As the title states. Who is fishing where this week? I should be free Saturday and possibly Sunday.
Im pond hopping today, if you down for going out this weekend I'm down, Occoquan river has been treating us nicely these past weeks
I'll be pond hopping wednesday through sunday in nova. Haven't fished in nova in 6 months so should be interesting/grueling.
QuoteIm pond hopping today, if you down for going out this weekend I'm down, Occoquan river has been treating us nicely these past weeks
Have you been fishing from a boat in the river? if so, what pattern is currently working? Thanks.
QuoteQuoteIm pond hopping today, if you down for going out this weekend I'm down, Occoquan river has been treating us nicely these past weeksHave you been fishing from a boat in the river? if so, what pattern is currently working? Thanks.
Good ole JnP, pitching under docks that have a steep drop off of 14-25' have been the best producers. Also saw a few dropshotting out there for some nice ones
I might get out on Saturday depending on the weather. I was supposed to fish this past weekend but the snow kept me home. I think I will hit up the spoils/blue plains area if I make it out.
I have not fished in a week. I'm definitely getting out there Saturday. no idea where but I'm going!!!
QuoteI have not fished in a week. I'm definitely getting out there Saturday. no idea where but I'm going!!!
Open seat(s)?
did you say beer, sands and gas??? jk. yea i have open seats. i have not decided where though...
Aaron, did you try the Nepalese Warrior yet? I just had an Alec Bradley Select Cabinet Reserve, if you haven't had one, you need to try one.
If you have two open seats for Dan and I if he's available yeah I'll throw down for gas, beer and ill make some sandwiches with extra love, just for you!
nope have not yet. i have a few ill bring you next time we fish...sat? i went to the perdomo event at Burke cigar Saturday. it was pretty nice. i didn't buy anything there bc of their prices compared to CI but it was nice to smoke in a public place.
QuoteIf you have two open seats for Dan and I if he's available yeah I'll throw down for gas, beer and ill make some sandwiches with extra love, just for you!
ill pass on the extra love!!! seats saved for you and Dan if he's down.
I'm down like Charlie Brown.
ok great just gotta let me know what kinda beer and sandwiches ya'll like
Oh and Dan not counting holidays or weekends how long did it take for those jigs to get to you, I wonder if I'll get mine by this weekend
I ordered them on Wednesday before Thanksgiving and received them the following Thursday I believe? I'm not sure though.
new lures to try...nice. i have not ordered anything in over two months...going through withdrawal. Dan/Thai any ideas on where we fish???
QuoteI ordered them on Wednesday before Thanksgiving and received them the following Thursday I believe? I'm not sure though.
OK if they're not here by then I'll steal some of yours while you're not looking... :
Quoteok great just gotta let me know what kinda beer and sandwiches ya'll like
the expensive kind. ;D
You've made me eat 7-11 food. You know I'm not picky
Occ River? I saw a few prime spots on the fishfinder and there was one guy dropshotting and pulling in very decent bass consistently. If we do that I'll head over to warbirds and grab some dropshot plastics, do I hear Jackall? lol
Quotenew lures to try...nice. i have not ordered anything in over two months...going through withdrawal. Dan/Thai any ideas on where we fish???
just a few things. Ordered a whole bunch of jigs and got a couple bags of flipping baits.
Thai, remind me to bring money to pay you back for those Cover Craws.
I have no idea about locations. Mattawoman? Pohick? Occoquan? Leesylvania?
since thai and dan poached my idea of beer sandwiches and gas (and spare seats)...ill take any seat you have open on any day this wknd. im free both days and have nothing going on.
let me know.
oh yeah, Aaron, if you are looking to do some more deep water fishing: Thai and I were on separate boats last week at Occoquan and we both did pretty well fishing deep. He caught them on jigs and I caught some on silver buddies in 15'-22'
If we don't get into them, we can try Mattawoman? Just an idea.
QuoteQuotenew lures to try...nice. i have not ordered anything in over two months...going through withdrawal. Dan/Thai any ideas on where we fish???just a few things. Ordered a whole bunch of jigs and got a couple bags of flipping baits.
Thai, remind me to bring money to pay you back for those Cover Craws.
I have no idea about locations. Mattawoman? Pohick? Occoquan? Leesylvania?
Don't worry about the cover craws......because you might have to pick me up this weekend lol!
damnit! Can't I just give you the money?!?! Just kidding. ;D
Quotedamnit! Can't I just give you the money?!?! Just kidding. ;D
lol sorry man BMW got tboned while my sister was leaving school, shes fine but the cars been in the shop for a few days now
that sucks. glad she's ok. But seriously, it's not a problem for me to come get you.
Quotethat sucks. glad she's ok. But seriously, it's not a problem for me to come get you.
OK thanks Danno
d**n...i guess Thai is gonna learn where I store my pride and joy!
Quoted**n...i guess Thai is gonna learn where I store my pride and joy!
Rut roh! I guess ima come back with some bolt cutters!
Quoted**n...i guess Thai is gonna learn where I store my pride and joy!
says the recently engaged man about his boat. ;D
QuoteQuoted**n...i guess Thai is gonna learn where I store my pride and joy!says the recently engaged man about his boat. ;D
He said pride and joy not ball and chain! ;D
You guys better blind fold Thai, my boat is there as well, I got too much stuff on the deck of mine. I gotta keep some secrets ya know!!!
QuoteYou guys better blind fold Thai, my boat is there as well, I got too much stuff on the deck of mine. I gotta keep some secrets ya know!!!
> Who do ya'll take me for? LHC? AHAHAH
who is down to shop at the "quanjig" store on Saturday??? he is having a huge "sale"!!!
Quotewho is down to shop at the "quanjig" store on Saturday??? he is having a huge "sale"!!!
I'll bring some spare change!
QuoteQuoteYou guys better blind fold Thai, my boat is there as well, I got too much stuff on the deck of mine. I gotta keep some secrets ya know!!!>
Who do ya'll take me for? LHC? AHAHAH
:-? , In that case I have some of thai's pond spots to give away
QuoteQuoteQuoteYou guys better blind fold Thai, my boat is there as well, I got too much stuff on the deck of mine. I gotta keep some secrets ya know!!!>
Who do ya'll take me for? LHC? AHAHAH
:-? , In that case I have some of thai's pond spots to give away
AHAHA cmon Nick in every picture you can't say you dont look like you're about to pull a bank heist!
And those ponds arent my money ponds so its fine, those are a little further
I guess if the shoe fits wear it
AHAHAHAHAHAH don't take it too seriously man its a joke
could be wrose I could be the leech princess
AHAHAH but you know what the whole bank robber thing fits you man, do you rob the other bank fisherman out there at riverside any chance of catching something lol
every chance I get
I'm fishing Saturday as well so hopefully my "floating tackle shop" will be
miles away when you guys get to Aarons boat!!
QuoteI'm fishing Saturday as well so hopefully my "floating tackle shop" will bemiles away when you guys get to Aarons boat!!
where are you going to fish?
Judging by the weather report, we are supposed to get about 2" of rain. If that's the case it's gonna muddy up the res pretty good. My jb bit is not gonna happen. So I'm thinking about Burke.
QuoteJudging by the weather report, we are supposed to get about 2" of rain. If that's the case it's gonna muddy up the res pretty good. My jb bit is not gonna happen. So I'm thinking about Burke.
the occ doesnt get too muddy after a rain either
he's talking about the occ. res. which gets very muddy.
Quotecould be wrose I could be the leech princess
Sure guys, I'd love to fish this weekend!!
Yeah I know he was refering to the res, I was saying the river doesnt get to muddy either along with burke
Soooooooo, is anyone gonna brave the week-end on the water??
If it rains or snows our outing will be postponed but it looks like low 40's and sunny so we should be out there
Still not sure where we are going though, there hasnt been a deff answer but I would like to do some deep jigging
Saturday of Sunday??
Sat I believe
I might be hitting Crockett, if not then somewhere in Burke
Germantown Lake @ Crockett Park
This place has some giants
QuoteGermantown Lake @ Crockett Park
This place has some giants
You 'aint lying.
Low pressure this time of year?
if you're looking at those pictures and thinking you'll catch a big fish from Germantown it will be highly unlikely, as with any impoundment the possibility for large fish are present but overall bass population at germantown are abundant but larger fish are very uncommon.
Take connor for example sure the record was caught there but that was an anomoly, that lake has not produced anything close since the record was broken.
In my experience this lake has relatively low pressure year round. But this time of year even less. The ramp is a little tricky but well worth the trip out there.
Its a pay to fish lake isnt it? I've never heard anything good but best of luck to you out there, maybe you'll catch an "anomaly" and please do report back!
I'm leaning towards the Potomac Saturday. probably launch out of occoquan. Thai, you mentioned the deep bite was pretty good there last week??? Any more reports?
no havent been back yet but I imagine it would still be great if not better since last time we were trying to find crappie not bass. I have a couple brush piles memorized that we ran right over full of fish
Whats the gameplan me hombres?!?!
Yea fellas, where you gonna give it a go tomorrow?? I will be at Burke, trying to breake in my new stick!!
occ river. good luck quan. what is the new stick???
got me a vendetta 7'3"MH modfast with the 2010 stx
gonna be very muddy on the river!!
Quotegot me a vendetta 7'3"MH modfast with the 2010 stxgonna be very muddy on the river!!
You sure? Last time I fished the river it was right after it rained and the water was a little muddy but not bad at all. Seeings how it hasnt rained in a couple of days I'm sure it will be fine, thanks for the heads up though and GL on Burke and let us know how that vendetta feels and performs!
Went over the Potomac at the WW bridge and it was very muddy. Looked at Lake Braddock which never gets muddy and it is very dirty. I just know that 2in. of water into the res is a lot of water and it being full, I know muddy flows down stream. I just wouldn't be surprised if you guys were fishing in some very stained water on the Occoquan. I have tossed a couple of things around on the new setup and it will chuck a weithtless 5" senko a country mile w/o a backlash into the wind......I think I'm gonna like it........alot!!!!
great to know, now do you store this on your floating tacklebox at the same storage facility as Aarons girl?
No, I repeat, no stix are kept on the "floating tackle box" plenty of nice cranks and stuff, but no stix!!!!
That sounds like a sweet combo, John. I'd like to check that out, especially the new Revo.
What time you guys meeting up with Aaron in the am?
good question! I'm waiting for Aaron to figure it out and let me know.
we're meeting him at 8am.
I'm looking forward to fishing but I'm not looking forward to how cold it's gonna be tomorrow...
I'll probably see you guys at the boat storage around 8, cause I'm not gonna need to be out on the water at crack cold thirty myself!!
make sure you guys post up later when youre done. Im curious how the cold weather bite is right now. I miss fishing, havent been in a few weeks. My truck needed work so I couldnt have towed my boat anyways, just got the truck back yesterday so maybe I'll head down to lake anna soon for some warm water action.
Water in the Occ was muddy and cold, 38 degrees, the bite was not on, Dan managed two crappie and Aaron and myself caught nothing but time, but it was good fun between friends. I'm certain it wasnt the cold water that shut them down it had to be the muddy water as visibility was less than 4 inches....
we need to plan a trip to Anna Steve since we are dying for a warm water fix!
Thai, it was nice to meet you this am, don't say I didn't try to warn you guys!! I guess everything unfroze once you were in the water a while. Sorry you had to endure miserabe conditions on the river, but anytime fishing with good friends is time well spent.
Burke had some willing fish. All small, biggest probably 2.5. Drop shot and Texas rigged 5" kut tail. No jb bite. Did see a couple of real nice ones caught by some guys on the pile just above the one I was fishing. Looked like they were throwing big spinnerbaits and slowrolling them around the drops near the piles!!
Couldn't have asked for a nicer day, very little wind and awsome sunshine!!
Yeah it was nice meeting you to John, and half an hour in we were wishing we had followed you to Burke! Probably wouldnt have broken the tip off my St. Croix either lol!
But it was a good day out indeed
We are planning a trip to blue plains or the spoils soon when Aaron gets on his break.
Sorry to hear you guys didnt do better, and about the rod.
how did you do lhc? did you end up making it out?
I hit the creek up for about an hour with no bites.
QuoteThai, it was nice to meet you this am, don't say I didn't try to warn you guys!! I guess everything unfroze once you were in the water a while. Sorry you had to endure miserabe conditions on the river, but anytime fishing with good friends is time well spent.Burke had some willing fish. All small, biggest probably 2.5. Drop shot and Texas rigged 5" kut tail. No jb bite. Did see a couple of real nice ones caught by some guys on the pile just above the one I was fishing. Looked like they were throwing big spinnerbaits and slowrolling them around the drops near the piles!!
Couldn't have asked for a nicer day, very little wind and awsome sunshine!!
Were they in a Bass Cat?
Dont worry Thai I havent forgotten. My truck was out of commision for the last week and a half. It started acting up the day I took my boat to lake anna and just got fixed yesterday. And now the lexus has a flat and is sittin in my garage. Tammy took the truck till tuesday or wednesday to richmond so I am without a vehicle till then ! Not to mention I am still coughing everyday from gettin sick in August! Im a lil apprehensive bout sittin on the lake for 4+ hours in 40 degree weather till I start feeling right again. I just need to get back to 100 percent, as bad as I wanna get out there.
QuoteDont worry Thai I havent forgotten. My truck was out of commision for the last week and a half. It started acting up the day I took my boat to lake anna and just got fixed yesterday. And now the lexus has a flat and is sittin in my garage. Tammy took the truck till tuesday or wednesday to richmond so I am without a vehicle till then ! Not to mention I am still coughing everyday from gettin sick in August! Im a lil apprehensive bout sittin on the lake for 4+ hours in 40 degree weather till I start feeling right again. I just need to get back to 100 percent, as bad as I wanna get out there.
Yeah i read that in your earlier post, hopefully things go back to normal and you start feeliong better man, we need to start slaying the big girls again!
x2 we need to get out there before xmas! Get well Steve!
Thanks guys , much appreciated. Im sure the bite is pretty decent out there right now. Tommorow is supposed to be around 50 degrees down there , wish I could get down there. BTW how do those crappie out of the occ/potomac taste ?
QuoteThanks guys , much appreciated. Im sure the bite is pretty decent out there right now. Tommorow is supposed to be around 50 degrees down there , wish I could get down there. BTW how do those crappie out of the occ/potomac taste ?
Pretty darn good Steve, pretty darn good!