OK, here is the post we need to keep all the info stored for the Potomac.
Included is a poll to let us know who will be a boater and a non boater, it is important that you please let us know so that we can keep a valid record of how many open seats we will have for non boaters, thank you boaters for offering and we can not wait to get this thing going !!
We look forward to meeting each and every one of you, this year is going to be a big turn out it seems, but we need all who are making plans to attend this event to please make sure they put the vote in for either a boater or a non boater, it's very important that we have this info so that we can make plans for everything, without knowing the maximum number of people who wish to attend it's hard to make the right arrangements, so if you are even thinking about it, even if there is only an outside chance, place your boating status so that we can be as prepared as we can possibly be.
Lets get this information out there so we can be prepaired for fishing the Potomac, we need safety regulations, the safest places to fish, what we can expect from fishing tidal waters, ie... don't get caught here while the tide is out, those sort of things.
We look forward to meeting everyone this fall or late summer and having as much fun as we can, last year was a blast, this year we have already generated a lot of interest and it looks to be a possibility of a great turn out.
Below is some of the info already previously disscussed as far as places to stay that week or weekend, also some needed fishing info for licence and what we need to know about the fish there.
https://www.countmyfish.noaa.gov/register/ Make sure you click on the " do I need to register " button if you have any questions about saltwater registration for your craft !!
Licence: All you will need will be your Va. licence, unless you make the run way North or south of where we will be, then there will be extra fee's involved, there will be plenty of room in between to fish with lots of good locations to try your luck.
Any Licence questions can be found here.
mudkart and charlie was kind enough to share some insite as to what baits to use and added some info as to what we can expect at the time of the meet and greet, thanx mudkart and charlie !!!
Contrary to previously published messages, Northern Snakeheads do NOT have to be killed in Virginia waters. Since all of Pohick Bay is located in Virginia, you may keep, kill or release snakeheads caught there. However, anyone releasing them when they could be eating them is suspect.
Our local VDGIF fisheries biologist is the regional coordinator of the snakehead team and offers the following information:
1. Northern Snakeheads live in very shallow water.
2. They live in shallow water as they are air breathers. They do not have gills and therefore, must come to the surface every 3-4 minutes to gulp air.
3. Their primary food source is the killifish, a very small minnow that lives in less than six inches of water.
4. Bass normally do not target killifish. Therefore, the two fish do not share the same water nor the same food source.
5. In all their studies, they have not found any bass in the stomachs of snakeheads.
6. However, the reverse is not true. Bass eat snakeheads.
7. VDGIF does not require the killing of snakeheads because there is no way to get them out of the resource. Since they do not compete with nor affect bass or the other gamefish in the Potomac River, they are just another
gamefish to the Department.
8. Pohick Bay is a hot spot for snakeheads. White spinnerbaits, buzzbaits, chatterbaits and topwater frogs are all subject to being taken by snakeheads on any cast. As someone else mentioned, they hit like a ton of bricks and accelerate from there. Braided line in the 20-65# class is a necessity for the thick grass and lily pads that these fish love.
9. On two different occasions last year, I caught five or more snakeheads from the grass and lily pads on frogs and spinnerbaits. Personal best snakehead in Pohick Bay was 14.3 pounds. Unfortunately, the Tournament Director would not weigh them in for credit.
As for the fishing:
1. As you leave the ramp, turning left will put you in the thick grass and lily pads in less than two feet of water. Turning right will put you in the middle of Pohick Bay with is about 4-5 feet deep throughout.
2. The right (South) bank has numerous downed trees and a couple of submerged barges, along with a couple of good points and some docks. The closer to the river you get, the more numerous the docks. The grass is normally thick the full length of this bank with the grassbed becoming much wider near the river.
3. Heading directly across the bay from the ramp, you will see two separate entrances to a small creek. Anyone wishing to fish that creek will need to go in on the trolling motor or with the O/B kicked all the way up. Once inside the creek, the channel drops to 3-4 feet and there is no problem with navigation. I like to go in on the incoming tide and fish until the tide turns, fishing back on the outgoing tide.
4. To the right of the creek mouths, the bank is part of Fort Belvoir and may be fished down to a large dock. This dock, known as the Coast Guard dock, is offlimits to anglers. All boats MUST stay outside the bollards on either side of the dock and outside those in front of the dock. They have plenty of Rent-A-Cops to harrass you and keep you away from the boats that are tied up there.
5. Beyond the dock, there is a nice shallow, rocky bank that normally has a narrow grassbed and then drops off into 10 feet, then 17 feet and then 20 feet plus. This is a good crankbait bank and lots of good fish are taken from the 17 foot dropoff on jigs and plastic grubs. The drop runs from the front dock pilings to a line intersecting a white house on the hill on the Maryland Shoreline. Always fish this drop parallel to the bank.
6. Last year, the mouth of Pohick Bay had a reef of eelgrass (Valisneria) about 30-40 feet wide running all the way across the bay. This grassbed should have lots of fish in it and since it is located on the dropoff into the river, the fish should be of good size.
7. Keep in mind that we are dealing with four prime predators in this area: Bass, Snakehead, Blue Catfish and striped bass. The blue catfish in the river just love spinnerbaits and firetiger crankbaits. On any cast, an angler may find himself hooked up with a 30-50# blue catfish or a 15# striper.
8. Your primary baits in Pohick Bay should be: Zoom Horny Toad, Manns Baby One Minus, White Buzzbait, 5" Green Pumpkin Senko, Small swimbait (Money Minnow, etc.), green pumpkin creature bait (Brush Hog, Etc.) and White Zoom Super Fluke.
As for Boating:
1. Understand that the Potomac River is unforgiving. Generally the wind is calm in the morning and comes up during the late morning to it's maximum is mid-afternoon. Since the river is so open and the prevailing winds are either from the North or South, the wind has a long time to build up waves. Waves on the river generally whitecap at 11-12 mph and it is not at all unusual to have 15-25 mph winds.
2. Given that information, anyone with a boat smaller than 17 feet should plan on staying inside Pohick Bay. There is plenty of area, cover and fish to last a week or more without venturing into the river.
3. Those is 17'+ glass or aluminum boats might think about heading straight across from the mouth of Pohick Bay to the Maryland shoreline. This is known as Greenway Flat and is an expansive flat containing numerous different grasses out to the drop into the river channel.
4. This flat is home for many bass, yellow perch, snakehead, blue catfish, bluegill and striper. Although there is lots of grass here, it is generally more sparse and a Texas-rigged creature bait, Senko or Chatterbait is more successful.
5. Heading south around the next point, you will find the entrance to Pamunkey Creek. The entrance is a little hard to find, but it is located back in the corner after rounding the point. This creek is a typical tidal creek, choked with grass along both sides of the channel. I like Zoom Horny toads and weightless, Texas-rigged
5" Senkos here.
6. The entire Maryland shoreline south of the creek mouth has a good thick grassbed that consistently yields lots of good bass to those fishing topwater frogs, creature baits and Senkos. Another good spot that gets pounded is the Navy Dive Dock at the end of the shoreline where it comes back to the main river channel. Lots of very heavy pilings and timber dropping off into 25+ feet of water with good tidal movement.
7. Shifting back over to the Virginia shore, you will see a small bay just below the south point of Pohick Bay (Hallowing Point). This bay normally has a huge grassbed in 2-3 feet of water that holds lots of good bass. Once again, frogs, swimbaits, chatterbaits, creature baits and Senkos are the better choice of baits.
8. Heading south along the Virginia Shoreline, you need to stay a good 50 yards off the shore as the water is very shallow there. Swing wide around the next point and you will be heading into the Occoquan River. On the right as you enter the river, you will see a small island. Just beyond the island, look carefully and you will see poles delineating a channel heading up into a creek. Here, you have an option. Either follow the channel into the creek and fish the creek.....or turn right and find yourself in Belmont Bay. Belmont Bay is a large shallow grass choked flat that has thousands of cruising bass chasing the baitfish that are in there during this season of the year. Frogs, swimbaits, chatterbaits, creature baits and senkos all work well.
9. If you stay in the channel into the Occoquan River, you will see a grass bed on the right side. This bed has been a mainstay of tournament anglers for a good number of years. Best success is normally along the dropoff into the river channel just after you enter the no wake zone and up to the first covered marina on the right.
10. Beyond the first Marina, you will see the docks of two marinas on the right. They all hold fish on a moving tide. At all times, fish the downtide side of the pilings. Best fishing is generally on the last two hours of the outgoing tide and the first hour of the incoming tide.
11. Fishing is not that productive beyond the first bridge on the Occoquan during the summer. That is primarily a late fall and winter fishery.
NHBA Charlie......
Senkos, Fat Ikas, hollow-body frog, buzz frog (I like the Zoom H. Toad), chatterbait, Mann's -1, Shad Raps, lipless crank du jour.
I find braided line very useful on the tidal Potomac. Conditions (i.e. water clarity, abundant vegetation) are such that, IMO, the line does not spook bass. Chances are, at the dates of this get-together, you will be fishing heavy vegetation at some point. You will then thank me for the braid suggestion. Some techniques, especially hollow body frogs (IMO), require braid, otherwise you're wasting your time.
Here is a link to what we need to do with Snakehead fish.
This one will be much like the last one, this is an event to get together, have some fun, and do some fishing, it's an opportunity for all of us to spend time with family and meet other families as well, there will be a cookout following the friendly tournament along with some games as well, like Corn Hole, Yes Zoff, there will be Corn Hole, just not what your thinking LOL !!
If you wish to participate in the cookout then bring an extra 5 bucks to toss in the hat.
If you are a non boater be prepaired to split costs with your boater, some of us volunteer our time on the water, some of us do not, we do not expect anyone to follow the ones who are giving the non boaters a free ride, it is totally up to the individual, however there is a " If you break it - You bought it" in place for those who are not expecting anything in return.
Feel free to ask any question at all !!!
Looking forward to it. Hope I can make it this year!!!
I want to check the block that says i am a boater with an open seat but i dont want to pick a date because it doesnt matter to me as long it isnt the last date. That 9/22 is my birthday and my wife says any other date is fine butt she has jurisdiction over my bday.
All that said, ill wait and see what dates for other guys. If thats ok. But i do have an open seat on the boat. I can get two people if we absolutely have to.
Can't wait. I can't pick a date yet until this years tournament schedule is posted. Should be soon.
Like soccerplayer, have to wait until our bass club meeting on the 23rd to receive our tournament trail before voting for a date.
As far as I know and nothing change date shouldn't matter. I can be a boater and possibly an open seat if brother doesn't come. I own a Tracker 14' topper with a 7.5hp jon boat. It's the one in my signature.
I just don't understand the whole Potomac MD/VA permit thing. We are fishing the freshwater side right?
Where will you and/or the rest be camping at Nitro? Might have to drag the wife along even if she doesn't want to fish she can hang with the ladies while we are out. I'm sure she would love that!
Where is Zoff, Traveler, AJ and his dad? I haven't seen any post from Chris in a long time. Hopefully he will come too.
They will be along eventually I am sure.
As for the licence, all we need is the salt water registry card to go along with our Va. state licence, unless we fish up toward DC area, if you go above the bridge you will also need a DC permit, but stay below that and you will be ok.
As for my family, we are going to camp at Pohick Campground, I saw there was a coulpe of picnic areas big enough to support the gathering we will have this year, it looks to be a great turnout.
As far as the date goes, family is always first, we left out the end of the month for another member who can not do the end of month dates, I know you wish to join us for the trip and I am sure we can figure something out to assist in you getting here, remember this is a family event, your family is more than welcome to join us as well, by the way nice avatar, thats a good lookin family you have there.
As for the rest who can not decide on dates yet until further notice, lets try to keep Teal in mind so that he may join in with us, so far the date in question has not been voted on anyway, me personally, it's a little late in the month, it's usually windy the later in the month of Sept., let me know if you all wish to delete the 21st and 22nd of Sept.
Also if any other dates are available to all that are not posted, please feel free to suggest them and we will see if we can make it work for all of us.
I'm flying solo on this one, unless of course you are really small and ride in the tankwell of my Hobie
I'm iffy on this one and any events over the summer anyway due the addition of a newborn sometime in June.
On 1/8/2013 at 9:30 PM, Nitrofreak said:Endless,
They will be along eventually I am sure.
As for the licence, all we need is the salt water licence to go along with our Va. state licence, unless we fish up toward DC area, if you go above the bridge you will also need a DC permit, but stay below that and you will be ok.
A VA freshwater license is all that is needed to fish from Pohick. Unless you plan on making a looooong run down to the 301 bridge or a shorter, but still long, run up to the WW (495) bridge. LOTS of great water available without making those sorts of time-wasting runs.
There is nothing small about me LOL !!!
It's ok if you bring your yak and no one else can go with you, we still look forward to meeting you and having a great time, we look forward to meeting you someday but if you can't make it due to the new life added to your family then so be it, thoughts and prayers are sent your way for a safe and healthy delivery for your wife and newborn, there will be others to come, and there is time in between, I plan on fishing Anna a lot this year but with all the new changes in taxes etc.. there may be only a handfull of times I can make it out, you would be more than welcome to join my family if you wish to do so.
That clears it up pretty good, that is some valuable info there and thanx for the correction, I feel better for knowing I do not need a salt water licence for sure !!!!
I am interested in attending this one as well but I will wait until it gets closer because I would like non boaters who could not attend the first one have a chance to get out on a boat. If there are still open seats near the time of the event then I would love to go. And any of the dates work for me so im going to leave my vote out.
Pohick would be a good place, nice ramp and that area has plenty of places to fish without hitting the main river. Have to check tourney schedule along with kid schedule to see what weekend I could do but hopefully I could.
Just like the last one we will find a way to make it work for all, please go ahead and cast a vote for non boater and plan on attending, we enjoyed having you along the last time and we look forward to seeing you again young man !!!!
We hope you can join in, we look forward to meeting you !!!
Out-of-staters welcome? It's a long shot but I might be able to make it.
Fished with Soccplayer before. I bring entirely too much stuff and I throw really big baits. LOL
You are certainly welcome as I am coming from northern NC. You are welcome on my boat. We will be able to store most of it. If you like big swim baits or flipping with an oz then we will be on same page... Lol
For y'all's info..tournament dates on the Potomac.
there will be a BFL event on 9/21-22.
There also bass,aster weekend series events on 8/17-18 and 9/7-8.
There are probable a bunch more but these are the ones I could fine now. I figured this would be something to consider when picking a date.
All of those tourneys are gonna be out of Small wood state park.. So Pohick looks a little better if that y'all choose one of the dates when a bfl or bass tournament is going on.
Anyone is welcome, we would love to meet you and have some fun !!!
Thanx for the info, that was one thing that was never thought of and good for choosing a date, we knew there were tourny's out of that area somewhere but not sure of the locations, I saw nothing for Pohick on those dates either.
It seems to already narrow the dates to just a couple of selections which may become an issue once we find out from the rest their available tourny dates etc...
Thanx for looking into that and passing it along !!!!
There are always multiple tournys on that section of the river. just a couple are bigger. Except for the weekend series or flw its not usually much concern.
Thanx Brian !
I have to ask, We do not wan't any really big pressure of course, there will be some young adults with us out there, should there be any concerns of being pressured from a spot during these events?
Last thing we need are confrontations with other tourny anglers from bigger events with these youngsters out there.
Not really any more pressure than any other times, only heard a few cases of someone fishing up to close or running on plane a little to close. Just keep in mind if anyone acts like an idiot don't let it ruin our day and just move along.
Pohick probably would be okay anyway, it seems most like to stick in Belmont Bay, Aquia, Mattawoman, Blue Plains or the Spoils.
Cool !!!
Thanx Brian !!!!!
WOW some from out of state, NICE. WELCOME WELCOME WELCOME!!!!!!
This sounds like a can't miss opportunity!! What about the MD permits isn't that still required? Like I said I have a 14' topper jon boat with 7.5 hp that I could bring if needed just not sure if will have an open seat till the date is posted and I contact my brother to see if he wants to come this time.
As long as you stay in VA creeks or the main Potomac River you are fine with one exception. Going into DC waters would require a DC license. That is pretty good trip up the river, no need really to do that.
I think I saw it on here but to be sure, everyone would need a Saltwater Registry card in addition to a license.
I'll try and make it but unfrotunately my weekend schedule is kind of fly by hte seat of my pants most times. I am a kayaker so it would just be me myself and I but i wouldn't be opposed to jumping in somone else's boat should the opportunity present itself.
I can always use a break from paddling
We hope you can make, it's a lot of fun, you would enjoy it I am sure, good luck and hope to see you there !!!
On 1/9/2013 at 3:38 AM, BrianinMD said:As long as you stay in VA creeks or the main Potomac River you are fine with one exception. Going into DC waters would require a DC license. That is pretty good trip up the river, no need really to do that.
I think I saw it on here but to be sure, everyone would need a Saltwater Registry card in addition to a license.
I think I said licence instead of registry, I will go back and change that.
Do you know how much that is by chance?
The Saltwater Registry is free from the NOAA, but the saltwater license is not. Just an FYI for anyone who is unfamiliar, purchase of a saltwater license for either VA or MD provides you with the ability to fish the entire Chesapeake Bay and its tributaries per an email I received directly from the MD DNR.
On 1/9/2013 at 3:02 AM, endless said:WOW some from out of state, NICE. WELCOME WELCOME WELCOME!!!!!!
This sounds like a can't miss opportunity!! What about the MD permits isn't that still required? Like I said I have a 14' topper jon boat with 7.5 hp that I could bring if needed just not sure if will have an open seat till the date is posted and I contact my brother to see if he wants to come this time.
Go ahead and make plans to bring it anyway Endless, we will or may need an extra seat if it is not filled before then if you don't mind.
Can't wait to see you again sir !!!
On 1/9/2013 at 4:00 AM, Hanover_Yakker said:The Saltwater Registry is free from the NOAA, but the saltwater license is not. Just an FYI for anyone who is unfamiliar, purchase of a saltwater license for either VA or MD provides you with the ability to fish the entire Chesapeake Bay and its tributaries per an email I received directly from the MD DNR.
Just go to NOAA.com ???
Click on the "Do I need to Register" button first - you may not need to do it.
On 1/9/2013 at 4:03 AM, Nitrofreak said:Go ahead and make plans to bring it anyway Endless, we will or may need an extra seat if it is not filled before then if you don't mind.
Can't wait to see you again sir !!!
no problem can do so as long nothing changes Can't wait either. Had a blast last time.
On 1/9/2013 at 4:09 AM, Hanover_Yakker said:https://www.countmyfish.noaa.gov/register/Click on the "Do I need to Register" button first - you may not need to do it.
Thanx a bunch for the info and the link !!!
On 1/9/2013 at 4:13 AM, endless said:no problem can do so as long nothing changes Can't wait either. Had a blast last time.
Cool, thanx Endless !!!
Before we go too much farther, I am adding all of this to the original post so that all the info we need will be in one location and we don't have to search the whole thread to find bits and pieces of it.
Thanx everyone for the info put forth so far !!!
OK... finally made it here. Been doing some fishing today. I voted and chose a date but really don't care. As of right now I have an open seat. If we end up with enough ratio, I may bring a friend but will only do that after we have the boater/non-boater ratio. Looking forward to seeing the "old" gang and meeting the new. Cheers!
Well it's about time!!!! you call me old and look at how late you are to the party LOL !!!
Tell me about it!! Well Zoff how you do fishing?
On 1/14/2013 at 12:03 AM, Nitrofreak said:Well it's about time!!!! you call me old and look at how late you are to the party LOL !!!
No... you're old. I, on the other hand, am fashionably late.
On 1/14/2013 at 1:05 AM, endless said:Tell me about it!! Well Zoff how you do fishing?
Good as it can get during the winter but not as good as I would like it. Pulled a few nice Spotted and Smallies from the river yesterday. Will hit the lakes in about a month. Other than that... just fishing ponds and rivers.
I just went a head and put my vote in for the 9/14. Open seat on My boat.
Awesome !!!
Look forward to meeting you Teal !!
Hey, right now we are already in better shape than last year, we have more boaters with empty seats than non boaters, we are looking forward to seeing the dates that everyone will have available.
I know there are some of you waiting on tournament scheduling to be announced, those of you that are, do you know a round about date the schedules of your clubs will be announced?
On 1/14/2013 at 2:32 AM, Zoff said:No... you're old. I, on the other hand, am fashionably late.
Good as it can get during the winter but not as good as I would like it. Pulled a few nice Spotted and Smallies from the river yesterday. Will hit the lakes in about a month. Other than that... just fishing ponds and rivers.
There is nothing fashionable about you, there fore, you are simply late, BAHA HA HA !!!
I crack me up !!!
On 1/14/2013 at 8:38 PM, Nitrofreak said:There is nothing fashionable about you, there fore, you are simply late, BAHA HA HA !!!
I crack me up !!!
LOL... uncouth... unwashed... and socially unacceptable. Yup... that's me.
Hey nice avatar by the way !!!
Nitrofreak, I know we have alot of guys from BA on the boards here but how many do you think are actually thinking of coming.. Just wondering. How many guys showed last year...
We had a total of 13 last year, we are looking at a total of 20 this year maybe more as the time gets closer.
It was great, I arrived 2nd, Traveler was the first on the scene and setting up camp when I came by him, I set up camp and walked over to meet Traveler, you will like this guy, he is full of uuuummmm what's the best word here, secrecy, yeah thats it, he used to work with the men in black, so to speak.
The 2nd one I met was Zoff, dude, watch out for this guy, thats all I am going to say about him, he's kinda funny, he drinks beer thats not really beer, it requires fruit, you know the kind i'm talkin about......
The third one or ones I met were Steve and his son Aj, they are from I think London, correct me if I am wrong guy's, but what a great Father and son pair, 2 of the nicest people you will ever meet.
3rd and 4th were Sam and Endless, Sam is funny, I can't wait for you to meet him, Endless well what can I say, kinda quiet at first, but opens up when you talk to him, you will find out he is one special kinda guy, loves life as we all do.
Now he is really quiet, at least he was around me, I had to ask questions to hear him talk, really nice guy to fish with, he fished with Zoff and Zoff spoke highly of the young man.
Then there was my family there, along with a couple of my friends that fished a tournament for the day, they joined us for the cookout.
All joking aside, there was no better crew to be with, that day was an absolute blessing for me to have met these guy's, I have been fortunate enough to fish with one of them afterwards and meet his family as well, I have not forgotton anything about that day on Anna with these guy's nor the day I got to spend with Zoff and his family.
We had some support from our sponsors here as well, Seibert Outdoors donated 6 jigs, BAM donated a magizine with a full one year subscription plus the latest version, we had Glenn and Keri, our own Bass Resource pitched in and gave us all Bass Resource stickers, some top notch line conditioner, some KVD fishing line, Traveler brought a ton of his hand made spinners and buzz baits and just gave them out by the hand full's.
This trip has opened a few doors and allowed me to meet some of our other members as well that did not get the chance to meet up with us, Quanjig was one of those guy's, some one who is filled to the gills with intamate knowlage of his surrounding areas of water, it was unfortunate that we sadly lost 2 people from lack of intrest of boaters that did not get in on this with us, they decided to skip that meet and greet, hopefully they will join us for this one.
I really can't say enough about the guy's you will meet, but I can tell you this, it's one trip you wont soon forget.
Motivated now! I needed motivation after fishing in a cool drizzle yesterday for 5 hours just for 2 bass and one ticked off pickerel.
Ha !!!
The day of the meet and greet I had a plan to go fish some structure down by the Dam at Anna, It turned out to be so windy that I could not stay, I went through both TM batteries in a matter of an hour, then decided to head North, should have started there to begin with lol !!
On 1/15/2013 at 4:23 AM, Nitrofreak said:We had a total of 13 last year, we are looking at a total of 20 this year maybe more as the time gets closer.
It was great, I arrived 2nd, Traveler was the first on the scene and setting up camp when I came by him, I set up camp and walked over to meet Traveler, you will like this guy, he is full of uuuummmm what's the best word here, secrecy, yeah thats it, he used to work with the men in black, so to speak.
The 2nd one I met was Zoff, dude, watch out for this guy, thats all I am going to say about him, he's kinda funny, he drinks beer thats not really beer, it requires fruit, you know the kind i'm talkin about......
The third one or ones I met were Steve and his son Aj, they are from I think London, correct me if I am wrong guy's, but what a great Father and son pair, 2 of the nicest people you will ever meet.
3rd and 4th were Sam and Endless, Sam is funny, I can't wait for you to meet him, Endless well what can I say, kinda quiet at first, but opens up when you talk to him, you will find out he is one special kinda guy, loves life as we all do.
Now he is really quiet, at least he was around me, I had to ask questions to hear him talk, really nice guy to fish with, he fished with Zoff and Zoff spoke highly of the young man.
Then there was my family there, along with a couple of my friends that fished a tournament for the day, they joined us for the cookout.
All joking aside, there was no better crew to be with, that day was an absolute blessing for me to have met these guy's, I have been fortunate enough to fish with one of them afterwards and meet his family as well, I have not forgotton anything about that day on Anna with these guy's nor the day I got to spend with Zoff and his family.
We had some support from our sponsors here as well, Seibert Outdoors donated 6 jigs, BAM donated a magizine with a full one year subscription plus the latest version, we had Glenn and Keri, our own Bass Resource pitched in and gave us all Bass Resource stickers, some top notch line conditioner, some KVD fishing line, Traveler brought a ton of his hand made spinners and buzz baits and just gave them out by the hand full's.
This trip has opened a few doors and allowed me to meet some of our other members as well that did not get the chance to meet up with us, Quanjig was one of those guy's, some one who is filled to the gills with intamate knowlage of his surrounding areas of water, it was unfortunate that we sadly lost 2 people from lack of intrest of boaters that did not get in on this with us, they decided to skip that meet and greet, hopefully they will join us for this one.
I really can't say enough about the guy's you will meet, but I can tell you this, it's one trip you wont soon forget.
What can I say I'm one special kinda guy!!
Forgot to explain yourself Nitro? I will say this "don't believe him on how many fish he tells you he has caught". lol
Endless do we need to use the 2-1 method to determine how many fish he caught?
For y'all who don't know this is fairly accurate if u have a fishing buddy who constantly exaggerates on number of fish. So If your buddy tells you that he caught 4 fish, divide that by two, and then subtract 1.
Oh, you guy's are too funny !!!
Go ahead and yuck it up, have your laughs at my expence lol !!!
If you must know I caught 1 , yes, 1 stinking fish, and it was about a quarter the size of Endless's fish for goodness sake LMAO !!!
There it is in all her glory, for all the troubles I had that day, there it is, isn't she perrrrtty !!!
Oh and just to be fair here was the big fish of that day, yes thats Endless.
I wonder if I would have held mine out a little, maybe it would have.......NA !!
On 1/14/2013 at 10:37 PM, Nitrofreak said:Hey nice avatar by the way !!!
Figured it would look familiar to you...
On 1/15/2013 at 5:16 AM, endless said:What can I say I'm one special kinda guy!!
Forgot to explain yourself Nitro? I will say this "don't believe him on how many fish he tells you he has caught". lol
I'm timmid and shy, thats all I have to say bout that !!
OK... here's the take on Nitro...
Hmmm... let's be delicate here... well.... OK... just kidding...
Nitro is a super guy. So down to earth you could say he was "grounded". lol He has more fun making everyone else have a good time. Unselfish? Selfless? Not sure what word fits. I do know one word that fits... Gracious. When he came down here, he made my Wife and Daughter feel as if they had shook hands with Ron Reagan. He praised them so much that they didn't stop talking about him for days. I even went fishing with a buddy Saturday... they though Nitro was coming back down and were disappointed when it wasn't him.
As for me... Nitro was being kind. Wound up and wide open might be the proper term. Nothing like a 6'3" redneck wound tighter than a chihuahua. Beer? That was beer the way it was suppose to be made... with barley and hops... not rice. lol Fruit???? pfffttttttttttt!
Cummmmooooonnn man !!!
I will say this it started with the right letter B, but it's not Budweiser, lol !!!
It was not the beer that counted though, I really enjoyed meeting you for the first time and the company we have shared since then.
Ohhhhhhh.... the "stronger than beer" refreshment?
I hope to visit again soon, tell the wife and children I said hello would ya !!
Name the date and time
I will probably be coming, all I need is a few feet of space. No need for me to have a seat, I fish standing up carrying a 10 pound backpack. Having it on the deck will be relief enough for me.
Steve caught a nice one too that day!!
I do not have those pics, I think Traveler does in his gallery, I will attempt to go there and see if I can borrow those to post.
Nope. he must have put them somewhere else.
Would you mind putting the pics up from the past meet and greet when you get this please.
Thank you sir !!
On 1/15/2013 at 11:03 AM, CPBassFishing said:I will probably be coming, all I need is a few feet of space. No need for me to have a seat, I fish standing up carrying a 10 pound backpack. Having it on the deck will be relief enough for me.![]()
You had better make it there, you voted for the place lol !!
Now you get to see what kind of weird people we really are and have some fun too boot !!!!
So what baits/technique specific gear do you guys think I should stock up on? I know for sure I will need some spinnerbaits and jigs. As of now I only have 1 spinnerbait and its a tiny pond magic.
On 1/15/2013 at 9:25 PM, CPBassFishing said:So what baits/technique specific gear do you guys think I should stock up on? I know for sure I will need some spinnerbaits and jigs. As of now I only have 1 spinnerbait and its a tiny pond magic.
Senkos, Fat Ikas, hollow-body frog, buzz frog (I like the Zoom H. Toad), chatterbait, Mann's -1, Shad Raps, lipless crank du jour.
I find braided line very useful on the tidal Potomac. Conditions (i.e. water clarity, abundant vegetation) are such that, IMO, the line does not spook bass. Chances are, at the dates of this get-together, you will be fishing heavy vegetation at some point. You will then thank me for the braid suggestion. Some techniques, especially hollow body frogs (IMO), require braid, otherwise you're wasting your time.
The one situation where I almost never use braid is crankbaits.
Hollow body frog- check (livetarget)On 1/15/2013 at 9:37 PM, mudkart said:Senkos, Fat Ikas, hollow-body frog, buzz frog (I like the Zoom H. Toad), chatterbait, Mann's -1, Shad Raps, lipless crank du jour.
Senkos-check (2 packs or those and 2 packs of PTL sick sticks)
Shad rap-check
Lipless cranks- check (three 1/2 oz redeye shads- bluegill, red sexy shad, sexy shad)
I'll get some chatterbaits, some rage toads, and some fat Ika's. I have a couple of small shallow cranks already.
I am looking so forward to this trip, we have not even begun to get ready and already we have some great tips from our members.
Nice job mudkart and thanx !!!
Now what are the chances of some Snakeheads?? Just a heads up from those out that fished this area what is the conditions mostly like and is it safe for a jon boat? Also do you need livewells or just like last time snap a picture?
As for Snakehead's I don't have a clue, but I hope to catch a monster one if I do, as for livewells, don't worry about that, this is not a real tournament, this is just for fun, if you wish to keep the fish you catch, then by all means, bring whatever you want to contain the fish, all we ask is that we all follow regulations if you choose to do so.
Pictures will be a must or it shall be considered a lie....which is something we all do anyway or we would not be real fisherman now would we !!
However, it will be part of the fun so please tell all the stories you wish, just remember, I will have a box of BS flags to pass out to all of us and we can throw them at any time we wish and on whom ever we wish.
Theres going to be yellow flags flying everywhere. Its going to look like an Oakland Raiders game.
Ive seen alot of videos of fishing on potomac river and there are plenty of snake heads there from what i gather.
My Wife heard snakeheads are good eating. She has informed me that I had better bring some home for a fry.
On 1/16/2013 at 6:08 AM, Zoff said:My Wife heard snakeheads are good eating. She has informed me that I had better bring some home for a fry.
Good we will learn to cook them together then LOL !!!
Sounds like a "Win-Win" situation... for me.
On 1/16/2013 at 6:23 AM, Zoff said:Sounds like a "Win-Win" situation... for me.![]()
It's always about you huh......lol !!!
Does anyone play guitar that is coming to the meet and greet?
Nope. But i sing after a couple or 9 adult beverages.
On 1/16/2013 at 12:38 PM, Teal said:Nope. But i sing after a couple or 9 adult beverages.
Guess we will have to stop you at 6 then.
Haha good thing. Lol.
On 1/16/2013 at 12:40 PM, Broke bass fisherman said:Guess we will have to stop you at 6 then.
LMAO !!!!!!
I have not seen any vote updates, has everyone had the chance to get their fishing tournament schedules together yet?
On 1/16/2013 at 6:08 AM, Zoff said:My Wife heard snakeheads are good eating. She has informed me that I had better bring some home for a fry.
Just for the record, MD state law requires that all snakeheads are killed immediately - you are not permitted to keep one alive nor are you permitted to release the snakehead back into the water.
Now, for those interested in snakeheads, I can tell you it is a major rush and will probably be the best fight in a freshwater species you have ever had. They are mean, aggressive and don't hold back.
Check it out.....
On 1/23/2013 at 4:37 AM, Hanover_Yakker said:Just for the record, MD state law requires that all snakeheads are killed immediately - you are not permitted to keep one alive nor are you permitted to release the snakehead back into the water
So... if you are not going to keep it, you MUST kill it and then you can throw it back?
Yep. Give it to the bank fishermen on your return to the ramp.
Nice pics Traveler.
On 1/23/2013 at 7:46 AM, Traveler2586 said:Done
Thank you my good man !!!
On 1/23/2013 at 6:43 AM, Hanover_Yakker said:Yep. Give it to the bank fishermen on your return to the ramp.
Was that you in the video?
Great video, im pumped.
On 1/23/2013 at 9:05 PM, Nitrofreak said:Was that you in the video?
I wish - I couldn't make it up there that day. They met on a weekend where I had baseball with my son. The guy that caught the snakehead was Jeff Little (smallie guru on the Susky and Juniata). The guy videoing the event was my buddy Brent, and the other guy in the yellow kayak I believe was a guy named Tyler.
I have fished for snakeheads and can tell you the strike is vicious and down right scary if you're not paying attention. Here's a tale from my trip on the Potomac this past summer you might enjoy......
Very nice HY!!!
Thanx for sharing that, it was an awesome read and you did a great job with the format !!!
We look forward to meeting you sometime, hopefully soon, I know the baby is due and I hope you are free enough to join us for the meet and greet, if not there will be more, but you know the family is welcome as well if it all works out.
Is it too soon for a count down calender? lol
Come on let's get this thread back up and running!! Any new sign ups? Any new information?
We need to get a date set first before we can start a count down, silly little man ! lol !!
I have not seen any votes change as far as dates go, we still have 6 votes, a few of the people are waiting on their tournament schedules to come out and they will decide then on a date that works for them, I did pose the question as to find out if anyone has recieved their tournament dates yet but I have not seen any replys.
I do have a question for all though.
The dates you have chosen so far, are they the only dates that will work for you or will any of the dates work?
I did vote and chose Sept14/15 but any date will do. Its so far off it wont be a problem with work or anything like that.
Any date is good for me.
I'm hoping that the date is in August since my September is booked with 2 tournaments already. Not sure I could swing a third weekend especially with school and baseball still going on with my son.
Well, August 24th and 25th are the best for for me and so far it has the most votes, the wifes B-Day is on the 17th other than that any of the dates will work for me as well.
Would August 24th and 25th work for all ?
We need everyones opinion here please.
Works for me
If I can make it, it would be most likely only for one day, likely Saturday the 24th due to baseball committments on Sundays all year.
Thats ok HY, Saturday is the day for the event, we have to pack up on Sunday for those of us who are camping.
On 1/24/2013 at 8:23 PM, Teal said:I did vote and chose Sept14/15 but any date will do. Its so far off it wont be a problem with work or anything like that.
Thats why we try to get it in early as possible, it's best to have plans laid months in advance, once we decide a date I am calling the campground to reserve.
I think I am really likin Pohick, it's not far from Mattawomen, and everything in between looks like it will have some really great fishing from my map studies so far, the only thing that really concerns me is being able to get my boat out LOL !!
Looking at the posts and the map it could be a little tricky but I think it will be ok.
Pohick is actually a pretty good ramp, doubt you will have any problems.
I'm cool with it!! Pohick is that still Potomac?
Whenever the date, i plan on going up there on either thursday afternoon or early friday morning. This will give me alot more time on the water. It will just be me, so i am open to sharing my campsite with anyone. I have several tents for anyone who doesnt have one. Just something to think about.
On 1/24/2013 at 11:27 PM, BrianinMD said:Pohick is actually a pretty good ramp, doubt you will have any problems.
Good, but going out into Pohick bay there may be a little trouble, I think it may have been you that was stating how shallow it may be, am I correct or just confused lol !!
On 1/24/2013 at 11:29 PM, endless said:I'm cool with it!! Pohick is that still Potomac?
Yes !
On 1/24/2013 at 11:31 PM, Teal said:Whenever the date, i plan on going up there on either thursday afternoon or early friday morning. This will give me alot more time on the water. It will just be me, so i am open to sharing my campsite with anyone. I have several tents for anyone who doesnt have one. Just something to think about.
I can see your our kind of people, thanx for the kind offer Teal !!
No prob. I plan on being there anyway. If it saves a few guys some money and gets a few more people involved im all for it. Any way i can help...
On 1/24/2013 at 11:31 PM, Teal said:Whenever the date, i plan on going up there on either thursday afternoon or early friday morning. This will give me alot more time on the water. It will just be me, so i am open to sharing my campsite with anyone. I have several tents for anyone who doesnt have one. Just something to think about.
Might have to see if the wife will let me come down on Friday and come back home Saturday evening/night.
Teal by any chance you might have a coffee pot with some caffeinated coffee for in the morning? lol
Where is exactly Pohick boat ramp? I want to look it up to see how far it is from me.
Try here:
Sorry guys it's to far of a drive. 1hour and 19 minutes from what I'm getting, Maybe next year!! J/K lol
i was about to say, you are not getting off that easy!! Im going be pulling my 20ft javelin for 3+hrs. Thats why i pplan on staying longer...gotta get me moneys worth on fuel...and get on some fish before yall get there...lol
The shallow part of Pohick is to the left (standing on the dock looking at the water), to the right is the main Potomac river and its pretty open.
On 1/24/2013 at 11:17 PM, Nitrofreak said:Thats why we try to get it in early as possible, it's best to have plans laid months in advance, once we decide a date I am calling the campground to reserve.
I think I am really likin Pohick, it's not far from Mattawomen, and everything in between looks like it will have some really great fishing from my map studies so far, the only thing that really concerns me is being able to get my boat out LOL !!
Looking at the posts and the map it could be a little tricky but I think it will be ok.
Do you mean the ramp @ Pohick?
It's a very busy ramp on summer weekends. I've never seen anyone with experience have any troubles with the ramps @ Pohick.
The right wind @ low tide can cause some shallow conditions, but I've still been able to launch.
**edit - read the rest of the thread and this was already answered - **
Wow, using that map provided above it's only a two hour drive for me.
Also didnt realize it was so close to the Quan (fished it with Soccplayer07).
I'm likely good to come down, just need someone to tell me EXACTLY what license I would need. You guys have all those goofy permits and what not, I got confused during that part of this thread. LOL
On 1/25/2013 at 3:28 AM, SPEEDBEAD. said:Wow, using that map provided above it's only a two hour drive for me.
Also didnt realize it was so close to the Quan (fished it with Soccplayer07).
I'm likely good to come down, just need someone to tell me EXACTLY what license I would need. You guys have all those goofy permits and what not, I got confused during that part of this thread. LOL
I live here and still confused! It would be nice if you can make it but you must have that beard like in your avatar!!
Oh, the beard will be in full effect. No doubt.
I had to trim it up for a wedding at the begining of December, but it's not getting cut again for a while. LOL
On 1/25/2013 at 12:09 AM, endless said:Sorry guys it's to far of a drive. 1hour and 19 minutes from what I'm getting, Maybe next year!! J/K lol
Dude !!
I will hold you down and cut that pretty red hair of yours off if you dont !!! lol !!
On 1/25/2013 at 3:28 AM, SPEEDBEAD. said:Wow, using that map provided above it's only a two hour drive for me.
Also didnt realize it was so close to the Quan (fished it with Soccplayer07).
I'm likely good to come down, just need someone to tell me EXACTLY what license I would need. You guys have all those goofy permits and what not, I got confused during that part of this thread. LOL
Va freshwater licence, I thought I provided a link to the site for our out of state guests, I will go back and check and make sure you all have place to look.
For all, please keep in mind that I am trying to make sure that ALL needed info for the meet and greet is on the very first post so that we don't have to go searching through the thread to find anything.
We are excited to hear you can join us SPEED !!! we look forward to meeting you !!!
Is the date we are currently working on good for you?
On 1/25/2013 at 1:12 AM, BrianinMD said:The shallow part of Pohick is to the left (standing on the dock looking at the water), to the right is the main Potomac river and its pretty open.
Cool !!!
Thats what the map shows, I thought I was getting confused !! thanx !!!
On 1/25/2013 at 3:02 AM, mudkart said:Do you mean the ramp @ Pohick?
It's a very busy ramp on summer weekends. I've never seen anyone with experience have any troubles with the ramps @ Pohick.
The right wind @ low tide can cause some shallow conditions, but I've still been able to launch.
**edit - read the rest of the thread and this was already answered - **
Hey, better late than never !!! thanx for the input !!!
On 1/25/2013 at 12:17 AM, Teal said:i was about to say, you are not getting off that easy!! Im going be pulling my 20ft javelin for 3+hrs. Thats why i pplan on staying longer...gotta get me moneys worth on fuel...and get on some fish before yall get there...lol
I am planning on possibly taking vacation that week, I may be there the whole week prior, it depends on who goes with me, but if it's just the wife, she does not do mornings, I would like to extend an invitation to you if you wish to fish with someone during the morning hours.
Yeah that might be possible too.
I have now posted a link to the VGIF licence requirements, any questions please feel free to ask !!
On 1/25/2013 at 8:13 AM, Teal said:Yeah that might be possible too.
Cool !!
I know how much we love some alone time on the water, just us our boats and the fish, my feelin's won't be hurt if you decide not to, maybe we can have a little fun with the mornings and do a little friendly tournament type thing as well, I have never fished her I don't know that you have or not.
Yeah not a prob. Just gotta get things straight with two different workplaces and the slave driver/ wife. But im like you..i like as much time on the water as i can get. Thats why i wanted to go a day early. I hate going to different body of water for a day trip or two days...
I dont fish tournaments all that much and my wife just switched jobs so that she has weekends off, so I'm really down for whatever. All I have to do is request time off from my second job about two weeks in advance.
So, there are snakeheads around the area we are fishing?
Yes there are !!
Could be big ones too, WWWWWHHHHOOOOO HHHOOOOO!!!!
Why do everyone seems more excited about snakeheads?? lol I sure would would like to catch some myself.
I am going to have a problem with the whole killing thing. I just can't kill for the heck of it. Might just have to get a cooler just for them.
Ok, so far everyone is a go with August the 24th and 25th weekend, I still need to hear from Sam, Soccerplayer, Steve and Aj, Cp, so let us know as soon as you can guys and we will go ahead and set the date.
Now that we are close to setting the date, it is starting to get pretty exciting, we have already doubled last years numbers and we are on track to having some big time fun !!!
We can't wait to meet all of you guys !!!
Here are some pics I stole from Traveler from the last one, Thanx Traveler !!!!!!!
There's Steve's bass!! Great cook out too.
On 1/25/2013 at 10:36 PM, endless said:Why do everyone seems more excited about snakeheads?? lol I sure would would like to catch some myself.I am going to have a problem with the whole killing thing. I just can't kill for the heck of it.
You shot your first deer this year did you not ?
Yea but not for waste. lol I re-edited my post about bringing a cooler for them. I don't usually keep fish.
so do you guys think there will be a decent jig bite? im getting into making my own.
Don't worry big guy, they won't go to waste, from what I keep hearing is people at boat ramps will take them if non of us want them, I plan on keeping mine to try if I get one or two.
On 1/25/2013 at 10:55 PM, CPBassFishing said:so do you guys think there will be a decent jig bite? im getting into making my own.
From what I understand, jigs can be amazing, so is the weekend date good for you?
On 1/25/2013 at 10:59 PM, Nitrofreak said:From what I understand, jigs can be amazing, so is the weekend date good for you?
i dont see any reason for it not to be. just gotta suck up for a few weeks beforehand.
If somebody brings a fryer... I will fry up some of the snakeheads that evening....
You have to kill them?
What if they "accidentally" make it back into the water? LOL
Yes. Snakeheads are an invasive species and they threaten the ecosystem.
It is a MUST that we kill all snakeheads we may catch, I don't know that we will catch that many but if you guys have a problem killing them then maybe we can come up with a gameplan for those who do not wish to do this.
I will be the first to step up and offer help to you guys who are not willing to kill them for whatever reason you may have, if it's for personal reasons or not we do not need to know why, just know that you have support for your reasoning ok !
On 1/25/2013 at 11:27 PM, Zoff said:If somebody brings a fryer... I will fry up some of the snakeheads that evening....
I won't have a fryer but I will have my flat iron grill plate, if you want I will gather up some recipies and bring some recomended seasonings as well.
Kill them and eat them = Ok with me.
Kill them just to kill them = no bueno with me.
I have two fryers that hook to propane.
On 1/25/2013 at 11:55 PM, SPEEDBEAD. said:Kill them and eat them = Ok with me.
Kill them just to kill them = no bueno with me.
Not a problem, either we will eat them or they will be given to someone who does wish to eat them, regardless it is a must and I have no issues taking them home for dinner so I will take all the ones you catch if your ok with that.
Not a problem at all, just don't like to see stuff go to waste.
I've always wanted to catch one, especially on a swimbait.
Here is some info on snakeheads we should familurise ourselves with and I will post it to the original post as well.
Please read !!
On 1/26/2013 at 12:44 AM, SPEEDBEAD. said:Not a problem at all, just don't like to see stuff go to waste.
I've always wanted to catch one, especially on a swimbait.
I don't care what bait I use LOL !!!
If I catch one I just want it to be BIG !!
Snake head, bass, striper, crappie...they all fry good. Fish fry for dinner sounds good.
On 1/25/2013 at 11:41 PM, Nitrofreak said:I won't have a fryer but I will have my flat iron grill plate, if you want I will gather up some recipies and bring some recomended seasonings as well.
On 1/26/2013 at 12:32 AM, Teal said:I have two fryers that hook to propane.
Either way... I will be glad to fry them up. I'll bring the battering material if you guys will bring the cookers.
Nitro... Angela taught me how to fry fish so we are good on that. You know SHE can cook!!!
Not a prob Zoff. And if she needs help, i can. Down here in NC, cooking pigs and knowing to fry anying edible is a requirement. Lol
On 1/26/2013 at 1:23 AM, Zoff said:Either way... I will be glad to fry them up. I'll bring the battering material if you guys will bring the cookers.
Nitro... Angela taught me how to fry fish so we are good on that. You know SHE can cook!!!
If I had an option to choose Gordon F'n Ramsey or her guess which one I would be choosing !!!
I have had deer meat all my life and I love to cook deer and all kinds of meat, I have had and made some AMAZING dishes, but I am here to tell you that girl of yours gave me some lessons on what tender really is, I have tried duplicating that dish and as simple as it is and sounds, I have not perfected it yet !!!
That girl of yours can flat out cook !!!! period !!
On 1/26/2013 at 1:34 AM, Teal said:Not a prob Zoff. And if she needs help, i can. Down here in NC, cooking pigs and knowing to fry anying edible is a requirement. Lol
There ain't nothin like Carolina BBQ, I hope to be able to learn something from you when we finally get to meet one another.
I have learned how to clean a Snakehead and fillet it, I am looking forward to giving it a go !!!
I have not heard one complaint on the taste yet, so far everyone I have spoken with really likes it !!
On 1/25/2013 at 11:28 PM, SPEEDBEAD. said:You have to kill them?
What if they "accidentally" make it back into the water? LOL
Based on my experience, nothing happens from an "accidental" release.
I have also heard snakehead is a great eating fish and that is the reason it was brought here, to eat.
I don't target them, but my two best snakehead in 2012, and PB (8.5 lbs) came from Pohick. That's a chatterbait in the first pic, and the fish was caught within sight of the launch ramp, in a grass bed. Second one was caught on a RI skinny dipper.
yea they are everywhere. I caught three a few weeks ago in a few hours.
I don't have a problem eating them. Fried fish is fried fish. If you guys want to chill out and have a few beers I can cook. Its the least I can do to repay the guys taking non-boaters. If it weren't for you guys I wouldn be able to do things like this. I'm also a pretty darn good cook. Here's some tilapia I breaded and fried.On 1/26/2013 at 12:38 AM, Nitrofreak said:Not a problem, either we will eat them or they will be given to someone who does wish to eat them, regardless it is a must and I have no issues taking them home for dinner so I will take all the ones you catch if your ok with that.
I don't care who cooks. Ya'll errr makin' me hungry.
On 1/26/2013 at 6:49 AM, CPBassFishing said:I don't have a problem eating them. Fried fish is fried fish. If you guys want to chill out and have a few beers I can cook. Its the least I can do to repay the guys taking non-boaters. If it weren't for you guys I wouldn be able to do things like this. I'm also a pretty darn good cook. Here's some tilapia I breaded and fried.2013-01-21 18.04.29.jpg
Look at that guys !!
We could have our own chef cook our fish while we watch and drink a few WWWWHHHHHHOOOOO WWWWWWHHHHHHHHOOOOO !!!!
CP, thanx for the offer, if you like to cook as we do I will be more than happy to let you have the ropes, I have no problem with that, but we want you guys to enjoy this as much as possible, I will have my cornhole boards there so that you can play while we get supper ready.
It's all about family so make sure your parents come join us if they wish as well !!!
mudkart those are some nice Snakeheads !!
what are the chances of us actually catching a few of those bad boys ?
well my mom works full-time and so does my dad so my mom will probably be in the hotel lobby doing work while we are fishing. She may join us for dinner, idk. If I'm cooking I will need a fryer. I fry my fish in a cornmeal/flour mix with black pepper and old bay. Delicious! What are cornhole boards? Some kind of game? I'd rather play texas hold'emOn 1/26/2013 at 8:19 AM, Nitrofreak said:Look at that guys !!
We could have our own chef cook our fish while we watch and drink a few WWWWHHHHHHOOOOO WWWWWWHHHHHHHHOOOOO !!!!
CP, thanx for the offer, if you like to cook as we do I will be more than happy to let you have the ropes, I have no problem with that, but we want you guys to enjoy this as much as possible, I will have my cornhole boards there so that you can play while we get supper ready.
It's all about family so make sure your parents come join us if they wish as well !!!
On 1/26/2013 at 2:26 AM, flyfisher said:I have also heard snakehead is a great eating fish and that is the reason it was brought here, to eat.
I don't know why they were brought here but the truth is they are very invasive and are growing in numbers at an alarming rate from what I understand from VGIF dept.
On 1/26/2013 at 8:24 AM, CPBassFishing said:well my mom works full-time and so does my dad so my mom will probably be in the hotel lobby doing work while we are fishing. She may join us for dinner, idk. If I'm cooking I will need a fryer. I fry my fish in a cornmeal/flour mix with black pepper and old bay. Delicious! What are cornhole boards? Some kind of game? I'd rather play texas hold'em![]()
My wife will like you, she loves to play cards, I hate card games, cornhole boards are a toss game, like horse shoes only with bags filled with corn and tossed onto boards that have a target hole in the top, points are pretty much the same.
On 1/26/2013 at 4:04 AM, soccplayer07 said:yea they are everywhere. I caught three a few weeks ago in a few hours.
You have not answered if the date will work for you yet, do you know if the date we are wanting will work for you yet?
oh ok that sounds fun too. I like playing horse shoes even though I suck at it haha. So how many bass can we keep a day and what is the size requirement?On 1/26/2013 at 8:34 AM, Nitrofreak said:My wife will like you, she loves to play cards, I hate card games, cornhole boards are a toss game, like horse shoes only with bags filled with corn and tossed onto boards that have a target hole in the top, points are pretty much the same.
On 1/26/2013 at 8:30 AM, Nitrofreak said:I don't know why they were brought here but the truth is they are very invasive and are growing in numbers at an alarming rate from what I understand from VGIF dept.
Yeah I have read that too. I have also read that nobody is real sure how they will affect the overall population of bass. I have also heard of people catching a LM and a SH off the same tree. I guess the big question will be how much of the young fish the snakehead eat and remove from the overall ecosystem.
It is funny though because pretty much every game fish was invasive at one time or another.
On 1/26/2013 at 8:55 AM, flyfisher said:Yeah I have read that too. I have also read that nobody is real sure how they will affect the overall population of bass. I have also heard of people catching a LM and a SH off the same tree. I guess the big question will be how much of the young fish the snakehead eat and remove from the overall ecosystem. It is funny though because pretty much every game fish was invasive at one time or another.
yeah your right, good point !!
On 1/26/2013 at 8:47 AM, CPBassFishing said:oh ok that sounds fun too. I like playing horse shoes even though I suck at it haha. So how many bass can we keep a day and what is the size requirement?
I posted a link to the VGIF on the first post of this thread, it will answer all of your questions, if you can't find it I will be more than happy to get you the answer, I just have to go look for it first lol !!
Depending on date I may be in. Pohick is a great place to fish and within running distance to a lot of great spots on the P'mac for guys with the bigger boats. Depending on the date, there should also be plenty of water for little boats to fish within Pohick bay itself.
From the dates suggested, I can tell you guys that aren't familiar with the Potomac River to think grass. The game will be lots of grass and lily pads so bring baits along those lines. I fish Pohick and the surrounding area almost exclusively in the summertime and most days I get by throwing only a frog and/or toad. Spinnerbaits, shallow cranks, jigs, and buzzbaits should also be in your bags. You probably don't need to bring anything with treble hooks that dives deeper than 5' unless you are able to make some runs up or down the river. Anything that dives more than 2-5' with trebles will likely turn into nothing more than a weed retriever. It wouldn't hurt to also bring a few chatterbaits. They are very popular on the river.
There is a HIGH probability of catching snakeheads in that area so bring a dispatching device or a cooler to throw them in.
Wayne, bring your boat down. If you don't have your seat filled already, I can show you around and almost guarantee a snakehead or two as long as we hit the tides right. If you have already filled your seat, I will go out in my little jon boat and show you around.
Oh, and once again, BRING FROGS
Hey guys, I voted for August 24-25.
Only problems that could mess me up are:
1. Wife's health. Hopefully by this date she will be fine with no back or hip problems.
2. My bass club has a "fun" tournament in August this year. I will get with the organizer to have it on another weekend.
And yes, to answer the query about snakeheads in the Potomac, they are there and are fun to catch. The problem is that you are to kill them and throw their bodies back into the river. You can also take them home to eat them. I understand they are good to eat.
Last time on the Potomac I used a knife to kill my first one and had blood all over the boat. This year I will take a ball-bean hammer to avoid that problem.
Hopefully this cold weather spell will kill many snakeheads. Other than for cold water there is no way to control the population.
We know the bass can survive cold water. Virginia state biologists do not think the snakeheads can survive.
Although I hate cold weather I am looking forward to a month of nothing but ice and snow and temps in the 30s during the day and teens at night to kill off the snakeheads.
Dan, my only problem is I have no outboard motor. Electric only.
The guy who I used to borrow a 9.9 from sold it this past year.
We have the date !!!!!
August the 24th and 25th for this up and coming Meet and Greet, I can not wait to get this party started, it should be alot of fun with all the extra people this year.
We will get a meeting place set up for the cookout afterwards and be in touch throught the months ahead with all the rest of the available info.
I will be launching from Pohick, I will be camping there hopefully that entire week, it does not matter if we all meet there or somewhere else that morning, we are open to suggestions, from what I understand the place is very acomadating and can handle all of us meeting there, I have never been there so if someone has any info please don't be bashfull.
Thanx a ton guys, I cant wait !!!!!!!!!
On 1/27/2013 at 1:28 PM, Dan: said:Depending on date I may be in. Pohick is a great place to fish and within running distance to a lot of great spots on the P'mac for guys with the bigger boats. Depending on the date, there should also be plenty of water for little boats to fish within Pohick bay itself.
From the dates suggested, I can tell you guys that aren't familiar with the Potomac River to think grass. The game will be lots of grass and lily pads so bring baits along those lines. I fish Pohick and the surrounding area almost exclusively in the summertime and most days I get by throwing only a frog and/or toad. Spinnerbaits, shallow cranks, jigs, and buzzbaits should also be in your bags. You probably don't need to bring anything with treble hooks that dives deeper than 5' unless you are able to make some runs up or down the river. Anything that dives more than 2-5' with trebles will likely turn into nothing more than a weed retriever. It wouldn't hurt to also bring a few chatterbaits. They are very popular on the river.
There is a HIGH probability of catching snakeheads in that area so bring a dispatching device or a cooler to throw them in.
Wayne, bring your boat down. If you don't have your seat filled already, I can show you around and almost guarantee a snakehead or two as long as we hit the tides right. If you have already filled your seat, I will go out in my little jon boat and show you around.
Oh, and once again, BRING FROGS
Where have you been man ????
I have not seen you post for some time, glad to see you wanting to join in Dan !!
Thanx for the much needed info, and we look forward to meeting you !!!
On 1/27/2013 at 3:09 PM, Sam said:Hey guys, I voted for August 24-25.
Only problems that could mess me up are:
1. Wife's health. Hopefully by this date she will be fine with no back or hip problems.
Thoughts and prayers to you and your Wife Sam, I hope she gets along well and starts feeling better soon !!!
Those that do fish Pohick, how well do you think 14' jonboat with a 7.5 hp do there? Pretty calm waters?
Endless you should be fine, they rent 14' Jon boats there and Dan floats around down there in a 12'er!!
Correction....my boat is a 10 footer! My boat takes a little while to get around but it can get to places that no one else can get to. If the tide is low, I'm gonna be scooting across the flats into the back of the creeks while everyone else is stuck in the channels.
Wayne, I use my trolling motor around Pohick. Not a problem at all but you have to stay in the bay or go back into the creeks, no main river. I would offer to have you out in my boat but you would sink us!
This might help out some of the folks that have never been there:
On 1/28/2013 at 11:49 AM, Dan: said:Correction....my boat is a 10 footer! My boat takes a little while to get around but it can get to places that no one else can get to. If the tide is low, I'm gonna be scooting across the flats into the back of the creeks while everyone else is stuck in the channels.
Wayne, I use my trolling motor around Pohick. Not a problem at all but you have to stay in the bay or go back into the creeks, no main river. I would offer to have you out in my boat but you would sink us!
Enough water to fish all day there in the bay and the creeks?
I have no problem brining the aluminum aircraft carrier if TM only is not a problem.
I'll most likely be launching across the way at Ft. Belvoir, since it is a little more kayak friendly and a quicker shot out to the main channel. Looking forward to this event!!
Bring plenty of topwater weedless presentations, shakey heads or wacky rigs and pig-n-jigs for for the holes in the grass and possibly a fluke, chatterbait or spinnerbait to run on the outside of the grass lines.
There's nothing like the adrenaline rush of a snakehead waking from 20 feet away to chase your topwater frog - let me tell you!!! It will get your heart racing.
For those that like to chase blue catfish, there are some fat whicker kitties laying along the bottom of the main creek channels - fyi!!! I sighted at least 3-4 30blers when I was there last summer.
There are also yellow perch or ring perch for some of you amongst the bass as well in the holes and along the shallows near the grass edges., so an ultralight with a beetle spin or a rooster tail might be a good option as well if you are bringing the little ones.
On 1/28/2013 at 9:18 PM, SPEEDBEAD. said:Enough water to fish all day there in the bay and the creeks?
I have no problem brining the aluminum aircraft carrier if TM only is not a problem.
You'll be fine. An extra battery may help. Fishing in the creek(s), some sort of anchor pin helps on an outgoing tide so you're not on the TM constantly. I used to use one fashioned from PVC pipe, then bought a fiberglass one that breaks down so it fits into a rod locker. I also like to
motor up the creek than drift out on the tide. You can always call one of us if you run out of battery.
On weekends, that creek gets mauled by guys in glass boats and its not very big. So launching early is a must, IMO.
There are spots in Pohick Creek (not Accotink) that most glass boats cannot or will not access, basically beginning at the first "split" of the creek on Google maps (start where it says "Pohick Creek" in Google Maps and work downstream). You can work your way upcreek from the split with lots of cover to fish, and some "deep" areas, both of which hold decent bass. I've never caught a snakehead that far up creek, but I have seen some small ones up there. There is a limit to navigation up Pohick Creek maybe 300 yds upstream from the split, unless you want to get out and lift your vessel over some fallen trees. It is sort of visible in Bing Maps Birds Eye view. Facing downstream, at the split, the channel to the left is by far the most popular due to its depth. You can go to the right however, and you will likely have this channel all to yourself. Both channels eventually join again and empty into the bay. Going back in this area, I always bring a push pole.
I've had some great days on Pohick and not even gone close to the creek, so it's not a necessity. Lots of grass and channels in the same that hold fish, and wood cover along the shores. What can be the most important factor (at least for bass) is when you fish rather than where. Think tidal changes!
should I have a punch setup rigged in case we run into a scenario when they don't want to blow up on a frog?On 1/27/2013 at 1:28 PM, Dan: said:Depending on date I may be in. Pohick is a great place to fish and within running distance to a lot of great spots on the P'mac for guys with the bigger boats. Depending on the date, there should also be plenty of water for little boats to fish within Pohick bay itself.
From the dates suggested, I can tell you guys that aren't familiar with the Potomac River to think grass. The game will be lots of grass and lily pads so bring baits along those lines. I fish Pohick and the surrounding area almost exclusively in the summertime and most days I get by throwing only a frog and/or toad. Spinnerbaits, shallow cranks, jigs, and buzzbaits should also be in your bags. You probably don't need to bring anything with treble hooks that dives deeper than 5' unless you are able to make some runs up or down the river. Anything that dives more than 2-5' with trebles will likely turn into nothing more than a weed retriever. It wouldn't hurt to also bring a few chatterbaits. They are very popular on the river.
There is a HIGH probability of catching snakeheads in that area so bring a dispatching device or a cooler to throw them in.
Wayne, bring your boat down. If you don't have your seat filled already, I can show you around and almost guarantee a snakehead or two as long as we hit the tides right. If you have already filled your seat, I will go out in my little jon boat and show you around.
Oh, and once again, BRING FROGS
On 1/28/2013 at 11:28 PM, CPBassFishing said:should I have a punch setup rigged in case we run into a scenario when they don't want to blow up on a frog?
The way everybody is talking I think chatter baits are going to work the best IMO, but I am bringing everything for what sounds to be a very grassy area.
yeah I'm stocking up on rage toads, SK pure poisons (best chatterbait IMHO), and bronzeye hollow bellies. Maybe a few kvd 2.5's as well.On 1/29/2013 at 1:18 AM, Nitrofreak said:The way everybody is talking I think chatter baits are going to work the best IMO, but I am bringing everything for what sounds to be a very grassy area.
I'll just do what I know.
Luckily, jigs and topwater frogs are two of those things. LOL
You could say it is a little grassy in the Pohick area and others on the Potomac......
And over my shoulder in the photo below is Ft. Belvoir. You can see how far the grass comes out even during the early onset of the low tide.....
For those of you that are not familiar with fishing grass mats with braid and 1 1/2 to 1 3/4 oz punching weights, it is extreamly dangerous. Your weight will literally become a bullet if you do not hook the fish. Do yourselves a favor and read up on the technique before you jump out there and try it for the first time!!
haha well said, Quan. I really hope the grass comes back in front of Mount Vernon...
On 1/29/2013 at 2:03 AM, quanjig said:For those of you that are not familiar with fishing grass mats with braid and 1 1/2 to 1 3/4 oz punching weights, it is extreamly dangerous. Your weight will literally become a bullet if you do not hook the fish. Do yourselves a favor and read up on the technique before you jump out there and try it for the first time!!
Very true. I am missing a chip of gel coat to prove that.
On 1/29/2013 at 2:03 AM, quanjig said:For those of you that are not familiar with fishing grass mats with braid and 1 1/2 to 1 3/4 oz punching weights, it is extreamly dangerous. Your weight will literally become a bullet if you do not hook the fish. Do yourselves a favor and read up on the technique before you jump out there and try it for the first time!!
Are you coming out to join us ? please !!!
The weekend you guys chose is not a tx weekend for me so I'm very much leaning to try and get out one day with you guys or at the very least get together with everyone for some frosty beverages after you finish fishing!!
That would be awesome Quan !!!
I have not had the chance to speak with you since our day on the res, I look forward to seeing you once again and finally geting the chance to down that cold one with you, I hope that we get to fish the res once again before then though.
Quan, if I'm coming from two hours away you better get your arse down there. LOL
Speedbead, When are you coming down again to fish the Rez?
LOL, certainly when it is warmer than it was the last time.
Ok, ok....... I'll be there! I am looking forward to putting faces with those that are not in avatars plus seeing those that I have already had the pleasure of meeting!!
Quanjig- This might help putting faces to some of us lol http://www.bassresource.com/bass-fishing-forums/topic/112417-show-yourself/
On 1/31/2013 at 3:43 AM, quanjig said:Ok, ok....... I'll be there! I am looking forward to putting faces with those that are not in avatars plus seeing those that I have already had the pleasure of meeting!!
All right we have a date can someone post links to the places near the launch where there is camping and the such. Unfortunately I have no clue of the area so a lot of the names you guys are throwing out are gibberish to me LOL.
Thanks in advance.
BBF, look on the very first post of this thread, I have taken all of the info and stored it in one place, all the links you need are there.
Can't wait to meet you and hope you get the chance to join us !!!
Also who will be the camera man at the cookout?? Traveler? He did an excellent job at the last meet and greet!
On 2/2/2013 at 6:06 AM, endless said:Also who will be the camera man at the cookout?? Traveler? He did an excellent job at the last meet and greet!
No No No !! he did not get any pics of himself I think we need to pass it around this time.
That can work and true.
The Wife has volunteered to be the photographer. She stated she wants to come and hang out at the campsite with my Daughter and her friend. She also volunteers to cook snakeheads or whatever. Might even bring some venison to fry. She stated she can fry whatever you want. We plan on being there on Friday but may come up on Thursday. Got some camping gear together so it'll be a blast.
Nitro... can you call me at your convienience?
On 2/2/2013 at 7:38 AM, Zoff said:The Wife has volunteered to be the photographer. She stated she wants to come and hang out at the campsite with my Daughter and her friend. She also volunteers to cook snakeheads or whatever. Might even bring some venison to fry. She stated she can fry whatever you want. We plan on being there on Friday but may come up on Thursday. Got some camping gear together so it'll be a blast.
Nitro... can you call me at your convienience?
Nice!! I talk to my brother he wants to come too just not sure if he coming to camp. I plan on coming down on Friday to hang out that night with everyone. Maybe I can talk the wife into coming too and hanging with the ladies. We got enough time to plan and find a babysitter especially for the youngin.
Thanks Nitro. I will look that up and see what the Ouija board has to say about the finances. Hoping to make it but it's been tough last few years.
On 2/2/2013 at 7:46 AM, Broke bass fisherman said:Thanks Nitro. I will look that up and see what the Ouija board has to say about the finances. Hoping to make it but it's been tough last few years.
Maybe if trying to come camp maybe hook up with one of the guys here to see if can help spit finances. I know Teal was offering a part of his site and even gear. August is a ways away maybe we can come up with something....
I would hate for you to miss it!
On 2/2/2013 at 7:50 AM, endless said:Maybe if trying to come camp maybe hook up with one of the guys here to see if can help spit finances. I know Teal was offering a part of his site and even gear. August is a ways away maybe we can come up with something....I would hate for you to miss it!
Good point I will stay up to date and on top of this thread. I am sure we can figure something out. I do want to say thank you all for being so supportive.
No problem Broke Bass.
I'm trying to talk the wife into right now lol
On 2/2/2013 at 7:38 AM, Zoff said:The Wife has volunteered to be the photographer. She stated she wants to come and hang out at the campsite with my Daughter and her friend. She also volunteers to cook snakeheads or whatever. Might even bring some venison to fry. She stated she can fry whatever you want. We plan on being there on Friday but may come up on Thursday. Got some camping gear together so it'll be a blast.
Nitro... can you call me at your convienience?
YES !!!!
On 2/2/2013 at 7:50 AM, endless said:Maybe if trying to come camp maybe hook up with one of the guys here to see if can help spit finances. I know Teal was offering a part of his site and even gear. August is a ways away maybe we can come up with something....
I would hate for you to miss it!
I should have said I would hate for anyone to miss it!
Yeah guys, just ket me know how many tents to bring. No reason to go and spend a bunch of money. Campsites are only 30 bucks per night, so if that is split two or three ways it is a really cheap weekend. I already put in papers to be off work so im committed at this point....lol
I am planning on coming up for at least one day maybe more depending on what is going on. We are still trying to figure out vacation plans and stuff
I am hoping to be able to come up and fish on Friday and Saturday.
On 2/2/2013 at 6:10 AM, Nitrofreak said:No No No !! he did not get any pics of himself I think we need to pass it around this time.
X2, don't know why others didn't take pic's, even cell phone pic's would work.
Is the meet and greet at Pohick ? Is there a meet date, time, location ? Is there an agenda?
Contrary to previously published messages, Northern Snakeheads do NOT have to be killed in Virginia waters. Since all of Pohick Bay is located in Virginia, you may keep, kill or release snakeheads caught there. However, anyone releasing them when they could be eating them is suspect.
Our local VDGIF fisheries biologist is the regional coordinator of the snakehead team and offers the following information:
1. Northern Snakeheads live in very shallow water.
2. They live in shallow water as they are air breathers. They do not have gills and therefore, must come to the surface every 3-4 minutes to gulp air.
3. Their primary food source is the killifish, a very small minnow that lives in less than six inches of water.
4. Bass normally do not target killifish. Therefore, the two fish do not share the same water nor the same food source.
5. In all their studies, they have not found any bass in the stomachs of snakeheads.
6. However, the reverse is not true. Bass eat snakeheads.
7. VDGIF does not require the killing of snakeheads because there is no way to get them out of the resource. Since they do not compete with nor affect bass or the other gamefish in the Potomac River, they are just another
gamefish to the Department.
8. Pohick Bay is a hot spot for snakeheads. White spinnerbaits, buzzbaits, chatterbaits and topwater frogs are all subject to being taken by snakeheads on any cast. As someone else mentioned, they hit like a ton of bricks and accelerate from there. Braided line in the 20-65# class is a necessity for the thick grass and lily pads that these fish love.
9. On two different occasions last year, I caught five or more snakeheads from the grass and lily pads on frogs and spinnerbaits. Personal best snakehead in Pohick Bay was 14.3 pounds. Unfortunately, the Tournament Director would not weigh them in for credit.
As for the fishing:
1. As you leave the ramp, turning left will put you in the thick grass and lily pads in less than two feet of water. Turning right will put you in the middle of Pohick Bay with is about 4-5 feet deep throughout.
2. The right (South) bank has numerous downed trees and a couple of submerged barges, along with a couple of good points and some docks. The closer to the river you get, the more numerous the docks. The grass is normally thick the full length of this bank with the grassbed becoming much wider near the river.
3. Heading directly across the bay from the ramp, you will see two separate entrances to a small creek. Anyone wishing to fish that creek will need to go in on the trolling motor or with the O/B kicked all the way up. Once inside the creek, the channel drops to 3-4 feet and there is no problem with navigation. I like to go in on the incoming tide and fish until the tide turns, fishing back on the outgoing tide.
4. To the right of the creek mouths, the bank is part of Fort Belvoir and may be fished down to a large dock. This dock, known as the Coast Guard dock, is offlimits to anglers. All boats MUST stay outside the bollards on either side of the dock and outside those in front of the dock. They have plenty of Rent-A-Cops to harrass you and keep you away from the boats that are tied up there.
5. Beyond the dock, there is a nice shallow, rocky bank that normally has a narrow grassbed and then drops off into 10 feet, then 17 feet and then 20 feet plus. This is a good crankbait bank and lots of good fish are taken from the 17 foot dropoff on jigs and plastic grubs. The drop runs from the front dock pilings to a line intersecting a white house on the hill on the Maryland Shoreline. Always fish this drop parallel to the bank.
6. Last year, the mouth of Pohick Bay had a reef of eelgrass (Valisneria) about 30-40 feet wide running all the way across the bay. This grassbed should have lots of fish in it and since it is located on the dropoff into the river, the fish should be of good size.
7. Keep in mind that we are dealing with four prime predators in this area: Bass, Snakehead, Blue Catfish and striped bass. The blue catfish in the river just love spinnerbaits and firetiger crankbaits. On any cast, an angler may find himself hooked up with a 30-50# blue catfish or a 15# striper.
8. Your primary baits in Pohick Bay should be: Zoom Horny Toad, Manns Baby One Minus, White Buzzbait, 5" Green Pumpkin Senko, Small swimbait (Money Minnow, etc.), green pumpkin creature bait (Brush Hog, Etc.) and White Zoom Super Fluke.
As for Boating:
1. Understand that the Potomac River is unforgiving. Generally the wind is calm in the morning and comes up during the late morning to it's maximum is mid-afternoon. Since the river is so open and the prevailing winds are either from the North or South, the wind has a long time to build up waves. Waves on the river generally whitecap at 11-12 mph and it is not at all unusual to have 15-25 mph winds.
2. Given that information, anyone with a boat smaller than 17 feet should plan on staying inside Pohick Bay. There is plenty of area, cover and fish to last a week or more without venturing into the river.
3. Those is 17'+ glass or aluminum boats might think about heading straight across from the mouth of Pohick Bay to the Maryland shoreline. This is known as Greenway Flat and is an expansive flat containing numerous different grasses out to the drop into the river channel.
4. This flat is home for many bass, yellow perch, snakehead, blue catfish, bluegill and striper. Although there is lots of grass here, it is generally more sparse and a Texas-rigged creature bait, Senko or Chatterbait is more successful.
5. Heading south around the next point, you will find the entrance to Pamunkey Creek. The entrance is a little hard to find, but it is located back in the corner after rounding the point. This creek is a typical tidal creek, choked with grass along both sides of the channel. I like Zoom Horny toads and weightless, Texas-rigged
5" Senkos here.
6. The entire Maryland shoreline south of the creek mouth has a good thick grassbed that consistently yields lots of good bass to those fishing topwater frogs, creature baits and Senkos. Another good spot that gets pounded is the Navy Dive Dock at the end of the shoreline where it comes back to the main river channel. Lots of very heavy pilings and timber dropping off into 25+ feet of water with good tidal movement.
7. Shifting back over to the Virginia shore, you will see a small bay just below the south point of Pohick Bay (Hallowing Point). This bay normally has a huge grassbed in 2-3 feet of water that holds lots of good bass. Once again, frogs, swimbaits, chatterbaits, creature baits and Senkos are the better choice of baits.
8. Heading south along the Virginia Shoreline, you need to stay a good 50 yards off the shore as the water is very shallow there. Swing wide around the next point and you will be heading into the Occoquan River. On the right as you enter the river, you will see a small island. Just beyond the island, look carefully and you will see poles delineating a channel heading up into a creek. Here, you have an option. Either follow the channel into the creek and fish the creek.....or turn right and find yourself in Belmont Bay. Belmont Bay is a large shallow grass choked flat that has thousands of cruising bass chasing the baitfish that are in there during this season of the year. Frogs, swimbaits, chatterbaits, creature baits and senkos all work well.
9. If you stay in the channel into the Occoquan River, you will see a grass bed on the right side. This bed has been a mainstay of tournament anglers for a good number of years. Best success is normally along the dropoff into the river channel just after you enter the no wake zone and up to the first covered marina on the right.
10. Beyond the first Marina, you will see the docks of two marinas on the right. They all hold fish on a moving tide. At all times, fish the downtide side of the pilings. Best fishing is generally on the last two hours of the outgoing tide and the first hour of the incoming tide.
11. Fishing is not that productive beyond the first bridge on the Occoquan during the summer. That is primarily a late fall and winter fishery.
NHBA Charlie......
great write up bud!
On 2/3/2013 at 11:47 AM, spropro said:Is the meet and greet at Pohick ? Is there a meet date, time, location ? Is there an agenda?
On 2/3/2013 at 11:47 AM, spropro said:Is the meet and greet at Pohick ? Is there a meet date, time, location ? Is there an agenda?
Yes! August 24th and 25th! Agenda, Meet, greet, fish, eat, hangout, SILLY!! Just playing. Nitro will be posting more. Bunch of the guys will be coming up or down and will be camping so if up for some camping............. I plan on coming up Friday hopefully with the wife so she can hang with the ladies. Hope to see you there Spropro!!
Also if can and may post and vote if our a boater, have a partner, open seat, or looking for an open seat please.
Great write up Charlie. Thanks that will help a lot.
Wow Charlie! I don't believe there is any more to be said about this area of the river. I'm cutting and pasting you dissertation into my phone. By the way I went down to the pohick ramp a few days ago to test out some new gear and caught a fat 3lber on a red eye shad on the third cast. Water temp was around 38.
Endless, I did respond to the survey.
I have fished pohick a lot and had great days and been skunked. It's a beautiful watershed with lots of wild life. There is a lot of skinny water and best access is a canoe or kayak. There are lots of eagles, ospreys, cranes, egrets, muskrats, beavers, ducks, geese. It's a blast watching the ospreys dive and blast into the water catching fish. In August the fishing there can be very challenging. The whole bay will be choked with grass and the water crystal clear. I usually fish early mornings and evenings. When the sun gets up the fish can bury themselves in the grass and are hard to find. You have to drop the bait onto the top of their heads. I believe the eagles have conditioned the fish somewhat. Any fish that venture out of the grass when the birds are active don't live long enough to breed.
I caught my first snakehead in pohick on a frog and when the fish hit I was sure I had the new state record bass. The fish was about 8lbs and I released it. When I got back at the ramp a dnr officer was doing creel surveys and asked if I caught any snakeheads. I said I did and he asked if I had killed it. I told him that since I was in shorts and sandals in my kayak and there was no way I was dropping that fish on my legs with those teeth.
We hope you can make it, we would love to have you there !!
I find it a little suspecious that we did not get any pics of you, even the ones I took with my cell did not turn out for some reason, they were all blurry when you were in the photo LOL !!!
We look forward to meeting each and every one of you, this year is going to be a big turn out it seems, but we need all who are making plans to attend this event to please make sure they put the vote in for either a boater or a non boater, it's very important that we have this info so that we can make plans for everything, without knowing the maximum number of people who wish to attend it's hard to make the right arrangements, so if you are even thinking about it, even if there is only an outside chance, place your boating status so that we can be as prepared as we can possibly be.
On 2/3/2013 at 11:47 AM, spropro said:Is the meet and greet at Pohick ? Is there a meet date, time, location ? Is there an agenda?
We do not know yet where the meet and greet will take place, we have right now with all of the members that are showing interest over 30, but most have not commited as of yet, so the number could be larger or smaller, we are currently looking into places that can handle 30 or more people in one location for the cook out afterwards, some of us will be staying in Pohick, some of us are just coming for the day, there is a lot of variables right now.
The meet and greet will be on the 24th as for the time we will most likly start at 7 and end it at 4 or 5, and as Sam said last year, get together afterwards and lie to each other about the days events lol !!
Thank you for taking the time to provide that valuable info for us, very well done, I will attach that to the first post of this thread.
In refference to some of the posts about killing the snakehead, we know that it is not a nesessity, but what we were reffering to was that if you wish to keep the snakehead fish, they could not be taken from the potomac alive if you were checked at the ramp, they do not want this species spreading, so reading back through the posts, mine especially, there may have been some confusion on my part and I wish to thank you for bringing that to my attention.
There is a link that I have provided on the first post concerning any questions that there may be about the Snakehead, please read this as well.
Zoff and I talked on the phone the other day and thought it to be wise to come up for a visit to the potomac and get a first hand look at everything, would you be interested in showing us around?
On 2/4/2013 at 1:04 AM, Nitrofreak said:Flyfisher,
I find it a little suspicious that we did not get any pics of you, even the ones I took with my cell did not turn out for some reason, they were all blurry when you were in the photo LOL !!!
Nitro, That takes years of practice.
Charlie, Posted Today,02:05 AM??? Looks like you can't sleep either
do you have a link to the VDGIF fisheries biologist data?
I think if you go to the link about the Snakeheads on the first post it's all in there or it will link you too it.
On 2/4/2013 at 1:31 AM, Traveler2586 said:Nitro, That takes years of practice.
Charlie, Posted Today,02:05 AM??? Looks like you can't sleep either
do you have a link to the VDGIF fisheries biologist data?
I have worked midnight shift for over 40 years. I just can't go to bed before 3:00 a.m. on a regular basis.
As for a link, I don't think that John has posted any of his findings. He is a frequent speaker at our club meetings
and attends all our club functions. He is free with his information, findings and beliefs. He will be appearing at the
NHBA Fishing Flea Market on February 23rd at the Sterling Ruritan Club, 183 Ruritan Road, Sterling, Va.
He has no problems answering any questions about any of the bodies of water he manages (All in Northern Virginia) or
the species of fish therein. He headed the Regional team that studied the shortnosed sturgeon, was partially responsible
for the return of the American and Hickory shad to the Potomac River and is the leader of the regional team on snakeheads.
Has also appeared on TV, searching for the Nile Perch in Africa. A truly amazing guy.
NHBA Charlie.........
Thanks for voting, we look forward to meeting you and having some fun in August !!
I voted as a non-boater but as discussed before, would not be opposed to bringing the tin and tooling around with the trolling motors as I have no gas motor option.
Thats what we need, thanx Speed !!!
If you want to bring it then by all means please do, as stated before, we have intrest of more people but there seems to be a lot of uncertainty, it's better to have too many than not enough open seats, as this thing gets closer I am sure we will be needing those open seats.
Thanx a ton for your vote !!!
We look forward to meeting each and every one of you, this year is going to be a big turn out it seems, but we need all who are making plans to attend this event to please make sure they put the vote in for either a boater or a non boater, it's very important that we have this info so that we can make plans for everything, without knowing the maximum number of people who wish to attend it's hard to make the right arrangements, so if you are even thinking about it, even if there is only an outside chance, place your boating status so that we can be as prepared as we can possibly be.
I am going to attach this to every page from here so that everyone following this thread remembers to cast their vote, also it will be attached to the first post where everything else is kept for the meet and greet.
Hey Nitro did anybody post info on the campgrounds y'all will be staying at? I want to give them a call and gather some info. I'm trying to at least come down Friday night Maybe Saturday but not really trying to miss church but will decide when time comes. I'm trying to bring the wife along she just hate tents so if get her a air mattress she should be fine. I think it's the sleeping on the ground part she don't like. But I want her to enjoy herself too and with some of the wives and women coming I think it will be good for her to come as well and meet everyone and hang with the ladies. By that time we should have Memaw and Poppop as babysitters, lol. The wife already mention to her mother and she said let's talk about in July lol.
Also I voted as boater with seat filled.The last I talked to my brother he wants to go just not sure when time comes if he will be going. I never know till then but if he decides and change his mind of course I'm will to take anyone who knows how (which I could teach how to) operate a jon boat gas motor or if they know how to work a foot control then I will jump in the back and run the gas motor or whatever.
Here you go Nitro
LOL, I know the bass are supposed to be the main focus but I can't get the snakes out of my head.
Do they only really stay under the matted weeds or can you catch them on topwater stuff in more open water?
How big of a bait do you think they will attack?
Do they prefer any color over another?
Are you ever able to see them beforehand and sight fish them?
On 2/7/2013 at 10:20 PM, SPEEDBEAD. said:LOL, I know the bass are supposed to be the main focus but I can't get the snakes out of my head.
Do they only really stay under the matted weeds or can you catch them on topwater stuff in more open water?
How big of a bait do you think they will attack?
Do they prefer any color over another?
Are you ever able to see them beforehand and sight fish them?
What are we going to do with you, Speed! lol
On 2/7/2013 at 9:34 PM, endless said:Hey Nitro did anybody post info on the campgrounds y'all will be staying at? I want to give them a call and gather some info. I'm trying to at least come down Friday night Maybe Saturday but not really trying to miss church but will decide when time comes. I'm trying to bring the wife along she just hate tents so if get her a air mattress she should be fine. I think it's the sleeping on the ground part she don't like. But I want her to enjoy herself too and with some of the wives and women coming I think it will be good for her to come as well and meet everyone and hang with the ladies. By that time we should have Memaw and Poppop as babysitters, lol. The wife already mention to her mother and she said let's talk about in July lol.
Also I voted as boater with seat filled.The last I talked to my brother he wants to go just not sure when time comes if he will be going. I never know till then but if he decides and change his mind of course I'm will to take anyone who knows how (which I could teach how to) operate a jon boat gas motor or if they know how to work a foot control then I will jump in the back and run the gas motor or whatever.
Here you go Nitro
Ok Endless, if you look at the first post of this thread, I have added a link to every site possible so far, I will be staying at Pohick campground myself, I have already put in for vacation but have not got the ok yet, as soon as I do I will be making my reservations, the rates and contact numbers are provided in each link for each location, if the info you are looking for is not there PM me and I will get you the help you need.
Thank you for the vote and I will add a plus one for you, even if you end up without a partner that will work out as well, so we are good to go there as well lil buddy !!
Thanx for the post on the video, now you know where my saying came from over my avatar LOL !!
i figure throw something as loud as possible. ex chartreuse chatterbait with a rage tail bait on it.On 2/7/2013 at 10:20 PM, SPEEDBEAD. said:LOL, I know the bass are supposed to be the main focus but I can't get the snakes out of my head.
Do they only really stay under the matted weeds or can you catch them on topwater stuff in more open water?
How big of a bait do you think they will attack?
Do they prefer any color over another?
Are you ever able to see them beforehand and sight fish them?
On 2/7/2013 at 10:34 PM, Nitrofreak said:Ok Endless, if you look at the first post of this thread, I have added a link to every site possible so far, I will be staying at Pohick campground myself, I have already put in for vacation but have not got the ok yet, as soon as I do I will be making my reservations, the rates and contact numbers are provided in each link for each location, if the info you are looking for is not there PM me and I will get you the help you need.
Thank you for the vote and I will add a plus one for you, even if you end up without a partner that will work out as well, so we are good to go there as well lil buddy !!
Thanx for the post on the video, now you know where my saying came from over my avatar LOL !!
Tell them Mike said what are they waiting on...............OK it already, lol and yea when I seen Kiss my bass I was like NITRO!!
On 2/7/2013 at 10:38 PM, endless said:Tell them Mike said what are they waiting on...............OK it already, lol and yea when I seen Kiss my bass I was like NITRO!!
LOL !!
I will inform them of that for sure, that should speed up the process !!
I am a shop forman it's hard to get away sometimes especially when we are really busy like we usually are, but it has not been a problem in the past so I expect no problems with it to go through.
By the way, I AM PUMPED and can't wait till August, it's going to be a blast for sure !!!
Thanx for thinkin about me Mike, it's nice to know I pop into your brain now and then, I think about Anna all the time and the fun we had !!!
On 2/7/2013 at 10:20 PM, SPEEDBEAD. said:LOL, I know the bass are supposed to be the main focus but I can't get the snakes out of my head.
Do they only really stay under the matted weeds or can you catch them on topwater stuff in more open water?
How big of a bait do you think they will attack?
Do they prefer any color over another?
Are you ever able to see them beforehand and sight fish them?
If I read Charlies post right, they seem to like the shallows, I have seen some you tube video's and most I have seen have been caught on darker colors, chatterbaits, jigs especially, they say it's a violent strike, nothing like a bass bite, I guess it's one of those things we will have to find out for ourselves, as for the size, I have not seen anything over a 1/2oz that was being used but I am sure if one is hungry enough one of those swim baits you like to use could produce a large fish, at least I would think, as for us targeting bass, that is completly up to you, we do not need to target bass, we are there to have fun, period.
You all are getting me all excited here I CAN'T WAIT !!!!
Trust me, I have confidence in swimbaits probably to a fault.
I've never been one to hear "that bait is too big" and take it to heart. I would rather spend all weekend throwing them for a single fish, just to prove to someone that a bass is a bass (or a fish is a fish) and it doesn't have to be California for a swimbait fish to be caught.
Wayne, I don't think you will be disappointed with the snakey action! I talked with Dan: and he said you should be able to sight fish for them and they will pursue a bait that will give you a truly visual thrill! I think the snakeheads are more so relating to the edges and holes rather than under and buried in the grass. When you get into the right areas you will be able to clearly see that it's a snake rather than a bass! The biggest snakeheads I've seen have all come from Pohick so chances are good that you will hook and catch a few!
On 2/7/2013 at 11:11 PM, SPEEDBEAD. said:Trust me, I have confidence in swimbaits probably to a fault.
I've never been one to hear "that bait is too big" and take it to heart. I would rather spend all weekend throwing them for a single fish, just to prove to someone that a bass is a bass (or a fish is a fish) and it doesn't have to be California for a swimbait fish to be caught.
You and I need to take a trip to Anna, you would love some of the structure there for some deep swimbait action, but there is also some really great places for swimbaits all around that lake you would enjoy, I love the swimbait, I have fished some high dollar ones there, I just can't afford any of them LOL !!!
I sold my highest dollar one last year.
Exceptionally rare 3:16 6" Real Deal. Not too many of them out there.
I'll have all the big boys there. Largest thing I'm throwing right now would be the 3:16 Wake bait (10in, 7oz) or the Born Again Armageddon (10in, 7oz).
I'll also have the "meat stick" there: 8'6" XH Low Down Custom rod. That thing is an animal. LOL
If you get out around the mouth of pohick where it meets the river, you may get the rod ripped out of your had by a big rockfish chucking those big baits!!
On 2/7/2013 at 11:42 PM, quanjig said:If you get out around the mouth of pohick where it meets the river, you may get the rod ripped out of your had by a big rockfish chucking those big baits!!
I think thats the whole point he is trying to make LMAO !!!
We look forward to meeting each and every one of you, this year is going to be a big turn out it seems, but we need all who are making plans to attend this event to please make sure they put the vote in for either a boater or a non boater, it's very important that we have this info so that we can make plans for everything, without knowing the maximum number of people who wish to attend it's hard to make the right arrangements, so if you are even thinking about it, even if there is only an outside chance, place your boating status so that we can be as prepared as we can possibly be.
I fish Pohick a lot. In August it will be full of grass. I normally like to fish early morning and late evening in August. I have a 14 ft Jon that I fish out of but many times prefer my kayak since I can access water that the bass boats can't. If you look at google maps of pohick there is a creek due west of the ramp and one north. Much of those creeks can only be fished from a canoe or kayak. I usually take 1 rod having a frog ( horny toad, scum frog, spro frog) and 1 with a trick worm or senko tied on. When the tide is up the fish have a lot of cover to hide in. As the tide falls the fish will move out of the lily pads and drop into the grass in the creek channels. If the last 2 hours of the falling tide occurs between 6:00-8:30 pm it can be fast and furious in those creeks. And there are a lot of snakeheads in those creeks. They like the topwater baits and it's a lot of fun when they hit. Another thing to consider is the rod and line you fish topwater baits (frogs) with. I use a 7'6" med-heavy bps bionic blade with a hi-speed reel spooled with 50lb braid and tie directly to the braid. The fish always try to bury in the grass and you need a stout rod to keep there heads up and ski them back to the boat.
I have been doing some research, especially on Pohick, there seems to be a long "T" shaped dock there when looking at Google maps, the topo maps are a little different with some interesting structure close to the mouth of Pohick as well, the more I look the more I like it LOL !!
By the way, I have been looking at the poll, we already have roughly 20 people coming, thats not including wives etc... this really should be an interesting meet and greet !!!
On 2/7/2013 at 11:42 PM, quanjig said:If you get out around the mouth of pohick where it meets the river, you may get the rod ripped out of your had by a big rockfish chucking those big baits!!
Don't threaten me with a good time!
I'm telling you, if I can find a striper bite I may just extend my stay. Throw in some snakes and bass and I might look for a house. LMAO
If its nice and flat that Saturday morning, the south point at pohick might be primed for some striper! Big zara and scrounger and swimbait action!! I know people that have been spooled right there!!
My 401 Cardiff holds a ton of line, would be awesome to see the spool.
On 2/7/2013 at 11:42 PM, quanjig said:If you get out around the mouth of pohick where it meets the river, you may get the rod ripped out of your had by a big rockfish chucking those big baits!!
The Rock fish usually hold along a weed line next to the main channel or a sub channel, they like the current. If your up for it try a drop-shot with a finesse worm on light tackle, but bring your lunch cause your going to be busy.
EDIT 02/08/13 to add pic:
An average Potomac River Striper caught at the W.W. Bridge on a drop-shot, 6 or 8# mono, and a finesse worm.
On 2/8/2013 at 5:42 AM, Traveler2586 said:The Rock fish usually hold along a weed line next to the main channel or a sub channel, they like the current. If your up for it try a drop-shot with a finesse worm on light tackle, but bring your lunch cause your going to be busy.
Sounds like a lot of fun !!!
I shall remember to bring my stuff when we come up for a look see !!!
Now I'm confused, what are we fishing for again lol!
On 2/8/2013 at 6:46 AM, endless said:Now I'm confused, what are we fishing for again lol!
Anything that bites !
Those anglers looking for Rockfish (Striped Bass) would do well to bring a supply of 3/4 oz. Rat-L-Traps in White/Red Head or Chrome/Black Back. And make sure you are using 20+# mono or braid. These fish are big and powerful. There are a number of Rockfish running around the Potomac River trailing 100+ yards of my line after spooling me. None recently, but when I was a young pup, I loved to fight 14-20# Baltimore Bluefish on 4-12# mono. Figured that if I could hook and land a 19-8# bluefish on 4# line and ultra-light, I could do the same with Rockfish. Found out quite quickly that that is not exactly true. Eventually got it through my thick head that you have to have 20+# line to tangle with these fish.
NBHA Charlie
Charlie, I think I like the way you rock and roll brotha.
Nitro did you add the event to the calender?? I looked to see but wasn't listed.
On 2/7/2013 at 11:48 PM, spropro said:I fish Pohick a lot. In August it will be full of grass. I normally like to fish early morning and late evening in August. I have a 14 ft Jon that I fish out of but many times prefer my kayak since I can access water that the bass boats can't. If you look at google maps of pohick there is a creek due west of the ramp and one north. Much of those creeks can only be fished from a canoe or kayak. I usually take 1 rod having a frog ( horny toad, scum frog, spro frog) and 1 with a trick worm or senko tied on. When the tide is up the fish have a lot of cover to hide in. As the tide falls the fish will move out of the lily pads and drop into the grass in the creek channels. If the last 2 hours of the falling tide occurs between 6:00-8:30 pm it can be fast and furious in those creeks. And there are a lot of snakeheads in those creeks. They like the topwater baits and it's a lot of fun when they hit. Another thing to consider is the rod and line you fish topwater baits (frogs) with. I use a 7'6" med-heavy bps bionic blade with a hi-speed reel spooled with 50lb braid and tie directly to the braid. The fish always try to bury in the grass and you need a stout rod to keep there heads up and ski them back to the boat.
This is how I like to attack pohick bay as well..... take my inflatable deep into the pads and weeds and pull out some pass. The guys in the big bass rigs can not get in there..... the weeds are too think. Heck even I have to pull up the 55 minn kota and do some rowing cause it literally is a salad.
I have also had a lot of luck throwing a thin fin or a torpedo in the channels for the creeks. When that sun starts to get low, it seems a lot of fish are willing to cruise the channels or come right up to the weed edge to ambush the very abundant forage in the creeks.....and the commotion of the torpedo (stop and go retrieve) and the rattle of the thin fin seem to draw strikes.
The huge pluses of pohick are (especially at that time of year) is despite it being shallow the current from the creeks and the abundance of weeds keeps the water super oxygenated, so the fish do not sluggish like they often get in august.
The minus of pohick is all the stupid jet skiers ..... oh what i would pay for torpedoes. The weeds can almost be overwhelming too.
On 2/10/2013 at 8:13 PM, endless said:Nitro did you add the event to the calender?? I looked to see but wasn't listed.
No, not yet buddy,
We do not want to take anything away from the Road Trip or interfere with it in any way, I can put it on the calander if that is a help to everybody, but only after the Road Trip is over.
On 2/11/2013 at 7:57 PM, Nitrofreak said:No, not yet buddy,
We do not want to take anything away from the Road Trip or interfere with it in any way, I can put it on the calender if that is a help to everybody, but only after the Road Trip is over.
Don't think you need worry about the Road Trip due to the dates of each event.
You may be correct my friend, but at the same time, someone may be thinking about going and I really would like for them to have every opportunity to get as many people to attend as they possibly can.
As bad as I want to go on the Roadtrip myself, I know it would have to be one or the other, my choice is unfortunatly limited by less money from the ol' paycheck so the Roadtrip is out by default for me, but if someone else has a better chance, I just do not wan't to take a chance and cost the Roadtrip a member.
We look forward to meeting each and every one of you, this year is going to be a big turn out it seems, but we need all who are making plans to attend this event to please make sure they put the vote in for either a boater or a non boater, it's very important that we have this info so that we can make plans for everything, without knowing the maximum number of people who wish to attend it's hard to make the right arrangements, so if you are even thinking about it, even if there is only an outside chance, place your boating status so that we can be as prepared as we can possibly be.
I understand Nitro!!
Is it seriously still 6 months away?
I hate this time of year. Can't shoot anything, can't fish anywhere.....LOL
Do you have an outboard on the inflatable? Sounds perfect for the creek. The tiny torpedo was my preferred top water years ago. I believe I caught my first nice bass on one when I was about 9 yrs old. I agree about the jet skiers. I wish that they would stay out by the main river. I was down at pohick a week ago and they were out skiing in dry suits. Talk about crazy!!
Just for more understanding, what can we expect to be caught out on Pohick or where ever we may be in the area? Any possibilities on smallmouths?
Endless, you would have to go above Woodrow Wilson bridge and the further you go north the more smallmouth there are.
I've caught smallies at the mouth of pomunkey ( directly a cross from pohick ) but that was late fall. I wouldn't be surprised if you could find them in the occoquan!?
Post number 1000 .................. Didn't know I had that much to say!!
Congrats on the 1,000 posts Quan.
Now we need Soccplayer to make two more posts so he can hit the 2,000 mark!
First of all, I'm envious of ur skills on the water. I live in Lorton across from south county hs and if you ever need someone to net ur fish. I'm the one. I'm not surprised that u caught a smallmouth that far down you seem to be able to catch em out of mud puddles !
On 2/14/2013 at 10:46 AM, quanjig said:I've caught smallies at the mouth of pomunkey ( directly a cross from pohick ) but that was late fall. I wouldn't be surprised if you could find them in the occoquan!?
Post number 1000 .................. Didn't know I had that much to say!!
Silent...but deadly when you speak !!
Congrats on the 1000th post !!!
Endless, thanks, spropro, thank you and we will drop a line in a couple nice little local spots!, Nitro, appreciate it!!
Hey man I learned a lot watching you, well at least when I was not trying to fall in the water lol !!
Seriously though, your a great angler Quan and I hope to visit you again this year.
LOL Quan, come on man. Gotta catch up!
I was banned for two years and look how many I got! j/k
Sounds like you guys have a Valentines Day-man crush on Quan...
On 2/14/2013 at 9:50 PM, Nitrofreak said:Hey man I learned a lot watching you, well at least when I was not trying to fall in the water lol !!
Seriously though, your a great angler Quan and I hope to visit you again this year.
What am I, chop liver?? hahahahahaha
On 2/14/2013 at 9:55 PM, Teal said:Sounds like you guys have a Valentines Day-man crush on Quan...
Hey what can they say it only comes around once a year!!
SPEEDBEAD- I didn't know you was banned, dang. Welcome and glad your back!!! This time try to stick around, lol.
LOL, long story and waaaaay in the past. No biggie.
Wayne, I was banned for a couple years as well!! I was mostly a lurker for a long time!
Nitro, you did fine on our outing! As you remember, it's all to easy to "fall in" while fishing from such a narrow platform!
On 2/14/2013 at 9:55 PM, Teal said:Sounds like you guys have a Valentines Day-man crush on Quan...
Sounds to me like your just jelious !!
On 2/14/2013 at 9:55 PM, endless said:What am I, chop liver?? hahahahahaha
I never actually fished with you, but someday I hope that will change, no you are not chopped liver, more like fried squash BAHAHAHA !!
On 2/14/2013 at 11:54 PM, quanjig said:Wayne, I was banned for a couple years as well!! I was mostly a lurker for a long time!
Nitro, you did fine on our outing! As you remember, it's all to easy to "fall in" while fishing from such a narrow platform!
Ah yes, I recall now. LOL
On 2/15/2013 at 12:38 AM, Nitrofreak said:Sounds to me like your just jelious !!
I never actually fished with you, but someday I hope that will change, no you are not chopped liver, more like fried squash BAHAHAHA !!
MMMMMMMMMMMMM Fried squash and potatoes!!
One day Nitro, one day.
Haha... 6 more months, we will make sure you love birds can fish together.
On 2/15/2013 at 4:01 AM, endless said:MMMMMMMMMMMMM Fried squash and potatoes!!
One day Nitro, one day.
Can't wait for it buddy !!
Teal, there is plenty of bass love to go around!
It def seems that way, quan.
I can tell I'm going to have to keep an eye on you when the M&G rolls around!! Lol!
Haha... i wont be hard to spot. Ill be the one in the red Javelin with a rod bent over.
Hahaha i pick at you guys but its all in good fun!! I think we are going to have a great time
On 2/15/2013 at 6:58 AM, Teal said:Haha... i wont be hard to spot. Ill be the one in the red Javelin with a rod bent over.
Hahaha i pick at you guys but its all in good fun!! I think we are going to have a great time
What you got snagged or something??
Teal I look forward to hanging out and talking and I can't take it any other way than just a little bit of fun!!
On 2/15/2013 at 7:09 AM, endless said:What you got snagged or something??
Just doing my part to decorate the local stumps with jigs and shallow cranks.
Speed let's plan a trip in April?
COME ON Soccplayer I know you have 1 more post in you!!!!!! Let's hit that 2,000 mark!
OK... I can see this is going to be a "Fun Filled" weekend. Can we fish, too?
On 2/15/2013 at 1:28 PM, endless said:COME ON Soccplayer I know you have 1 more post in you!!!!!! Let's hit that 2,000 mark!
On 2/15/2013 at 11:20 AM, soccplayer07 said:Speed let's plan a trip in April?
I'm down, just need a little notice.
Obviously would prefer a little warmer water/weather than the last time we fished. A more stable platform for my big unwieldy behind wouldnt hurt either.
I think I made it what, 20 minutes before the first attempt at swimming?
You guys should do post spawn so you can really get on a big swimbait bite!
Post spawn I would love to see what my rat baits would do down there next to all those trees hanging over the water. They really pick up their effectiveness when the water is >70.
I'll come down and drop some bluegills on beds if ya like too.
LIke I said, down for whatever.
My new boat is the same width as before...sorry bro. Can you bring your boat and we'll use my motor?
On 2/15/2013 at 11:32 PM, soccplayer07 said:My new boat is the same width as before...sorry bro. Can you bring your boat and we'll use my motor?
Done, not a problem whatsoever.
We won't go very fast, but hey what's the rush? LOL
IIRC, it's a 9.9 motor? I think the aluminum aircraft carrier goes around 6-7mph with a 9.9. Good enough for me.
Sure , Wayne, it's a 9.9...........
On 2/16/2013 at 12:43 AM, quanjig said:Sure , Wayne, it's a 9.9...........
LOL, is that how it is plated or stickered?
On 1/16/2013 at 6:08 AM, Zoff said:My Wife heard snakeheads are good eating. She has informed me that I had better bring some home for a fry.
She is correct.
I'm in, depending on the date.
On 2/15/2013 at 8:35 PM, Zoff said:OK... I can see this is going to be a "Fun Filled" weekend. Can we fish, too?
NO !!!
You get to stay and help your wife LOL !!
We look forward to meeting each and every one of you, this year is going to be a big turn out it seems, but we need all who are making plans to attend this event to please make sure they put the vote in for either a boater or a non boater, it's very important that we have this info so that we can make plans for everything, without knowing the maximum number of people who wish to attend it's hard to make the right arrangements, so if you are even thinking about it, even if there is only an outside chance, place your boating status so that we can be as prepared as we can possibly be.
Yes and yes. I have connections!
If you see or know of any 9.9 or 15-20hp motors that have not been in saltwater and are in good shape, let me know.
Buddy of mine sold his that I used to borrow, been looking for one that's not brand new but not beat up either.
they are all over craigslist. That's where I got mine.
I'll have to check out your area then.
Next to nothing up here.
I will, guys I know have been finding them on Craig's list from time to time. Try looking for John boats as well as just the motors. Sometimes people will sell them seperatly.
On 2/16/2013 at 1:43 AM, Nitrofreak said:NO !!!
You get to stay and help your wife LOL !!
Same can be said for you too Nitro lol, I think I'll leave my at home now hahaha
I ran a bunch of searches to find mine. I actually got mine near you.
Here is how I searched:
9.9 hp
9.9 outboard
Do those 3 for 15, 18 and 20.
Ok, I wanted to set the record straight here as far as the Northern Snake Head fish is concerned, we seem to have some conflicting information about the subject, I am going to use Charlies post here and clear up some of these questions for us, the notes I am about to post are studies from the VDGIF , MDDGIF, Va. Tech Research for the 2012 and 2013 updates.
Contrary to previously published messages, Northern Snakeheads do NOT have to be killed in Virginia waters. Since all of Pohick Bay is located in Virginia, you may keep ( a snakehead fish as long as it has been killed, if it is within the gunnals of your boat it must be dead), kill or release snakeheads caught there. However, anyone releasing them when they could be eating them is suspect. ( Take note this is for the Va. side, if you catch one on the MD. side it must be killed and thrown on the bank, or killed and kept, no parts of the snakehead can be put back into the water once caught, alive or dead. Also take note that if you were to catch a Snakehead in Md waters and transport it to the Va side or vice versa while the fish was still alive you are in direct violation of intrastate or interstate transport of an invasive species and can be fined !! )
Our local VDGIF fisheries biologist is the regional coordinator of the snakehead team and offers the following information:
1. Northern Snakeheads live in very shallow water.
2. They live in shallow water as they are air breathers.(They do not have gills and therefore, must come to the surface every 3-4 minutes to gulp air.) This part of the statement is false, research from the VDGIF and VaTech supports the following information:
Northern snakeheads do breathe air. Unlike many other air-breathing fishes, they have a series of spaces in the rear portion of their head called the suprabranchial chamber. These spaces are filled with folded tissues that have a high surface area, and allow oxygen exchange to occur directly between air and their blood. Unlike humans, they lack a diaphragm, and use water to exchange old air with fresh air each time they take a breath. Thus, their ability to breathe air when out of the water is limited. Northern snakeheads could survive out of the water for several days if they are kept moist, but would desiccate and perish in minutes if placed on dry land in direct sunlight. Northern snakeheads also have gills, and breathe water like any other fish. They breathe air to supplement their demand for oxygen, and appear to breathe air far more frequently when they are actively swimming, much like a runner gasps for breath compared to someone who is sitting and reading.
3. Their primary food source is the killifish, a very small minnow that lives in less than six inches of water.
4. Bass normally do not target killifish. Therefore, the two fish do not share the same water nor the same food source. Not totally true, studies reveal differently from the VDGIF:Over 20 prey items (mostly fishes) were detected, with banded killifish as the most common prey item by number, and bluegill as the most important prey item by weight. Diet was most similar to largemouth bass; however, bass had a wider diet breadth and a much stronger preference for cray fish
5. In all their studies, they have not found any bass in the stomachs of snakeheads.
6. However, the reverse is not true. Bass eat snakeheads.
7. VDGIF does not require the killing of snakeheads( Unless you decide to keep them ) because there is no way to get them out of the resource. Since they do not compete with nor affect bass (The above research shows they are very much in compitition for the same food source) or the other gamefish in the Potomac River, they are just another gamefish to the Department. (The VDGIF does not recognise them as a gamefish, they are noted to be an invasive species, again if you catch one you may return it to the water in Va. however if it is in between the gunnals it must be killed if you are planning on keeping it, if you are on the Md. side and you catch one it must be killed regardless and either kept or thrown upon the bank in its entirety )
8. Pohick Bay is a hot spot for snakeheads. White spinnerbaits, buzzbaits, chatterbaits and topwater frogs are all subject to being taken by snakeheads on any cast. As someone else mentioned, they hit like a ton of bricks and accelerate from there. Braided line in the 20-65# class is a necessity for the thick grass and lily pads that these fish love.
9. On two different occasions last year, I caught five or more snakeheads from the grass and lily pads on frogs and spinnerbaits. Personal best snakehead in Pohick Bay was 14.3 pounds. Unfortunately, the Tournament Director would not weigh them in for credit.
I do not mean to single you out, I found your post to be very interesting and informative, but at the same time we need to be accurate when we speak of laws and such which promted me to do a lot of homework and make sure we all understand clearly the rules and regs with the most up to date info possible, my posts as well were not entirely truthful and since yours had the most information for all of us to learn from I decided to use your post and insert the most updated corrections straight from VDGIF and other resources from 2012/2013.
I am going to delete the postings in the first page of this thread and put in the updated version of this discussion for all to remember and have as a reference, There will be mappings of Va./ Md. boarder lines posted as we get closer to the meet and greet.
While we're on the subject let me offer this from VA Tech.edu, and two links on consumption advisories for Potomac River fish.
VA Tech - "Snakeheads are a popular food fish in Asia, and are regularly raised in aquaculture settings and sold in fish markets. Most North Americans seem to agree, despite disagreeing with Asians about the palatability of carps. Anglers should be warned that there are consumption advisories for most Potomac River species (e.g. no more than two meals per month, no consumption by pregnant women) because of contaminant levels, though to my knowledge tests have not been done for contaminant levels in snakehead muscle tissue. It may be possible to refer to consumption advisories for largemouth bass, though snakeheads are on average a larger fish, and larger individuals have the highest contaminant levels. It is common to find large curled red parasite worms in the flesh of northern snakeheads from the Potomac River, and though unappetizing they are not harmful to humans if they are cooked or cut out of the flesh prior to cooking."
VA DGIF - http://www.vdh.virginia.gov/epidemiology/DEE/PublicHealthToxicology/Advisories/index.htm
MD DNR - http://www.mde.state.md.us/programs/Water/FishandShellfish/Documents/www.mde.state.md.us/assets/document/Maryland%20Fish%20Advisories%202011.pdf
On 2/16/2013 at 2:18 AM, SPEEDBEAD. said:If you see or know of any 9.9 or 15-20hp motors that have not been in saltwater and are in good shape, let me know.
Buddy of mine sold his that I used to borrow, been looking for one that's not brand new but not beat up either.
Back at ya man. Thanks.
SproPro sorry for the delay.....
I have been looking at 9.9 hp outboards for a long time, or something smaller but have yet to pull the trigger. I live in a city area and drive a honda civic and my apartment does not have storage, so the inflatable is the way for me. I look constantly at kayaks and other small craft..... mainly because the inflatables are so expensive but I would love to get a larger vehicle (like a CRV or outback) and get a bigger, better inflatable, and have an outboard so I could tackle the main river.... till then I hit the creeks and branches (though I am sure further up by the city I could handle it)
I have noticed fishing in Pohic I do better when the trolling motor has not been on for a while. I think it can spook this fish some, and I am not a guy who thinks a trolling motor spooks fish that much (pros seem to live with em on and have fish hit right next to them) but for some reason I just seem to do better when I anchor up in a good spot and let the current and wind move me around and do my thing.
Traveler, I've heard that because of the growth rate of the snakehead that toxins are less likely to be stored in the fish. Could be wrong but it makes sense.
On 2/17/2013 at 8:42 AM, quanjig said:Traveler, I've heard that because of the growth rate of the snakehead that toxins are less likely to be stored in the fish. Could be wrong but it makes sense.
At the level of my understanding, IMHO, you have that backward; it's a long lived fish of size that feeds on other fish so it takes in their PCB's into it's fatty tissue. I don't have the ref link for that just off hand but if I find it again I'll post it.
EDIT: I cane accross a entry in a report at : http://www.mde.maryland.gov/programs/water/tmdl/integrated303dreports/documents/integrated_report_section_pdfs/ir_2012/md_final_2012_ir_part_f3.pdf
Potomac River Upper tidal PG, CH
Fishing Tidal subsegment
Mercury in Fish Tissue
Data collected on snakehead
show potential for high
mercury levels. More data are
needed to determine if an
impairment exists.
Direct Measurement
While looking for another subject I ran accross this:
Commission Orders and Policies April 1, 2012
O R D E R #2010 – 06
protection, promotion, growth and conservation of the indigenous seafood
resources, and pursuant to its authority under Regulation I, Section 7(a) (1) and
a. It shall be unlawful to release, to return, or otherwise discard any living
snakehead or member of the Channidae family to the Potomac River.
b. It shall be lawful to possess a live snakehead fish (of the family
Channidae) only so long as necessary to kill the fish as specified in
paragraph ©.
c. A person may possess a dead snakehead fish only with (i) the head
removed, or (ii) the fish is gutted, or (iii) both gill arches of the fish
removed and the person notifies, as soon as practicable, one of the
following agencies:
i)Maryland Department of Natural Resources 410-260-8287,
ii) Virginia Department of Game & Inland Fisheries 800-770-4951,
iii) DC Fisheries and Wildlife Division 202-535-2260, or
iv) US Fish and Wildlife Service 703-358-1932.
shall become effective June 20, 2010 and remain in effect until further notice.
Big barge, the inflatable certainly makes sense in your situation. Much to my wife's dismay I have an assortment of boats. I started out with a kayak and eventually moved up to an 18 ft center console to chase stripers in the Chesapeake. Storage has always been a problem for me also and the boat is stored remotely I fish less. I'm in the process of selling the bay boat and have purchased a 14 ft Jon with 15 hp that I keep in the garage and in process of modifying. And I still enjoy fishing out of the 22 yr old kayak. It's a different experience from other boats being able to access waters others cannot. To enjoy the bigger waters I joined a local fishing club as a non-boater. I fish out of the backseat on the big rigs and split the gas at the end of the day. I've met a lot of really skilled anglers who have been more than willing to share their knowledge. It has improved my skills.
I agree about the noise factor. I've noticed that when fishing shallow or very clear water some of the club members will turn off the fish finders while fishing because o the clicking noise they make.
On 2/4/2013 at 1:31 AM, Traveler2586 said:Nitro, That takes years of practice.
Charlie, Posted Today,02:05 AM??? Looks like you can't sleep either
do you have a link to the VDGIF fisheries biologist data?
I find it a little suspicious that we did not get any pics of you, even the ones I took with my cell did not turn out for some reason, they were all blurry when you were in the photo LOL !!!
On 2/18/2013 at 1:55 AM, Sam said:I find it a little suspicious that we did not get any pics of you, even the ones I took with my cell did not turn out for some reason, they were all blurry when you were in the photo LOL !!!
I have (in my youth) been known to leave red spots on young girls necks
Just as an FYI, I posted this on another thread and thought you guys here might be interested as well......
There are some other sites that have some very good info on the Potomac River, I.E. http://www.potomacbass.com/
Look for articles such as "Gunston Cove, Pohick Bay, Accotink Bay" by Andy Andrzejewski. In a series of articles Andy has done an excellent job of providing a written tour of the Potomac.
You can also Bing "Potomac Bass Fishing Articles"
Great stuff Traveler and thanx a bunch !!!!!
Is it August yet. I feel like a little kid in back seat of my dads old Cutluss "Are we therrrre yet?"
Hell, I just wish it was April at this point.
Just got done snowing here. Again.
I gotta pick my boat up from shop today. To the tune of 768.00. I missed my weekend fishin too. Im going through fishing DTs.
I hit the WAAAY upper Potomac this weekend looking for musky.
On 2/20/2013 at 12:49 AM, SPEEDBEAD. said:I hit the WAAAY upper Potomac this weekend looking for musky.
I am hoping to get over to Anna for my B-day on March 4th, that will be my first outing this year.
On 2/20/2013 at 1:15 AM, mudkart said:Hancock?
HTown, down a bit from Hancock.
On 2/20/2013 at 1:17 AM, Nitrofreak said:I am hoping to get over to Anna for my B-day on March 4th, that will be my first outing this year.
You get the trolling motor straightened out?
On 2/20/2013 at 12:29 AM, Teal said:Is it August yet. I feel like a little kid in back seat of my dads old Cutluss "Are we therrrre yet?"
On 2/20/2013 at 1:17 AM, Nitrofreak said:I am hoping to get over to Anna for my B-day on March 4th, that will be my first outing this year.
Wanna fish this weekend? SML or I was also thinking Gaston.
Gaston is a long way for yall both. But if ya decide on it, hit me up. Im only 7 miles from gaston.
On 2/20/2013 at 2:46 AM, Zoff said:+1011
Wanna fish this weekend? SML or I was also thinking Gaston.
I would love to fish SML with you again, Gaston would be to expencive for me right now but I will let you know soon, I will call you sometime this week.
Thanx for the offer Zoff !!!!
On 2/20/2013 at 3:28 AM, Teal said:Gaston is a long way for yall both. But if ya decide on it, hit me up. Im only 7 miles from gaston.
Has been 20 years since I fished Gaston. My first tournament of the year is there. Any tips?
On 2/20/2013 at 3:54 AM, Nitrofreak said:I would love to fish SML with you again, Gaston would be to expencive for me right now but I will let you know soon, I will call you sometime this week.
Thanx for the offer Zoff !!!!
It's my pleasure. Hope you can make it.
Zoff, find some good points, creek channel ledges, any obvious humps and holes near the main channel...and last but not least BOAT DOCKS near deep water.. the dock can be relativley shallow but i have only had luck on docks near semi steep, or steep drops, or near the main creek channels or off of the main lake/river channel.
I tell you this as if you are going tmw, you know like I things will change. When is your tourney and which ramp are you guys using? Are you coming early to prefish?
If so, I can def give you a tour. (Work permitting)
If nothin else, i can bring you one of my several hard copy topo maps. (These are the good ones, they have notes alll over them)
On 2/20/2013 at 11:39 AM, Teal said:Zoff, find some good points, creek channel ledges, any obvious humps and holes near the main channel...and last but not least BOAT DOCKS near deep water.. the dock can be relativley shallow but i have only had luck on docks near semi steep, or steep drops, or near the main creek channels or off of the main lake/river channel.
I tell you this as if you are going tmw, you know like I things will change. When is your tourney and which ramp are you guys using? Are you coming early to prefish?
If so, I can def give you a tour. (Work permitting)
I was thinking about coming down Saturday but because it is calling for rain... opted for SML and the fact Nitro may join me and that would be a LONG trip for him. Just not going to get to prefish it looks like... maybe.
Thanks for the offer.
On 2/20/2013 at 11:42 AM, Teal said:If nothin else, i can bring you one of my several hard copy topo maps. (These are the good ones, they have notes alll over them)
Thanks... I may just take you up on that.
Where is the blast off ramp on Gaston?
On 2/20/2013 at 4:30 PM, Sam said:Where is the blast off ramp on Gaston?
Zoff, you are putting in at the back on popular creek. Poplar is a long winding creek that has deep water. I dont know if it is a channel per se, but it is deep and the are shallow pockets and arms coming off of the creek. Theres alot of good points within the creek it self.
Polplar is in a good spot because if you travel down to the main lake, you aree in the middle of the lake and right at "the bend of the river" there are some big fish right there at the rivrs bend...
My partner tells me that some place in Poplar have steel poles in the water designed to damage boats. Truth to this?
No. The only poles ive seen back there are mainly in the far back end and right there near the ramp. Most of them are wood,rebar with plastic, or pvc. They were put there by residents to mark stumps so that you wouldnt damage your boat. Durring the spring and summer, im back in poplar at least once a week (working on vegetation) and have never seen an intentional device to harming boats.
I say this, and ive pretty much covered that shoreline multiple times last year. When i say covered it, i mean about 30the ft from the bank, and the entire shoreline all the way down and back the entire creek....never seen such devices and havent harmed my boat.
Why don't you go ahead and make some plans to fish Gaston if you want, they are calling for snow and sleet here on Friday, temps below freezing on Friday night, that will make the roads a little slow to travel Early Saturday morning, I was going to hold off till Thursday to see but it looks like the chances just keep increasing, it went from 30 to 60 percent in just two days.
I will shoot you a text too to make sure you get this.
Thanx for the offer Zoff, we will try again soon.
Oh... we still might go. If plans change. let me know
You got it Zoff, I will keep in touch.
Just realized, I have a club tourney out of Pohick the weekend before this get together. I can be bribed for info....
Are you planning on makkng the trip with us
Going to try, cannot commit right now though
Was getting down the list a bit far so, Happy Wednesday!
I don't think im going to come due to the fact im probly the youngest that will be there and I don't know anyone hahaha
On 2/28/2013 at 9:56 PM, Jacob Krahenbil said:I don't think im going to come due to the fact im probly the youngest that will be there and I don't know anyone hahaha
Don't let us stop you from coming out and having a great time!! By the way how old are you?
This thread has been quiet, you boys still excited?
On 2/28/2013 at 11:59 PM, Teal said:This thread has been quiet, you boys still excited?
Not like I was in the beginning!! lol haah
Cabin fever has me irritated. Getting antsy.
Well lets see if we can add a little excitement here, anybody wanna talk fishin?
Cause right now I can tell you whats happening over at Anna, if you are thinkin about a trip.
anyone interested in having a friendly tourney for our meet and greet?
On 2/28/2013 at 11:32 PM, endless said:Don't let us stop you from coming out and having a great time!! By the way how old are you?
ill be 16 at that time but I do have a boat
On 3/1/2013 at 3:48 AM, soccplayer07 said:anyone interested in having a friendly tourney for our meet and greet?
Already been discussed my friend, as long as we keep it friendly there is no trouble with doing so, I am looking forward to the challenge, I have never been on the Potomac but I have been doing a lot of homework and the more I read the more excited I get.
That being said...LET THE TRASH TALK BEGIN !!!
On 3/1/2013 at 3:49 AM, Jacob Krahenbil said:ill be 16 at that time but I do have a boat
You bringing a parent?
On 3/1/2013 at 3:48 AM, soccplayer07 said:anyone interested in having a friendly tourney for our meet and greet?
Im game!!
I bet if we ask nicely, i bet some of the BR sponsors will send us a little goody bag (nothing huge, a sample bag or so) for our M&G winner and Big bass. Just an idea, i dont want to come off as a mooch, but it is nice to have someing on the line other than braggin rights...if not, then im ok with braggin rights..
On 3/1/2013 at 3:49 AM, Jacob Krahenbil said:ill be 16 at that time but I do have a boat
If your dad (or parental guardian(s) ) fish, encourage them to get on here and read us up, and hopefully he/they will come along also. I am a parent and i would want to know more if i was in your parents shoes...so just a suggestion.
Speed Bead, notice i said big bass award...i can see you now coming with a 25lb striper caught on a 12oz swimbait. HAHAHAHA
On 3/1/2013 at 3:49 AM, Jacob Krahenbil said:ill be 16 at that time but I do have a boat
Oh shoot there will be another one around your age there if he still comes. CPBassFishing and then you might find that us older folks probably act your age lol.
On 3/1/2013 at 4:28 AM, endless said:Oh shoot there will be another one around your age there if he still comes. CPBassFishing and then you might find that us older folks probably act your age lol.
I would like to know what the probibility of that is BAHAHAHA !!!
On 3/1/2013 at 4:35 AM, Nitrofreak said:I would like to know what the probibility of that is BAHAHAHA !!!
SEE Nitro leads by example!! hahahaha
On 3/1/2013 at 4:15 AM, Teal said:Speed Bead, notice i said big bass award...i can see you now coming with a 25lb striper caught on a 12oz swimbait. HAHAHAHA
I saw it.
Never know what might happen. LOL
On 3/3/2013 at 1:29 AM, SPEEDBEAD. said:I saw it.
Never know what might happen. LOL
Oh i know what will happen!! Theres a local guy here who is huge into swimbaits. He doesnt win many tourneys but he wins big bass often. When the big swim bait bite is on and the right fisherman is on the same page, its all over.
Well, I'll just be happy to catch a few and swap some BS stories.
I'll be REALLY happy to get on a swimbait bite. LOL
you sure about that? I don't know if you'll be able to handle my youthful enthusiasm. I have a tendency to send 3 pounders flying when I set the hook!On 3/1/2013 at 4:28 AM, endless said:Oh shoot there will be another one around your age there if he still comes. CPBassFishing and then you might find that us older folks probably act your age lol.
On 3/7/2013 at 11:42 AM, CPBassFishing said:you sure about that? I don't know if you'll be able to handle my youthful enthusiasm. I have a tendency to send 3 pounders flying when I set the hook!
Always more fun landing a bass that jumps...no one said you can't be the reason it jumps.
On 3/7/2013 at 11:42 AM, CPBassFishing said:you sure about that? I don't know if you'll be able to handle my youthful enthusiasm. I have a tendency to send 3 pounders flying when I set the hook!
I may be 51, but I can promise you this, I am no older than you are a lot of times, should something happen and my seat becomes open, I will be more than happy to have you on my boat if you get picked to be with me.
You will be just fine, just show up and lets have some fun !!!
Awww... that's nice. he worries about HIM being too wide open. Wait till he gets around me!
j/k with ya, CP.
On 3/7/2013 at 9:55 PM, Zoff said:Awww... that's nice. he worries about HIM being too wide open. Wait till he gets around me!
j/k with ya, CP.
That day is coming big guy, and it's coming sooner than you think LOL !!!
I won't be so laid back next time we get together and fish SML, we bout to have a whole lotta fun !!!!! WWWWWWOOOOOOOOOO !!!!!
Are we there yet?
Do you realise it's already been 2 months since we have made the decision for the potomac and set the date?
That means it's just 5 short months away from meeting up with each other, the weather is starting to warm up and the fever is getting hotter for all of us and before you know it we will be downing some good cold Buds together and telling each other a bunch of lie's.
I am looking forward to meeting all of you and I cant wait to see a few of you once more !!!
My son and i are looking forward to the meet. We have just picked up a 15 ft Princecraft v hull aluminum jon boat and should be using it this year. It`s going to be great to finally get out in our own boat.
Unfortunately you can count me out, have to go to Minnesota that weekend for a friends wedding. Can't blow it off, my wife is in the wedding party...
On 3/13/2013 at 9:59 PM, stevecastle said:My son and i are looking forward to the meet. We have just picked up a 15 ft Princecraft v hull aluminum jon boat and should be using it this year. It`s going to be great to finally get out in our own boat.
awesome !!!!!
Where's the pics ?????
On 3/13/2013 at 10:34 PM, BrianinMD said:Unfortunately you can count me out, have to go to Minnesota that weekend for a friends wedding. Can't blow it off, my wife is in the wedding party...
Hate to hear you won't be able to make it to the Meet and Greet, Hope you and your family have a safe trip though, who knows, maybe some of us will get the opportunity to fish with you before then.
It is looking better and better for me to join up too. If there are any pre fishing trips out there I would be game to give a perspective for us plastic boat guys
Zoff and I plan on making a pre-trip adventure outing to meet up with Traveler sometime in the future to get the lay of the land and hopefully do a little fishing as well, if your interested you can join us for the day, I would certainly enjoy hearing your perspective.
I sold off some stuff and I am currently looking at 15-20hp outboards.
That should open up the fishing area for me and the aluminum aircraft carrier.
On 3/14/2013 at 8:03 PM, Nitrofreak said:Zoff and I plan on making a pre-trip adventure outing to meet up with Traveler sometime in the future to get the lay of the land and hopefully do a little fishing as well, if your interested you can join us for the day, I would certainly enjoy hearing your perspective.
Any idea when you'll have an opening, and what you would like to do while your here? We could check out the park, tour the river, fish, whatever....
On 3/15/2013 at 1:31 AM, Traveler2586 said:Any idea when you'll have an opening, and what you would like to do while your here? We could check out the park, tour the river, fish, whatever....
It is my hope that we can do all of the above, I am unsure of the plans just yet my friend, but, I am thinking either Zoff and I may come up and spend the day or we may be able to make a weekend out of it, you offered a truly great thing sometime back, and I was wondering if that may still be an option as well.
I also thought about bringing the boat and the camper so I could have a good idea for distance and time for the Meet and Greet, etc...that would give me a great opportunity to check out the campground and roads first hand, if anyone else had any ideas of bringing their rigs I would be able to speak from experience.
If I did bring the camper, you both know (you and Zoff) your families are more than welcome to join us, maybe we could have supper at the camper or something if your interested, I will extend the same offer to anyone who would wish to have supper with us as well, it's a great opportunity to make and discuss plans for everything, we could even play some cornhole and down a few cold ones for some fun too !!
I thought that maybe we could spend one day looking around and asking questions and if there was any time left we could do some fishing, or spend the weekend and do some more fishing !!!
I think mid April will provide a few opportunities for me, unless Zoff chimes in before, I will contact him and see what his schedule is like for mid April, What does yours look like for then Traveler ?
On 3/14/2013 at 11:53 PM, SPEEDBEAD. said:I sold off some stuff and I am currently looking at 15-20hp outboards.
That should open up the fishing area for me and the aluminum aircraft carrier.
On 3/15/2013 at 5:38 AM, Nitrofreak said:It is my hope that we can do all of the above, I am unsure of the plans just yet my friend, but, I am thinking either Zoff and I may come up and spend the day or we may be able to make a weekend out of it, you offered a truly great thing sometime back, and I was wondering if that may still be an option as well.
I also thought about bringing the boat and the camper so I could have a good idea for distance and time for the Meet and Greet, etc...that would give me a great opportunity to check out the campground and roads first hand, if anyone else had any ideas of bringing their rigs I would be able to speak from experience.
If I did bring the camper, you both know (you and Zoff) your families are more than welcome to join us, maybe we could have supper at the camper or something if your interested, I will extend the same offer to anyone who would wish to have supper with us as well, it's a great opportunity to make and discuss plans for everything, we could even play some cornhole and down a few cold ones for some fun too !!
I thought that maybe we could spend one day looking around and asking questions and if there was any time left we could do some fishing, or spend the weekend and do some more fishing !!!
I think mid April will provide a few opportunities for me, unless Zoff chimes in before, I will contact him and see what his schedule is like for mid April, What does yours look like for then Traveler ?
Offer still stands PM sent
Sounds good to me.
I may be taking early retirement... yeah... I can do that... and picking up another job soon. So, until I know what I am going to be doing, I will have to play it by ear. Still making the M&G though.
Sent a PM back Traveler.
Retirement ? shucks your not even 40 yet Zoff LOL !!!
On 3/15/2013 at 6:57 PM, Nitrofreak said:Sent a PM back Traveler.
Retirement ? shucks your not even 40 yet Zoff LOL !!!
Yeah... ain't it nice. Oh, and for the record, I am closer to 50 than 40 now. lol
I can't wait! I just got a sweet new combo for flipping/frogging/swimbaits. Its a 7'4" MH Veritas paired with a Shimano Caenan spooled with 50lb powerpro.
I cant wait either !!!!!..............im lookin forward to pushing you in the water and using that new combo LOL !!!
J/K, I hope you have a lot of fun with that rig CP, sounds like something you have working on for a while, congrats !!!!!
HAH! Good luck with that. I'd grab your ankle on the way in!On 3/19/2013 at 3:13 AM, Nitrofreak said:I cant wait either !!!!!..............im lookin forward to pushing you in the water and using that new combo LOL !!!
J/K, I hope you have a lot of fun with that rig CP, sounds like something you have working on for a while, congrats !!!!!
Happy to report that I can bomb a 1/2 oz jig an easy 75 yards.
All this snow almost pushed this to the second page. LOL, I don't think it's going to get warm. Ever.
On 3/25/2013 at 9:02 PM, SPEEDBEAD. said:Whew!
All this snow almost pushed this to the second page. LOL, I don't think it's going to get warm. Ever.
Yes it will......
But I wish I could be out on the water today, appointments prevent me; I've found that fishing in a snow fall is one of the most relaxing events I've ever experienced. The snow not only limits visibility, it also limits sound and it can be deathly quiet; and usually there's little or no wind so the water is glass smooth; so far, I've had the water all to myself. Properly dressed in a good rain suit, it's easy to stay warm; the only problem I've experienced was the deck getting a little slippery, and navigating with old style electronics.
I'm setting here looking out on a backyard that is totally white with a gentle snowfall, and my cabin fever is out of control because of a d**n appointment...
I hear ya man. I'm actually a big fan of fishing in the snow too for the exact reasons you mentioned.
Water might be cold but it sure is peaceful.
I got out to Anna this past weekend and had some good fun !! even though the wind and the cold had put a damper on the fishing I still had a great time !!!!
The last one was on the hot side fishing with my friends grandfather, he held the fish while I was taking the pic.
Thats why i love deer hunting season from october thru last day of december, and nasty januarys adn februarys... im all alone on the lake, zero to very litttle boat traffic. The noise of the rain and stain from winter run off do make shallow water fishin a little easier.
No sticking snow down here but really cold rain,wind and some sleet make for dreary days. Its depressing weather but i bet it would make for a relaxing day on the water. Ill be glad when the water warms up about 8 more degrees. Still 46-48 down here...
Water temps were 38 last weekend at a local lake. I still got a while. LOL
This thread has fallen to sleep. Yall wake up!!
Traveler, have you had any time up there on the Potomac yet? If its anything like down here, im guessing cold and murkey.
I'm going to try to get out on the river mid week.
On 3/30/2013 at 11:56 AM, Teal said:This thread has fallen to sleep. Yall wake up!!
Traveler, have you had any time up there on the Potomac yet? If its anything like down here, I'm guessing cold and murky.
You got that right, it was. I went out on 3/10 to Aquia Harbor; the weather was great but the water all through Aquia was murky, and I could not buy a bite. At some point my alternator went out and then the fun started, I drained my cranking battery and a deep cycle before I got to the launch. I can't recall if I posted that story or not; it's still on going.
Oh man, that is horrible. Im hpoing to make a trip up there before the meet and greet.
Would really like to come. Would definitely need a seat on someone's boat tho!
OK whos responsible for letting this thread get so far behind huh ? well? anybody?
Bennett, we will find a way to get you a ride, if you wanna go with us then make plans to be there, we look forward to meeting you !!!
On 4/11/2013 at 4:31 AM, Nitrofreak said:OK whos responsible for letting this thread get so far behind huh ? well? anybody?
Bennett, we will find a way to get you a ride, if you wanna go with us then make plans to be there, we look forward to meeting you !!!
I've been trying to uphold my end
Where do we stand on boaters and co-anglers?
I'll be there & can take two co's, but I don't think I'll be staying at the park, I'll be coming over from the MD side [i think, it's too soon to tell]
I can put two co angler on mine too.
On 4/11/2013 at 7:11 AM, Traveler2586 said:I've been trying to uphold my end
Where do we stand on boaters and co-anglers?
I'll be there & can take two co's, but I don't think I'll be staying at the park, I'll be coming over from the MD side [i think, it's too soon to tell]
Right now we are dead even, Speed is in there but he may have his boat by the time we get to the date, Soccplayer just got his boat fixed not too long ago and he might bring his too, so far we are good but it would not hurt to have a couple more boaters step up if we could, I have not heard anything from Endless, he may or may not have an open seat, I think he said it would be real close to the date before he knew for sure.
Thanx to both you and Teal for offering to take two each, it's good to see how openly you guys are welcoming members to come have fun with us, you both are doing a fantastic job and I personally cant thank each and every one of you for allowing this to happen.
It won't be as long as it has been, only 4 more months until we get together, I look forward to meeting each and every one of you guys and gals !!!!
IIt works out well. This way if any of the Kayak guys wants to take take some time on a larger boat then they can.
Where is Endless, i havent seen him post in a while.
If he's lucky, he's fishin'.
On 4/12/2013 at 8:21 PM, Teal said:IIt works out well. This way if any of the Kayak guys wants to take take some time on a larger boat then they can.
Those yak people are kinda strange......you sure you wanna do that? lol !!!
J/K yak'ers J/K !! you know we cant wait to meet you guys and have fun with ya !!!
Hit the Pohick on Sunday. We caught 7 or 8. The water was really stained. Temps ranged from 64-68*. You can see the grass starting to come in and the pads are just below the surface. Can't wait!
On 4/13/2013 at 4:31 AM, Nitrofreak said:Those yak people are kinda strange......you sure you wanna do that? lol !!!
J/K yak'ers J/K !! you know we cant wait to meet you guys and have fun with ya !!!
Of course we are strange...why else would we take a boat 12' long and fit the same amount of gear and electronics you power boaters do and then paddle under own power.....the throw in the fly fishing ones and I am not even sure I would want to share a boat
I'll have a yak by the time of the trip so I may be able to fish out of that. I would prefer to go on a bass boat for the first time though.
On 4/16/2013 at 5:05 AM, flyfisher said:Of course we are strange...why else would we take a boat 12' long and fit the same amount of gear and electronics you power boaters do and then paddle under own power.....the throw in the fly fishing ones and I am not even sure I would want to share a boat
I doubt you yakkers take the same amount of gear that I do...
After i solve the equation of new electronics for my bass boat, im probably gonna actively start getting seat time kayaks and hope to buy one with my christmas bonus. So 2014, ill be a part time yakker!
CP, im gonna make sure we can buddy up at the meet and greet, i want to see what you are made of!!! ...and if you bend one my hook points, im going to send you swimming... just kidding buddy. And you are welcome to fish with me.
Nitro, it must have been a slow week if you are instigating with the yakkers, if one of those guys hits you with their over sized forearms, you wont be able to make the meet and greet.
On 4/16/2013 at 6:27 AM, Teal said:Nitro, it must have been a slow week if you are instigating with the yakkers, if one of those guys hits you with their over sized forearms, you wont be able to make the meet and greet.
It just became all too clear !! Popeye was a yakker ! That explains everything, the forearms, eating a one can meal, wow
Not quite the same amount of gear but you would be surprised at how much stuff people take. As a matter of fact I need to do some rigging on my kayak to make it a little more streamlined and take better videos.
On 4/16/2013 at 6:27 AM, Teal said:I doubt you yakkers take the same amount of gear that I do...
After i solve the equation of new electronics for my bass boat, im probably gonna actively start getting seat time kayaks and hope to buy one with my christmas bonus. So 2014, ill be a part time yakker!
CP, im gonna make sure we can buddy up at the meet and greet, i want to see what you are made of!!! ...and if you bend one my hook points, im going to send you swimming... just kidding buddy. And you are welcome to fish with me.
Nitro, it must have been a slow week if you are instigating with the yakkers, if one of those guys hits you with their over sized forearms, you wont be able to make the meet and greet.
Not that I would ever want to get hit by any of these guys, or anybody for that matter, but I am no small fry at 6 1, 250, lol !!!
On 4/16/2013 at 5:05 AM, flyfisher said:Of course we are strange...why else would we take a boat 12' long and fit the same amount of gear and electronics you power boaters do and then paddle under own power.....the throw in the fly fishing ones and I am not even sure I would want to share a boat
I will say this much for you guys, the tallant that it takes to get your bait to an area while in the seating position is one that I wish not to even attempt, it's quite impressive to watch you guys and gals !!!
On 4/17/2013 at 12:38 AM, Nitrofreak said:Not that I would ever want to get hit by any of these guys, or anybody for that matter, but I am no small fry at 6 1, 250, lol !!!
I will say this much for you guys, the tallant that it takes to get your bait to an area while in the seating position is one that I wish not to even attempt, it's quite impressive to watch you guys and gals !!!
The flip side is the same for us too. My dad has a river jet boat and when I fish with him it is always a struggle for me to keep boat position using a trolling motor and having the ability to move around without worrying about knocking something into the drink. It is also harder to get in the right position and stay there when in my kayak I can get right up on a boulder and stop myself or jump out and beach my kayak or tie it to myself.
Different strokes for different folks but if I could use a river jet boat here I would get one for sure
That's alright Nitro, when you guys get your boat stuck , I can tow you out with my Pro Angler
LOL !!
I would like to see that myself !!.....hhhhhmmmmm, kinda makes me want to get stuck just to watch you pull my lard butt out of the muck lol !!
Thats ok though, I will have a few cold ones to share with ya after I watch you do all that work back at camp....what? you didnt think I was going to let you do all that for nothing did ya?
There is no way I could sit in one of those things and fish the way you guys do, shucks, I am stiff and sore from getting out of bed in the mornings with an avg. of about 5 hrs sleep, a couple hours on that thing would put me in the hospital lol !!!
On 4/19/2013 at 7:42 PM, Nitrofreak said:LOL !!
I would like to see that myself !!.....hhhhhmmmmm, kinda makes me want to get stuck just to watch you pull my lard butt out of the muck lol !!
Thats ok though, I will have a few cold ones to share with ya after I watch you do all that work back at camp....what? you didnt think I was going to let you do all that for nothing did ya?
There is no way I could sit in one of those things and fish the way you guys do, shucks, I am stiff and sore from getting out of bed in the mornings with an avg. of about 5 hrs sleep, a couple hours on that thing would put me in the hospital lol !!!
I thought the same thing, then while on vacation, I took a State Park yak class and loved it; what a great way to get close to nature. Now, when I'm on vacation, I'll rent a yak just to paddle around a tidal marsh; I haven't fished from one yet but plan to.
On 4/19/2013 at 7:42 PM, Nitrofreak said:LOL !!
I would like to see that myself !!.....hhhhhmmmmm, kinda makes me want to get stuck just to watch you pull my lard butt out of the muck lol !!
Thats ok though, I will have a few cold ones to share with ya after I watch you do all that work back at camp....what? you didnt think I was going to let you do all that for nothing did ya?
There is no way I could sit in one of those things and fish the way you guys do, shucks, I am stiff and sore from getting out of bed in the mornings with an avg. of about 5 hrs sleep, a couple hours on that thing would put me in the hospital lol !!!
Tell you what, anyone that wants to try it out back at the launch is more than welcome to. I warn you though - once you try it, you're going to like it a lot!! The new Vantage seating is no joke - it has three adjustments (back, leg and lumbar) and is a high quality mesh material that allows air to move through the mesh and keep you cool on hot days.
On 4/25/2013 at 8:45 AM, Hanover_Yakker said:Tell you what, anyone that wants to try it out back at the launch is more than welcome to. I warn you though - once you try it, you're going to like it a lot!! The new Vantage seating is no joke - it has three adjustments (back, leg and lumbar) and is a high quality mesh material that allows air to move through the mesh and keep you cool on hot days.
Oh crap, I figured you were going to say something like that lol !!!
Your gonna make me want one of those things arent you.
You guessed it. I might even let you take a couple of your fishing rods with you just to seal the deal and entice you further
I may take you up on trying out the hobie too even though iam already a memebr of the plastic boat craze. I seriously see a pedal boat in my future if i can convince the fiancee i need one for some reason
On 4/25/2013 at 8:07 PM, flyfisher said:I may take you up on trying out the hobie too even though iam already a memebr of the plastic boat craze. I seriously see a pedal boat in my future if i can convince the fiancee i need one for some reason
No problem J - heck, you can text me anytime, and I'll take you to a local pond where I have permission. I mean we do live in the same town together, so we can just go fishing together sometime as well and swap boats for a bit. I love the Commanders and have fished out of them, too. I know I'll get one for quick trips at some point. Morgan already told me it was okay to do that.
I can see this not going so well for me lol !!
I can picture it now, tossing a jig...or at least trying to toss a jig from one of those things, setting the hook, missing the fish, only to get nailed in the mouth by my own jig and then falling over falling out, or in this case rolling over maybe, or on the other hand I hook a shark and it takes me out to sea LOL !!!
I think I will leave the fishing rods on the boat, thanks for the offer HY !!!!
On 4/25/2013 at 8:21 PM, Nitrofreak said:I can see this not going so well for me lol !!
I can picture it now, tossing a jig...or at least trying to toss a jig from one of those things, setting the hook, missing the fish, only to get nailed in the mouth by my own jig and then falling over falling out, or in this case rolling over maybe, or on the other hand I hook a shark and it takes me out to sea LOL !!!
I think I will leave the fishing rods on the boat, thanks for the offer HY !!!!
That image reminds me....bring the GoPro so these moments can live forever
On 4/25/2013 at 8:23 PM, flyfisher said:That image reminds me....bring the GoPro so these moments can live forever
Consider it done! It's mounted on the YakAttack Articulating Arm so you get a good wide angle view - possibly even capture some priceless facial expressions
You've seen my videos, so you know I already have it positioned just right
Sure, laugh it up at my expense and misfortune LMAO !!!
Shucks I will be the one laughing the hardest most likly anyway !!
On 4/25/2013 at 8:39 PM, Nitrofreak said:Sure, laugh it up at my expense and misfortune LMAO !!!
Shucks I will be the one laughing the hardest most likly anyway !!
Don't worry it won't be just you and the attendees laughing, it will be posted for all bassresource members to enjoy
I just really hope i can make it as we usually have a beach trip around that time but i haven't heard anything yet so my fingers are crossed...
In all honesty, you have nothing to worry about. This sucker has a pontoon style hull and is very stable. I was standing in it this past Friday casting with 20mph winds slamming against me.
On 4/25/2013 at 8:41 PM, flyfisher said:Don't worry it won't be just you and the attendees laughing, it will be posted for all bassresource members to enjoy
I just really hope i can make it as we usually have a beach trip around that time but i haven't heard anything yet so my fingers are crossed...
We have not even met each other yet and I can already tell we will get along pretty well lol !!!
On 4/25/2013 at 8:47 PM, Hanover_Yakker said:In all honesty, you have nothing to worry about. This sucker has a pontoon style hull and is very stable. I was standing in it this past Friday casting with 20mph winds slamming against me.
Just wait, you will see !!! if anyone can have trouble with something like that, it will be me lol !!
On 4/25/2013 at 10:38 PM, Nitrofreak said:We have not even met each other yet and I can already tell we will get along pretty well lol !!!
Just wait, you will see !!! if anyone can have trouble with something like that, it will be me lol !!
I don't know that is a valid statement, I take you as a fairly capable person (despite the fact you live in VA) If I can use a yak and only get my feet wet, I think you'll do just fine.
Thanks Traveler, I am looking forward to seeing you in the up coming months and I hope to get up that way soon for a visit and a fishing trip with ya bud !!!
Looking at the votes, I'm starting to think I might have to fish from the yak. Where the heck did all these votes from non-boaters come from?!
CP if you go back through the thread you will see that some of the votes were on the maybe list, since then I have kept record of who is bringing a boat, Speed for example has his boat repaired and may be bringing his, Soccplayer07 also has his boat fixed and may be bringing his boat as well, we have seven boaters with open seats right now, 2 of those boaters have offered to take 2 each, thats still the right ratio even if Speed and Socc07 did not bring their boats.
No need to panic just yet CP
Anyone paying attention here though, we really could use a couple more boaters with open seats please !!
I might be able to get someone on my boat!
Quanjig I would fish with you as long as you tell me all the secrets of the northstar jigs that just dumped out of their shipping envelope.
CP, soccerplayer knows more about them than I do!! I'm not much of a jig person on the river!
quan how did you do today on the Res?
On 4/28/2013 at 5:51 AM, quanjig said:I might be able to get someone on my boat!
Quan thats awesome !!!
I can't wait to see you again man, it's been far too long.
On 4/12/2013 at 8:22 PM, Teal said:Where is Endless, i havent seen him post in a while.
I went and took a nap lol.
Did u catch any fish while you were napping?
On 4/12/2013 at 10:05 PM, SPEEDBEAD. said:If he's lucky, he's fishin'.
I wish. Stupid car decided to finally give out so no way to pull my jon boat for the moment. I might just have to buy a hitch for my mother's van and use it. I'm about to get back to working so maybe I can come across something cheap later.
Gentlemen, I have decided to forego the motor for the back of my boat. I just can't justify the expense at this point.
If any of you Res guys can pull the 9.9 off your boats (Aaron ) I will still be more than happy to bring the aluminum aircraft carrier and throw your gas motor on the back..
Even without the gas motor, I still have no issues doing an electric only fishing day.
So you are bringing the S.S. SPEEDBEAD ?
Oh, I'll still bring it without any issues.
There appears to be more than enough water to just play around with the trolling motors front/back, I just won't have a gas motor like I originally intended. Like I said, I can still put one on the back if someone can bring theirs. My boat is about as stable as a jon boat gets, just like I like it.
Cool !!!
Thanks SPEED !!!
On 4/28/2013 at 5:51 AM, quanjig said:I might be able to get someone on my boat!
Someone like me
Count me in--I'll put it on the calendar.
On 5/13/2013 at 7:33 AM, Vekol said:Count me in--I'll put it on the calendar.
How many seats would you have open Vekol? 1 or 2?
We need a couple more boaters with open seats here guys if you would please !!
Only one, I have a 17' jon boat with a 25hp motor. If the winds are 15mph or less I can get across the river safely. Maybe a little wet, but safely.
On 5/16/2013 at 3:52 AM, Vekol said:Only one, I have a 17' jon boat with a 25hp motor. If the winds are 15mph or less I can get across the river safely. Maybe a little wet, but safely.
Very cool man !!!
Thank you much for the vote and your willigness to have someone aboard, look forward to meeting you !!
Fished out of Pohick past few days and the bass bite is on fire. 3 1/2 hours yesterday we landed 20 lost 15. Lipless cranks and baby 1 minus over grass. Most 12-13 inches but 3 @ 3 1/2 and 2 @ 4 lbs.
This evening the tide was dead slack but the fish could not resist walking dog on flat water in skinny water.
Awesome !!!
Thanks for the report Spropro, Only 3 more months until we all get together and have some big 'ol fun !!!!
I don't know about you guys but I am starting to get excited !!!!!
I have been perfecting fishing shallow cranks over grass in pohick and it is amazing how many fish I catch. It is clear that the cranks are triggering fish to bite. I have switched over to senkos or chigger craws and nothing. Back to the shallow cranks and it's game on. Baby 1- minus in chartreuse and orange work great in murky water and shad when water is clear. Fish them on a medium power cranking rod with braid. Many strikes come when popping the cranks from grass. Also switched the hooks for the kvd ultra points which improved catch by 30-40 %. I can reliably go out in evening and catch 10-15 bass in 1 1/2. Make sure you bring some Manns baby 1-minus for the meet and greet.
On 6/3/2013 at 10:41 AM, spropro said:I have been perfecting fishing shallow cranks over grass in pohick and it is amazing how many fish I catch. It is clear that the cranks are triggering fish to bite. I have switched over to senkos or chigger craws and nothing. Back to the shallow cranks and it's game on. Baby 1- minus in chartreuse and orange work great in murky water and shad when water is clear. Fish them on a medium power cranking rod with braid. Many strikes come when popping the cranks from grass. Also switched the hooks for the kvd ultra points which improved catch by 30-40 %. I can reliably go out in evening and catch 10-15 bass in 1 1/2. Make sure you bring some Manns baby 1-minus for the meet and greet.
Awesome Spropro I pray the Crank bite stays on all the way up till August. Sadly I haven't gotten out yet anywhere to get a line wet. I finally started working again so trying to get in the phase again and about to switch over to nights soon. Soon maybe I will be able to get out.
Can we list the dates again? I'm lazy and cannot remember what page it's on, lol. I'm going to put the request in for work now so no problems comes later. Also if can remind of the Campground that everyone are staying at? Hopefully we'll be at the same one.!! Any new news, updates, or need to knows?
try reading the title.On 6/12/2013 at 6:25 AM, endless said:Can we list the dates again? I'm lazy and cannot remember what page it's on, lol. I'm going to put the request in for work now so no problems comes later. Also if can remind of the Campground that everyone are staying at? Hopefully we'll be at the same one.!! Any new news, updates, or need to knows?
I'm pumped guys. I have some little livetarget 45T frogs coming Friday so I can learn the patience and levelheadedness needed to get a frog hookset, LOL. I miss like 90% of my frog bites.
On 6/12/2013 at 6:54 AM, CPBassFishing said:try reading the title.
hahaahahahahha I told you I was too lazy lol but nah that truly slipped me there hahaah.
Speed, does your jon fit two or do I have to stick my feet off the back and kick? LOL
On a more serious note, I would like to learn some swimbaiting techniques and tricks from you while we're there.
I put the dates in at work so hopefully they approve it. Now I need to check my tent and gear to see what shape they're in. Anything else we need to bring?? Anything for a cookout or how much we pitching in on it?
I can fish two people comfortably. Three is a big stretch and quite dangerous with the length of the swimbait rods and the size of hooks on some of those things
We'll get something figured out even if it's just a short tutorial/Q&A.
Just to be clear, we are launching from somewhere in CCW-friendly Virginia and not the People's Republic of Maryland, correct? LOL
The beautiful state of Virginia, yes. The NVRPA, not sure!
On 6/18/2013 at 2:17 AM, SPEEDBEAD. said:Just to be clear, we are launching from somewhere in CCW-friendly Virginia and not the People's Republic of Maryland, correct? LOL
Yes, from Po-hick Park (see page 1), and the PRM invites you to fish its river and creeks if you like.
I think we'll be eating quite a few snakehead fillets. I'll bring some sausages for the grill as well.On 6/15/2013 at 11:10 PM, endless said:I put the dates in at work so hopefully they approve it. Now I need to check my tent and gear to see what shape they're in. Anything else we need to bring?? Anything for a cookout or how much we pitching in on it?
I'm really excited about this trip. I was just approved for a single day off! Whoooo hoooo. I've been so busy at work both fishing and BR has been on the back burner... so I read through this entire thread again....and now I'm pumped up and ready to meet and fish with you guys!!
Are we all still excited??!! It's getting closer!!
I just hope my 2 rods and 4 reels are enough to cover whatever patterns we run.
I have a 7' 6" MH casting that I alternate reels with 17lb fluoro and 50lb braid, and a 6' medium spinning alternating between 20lb braid with a fluoro leader or 10lb mono.
I'll be there; I should have my boat back by then, Wednesday I hit a submerged shoal and tore off my skeg and part of the gear housing on my lower unit and banged up my prop.
If it keeps raining like this we can launch from my house near Manassas!
Aight guys... we have little over a month to go!! We probably need to take a roll call of who is still going
Thinking about this, but man this seems like a lot of people. I'm more of a secluded fisherman if you know what I mean. I have a 12' jon boat with a 6HP engine that may or may not be working, but I did just buy a brand new battery for the trolling motor.
Anybody hear from Nitro or Zoff? Been awfully quiet from those two!!
Still planning on it. Been real busy lately. Mother-in-Law has been seriously ill and was touch and go for a while. Remodeling Wife's salon after I get off work and building a new shed. During all this... I have to fish.
I would imagine its a long shot for there to be room for another none boater, but I would love to fish if anyone has room. and if not Im still going to make it there to meet everyone. Im new to the board an will be nice to actualy put a friendly face to all these poeple we talk to. I'd bring my two man bassin buddy, but I dont believe it would be any good on a river, two batterys wouldnt last very long. Anyway. Looking forward to meeting everyone.
I'm good for a day, just not sure which one yet.
Still rollin' electric only.
We should find the most local area that rents boats on the river, this will help some of the non boaters get out on the water.
On 7/30/2013 at 12:00 AM, homemadebaits said:We should find the most local area that rents boats on the river, this will help some of the non boaters get out on the water.
Pohick itself rents jon boats. I recommend using your own TM and battery if you have them, otherwise, those are available also.
On 7/30/2013 at 12:00 AM, homemadebaits said:We should find the most local area that rents boats on the river, this will help some of the non boaters get out on the water.
Excellent idea!
On 7/30/2013 at 1:26 AM, mudkart said:Pohick itself rents jon boats. I recommend using your own TM and battery if you have them, otherwise, those are available also.
Pokick would be? as Im not from that area...Im assuming the local marina on the river? Let me open up another tab.. Google! here i come lolol
I think I found it?
I dunno if thats the right place or not
and for the record Im still pumped up about it!!!!!
It seems as though interest has faded?
I need to know because gas ain't cheap on a two hour, one way ride....
Not llooking good for me, although i was guarnteed the day off on that friday, i think the workload i have is going to dictate. Ive been having my guys work late on Fridays and pull Saturdays too because i am about a month and half behind from where we should be right now.
I am out.....some things have come up and i will nto be able to make it as much as i would have liked to. But since i am in a kayak it's not like i would be sharign my boat with anyone anyways
I'll be there if I get my boat back in time. It's in the shop for a new lower unit and TM; then on to the next shop for hull repairs.
I just called the first shop and after two weeks all they have done is look at the engine and TM, and come up with a parts list.
The guy I spoke with said he would get the estimate to the insurance company by the end of the day.
Maybe, maybe not for me. Mother in law passed away and my Wife was Exec of the Estate. She is not good at these things. If we cannot tie up loose ends by Wednesday... I will not be able to make it. MIL did not have Life insurance and it has screwed me as I had to pay for everything.
MY regards to everyone having RL issues. Seems as though this has been one of those years for most of us one thing or another... some serious.. some not so serious as others. Im still going.. and hope to see ya;ll there.
Best wishes to everyone not able to make it.
Tight Lines All!!!
Where's Nitrofreak?
I tried texting him yesterday, haven't gotten a response from him, hope he's ok.
Last I spoke with him... he's gotten into the Wounded Warrior Project. This has consumed most, if not all, of his free time. I know he planned on driving up for the day but not sure now.
Well, sounds to me like this isn't happening.
Guess I'm fishing around home that weekend.
It's all dependent on the weather for me on Friday with a launch from Ft. Belvoir. Saturday may not be possible - a family event came up with my sister-in-law that may require my attendance.
Sorry for the delay guys, as Zoff stated, I have been really busy.
It seems every time I sat down to look at the site, something else would come up, I have been busy looking for boaters to match our non boaters as well, now it seems we are going to be well outside of the available space for all and I am truly having a really tough time finding boaters to match up and participate, I have been looking even outside of this site and no one seems to have any available time to join in.
How many boaters and non boaters are still interested in doing this?
I can not make it both days as I had hoped but I will be there on the 24th, I am not sure if my wife will be joining me or not, so I may or may not have an open seat, I will try to have a definate answer to that question by weeks end, if anyone is still interested, even if it's just to meet some new faces and see some others I have not seen in a while I would still be game for that too, you guys help decide what we want to try and accomplish if anything.
Again, my sincerest apologies for not posting !
Count me out as a boater; if I know the time everyone is coming off the water I may drive over just to say HI.
I talked with the insurance Co. today, they got the estimate from the MARE Inc. and we're going with them. So I called Mare to tell them and the serviceman said OK he'll order the parts. I asked about the TM and he hasn't even looked at it yet !?! This is going to be a slow process indeed.
Tight Lines everyone.
Ok , another boat down , but someone to meet up with , I look forward to seeing you again Traveler !
On 8/14/2013 at 7:44 AM, Nitrofreak said:Ok , another boat down , but someone to meet up with , I look forward to seeing you again Traveler !
Same here NF. I'll keep you posted if there is a positive change in the boats status.
Cool beans Traveler and thank you very much !!!
Count me out as well. Funds just isn't there. It was this or my son's BD party. I'm very sorry.
Family is always first endless, you have nothing to be sorry about !!!!
I will miss seeing you again thats for sure !!!
Im sorry guys but i am out too. Work has me out of town that week and weekend. Different case for me, funds are there, but thats all thats there...im hardly ever home, ive been reading this thread from Hotel rooms.
Thanks Teal, hope to get the chance to meet you some other time , best of luck with everything and be safe !!
That's 4 of the boats that were able to take multiple participants , we are out of options for this event , unless anyone has any other ideas , I have exhausted every option I have with no interest with participation, even outside of this website , I will keep trying my best to find more support, if no other ideas or interest is shown by Wednesday my suggestion would be to cancel this event , everyone ok with that ?
Hey guys, I can't make it this year.
With wife's hip and back problems I can't take the chance of being so far away and she being home alone.
Will be thinking of you all on the 24th.
Thoughts and prayers Sam , hope your wife gets better , I know she has been struggling with this for some time now , I will miss seeing you again and maybe recreating another folly at the ramp episode , God bless !
Sad part of it all, I haven't been out all year and probably won't be. I haven't even yet renew my fishing license. I'm at least hoping to hunt this year. Not even sure yet on that.
I feel your pain endless, I have only been out once this year myself, had opportunities to go with others and funds would not allow it, family is always first , but dang it would be nice to get out more often , I hope things work out well for you and your family endless, thoughts and prayers for you all !!
Thanks Nitro, I'm going to be up your way alot this winter with work. Maybe we can get some cold weather fishing in...or a couple of beers.
So is this a bust or are people still going to show up?
I'd say you can stick a fork in this one....
So is this a bust or are people still going to show up?
This one fell apart , I have no option but to call it off , over all we have lost too many that we needed for support , this has been a really weird summer , I just could not get things to line up the way they normally do , but the only thing left to do is offer my sincerest apologies , I will say this , the Potomac showed a lot of promise , more than I was prepared for , trying to locate boaters among other things for this event, just took what extra time I had and I lost touch with the thread as well , nobody's fault but my own , Sorry guys !
Eh, not your fault.
Life happens, often in mysterious ways man.
Thanks man , it's much appreciated , if we do this again in the future I will have a better laid plan , this has been quite a learning experience !!
On 8/23/2013 at 1:35 AM, Nitrofreak said:Thanks man , it's much appreciated , if we do this again in the future I will have a better laid plan , this has been quite a learning experience !!
Ah don't worry about it my friend, just remember: "Trying is the first step towards failure!"...Homer Simpson
I believe I owe an apology for my backing out on this one. If not for the death of my Mother In Law, this may not have been the case. I will extend an offer... anyone who wishes to come down here... come on down. Fish with me and we'll have a great time on Smith Mt. or Leesville.
Sorry to hear about your mother-in-law. Thoughts and prayers to you and the family.
Seems this year's Meet and Greet is snakebit.
You can't go; I can't go; Traveler tore his lower unit off the motor; and we just did not have the turnout we expected.
Hopefully next year.
Let's not give so much lead time a month and a half is plenty.
On 8/23/2013 at 9:55 AM, Zoff said:I believe I owe an apology for my backing out on this one. If not for the death of my Mother In Law, this may not have been the case. I will extend an offer... anyone who wishes to come down here... come on down. Fish with me and we'll have a great time on Smith Mt. or Leesville.
No apology is necessary Paul, Family comes first and everyone respects that. If I haven't said it before, I'm sorry for you loss.
I'll extend the same offer to anyone wanting to fish the Potomac when I get my boat back. Just shoot me a PM and we'll see what we can do. Weekdays during the summer are better because the weekend anglers, boaters, and jet-skiers are just plane rude around here; the boaters and jet-skiers should lighten up after school starts.
On 8/23/2013 at 1:55 AM, Jigfishn10 said:Ah don't worry about it my friend, just remember: "Trying is the first step towards failure!"...Homer Simpson
OMG !!! I need to quit talking to you LMAO !!!
On 8/23/2013 at 9:55 AM, Zoff said:I believe I owe an apology for my backing out on this one. If not for the death of my Mother In Law, this may not have been the case. I will extend an offer... anyone who wishes to come down here... come on down. Fish with me and we'll have a great time on Smith Mt. or Leesville.
I can not begin to tell you how sorry I am, thoughts and prayers to you and your family my friend !!
You least of all need to think you owe an apology, you know how I feel about that !!!
I will be getting some dates together and I hope to spend some more time down your way soon, thanks for the invite !!!!
On 8/24/2013 at 12:20 AM, Traveler2586 said:No apology is necessary Paul, Family comes first and everyone respects that. If I haven't said it before, I'm sorry for you loss.
I'll extend the same offer to anyone wanting to fish the Potomac when I get my boat back. Just shoot me a PM and we'll see what we can do. Weekdays during the summer are better because the weekend anglers, boaters, and jet-skiers are just plane rude around here; the boaters and jet-skiers should lighten up after school starts.
Let us know when you get your boat back, with all the stuff you had going on, you really didnt need this either !!!
Hope to see you again soon !!!
Thanks guys!