Anyone been out to the Lox Refuge lately? Going out Friday morning with my tree catching brother and was wondering how the water level was, pattern, and areas fished. Send me a PM if not comfortable sharing.
Tight Lines
i was there sunday and caught a bunch of little ones. lipless crank was gettin me numbers but no size. check your pm.
I'm going tomorrow and I'll give a report later. If anyone has some general info on the bite out there it would help. Don't have much time to cover water water tomorrow.
Went out yesterday and fished from about 6-11:00 before the heat made me surrender. Morning top-water bite was fair with most of the top-water fish coming from the edge of the flats and the transition into the canal. I fished the the pump stations on the way south from the Southern Blvd. ramp with only 1 small fish hitting a T-rig worm. Since I was not having much luck other than a few small bass on rattle trap type lures I moved back to into the flats and caught some throughout the eel grass pockets using skinny dippers and senkos. Total fish caught was in the low teens, plus an Gator and a bowfin.
My brother had a gator on that hit is CRANKBAIT! Was cranking it in and about 20 feet from the boat he thought he was hung, but Mr. Gator floated to the top with the crankbait in its mouth. He was pretty cooperative though and swam right to the boat and then under where I was able to pop the line. Too bad it was a Lucky Craft, soon after that he lost a Sebile Swimmer in the reeds after his line snapped mid air!
While on the flats from a distance I saw a BIG BASS jump out of the water as if it were chasing bait. As we trolled over to her, she jumped 3/4 out of the water as bait scattered in the thick grass, my brother was able to cast his swimming senko on top of the grass mat where the bass was exploding and a shiner jumped out when the lure landed. In my excitement I moved too close to her and she vanished to be spotted later busting bait in the grass 20 or so yards away. When I said BIG BASS, let me tell you this I have NEVER in my life seen a bigger bass while fishing then what I saw in the flats, I know its tough to say that from just watching a fish in the wild, but the girth and length of this fish in my opinion would have, put her over 10lbs easily, what surprised me was her jumping and antics, since I thought SOWS like her were lazy wait and see ambush predators not cheetahs! I even set a waypoint on my Garmin for this fish!!! I need to get back to the there soon.
Water level in the flats was high enough to get my lead sled ranger out of the hole without a problem, although sharp turns every once and a while were required to keep grass from plugging water intakes.
QuoteMy brother had a gator on that hit is CRANKBAIT! Was cranking it in and about 20 feet from the boat he thought he was hung, but Mr. Gator floated to the top with the crankbait in its mouth. He was pretty cooperative though and swam right to the boat and then under where I was able to pop the line. Too bad it was a Lucky Craft, soon after that he lost a Sebile Swimmer in the reeds after his line snapped mid air!
Thats why I stick with cheaper cranks Must have been one heck of a surprise seeing a gator pop with with a lure in it's mouth. Sounds like a halfway decent morning at least. And you aren't joking about surrendering to the heat. It's been brutal the last few days.
South florida, those trophy's are out there at Lox. I have seen them jump out of the water a couple of times too. What a sight it is to see a big fat bucket mouth get air borne. My PB is 5.5 lb out of Lox. I fish there knowing that any given day a trophy can be boated. It can be frustrating (weeds) and slow when the summer heat is on. It is a nice quiet place and I have been going there for years. I read a posting a while back from George Welcome saying he caught a bass at Loxahatchee refuge he estimated at close to 20 lb in the 70's. Dam near a world record. What model sled do you have? I have a 373 with a 150 and the weeds can be a real pain if you set down in the thick hydrilla. Recently, it was so bad for me one one trip, I had to plow through the flats over to the canal to find clear water for take off when I used a 23P prop. I switched over to a 22P for Lox, and now I can get on plane more quickly.
QuoteWhat model sled do you have? I have a 373 with a 150 and the weeds can be a real pain if you set down in the thick hydrilla. Recently, it was so bad for me one one trip, I had to plow through the flats over to the canal to find clear water for take off when I used a 23P prop. I switched over to a 22P for Lox, and now I can get on plane more quickly.
I have a 185 Intracoastal Model with a 150 Yamaha w/ a 2.0 Gear Case, I can spin a 24" or 25" Powertech TRO 4 Blade, but the 24" gets me up and out pretty quick, average about 3 1/2 seconds with a half tank and passenger, but the 25" gets me about 2mph more top end (62 MPH vs. 60 MPH, half tank and passenger). I switch to the 25" in the winter and stick with the 24" pretty much 9 months out of year.
My motor is a 2.0L 150 with 2.0 case. I tried a 25 once but it would not push over the bow to get on plane. It got a TP+ 24P, and it will barely push over after several seconds. A 23 pitch seems to work best for general use and I run 58-60 MPH at 5900 RPM. With the 22P 4 blade, the boat jumps out of the hole, but I cant run full throttle(6200+ RPM). She will go there and more(sounds cool) but I cant afford a rebuild.
My boat is a 1987 373. She sits tail heavy and low in the stern at idle, but airs out pretty good at WOT.
I went out in the morning yesterday (6:30-10:30). Pretty slow day for me...I spent the day trying some new spots and never went into the flats at all. I caught a few fish early morning with frogs/flukes (actually caught one on first cast). Later I ran west toward the pump house, catching a few out there. I ended up catching ~10 with the two biggest being 16". I
i was out sunday morning from sun up til 10. caught around a dozen and most were small. lost a nice one on a popper in the thick grass in front of a flats entrance. big fish was 3 pounds. very hot and no wind. last week of school for me so i wll be spending lots of time out there. we should have a little br outing one day this summer.
Quotewe should have a little br outing one day this summer.
Mini South Florida Roadtrip?
South Fla, I have seen some monsters out there also. About a month ago I went right over one with the trolling motor that had me do a double take...thought it was a carp at first. I had a double digit bass follow a frog about a month ago also. He left a wake about 6" was a calm clear morning and I could see him perfectly. My brother in law has a 9.5lber from Lox. I've been in the boat with George Welcome three times and have heard first-hand the story of the 20lber from Lox.
Speaking of "monsters"...yesterday morning the current was going pretty good in my first spot. There were big tarpon swirling all around me. I was surprised...I've fished Lox alot and I've never seen a tarpon out there. I had my saltwater stuff with me (was at Flamingo two weeks ago) and tried hooking a couple but no luck.
QuoteQuotewe should have a little br outing one day this summer.Mini South Florida Roadtrip?
im down. 8-)
QuoteQuoteQuotewe should have a little br outing one day this summer.Mini South Florida Roadtrip?
im down. 8-)
Me 3x, may have backseat available for other BR member or we can flip a coin to see who is boater amongst the BR clan ;D, I live up in Gardens, so I usually take off from the Southern Blvd. ramp, weekdays are best for me. If we all pitch in we can have a mini catch and release tournament with some prizes (i.e. BPS or Gander Mountain Gift Cards), bocabasser gets a handicap though, cause he is off school and out there too often
Rofl. 5 lb penalty to start the day. I'm game though. Sounds like a good plan for the summer. Kids are getting out of school, gives me a good reason to get away for a little while...
Count me in.
went to lox yesterday afternoon (stupid mistake). got caught in one of the worst thunderstorms ive ever been in. was rainin so hard i could see the front of the boat and the rain felt like bb's. as we were loading the boat on the trailer lightning struck that big tower right there it sounded like a bomb went off....atleast i no the float switch on the bilge pumps work!!...
fished outa belle glade saturday, and tore em up. water is still really muddy
call me stupid but what/where is lox? :-[
there was a small tourny in NC while i was up there for a local fishing forum. then entry fee was a hard bait between $5-15. turn out was so-so , but the winner went home with something like 15 new baits. two man teams. each catch was to be measured or weighed and photographed then released.
At the Broward / Palm beach county line on SR7 (441), turn west on Lox Rd. Head west about 7 miles to the Arthur Marshall (Loxahatchee) refuge. There is another entrance west of Boyton Beach (Lee Rd). It is a marsh surrounded by a perimeter canal. There are boat ramps and parking($5).No other facilities.
Hope this helps.
QuoteQuoteQuoteQuotewe should have a little br outing one day this summer.Mini South Florida Roadtrip?
im down. 8-)
Me 3x, may have backseat available for other BR member or we can flip a coin to see who is boater amongst the BR clan ;D, I live up in Gardens, so I usually take off from the Southern Blvd. ramp, weekdays are best for me. If we all pitch in we can have a mini catch and release tournament with some prizes
(i.e. BPS or Gander Mountain Gift Cards), bocabasser gets a handicap though, cause he is off school and out there too often
not fair. the bigger fish are getting harder to come by. i am going tomorrow around 10ish until dark. i am thinking about putting in at lee road.
we should start throwing out dates so we can get as many br members as possible. i have an open back seat if anyone wants to fish with me when we meet.
So that's two boats with potential for a backseat. Bocabasser and South FLA. Glades said he'd be interested, don't know if he has room on his rig or not. I'll shoot a PM to Evrgladesbasser and see if he's interested. Hopefully he'd be able to drive his boat up there. I could bring my small Jon, but that thing is probably far too small to run around with on Lox. I'd need to find an outboard anyway. Gotta shoot a PM to Piscicidal as well to see if he's at all interested. Don't know if he's a boater or not though. Theres also a new member to the forums who posted in this thread about fishing out at Lox, so that could well be another person.
Best case scenario, we could have anywhere from three to five boats. Later tonight I'll start writing down the names of everybody thats interested so we can have a running count of how many people.
Like Boca said, right now we need to start tossing out dates.
I'm definately in. I do have a boat (Hewes Bayfisher) and may have a seat available, depending upon what day we end up doing this.
Count me in sounds like fun, have back seat for anyone that needs a ride
I go out to the lox all the time with a buddy of mine in his jon boat, I'd be game if I can talk him into it....
List so far
SouthFLA - possibly has an empty seat
Glades - unknown about back seat availability
Bocabasser - back seat available
Piscicidal - possibly has an empty seat
Basschaser - back seat available
Non Boaters:
PM's sent to Evrgladesbasser and Never Enough.
Sounds like fun, give me a date and I'll give you an answer. If I'm available I'll be there with an open seat on the back.
I'am interested.......
im in..
and i have a couple other buddys with boats that will be in sent to southfl
I am going out next week, either on Tuesday, Wednesday, or Thursday depending on weather. If anyone wants to meet me at the Southern Blvd. ramp shoot me a PM. Thinking of fishing from about 6-11 or so.
Tight lines,
any idea on a date?
ill be coming from south miami if i do attend. its about an hour and a half but i should be able to make it if a certain date is set.
QuoteList so farBoaters:
SouthFLA - possibly has an empty seat
Glades - unknown about back seat availability
Bocabasser - back seat available
Piscicidal - possibly has an empty seat
Basschaser - back seat available
Non Boaters:
PM's sent to Evrgladesbasser and Never Enough.
My son will be fishing with me. No back seat available.
July 25th?
A full 6 weeks to make arrangements and work out kinks. That's my suggestion.....
Someone needs to take command to make this happen. I nominate bocabasser since it was his idea. Sorry boca.....
QuoteList so farBoaters:
SouthFLA - possibly has an empty seat
Glades - unknown about back seat availability
Bocabasser - back seat available
Piscicidal - possibly has an empty seat
Basschaser - back seat available
Non Boaters:
PM's sent to Evrgladesbasser and Never Enough.
I will shoot SoFL-native a PM to see if he is interested.
Updated list:
SouthFLA - possibly has an empty seat
Glades - Son riding in the back
Bocabasser - back seat available
Piscicidal - possibly has an empty seat
Basschaser - back seat available
Never Enough - not sure about back seat
Non Boaters:
Capt. Shane
Cool Breeze
Sqhertz, we may want to think about riding up together depending on where you are. You know roughly where I'm at, so thats something to think about.
QuoteI am going out next week, either on Tuesday, Wednesday, or Thursday depending on weather. If anyone wants to meet me at the Southern Blvd. ramp shoot me a PM. Thinking of fishing from about 6-11 or so.Tight lines,
I'll shoot you a PM sometime in the next couple of days, SouthFLA. I may have a day off sometime during the next week to run up there.
QuoteUpdated list:
QuoteSqhertz, we may want to think about riding up together depending on where you are. You know roughly where I'm at, so thats something to think about.
i was thinking the same thing since you are roughly halfway for me. dont you have a small jon boat too?
I do. A little 12 footer. No outboard though. Never been to Lox myself, so I'm not sure how comfortable I'd be running around out there on an electric only boat.
QuoteI do. A little 12 footer. No outboard though. Never been to Lox myself, so I'm not sure how comfortable I'd be running around out there on an electric only boat.
You really need an outboard and at least a bigger boat to run around the place and fish it effectively. I once put my 14' Jon boat in there and the gunwale clearance above the water line was not confidence inspiring around the water control structure where gators tend to hang out, BIG GATORS!
nebody goin out in the morning? 6/12
QuoteQuoteI do. A little 12 footer. No outboard though. Never been to Lox myself, so I'm not sure how comfortable I'd be running around out there on an electric only boat.You really need an outboard and at least a bigger boat to run around the place and fish it effectively. I once put my 14' Jon boat in there and the gunwale clearance above the water line was not confidence inspiring around the water control structure where gators tend to hang out, BIG GATORS!
Kind of exactly what I was thinking. I've heard enough stories of people dealing with the gators out there. I'll pass on playing around with them.
I might be able to go. I will have a clearer picture middle of July.
i can go june 14-18, 23-25, 28-3, july 1-30. these dates are monday thru friday. i would prefer the weekdays. weekends are kinda crowded. we can meet at the lee road ramp because half the guys are way south and the other half are up north. just a suggestion. we can also meet later in the afternoon like 1ish, 2ish even 3ish. i don't know what kinda schedule y'all have.
im flexible. i can bring a friend with me or someone can ride with me. let me know what you guys think.
not sure how it is up there , but the way the heat has been down here , i would rather head out sometime in the morning and be done sometime in the early afternoon. that sun is brutal.
I can fish on fri, sat, sun, or monday mornings.
sqhertz is right, the afternoon sun is brutal and the fishing will be tough until late afternoon/dusk IMHO.
If something can be worked out, I would like to participate. If the date is pushed out too far, the plans usually fizzle. How about July 2,3 or 5th at first light @ lee rd? It is a holiday weekend, and some of us will have a paid work day off either friday or monday.
I'm good for whatever date we decide on...if I get some advance notice. Early July would probably be fine with me. Or towards the end of the month like somebody else suggested.
i may be getting a new job so im not too sure if i can take that day off. whenever the date is set, ill know for sure if i can make it or not.
My schedule is pretty flexible, as far as my buddy goes who has the jon boat, I think Mon, Tue or Thur would suit him better.
Let me throw a suggestion out there for the outing to keep the discussion going:
July 21. Lee Rd. Safe light until 1PM.
QuoteLet me throw a suggestion out there for the outing to keep the discussion going:July 21. Lee Rd. Safe light until 1PM.
i'm down with that.
QuoteQuoteLet me throw a suggestion out there for the outing to keep the discussion going:July 21. Lee Rd. Safe light until 1PM.
i'm down with that.
Wednesday, July 21st sounds like a plan.
caught around 20 on friday afternoon/evening. This was the biggest...she was a tank:
Went to Lox this AM. Caught about 20. Mostly little dinks, but did get two good ones. Here's the biggest.
FYI...I'm gonna pair up with Robert (South Fla) for the Lox outing.
21st should be fine for me as well. I need to double check my schedule, but I don't think I'll have any issues.
My partner went this morning and stroked them Flipping. Had a 7lber and 2 5lbers.
QuoteQuoteQuoteLet me throw a suggestion out there for the outing to keep the discussion going:July 21. Lee Rd. Safe light until 1PM.
i'm down with that.
Wednesday, July 21st sounds like a plan.
Dang, I'd like to get in on this but I'm having cataract surgery on the 21st. I'll keep checking in and if the date changes maybe I can do it. I'd like to meet some of you SOFLA members. I have a TR-21 with an empty back seat.
Is there a reason Lee Rd. boat ramp was chosen? Although, its the furthest for me I would rather take off or meet at Boca's Loxahatchee Rd. ramp.
QuoteIs there a reason Lee Rd. boat ramp was chosen? Although, its the furthest for me I would rather take off or meet at Boca's Loxahatchee Rd. ramp.
I just finished reading the entire thread and it appears Bocabasser wanted to launch from somewhere in the middle to make it fair, but I think me and S. Florida Native are the only ones that this would help and he is still up in the air, so let's vote on what ramp is best.
I vote for Lox ramp just because it is closer for most members and I can get to my spots faster from there ;D
Vote for launch site
I'm not really sure which ramp would be best as I've never fished Lox. I'm all for picking whichever one makes it a decent drive for me from west Broward.
The Lox road ramp is closest to you.
Well then there you go, thats my vote. But I can probably do whatever's clever. Don't really matter to me all that much. Shorter drive is always the best though.
You guys set a definite date yet ???
One vote for the Lox ramp, here....
QuoteYou guys set a definite date yet ???
So far it's looking like the 21st of this month. Hopefully Salmicropterus is able to go as well.
Sounds like a plan.... Im in !
I am going to make another suggestion here and ask members that are planning to attend if they will be fishing alone or with partner and what type of boat they are in.
Nothing wrong with a jon boat, I have fished areas of the refuge with one, but to really get around that place you really need a bigger boat, 35-40 MPH capable boat I would say. I have paired up with piscidal, but if its 6 guys and three bring jon boats, then I think those members would enjoy riding around and fishing out of the bigger rigs. I know for sure S. FL Native, piscidal, Boca, Glades aren't limited to jon boats.
Therefore, I would be willing to forgo being a backseater on a big boat owner and bring my boat along so the jon boat guy can have a chance to fish out a bigger boat. Just bring the donuts, drinks and ICE, plenty of ICE! ;D
I can bring my Jon if need be, but I would much rather hitch a ride with somebody in their rig. My comfort level on a body of water that large that I've never been on would be exceedingly low. Not having an outboard also could be an issue if an emergency came up. Plus driving it up there hanging three or four foot off the back of the truck bed could be kind of entertaining at highway speeds. Bringing Ice shouldn't be a problem. I can have my old man load me up from his ice makers at his AT&T yard.
Barring any unforeseen circumstances I'll definitely be there. My mother is going to watch my daughters for the day. Unless something pops up at work unexpectedly, I'll be there. I can still offer a ride to somebody thats in my area if they need one. Just don't mind the occasional cigarette on the ride up.
I thought I was the only working guy who could fish on a wednesday If its the 21st, count me in. Never laid eyes on Lox accept Google earth. Anybody who has a bassboat and needs a backseater holler at me.
i voted for lee road, but i am flexible. i live closer to lox road, but i thought the northern guys would be more interested if it was a t lee road.
i may have a back seat available but i won't know until the day gets closer.
Ok guys, so we're about a week away from the 21st. I'm personally good for that day. We should probably try to figure who all is going to actually be going. I got a PM from Glades offering a ride in his boat, although it looks like he'll probably be up there late. I'd much rather ride with somebody that's getting up there earlier if at all possible. Longish drive for me, so I want to get in as much time fishing as possible. If anybody going still has an empty seat, let me know. It's not that I don't want to go out with you Glades, I'm sure you understand where I'm coming from.
We need to figure out if we're going to do a actual tournament, and what prizes if any. Somebody mention some BPS or Gander gift cards if people want to toss in a few bucks. I'm good with whatever.
I could also use an address or good directions to Lox Rd if thats where we're going to launch. Gotta stick it in my GPS to see how early I need to leave.
I'am in. I have never been there so I really not sure if I want to take my skiff. If anyone has a open seat I'am game. If not I'll be in my boat.
QuoteOk guys, so we're about a week away from the 21st. I'm personally good for that day. We should probably try to figure who all is going to actually be going. I got a PM from Glades offering a ride in his boat, although it looks like he'll probably be up there late. I'd much rather ride with somebody that's getting up there earlier if at all possible. Longish drive for me, so I want to get in as much time fishing as possible. If anybody going still has an empty seat, let me know. It's not that I don't want to go out with you Glades, I'm sure you understand where I'm coming from.We need to figure out if we're going to do a actual tournament, and what prizes if any. Somebody mention some BPS or Gander gift cards if people want to toss in a few bucks. I'm good with whatever.
I could also use an address or good directions to Lox Rd if thats where we're going to launch. Gotta stick it in my GPS to see how early I need to leave.
I can't be there unfortunately but I hope you all have a great day. Word of caution, I would avoid anything that looks like a tournament out there. They run by a separate set of rules with very limited permits and the rangers are always on the lookout for an unauthorized, non-permitted tournament.
I would be interested, but I also would need to be a passenger in someone elses boat. Any ramp would be fine for me. Just figure out how many boats are going, and who has spots availible. Seems like there are quite a few back seaters. I will pitch in for a prize that would be great.
We should probably list an update of current available boaters/riders. I was planning on riding with Robert (South Fla), but I could be a boater if needed.
To salmicoptus point...I don't think we want to bring any fish back to the landing. Perhaps we do a "big fish", catch and release contest. Longest fish wins. Measure your fish and let him go. Maybe everyone throws a crankbait in at the start and winner takes all.
Just one suggestion...I'm down for whatever the group decides.
I work night shift M-F and I get off work at 7:30 AM. I am trying to arrange to get that Tuesday night off before so I can get there at first light. I will probably know a day or two before what my status will be. I am kind of hesitant to make any commitments until I know my schedule. Worse case is that I will have to work and I will arrive at Lox at 9:30 and fish for a couple of hours with you guys.
QuoteI work night shift M-F and I get off work at 7:30 AM. I am trying to arrange to get that Tuesday night off before so I can get there at first light. I will probably know a day or two before what my status will be. I am kind of hesitant to make any commitments until I know my schedule. Worse case is that I will have to work and I will arrive at Lox at 9:30 and fish for a couple of hours with you guys.
I completely understand. I hate making a commitment to somebody without knowing what the situation on my end is going to be. Hopefully everything works out for the best.
Let me know if I've got you listed incorrectly. I could also use some updated info on back seat space if it's available.
Looks like Lox Road for take off. Safe light until 1 PM. I can give the person the biggest fish a hug ( ) unless we come up with something else...
Updated list as of 18JUL10:
SoFL-native - Back seat is filled
South FLA - Back seat available
Bocabasser - Back seat is filled
Piscicidal - Back seat available
Glades - Back seat available (possibly coming late, arrival time TBA)
Non Boaters:
SoFLABassAddict - Possibly riding with Glades
Cpt. Shane - Riding with SoFL-native
Possibly Going:
Basschaser - Has back seat, hasn't posted in a while though
evrgladesbasser - Has back seat, unsure on schedule
KenDawg - Has back seat, wants to arrive at 3 P.M.
Just A suggestion...... What about a afternoon big fish ? Maybe from like 3-dusk, bite seems to be better in the afternoon anyway !
I do have a boat and if its a afternoon thing, i will have a backseat available...
im in. my backseat is taken. looking forward to it.
Quoteim in. my backseat is taken. looking forward to it.
List updated.
I will either ride with Piscicidal or him with me if we have enough boaters.
I am 90% sure i can make it. I think Capt Shane might take my back seat.
I suggest if we do a tourny we do a very low key one big fish per boat. I have a berkley TEC scale we can use if we need it.
i am confirmed in. Me and capt. shane.
List is updated as of 4:30 pm today.
Looks like out of the confirmed people that are going, I'm the only person that still needs a spot with somebody. Right now I've got a standing offer from Glades, but he's not sure if he's able to go at all, or what time he'll be able to make it. Best case scenario he's able to adjust his schedule and get in early, then South FLA and Piscicidal can ride on whichever boat they decide on. Worst case he can't come and then we'll have to figure out something else. I'm open to suggestions here if it comes down to that. I'm not sure what size boat either South FLA or Piscicidal have, but I'd be willing to ride as a third person if theres space. Just leave me enough room for a few rods and a bag and I'm good.
By the way, whats the fishing been like out there lately? Any specific patterns? What techniques and all are working, I need to check my gear out to make sure I'm decently equipped with colors and lures.
QuoteList is updated as of 4:30 pm today.I should know my schedule this weekend.
I am charging the batteries
Looks like out of the confirmed people that are going, I'm the only person that still needs a spot with somebody. Right now I've got a standing offer from Glades, but he's not sure if he's able to go at all, or what time he'll be able to make it. Best case scenario he's able to adjust his schedule and get in early, then South FLA and Piscicidal can ride on whichever boat they decide on. Worst case he can't come and then we'll have to figure out something else. I'm open to suggestions here if it comes down to that. I'm not sure what size boat either South FLA or Piscicidal have, but I'd be willing to ride as a third person if theres space. Just leave me enough room for a few rods and a bag and I'm good.
I will definatly be able to go AM or PM. Just let me know where, and when, and who my captain will be. I went on a ride along with Glades on lake Ida a while back, we had a fairly decent day.
List updated
i wont be able to make it. sorry guys.
SouthFLA, give me a PM if you stillhave a back seat for this Wed. I still dont have a confirmed backseat. Let me know what time, and if I need to bring anything other than my tackle. Talk to ya soon.
I will not be able to go. Work is very busy (hurricane season is our peak time)and the company is shorthanded. No time off.
Don't even worry about it, Glades. Unfortunately for all of us, work has to come before fishing. It's one of those needed evils that gets in the way of fun for everybody. Just think of it this way, I'd much rather be employed with the economy the way it is than be able to do whatever I wanted day in and day out. Working hard just makes fishing that much more enjoyable.
QuoteLet me know if I've got you listed incorrectly. I could also use some updated info on back seat space if it's available.Looks like Lox Road for take off. Safe light until 1 PM. I can give the person the biggest fish a hug (
) unless we come up with something else...
Updated list as of 19JUL10:
SoFL-native - Back seat is filled
South FLA - Back seat is filled
Bocabasser - Back seat is filled
Piscicidal - Back is filled
Non Boaters:
SoFLABassAddict - Riding with Piscicidal
Krzkev - Riding with South FLA
Cpt. Shane - Riding with SoFL-native
Unknown - Bocabassers' partner
Possibly Going:
Basschaser - Has back seat, hasn't posted in a while though
evrgladesbasser - Has back seat, unsure on schedule
KenDawg - Has back seat, wants to arrive at 3 P.M.
Perhaps the best arrangement is for Krzkev to ride with SouthFla and for me to be a boater and SoFlaBassAddict to take my backseat. I need to replace the trolling motor batteries though...they won't make it until 1PM.
From the way it looks, South FLA and Piscicidal, you two have the choice between myself and Krzkev. I'm good with either one of you, just let me know. Why do I feel like I'm the last kid getting picked to play dodgeball......again. Darn childhood memories. Either way, give me a shout. I'll be bringing a 94 QT cooler of ice if anybody needs some.
QuotePerhaps the best arrangement is for Krzkev to ride with SouthFla and for me to be a boater and SoFlaBassAddict to take my backseat. I need to replace the trolling motor batteries though...they won't make it until 1PM.
Good lord, replied as I was typing my last one. That works for me. I can come up a bit earlier if you need a hand swapping batteries.
Just called Mike and sent Krzkev a PM to coordinate. I am ready to ride ;D
You and me both. Just went out in the garage and swapped out some braid between reels. I realized I had lighter braid on a heavier rod and vise versa. Didn't make much sense.
What time is everybody arriving? Safe light is right around 6. I am shooting for 5:45 arrival.
Could yall let me know how top get to the ramp from either the turnpike or I-95? Coming from Aventura (Miami). Thanks
I "think" this is it. It's the only info I could find about a ramp on Lox Rd. Somebody please correct me if I'm wrong.
QuoteI "think" this is it. It's the only info I could find about a ramp on Lox Rd. Somebody please correct me if I'm wrong.
Yes those directions as clear as a bell!
Good. Only about an hour drive from here. Give or take a few minutes. Never realized that Lox was actually that close.
QuoteCould yall let me know how top get to the ramp from either the turnpike or I-95? Coming from Aventura (Miami). Thanks
turnpike to sample go west to 441. 441 north. about a mile after hillsboro blvd on your left hand side is loxahatchee road, go left and 6 miles 9 speed humps you will come to the entrance. straight over the berm and you are in heaven.
95 to hillsboro blvd. go west to 441 and go right (north) lox road is on your left.
i will see you guys wednesday morning.
wind is going to be serious tomm. charge those batteries.
Sunrise is at
Civil Twilight is at
Let's try to have our boats in the water no later than 6:15am. Someone mentioned to meet back at ramp by 1:00pm, but I wouldn't mind getting there a bit earlier like 12:00pm or so, it gets pretty brutal with the heat after about 10-11.
I am bringing my camera and have a digital scale to weigh my big fish of the day and/or may actually keep the biggest to release at ramp, but with the heat index and the warm water it usually stresses the fish out too much. I figure the biggest fish angler can get a pack of soft plastics of choice from each angler. I will be offering up a pack of Skinny Dippers.
Lastly, lets make sure we exchange phone numbers with all boaters at ramp to make sure we have way of contacting them to notify of any breakdowns or accidents or better yet SoFlaBassaddict can you gather that info and send a PM to all boaters with real name,screen name, and cell #?
I second the picture and release idea.
Not a problem. Everybody shoot me a PM with a cell number, carrier pigeon ID, or something and I'll get a list together and send it out to everybody.
And yeah, it is going to be a little windy. 5-10 in the morning, becoming 10-15 in the afternoon. Only a 10% chance of rain now though.
I like the picture and release idea also. I would rather not bring any fish back to the ramp.
Picture and release sounds good. Stick it up next to a measuring board, or a cooler with a ruler on top of it. If everybody has a scale, thats even easier.
good luck and stay safe everyone.
im looking forward to pictures!
Quotewind is going to be serious tomm. charge those batteries.
10-20 MPHs! Glad I have a Powerpole
Out of curiosity, do any of you guys need a Rod Saver trolling motor tie down strap? I've got one sitting here in the garage from when I picked up my bow mount that I'll never use. The guy tossed it to me for free so I grabbed it. It's yours if you need one.
TM strap claimed and gone. I'll have it with me in the morning.
QuoteQuoteCould yall let me know how top get to the ramp from either the turnpike or I-95? Coming from Aventura (Miami). Thanksturnpike to sample go west to 441. 441 north. about a mile after hillsboro blvd on your left hand side is loxahatchee road, go left and 6 miles 9 speed humps you will come to the entrance. straight over the berm and you are in heaven.
95 to hillsboro blvd. go west to 441 and go right (north) lox road is on your left.
i will see you guys wednesday morning.
<- bolded. Aint that the truth. Lox is truly bass fishing heaven. How lucky are we to be able fish a place like this that has monster bass that you can catch 12 months a year...Look forward to seeing all you guys tomorrow. I'll be in the 16' foot white Hewes.
You know, I really wish I had known that Lox was so close to home. I mean an hour drive is nothing. Hopefully the fish and the weather will cooperate tomorrow. I've got braid on basically everything, if the wind kicks up too much things can get a little fun.
Have fun y'all. Wish I could be there but I am looking forward to the pictures and an in-depth fishing report LOL.
Wish you were coming along, Sal. Hope that surgery goes well for you tomorrow.
weather looks to be fine. The wind is a good thing there IMO. horny toads anybody?
PM's sent to everybody going. I've got at least one phone number for each boat. If you want me to add you to my list, just let me know.
I'll be there in the morning sometime around 5:30-5:45. I know some other guys are getting there around a quarter to six as well. See you guys in the morning.
Edited to add: I just noticed I put Bocabasser's boat as #2 as well. Should have been #4, just a typo.
alright well lets here it...what happened out there this mornin... im sure bruce "stroked em". that guys just amazing. he looks just like dean rojas throwin that spro frog.
hope the weather held out long enough to make it a good day,
Wasn't a terrible day, nothing of real size got caught though. Bruce had the largest, somewhere around four. A few three pounders came up.
Mostly everything Mike and I got to the boat were small. Lots of dinks with a couple of two pounders, then a three at the end of the day. I missed a really nice fish the first cast after releasing the three. 95% of the fish we caught were out in the eelgrass in some of the deeper pockets. Wish some of those earlier fish would have taken the frogs in a little better. I probably should have switched to a Spro at some point after all the short strikes we were getting. A follow up bait would have been smart as well.
All in all, I can't complain. We were out fishing on a weekday with pretty much nobody else out there.
had a fun time. caught around 30 fish. it was great putting faces with names. i look forward to doing it again.
Definitely sounds good to do it again sometime.
On a sidenote, I get to the house and lo and behold, my order from TW is sitting on the porch. Would have been nice if I had some of that stuff earlier...
Yeah took us a little while to get it dialed in. Probably caught 10 between 6:30 and 11:00. Then we catch +10 in the last 1.5hrs, including the three biggest (with one pig dropped off). Better late than never, I guess.
I'm a little bummed my Frog bite has disappeared. I pulled a 15lb bag out of that spot two weeks ago. The fish are still there...we saw some good sized chasers. Gotta keep giving those fish a different look, I guess...
Anyway, I enjoyed fishing with you, Eric. And, it was awesome meeting all the rest of the guys. Hopefully we can do another one of these again soon (and hopefully Glades, Sal and the others make it also)
Good trip!
Kevin (Krzkvn) and I were slow but consistent in the A.M. around the eel grass catching a 2-14lb right off the bat on a Spro. I ended up with about 7-8 total with a big fish of 2-14 and a couple of 2lbs. Kevin caught a nice one off the water control structure close to 4lbs and I ended up pulling 4 fish to about 2 1/2lbs out of the running water and lost a nice jumper. We found a bit different pattern fishing the cuts that went from the main canal into the flats during the heat of the day using lipless crankbaits and smaller worms. Kevin was slaying the dinks though with his technique ;D and I was catching the some other species as well...hello Mr. Bowfin and Bluegill! Total catch for the day was about 25 or so fish!
With those packs of custom soft snake lures that Bruce got for big fish I think Kevin got the picture of what he needs to be throwing next time.....using braid of course . I knew we should have given Bruce a 5lb handicap!
Tell you what, as much as that wind was blowing, the braid was becoming a PIA every once in a while. I definitely learned what seems work out there though. Really only need to bring a small handful of lures.
We worked one of the cuts for a bit before we ran into you guys down at the water control. Got a few hits right on one of the points. Thats where Mike hooked up with that large Mudfish. You should have seen his face when he realized what it was.
If we stayed keyed onto that grass throughout the day we really could have done some damage. That last hour and a half was great. Those small spots where the water was a foot or two deeper definitely were holding fish. I got my butt kicked earlier in the day when we were worming, definitely made up for that with the swimbaits. I was surprised how much of a difference that chartreuse tail made.
Next time I'm out there it's going to be simple. A Spro or a toad, bigger worm of some kind, and a dipper. I'm actually thinking of replacing that weaker rod tomorrow. That thing is great for peacocks, but I missed several fish because of the weaker backbone on it.
QuoteNext time I'm out there it's going to be simple. A Spro or a toad, bigger worm of some kind, and a dipper. I'm actually thinking of replacing that weaker rod tomorrow.
!!You figured out Lox!!
That's all you really need, when those fish bulldog into the weeds you need that the backbone med-hvy to hvy action rods provide! Only addition you need is a cranking/lipless rod for the canal drop offs.
That was a fun outing. It was really nice to meet people finally. Everybody caught fish and nobody was at work! It was a pleasure fishing with Capt Shane and we both enjoyed the day.
We should do it again some time at a location where we can do a 5 fish tourn. maybe ida/osbourne.
QuoteTell you what, as much as that wind was blowing, the braid was becoming a PIA every once in a while. I definitely learned what seems work out there though. Really only need to bring a small handful of lures.We worked one of the cuts for a bit before we ran into you guys down at the water control. Got a few hits right on one of the points. Thats where Mike hooked up with that large Mudfish. You should have seen his face when he realized what it was.
If we stayed keyed onto that grass throughout the day we really could have done some damage. That last hour and a half was great. Those small spots where the water was a foot or two deeper definitely were holding fish. I got my butt kicked earlier in the day when we were worming, definitely made up for that with the swimbaits. I was surprised how much of a difference that chartreuse tail made.
Next time I'm out there it's going to be simple. A Spro or a toad, bigger worm of some kind, and a dipper. I'm actually thinking of replacing that weaker rod tomorrow. That thing is great for peacocks, but I missed several fish because of the weaker backbone on it.
You definately worked me when it came to the swimbaits.
You know, Bruce touched on this also... The skinny dipper just was not getting hit. You were getting hit 5:1 on me with that other swimbait (same rig/same color). Amazing how a subtle difference can make all the difference sometimes. I've caught so many fish out there on the skinny dipper it's hard not to throw it, but they definately preferred something else. I just had to prove it to myself, I guess...
Two tactical errors I made...not hitting the eel grass sooner (we knew they were there at 8:00AM) and not having the swimbait rod with me. I won't make that second mistake again!
I like fishing with new people...there is always something to learn. Looking forward to another fish and greet
Man I wish I could have been there, I have not fished it in many years.
Does anyone know if the hunting trial is still around or has it grown over