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Curado I Initial Impressions 2025

fishing user avatar00 mod reply : 

Just unboxed my Curado I HG and the initial impression is good.  Seems to be right back into the thick of things with sub $200 reels.  It seems tight, no noise, smooth(even un-flushed) and reminds me of a little sister to my Metanium!


Fishing Thurs-Saturday should put it through its paces and I will check back in on Sunday with an update!









fishing user avatarroadwarrior reply : 

Oou! That's purdy!






fishing user avatarKevO reply : 

Is it made in japan?

fishing user avatarPaulasaurus reply : 

Any chance you have a 200e to compare how the 200i palms in comparison?

fishing user avatar00 mod reply : 

Made in Malaysia.

I am at work. Will take comparisons of every size tonight. 50/200/300/ci4/metanium....any reel you want.

Otger thoughts: 4 brakes instead of 6. Side plate stays attached. Needs a hawgtech handle!! Lol


fishing user avatarMediumHeavy reply : 

Looks awesome! Definitely interested in width comparisons between 50/200/Ci4+. I have one on (back)order.

fishing user avatarA-Jay reply : 
  On 2/26/2014 at 3:21 AM, 00 mod said:

Made in Malaysia.

I am at work. Will take comparisons of every size tonight. 50/200/300/ci4/metanium....any reel you want.

Otger thoughts: 4 brakes instead of 6. Side plate stays attached. Needs a hawgtech handle!! Lol




Will this one be taking a plane ride too ?



fishing user avatarSmallmouth Hunter reply : 

Can you give me a sideplate height comparison picture of the curado I and a 200e (ch or cu)? Just of the non-handle sideplate sides showing next to each other.


I have heard the Curado I has a smaller/shorter sideplate than the curado E which would be amazing because that was one small reel for a 200 size.

fishing user avatarDarren. reply : 

Looks sweet. Look forward to how you feel it fishes.

fishing user avatardaiwaguy reply : 

Sharp looking reel!

fishing user avatar00 mod reply : 

Pics to come this evening!


fishing user avatarWdyCrankbait reply : 

Ugh, so envious!  It sure looks stought and up to the task of meeting as Roadwarrior calls them "Walmart Girls,"  (The name he gave to big bass about a year ago, I still laugh over that comment today!)


Looks like Shimano responded very well with this new line of Curados.

fishing user avatarbuzzed bait reply : 

that thing looks purdy

fishing user avatarJeziHogg reply : 

Very nice, would you be able to get a size comparison picture beside a Metanium?

fishing user avatar00 mod reply : 

OK, so here are my comparison photos.  Much harder to get than I thought.  Hope this helps:  ( note some handles have been changed to Hawg Techs)


Curado I vs Metanium







fishing user avatar00 mod reply : 

Curado I vs Chronarch Ci4+







fishing user avatar00 mod reply : 

Curado I vs Curado 50e







fishing user avatar00 mod reply : 

Curado I vs Curado 200e







fishing user avatarbootytrain reply : 

Whoa it looks like its almost 50 sized :-)

fishing user avatarWdyCrankbait reply : 

Nice pictures, thanks for posting them!

fishing user avatarCgrinder reply : 

Thanks for the side by side. This sort of changes my opinion about not wanting one and/or waiting for a 50.

fishing user avatarAlonerankin2 reply : 

Awesome pics! Thanks for that!

fishing user avatarkickerfish1 reply : 

Appreciate the photos and comparison shots! Anxious to see what you think of the performance once you fish it in comparison to the fine reels you already own.

fishing user avatarArv reply : 

That is a very nice looking reel. Too bad I don't need any new b/c reels right now...

fishing user avatarVolFan reply : 

I like that cutting board!


fishing user avatarSmallmouth Hunter reply : 

Very nice pictures! Can you please do me one more favor? Is the length from the edge of the spool to the line guide on the curado I greater than the distance from the edge of the spool to the line guide on the curado 200E?

fishing user avatarMediumHeavy reply : 

Whoa, awesome. Thanks for the pics!


I'm even more excited to get mine now :)

fishing user avatarbootytrain reply : 

Does it come with spare lighter brake blocks?

fishing user avatarTrippyJai reply : 

Thanks for the pictures. I was wondering if you could answer some questions.


1) Is the drag star plastic on the Curado I? How about on the Metanium?

2) Is the thumb bar the same as the metanium or ci4? Wonder if it could be swapped when parts available.

3) Is there backplay in the handle or any play in the knobs? Looking to see if they improved on this.

fishing user avatar00 mod reply : 
  On 2/26/2014 at 8:53 AM, aprw1 said:

Very nice pictures! Can you please do me one more favor? Is the length from the edge of the spool to the line guide on the curado I greater than the distance from the edge of the spool to the line guide on the curado 200E?

I already spooled it up in preparation to fish in 2 days. Sorry.


fishing user avatar00 mod reply : 
  On 2/26/2014 at 8:56 AM, bootytrain said:

Does it come with spare lighter brake blocks?

No spare blocks. Just oil.


fishing user avatar00 mod reply : 
  On 2/26/2014 at 9:18 AM, TrippyJai said:

Thanks for the pictures. I was wondering if you could answer some questions.

1) Is the drag star plastic on the Curado I? How about on the Metanium?

2) Is the thumb bar the same as the metanium or ci4? Wonder if it could be swapped when parts available.

3) Is there backplay in the handle or any play in the knobs? Looking to see if they improved on this.

Will give you answers to everything in just a little bit. Taking the wife out for dinner the night before I leave to go fishing. Gotta keep her happy!!!


fishing user avatarDelcoSol reply : 

Here is the question I am wondering: What are the main differences between the Curado I and the Ci4 that justify the $100 price difference? I have a Ci4 and Metanium and have not fished them yet but holding both in my hands they are very similar. I know the Metanium has major differences internally but have not heard of the differences between the Ci4 and Curado. Thanks Jeff.

fishing user avatar00 mod reply : 
  On 2/26/2014 at 9:18 AM, TrippyJai said:

Thanks for the pictures. I was wondering if you could answer some questions.


1) Is the drag star plastic on the Curado I? How about on the Metanium?

2) Is the thumb bar the same as the metanium or ci4? Wonder if it could be swapped when parts available.

3) Is there backplay in the handle or any play in the knobs? Looking to see if they improved on this.



OK here we go:


1. Curado I is plastic.  Metanium is metal

2. Metanium and ci4 are the same.  Curado is different from them

3. Backplay issue has been fixed in both Curado I and Ci4+.  Metanium is flawless here as well



fishing user avatar00 mod reply : 
  On 2/26/2014 at 9:48 AM, DelcoSol said:

Here is the question I am wondering: What are the main differences between the Curado I and the Ci4 that justify the $100 price difference? I have a Ci4 and Metanium and have not fished them yet but holding both in my hands they are very similar. I know the Metanium has major differences internally but have not heard of the differences between the Ci4 and Curado. Thanks Jeff.



Curado and Ci4 differences as far as I know:


Weight- Curado 7.4 vs 6.5

Bearings- curado has 2 less

Spool- Curado holds more line

Ci4 has lighter spool

Ci4 has HEG gears

Ci4 is approved for saltwater use


Basically in my opinon, $200ish is the best bang for your buck reel price.  Over that and you are in enthusiast reels.  I have many, but as far as actual usage, it is hard to beat a curado( hopefully this new I, but as of now e series), supertuned, with upgraded drag washers, flushed/upgraded bearings and a good aftermarket handle (hawg Tech)


That is my opinion at least, and I have just about every series Shimano reel from Curado on up through Metanium.  Only ones I haven't ventured into are the Calais and the Antares.



fishing user avatar00 mod reply : 

OK, so from here until Sunday I will be phone only and only have the new Curado I and 2 Curado e series with me.  So if you have any other questions I will do my best to answer, but will be limited on time until Sunday.  When I get back, I will have 3 days of fishing with it, and hopefully will have at least tested the drag!!!!



fishing user avatarMarkH024 reply : 

No questions but just saying thanks. It looks like a winner. I will own one in due time. Right now I have too many new toys to play with from this winter.

Post some pics of the first lunker on it!

fishing user avatarJeziHogg reply : 

Wow, I thought it was going to be ALOT bigger.

fishing user avatarPaulasaurus reply : 

Thanks for posting up the photos and for all the info.

Does the Curado I feel smaller in the palm them the E series reels? Sure looks similar to the 50 series from looking at the photos.

fishing user avatarrbreedi1 reply : 
  On 2/26/2014 at 10:58 AM, Paulasaurus said:

Thanks for posting up the photos and for all the info.

Does the Curado I feel smaller in the palm them the E series reels? Sure looks similar to the 50 series from looking at the photos.

I am curious to hear this as well.

fishing user avatarAlonerankin2 reply : 

Have a great trip 00 mod!

fishing user avatar00 mod reply : 

The 50e and new I have a very similar palm feel. The bulk of the new I is on the crank side, making the palm side small and nice. Go back and look atthe pics after reading this and I think you will see what I mean.


fishing user avatarBrian Needham reply : 

rebranded Lews?


good luck with the grande de Florida

fishing user avatarbass1980 reply : 

Ok that does it. As soon as Shimano quits playing games and send all their shipments of reels instead of teasing us with small shipments I'm getting three!!!

fishing user avatar00 mod reply : 
  On 2/26/2014 at 11:55 AM, Brian Needham said:

rebranded Lews?

good luck with the grande de Florida

Hahahahaha. No lewser reel here!


fishing user avatar00 mod reply : 
  On 2/26/2014 at 12:04 PM, bass1980 said:

Ok that does it. As soon as Shimano quits playing games and send all their shipments of reels instead of teasing us with small shipments I'm getting three!!!

If the reel performs as well as I suspect, I will be getting more as well!


fishing user avatarbass1980 reply : 

Lewser...lolololololol haven't heard that one yet :)

fishing user avatarbass1980 reply : 

OO Mod are you going to be testing the Curado I basically stock out of the box? Or will you flush the bearings?

fishing user avatarBluebasser86 reply : 
  On 2/26/2014 at 2:41 AM, 00 mod said:

Just unboxed my Curado I HG and the initial impression is good.  Seems to be right back into the thick of things with sub $200 reels.  It seems tight, no noise, smooth(even un-flushed) and reminds me of a little sister to my Metanium!


Fishing Thurs-Saturday should put it through its paces and I will check back in on Sunday with an update!










fishing user avatartomustang reply : 

I handled one, like it much more in comparison to the 200E but the 50 still feels alot smaller and nicer to palm to me at least.

fishing user avatar*Hootie reply : 
  On 2/26/2014 at 8:33 AM, Arv said:

That is a very nice looking reel. Too bad I don't need any new b/c reels right now...

NEED, NEED?...C'mon Arv, need don't have anything to do with buying new fishing know


fishing user avatarHooked_On_Bass reply : 

The Curado I seems like a winner. I'm looking forward to it.

Thank you for sharing.

fishing user avatar00 mod reply : 
  On 2/26/2014 at 1:11 PM, bass1980 said:

OO Mod are you going to be testing the Curado I basically stock out of the box? Or will you flush the bearings?

Basically yes. No time for flushing, but at least this will give me a good idea. Only changes will be Hawg Tech handle hopefully! Will do flush/ supertune when I get back sometime.....


fishing user avatarroadwarrior reply : 

VERY nice preliminary review. We will all be anxious to here your "fishing" report.

fishing user avatarak47soulja22 reply : 

I got the curado at the Indy boat show and I got oil and extra brake blocks with it. Being my 1st shimano buy I'm not sure what to expect but hopes are high. Not being able to fish bc it's still freezing balls out. Can't wait to see how it fishes for you.

fishing user avatarAlonerankin2 reply : 

Yep.... Mine came in at like 10a.... It's Trick!

It's a tight fit no slop at all! Mine came with extra brakes (same weight/ color) oil...

Handle is much better than all curados past..

If the star drag is plastic?.... I cannot tell...

I really.. Really like this revamped curado thus far...

The external Brake dial is really easy to adjust on the rod

At first, I thought it would be a little difficult,

Not at all....

It does have the proverbial , over greased feel

We all are familiar with. Palms easy... 50/51e palms just ever so slightly , slightly, easier! Feels great.... Going to spool now... And cast in 12 degree , 15 mph stupid polar vortex weather!

fishing user avatarJay Ell Gee reply : 

Just got my 7.2 in hand this morning. Will hopefully be able to field test it next week!

fishing user avatar*Hootie reply : 

Where are you getting them? I can't find any anywhere.


fishing user avatarTartan34 reply : 

Just got a 7.2 as well, and took advantage of the BPS reel trade in to save $30 on it.

fishing user avatarbootytrain reply : 

Not to thread jack but I just got mine and did some casting tests and this thing eats the Tatula Rs lunch and I'm not talking a couple of feet, I'm talking 20+ feet.

fishing user avatarMarkH024 reply : 

Cabelas online has the CU200HG in stock. Everything else is backorderable. 

fishing user avatarAlonerankin2 reply : 
  On 3/1/2014 at 4:10 AM, hootiebenji said:

Where are you getting them? I can't find any anywhere.


I can tell you.... But it won't matter...reason?

This place ordered 160 of these reels!

Shimano would only grant him 13

No more till mid to late April

I hope you get one sooner rather than later

Good luck


fishing user avatarMrTexasRigs reply : 
  On 3/1/2014 at 4:51 AM, bootytrain said:

Not to thread jack but I just got mine and did some casting tests and this thing eats the Tatula Rs lunch and I'm not talking a couple of feet, I'm talking 20+ feet.

You ever flush them bearings and reoil on that Tatula?

fishing user avatarAlonerankin2 reply : 

Here we go.....

Curado I vs Tatula type R

I love it!

fishing user avatarbootytrain reply : 
  On 3/1/2014 at 5:16 AM, MrTexasRigs said:

You ever flush them bearings and reoil on that Tatula?

Nope, I may attempt it in the future but I've read its not quite so easy like a Shimano. You have to open the handle side plate right?

fishing user avatarJay Ell Gee reply : 

BPS trade in as well here. Also had a lot of gift cards to use.

fishing user avatarMrTexasRigs reply : 
  On 3/1/2014 at 5:40 AM, bootytrain said:

Nope, I may attempt it in the future but I've read its not quite so easy like a Shimano. You have to open the handle side plate right?

Im just telling you, that is probably the reason why the Shimano out casts it by so much. I'm not starting a debate, I have regular Tatula and it wasn't as impressive as I thought it should've been with casting. So i flushed the bearings and now it casts stupid far. I'm looking at getting the Curado I too.

fishing user avatarbootytrain reply : 
  On 3/1/2014 at 5:48 AM, MrTexasRigs said:

Im just telling you, that is probably the reason why the Shimano out casts it by so much.

Possibly but I haven't flushed the bearings on the Curado either, I got it an hour ago, spooled it up and started casting.
fishing user avatarNorcalBassin reply : 

Also got mine today at BPS trade in... got there before they opened and first one to the reel counter. They said they didn't get any at all (spoke with manager!) so I went around to the other side of the counter and had them pull me out a Chronarch Ci4+ from the cabinet and jokingly asked the employee if he happened to see a Curado I in there. He said no but thought they got one last night and he pulled it out from another cabinet. I was in temporary shock and had him put the Chronarch back and pulled the trigger on the Curado... felt bad for the two people behind me hoping to get one as well. Sweet reel and definitely worth the trip!

fishing user avatarzell_pop1 reply : 

Where is the next Citica? Curados are too hi dollar for me so I buy its little brother.

fishing user avatarBryanBrown reply : 

I literally got the last 7.2 out of the display case at the BPS in Memphis... Can't beat the reel trade in plus I had 42$ in rewards and a double points coupon! Bill Dance was there also and received a bobble head for being a preferred rewards member.

fishing user avatarMemphisFF reply : 
  On 3/1/2014 at 10:58 AM, BryanBrown said:

I literally got the last 7.2 out of the display case at the BPS in Memphis... Can't beat that reel trade in plus I had 42$ in rewards and a double points coupon!

d**n you Bryan I picked up that same reel looked at it and was thinking bout it walked around for a min and it was gone... Anyways I bought one with the reel trade in when they get it in they're gonna call me..
fishing user avatarBryanBrown reply : 

I would say I'm sorry but I'm not...LOL. I was surprised they even had 1 left this evening especially when the guy behind the counter said they where lined up this morning and was selling them like crazy.

fishing user avatarMemphisFF reply : 
  On 3/1/2014 at 11:11 AM, BryanBrown said:

I would say I'm sorry but I'm not...LOL. I was surprised they even had 1 left this evening especially when the guy behind the counter said they where lined up this morning and was selling them like crazy.

Don't be.. I can't wait to get one but with the crazy Memphis weather dunno when I can use it..
fishing user avatarroadwarrior reply : 

I wonder when they get their next shipment. Did they give any idea?

fishing user avatarMemphisFF reply : 
  On 3/1/2014 at 9:10 PM, roadwarrior said:

I wonder when they get their next shipment. Did they give any idea?

When they call me for mine I will post, they said they will have 42 more

fishing user avatarTartan34 reply : 

BPS in Orlando still has both ratios. I just picked up another HG with the trade in, and saw them on the shelf. Maybe 2 of each?

fishing user avatarMediumHeavy reply : 

I'm getting really impatient to get the shipping confirmation on my HG from TW. Nowhere near open water up here, but I need something to tinker with while I'm house-bound due to crap weather. :)

fishing user avatarNorcalBassin reply : 
  On 3/1/2014 at 9:10 PM, roadwarrior said:

I wonder when they get their next shipment. Did they give any idea?

The Shimano rep working the counter at the Manteca store said they wouldn't be getting any more til June. Hopefully that's not accurate.

fishing user avatarMemphisFF reply : 
  On 3/1/2014 at 9:21 PM, MemphisFF said:

When they call me for mine I will post, they said they will have 42 more

I didn't really answer your question he said soon he said this week.. They had a 5 but I wanted the 7

fishing user avataronefinalcast reply : 

BPS has all right handed models In Stock on their website as of this post. Left hand models are backordered.

fishing user avatarbootytrain reply : 
  On 3/2/2014 at 12:39 PM, onefinalcast said:

BPS has all right handed models In Stock on their website as of this post. Left hand models are backordered.

The report is that the lefties are stuck in customs, or at least a good portion of them.

fishing user avatar00 mod reply : 

Just got back from putting my I through the paces.  And I am impressed. Spooled with braid, which I hate, it was a bit more challenging to get dialed in with all of the wind that was blowing in Florida, but after being hard headed, and switching the brakes, it was trouble free from there on.  Tight, smooth and silent.  I will be getting another.


Now with the bad.  My Metanium is used as a bottom contact reel, and this one will have to be as well. I used this reel for jerkbaits, topwater frogs and poppers while down there.  The "switch" that opens the side plate rides right below the upper knuckle on my left pointer finger, causing a blister when popping and moving all day.  Might just be me, but it will have to be on a rod that I hold the reel differently.  So a different reel for those techniques, but other than that it is solid.  Even stuck this pig on it!





fishing user avatarAlonerankin2 reply : 

Nice fish! As far as brakes... All on or ? How was the power on it? I am ready to use mine too..

fishing user avatar00 mod reply : 

I started with 1 on, and no spool tension.  I fish my reels pretty loose.  Ended up with 2 on and dial on 1 and no spool tension.  Probably without braid, and my normal lines, and not as much wind,  I could have stayed with 1 on.  Reel had no issues reeling in over 50 fish this trip!



fishing user avatarBrian Needham reply : 






did I just hear 00 mod say he ACTUALLY USED magnetic brakes????????????

fishing user avatar00 mod reply : 

The brakes are not magnetic.  The dial is an additional adjustment for the centrifugal brakes to dial them in more!


fishing user avatarAlonerankin2 reply : 

Wow... Thanks for that info! That is a big help!

Sounds like you caught em good...

Sounds like you're reel is the proto...for a hawgtech handle.. That's neat too

Thanks again!

fishing user avatarkingkong85 reply : 
  On 3/3/2014 at 7:03 AM, 00 mod said:

Tight, smooth and silent.

What do you mean by tight?

how's the casting ability?

Thanks for sharing your impression!

fishing user avatarbass1980 reply : 

What I really want to know is which reel is better. Curado I or Curado E in these categories.


Retrieve smoothness

Can you really tell if Xship helps under load.

Thanks. I already got one on order. Want to order a few more but waiting to see more reviews from other anglers.

fishing user avatar00 mod reply : 

By tight I mean the tolerances. No play in anything. Casting ability is excellent.

I can't tell really about x ship, but it was plenty powerful to reel in that big girl on the buzzbait. I think x ship is a great feature that will aid, but go un-noticed. I don't know how you would really tell it was helping or not. Know what I mean?


fishing user avatarbass1980 reply : 

Yeah I know, that's what I figures. Similar to the marketing hype of Daiwas TWS. Does it help? Sure it could help somewhat. Is it as big of a gain as their marketing, probably not.

fishing user avatarArv reply : 

The more I read and look at this reel I'm wanting to try it whenever I upgrade my Lews Tournament... Before it was a unanimous upgrade to the Tournament Pro, now I'm, at the very least, intrigued by the new Curado.

fishing user avatarHooked_On_Bass reply : 

I stopped by a local shop today to see if they had any new Curado I's in stock. They did!

In hand, it felt really smooth and quite refined. I also liked the aesthetics.

Now, if they were lefties, I'd have a couple already. I really like the feel of this new Curado!

fishing user avatar*Hootie reply : 
  On 3/4/2014 at 1:58 AM, Arv said:

The more I read and look at this reel I'm wanting to try it whenever I upgrade my Lews Tournament... Before it was a unanimous upgrade to the Tournament Pro, now I'm, at the very least, intrigued by the new Curado.

C'mon now Arv. You don't need any new reels, remember?


fishing user avatarArv reply : 
  On 3/4/2014 at 3:35 AM, hootiebenji said:

C'mon now Arv. You don't need any new reels, remember?


Lol! I don't NEEED a lot of things, but that doesn't always matter. You know how persuasive the bait monkey can be though.

fishing user avatargripnrip reply : 
  On 3/4/2014 at 1:58 AM, Arv said:

The more I read and look at this reel I'm wanting to try it whenever I upgrade my Lews Tournament... Before it was a unanimous upgrade to the Tournament Pro, now I'm, at the very least, intrigued by the new Curado.

Who knew we might be forming a new posse round these parts!  LOL  


I used a buddy's Curado last year for a while.  I loved the reel.  I could not however get past the UGLY green.  I'm glad now they went with a different color.  I will be purchasing my first Shimano bait caster soon!

fishing user avatarSalamander12 reply : 

I wonder if this new curado I will be worth the extra $80 over the curado that will be selling for $99 at bps?

fishing user avatarAlonerankin2 reply : 
  On 3/5/2014 at 3:41 AM, Salamander12 said:

I wonder if this new curado I will be worth the extra $80 over the curado that will be selling for $99 at bps?

I don't think you can go wrong with either choice!


fishing user avatarTartan34 reply : 

I fished with two Curado I's today and was really, really impressed.  With two breaks on, and the dial set to 1, it was ideal.  I tried to use only one break, but couldn't make it work without issues.  I enjoy the feel of this reel more than my CI4+, and it is just as smooth.  


Setup 1) MH *** Rod, 3/8 Jig Head, 5" Easy Shiner.  12# Yozuri Hybrid

Setup 2) H *** Rod, 6/0 Owner Beast, Air Frog.  65# Smackdown


I could throw these baits a mile.  The reel feel like it is indestructible, but really light.  Perfect for me to palm, and has SERIOUS power.  


Love this reel.  Will be in the market for more.  I'll be using my CI4 for lighter lures...and my I's for anything 3/8 or higher.  

fishing user avatargr8outdoorz reply : 
  On 2/26/2014 at 8:33 AM, Arv said:

That is a very nice looking reel. Too bad I don't need any new b/c reels right now...


Come on now could always use a new reel  :eyebrows:

fishing user avatarplumworm reply : 

Question: do you guys really buy reels based on color?  " I used my buddy's Curado last year but could not get past the UGLY green color"  I thought green was the new good. Wake me up when black reels are back. I have a bunch of them. Until then I won't fish for fear of upsetting the PC world of correct colors of fishing reels. Is pink O.K.?, I bought my Grand daughter a pink "33".

fishing user avatarTywithay reply : 
  On 3/5/2014 at 11:06 AM, plumworm said:

Question: do you guys really buy reels based on color?  " I used my buddy's Curado last year but could not get past the UGLY green color"  I thought green was the new good. Wake me up when black reels are back. I have a bunch of them. Until then I won't fish for fear of upsetting the PC world of correct colors of fishing reels. Is pink O.K.?, I bought my Grand daughter a pink "33".

If there's two reels that perform equally well, I'll buy the one I think looks better.

fishing user avatarplumworm reply : 

I went back and reread the "Ugly green reel" post. That has got to be the most irritating post I have ever read on BR. Sorry brother, it's freaking fishing reel.

fishing user avatargripnrip reply : 
  On 3/5/2014 at 11:15 AM, plumworm said:

I went back and reread the "Ugly green reel" post. That has got to be the most irritating post I have ever read on BR. Sorry brother, it's freaking fishing reel.

Ask me if I care?  I have my reasons and I'm entitled to my opinion, brother.  If you find something irritating skip it.  I roll my eyes at a lot of posts on here.  I choose to not say anything.  If what I say bothers you, ignore what I say.  Rant over.

fishing user avatarBasswhippa reply : 
  On 3/6/2014 at 1:16 AM, gripnrip said:

Ask me if I care?  I have my reasons and I'm entitled to my opinion, brother.  If you find something irritating skip it.  I roll my eyes at a lot of posts on here.  I choose to not say anything.  If what I say bothers you, ignore what I say.  Rant over.

Besides if there were no ugly reels then we wouldn't appreciate the pretty ones.
fishing user avatarBrian Needham reply : 

looks are part of the game maine!!!!!


it aint enough to be catching hawgs..... you got to look good doing it. Get yo dazzle on!!!!


can you really beat the look of a core 50 on a Dobyns DX, or lewsTP and dobyns DX with matching carbon fiber??? I think NOT.


or even get all super funk like a stormtrooper with the Ducketts.


pimpin aint easy, and there's no reason to hate when you can CONGRADULATE!!!!!!!!

fishing user avatar*Hootie reply : 

I like it when these topics get stupid. Really


fishing user avatarBrian Needham reply : 

Hootie I wish I could like your post more than once.

fishing user avatargripnrip reply : 

It actually comes down to a color I "despise"  Why?  It might have something to do with back in the late 90's.  It seemed every vehicle I owned wound up being green.   But I durn sure won't buy something that every time I look at it I will hate it!  Even tho it performs to my expectations. :eyebrows:   

fishing user avatarJay Ell Gee reply : 
  On 3/6/2014 at 7:46 AM, gripnrip said:

It actually comes down to a color I "despise" Why? It might have something to do with back in the late 90's. It seemed every vehicle I owned wound up being green. But I durn sure won't buy something that every time I look at it I will hate it! Even tho it performs to my expectations. :eyebrows:

Those last two sentences kind of remind me of my first "serious" college girlfriend!

fishing user avatarMemphisFF reply : 

Roadwarrior BPS jus called me to let me know my curado just came in, so all you Memphis Folks if ya want one they are in..

fishing user avatar00 mod reply : 
  On 3/12/2014 at 4:53 AM, MemphisFF said:

Roadwarrior BPS jus called me to let me know my curado just came in, so all you Memphis Folks if ya want one they are in..



Thanks.  I will go pick up a second!



fishing user avatar00 mod reply : 

Seems they were all "pre sold" with the reel trade ins.


fishing user avatarMemphisFF reply : 

Booo sorry Jeff bout to leave here in a min to pick it up

fishing user avatarLVD reply : 

I picked up 4 of these. 2 from Tackle Direct and 2 from BPS trade in. 


They are really nice, on par with the e series curado and chronarchs. Def. a big leap up from the G series. I also purchased 2 Lew's Tournament Pro's at the same time on eBay for 145 each. The Lew's are really nice too but they are a tad more prone to professional overruns. This is straight out of the box, no flush or anything.


Shimano did the Curado name justice with the new reels. 

fishing user avatar00 mod reply : 
  On 3/12/2014 at 7:14 AM, MemphisFF said:

Booo sorry Jeff bout to leave here in a min to pick it up



That is ok!  I have had my first one for a coupe weeks.  I can wait for another!



fishing user avatargripnrip reply : 
  On 3/12/2014 at 7:06 AM, 00 mod said:

Seems they were all "pre sold" with the reel trade ins.


That is what I ran into Saturday. They did have a Ci4 that I picked up.  I will be buying a few of the Curado's as well!

fishing user avatarBluebasser86 reply : 

Took my IHG for a test drive today. It felt terrific and despite not catching anything with it I can tell I'm really going to enjoy fishing with it :)

fishing user avatariceintheveins reply : 

My next high speed reel will be a Curado I probably unless time reveals more bugs in the lineup, in which case I will be going with a Chronarch E. I wish Shimano made a Curado or Chronarch with a gear ratio lower than 5.5:1. That's just a TAD too fast for deep cranking IMO but fine for shallow cranks and spinnerbaits.

fishing user avatarAlonerankin2 reply : 

I used my HG yesterday and it's special.... I like it better than E series... I really liked E and D really well though! I really want a hawgtech handle for it

Geez... I am so broke...! This shimano cast farther and with less effort as well as pitching supremely ! Drag super smooth & stout

What a great reel at a great price!

fishing user avatarTartan34 reply : 

Spent a day with my HGs today, fished against a ***.

The Concept is easier to cast....and longer by a touch...but I'll take the Curado all day long with a fish on the line. Powerful and totally in control of the fish at all times. I like this reel more than my CI4 as well. The Curado is incredibly easy to target cast to tight spots, and easier for me to dial in than the others. Fantastic reel at a great price.

fishing user avatarLoop_Dad reply : 
  On 3/6/2014 at 1:16 AM, gripnrip said:

Ask me if I care?  I have my reasons and I'm entitled to my opinion, brother.  If you find something irritating skip it.  I roll my eyes at a lot of posts on here.  I choose to not say anything.  If what I say bothers you, ignore what I say.  Rant over.


Yeah, I agree that everyone is entitled to their opinions, including the color of the reel.


My opinion....It's too bad that they didn't continue the Curado green tradition. I would still buy this reel. Maybe around the Labor day sale.

fishing user avatarroadwarrior reply : 

I think the new reels look great.

fishing user avatarMike L reply : 

Hey Yoise Guise I got me one of dem too!!

(Thats the So Side of Chicago comin out, Sorry ;)

I wanted one for cranking, and gave serious thought about getting the 5.5:1 which has 23" of ipt but thought that would be to slow as we dont have a lot of deep cranking water down here.

So I got the 6.3:1, 26" ipt instead, thinking it would alright for the sq bill, shallow crank, jerk, and trap use that I wanted it for. Sure hope I didnt screw up...

I guess I can always that it back.

We'll see


fishing user avatarMemphisFF reply : 

Or sell it or trade

fishing user avatarPinoy_Basser reply : 

Anyone opened up their curado I's lately ?


Like to inquire about Part # 4117 (Level Wind Bushing).  Is this part upgradable with a bearing ?

If yes, what bearing size do we need ?


Hoping to get my Curado I in a week or two and now listing possible upgrade, pimps etc for this reel.



fishing user avatarAlonerankin2 reply : 

A hawgtech handle would be a very nice start for pimping out that CU I

fishing user avatarTNBassin' reply : 

I ended up picking up a 3rd Curado I yesterday, and to me all 3 feel "geary". My Chronarch Es are very very smooth, and have been right out of the box. Do these new Curados have a different gear type that needs to broken in?

fishing user avatarrobster80 reply : 

mine felt that way but after i fished it awhile it feels much smoother now.

fishing user avatarTNBassin' reply : 

I hope they smooth out. If not they are going back.

fishing user avatarDelaware Valley Tackle reply : 

Any flat bushing can be replaced with a bearing of the same dimensions - measure ID(inside diameter)xOD(outside diameter)xW(thickness)

fishing user avatarDiggy reply : 

Only annoyance is the side door not latching if the spool tension is set too tightly....and when I mean tightly, for a slow rate of fall like a normal bait caster(some models). I usually set my spool loose but I had a bait that needed to be set with more tension, extra brakes killed the distance too much.

fishing user avatarBassinLou reply : 
  On 6/26/2014 at 8:20 PM, TNBassin said:

I hope they smooth out. If not they are going back.


Just out of complete curiosity.... why would you purchase 3 Curado's ? Why didn't you just get the feel of the 1st one, fish it for a while,and then make a decision like you did with your Chronarch's. You have been part of BR for a while now, and  before a little while back you had all Abu's. I think you had some issue's with a couple of Revo S's and you decided to go all Chronarch which you loved.  Again.... it is mere curiosity, I come in peace....  :handshake-147: 

fishing user avatarTNBassin' reply : 
  On 6/27/2014 at 12:35 AM, BassinLou said:

Just out of complete curiosity.... why would you purchase 3 Curado's ? Why didn't you just get the feel of the 1st one, fish it for a while,and then make a decision like you did with your Chronarch's. You have been part of BR for a while now, and before a little while back you had all Abu's. I think you had some issue's with a couple of Revo S's and you decided to go all Chronarch which you loved. Again.... it is mere curiosity, I come in peace.... :handshake-147:

Mainly because they are out of stock in a lefty everywhere around here, plus I had $50 in rewards points and another $20 off. So I figured I'd get a 3rd for $109 since I just ordered another Crucial worm/jig rod. Been doing some reading, and apparently the gear teeth are smaller and allow for a better mesh, so maybe its that I'm feeling? But yeah, I may have jumped the gun on them a little but Bait Monkey made me, plus they are Shimano so I thought the risk would be minimal that they wouldn't perform better than my E reels.
fishing user avatarBassinLou reply : 
  On 6/27/2014 at 12:40 AM, TNBassin said:

Mainly because they are out of stock in a lefty everywhere around here, plus I had $50 in rewards points and another $20 off. So I figured I'd get a 3rd for $109 since I just ordered another Crucial worm/jig rod. Been doing some reading, and apparently the gear teeth are smaller and allow for a better mesh, so maybe its that I'm feeling? But yeah, I may have jumped the gun on them a little but Bait Monkey....


Ah.... enough said... that bait monkey has gotten me into trouble plenty of times. As far as the Curado goes, give it a chance. I used my first one for a month before i decided to get my 2nd one. You have to break them in. They are great reels. Good luck and thank you for answering my question.  :drinking-10: 

fishing user avatarMCS reply : 
  On 6/27/2014 at 12:50 AM, BassinLou said:

Ah.... enough said... that bait monkey has gotten me into trouble plenty of times. As far as the Curado goes, give it a chance. I used my first one for a month before i decided to get my 2nd one. You have to break them in. They are great reels. Good luck and thank you for answering my question.  :drinking-10: 

Yeah Lou has been know to give the monkey a little banana every now and again :laugh5:  :eyebrows:

fishing user avatarTywithay reply : 
  On 6/27/2014 at 12:19 AM, Diggy said:

Only annoyance is the side door not latching if the spool tension is set too tightly....and when I mean tightly, for a slow rate of fall like a normal bait caster(some models). I usually set my spool loose but I had a bait that needed to be set with more tension, extra brakes killed the distance too much.

I don't recall ever having an issue with mine closing, regardless of spool tension.

fishing user avatarDiggy reply : 
  On 6/27/2014 at 3:31 AM, Tywithay said:

I don't recall ever having an issue with mine closing, regardless of spool tension.

Be happy because it's annoying when you don't know how to fix it. You'll see reports of it in reviews. My finger was killing me before I realized what to do. Happens on my 201. I haven't happen yet on the HG.
fishing user avatar*Hootie reply : 
  On 6/26/2014 at 8:20 PM, TNBassin said:

I hope they smooth out. If not they are going back.

I have 3 all bought at different times and places. All 3 were silky smooth right out of the box.


fishing user avatarTNBassin' reply : 
  On 6/27/2014 at 6:21 AM, *Hootie said:

I have 3 all bought at different times and places. All 3 were silky smooth right out of the box.

I think smoothness is subjective, but outta the box my E series reels win. Gonna fish these 3 tomorrow so we'll see.


fishing user avatarAlonerankin2 reply : 
  On 6/27/2014 at 9:33 AM, TNBassin said:
  On 6/27/2014 at 6:21 AM, *Hootie said:

I have 3 all bought at different times and places. All 3 were silky smooth right out of the box.

I think smoothness is subjective, but outta the box my E series reels win. Gonna fish these 3 tomorrow so we'll see.


Yea the CU I is a brand new platform, different gearing etc, it just maybe not up to you're personal standards. My reels ( cu I ) don't feel like my E's and they don't feel like my D's or TE's so maybe they don't work for you. You're certainly entitled to this opinion... Well good luck on you're trip, let us know how they do for ya!

fishing user avatarTNBassin' reply : 

Don't get me wrong. I'm not saying they feel horrible or junky, just a different feel from my Es that I've had for over a year. I'm assuming its just the difference in the gears, as the Curado uses smaller teeth on it's gears for a tighter mesh. I'm sure that's all I'm feeling.

fishing user avatarMaico1 reply : 

More on this reel.......

fishing user avatarTywithay reply : 

I don't think that the smoothness of the I shows its teeth until you have it under load. It's plenty smooth, but when you hook up, the xship really shines.

fishing user avatarColdSVT reply : 
  On 6/27/2014 at 6:33 PM, Tywithay said:

I don't think that the smoothness of the I shows its teeth until you have it under load. It's plenty smooth, but when you hook up, the xship really shines.

I really noticed that with my chronarch ci4...its silky smooth all time and under the load of a good fish it doesnt change a that reel!

fishing user avatarTNBassin' reply : 

Gave my Curados a good cleaning today, and they do feel much smoother. The amount of lube in these things is ridiculous. The lube on the pawl and the pinion gear


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