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who is fishing where 12.14-12-20??? (nova) 2025

fishing user avatarsoccplayer07 reply : 

I would like to get out at least one day this weekend if not both. right now I'm thinking of heading up towards D.C. Where is everyone else going?

fishing user avatarDan: reply : 

No idea. I might be taking/sending my reels in for servicing soon.

fishing user avatarsoccplayer07 reply : 

where are you sending them? I think I may do mine myself. I always wanted to learn about them anyway.

fishing user avatarBigs reply : 

probably no fishing for me this week but I am sending my daiwa pixy to this guy and hes upgrading it to a pixilla. Who do you use Dan ? Local?

fishing user avatarLHC - Bank Robber reply : 
where are you sending them? I think I may do mine myself. I always wanted to learn about them anyway.

You use stx's right? let me know how that works out I might have to do mine aswell.

fishing user avatarDan: reply : 

There are some local guys but I think I might end up sending them to Reel Mechanic and see if he will upgrade some bearings as well. I haven't decided yet.

fishing user avatarA.Do? reply : 

I think i'm going to drop off my reels at the shop in arlington soon. he did me right the first time so i'll trust him with my reels.

fishing user avatarNewAngler reply : 
I think i'm going to drop off my reels at the shop in arlington soon. he did me right the first time so i'll trust him with my reels.

Where is it? I am going to have mine in pretty soon.

fishing user avatarDan: reply : 

I think I might give Jim Funkhouser at Dominion Tackle a try. Wayne P. recommended him to me.

fishing user avatarThai reply : 

Hmm I didnt know there was a reel repair place in Springfield I gotta give it a try myself

fishing user avatarDan: reply : 

as far as I can tell, it's just some dude who does repairs at his house.

fishing user avatarThai reply : 
as far as I can tell, it's just some dude who does repairs at his house.

Sometimes thats better than a high volume store

fishing user avatarDan: reply : 

for sure, but I need to find out if I can just drop them off instead of sending them in. The website only says stuff about mailing the reels to him...

fishing user avatarA.Do? reply : 

Springfield would be a much easier drive...but I have to support Phil! I want his shop to stay alive.  :),+va&fb=1&gl=us&hq=tackle+repair&hnear=arlington,+va&cid=16432506560804679906

Let me know how the springfield one is though.

fishing user avatarDan: reply : 

I may send them to someone else so that I can get boca bearings installed. I'll let you know how it turns out.

fishing user avatarcmatthews6485 reply : 

i wish people from richmond and the around this area were as active as you nova guys are on this forum

fishing user avatarThai reply : 

Spread the word Chris, whenever you see someone fishing down there let them know about BR. There has to be some diehard anglers down there, you guys do have an awesome river down there

fishing user avatarsoccplayer07 reply : 
where are you sending them? I think I may do mine myself. I always wanted to learn about them anyway.

You use stx's right? let me know how that works out I might have to do mine aswell.

yes sir. ill start them this week. ill keep you updated.

fishing user avatarDan: reply : 
where are you sending them? I think I may do mine myself. I always wanted to learn about them anyway.

You use stx's right? let me know how that works out I might have to do mine aswell.

yes sir. ill start them this week. ill keep you updated.

good luck dude. I took my Fuego apart once and it was quite intimidating. I would recommend you lay out a towel on your workplace so you don't have any bouncing pieces. Also, keep all the washers and what not facing the same direction when you lay them out, that way you will know which side faces which way when you put them back together.

fishing user avatarVABasser reply : 

I do mine on my own, saves a ton of money, but takes some time too.  I would recommend getting Reel Mechs book on how to service reels.  A lot of good diagrams, photos and instructions.  I bought the book a couple years ago, I imagine he still sells it.  Without it I would feel very intimidated going in and taking apart my reels, there are quite a few pieces in there  ;)

fishing user avatarquanjig reply : 

You guys keep taking you stuff apart, I'm gonna be out chasing the little green fishie!!

fishing user avatarThai reply : 
You guys keep taking you stuff apart, I'm gonna be out chasing the little green fishie!!

Where this time John? Tomorrow looks like its going to be a good day to be out too

fishing user avatarquanjig reply : 

If all goes well and we don't get anymore serious rain, I gotta get back out on the res and see if I can't get a jb bite going. If we do get more rain, I'll probably get back out to Burke. Tomorrow might be a good try @ LB!

fishing user avatarLHC - Bank Robber reply : 

hows the bank fishing at bruke, worth it?

fishing user avatarquanjig reply : 

LHC, I wish I could tell you it's worth it, but it's not. Bank fishing there is a very tough prospect. I would look at either Huntsman or LB or possibly a spot Dan? or Thai are willing to concede!!

fishing user avatarLHC - Bank Robber reply : 

in that case im thinkin i might head to hunting creek and see if i cant find some stripes

fishing user avatarThai reply : 
LHC, I wish I could tell you it's worth it, but it's not. Bank fishing there is a very tough prospect. I would look at either Huntsman or LB or possibly a spot Dan? or Thai are willing to concede!!

We take that to our graves!

fishing user avatarquanjig reply : 

Has anyone fished by the Marant coal powerplant at the northend of oldtown Alexandria? Same place Ike did his bit of city limits? Was wondering if it was pumping hot water out anymore?

fishing user avatarThai reply : 
Has anyone fished by the Marant coal powerplant at the northend of oldtown Alexandria? Same place Ike did his bit of city limits? Was wondering if it was pumping hot water out anymore?

Fished it twice once by shore and once by boat on the day you guys had that tourney at Occ. River water didnt seem any warmer than the rest of the river... and we didnt catch anything

fishing user avatarsoccplayer07 reply : 

Dan, I spoke the reel guy in Springfield. He does take drop offs but is currently on a 10 day min. turnaround time. His prices are a little higher than the BR guy too.

fishing user avatarThai reply : 

is this what you do during AIA Aaron? Browse BR?

Good deal

fishing user avatarsoccplayer07 reply : 

yes sir.

fishing user avatarLHC - Bank Robber reply : 
Has anyone fished by the Marant coal powerplant at the northend of oldtown Alexandria? Same place Ike did his bit of city limits? Was wondering if it was pumping hot water out anymore?

Thanks for reminding me about that spot, I watched that video of ike fishing there last winter and planned on hitting it up this year.  Sucks that i forgot about it till now.  I couldnt get a bite but i think i'll head back there in the spring.

fishing user avatarDan: reply : 

yeah, but with a local guy there is no shipping cost added, plus no risk of reels getting damaged or lost in the mail...

fishing user avatarsoccplayer07 reply : 

10 days is a long time. i guess you could do a few at a time.

fishing user avatarNewAngler reply : 

You an AIA admin, Aaron?


fishing user avatarsoccplayer07 reply : 

yes. and no its not nice...haha

fishing user avatarquanjig reply : 

Anyone fish Woodglen off Sideburn?

fishing user avatarDan: reply : 
Anyone fish Woodglen off Sideburn?

I have in the past. Can be pretty good. There are white perch in there as well.

fishing user avatarThai reply : 

looks like Sat is going to be snowed out....That leaves Sun....

and Friday if I phone in a scare to the school :o

jk ;D

fishing user avatarquanjig reply : 

Saturday looks so tempting.  Not sure I want to drag out the boat, but I wouldn't mind a walk about somewhere........... anyone else?  Of course we will keep a keen eye on the weather.  If we get the wind they are saying we are supposed to get, it might be a bust, but I might be down for some bank beating.

fishing user avatarA.Do? reply : 

Almost missed that "jk" lol

fishing user avatarquanjig reply : 

Andrew, that avitar is just plain bad a** cool!! That little bugger is a cold blooded killer!!

fishing user avatarThai reply : 

I'm down for beating the bank on Sat John since boating is prob left to the true nutjobs out there. I've got a few spots worth trying unless you know where the next 5lber is at

fishing user avatarquanjig reply : 

Excellent.  I'm gonna keep a keen eye on the forcast and we will go from there.  Anyone else wanna get in on this??  Gotta be some more NOVA's with big brass ones !!!

fishing user avatarLHC - Bank Robber reply : 

If the weathers not to bad im in

fishing user avatarmudkart reply : 
Anyone fish Woodglen off Sideburn?


fishing user avatarSolid Hookset reply : 
Excellent. I'm gonna keep a keen eye on the forcast and we will go from there. Anyone else wanna get in on this?? Gotta be some more NOVA's with big brass ones !!!

I will be out in the snow fishing, I have had some of my best luck in the snow and rain. If you want to do some bank fishin, gimmie a shout. As for Woodglen shoot me a PM. I put some structure in it a few years back.

fishing user avatarDan: reply : 
Excellent. I'm gonna keep a keen eye on the forcast and we will go from there. Anyone else wanna get in on this?? Gotta be some more NOVA's with big brass ones !!!

I will be out in the snow fishing, I have had some of my best luck in the snow and rain. If you want to do some bank fishin, gimmie a shout. As for Woodglen shoot me a PM. I put some structure in it a few years back.

You gonna go out and throw the new Fuego in the snow?

fishing user avatarquanjig reply : 

Thai, I take it back. I forgot Josh was looking for a place to get his yak on. I thought you were talking about shore fishing!!

fishing user avatarThai reply : 
Thai, I take it back. I forgot Josh was looking for a place to get his yak on. I thought you were talking about shore fishing!!

AHAHA is this a response to Cutis from the other thread?

fishing user avatarA.Do? reply : 
Excellent. I'm gonna keep a keen eye on the forcast and we will go from there. Anyone else wanna get in on this?? Gotta be some more NOVA's with big brass ones !!!

I will be out in the snow fishing, I have had some of my best luck in the snow and rain. If you want to do some bank fishin, gimmie a shout. As for Woodglen shoot me a PM. I put some structure in it a few years back.

I'm still down if you're going Sunday. Let me know! I need to fish!

fishing user avatarBigs reply : 

well I was gonna go down to lake anna early tommorow morning and check my mail, do a few things and throw the stratos in the water but now my plan has been foiled. Altho the boat is already down there in the garage and I do have an all wheel drive truck. Very tempting. Oh and my cough is almost gone and Im feelin alot better. what to do.....Theres gonna be 12 inches or snow down there. The main thing keeping me from doin it is that I have to move the golf cart and tractor out of the garage to get my boat out and that might be a challenge with 12 inches of snow in my driveway . Anyone have a snow blower ?

fishing user avatarThai reply : 
well I was gonna go down to lake anna early tommorow morning and check my mail, do a few things and throw the stratos in the water but now my plan has been foiled. Altho the boat is already down there in the garage and I do have an all wheel drive truck. Very tempting. Oh and my cough is almost gone and Im feelin alot better. what to do.....Theres gonna be 12 inches or snow down there. The main thing keeping me from doin it is that I have to move the golf cart and tractor out of the garage to get my boat out and that might be a challenge with 12 inches of snow in my driveway . Anyone have a snow blower ?

No but a shovel and my sheer will and determination to fish the warm water will match any snow blower anyday haha

fishing user avatarNewAngler reply : 

get some boots and a snow shovel! Man up Steve!!

fishing user avatarquanjig reply : 

Ooooooops and yes............... I'm so confused :-[!!!

fishing user avatarBigs reply : 

ok heres the facts

a) I'm old

B) I'm fat

c) I'm lazy

d) Thai is none of these things

so why would I wanna go and shovel snow 

fishing user avatarThai reply : 
ok heres the facts

a) I'm old

B) I'm fat

c) I'm lazy,so is Thai

d) Thai is none of these things

so why would I wanna go and shovel snow

Fixed  ;D

fishing user avatarSolid Hookset reply : 

I am still going to fish the swimming pools tommorow with a dropshot.......Anyone up for it?

fishing user avatarThai reply : 
I am still going to fish the swimming pools tommorow with a dropshot.......Anyone up for it?

dibs on the deep end and diving board as a platform

fishing user avatarDan: reply : 

I hope the fountains are on at the swimming pools, otherwise you might have to dodge some icebergs.

fishing user avatarNewAngler reply : 

It SUCKS down here in Stafford. 2 inches on my deck right now.

fishing user avatarSolid Hookset reply : 
I hope the fountains are on at the swimming pools, otherwise you might have to dodge some icebergs.

EW, good question..........

fishing user avatarSolid Hookset reply : 
I am still going to fish the swimming pools tommorow with a dropshot.......Anyone up for it?

dibs on the deep end and diving board as a platform

Someday you will understand what Dan and I are refering to.

fishing user avatarDan: reply : 

oh, he's been to the swimming pools, he just didn't get to witness any of the Slammer magic.

fishing user avatarNewAngler reply : 

what the hell are the swimming pools?

fishing user avatarSolid Hookset reply : 
oh, he's been to the swimming pools, he just didn't get to witness any of the Slammer magic.

The swimming pools are supposed to be a secret....... :-/ I figure I need to feel a 5 pounder on the Fuego.

fishing user avatarSolid Hookset reply : 

I am heading out on a scouting mission to see if the haul in the snow will be worth it.

fishing user avatarThai reply : 

I've actually known about the swimming pools before Dan and I fished them so he didn't give any secrets away  ;D

I guess you know Dan personally so I'm Thai, nice to meet ya

fishing user avatarSolid Hookset reply : 

I checked the swimming pools and they are 80-85% clear so I think I will be giving them a shot here shortly.

fishing user avatarDan: reply : 

I couldn't even fish if I wanted to. The roads around me are awful.

fishing user avatarNewAngler reply : 

Roads down here get the same amount of love as I get when you guys are going fishing.


I live in a neighborhood, not off some country road with cow pastures and dirt roads. My roads didnt get hit until 3, and even then they did a half-*** job. Needless to say, I didnt get out. But, I went to my office which is 1.5 miles down the road and helped out a Ford F-150 V* out of a ditch, a Dodge Ram, and a CTS. I was in my wife's Hyuandai Sante Fe. THought that was pretty comical.

fishing user avatarThai reply : 

Dude awesome idea, take your kayak out and do some white powder kayaking down a hill or something

fishing user avatarsoccplayer07 reply : 

newangler, I'm taking you out on the boat! I'm tired hearing about your hatred of the nova brotherhood...haha

when are you free???

fishing user avatarThai reply : 
newangler, I'm taking you out on the boat! I'm tired hearing about your hatred of the nova brotherhood...haha

when are you free???

Aaron, you fell right into his well executed trap...

fishing user avatarsoccplayer07 reply : 


just so you know when you type **** it re post it as nuts!!!

fishing user avatarThai reply : 

just so you know when you type . it re post it as nuts!!!

huh? that made no sense to me.....

btw i didnt you you had cichlids bro whats up with that

fishing user avatarsoccplayer07 reply : 

when u type sh___it it changes it to nuts

fishing user avatarsoccplayer07 reply : 

yea I'm weird. a few tanks of mostly African cichlids and a sugar glider. i used to have over 40 snakes and crocodile!

fishing user avatarThai reply : 

AHHHH Gotcha haha

well my dog took a big rabbit this morning in the snow and had the curtesy to bury his rabbit with the snow so i wouldnt have to walk outside to pick up his rabbit, such a smart dog

fishing user avatarThai reply : 

whatta you know it does change it to nuts lol

fishing user avatarDan: reply : 
AHHHH Gotcha haha

well my dog took a big nuts this morning in the snow and had the curtesy to bury his nuts with the snow so i wouldnt have to walk outside to pick up his nuts, such a smart dog

no, he was just planting a landmine for you to step in later. ;D a smart dog, indeed.

fishing user avatarsoccplayer07 reply : 

very well said! true sign of intelligence.

fishing user avatarThai reply : 
yea I'm weird. a few tanks of mostly African cichlids and a sugar glider. i used to have over 40 snakes and crocodile!

tight tight well if you ever want some high quality fish whether it be f0's or selectively breed red empress' or peacocks or whatever you need. I know some good importers and breeders man

fishing user avatarThai reply : 
AHHHH Gotcha haha

well my dog took a big nuts this morning in the snow and had the curtesy to bury his nuts with the snow so i wouldnt have to walk outside to pick up his nuts, such a smart dog

no, he was just planting a landmine for you to step in later. ;D a smart dog, indeed.

Luckily he did it where i never walk!

fishing user avatarNewAngler reply : 

haha, thanks aaron. Its all good, i just give you guys a hard time. Try to at least. I don't think i want to get on a boat with the weather, cold as shi_t.

You had a croc?! Is that even legal?

fishing user avatarsoccplayer07 reply : 

nope, not legal. i didn't keep it long. it was way to loud at night.

fishing user avatarThai reply : 

Yeah my friend has a whole room dedicated to his two alligators, made the mistake of picking one up while drunk one night and boy can those things bite ahahah

fishing user avatarBigs reply : 

all this talk bout snakes and gators...I'll just stick with my ankle biter dogs for now. Once I move next year and get some acreage Im gonna have a bunch more animals including chickens, horses, goats, ducks, a pig or two but def no snakes or gators. Thats right guys ole steve is gonna basically be livin on a farm. I will be needing some help digging out my pond with a bobcat and then stocking it if anyone is up for a project. I actually found a house right on the James river on almost 1.5 acres for a lil over 200 grand but its not enough land for me or I would be all over it. On a sidenote, us NOVA guys are losing this forum to guys from down south!! Now its winter they are takin over >:(

fishing user avatarDan: reply : 

Steve, if you get a bunch of land, make sure to check out the land-use programs. My friend had a bunch of land south of Charlottesville and he only paid $2/acre in taxes each year.

Also, make sure you investigate the insurance benefits of building a pond on your property. Lots of times if you are in the country and away from fire hydrants you can lower your premiums by putting in a pond that can be used if a fire occurs.

fishing user avatarBigs reply : 

I was talkin to Thai the other day about ponds and insurance. I never thought bout it but it makes some sense. I should talk to Paul about ponds, he seems to be the resident expert on all things ponds. Any good forums for managing ponds and buildin them ? I plan on makin one a lil under an acre, that is unless my new place already has one. I was telling Thai about a house I found for sale- 750 grand and it comes with a 10 acre fully stocked fishing pond!! And another I found on 28 acres with not only a pond but also a small river running thru it, that one was much cheaper, around 230 grand or so. Tammy used to have pet mallards and she wants more when we move. So the pond is basically gonna be there home more or less. Sounds crazy but my ole lady is like the "wild animal whisperer" Back in september she caught a copperhead that was playing with our cat in the front yard. She actually reached down and grabbed it by the head with her bare hands, talk about crazy! I actually video taped me chopping that snakes head off in my kitchen, I should put it on youtube come to think of it.

fishing user avatarFroggin reply : 

I tried building a pond (5 acre) on my farm and it was like pulling teeth....You have to get the core of engineers on your property to tell you if you can...They look for wetland areas and let me tell you its not the wetlands I was thinking of....If they see a water puddle its over....They have the most restrictions you will ever find...It will run you around 1500 dollars to get them out there and let you know...It was just to much money for me to build a pond....You can destroy wetlands as long as you buy it back and that is EXSPENSIVE!!!!!   Hope you can do better....People have told me that I should have gone the route of telling them that it was an agricultural pond and not recreation....Hope this helps...

fishing user avatarBigs reply : 
I tried building a pond (5 acre) on my farm and it was like pulling teeth....You have to get the core of engineers on your property to tell you if you can...They look for wetland areas and let me tell you its not the wetlands I was thinking of....If they see a water puddle its over....They have the most restrictions you will ever find...It will run you around 1500 dollars to get them out there and let you know...It was just to much money for me to build a pond....You can destroy wetlands as long as you buy it back and that is EXSPENSIVE!!!!! Hope you can do better....People have told me that I should have gone the route of telling them that it was an agricultural pond and not recreation....Hope this helps...

wow that sucks. My question is, if I'm living on 8-10 acres of land, how is anyone even gonna know what Im doin on my land ? I guess I'm gonna have to get lucky and find a house with the perfect pond already there which wont be hard. Theres tonsof new listings out in the country hittin the market every day.

Has anyone been out and fished since the snow got here ? I can picture Thai with snow shoes on standing there in a ski mask flippin jigs :D

fishing user avatarRockvilleMDAngler reply : 

My parents have a 60 acre farm in VA near Front Royal and they have been planning a pond for a while now but it is a serious pain in the butt to get approval.  They have a big creek that runs through their property and a smaller one that feeds the larger creek, they are planning to dam up the smaller one and make a 1.5 acre pond.  The COE has yet to approve the plans but we are confident it will happen.  Once you get approval you need to build the pond correctly, it is more than just digging a hole and filling it up.  You need to have overflow protection so that the dam or pond walls don't collapse in a heavy rain sending thousands of gallons of water into your neighbor's house.  If you are using a feeder creek you need to make sure that you don't introduce any species that are non-native (we cannot use shad to stock our pond as they would get into the creek which is currently shad-less).

Once you have a pond you need to have it stocked and then within a year or two you need to harvest smaller bass so that they don't overpopulate the pond and stunt the growth of the rest of the fish.  If you are catching a 10" bass on every cast then you need to start harvesting those 10" fish so that the bass don't get out of hand.  There are a few farm ponds near my parents house that have that problem but the owners won't let you keep any fish  >:(

fishing user avatarThai reply :

Solution let two beavers loose on the property, you'll have your pond in no time

fishing user avatarsoccplayer07 reply : 

ouch...wait until Thai reads that post!!!

fishing user avatarBigs reply : 
ouch...wait until Thai reads that post!!!

he might get mad and no longer show me where fish are oops  :-? ah well, its all in good fun

fishing user avatarsoccplayer07 reply : 


fishing user avatarsoccplayer07 reply : 

Thai, you are now out of "try out" mode. Welcome aboard!!!!

fishing user avatarroadwarrior reply : 

A few deletions...I know you guys are

just having fun, but you crossed the line.

-Kent  a.k.a. roadwarrior

Global Moderator

fishing user avatarThai reply : 

Busted! haha that was out fault Kent, we'll try to be a little more vague next time haha ::)

fishing user avatarBigs reply : 

sorry bout that, we will stay on topic here, in fact this thread is outdated now anyways. And I dont even think any of us nova guys fished this past week anyways  ;D time for a new thread me thinks


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