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people from Florida 2025

fishing user avatarOkeechobee_Cracker reply : 

How many people from Florida?

fishing user avatarearthworm77 reply : 


fishing user avatarOkeechobee_Cracker reply : 

o earthworm I saw the lunkerville episode on the net.. great job that was pretty neat.....I got a laught out of you asking the camera man to get the net  ;D

fishing user avatarFL_fisher reply : 


fishing user avatarTravlin_Man reply : 

In Florida since  52 .

fishing user avatarRoLo reply : 

Lake Wales, Polk Co.

fishing user avatarAFC reply : 


fishing user avatarFL_fisher reply : 

Haines City Polk Co.untill the last month now Lakeland Polk Co.

fishing user avatarFL_fisher reply : 

RoLo : have you ever fished lake marion (haines city)? I used to like on that lake.

fishing user avatarRoLo reply : 


No, I have never fished Lake Marion, though it's only 15 miles from my house (as the crane flies).

Since you lived on the lake you probably know, but I tell you anyway. Marion is a historic bass lake

that used to produce a lot of whoppers during the 1960s and 70s. From what I've read lately,

Marion has lost it's lunker status but still produces good numbers. Today, Lake Marion is highly touted

for its superb crappie fishing.

Now that you live in Lakeland, you've got Tenoroc WMA, Saddle Creek

and the whole Winter Haven Chain ::) ::):o :o 8-) 8-)  


fishing user avatarFL_fisher reply : 


No, I have never fished Lake Marion, though it's only 15 miles from my house (as the crane flies).

Since you lived on the lake you probably know, but I tell you anyway. Marion is a historic bass lake

that used to produce a lot of whoppers during the 1960s and 70s. From what I've read lately,

Marion has lost it's lunker status but still produces good numbers. Today, Lake Marion is highly touted

for its superb crappie fishing.

Now that you live in Lakeland, you've got Tenoroc WMA, Saddle Creek

and the whole Winter Haven Chain ::) ::):o :o 8-) 8-)


Yes the crappie fishing is very good, there has been many times that I caught over 100 of them fishing at night in about 3 hours. There is some good size to them to the biggest I have ever caught is 18 1/2 ins long not sure of the weigh

After all the hydralla was sprayed and killed/ the bass are not as big as they once were. There are still some good size bass there I hear of a 9 to 10lb bass being caught in tournys every once in a while. There was a 13lber caught a few years back. Last year I caught more bass 5lbs and up than I ever have so eather Im becoming a better fisherman or the bass are getting bigger.(I think it is a little of both). Lake marion can be really tuff if you dont no how to fish it. There were many times last year that 5 pounds would have won a tourny,and then there was others that you would need 20+.

fishing user avatarFL_fisher reply : 

Hey RoLo is Saddle Creek good for bass fishing? I tried fishing it last month but for only about 1 hour and didnt get a bite. I was a little turnd off by the deep water I dont like deep water lol ,But if you think it is good bass fishing Ill have to give it another try.

fishing user avatargatrboy53 reply : 

fla. born and gator bred and when i die i'll be fla. gator dead!!!

i live in lake butler, and my home lakes are sampson/rowell as well as others

fishing user avatarRoLo reply : 
Hey RoLo is Saddle Creek good for bass fishing? I tried fishing it last month but for only about 1 hour and didnt get a bite. I was a little turnd off by the deep water I dont like deep water lol ,But if you think it is good bass fishing Ill have to give it another try.

I only mentioned Saddle Creek because it's so popular, but in my opinion it's overrated.

I feel pretty much the same about Tenoroc, all those regulations can be a real pain.

Close to you is the Winter Haven Chain. From what I've read and heard, Lake Smart (275 acres)

is arguably the best bass lake in the chain. Just two years ago it yielded a 14-lb and two 13-lb bass.

Visiting anglers prefer Lake Eloise (1,150 acres), the largest lake in the chain (Cypress Gardens).

             Also close to you is Lake Hatchineha. I think it's a sleeper lake because the Big-K (kissimmee)

bears the brunt of fishing pressure. Fairly recently an electroshock study on Hatchineha produced

larger bass than they shocked-up in Lake Kissimmee.


fishing user avatarfloydamus reply : 

I just Moved to sarasota FL from around greenville NC. tryign to make some new freinds to show me around and teach me more about bass fishing

fishing user avatarSneakySnook reply : 

Lutz, FL here. Been here for 24 of my 30 years so I don't know anything but Florida. GO GATORS!

fishing user avatarrrupe reply : 


fishing user avatarRoLo reply : 

Welcome aboard rrupe welcome.gif

What part of Florida?


fishing user avatarSneakySnook reply : 

Welcome rrupe! Hope to hear great fishing reports from you.

fishing user avatarguest reply : 

treasure Coast.  Love the Indian River, but my heart is with the bassies.

fishing user avatarSkwerl reply : 

Orlando area here. My 'home lake' would probably be the Winter Park chain (Lakes Maitland, Minnehaha, Osceola, Mizell and Virginia). Also close to the St. John's river, I've fished the stretch from Lake Monroe to Lake Harney.

fishing user avatarmgmoore7 reply : 


fishing user avatarGrumpy413 reply : 

Davie Fla here. I cover the glades and the big "O" also have a home on Crooked Lake in Polk county.


fishing user avatarOkeechobee_Cracker reply : 

So hows the fishin been fer everyone latley???

fishing user avatarSneakySnook reply : 

It's been great for me with a toad lately.

fishing user avatarOkeechobee_Cracker reply : 
It's been great for me with a toad lately.

how do you huck your toad up have you ever bought the zoom horny toad hook with the spring thingy on it? ive seen em in stores but I havent bought em yet

fishing user avatarwhat reply : 
Davie Fla here. I cover the glades and the big "O" also have a home on Crooked Lake in Polk county.


nice i lived in davie for 2 years i loved it there and now i moved to miami ihate it here no room to live around here but the is a good aray of awsome fishing here especially bass.

fishing user avatarPeterF reply : 

Me 2, South FLA (west of Ft. Lauderdale)

fishing user avatarjb_from_texas reply : 

Clermont.  Home lake would be John's Lake.

fishing user avatarBean Counter reply : 

I grew up in Putnam County, fishing the Saint Johns River. I used to hunt cows on the land that was flooded for the Rodman. (That tells you how old I am). I now reside in the land of the dawg (Georgia) but I am still a Gator through and through.

fishing user avatarbocabasser reply : 

born and raised in broward county. i now live in boca (palm beach county). i fish everywhere from holiday park to lake istokpoga and everywhere in between. best fishing for me is in a gated community in coral springs. lots of big large and giant peacocks. i also fish for snook and tarpon. matter of fact, i got an 80# tarpon last night on a doa shrimp. but i love fishing bass tourneys.

fishing user avatarSneakySnook reply : 
[quote how do you huck your toad up have you ever bought the zoom horny toad hook with the spring thingy on it? ive seen em in stores but I havent bought em yet

All I use is the horny toad hooks they work great for me. If you can find them give them a try.

fishing user avatarjkrzwyld reply : 

LaBelle, Hendry county.

fishing user avatarRoLo reply : 

If I counted correctly, 20 FLORIDIANS have thus far responded.



fishing user avatarOkeechobee_Cracker reply : 

Ya will catch up to those Georgia Boys some day ;)

fishing user avatarrodbender54 reply : 

polk county here

fishing user avatarAmBASSador reply : 

I live in Chipley in the panhandle. I fish all over the state.

fishing user avatarRoLo reply : 

Welcome aboard AmBASSadorwelcome.gif


That's right by Merritt Mill Pond, which yielded the World-Record Redear Sunfish (4-lb, 13-oz).


fishing user avatarSal329 reply : 

New to fishing palm beach co... Usually got o Okeeheelee with my kid. Anyone recommend any other places in or around west palm beach?

fishing user avatarholeshot reply : 

Been here almost 2 yrs now. 8-)..Live in Naples 8-)...our only lake (lake Trafford) was filling

up with muck and preventing the fish from spawning...they dredged it for a year (spent

umpteen million dollars) they are dredging around the shoreline....they expect to start stocking it in 2007 >:(....we have to fish the canals and golf course and condo lakes....

some monsters in there though...only several canals large enuf for a boat...our only other choice is to go to the Big O about 2 hours away or hit the mangroves in the

back country of the 10,000 islands for snooks and red and tarpons...which I find out is

a whole new ballgame...bout the time you find the fish, the tide changes and no more

fish. >:(..come back next day to really slay em and the tide never comes in because you

have an easterly wind..!!! :-/ Whats up with dat..!!!

fishing user avatarBASSINAL reply : 

Panama City Florida here. Great fishing, Deerpoint Lake, Apalatchacola River System, Lake Seminole and plenty more.

fishing user avatarbri1 reply : 

West Palm Beach area here

fishing user avatarSal329 reply : 

Bri I am from WPB area as well. Any luck lately fishing?

fishing user avatarHale reply : 

Wellington (West Palm) here. Im looking for some places to fish locally other than the big lake. (I grew up in central FL - kiss, toho, walk-in-water, polk co, etc) Im not used to an abundance of lakes not being at my disposal.

fishing user avatarRoLo reply : 

If I counted correctly, we're now up to 27 members who reside in Florida.

That's a nice cross-section. Applause.gifgreetings.gifApplause.gif


fishing user avatartennsopher reply : 

Orlando,been here since 1983.Originally lived in Apopka when I moved here.

fishing user avatarbri1 reply : 
Bri I am from WPB area as well. Any luck lately fishing?

Nothing lately Sal. Not been able to make the time for awhile. Will be back at it in soon though. How about you?

fishing user avatarSal329 reply : 

Usually I go after work 6-7pm depending so I fish for about 1-2hrs a night. Locally at Okeeheelee park and the lakes behind the apts here (the lakes are fed by the canals that feed Okeeheelee). Im hoping to get a few hours in tomorrow some time.

Hale I heard the Golf courses in Wellington are GREAT for bass.

fishing user avatarHale reply : 

I fished okeheelee this morning. Came back empty handed but seemed promising. I couldnt find exactly what they would hit, i tossed a couple different plastic worms and topwater plugs on top of a couple nice ones that were sitting in the grass beds. Ill try again this evening.

fishing user avatarDarrickp reply : 

Orlando fl. Home of that Gay mouse.

fishing user avatarFiveAlive reply : 

Another Florida Cracker here

fishing user avatarSal329 reply : 

I caught them on bass colord Flukes, motor oil 6" worm and we caught some lil ones on nightcrawlers.

fishing user avatartallydude reply : 
I fished okeheelee this morning. Came back empty handed but seemed promising. I couldnt find exactly what they would hit, i tossed a couple different plastic worms and topwater plugs on top of a couple nice ones that were sitting in the grass beds. Ill try again this evening.

I fished Okeeheelee this afternoon, but really had trouble. Only one fish in about 2 hours of fishing... The low water levels are really affecting my catch on that lake.

fishing user avatarTree Limbz reply : 

Tallahassee area, but I just moved down from Bainbridge, GA. Where's good here?

fishing user avatarRoLo reply : 

Tallahassee area, but I just moved down from Bainbridge, GA. Where's good here?

Lake Jackson and Lake Talquin


fishing user avatarstratoscaster reply : 

Panama City Beach

fishing user avatarD954 reply : 

Sunrise, Just outside Fort Lauderdale close to the Glades excellent fishing 8-)

fishing user avatarearthworm77 reply : 

Okee Cracker, they are putting a second episode together of me and the host jig fishing. It should be a decent show comedy wise, everything that could have gone wrong, went wrong as I snapped the line on a 6lber about 2 minutes into the filming. I went on to drop about 12 fish for the camera all pretty decent in size. Last time I experiment with a new line. I was using P-Line Flouro. One highlight to the show is a seminar I did with Larry Nixon and Jimmy Houston. We set up a flipping contest with several pro's and I won it.

fishing user avatarHillbillyBassR reply : 

Plant City boy here. :) I run a 201 Stratos/225 Rude. Kissimmee Chain is my home court. 8-)

fishing user avatarKeithscatch reply : 

Living in Jacksonville for now. Should be moving down to central Florida area within a few months. Looking forward to some real Bass fishing down there.

fishing user avatarstratoscaster reply : 

I hear there's some good bass fishing on the St. John River.  NO?

fishing user avatarHale reply : 

THere is a lot of GOOD fishing in the St Johns

fishing user avatarbass ackwards reply : 

panama city here! many lakes to choose from.big and small.the good news is i rarely get skunked, the bad news is i rarely catch a limit............HELP!!!!

fishing user avatarHale reply : 

Oh thats an easy fix, just catch a couple more and you;ll get your limit. LOL  ;D

fishing user avatarfishingaddict reply : 

Naples, Florida since 92'

fishing user avatarBlueJackets reply : 

Just north of Haines City.  I do go to Saddle Creek but only because of all the bank fishing available.

fishing user avatarHale reply : 

I posted somehting on your thread about Polk County. I forgot: head north up 27. Up into Clermont and clewiston. Clermont holds a lot of ponds in the pastures ( you will see them right of 27). Clewiston has an abundance of lakes (there is a couple bait shops downtown off of 50).

You also have Lake Haines off of 17/92 (south of Haines City) - I grew up on this lake. Keep heading south/west into Lake alfred and you have Lake Alfred (Follow signs in downtown to Lions Park-takes you right to lake).

You need to pull up a map and you wont believe HOW MUCH you have right there in your backyard. And most all of it offers some sort of bank access. I miss living up there at times!

fishing user avatarphillybass71 reply : 

Me :) broward county

fishing user avatarEvilHasErrors reply : 

N. Tampa here. New to bass fishing, but I've fished for bluegills/etc for a few years. Next march I get my license and my truck... then I'm so buying a boat and ALL over the state. :)

Some day I would like to go fishing with someone who actley knows what they're doing. LOL! Right now I'm just fishin by myself in a little paddle boat without paddles but with a little trolling motor.. on a little lake. :P  :'(

fishing user avatarHale reply : 

Evil your going to hit an afternoon school running hungry soon and you will then be hooked on bass fishing forever. That boat and truck will be on your mind every second and march will seem to never get here.

fishing user avatarstratoscaster reply : 

March is good but I love fall fishing just as well.  

fishing user avatarbasschaser reply : 

Me Lantana, FL.

fishing user avatarbasslovr reply : 

Clearwater here. Don't get out near as much as I would like to. Can anybody tell me anything about fishing around Dunnellon?

fishing user avatarHale reply : 

Welcome to the forum!

I dont know much about that area except that there is a lot water around there!

fishing user avatar0119 reply : 

Me, Englewood Charlotte County.  Fish mainly man made waters and the Myakka and Peace Rivers.

fishing user avatargatrboy53 reply : 

basslovr,bass heaven in dunnellon,you have the rainbow river,one of gods wonderful creations,which flows into the withlachoosi river,as of this spring it still has rebounded from the last two yrs. of hurricanes.which makes up lake rousseau ,flooded impoundment, the western part of the cross fl. barge canal.

fishing user avatarbasslovr reply : 

thanks gatrboy, am going there tomorrow Friday August 11. Sounds good to me. I love bass and I'm goin to heaven someday so maybe I'll get a glimpse of what it will be like there. Will let ya know how I make out with the bass part. ;)

fishing user avatarbasslovr reply : 

hey gatrboy, You were right about the beautiful creation but unfortunately all we did was see bass. The Rainbow River was very clear and we say lots of bass, some of them were big too, 5 lbers, 7 lbers, and lots of smaller ones, but couldn't get any of them to bite. Maybe next time.

fishing user avatargatrboy53 reply : 

dont know what kinda tackle you were using,but i use 6# test,sometimes 10# flouro in the wont get many of the ones you see to bite but that tells you you are in a fishy area.finess worms,1/4 and 3/8 oz. jigs.we usually fish at nite ,so they dont spook as easily.we go up river and use a drag to control speed of drift.usually if we fish during the day we'll fish the grass and the mine areas off the main river.its all about being stealth, they spook real buddy went down just before full moon at nite and they did real good,but he has fished it for yrs. and knows how.even if you dont catch anything its a pretty ride.we also like to go at nite because the pleasure people stir the fish up and they get lockjaw.thnx for the report,better luck next time, mike

fishing user avatarsinking minnow reply : 

Good morning from Valladolid, Spain!

I am not a Florida resident but I was there the last summer on July.

I was living on DeFuniak Spgs. 60 miles far of Pensacola.

There I discovered the bass fishing on Driven Lakes, privates lakes, and now I am a bass lover more.

fishing user avatarbasslovr reply : 

gatrboy, I don't have my own boat so have to rent, guess I am out of luck on that river. I'm hoping to buy a kayak soon. Maybe then I can have better luck. Night fishing spooks me a little though. Don't gators move about at night?  You mentioned fishing the grass and mine areas off of main river, tell me more. Also what colors of finesse worms or does that really matter? thanks for the correspondence.

fishing user avatargatrboy53 reply : 

basslovr,gators are more afraid of you than you are them,they shouldnt be a concern.we fish at nite mostly because of the traffic it keeps the fish spooked and you arent as visible to the can also move up alittle in line size.also, the bass tend to come out of the cover more at nite. the main ch. is to swift to fish effectively,unless you slow down or get out of the current.thats why w/ a drag we have a controlled drift down river.we motor up stream and drift back toward ramp.during the day the bass are tucked under the cover more and fishing this way is not as effective.there are several mine areas along the river,indents that are out of the main current,most are very deep w/ grass on bottom as well as emergent grass along edge.if you are stealth you can ease into these areas and soak plastics,worms,lizards,flukes,etc.

most of the grass flats and patches hold bass along the main these areas are very difficult because it is hard to get to the fish w/o spooking requires you to set up on a spot and wait till they settle down and you present a bait to them w/o spooking them.there are some monster bass in rainbow river!!!at nite i only fish black trick worms or black finess worms,thats my preference.during the day colors w/ green in them.the lighter the line you use the more bites youll get,but the more fish you'll lose.

i have a friend that fishes there every full moon at nite.before the storms of 04 they would catch 50-100 bass up to 10lbs.but since, they catch around 20 and rarely one over 5 lbs.i only go a few times a the hopes of latching into a monster.the place is simple beautiful to me,its florida at its truest form.

fishing user avatarglihon reply : 

hey guys, Winter Haven, FL here.  I like yalls posts of polk county  ;D  made me join the

anyways im going to school up in clemson now, trying to cope with the difference in fishing styles from shallow, murky, weeded lakes to clear, deep and empty ones... fishing on keowee these days  having only decent luck.

home lakes would be lake fanny, if uve heard of it, and river lake, even smaller... lol   good lakes to grow up on though.  spent most of my time fishing secluded resivores in huge orange groves.  fater was worked in the agriculture business so had the connections.  u can pull some great bass out of some of those places.

well ill be talking to u guys.  glad i found this site.

oh btw, all u florida borns, if u havent read "A Time Remembered"  check it out, story of the real Florida Crackers.  very good.


fishing user avatarBassnJoe reply : 

Hey, y'all!  I'm from Polk County, also.

fishing user avatarBassHunter266 reply : 

Hello, I'm from Winterhaven, Polk county

fishing user avatarXtreme Fisherman reply : 


fishing user avatarranger354 reply : 

I live in Sebring, in Highlands County.  I moved here last November from Tampa.  I moved here for all of the bass fishing, and have been enjoying it ever since.  Some days you catch them and some days you don't, but every day is a good day.

fishing user avatarwhat reply : 

i live in miami florida lol  

fishing user avatarHale reply : 

Yay for Winter Haven, thats where I grew up. First part of youth was on Lake Pansy and the we moved to Lake Haines (Big City of Lake Alfred).

fishing user avatarbasslovr reply : 

hey you guys from polk county, any of you guys be able to tell me anything about lake reedy? Goin there soon and was wondering if anybody had any pointers. Thanx in advance for any info that could be shared. ;)

fishing user avatarjoes reply : 

I plan to retire to the Jacksonville area in June 07 and would appreciate any advise as to where and when to fish the area for bass. I have never fished in FLA so the only thing I'm familiar with is the fishing seasons in Maryland. Most of my fishing in Maryland was at a reservoir where aluminum boats worked great. Would an aluminum boat work it Jacksonville or should I look for fiberglass? Being on a fix income when I retire I will be limited as to what kind of boat I can buy.

I will be coming down without a boat so if you know of any reasonable boat rental I would love to hear about it.



fishing user avatargatrboy53 reply : 

in the immediate area of jax. you have the st. johns river and its tributaries.there are some areas s.( dr. lake) that a aluminum boat would work.i wouldnt want to traverse up and down the river much in a alum. boat unless it was a larger one.check out most of the posters on there are from the jax. area and you can get a feel of the areas to fish from them.

fishing user avatarsirmo reply : 

Chalk up another for Jacksonville.


St. Johns and tributaries


Sante Fe


Whatever has bass....


fishing user avatarFish4FunInFl reply : 

Clermont area

fishing user avatargtbehary reply : 

Loxahatchee here.  Not for from Lake O, Stick Marsh and 20 Mile Bend.   Lots of fishing within walking distance from the house.

fishing user avatarHale reply : 

Hey Hey George! We will go fishing this weekend!

fishing user avatarRoLo reply : 

Unless I counted wrong, we now have 56 members from the state of Florida cheer.gif

Several of the names I haven't seen of late, but even so that's a decent representation.

fishing user avatargtbehary reply : 
Hey Hey George! We will go fishing this weekend!

Sunday is good for me.  

fishing user avatarHale reply : 

Sunday it is then. Ill call you tomorrow or Sat.

fishing user avatarKeithscatch reply : 
I plan to retire to the Jacksonville area in June 07 and would appreciate any advise as to where and when to fish the area for bass. I have never fished in FLA so the only thing I'm familiar with is the fishing seasons in Maryland. Most of my fishing in Maryland was at a reservoir where aluminum boats worked great. Would an aluminum boat work it Jacksonville or should I look for fiberglass? Being on a fix income when I retire I will be limited as to what kind of boat I can buy.

I will be coming down without a boat so if you know of any reasonable boat rental I would love to hear about it.



Hey Joe,

I used to live in Jacksonville and the fish in my avatar was caught in Dr's Lake in Jacksonville last December. So yeah, there are some nice places to fish there.

If you are boatless may I suggest renting a fishing boat at Whitey's fish camp. They are on Swimming Pen Creek which is where I caught that 8lber on a red lipless crankbait. There are lots of boat docks and the fish will be tight to them. Fish them with a Senko type bait or a T-rigged trick worm. Junebug is the magic color on this lake as it is in most Florida lakes and rivers.

For good spawn time fishing (Dec-February) you will have to hit Salt Springs on the St. John's river. Crystal clear water with lots of eel grass and bass. Lots of anglers and tournaments going on then too.

Please release any of the larger bass that you catch in Swimming Pen Creek or Dr's lake. It gets fair to high fishing pressure and well, I am just big on catch and release. Plus, I got buddies who still live there who would be mad at me for sharing secrets about this body of water if the guy I shared it with is not releasing his fish.

Good luck to you.

fishing user avatarGotta Love It reply : 

Tampa checking in!!!


fishing user avatarHale reply : 

Its looking like the forum should have a Florida section seperate from the other regions...hehehe

fishing user avatarGr8wall reply : 

been reading these forums for a bit as i just got into bass fishing.  oh yeah I'm from ft luaderdale but go to school in gainesville.  any one around this area wanna show me some good fishing here (i dont have a boat either).  thanks guys

fishing user avatarbass ackwards reply : 

panama city

fishing user avatarstansdwarf8 reply : 

I live in Sebring, just retired from firefighting and live to fish!

fishing user avatarcheffysteffy reply : 

Ft. Lauderdale  Better fishing down here than I thought

fishing user avatarRoLo reply : 

I live in Sebring, just retired from firefighting and live to fish!

Welcome to the forum StansDrarf ;)

Lake Wales here, you're just a piece down the road.


fishing user avatarBASSINAL reply : 

   Panama City area Bass Fishing is alive and well!

fishing user avatartominflorida reply : 

From Ocala here....anyone else in the area wanna go fishin just get ahold of me..


fishing user avatarRoLo reply : 

Welcome to the forum, TomInFlorida ;)

You can keep us abreast on lakes Orange, Lochloosa, Rodman and George 8-)


fishing user avatarstansdwarf8 reply : 

Hey, RoLo, where is that Steakhouse up there?  I've been out of the state for a couple of weeks and am ready to get home and back on the water.  Will be on Lake Placid near the end of the week.  I've been going through withdrawal!

fishing user avatarRoLo reply : 

Hey, RoLo, where is that Steakhouse up there?  I've been out of the state for a couple of weeks and am ready to get home and back on the water.  Will be on Lake Placid near the end of the week.  I've been going through withdrawal!

I should tell you that it's not very glitzy, but it could never be accused of being stuffy either ;D

If you're just interested in a good steak, you might just like "Norby's Steaks & Seafood.

Heading north on US-27, turn right onto FL-60 east for a couple miles. Norby's would be on your left just past the Super Wal*Mart.


fishing user avatarDon - WWF reply : 

Hi all! I figured if you'll let Steve P on here I can come too! I'm in Fellsmere, FL and fish the Stick Marsh a bit as well as small roadside puddles.

fishing user avatarBassinSoldier reply : 

 I'm from Jacksonville, but am stationed at Ft. Campbell, KY in the army.  I sure miss those Florida strain bass.  Oh well, at least I get to check out the bronzebacks now on Kentucky Lake!

fishing user avatarguest reply : 

Don WWF, stop picking on me!!! I'm soooooo sensitive!!! ;D

Hey guys!! I live in the Stuart area and mostly fish Stickmarsh/Farm 13(my official mailing address) Blue Cypress, Garcia Reservoir, and Kenansville Reservoir. Need any info on these lakes, shoot me an email. OK, anybody except Don!!! ;D

fishing user avatarfloridabassboy reply : 


fishing user avatarSyfer420 reply : 

well fellahs im from Nj land of the small fish and cold weather and im moving down to west palm beach Fl. Anybody from that area?

fishing user avatarNew 2 Bass reply : 

Miami checking in.

I grew up here.  Started w/ hand lines and my old man.  Never looked back since.  I don't have a boat.  If I'm off work, I'm trying to go fishing.  Thats pretty much it.

fishing user avatarguest reply : 

That steak house idea got me thinking.  Anyone intersted in getting together for a steak and some prime usda bass fishin BS???

I know it's a big state but If your interested PM me and I'll take a look at where most of replies are coming from.  We can make a decision from there asto where and when.  If there are enough folks who can make the commitment, I'll set up the reservations.  Steak, brew and Bassin BS.  Man, life don't get no better than that. ;)

fishing user avatarGoBassin reply : 

Re-located Arky (Bass Heaven) just moved to Tampa, Fl.    Hoping to get some good places to go and get a big bite.   Back in Arkansas we read about all the big bass in Florida.   Now it show time.  :)

I would like any emails about local bass clubs and hot spots.   Thanks fellow bassers.

fishing user avatarbassbanger reply : 

In jacksonville area still new to bass fishing i have jumped in head first picked up a 90 fisher 18 ft aluminum bass boat with 115 merc, and a 24v 67 thrust trollin motor. I have fished Black creek , doc lake  so far.... Best luck being in and around doc lake..


fishing user avatarfishingaddict reply : 

Naples, pretty much fish one neighborhood lake but it produces good bass so I'm not complainin'  ;D

fishing user avatarrboat reply : 

Me, Orlando.

Mostly fish Lake Conway, Butler chain, Johns Lake, and some polk co.lakes. Gas prices keeping me closer to home now.

fishing user avatarbasslovr reply : 

Clearwater ponds mostly, although I am a non boater in a draw tourney club here and once a month I get to fish lakes from Crooked in Polk County to Harris and Panasoffkee in Lake County, and naturally Tarpon too since it is right up the road.

8-) Tight Lines Everbody!!!!

fishing user avatarfivesixone reply : 
Naples, pretty much fish one neighborhood lake but it produces good bass so I'm not complainin'  ;D

Palm Beach here... Mostly just fish my neighborhood lake from shore but frequently get out on some boats. There's some monsters in there! Still waiting for that DD though...

fishing user avatarBassin_Fin@tic reply : 

Bradenton here. I am a bonafide pond prowler.Love it!

fishing user avatarbassbanger reply : 

I have actually never fished a pond for bass. How do you know what ponds hold fish and who stocks these?

fishing user avatargar-tracker reply : 

Broward County transplanted to Okeechobee, Iv fished from the southern everglades to Lake Talquin on the panhandle, and everything in between. Okeechobee's my home lake.

fishing user avatarregretlove reply : 

Me!  WPB :)  Sunny and HOT!!!!! We are melting! :D

fishing user avatarBassn Blvd reply : 

Lake Worth, Palm Beach County.  No better place to meet peeps from New York

fishing user avatarfivesixone reply : 

Any of you Palm Beach guys know any good local tackle shops? Or do most of you just go to Sports Authority, Gander, etc.? Only good tackle shop I know of is down in Broward by my work.

fishing user avatarCertified Public Angler reply : 

Tallahassee here

fishing user avatarSunshinePreps reply : 

Pasco County here.  Just north of Tampa.  Born and raised in Tampa though.

fishing user avatarchatterbaitn reply : 

clermont, fl

fishing user avatarAddictedtoFishing reply : 

Aye, Palm Beach County... Mostly a saltwater flats guy in the past--just getting really heavy into bass fishing..

fishing user avatarBassn Blvd reply : 

Yo ***. Where are you at? I'm in Lake Worth. My brother has been getting the Bone fish in Boynton.

fishing user avatarAddictedtoFishing reply : 

In Wellington...

Bonefish huh?..whereabouts??

fishing user avatarAddictedtoFishing reply : 

Hey five--Loxahatchee Bait and Tackle on Southern blvd-- couple miles west of Forest Hill.. they are in the Palms West little shopping plaza.. a better assortment of stuff than SA.. Live Shiners- no Live Saltwater bait though..

fishing user avatarOleTimer reply : 

If you consider "South GA" to be part of Florida, then I guess we Tallahassians are from Florida. Moved to "LA" (Lower Alabama - Ft. Walton Beach) in 1980 with no intention of staying, but moving to Tallahassee in '86 was as far as I ever got. Fishing is real spotty here right now - one day you'll stink it up, next you'll load the boat. But maybe that's just ME!  :-?

fishing user avatarfivesixone reply : 
Hey five--Loxahatchee Bait and Tackle on Southern blvd-- couple miles west of Forest Hill.. they are in the Palms West little shopping plaza.. a better assortment of stuff than SA.. Live Shiners- no Live Saltwater bait though..

Thanks! I don't go to the Wellington area too much.. But if I'm ever out that way I'll be sure to check it out!

fishing user avatarDaveHawkins reply : 

Ocala, Fl. here.

fishing user avatarwarmer reply : 

lakeland, fl represent!

fishing user avatarLCpointerKILLA reply : 

Winter Park ORANGE COUNTY the 407

fishing user avatarrob4senate reply : 

Winter Garden checking in.....

fishing user avatarBassMasteratAge13 reply : 


fishing user avatarFishinDaddy reply : 

Plant City

fishing user avataralger319 reply : 

i live in eustis but go to school in orlando

fishing user avatar5 hawgs reply : 

Clewiston   (winter,Oct-Apr.)

fishing user avatarskeetercaster reply : 

Fla. by birth, Gator by choice...Jacksonville,Fla

fishing user avatarBassn Blvd reply : 
Fla. by birth, Gator by choice...Jacksonville,Fla

Dang you make some bad choices.  

fishing user avatarDuma reply : 

Cape Coral in 2 months.  If anyone is familiar with some of the better spots in SW Florida, my ears are open.  I will be bringing the boat down and am looking to meet people to fish with (fresh or salt).

fishing user avatargar-tracker reply : 
Cape Coral in 2 months.  If anyone is familiar with some of the better spots in SW Florida, my ears are open.  I will be bringing the boat down and am looking to meet people to fish with (fresh or salt).

As far as saltwater,your probably  moving to one of the best fishing areas in the state, Boca Grande has some of the best Tarpon fishing in the world, the mouth of the Caloosahatchee river offers great Red Fish,  sea trout fishing and Snook, your probably not going to be doing a lot of freshwater fishing once you get into all that right in your own back yard, but the further east you go in the river it turns fresh. Your about an hours drive from Clewiston (maybe more) on the shore Lake Okeechobee.


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