downline live bait
any live bait available out there, besides bass minnows? any places that sell shad or trout? thanx
I know that hammonds tackle sells live trout. Last time I was out there my dad caught a 4.2lb spot off of a ledge with live trout.On 12/10/2013 at 9:34 AM, pancityhanman said:any live bait available out there, besides bass minnows? any places that sell shad or trout? thanx
there is a hammonds at west point?
I thought you guys were talking about Lanier haha.On 12/11/2013 at 5:43 AM, pancityhanman said:there is a hammonds at west point?
On 12/11/2013 at 5:43 AM, pancityhanman said:there is a hammonds at west point?
no hammonds here hudsons pro shop highland marina and a few gas stations sell minnows
live trout is prohibited to fish with here. i dont know of anyone who sells live shad, theyre hard to keep alive but a cast nnet and good graph will yield more than enough shad . or hudson sells bass size shiners which are around 4-7" and a good alternative to shad and easier to keep alive
thanx basshole for all the info. thinking about this weekend if weather is not too awful bad. let me know if you are gonna be out there. tight lines! mike
On 12/11/2013 at 8:06 PM, pancityhanman said:thanx basshole for all the info. thinking about this weekend if weather is not too awful bad. let me know if you are gonna be out there. tight lines! mike
no problem. i might be out there depends on my work schedule its gonna be cold and rainy saturday so dress appropriately . ive been chasing deer this week so not real sure what the hot bait is this week but i might head out there sunday and give it a try probably downlining bait is gonna be what ill do if i go
A few caught today on the river we caught i lost 2 in the 20lb range
That down by the pumping stations? Still on jerk bait? Man i wanna get a 10+ to brag about. Lol
On 12/14/2013 at 6:23 AM, mbalaban said:That down by the pumping stations? Still on jerk bait? Man i wanna get a 10+ to brag about. Lol
No thats in the hooch fishing some tailrace dams below west point down there the average striper is 10 we caught quite a few in the 15+ range and i lost 2 in the 20+ range one bent out my hook at the boat and the other flopped out my net
going sunday morning early. putting at at 7.15-7.30. spose to be a little windy, but oh well.
Caught with sassy shads
On 12/14/2013 at 6:59 AM, pancityhanman said:going sunday morning early. putting at at 7.15-7.30. spose to be a little windy, but oh well.
good luck. hope you fill the boat. still biting flukes and jerks follow gulls and downlining is pretty effective too from what i hear from some of the guys that have been out this week.
On 12/14/2013 at 6:59 AM, pancityhanman said:going sunday morning early. putting at at 7.15-7.30. spose to be a little windy, but oh well.
have any luck today?
freezing cold, not a bird in sight. heavy wind. wussed out and headed in early. trying again wednesday i think.
Yea i didn't think about the front that came in yesterday I'm headed out on the river tommorro and chase some big shoalies and stripers
it was brutal! bitter cold with that wind. lots of suspended fish, but too cold to concentrate, LOL
Lol you need to layer up thermals sweatshirt wind or rainsuit wool socks and hot hands are your friends this time of year. thatshow i keep warm. nows the time to get a trophy stripe and maybe even some monster largemouth
spose to be sunny tomorrow, gonna give it a whirl i think. tuned some jerkbaits for the slow death sink. they should be still suspended , like to hook a big nasty one.
Yea I've heard bama rigs have nabbed some nice ones around yellow jacket bridge. the weather wiill be much more favorable too
didnt get out today but gonna go tomorrow, last good weather before next week. hope to do well
yea i might get out there myself tomorro but i think im gonna chase the green fish with the weather looking better. maybe go out on saturday after the rain and try for some more stripers tho if im not working.
where do you put in at? i may do a little hybrid fishing myself. starting with stripes though. jerkbait and live bait tomorrow
I put in at mcgee bridge park off vernon ferry rd
My house is less than a mile from it. its at the mouth of yellow jacket and by the marina plus its free to launch My father in law wants to fish the river too so I'm not sure what I'm gonna yet. live bait swimbaits on jig heads and jerks should catch you some
found out i was takin the grandkids to BPS for santas arrival today. oh well maybe i can get out of there without spending too much. LOL good luck today
Lol i went to the river today caught about 30 stripers and some nice shoalies
GREAT DAY YESTERDAY, FISH AND WEATHER CO OPERATED caught several and had a great time.
At west point? Glad you finally got. on themany big ones? Jerks or did you use livve bait?
At west point? Glad you finally got. on themany big ones? Jerks or did you use livve bait?
jerkbaits and live too. ticket for the day seemed to be bucktails but didnt bring any. the big ones were still elusive, but had a gret day, last day of good weather for a while it looks like. it was very pleasant and quite warm.
Good job I'm going to get out there again soon and try out some of my xmas presents .
i just got in a lot of stuff. i sell gear for a living so never get any as gifts.spent the last 7 hours going thru plugs, organizing them. 81 3700 boxes and still growing. if you use plastics, let me know i have over 200 lbs of them, all shapes, sizes, brands, colors.if you have an empty 3700 i could fill it for ya free with an assortment, maybe we can meet up at west point when it warms a bit. i asked michael if he wanted to go again after holiday. take care and MERRY CHRISTMAS, mike
Yea mike thanks i might take you up on that plastics offer. we will definately have to get together on west point sometime
merry xmas to you too bud.
just got new seats and upgraded trolling motor, as soon as that stuff is installed, i will be back out there, let me know and i will bring ya a bag of goddies.
Ok sounds good man thanks
I'm thinking about going out tuesday or Wednesday
do a little bass fishing and a lil striper too
i was thinking about those same days myself. having trouble with the mount on this new motor. release is very sticky straight out of thee box. mounted it today and is less sticky, but still not right. guess i may have to shim it some. last one was ok.maybe i can get it done tomorrow and be ready for tues oe wed. seats are another story, getting my bench out looks like no fun at all.
Yea good luck with the seats. from what i hear the stripers are still running pretty well
the lake is still pretty full only about 3' from full pool bass has been hit and miss i hear not on a real definitive pattern right now. I've been on the the river a lot lately so I'm only going off reports and what my buddies tell me.
gonna try to get out there wednesday depending on weather. if it looks good, i will pm you my number and bring a bag of stuff with me , maybe we can meet up. whatever you dont want just pass it along. would like to see it get used and i dont have enough decades left to do so. LOL thanx,mike
Sounds good mike
Caught a few more nice stripers yesterday
in the river
thinkin bout saturday but it is sure gonna be cold! i may last a couple hours, have not found anyone willing to go yet but looking, might try to see if michael is as crazy as me.what did you get the stripers on? i was thinking jerkbaits and jigging spoons.
I am from Marietta!! i on the lake at least 5 times a week
On 1/3/2014 at 8:06 AM, pancityhanman said:thinkin bout saturday but it is sure gonna be cold! i may last a couple hours, have not found anyone willing to go yet but looking, might try to see if michael is as crazy as me.what did you get the stripers on? i was thinking jerkbaits and jigging spoons.
got that first guy on a 6" lunker punker and yea jigging spoons will probably be the way to go and i hear bama rigs are catching some nice ones also
hey eric, it was great meeting you saturday. hope to get together and do some fishing like we discussed. thanx again.
You too mike. thanks for those plastics. we will definately have to get together and fish sometime.
i'm in the savannah area
I am a Georgia fisherman you can find me anywhere near a body of water or in the woods haha
On 1/12/2014 at 9:32 AM, uscgsnipe said:i'm in the savannah area
how's the fishing in savannah? Do you fish the river or a lake around there? I've been to savannah once i sat at that park bench where forest gump waited for the bus and drank a lot of green beer lol
Also in savannah. Fished most public ponds with very little luck.
Haven't seen any post in cpl days anyone catchin anything...how r the striper s hitting up ur way pan ?
I haven't been out lately with the influx of rain and cold temps and muddy water. From what i hear its a tough bite lately
no one from Columbus? are you guys fishing west point from lagrange?
On 1/20/2014 at 7:12 AM, DevilDog17 said:no one from Columbus? are you guys fishing west point from lagrange?
I'm from lagrange fish west point and lake harding and the river in between. I'm familiar with lake oliver and the river by the riverwalk in columbus never much luck on big bass there but I've caught plenty stringers of catfish.
On 1/20/2014 at 10:10 AM, basshole8190 said:I'm from lagrange fish west point and lake harding and the river in between. I'm familiar with lake oliver and the river by the riverwalk in columbus never much luck on big bass there but I've caught plenty stringers of catfish.
Hey man i fish harding on the bama side, lake oliver, and goat rock unfortunately i don't have a boat so I'm hoofing it
Yea i know how that is. i sometimes fish the banks and leave the boat at home. never fished goat rock a buddy of mine says there's a lot of gar down there. One weekend if you get a free day you should head up to lagrange. and we can go out in the boat.
shoot yeah man i know guys that will swim across the river with rods and reels under the dam to catch those monsters and sell them locally, I guess people eat them. I caught one on a small swim bait I just shook him off the hook.
I'm a swimbait junkie dude when the bite is on ill skip work just to catch em. i always just throw them back in. i love catching those big stripers in the river. I've heard of people keeping them and selling them.
I saw some of the pictures you put up of those stripers, man they hit so hard i love em
Yea love it when they almost rip the rod out of your hands
On 1/18/2014 at 5:24 AM, jenkinsbassnone said:Haven't seen any post in cpl days anyone catchin anything...how r the striper s hitting up ur way pan ?
have not been out in a bit due to weather. get in touch if you want to get out sometime, maybe we can hook up with eric and he can show us a spot or two. lol
Hey guys i got out on mlk day to fish a bit and it was a tough bite out there. no one was catching much. i hung a few small fish and a decent stripe but the bite was really inconsistent and i believe west point is expereincing a turnover from the below average cold temps. Hoping by February everything straightens out and we get a warming trend to get those fish moving towards the spawn
I'm out in Newnan GA.....I only have a small boat so all I usually fish is reservoirs and county lakes.
To Basshole8190
I'm up by West Point a lot I only have a small boat with a trolling motor but I was thinking about putting it in West Point to fish. Any suggestions when I might have some success? looking to find bass
On 1/29/2014 at 6:19 PM, GAangler23 said:To Basshole8190
I'm up by West Point a lot I only have a small boat with a trolling motor but I was thinking about putting it in West Point to fish. Any suggestions when I might have some success? looking to find bass
hey man welcome to the forums. west point, while its pretty big its not overly hard to navigate. we don't have big waves like lanier nor the boat traffic. it does get busy during the warmer months but not too bad. I live on the lake and its really productive for bass from late february to november. its not overly grassy or anything but it does have some vegetation. its got a lot of rock and structure that is prevalent but also has a good shallow bite around docks and blowdowns. last year was the first year we've had full pool into late summer and fall and it fished much better this year than years past.
ill send you a pm with more specifics on the lake an my number. maybe we can link up and bust em during pre spawn and spawn this year.
Got out today for a little fishing mainly to test ot some of my new swimbaits. Didn't catch any but had a magnum sized spot follow a 8" glide to the boat but didn't commit. and had two hits on a 8" rising son tophook but lost the first fish and didn't connect on the 2nd fish. so ready for the water temps to come up to 50-55 so they'll get a little more active
On 2/3/2014 at 7:11 AM, basshole8190 said:Got out today for a little fishing mainly to test ot some of my new swimbaits. Didn't catch any but had a magnum sized spot follow a 8" glide to the boat but didn't commit. and had two hits on a 8" rising son tophook but lost the first fish and didn't connect on the 2nd fish. so ready for the water temps to come up to 50-55 so they'll get a little more active
Hey buddy, curious what the water temps were there today? i went out to stone mountain on saturday and the water temps were 37 and got up to a high of 39, like you i'm ready for those numbers to rise and my catch rates along with it......
On 2/4/2014 at 2:06 AM, buzzed bait said:Hey buddy, curious what the water temps were there today? i went out to stone mountain on saturday and the water temps were 37 and got up to a high of 39, like you i'm ready for those numbers to rise and my catch rates along with it......
most of the lake was 45-47 but found a few coves up a creek arm that was 50 that's where all my bites came from
On 2/4/2014 at 2:16 AM, basshole8190 said:most of the lake was 45-47 but found a few coves up a creek arm that was 50 that's where all my bites came from
oh man, some 50 degree water will be nice!!!!!!!! i have gone 3 times in January and not caught the first bass. granted fishing slow is not my #1 skill... i am so ready to see it warm up a touch and get the bite back on.
Yea I'm not much for slowing down myself. but I'm getting better. the water temp was 39 last week but its rising fast we have another cold snap coming thru end of this week that'll drive the temp back down but by the end of the month the water temps should be up in the 55 degree area and that's when the bass here get hungry
i'm going up to NC for some work, but fishing for 2 days on lake norman mid Feb. then i'm tied up with work and have a trip snowboarding out to CO first week of march. I anticipate every breathing moment after that to be fishing.....
eric, i have a bunch of plastics for your son, he should have a heyday with them, buzzed bait added a few packs when i saw him the other day. will let you know when i will get back down to WP and we can meet up, maybe do some fishing if you are free.you and yours take care, mike
On 2/5/2014 at 10:17 PM, pancityhanman said:eric, i have a bunch of plastics for your son, he should have a heyday with them, buzzed bait added a few packs when i saw him the other day. will let you know when i will get back down to WP and we can meet up, maybe do some fishing if you are free.you and yours take care, mike
hey thanks mike. hope you're doing well. hopefully the weather will improve soon and the fishing too.
eric, was thinking about heading up there tomorrow. any recommendations? hows the water temp? still have your number, will bring plastics for your son if i do come. think its worth the trip? was thinking about a- rigs and some jerkbait fishing maybe? what ya think?
The rain has the water pretty muddy on the lagrange end of the lake yellow jacket and whitewater are pretty dirty was gonna go out and try myself but i gotta work tomorro. I've heard bama rigs have taken a few but mainly its been vertical jigging spoons over fish on the bottom. jerkbaits may work. water temps are still around 48-50 degrees. give me a call if you make it down this way
came down and figured we would eat before putting in, breakfast at waffle house cost me both my chartplotters and 2 brand new veritas and revo 3 stx-hs with new power pro and 2 lc pointers, never even got them wet. sorry i didnt call but was p o'd and just went home. dealing with insurance now. almost new elite 7 hdi and a as new hds 8. hoping to get this handles before water warms up. keep me posted on the lake please. thanx,mike
On 2/16/2014 at 9:43 PM, pancityhanman said:came down and figured we would eat before putting in, breakfast at waffle house cost me both my chartplotters and 2 brand new veritas and revo 3 stx-hs with new power pro and 2 lc pointers, never even got them wet. sorry i didnt call but was p o'd and just went home. dealing with insurance now. almost new elite 7 hdi and a as new hds 8. hoping to get this handles before water warms up. keep me posted on the lake please. thanx,mike
hey man sorry to hear that. Hope you can get it resolved soon. right now were getting cold runoff from atlanta heading down this way but tommorro starts a warming trend that will last thru sunday. Im hoping to get out on thursday or friday for a little while
I striper fish Hartwell with my uncle who is a guide. I go every weekend trying to get the most I can about largemouth and striper I'm wanting to be a guide!! Anyways I caught a 16 lb striper on a buck tail just twitching it. The bite was slow this past weekend but this weekend is looking to be good because of the warm weather.
I had a chance to get out on west point today. started out great with 3 fish at the first point i stopped at and a pretty big follower on a glide bait. After i left that spot the wind picked up and got a little too windy for my liking so i called it a day.
Any of you guys got out lately?
I'm over on Lake Oconee and this is where I spend most of my time getting a hook wet. Usually have an open seat if anyone wants to come out.
was out at lake varner on sunday, me and everybody else it seemed......
missed a good bite on the jig, pulled back my jig and a piece of my rage trailer.... seemed like not many guys having any luck out there, it was windy as h*ll out there.....
Yea it was windy here too i hit the hooch and caught several shoalies and a few school size stripers but it was tough
went out on the 2nd and caught about 8. got bit a lot anyways, was mostly dropshotting, fishing from the bank out. surprise of the day was a couple small yellow perch.
Yea they're making a big comeback here in west point I've caught one last summer on a jerkbait that was close to a pound the stripers eat em like candy
mike I'm in between boats right now shopping around for the one i really want but hopefully soon ill have the one i want and we can get togethee
hey eric, Insurance came thru. going electronics shopping this week. kinda disgusted with lowrance, but my boat is set up with lowrance cables and such. was looking at a HB 999 si hd. the side imaging is pretty neat. also the hds 10 kinda caught my eye. any suggestions?
On 3/11/2014 at 9:09 AM, pancityhanman said:hey eric, Insurance came thru. going electronics shopping this week. kinda disgusted with lowrance, but my boat is set up with lowrance cables and such. was looking at a HB 999 si hd. the side imaging is pretty neat. also the hds 10 kinda caught my eye. any suggestions?
I'm a hb guy. that said my buddy's lowrance structure scan is far better as far as composition and definition. but i like the ease of use of my hb unit i had. I'm still researching for boats to buy alumacraft seems to be the front runner with a 90 hp jet .
eric, i ended up with a 998 si on console and an elite 7 hdi on tm. how is the lake doing? i have been super busy and taking on way too much work. just took on a contract with a marina on jackson to do all their led lighting, so along with the reel/tackle biz and that. then i let somebody talk me into taking on a bath remodel too. gonna fish this weekend though. will hit u up and see what you are up to. take care, mike
On 3/17/2014 at 7:49 PM, pancityhanman said:eric, i ended up with a 998 si on console and an elite 7 hdi on tm. how is the lake doing? i have been super busy and taking on way too much work. just took on a contract with a marina on jackson to do all their led lighting, so along with the reel/tackle biz and that. then i let somebody talk me into taking on a bath remodel too. gonna fish this weekend though. will hit u up and see what you are up to. take care, mike
hey mike I've only been out twice lately once fpr bass and once for crappie. the bass are coming shallow and the crappie are on fire right now i caught 3 around 2lbs and more in the 1lb range than i could count
I fish West Point all the time. Its about 45 mins away for me. I usually put in at Highland or Horace King. How have you guys been doing there lately? I went last weekend and managed a few but they were all pretty small.
On 3/25/2014 at 8:28 AM, LeBron_Hill said:I fish West Point all the time. Its about 45 mins away for me. I usually put in at Highland or Horace King. How have you giuys been doing there lately? I went last weekend and managed a few but they were all pretty small.
i live close to mcgee bridge access by highland i haven't got a boat right now but I've been out in my kayak a few times recently and managed a few decent 2-3lb largies with a shakey head and a few small spots. the weather won't stabilize long enough for the bass to get in a good prespawn pattern. the crappie on the other hand have been pretty predictable and are on timber in shallow coves
On 3/25/2014 at 1:16 PM, basshole8190 said:i live close to mcgee bridge access by highland i haven't got a boat right now but I've been out in my kayak a few times recently and managed a few decent 2-3lb largies with a shakey head and a few small spots. the weather won't stabilize long enough for the bass to get in a good prespawn pattern. the crappie on the other hand have been pretty predictable and are on timber in shallow coves
Ive got the big bass splash on Guntersville this weekend but after that we should get together one weekend when you are free and see what we can find on WPL...man I would love to get into a big school of crappie. What are most people catching them one, jigs or live bait?
On 3/26/2014 at 4:43 AM, LeBron_Hill said:Ive got the big bass splash on Guntersville this weekend but after that we should get together one weekend when you are free and see what we can find on WPL...man I would love to get into a big school of crappie. What are most people catching them one, jigs or live bait?
yea man definately we should. a majority of my crappie have been on jigs but people seem to be catching on minnows.
where you wanna meet at? Highland? gimme a week or so and lemme see what I got going on and I will shoot you a pm on here and we can setup a time
On 3/27/2014 at 6:37 AM, LeBron_Hill said:where you wanna meet at? Highland? gimme a week or so and lemme see what I got going on and I will shoot you a pm on here and we can setup a time
sounds good horace king is probably better its closer to crappie or a few pre spawn coves for bass
fished saturday night and caught 30 nice slabs. got there late and fished the bridge, shallower areas were taken or would have done better. minnows did us right. going this weekend again and will be a little shallower this time and hoping to do well. eric if you wanna fish, give me a call with your schedule and we will try to hook up, think i am going to give the bass a little time for temps to stop fluctuating. mike
Im new to the site and fairly new to fishing. I live in the south fulton area and have been fishing little ponds in my area and Coweta County. I have been pulling lots of small bass out these ponds so my confidence was sky high.
I recently decided to step out and try a public reservoir in the Douglasville area (Sweetwater Creek Park). I have went out 3 weekends in a row with out a single bite. Just cant seem to find the fish.
Anywyay im looking for some diffent area to fish so I can logs some more hours on the water and a fishing buddy that loves to be on the water as much as me. I dont have a boat so I have been casting from the bank and renting small fishing boat with trolling motors.
If anyone has any information on locations or just want a fishing buddy dont hesitate to contact me.
Columbus checking in. I fish goat rock when I take the boat out and beat the banks of the parks and water sheds in town. Pulled a couple out of Cooper creek park yesterday swimming a T rig rage craw.
SW Atl checking in! I usually fish the smaller reseviors (less than 1000 acres in a 12ft V hull. If you want to come out or trade info, PM me.
Would love to get out on the larger lakes too. My first time on a bass boat was last fall and its got me in love with all the space anf convenience. Def in my dream book for the future.
God Bless
Georgia angler here. From Warner Robins. Moved to statesboro. Haven't found a single place to fish out this way yet. Or even a fishing club for that matter.
Valdosta Georgia!
Dawsonville Georgia
Dalton ga