I was unable to make the last one and have really wanted to try it again since. With the weather starting to break here once again I think we should begin to plan another one. How did Innsbrook work out for everyone last time? I'd be up for there or any other locations you guys think may work out well. Hope to hear from a few of the Central Va heads!
A few of us met out Innsbrook last fall. The fishing wasn't so great that particular day. However, it was good to meet some of the people on here and fish together. I'm up to do it again, a few times a year. Any suggestions on the location? Are we limited to only bank fishing or pairing up with people that have boats? I'm all for it!
I'm assuming another Bank Beating day would be much easier to coordinate. Ive only fished Lake Rooty a total of 2 times but I'd be more than happy to meet there.
Book it, Dano!!!!
Lets try to do another Meet and Greet at Lake Rooty.
Lots of parking and places to fish around the lake.
Any suggested dates?????
Lake Rooty it is! I'm free to any weekend.
Idk what day would be best for everyone. Is next saturday too soon for everyone?
I could make it next Saturday.
Wheres Lake Rooty at? How far is it from Caroline county?
I can't do next Saturday, unfortunately. Any weekend after that is cool with me. Something was spung on me at the last minute.
Lake Rooty, at Innsbrooks, is about 25-30mins for Caroline Co.
I can wait till later. Some one create a poll of suggested dates, give it till Thursday (random day) take the winning date and lets go fishing!
Thats what I'm talking about lets do Saturday and kaotic what if we make it around 4 or 5 in the evening instead of the morning? Would that work out?
So lets get a list of who all is going to make an appearance on Saturday.
i think its probably gunna be dark around 6 or so. id shoot for mid day ... a lil warmer
So what if we do around 2 o'clock? Give everyone a chance to grab a bite to eat then head over to the pond? Once again let me know if your in for sure or not.
Sorry guys, but I am fishing the B.A.S.S. Region 3 tournament on Lake Gaston this Saturday.
You all have a good time.
I am in Northern Va, (Loudoun/Sterling area) but may be willing to travel to this meet & greet/fish. I'll keep an eye on the thread for a final date/time. If anyone else in the NVA Area is interested a rider or two could be fun. I also happen to have a bass boat if there is interest in using it or just fish from bank would be good as well. 8-)
I can do 2pm on Saturday.
Why dont you guys wait a few weeks till it warms up some more ? Pond fishing can be tough in this weather.
It's really up to you all, if you want to wait a few weeks thats fine with me. But lets just try and get an official date and begin the planning!
Weather permit, I vote:
March 12th, morning
March 19th, morning
I just want the date to be a day the maximum amount of people can make it out. So lets get some input!
is powhatan lakes still a possibility boat and shore angler friendly
Powhatan would be okay with me. I just feel like a pond with ample parking and easily shore accessible would be much more convenient. Maybe after this time we could try a lake, and try to get everyone a seat on a boat?
Im brand new to this site, is this meet and greet something you guys do a lot?
This is only the second time we have tried it here in central Va (Richmond and surrounding areas)
Sounds fun, im always up for finding new places to fish and buddies to fish with
Yea I'm always up for meeting new people and possibly fishing new places.
I'm in if I can clear it with management aka the wife. Wish I would not have just given away all my Lake Rooty secretes in the other thread. I fish there a lot.
Well so is the affirmative date in march or this Saturday?
I'm down for Powhatan, wouldn't mind taking my kayak out there
Quoteis powhatan lakes still a possibility boat and shore angler friendly
another vote for powhatan lakes! 8-)
I heard that the fishing at Powatan is not that great. Something about recently fixing the dam and restocking.
I also think that Lake Rooty could use some pond/lake management. I wouldnt mind if when we all met up that some people keep the smaller fish, and transport them to Lake Echo right down the street, off of Springfield Rd. They dredged that lake 2 years ago, and it could use some help with the bass population. Any thoughts?
QuoteI also think that Lake Rooty could use some pond/lake management. I wouldnt mind if when we all met up that some people keep the smaller fish, and transport them to Lake Echo right down the street, off of Springfield Rd. They dredged that lake 2 years ago, and it could use some help with the bass population. Any thoughts?
probably not such a good idea. Fish die in transport often and you can introduce disease and bacteria to Lake Echo. Best to keep them where they are.
Im all for Powhatan Lakes. Lets just get a permanent date set up!
I'm all in for Powhatan Lake, it'll be my first trip there. I'll bring my Jon. I can do any Saturday, except for this Saturday.
im still voting for anna lol, i have one seat on my boat so i could take out 1 person.
If you ever have an open seat when your headed out on anna let me know I'd be more than happy to fill it
Quoteim still voting for anna lol, i have one seat on my boat so i could take out 1 person.
I fished the community docks in my neighborhood today on the private side of Lake Anna and caught a bunch of fish in about half hour , biggest was right around 4 pounds.
@Bigs: Nice catches! Don't Lake Ann would be the ideal place for me to take small Jon, however would like to fish there eventually.
you can fish the private side in a friggin raft if u wanted to. The water is like glass there all year until mid summer when the renters come with ski boats. Lemme know. I'll let u in one day with ur jon boat. U wont have to go but a thousand feet from the dock at the most to catch quality fish. Once Late April hits the fish will go deep.
I'm out at LKA quite often. My best friends parents live there. They're in the Gerdome Island neighborhood, off of Moody Town Rd. It's nice to have a bass boat on the lift year round. Just put it in the water and go.
All this talk of Powatan Lakes....I had to go and buy a Jon Boat. I found one on craigs list. 10 ft aluminum boat w/ 2 seats and a 30 lb Minn Kottta trolling motor for $200. Just hope I have time to get it registered before the meet and greet. Now I just need a battery and one of those telescopeing portable fish finders from BPS, and I'll be ready to go.
@Bigs: Thanks, I'm going to take you up on your offer sometime soon before the end of April.
@vegas679: You may come out cheaper buying a wired fishfinder system, that's what I installed on mine. It was on sale at BPS for $79 last spring. Took only a few minutes to wire. Just use waterproof sealant around your bolts for the transmitter. I never considered the portable fishfinder, may work just as good. Great steal on the new boat, congrats! Had the same feeling last spring when brought mine. P.S.: Had the worst experience with Walmart deep cycle marine batteries. Returned twice.
how about powhatan sat the 19th should be warmer by then and pre-spawn. say 8-9 am, have a fun tourny and mabey every one could bring some extra baits for prizes.
Quotehow about powhatan sat the 19th should be warmer by then and pre-spawn. say 8-9 am, have a fun tourny and mabey every one could bring some extra baits for prizes.
This sounds like quite a plan! so the 19th it is!
can anybody get me into a landing for the private side during this week? hoping to launch the boat and take my dad out.
Carrington, just send me a pm. And for whoever has an open seat on something that doesnt sink, holla. Buyer for my BassCat left with it this morning so Im boatless till I find a suitable boat to replace it. If anyone has an 18 foot or bigger aluminum rig with a 90 or bigger on it then lemme know. Was thinkin bout gettin one and putting a powerpole on it.
19th it is! What time are we meeting up?
I say we meet at 7:00 at the boat ramp and have a little fun tourney and meet back at 12:00. How does that sound with you guys?
Assuming the upper lake boat ramp. Be there at 7am. Electric motors only, right?
Correct electric only
I may be out there in my kayak, cannot wait to meet up!
What works good out Powhatan Lakes? Assuming top water, spinners, swallow cranks, and plastics.
see you there boys snagged a lunker out there this week soo sweet it happened so slow i saw it all like 5 feet from boat hardly a fight once it was on though still fun !i say we all through in like 10 15 bucks a team winner takes all best three fish ;D
Say lets do it if we have enough scales. I'm in!
QuoteAll this talk of Powatan Lakes....I had to go and buy a Jon Boat. I found one on craigs list. 10 ft aluminum boat w/ 2 seats and a 30 lb Minn Kottta trolling motor for $200. Just hope I have time to get it registered before the meet and greet. Now I just need a battery and one of those telescopeing portable fish finders from BPS, and I'll be ready to go.
If Walmart still does it not sure on the rest but they sell temporary registrations. $11 for 30 days but this was years ago I did this or just get to the vadgif. Yours should be $27.
Congrats on the boat and have fun with it.
Powatan lakes is two parts? Is there access to both sides by boat? I never been and I just looked it up. Also is it a free launch? I'm going to try and make it out on the 19th. I'm trying to get my brother to come as well. If he does I'm not sure if he riding with me or bringing his boat. I know I'm bringing mine if we are using boats. So what are the rules? Is it just bank fishing or are we using boats? Reelcrazy says pitch in $10 to $15 per team so are we setting a fee? What's the limit? Sound like it's going to be fun and so far can't see why I can't make it there unless the weather willing for that day or that week since my work schedule is base around the weather (can't work if rain or to cold) and they make us work that day. I'll prob just tell I have something to do. I have my digital scale. Seems accurate too when I check it with my weight plates.
Also Where is Powatan lakes at? I'm trying to find directions and distance from Caroline county.
I was told there is no launch fee. Appears on google earth, that the lower and upper lake is separated by one of the dams. Don't believe you can travel freely between the two. Few of us are bringing boats, we can fill empty seats when we get there, that's if you choose to. Some may choose to bank fish. Just your money for the pot should be enough to enter. We can set the rules now, or when we get there...(5 fish limit, unlimited catches total weight). Using the honor system and digital scales to weigh fish, I myself don't have a live-well on my Jon. Everyone has picture phone, too.
Directions: http://www.dgif.virginia.gov/fishing/waterbodies/display.asp?id=103§ion=maps
I'm in the same boat far as live well. I might be able to rig a cooler with an aerator by then but I do have my scale and camera, and camera on phone as well. I'm willing to go by honor system. So what is the pot going to be? I rather know the rules and pot price now and have everything figure out so when we get there at 7 the only thing to worry about is filling the seats on boats if going that route.
The honor system is so tough to go by... different scales ect. If a few guys want to do a tournament I think livewells would be necessary.
In lieu of trying to keep fish alive or getting scales to weight them, how does this sound?:
Have everyone "measure" individually all the fish they catch with a ruler.
Write down on the formal measuring sheet the type of fish and length.
You can make columns for the bass, only and then a column for all other fish.
At the end of the tournament just add up who has the most total lengths of either:
1. All bass, largemourth and smallmouth.
2. All other fish, like bluegills, pike, shark, dolphin, whales, dead bodies (it is Powhatan), etc.
This way there is no problem with live wells and everyone can be on the same platform.
Prizes awarded for:
Bass, only
Trash Fish, only
Total Lengths of All Fish
Just a suggestion.
P.S. Bring extra pens as the guys will forget to bring writing instruments and make sure someone knows how to count in inches.
That sounds good to me. By the way Sam how the tournament go yesterday.
I suggest: $10 and total length of top five bass.
If the warden comes by every one of you will pay a fine as this is a CATCH AND RELEASE ONLY location. Please remember this as the lakes are still only in their third year of recovery from a major disaster.
Also, I would suggest everyone try and team up, as the banks aren't that accessible.
endless... It is two parts with two separate boat ramps.
Oh and SAM! Its Powhatan, not the Appomattox River... so no dead bodies.
QuoteDO NOT, I REPEAT DO NOT LIVE WELL YOUR FISH AT POWHATAN LAKES.If the warden comes by every one of you will pay a fine as this is a CATCH AND RELEASE ONLY location. Please remember this as the lakes are still only in their third year of recovery from a major disaster.
Also, I would suggest everyone try and team up, as the banks aren't that accessible.
endless... It is two parts with two separate boat ramps.
Thanks for the heads up. Yea I don't want to pay no fine. Since your in Powhatan how is the fishing there?
I've been working out of town 6 days a week so I haven't even been out yet.
Trying to find some time to hit up a private pond near where I'm working, but sun up to sun down has been prohibiting that. Can't wait for the time change.
x2! Thanks for the warning!
Endless, tournament was not that good.
First, my partner's 24 year old motor blew up so we lost two solid hours of fishing.
We did catch 15 bass and one striper but only three of the 15 made the cut.
We left right after we weighed in our fish so I have no idea where we placed. I did hear that a number of boats got skunked or caught only one or two bass for the day.
I was told there were only two five-fish limits caught.
Water temps on the main lake were 47* and 51* in the backs of the creeks.
Heading back to Gaston on the 19th and 20th to fish a club tournament and then the second B.A.S.S. Region 3 Gaston tournament. Hope we do better than we did this weekend.
And yes, my mistake - no dead bodies in Powhatan. ;D
im probably gunna go their on Thursday so ill let yall know what its like
The simplest format for something like this is Big Fish wins. Plain and simple. Whoever catches the biggest bass wins a share of the money and whoever gets second gets half as much or something like that. Maybe a prize for third biggest also. Everyone brings a camera and takes a pic with their fish hangin off the scale.
Scale idea is fine, but I know that scales often times are up to .5# off.
I'm ok with big fish winning half, second and third a forth. Not to concern with scales differences, if no one else is. I'm in for the fishing and fun.
QuoteI'm ok with big fish winning half, second and third a forth. Not to concern with scales differences, if no one else is. I'm in for the fishing and fun.
QuoteQuoteI'm ok with big fish winning half, second and third a forth. Not to concern with scales differences, if no one else is. I'm in for the fishing and fun.x1
make that x2
if 8 people show up and throw down 5 bux each then u have 40 bux at stake which is enough to motivate folks but not make them stressed about losing 5 bux ya know. And if no one is down for that u can fish for braggin rights ;D
Yea I'm trying to talk my brother into going and bringing his boat so that we could both have an open seat for those who don't. The closer the time come the more I'll know about him if he does or can't make it. If he doesn't I'll post an open seat within that week. I might come out there this Sunday and fish a bit. I'm still trying to learn my Humminbird finder and get use to my Bow mount trolling motor. Here I thought the foot pedal would be easy to learn, ha on me
Does Powhatan have allot of structure there and sunken trees? I never been there.
Also are we all meeting at the upper or lower and what section we fishing that day? I'm cool with the price $5 or $10. Just whatever Ideals there is or concerns I would like to know about it before that day. I'm down for whatever.
On a nice note: it sure will be nice to meet and get to know some other members from the site.
QuoteAlso are we all meeting at the upper or lower and what section we fishing that day? I'm cool with the price $5 or $10. Just whatever Ideals there is or concerns I would like to know about it before that day. I'm down for whatever.On a nice note: it sure will be nice to meet and get to know some other members from the site.
x1: Would be cool to see and fish with some of the faces on here. I would vote the upper lake to fish, however I say everyone can choose for themselves which one they choose to fish.
QuoteQuoteAlso are we all meeting at the upper or lower and what section we fishing that day? I'm cool with the price $5 or $10. Just whatever Ideals there is or concerns I would like to know about it before that day. I'm down for whatever.On a nice note: it sure will be nice to meet and get to know some other members from the site.
x1: Would be cool to see and fish with some of the faces on here. I would vote the upper lake to fish, however I say everyone can choose for themselves which one they choose to fish.
I Am also excited to meet the Va heads! Should be a good time!
I wanted to come but dealing with one of my dogs failing heart. Also tryin to stay busy studying for my real estate license. Hard for me to get motivated to fish right now esp since Im boatless for the first time in two years
QuoteI wanted to come but dealing with one of my dogs failing heart. Also tryin to stay busy studying for my real estate license. Hard for me to get motivated to fish right now esp since Im boatless for the first time in two years
Sorry to hear about your dog, I know how the bond is btw a man and his dog. I didn't lose mine to health problems, instead through separation and divorce. I raised since 6wks from birth, and had for 6 years. hadn't seen since I left in 2006. Best of luck on real estate license.
Thanks for the well wishes. Its tough, He's 10 years old and had him since he was 7 months. I just wasnt ready for this. Been cryin my eyes out since friday night. He's on 3 meds right now and hoping he lives at least another year if God has that in his plans, if not then he'll take a part of my heart with him that will never heal. And I thought breaking up with a girl was tough, it doesnt even compare.
QuoteThanks for the well wishes. Its tough, He's 10 years old and had him since he was 7 months. I just wasnt ready for this. Been cryin my eyes out since friday night. He's on 3 meds right now and hoping he lives at least another year if God has that in his plans, if not then he'll take a part of my heart with him that will never heal. And I thought breaking up with a girl was tough, it doesnt even compare.
Losing a dog is super tough man! When I was 12 we lost a dog and I cried all day long at school. If he goes I'm sure God allows pets so one day he'll be yours again!
I agree, a man's dog has no comparison, unconditional loyalty and love for his owner. I'm looking to get one for my family in the next year. I didn't grow up with one, but I can't my son not having one.
hope your dog gets better...ive had mine for over 10yrs now and i think everyday how hard it will be when her time comes...its like losing a family member or a best friend. The bond between man & dog is crazy! A dog will always be by your side no matter what happens...
about the fishing trip , i do have 2 15ft canoes that someone can use if needed. One of them is registered and can rig up a trolling motor on there but must bring your own battery..the other one is not registered so will be with paddles only...
anyways look forward to meeting everyone! 8-)
so when exactly is this taking place anyways ?
I thought it was on the 19th at 7 am to 12 that's the last I seen posted by hookingem. Sorry Bigs about your dog. I had mine for 11 I think. Athena is the pup to my Sparta that I had to give up cause of landlords at the time. That destroyed me then. Athena mother died I guess from stress and two big of litter. She( my brothers dog) had 12 and only Athena survived at I wanna say 4 or 6 weeks old. The mother passed away too. I was there when she was slipping. Athena I couldn't give up after nourishing back to life. I refused to and still have ever since. I still hate myself for giving up Sparta though.
Yes, March 19th @ 7am.
im in i have time nd date is it shawnee anna or where is it ? ill probley have two seats i have my 12ftr and my buddys
Last I heard and still assume Powhatan lakes. I think everyone meeting at the upper part at 7 as well.
7am Upper lake March 19th!!!!
one week away guys !
Quoteone week away guys !
Someone sounds excited.lol
I'm not much for socializing, but actually wish I could make this one.
Unfortunately, told the wife we'd work on the yard that weekend since I knew I would be in town all weekend.
Have fun and good luck. Someone find a hot spot and let me know since your fishing in my back yard!
I'll have an open seat on my boat if anyone interested. I have a 14' tracker with a 50lb motor. I'm still trying to learn my fish finder( Humminbird 586c) and get use to using a foot pedal motor so sometimes my turns could be sharp and I have a hard time staying in place. I still don't have much clue with the finder to know what I'm looking for but if anyone is interested let me know.
Sweeet set-up! I'll bring mine out, too. My have someone coming with me, if not, I'll have spot open. Looks like the planets and stars will be aligned on the 19th, fishing should be good.
QuoteSweeet set-up! I'll bring mine out, too. My have someone coming with me, if not, I'll have spot open. Looks like the planets and stars will be aligned on the 19th, fishing should be good.
Thank you Never thought it would be a pain though. I was glad just to be done with it. Now I just got to re modify my trailer, extend it and get a wrench installed. It's a pain trying to pull the boat up with a rope especially on a steep hill.
And change the date on my camera.
didnt get chance to fish the lakes this weekend bc had others things i had to get done....but did see about 4-5 boats head down that way each day this weekend. I live on the same road as the lakes so aint nothing to ride down and wet a line for lil while. Lakes should be starting to turn on with these temps rising!
Quotedidnt get chance to fish the lakes this weekend bc had others things i had to get done....but did see about 4-5 boats head down that way each day this weekend. I live on the same road as the lakes so aint nothing to ride down and wet a line for lil while. Lakes should be starting to turn on with these temps rising!![]()
does the lake have a dock number or name so I can type it in for directions? I think I found it online before but not to sure.
sweet rig endless. I have one with a 6hp and a trolling motor that was recently gifted to me. The trailer is a POS tho and not good for long hauls. If I could commit to this then Id fill that back seat and give u some pointers on the foot control. Not sure im gonna make this or not tho. Might wanna bring an anchor incase it gets windy and ur on top of fish. Yes I said anchor, no shame in using one when bass fishing
Quotesweet rig endless. I have one with a 6hp and a trolling motor that was recently gifted to me. The trailer is a POS tho and not good for long hauls. If I could commit to this then Id fill that back seat and give u some pointers on the foot control. Not sure im gonna make this or not tho. Might wanna bring an anchor incase it gets windy and ur on top of fish. Yes I said anchor, no shame in using one when bass fishing
Thanks Bigs. Yea I keep my anchor in the boat. You never know. If you think you can I'll hold the seat for you. Just get at me and let me know. I finally got my Va numbers on the boat with registration stickers. I replace that depth finder in the pic with a humminbird.
@endless: I noticed that you have a removable seat in the the rear of your Jon. Wanted to put one on mine's for the front seat, which is too high, plus it make it easier for me to go out by myself. Is worth getting?
Quote@endless: I noticed that you have a removable seat in the the rear of your Jon. Wanted to put one on mine's for the front seat, which is too high, plus it make it easier for me to go out by myself. Is worth getting?
The seat clamps are nice. They just tighten on by 4 wing nuts. The pedestals are nice too like I have up front. I can take off the seat or pop out the whole pedestal. I take it off when I'm pulling the pulling the boat.
If everything works out right, I'm going to scoop up some clamps and seats. Nothing fancy, but much more comfortable.
QuoteIf everything works out right, I'm going to scoop up some clamps and seats. Nothing fancy, but much more comfortable.
BPS has the BPS tournament pro low back seat on sale for $39.97 originally $44.99. These are the ones that the flyer has on sale.
Depending on what your trying to spend but I would definitely not buy those the cheap plastic ones especially if you will be raising your seat up. Ha ha last year I almost went over board from the bolts holding my seat on snapped. I did look at the one's at walmart, The plastic one with padding but I'm not sure the bolting area was just plastic or if had a metal insert. I just feel safer with those. Walmart does seem cheaper though so I would check their first. They sell the clamps too. I was going to pick me up another battery but i might get the bunk style board guide on at BPS. They got em for $99.97. That would definitely make it easier pulling my boat back up the trailer by hand since I don't have a wrench and won't have to worry about the boat falling in between the boards no more. Can I get something like this cheaper else where?
I have no guides on mine, but I do have a wrench, which I purchased from walmart last year for around $30-40. Way more strength I would need for a Jon. I am considering adding pvc pipes as guides to help correct the rear when loading. I usually drive it up the trailer, lock the wrench cable and straighten once it's out the water. I haven't seen them anywhere else cheaper, you try Green Top?
The seats I'm getting are used, luckily not ripped or torn. Basic cushion seats with clamps already attached. Someone found them at home and now getting rid of them. They'll replacing the cheaper plastics seats you referred to. I lost the thin padded cushion that was on them, and the seats are very weak for me.
do we have a head count for sat yet? jus curious...
From what I've read form weather.com there is a 30% chance of rain is that going to stop anyone? I have a rain suit so I'm prepared, lol.
@Kaotic1- Yea I went to BPS and picked out some guide on's but for $69. The just just the one that stand up and adjust to the size of your boat. Hopefully they serve the purpose. Once I'm able to extend my trailer I might install a wrench on it. That's good on the seats and yea I hated those plain plastic seats. I just had the plain blue ones without the cushion.
Light rain or shine, I'm there. Don't think they're calling for heavy rain. The seats turned out to be ok, I lower the height as well. They're not pretty, but they make the ride more comfortable and make easier to move around. Eventually I'll get around to install some guides on my trailer.
I have work at 1 so I have to be off the water by 11:30ish. So let's get a list of who all is going to be there on Saturday, and we said upper at 7?
I'm there, possible plus one.
By my lonely but I'm there!
i should be there with a buddy of mine....
Cant make it. The one weekend day a month that my wife has to work. I'm on baby duty. Catch you all next time.
Can't make it either.
I was there today, water was pretty muddy. About 1ft of visibility, surface water temp around noon was ~54. I only caught 1 pickerel off a jerk bait.
water on lake anna isnt muddy at all, wonder why tho. I even caught a few 1 pounders off my dock today. There were 13-16 inch bass swimming all around my dock, I must have seen two dozen at least. Wish I had a boat cuz I could have slammed 'em today on shakeyheads. Dont think Im gonna make it out to the meet and greet either. Too busy of a weekend.
be their sat and going tomorrow ill let yall know whats up
rain or no rain powhatan lakes always has that dirty water look....guess bc of the large feeder creek at the top of the lake.
i may try to make it out tomorrow evening also for lil bit since its a mile down the road from me,depends on what im able to get done during the day.... 8-)
If either of your guys make it out lets us know whats happening!
Are we still on? I'll be coming solo now.
yeah ill be there! I have work at 1 so ill be there at 7 and off the water by 1130.
Yea I'm coming as well. Solo also. I went and got some takle together. All I got do now is find my way there. See everyone tomorrow.
Your getting there by 7?
Sounds like it's just us three...hahaha. I have to map my way out there too. Should be a good day of fishing. Is it a concrete ramp?
ill be their
if you dont know were your going ill meet yall here at 6:30-6:45 and you can follow me to the lake. its not that far from their. i have an open seat as well.
went today just kinda piddled around the lake from about 8-12 just crusing looking for water temps and channels. water was 42-55, might hit 60 tomorrow. i didnot catch anything but the lake is rediclious on the upper end. what dreams are made of.
I'm leaving the eastend, I should get there between then. Is there a concrete ramp?
yah its gravely concrete... parking lot is tight but we should do
Sounds good. I can meet ya'll at the Chubby's
i didnt make it out today had too much ihad to take care of....we just had hard down poor aound 1145pm for about 30-40mins. Hopefully it wont cool the water down much.
Ill be there with my buddy...blue dodge ram pullin tracker grizzly. See yall in few hours ;D ;D
Heddin out see y'all their ... 2128717 if any one need directions ;D
Was nice to meet you all! I had fun even after the battery situation... ;D S13John you da man! Well have to do it again!
yea i enjoyed meeting everyone had a good time...we ended up pulling out at 1pm with 9 bass and 1 pickerel. Caughtem off cranks,spinnerbait,shakey head, flick-shake and c-rig.
we should do it again soon! 8-)
Definitely had fun on the water today. Only caught one, but it was my first on both a jig and using braid. I'm still excited. Let's do again.
Quoteyea i enjoyed meeting everyone had a good time...we ended up pulling out at 1pm with 9 bass and 1 pickerel. Caughtem off cranks,spinnerbait,shakey head, flick-shake and c-rig.we should do it again soon! 8-)
Congrats! Nice meeting you and your buddy, hookingem and his buddy. Sorry i forgot the names.
Me, kaotic1, and s13john went to the lower lake and that's where I was giving the opportunity to watch, lol. Kaotic1 pulled in what a 3.2? Congrats for first jig fish, meant to tell you out there. s13john had a 4.8 and congrats to him for a great bass to start off the year. It was really fun and I had a great time.
Thanks, for the shoutout! I'm still bragging to my kids about it...hahaha!
QuoteThanks, for the shoutout! I'm still bragging to my kids about it...hahaha!
And you should lol. Post up the pic!
had a great time it was good meeting every one. it was nice talking shop with everyone.
Quotehad a great time it was good meeting every one. it was nice talking shop with everyone.
Indeed I enjoyed it! So you guys didn't catch fish until you moved to the lower? Thanks for the battery!!!
Quotehad a great time it was good meeting every one. it was nice talking shop with everyone.
I tried sending the pic to your phone did you get it?
yah i got the pic if you can post up the big on or pm it to me. no problem for the battery hookingem and time.
so when is CVA meet and greet 3.
Next weekend!!! haha but no seriously soon!
QuoteQuotehad a great time it was good meeting every one. it was nice talking shop with everyone.Indeed I enjoyed it! So you guys didn't catch fish until you moved to the lower? Thanks for the battery!!!
Indeed, thanks for the battery John. I'm still in awe of the Zillion. ;D
Here's my girl! First on a jig, and end up losing it before I left... :'(
Luckily Baby Boo Jigs are only $2.
QuoteDefinitely had fun on the water today. Only caught one, but it was my first on both a jig and using braid. I'm still excited. Let's do again.
congrats! nice first jig fish!!
QuoteHere's my girl! First on a jig, and end up losing it before I left... :'(Luckily Baby Boo Jigs are only $2.
There we go. Proud to be a witness to it.
s13john fish took the prize! Can't wait to make it back out there.
healthy looking fish yall!
lets do it in two weeks they will definitley be in more numbers as it will be nearer to spawn and i couldnt make this one had some regertiring problems with the boat haha sorry guys did catch some fat girls this weekend !!
Quotes13john fish took the prize! Can't to make it back out there.
it only gets better when the vegetation comes up, talk about some fun top water action! Those lakes are fun to fish! I went back down there later that evening bf dark and caught 2 bass off the bank, top lake dam.
QuoteQuotes13john fish took the prize! Can't to make it back out there.it only gets better when the vegetation comes up, talk about some fun top water action! Those lakes are fun to fish! I went back down there later that evening bf dark and caught 2 bass off the bank, top lake dam.
I have a new frog setup I'm trying to try it and not only that I have redemption to get!! I'm mad and out for vengeance. It's on POWHATAN LAKES!! > lol
I game to go back in a few weeks. Ready to by more jigs, plus I have some top water lures I want to try.
haha i make that fish look tiny .... she had quite a belly on her
BR fishing day take 3 april 9th ?????
QuoteHere's my girl! First on a jig, and end up losing it before I left... :'(Luckily Baby Boo Jigs are only $2.
you kinda remind me of Mike Vick if he was a fullback, minus the dog killing part of course That fish u got been eating and eating good. I love catchin me some butterballs
I used to look like a strong safety...subtract 10 years from now, and additional 60lbs.
April 9th??????
i should be good for april 9th!! 8-)
im in for april 9
pictures must not do that fish justice becouse kaoitics fish looks like a good pound bigger than jhons
im thinking i will make it to this one. gotta fix the lights on my trailer so i can bring the boat. two man or singles right??? five bass limit???
i think a few were doing 'big fish' , meaning whoever catches biggest fish of day takes prize bc at powhatan lakes your not allowed to keep any fish last i heard/checked bc lakes are young.
But im not sure if they actually went through with it as i was never told nothing at launch off...either way it was a great time!
not so much of a tourny more of hanging out trying gear out ... getting kids addicted to zillions's you know all that good stuff
i think we should do some lunch or something next time.
ill bring the grill and we can cook some real food for lunch instead of pb nab crackers and Gatorade.
@reelcrazy: s13john's fish was definitely heavier, we weighed it on both our scales. The picture is misleading.
And both lakes are catch and release only.
I'm down for a grillin'!
would be fun to start at one of the lakes in the morning, then pull out at lunch time & cook lunch, then fish the other lake for the evening.
That's what we did last weekend, got skunked at the upper lake so we pulled out and went to the lower lake. I wouldn't mind lighting a grill in between fishing both lakes.
QuoteThat's what we did last weekend, got skunked at the upper lake so we pulled out and went to the lower lake. I wouldn't mind lighting a grill in between fishing both lakes.
yea we went back up lake to do a round of soft plastics..by time we made it back to where we could see landing yall had already took out, i was like where they go! ;D But when i got to dam area i could see all way down to bottom lake and see you guys down there, i had stuff i had to take care of so i couldn't join you guys at bottom lake.
Think we could push it back to sat the 16th, forgot to take the 9th off
I'm just waiting for a final date, lol and I'll should have no problem being there.
Also can anyone tell me if my avatar is too big?? I'm still trying to get use to these new settings.
holy big avatar man .........any one know how to rep people yet
On 4/3/2011 at 12:11 PM, s13john said:holy big avatar man .........any one know how to rep people yet
HAHA I thought so. I'm going to try and fix it. I'm still trying to learn the site. I think I got the profile, face book login, and gallery set up. I just threw a pic for my background, wasn't sure about that.
How's my avatar now?
On 4/3/2011 at 12:15 PM, endless said:HAHA I thought so. I'm going to try and fix it. I'm still trying to learn the site. I think I got the profile, face book login, and gallery set up. I just threw a pic for my background, wasn't sure about that.
How's my avatar now?
much better
On 4/3/2011 at 12:21 PM, s13john said:much better
Thanks! Yea I didn't read the 150 pixels part. Mine was way over that haha. I still don't understand the rep either. I thought it would just be a click here thing guess not. I even went to your page to see. haha I like how you change the fonts too.
Just figure out the reps. I think. It has to do with voting the posts. You will see at bottom right hand corner of each member post a plus or minus symbol. Click the plus gain a rep click minus well.......... This might cause some trouble, hopefully it doesn't display names whole voting against you.
Is the date set for this? I'll be able to make the 16th!
took several attempts to log in today but finally got it to work. Whats all this rep stuff about anyways.
On 4/3/2011 at 8:30 PM, Bigs said:took several attempts to log in today but finally got it to work. Whats all this rep stuff about anyways.
Seems to be all about popularity on you, your posts, reviews, and advice. So I guess if you offer a someone some good advice another member that agrees most likely click and give you a rep. The reps might be a way to one up the "been posting along time".I could be all wrong though.
+ rep
Ok,what's up with site? I'm good for the 16th, or whenever.
I'm good for the 16th i believe
im in for 16th lets goo
I should have no problem the 16th either. Still at Powhatan lakes?
ok 16th it is 7am meet at chubbies and then off to the lake or just meet at the lake? anybody new going?
I say we go to Sandy River this time!
im cool with that
Im cool with sandy also,but may not be close for others..guess we will see
It has probably the best public ramp in VA., and can be some of the best fishing in VA too.
yea i like sandy alot...i fish it over 50 times a year. I either go briery or sandy...i make my mind up on the way on which lake i want to fish. That place "sandy" can also look like a walmart parking lot on nice days. And you can almost guarantee to get checked by the warden so make sure your legal! Other then that GREAT place to fish!! 10hp max for those who dont know...
yah sandy is great that tree line when going around the bend is fishing heaven
Still bringing the boats right? I'll have to google it and see where it is.
16th of april. and where?
I'm good for Sandy River on 16th! Let's go!
Went fishing at Lake Rooty yesterday from 5 pm till 7 pm. Only caught 2 fish, one not even worth mentioning, the other was 1.3lb. Caught them on a 1/2 oz KVD spinnerbait in Chartruse. Both of them were caught w/ in 10 feet of the shore. Almost right before I was about to pull the lure out of the water. Saw some other people there fishing, but didnt look like they were catching anything.
On 4/6/2011 at 9:59 AM, endless said:Still bringing the boats right? I'll have to google it and see where it is.
yes you will want to bring your boat...as there is not much shoreline to fish. Plus you wont get to see alot of the good sections with out a boat...if you have small gas motor bring that also.
where is sandy river. id be leaving from spotsylvania so i need to plan accordingly as far as departure time from m home. how is the fishing there and water quality? anything special? Deep water, feeder creeks, structure, urban environment...etc?
its a AWESOME place to fish...its not too far from Briery Creek. Its got a lil bit of everything!! It has lots of 20"+ bass!
here's link for lake info / reports:
fishing reports:
yea i just looked it up wish me and my partner could make it but a bit too far for us to travel. )= sad times but good luck to everyone who can make it. if yall decided on anything closer to central or upper va insted or in the futrure let me know would love to get out with virginias finest.
Are we still on for this Saturday, April 16th, or what?
i am its gunna be a packed ramp but we will have a good time
i got a bunch i gotta get done this weekend,install truck brakes,cut grass, etc....but im going to still try to get it all done so i can make it out for few hours. Guess we should keep eye on weather as weather.com shows 70% t-storms/showers for sat as of now..
I heard the same, high percentage of bad weather all day Saturday.
Could we reconsider scheduling for next weekend, April 23rd, Easter weekend? Same place.