This month by South FLA me thinks
Lou I'm not counting the 20" because I caught that last night 7/31 at 830p so it wasn't August yet lol.
I did get the two 19" this morning so I'm at 38". Now that I think the big dogs like South Fla and them boys are participating anything under 20" I do t think will make the cut lol. This is going to be a fun month hopefully these guys join so I can see some pics!
Since I suck at this bass catching think I might as well play some fantasy bass tournaments to make myself feel better
Prepare for the Bass Ninja Fast Attack!!!
On 8/2/2013 at 3:32 AM, mvorbrodt said:Since I suck at this bass catching think I might as well play some fantasy bass tournaments to make myself feel better
Prepare for the Bass Ninja Fast Attack!!!
This is a very detailed plan now you need to execute it 139" now that's a goal!
That last fish looks like a mouse lure or something lol
Martin, those are some slobs you posted. LOL. The last one is a heck of a mutant bass with mouse face and a hammer tail. This month is going to be fun. I have scouted 4 new locations and I am excited to check out. Fingers crossed I do not get kicked out by cops or security this time. As far as rules, do people announce as they go, or do we get commitments up front to see who we are up against. Andrew, if we get some new additions like Rob and Mike, I think you are going down my friend. With over 200lbs of fish in a day, Lox does not seem like its going to slow down, it should be interesting to see what comes out of there. So far, its unbelievable.
Martin, the video snippet was funny. We should also give props to the biggest fish caught this month. If someone pulls out a monster like Capt Shane's pig , it will be awesome.
Yea I know the big boys are about to step into this competition atleast ill be able to see some pics
Hey guys and gals. Check it out. The Northeast group has started a similar thread. I mentioned if it catches on up there maybe we can do a North vs South. This friendly game is getting people's attention.
Andrew, I didn't know you were following the NE fishing thread. Trying to get some NE pointers huh?? So far the guys up there are posting nice pics. I am leaving now to see if I can get on the board early.
On 8/2/2013 at 6:31 AM, BassinLou said:Andrew, I didn't know you were following the NE fishing thread. Trying to get some NE pointers huh?? So far the guys up there are posting nice pics. I am leaving now to see if I can get on the board early.
Yea I saw those NE boys following suit. I like it I pop in and out to see what they are catching.
I just found out that the OPCC holds paid fishing tournaments every Saturday!!! I am excited about this not sure when it starts but I am ready to get paid lol.
My buddy thought about putting a mini tournament together with some local anglers over at the OPCC... Anyone who wanted in will have access to the "Great Lakes" for that particular day not sure when or how but I know he is serious about doing it
But if the fish I missed yesterday and this morning are indicative on what I will catch this month I don't think the big dogs can stop me... Like my team THE HEAT Im going for the 3 PEAT!
That's awesome Andrew. You know however that its not going to happen right?
On 8/2/2013 at 9:05 AM, BassinLou said:That's awesome Andrew. You know however that its not going to happen right?
Oh it can happen all I need to do is actually get these fish on land... That's seems to be my only problem with the fish I miss
On 8/2/2013 at 5:07 AM, BassinLou said:Martin, those are some slobs you posted. LOL. The last one is a heck of a mutant bass with mouse face and a hammer tail. This month is going to be fun. I have scouted 4 new locations and I am excited to check out. Fingers crossed I do not get kicked out by cops or security this time. As far as rules, do people announce as they go, or do we get commitments up front to see who we are up against. Andrew, if we get some new additions like Rob and Mike, I think you are going down my friend. With over 200lbs of fish in a day, Lox does not seem like its going to slow down, it should be interesting to see what comes out of there. So far, its unbelievable.
I say let people jump in as they please, the less rules the better: 1) gotta be from FL, 2) gotta post pics with tape or reference point (like a rod and supply pic of rod next to tape, kind of like what I did few months ago). Otherwise why complicate with more rules! Let's keep it simple and friendly!
On 8/2/2013 at 6:23 AM, BassinLou said:Hey guys and gals. Check it out. The Northeast group has started a similar thread. I mentioned if it catches on up there maybe we can do a North vs South. This friendly game is getting people's attention.
Oh the comedy will practically write itself on this one and I will probably get more warning points for Yanks vs Rednecks comments LOL
But yea, we could get their attention an then announce the winner of both tournaments and compare lengths, and then do little friendly N vs S reenactment where we take top 3 Northerners an top 3 Southerners and compare 15 combined lengths and declare who won; North or South could be fun
On 8/2/2013 at 8:57 AM, AK-NJ1986 said:Yea I saw those NE boys following suit. I like it I pop in and out to see what they are catching.
I just found out that the OPCC holds paid fishing tournaments every Saturday!!! I am excited about this not sure when it starts but I am ready to get paid lol.
My buddy thought about putting a mini tournament together with some local anglers over at the OPCC... Anyone who wanted in will have access to the "Great Lakes" for that particular day not sure when or how but I know he is serious about doing it
But if the fish I missed yesterday and this morning are indicative on what I will catch this month I don't think the big dogs can stop me... Like my team THE HEAT Im going for the 3 PEAT!
Where can you find the info on it? I tried searching, fleming island used to host thursday night working mans tourneys....
I'm not sure my buddy told me about it. He said they do it in the fall I think. He said its when the golfing died down. They hold them every Saturday and the buy in isn't that much I forget what he said. But you get prize money for placing and tey give out $$ for the biggest fish.On 8/2/2013 at 9:49 PM, MCS said:Where can you find the info on it? I tried searching, fleming island used to host thursday night working mans tourneys....
Not sure how they would regulate it since all fishing would have to be bank though. They probably have people at the allowed ponds in the tourney or something I am going to ask him.
Lou my battle with in the competition this month is between me and you pal lol. I have accepted that this month the real fishermen are going to throw 5 lunkers in here that will blow all of our fish out of the water lol.
I was suppose to go to OPCC this morning with my buddy and I ended up over sleeping. Woke up to a couple texts how the fishing was ON FIRE. I texted him to see what he caught but he is probably sleeping we were suppose to fish from 4 to 9.
My buddy an his boys use to to tourneys fr $20 to $50 a person.
His rules were:
1.) can ony have 3 lures, obviously you can have replacements of the same lure incase you lose it.
2.) one of your competitors picks 2 lures for you, things they feel won't work, and you pick your one go to lure
3.) fish for 4 hours and restricted to certain ponds
4.) for the first 2 hours you can only use the two lures your competitor picked for you . Then the final 2 hours you can use your lure
5.) if everyone has a scale, if they did it'd be easier, the top 5 fish would go by weight, if not length
I think that's a pretty cool set up for a local friendly tournament. Especially that it's done where double digit bass are abundant... I haven't got my hands on mine yet but have seen them and missed them atleast once every trip
Guys, I think I'm going to cheat this month... think SHINERS!!!
On 8/2/2013 at 10:50 PM, mvorbrodt said:Guys, I think I'm going to cheat this month... think SHINERS!!!
If you use shiners we all lose they are the PEDs of fishing
Battle with me huh? AK. You are already taking yourself out of contention. I have had to work to get remotely close to you. With those spots you have up there, I honestly think you can hang with a lot of the guys down here. The thing is though I have a gut feeling we are going to have surprises at the end of the month, that we never saw coming. At least you, me , and some of the other guys we show what we have caught as the month progresses. I am telling you, "the ninja" is coming. You have to be on your "A" game every time you go out to fish. I guess in retrospect its like a real tournament. You have boats that sign up and they all leave at the same time and show up several hours later and show and weigh their catch to determine a winner. With us you have a month to do it. That's why I gave the suggestion for us to announce our intention of playing. You don't have to report all the time, but at least we know who's in. The Northern guys have taken that route. They announce if there in or out. AK, don't get me wrong, I am always up to the challenge though. I am gunning for you.
On 8/2/2013 at 11:05 PM, BassinLou said:Battle with me huh? AK. You are already taking yourself out of contention. I have had to work to get remotely close to you. With those spots you have up there, I honestly think you can hang with a lot of the guys down here. The thing is though I have a gut feeling we are going to have surprises at the end of the month, that we never saw coming. At least you, me , and some of the other guys we show what we have caught as the month progresses. I am telling you, "the ninja" is coming. You have to be on your "A" game every time you go out to fish. I guess in retrospect its like a real tournament. You have boats that sign up and they all leave at the same time and show up several hours later and show and weigh their catch to determine a winner. With us you have a month to do it. That's why I gave the suggestion for us to announce our intention of playing. You don't have to report all the time, but at least we know who's in. The Northern guys have taken that route. They announce if there in or out. AK, don't get me wrong, I am always up to the challenge though. I am gunning for you.
I will be that ninja lol I'm going to post all my pics at the end. I will just give the story of the catch leave the element of surprise til the end of the month.
But I think you are right people should announce if they are in, not post pics of every catch but just to "sign up your boat" so to speak.
I am signing my boat in, not that my boat has much gas. I didn't do to shabby the first month tho. LOL
I am always in. Let's see what happens. AK, I checked the NE thread today and they have a lot of participants. I think active right now for us here in FL, we're at 6-8 participants. In NE there is at least double that. Granted its there first month. So you are going to hold out with pics at the end AK? I think I will show my pics as they happen, so you see the smack down coming. LOL.
I'm signing in my sneakers (boat substitute).
I guess I'll start this competition with this 18" mama
I decided to do all jigs this month, and looks like it may pay off... My new Siebert Outdoors jig and swim senko as a trailer. I was hopping it along the bottom and SLOWLY rolling it as well. Got 2 bass, but only one worth sharing
Dynomyte, I new the HULK existed!! LOL interesting Avatar.
Nice catch Martin. Did you get my PM?
In all seriousness. AK, MCS, BassCzar. Were you guys affected by some tornado that went thru JAX?
On 8/3/2013 at 8:42 AM, BassinLou said:Nice catch Martin. Did you get my PM?
yes i did, did you get mine
about the jigs, i finally had some success catching a decent size fish! also had another one on the line, a much bigger one i think but he got off. i threw the jig across the canal. let it fall. twitched once and i felt like somebody dropped a nine pound hammer on my rod! i set the hook and had him for few seconds before he got off and let me tell you he must have been huge!!! my MH rod was bent in half and he was swimming sideways to me, you could almost hear the 50# braid cut through the water, and then slack... he was gone. BUT, two things: 1) I'm getting more confidence in the JIG; 2) another confirmation there's huge bass in my neighborhood canal
so all this month i vow to only use jigs and bring some heat to the champs of this competition
and one last thing, I finally felt the thump when a bass take a jig that everyone was describing to me. it's a weird way you know the bit, but when it happened the first time to me today it was unmistakable what it was! well, i know where he lives, so i'll be back there soon! time to order more jigs from S.O. LOL
Lou my area wasn't affected by it thankfully. If I catch a BIGGEN I will post it obviously I won't be able to hold back lol. My buddy went last night from 430a to 8. He said the bite was on an then stopped at 530a, from then til he left after 8 he didn't even get a bite. He said he caught 3 that were over 10, figures I don't go because I was sleeping! We always hit up this one pond first and I always go right to the spot that I missed the BIGGEN, same one I think is always hanging out in the shallows by the floating grass. Dave said he casted over there and boom 12lb, biggest of the 3 he caught.
We are going out in a few hours to do some night fishing, Czar is scared to night fish so he sits these outings out lol. Dave hinks that the fish are feeding sometime between 12a and 530a. Hopefully he's right and I have some pics for you guys still chasing that double digit fish!
I stopped on the way home from work today and only caught one small guy not worth a measure. My 6" Tuscaroran TeePee Stick, rigged Texas style without a weight, was almost as long as him.
On 8/3/2013 at 8:45 AM, BassinLou said:In all seriousness. AK, MCS, BassCzar. Were you guys affected by some tornado that went thru JAX?
No, but thanks for asking. It was in an area north of where all of us live. Just horrible traffic going home that night.....
So I hit up a spot this morning, had to go in to work only had about 40 minutes to fish...Man busting the dragon flies, tried a FL rigged speed craw and natta....tried a nose hooked fluke at the busters and had on one and lost a foot away but it wasn't gonna cut the mustard, only 14" or 15" then time was running out and I couldn't entice but the aerials where fun to watch, some were decent size, 3 pounds. Some bass where hitting the bigger bugs and some were hitting the bluegills ocasionally that were hitting the smaller bugs.
On 8/3/2013 at 10:13 AM, AK-NJ1986 said:Lou my area wasn't affected by it thankfully. If I catch a BIGGEN I will post it obviously I won't be able to hold back lol. My buddy went last night from 430a to 8. He said the bite was on an then stopped at 530a, from then til he left after 8 he didn't even get a bite. He said he caught 3 that were over 10, figures I don't go because I was sleeping! We always hit up this one pond first and I always go right to the spot that I missed the BIGGEN, same one I think is always hanging out in the shallows by the floating grass. Dave said he casted over there and boom 12lb, biggest of the 3 he caught.
We are going out in a few hours to do some night fishing, Czar is scared to night fish so he sits these outings out lol. Dave hinks that the fish are feeding sometime between 12a and 530a. Hopefully he's right and I have some pics for you guys still chasing that double digit fish!
My only problem with night fishing is I hate not seeing the lake, the lure, tying line....I usually like watching the lake for fish busting or something else that tips me off.
What do yall throw most of the time at night?
On 8/3/2013 at 8:51 AM, mvorbrodt said:yes i did, did you get mine
about the jigs, i finally had some success catching a decent size fish! also had another one on the line, a much bigger one i think but he got off. i threw the jig across the canal. let it fall. twitched once and i felt like somebody dropped a nine pound hammer on my rod! i set the hook and had him for few seconds before he got off and let me tell you he must have been huge!!! my MH rod was bent in half and he was swimming sideways to me, you could almost hear the 50# braid cut through the water, and then slack... he was gone. BUT, two things: 1) I'm getting more confidence in the JIG; 2) another confirmation there's huge bass in my neighborhood canal
so all this month i vow to only use jigs and bring some heat to the champs of this competition
and one last thing, I finally felt the thump when a bass take a jig that everyone was describing to me. it's a weird way you know the bit, but when it happened the first time to me today it was unmistakable what it was! well, i know where he lives, so i'll be back there soon! time to order more jigs from S.O. LOL
That is awesome!.....Is the thump similar or different to they feeling of them taking a texas rig?.....Yeah man, I am getting things together my first casting combo will be jigs and spinnerbaits. Looking at some 6'-10 to 7' head turner rods. LOL Gonna be fun. Seibert makes some very nice skirt color combos, I love the bluegill and the new ones too. I can't wait to join you with the Jigs.
On 8/3/2013 at 8:01 PM, MCS said:My only problem with night fishing is I hate not seeing the lake, the lure, tying line....I usually like watching the lake for fish busting or something else that tips me off.
What do yall throw most of the time at night?
Me too MCS about the whole night fishing thing. my buddy says thats when he catches the biggest ones so thats why i usually try to go. but yet again i fell asleep lol. I'm not a fan of the Mosquitos, and we all know gators and snakes come out at night! Bein a bank fisher I am my trying to run into one of them at night!
But mainly we throw top water. Mostly frogs either in white or baby bass color and speed craws fished like top water and buzz baits.
On 8/3/2013 at 8:34 PM, AK-NJ1986 said:Me too MCS about the whole night fishing thing. my buddy says thats when he catches the biggest ones so thats why i usually try to go. but yet again i fell asleep lol. I'm not a fan of the Mosquitos, and we all know gators and snakes come out at night! Bein a bank fisher I am my trying to run into one of them at night!
But mainly we throw top water. Mostly frogs either in white or baby bass color and speed craws fished like top water and buzz baits.
Plus I love seeing that fish after you feel it come up to the surface for the first time and getting a look at it.
Oh yeah Lou, that weightless fluke was on the caster, had a few more backlashes at first but then I added more thumb at the end and was good. My buddy told me adjust the spool tension to each bait to get a nice slow fall of the lure on free spool, leave the break alone. I am finding that this is the way to go, plus adding more or less thumb as needed. I haven't adjusted the breaks off of the setting since I started throwing it. I think it is at 4 of 10 or 12.
WTG Mike!! On the B/C. Martin, I see the making of a jig master. Andrew, get a can of "off" for the mosquito's and go after those DD's. I am still waiting for a pic of these DD's from this pond. The good news for us, Andrew if you guys keep pounding that pond up in Jax, those fish are going to start to get hesitant to strike.
On 8/3/2013 at 8:06 PM, MCS said:That is awesome!.....Is the thump similar or different to they feeling of them taking a texas rig?.....Yeah man, I am getting things together my first casting combo will be jigs and spinnerbaits. Looking at some 6'-10 to 7' head turner rods. LOL Gonna be fun. Seibert makes some very nice skirt color combos, I love the bluegill and the new ones too. I can't wait to join you with the Jigs.
On a t-rigged swim bait it's a series of soft taps, those taps are a mix of pulling a small vibration, the thump. What I felt on the jig was 0% pull and 100% thump/shock/vibration or whatever you want to call it. it was weird because when i'm working a swim bait i have a tension on the line so it's tap tap tap and pulling at the same time. on a jig i had a slack like; the line didn't go straight to the bait, it was falling of the rod and laying on the water too. yet the force of the thump i felt was stronger than any t-rigged swim bait bite i had before...
On 8/3/2013 at 9:35 PM, BassinLou said:WTG Mike!! On the B/C. Martin, I see the making of a jig master. Andrew, get a can of "off" for the mosquito's and go after those DD's. I am still waiting for a pic of these DD's from this pond. The good news for us, Andrew if you guys keep pounding that pond up in Jax, those fish are going to start to get hesitant to strike.
that's the plan Lou!
On 8/3/2013 at 9:35 PM, BassinLou said:WTG Mike!! On the B/C. Martin, I see the making of a jig master. Andrew, get a can of "off" for the mosquito's and go after those DD's. I am still waiting for a pic of these DD's from this pond. The good news for us, Andrew if you guys keep pounding that pond up in Jax, those fish are going to start to get hesitant to strike.
I need a can of redbull or 5 hour energy because I keep falling asleep when he wants to go! I went out this morning for a hour and caught 4 missed 3. I have 5 fish now 17", 19", 19", 19", 20"
Lou hopefully for me they don't get hesitant ha. And I'm waitin on my DD pic too.
On 8/3/2013 at 8:46 PM, MCS said:Plus I love seeing that fish after you feel it come up to the surface for the first time and getting a look at it.
Oh yeah Lou, that weightless fluke was on the caster, had a few more backlashes at first but then I added more thumb at the end and was good. My buddy told me adjust the spool tension to each bait to get a nice slow fall of the lure on free spool, leave the break alone. I am finding that this is the way to go, plus adding more or less thumb as needed. I haven't adjusted the breaks off of the setting since I started throwing it. I think it is at 4 of 10 or 12.
Night fishing really hones your skills since you have to rely on touch and sound. Sometimes when you get a strike you don't hear the fish explode you just feel the weight set hook and hear splashes it's pretty cool.
But to me there is nothing like during the day when I cast my frog on shore and have it walk into the water then see a huge wake come towards it and explode! That's my favorite way to catch them.
Wow! AK 94 inches already. I love how you set the bar high. Get's my competitive juices going. I tell you what, you have a very supportive girlfriend. You fish day and night. Thank goodness you sleep when the fishing is on, because your numbers would be over 150" already.
Lou yea I have an extremely supportive girlfriend! But these fish are all long not fat 2 of em are kinda fat. When I can't fish the OPCC I just hit up the golf course that's by my house. I am going to hit up some turnpike ponds right now I need to find one like you did with that BIGGEN, hopefully I can stay tho lol
AK, that's why I wanted to give recognition to the biggest fish not the longest fish this month . For example, some of the fish you caught last month were nice, long, fish. However they were thin. For our competition format it's great. You take those same fish during the spawn and they will be huge. You asked me last month, about some of the chunks I caught. They were beefy, but toward our competition they were short. But you know what? At the end of the day we are catching the fish that we love to chase, so its all good.
On 8/4/2013 at 1:33 AM, BassinLou said:AK, that's why I wanted to give recognition to the biggest fish not the longest fish this month . For example, some of the fish you caught last month were nice, long, fish. However they were thin. For our competition format it's great. You take those same fish during the spawn and they will be huge. You asked me last month, about some of the chunks I caught. They were beefy, but toward our competition they were short. But you know what? At the end of the day we are catching the fish that we love to chase, so its all good.
I'm down for top 5 length combined multiplied by # of ounces as a final score Or at least those with scales can post weights as well and we can crown a winner in 2 categories, total length and total weight, but here's the catch: the same 5 fish have to be used for total weight AND length
No scale here but I agree same 5 sounds right...Seems to be a theme up here long n skinny fish in Jax.
On 8/4/2013 at 2:42 AM, MCS said:No scale here but I agree same 5 sounds right...Seems to be a theme up here long n skinny fish in Jax.
I got this scale:
I haven't actually used it yet, but have it with me every time I go fishing just in case I catch something I can't eye-ball by hand
The rules we have now is fine goes by length only way to do it not everyone has a scale
On 8/4/2013 at 3:27 AM, mvorbrodt said:I got this scale:
I haven't actually used it yet, but have it with me every time I go fishing just in case I catch something I can't eye-ball by hand
If you catch the FL record bass you won't even be able to weigh it
AK, I tell you what, if NEjitterbug were down here, he would definitely give you a run for your title. Have you seen his pics? Those are some sweet fish. I don't understand how the Northern guys say there not that many big fish.
So for this month's competition are we having 2 categories?? One for length, and one for length and ounces?
Alright, i think i want in on this months competition! Im behind obviously so i got some catching up to do.
Lou I haven't checked that thread. I know NE pulls in big fish I've seen him around this site and he has a boat. I found a nice spot like yours but the bite wasn't on around 8:30p. I am going to check it out one morning but it looks like a snake paradise ha.
I don't know why the fish here are so thin. They have the lengths of fish between 7 and 9lbs. Thy must do a lot of swimming and burn off calories lol. But the fish in OPCC are the classic Florida size fish it's weird. I fish my area, orange park, and ponte vedra and the sizes and look of the fish are different.
I think I may head out tonight with Dave so Lou hopefully I have some pics for you! The second I see a gator or snake I am gonna be out lol.
On 8/4/2013 at 3:58 AM, AK-NJ1986 said:If you catch the FL record bass you won't even be able to weigh it
why not?!? scale goes to 25lbs...
On 8/4/2013 at 8:31 AM, BassinLou said:So for this month's competition are we having 2 categories?? One for length, and one for length and ounces?
let's do one for length and one for combined weight as long as they're the same five fish
let's not complicate with mixing lengths and weight in the same formula...
I am good for either method, as long as we are all on the same page.
On 8/4/2013 at 9:24 AM, AK-NJ1986 said:Lou I haven't checked that thread. I know NE pulls in big fish I've seen him around this site and he has a boat. I found a nice spot like yours but the bite wasn't on around 8:30p. I am going to check it out one morning but it looks like a snake paradise ha.
I don't know why the fish here are so thin. They have the lengths of fish between 7 and 9lbs. Thy must do a lot of swimming and burn off calories lol. But the fish in OPCC are the classic Florida size fish it's weird. I fish my area, orange park, and ponte vedra and the sizes and look of the fish are different.
I think I may head out tonight with Dave so Lou hopefully I have some pics for you! The second I see a gator or snake I am gonna be out lol.
AK, keep note of the location where you keep catching the long thinner bass. If that continues over time, it could be a sign of something in that spot, especially if other spots that are relatively close to each other are producing the same size fish but with more girth to them.
I went out last night from 1230a to 6a. Figures I was the camera man for Dave lol. I got skunked missed a bunch of fish. Dave pulled in two really nice fish one was 6lbs and we didn't get to weigh the other my guess would be from 7 to 8lbs.
Here are some pics too bad they aren't my fish if have a very very comfrortable lead
Bigger 1
1230-6am!! Why doesn't your friend play? He's got you beat already with those fish and the ones he caught the other night. Is this spot the country club?
Yea we fished our normal pond got few strikes but didnt land any. they have seen the frog too much there i think. Then we fished 3 new ones that I haven't fished before.On 8/5/2013 at 1:20 AM, BassinLou said:1230-6am!! Why doesn't your friend play? He's got you beat already with those fish and the ones he caught the other night. Is this spot the country club?
I don't know why he doesn't play he's been a member to this site for over a year close to 2. He was joking saying I could use those fish for mine but that would ruin it for me, it just wouldn't feel right
He would have 3 fish totaling around 68 inches or so we didn't measure any of the fish that's just my rough estimate
no I wasn't about 25 miles from me thanks for the concernOn 8/3/2013 at 8:42 AM, BassinLou said:Nice catch Martin. Did you get my PM?
hey fishermen! Went this morning about an hour and on my second to last cast SLAM! buzzbait was history didn't have my tape measure
On 8/5/2013 at 2:51 AM, bass Czar said:hey fishermen! Went this morning about an hour and on my second to last cast SLAM! buzzbait was history didn't have my tape measure
Mvor you should do a update list of the leaders each week so people can see where they stand, like a top 5. Those NE guys have been getting it in so far this month I like the way they set it up
This jig thing is harder than I though went out today for almost 3 hours. Got one bass, but nothing worth sharing, and then I got this, on a craw jig, darn it...
The big ones are hard to find man!! It's been tough missing a lot of them seems like they are playing with you. I got a new H2o swim bait that was working with the dinks locally can't wait to try it at OPCC
AK, you put in some serious water time. With law of probability your odds are pretty high in being the leader. If you got the time, milk it.
Finally!!! I am on the board. I am not skunked for August. Caught this 18 incher 1/2 hour ago. Since water mgmt. is pumping so much water I decided to concentrate around culverts. There is grass accumulated around them so I tried out a Booyah frog (white), and this one "Air Jaws" it. It was fun, popped it two times and then the water exploded. I missed another decent one on the other side of the street of the same culvert. Same thing, popped twice and boom!! Unfortunately, that got unbuttoned. I coming after you AK.
On 8/6/2013 at 7:56 AM, BassinLou said:
Finally!!! I am on the board. I am not skunked for August. Caught this 18 incher 1/2 hour ago. Since water mgmt. is pumping so much water I decided to concentrate around culverts. There is grass accumulated around them so I tried out a Booyah frog (white), and this one "Air Jaws" it. It was fun, popped it two times and then the water exploded. I missed another decent one on the other side of the street of the same culvert. Same thing, popped twice and boom!! Unfortunately, that got unbuttoned. I coming after you AK.
Martin, focus your attention around cover.
Nice fish Lou! Looks like you and I are both at 18" LOL
August just got started, so I still have many, many, days left. Maybe I am on to something with the culverts, time will tell.
Thought i was gonna get into this one in august. Been scouting some new spots and got out to try some tonight, but I am STUCK on the dinks. If it werent for this site i would think fish around here dont get above 12". Ive scored about 10 of them in the past 2 weeks and nothing bigger. Ive tried everything, senkos, lizards, flukes and gave the buzzbait a try this evening. Ive tried slow and deep, in cover, shallow weedlines and still dinks. Cant wait for the cooler weather to arrive!
Dsidle61, what part of Fl are you from. Your profile is very vague. Maybe we can help.
On 8/6/2013 at 9:24 PM, BassinLou said:Dsidle61, what part of Fl are you from. Your profile is very vague. Maybe we can help.
Jacksonville area, orange park to be more specific.
On 8/5/2013 at 8:34 AM, mvorbrodt said:This jig thing is harder than I though
went out today for almost 3 hours. Got one bass, but nothing worth sharing, and then I got this, on a craw jig, darn it...
i cooked up some snakeheads sunday very goood tasting great white meat
On 8/7/2013 at 1:28 AM, BP10 said:i cooked up some snakeheads sunday very goood tasting great white meat
yea i know i had one several weeks ago when my mother was visiting from Poland. it was very good
howd you cook it?
On 8/7/2013 at 2:02 AM, mvorbrodt said:yea i know
i had one several weeks ago when my mother was visiting from Poland. it was very good
Dsidle61, your probably close to AK-NJ, and MCS. Both Jax residents, they can help you out.
On 8/7/2013 at 2:10 AM, BP10 said:howd you cook it?
Onions on and green peppers, salt and pepper, melted butter with garlic on top. Covered at 350*F for 15-20 minutes I think.
On 8/7/2013 at 1:27 AM, dsidle61 said:Jacksonville area, orange park to be more specific.
I fish some spots over in Orange Park but I am from Saint Johns county. Bass Czar is from OP. there are a lot of good ponds big and small that hold monster fish out there!
Wells lake is really good it's really weedy right now but the big ones are there! Within a week period me and my girlfriend have each pulled out a 6lber out of there. There are a couple more spots off of wells that hold big fish. Also those ponds on argyle are good as well.
Boys I am going to OPCC tonight at 1030p hopefully I HAVE some pics not me taking pics of Dave's monster fish lol
On 8/7/2013 at 2:33 AM, mvorbrodt said:Onions on and green peppers, salt and pepper, melted butter with garlic on top. Covered at 350*F for 15-20 minutes I think.
Instead of creepy crawlers you were playing with your sisters easy bake oven weren't ya? Lol jk
Bon appetit! I don't eat fish let alone freshwater fish but if I did that looks good, I definitely wouldn't have eaten it if I came over and you said it was snakehead.
On 8/7/2013 at 3:52 AM, AK-NJ1986 said:Instead of creepy crawlers you were playing with your sisters easy bake oven weren't ya? Lol jk
Bon appetit! I don't eat fish let alone freshwater fish but if I did that looks good, I definitely wouldn't have eaten it if I came over and you said it was snakehead.
i have no idea what you just said in that bold part...
and you would have missed a great meal btw
On 8/7/2013 at 3:55 AM, mvorbrodt said:i have no idea what you just said in that bold part...
and you would have missed a great meal btw
Lol I figured when u said Poland maybe I would miss with that one or if you were born in the US I may be younger than you so that wouldn't be your generations toys. But basically creepy crawlers was a machine that made soft plastic bugs, almost like fishing lures, meant for boys to play with and easy bake ovens made little pastries meant for girls to play with.
Jokin around saying you must have been playing with your sisters easy bake oven since you can cook
On 8/7/2013 at 3:48 AM, AK-NJ1986 said:I fish some spots over in Orange Park but I am from Saint Johns county. Bass Czar is from OP. there are a lot of good ponds big and small that hold monster fish out there!
Wells lake is really good it's really weedy right now but the big ones are there! Within a week period me and my girlfriend have each pulled out a 6lber out of there. There are a couple more spots off of wells that hold big fish. Also those ponds on argyle are good as well.
Boys I am going to OPCC tonight at 1030p hopefully I HAVE some pics not me taking pics of Dave's monster fish lol
Yeah Ive gotten in touch with czar before, havent gotten out yet though. I checked out wells, definitely going to be back there in the fall. Found some old ponds on argyle tried one last night, nothing picture worthy. but im getting around and finiding out some spots that should be attractive come cooler weather. I appreciate everyone sharing some spots for the new guy!
Dsidel61, I appreciate you updating your profile. The group up in Jax are good guys, they will steer in the right direction. Dsidle, do me a favor and confirm if AK, can really fish the way his pics illustrate. LOL.
Lou I seem to never produce when with my boys lol you would think my pics r fake!! Jk but I can't wait til te fishing is really on in the glades and I can do some boat fishing with you and Fstr... Or we can all meet at Okechobee!!!
Im going out tonight to OPCC and I might have found a solution to my misses. I painted the legs of my white frog black and went out last night to the gate pond and pulled in a few only stayed for about a hour.
I just got in a little while ago, I had one miss and that was it. Man, I miss the hole I was kicked out of.
On 8/7/2013 at 7:38 AM, BassinLou said:I just got in a little while ago, I had one miss and that was it. Man, I miss the hole I was kicked out of.
You should go back what are the odds the same cop will stop by. And if they did there aren't any posted signs I think I remember you saying that there weren't any. There is a new moon hopefully the fish are feeding tonight. If top water doesn't work I will have to quit being stubborn and switch it up to a crank, swim bait, or plastic
I might just do that. Might...
Havent been around much lately. Crap has been hectic. We ended up making it out to Loxahatchee this weekend which we weren't certain about, but left my d**n phone at home! Got a bunch of dinks up to a 4 pounder on a 1.5oz tungsten/rage craw punch in some salad. Did some sweet bowfin fishing too wayyyy down the main canal. My girlfriend landed a Monster! Other than that, I keep losing all my fishing time. BUT,... this morning I got to go for an hour!!
Man it's rough I can't land the big ones, I am going to Orlando on Saturday over by Sea World. I am going to try to fish for about a hour hopefully Orlando is different than Jax but seems like all FL fish are being stubborn
Is everybody good? No one has posted on here for a while. All I here is crickets. LOL. As far as fishing news, its the usual, slow, with the occasional catch here and there. Nothing worth posting. Found a new spot, going to fish later this afternoon, hopefully its promising. I hope all of you are doing well.
All I "hear" is crickets. Duh!.
Lou yea man I joined the NE comp cuz this one seems dead lol.
But I went out to my golf course this morning and caught 4 biggest was 18". I hooked a nice one want to say between 6 and 8lbs. Got hung up in some weeds and when I let slack out it came unhooked and I saw it swim off on top of that he took my frog too!
I am over at Aquatica waterpark at Sea World with my girlfriend, her friends, and our son so I am going to sneak off for a bit and do some fishing
Im at 86", but waiting for some bigger ones before posting. Not much time or luck lately.
Nothing but 12"-14" fish for me lately last week to fish before my sons school starts. Like fstr, just don't have a ton of time, busy at work too
Went to Orlando but didn't get a chance to sneak away from the Water Park gotta admit I was having too much fun and it was HOT.
I saw a bunch of spots that looks promising for the next time I'm in Orlando, and going to Bass Pro Shop to stock up on some things was good too.
Going out to my golf course tomorrow morning with Czar hopefully the biggens are biting
I think I'll join in this month for the competition
I've had no luck this summer with anything over 3 lbs.
I'm going out to Lochloosa, Salt Springs Run, and Rodman Reservoir next weekend. Golf on Tuesday and Thursday then fishing all dam weekend. Birthday week!
Hopefully have something for you guys. I never remembered having trouble during summer my whole life. My 10lb, 6oz PB was caught in August 2010 mid summer in the Orlando area right before dark. Plus I am in Gainesville for the time being and the fishing here is garbage!!!
Glad to see more people joinin in and it looks like the fishing has been slow for a majority of us.
I went out this morning caught 6 in a little over 2 hours nothing over 17". I got 6 strikes 6 fish on the frog perfect ratio, if I could only do that at OPCC lol
I got one worth sharing this morning, she barely touches 23"
Nice fish Zach what did you catch it on?
I used to make my own senkos, I've been using my last stash I have left of them since I sold my pouring equipment.On 8/11/2013 at 10:52 PM, AK-NJ1986 said:Nice fish Zach what did you catch it on?
On 8/11/2013 at 11:01 PM, zachb34 said:I used to make my own senkos, I've been using my last stash I have left of them since I sold my pouring equipment.
That's cool catching bass on home made lures. Have you ever tested to see if they like you senkos compared to others?
I've nearly cloned the yamasenko with it just couldn't get the colors the same but I still catch just as much as GYCB baits doOn 8/12/2013 at 8:10 AM, AK-NJ1986 said:That's cool catching bass on home made lures. Have you ever tested to see if they like you senkos compared to others?
Finally rewarded with a NORMAL FL fat fish not these long anorexic fish I have been catching. It was 5.2lb only 18" though. I caught another 18" that wasn't that fat and a few other smaller ones.
I caught it on a storm swim shad. Found my new fishing spot for now on up the road.
Here she is short but fat and heavy
d**n... I was fishing today in my honey hole from 6:30-8:30pm and I didn't even get one bite then again, i was using jigs which are not my confidence lure, but still..
Honestly I was on fire with the jigs about a month ago but these bass are so lethargic the only thing I'm getting but on is a rage lizard 1/16 oz t rigged, rage toad, or a senko wacky rigged
I am having success still with frogs and swim baits but I am not gettig the size and quanitiy of fish that I was.
But it is a lot harder to get bites during the day since its too hot. Most of my fish come during the morning and late afternoon
Same here I've fished mid day with nothing to show for it it's sunrise and sunset for me.
I have been going out at night to no avail! Last night went from 11pm to 1:30am and nothing. Got one huge strike around 12a but missed it. Dave didn't get anything either. August sucks lol
I think it's cuz the weather is too hot so the bass stay deep. Then at night I don't think the water temp changes much which will keep the bass to those deeper areas. We use to see a lot of action by the shore line at night but it's been a ghost town basically this whole month.
It's rough but days like yesterday when you get a BIGGEN on the line it makes up for those long hot skunked days
I'm thinking about just taking my little jon boat out with a Carolina rig and jig and just picking this large drop off apart it drops from 8 feet to 22 and I can see bass near the shallow side on my electronics
On 8/13/2013 at 12:47 AM, zachb34 said:I'm thinking about just taking my little jon boat out with a Carolina rig and jig and just picking this large drop off apart it drops from 8 feet to 22 and I can see bass near the shallow side on my electronics
You will def be able to get em in the boat. It's easy for you to get to the deeper parts of the lakes being a bank fishermen it's hard for me to properly fish the deeper parts that's y I stick to picking the big ones off the shore and pads in the AM and night.
Do u take the boat out midday? Because I bet if u can get to the deeper parts and fish it slow you'd pull em out but the sun would kill u sittin out in the middle of the lake
I don't mind the sun a tan never hurts but I'm going to get or make some marker buoys before so I have something to cast at
Yea this morning I was geared for deeper water and top water. I got one on a jig then nothing so I went to a shallow spot and started burning a rubber frog. Bass kept following it to the shallow corner but wouldnt bite. After like 10 casts I had a few big ones moving around like ready to bite but wouldnt take the frog or jig. If I would have had a crank or maybe some senkos jt would have been on! Figures the one morning I dont bring shallow stuff and theyre all there that one day lol. Everyone was in the shallow today. Mayans, talapia, snakeheads, pans, and bass! Next time im comming with 2 rods
Fstr, don't you hate it when that happens. Yeah, August is really bad. Really, really, bad.
Fstr I wish that was the case here but the big ones are deep. Haven't found the right time of day where they are active shallow.
finally got out this weekend went and did the snakehead tourney on sat. did decent caught 7 with a big of 6.85 had a monster probably 10+ but snapped line right at boat. biggest snakehead i ever had on my line was accurately following it with the trolling motor on boat to tire it out it was running like crazy. i ended up catching these 2 bass to put on as my first 2 fish this month. So everyone gets a good laugh on my 17 inch fish my RODE AND REEL went right into the water off the boat when i was taking pic of fish so had to go in for it in about 5 ft of water. we got a good laugh about it after LOL got 1 16 inch and 1 17inch so far this month 2 fish at 33inch total
On 8/13/2013 at 5:59 AM, BP10 said:finally got out this weekend went and did the snakehead tourney on sat. did decent caught 7 with a big of 6.85 had a monster probably 10+ but snapped line right at boat. biggest snakehead i ever had on my line was accurately following it with the trolling motor on boat to tire it out it was running like crazy. i ended up catching these 2 bass to put on as my first 2 fish this month. So everyone gets a good laugh on my 17 inch fish my RODE AND REEL went right into the water off the boat when i was taking pic of fish so had to go in for it in about 5 ft of water. we got a good laugh about it after LOL got 1 16 inch and 1 17inch so far this month 2 fish at 33inch total
Nice fish what were you catching the snakeheads on and what did you catch the bass on?
On 8/13/2013 at 2:09 AM, BassinLou said:Fstr, don't you hate it when that happens. Yeah, August is really bad. Really, really, bad.
How did that new technique you were talking about work for you?
The new technique was a bust for today, however it has potential for some other time. Caught some bass, not worth posting, but .... I did catch a jaguar. Check it.
On 8/13/2013 at 7:53 AM, BassinLou said:The new technique was a bust for today, however it has potential for some other time. Caught some bass, not worth posting, but .... I did catch a jaguar. Check it.
I've never seen a fish like that before! South FL freshwater fishing is like a different world. What did you catch it on
On 8/13/2013 at 7:53 AM, BassinLou said:The new technique was a bust for today, however it has potential for some other time. Caught some bass, not worth posting, but .... I did catch a jaguar. Check it.
I've never seen a fish like that before! South FL freshwater fishing is like a different world. What did you catch it on
Yeah, we have a lot of exotics down here. I caught this one, texas rigged on a watermelon seed centipede. We have many Jaguars down here. I catch them often. They have teeth so you must be careful handling them.
On 8/13/2013 at 8:39 AM, BassinLou said:Yeah, we have a lot of exotics down here. I caught this one, texas rigged on a watermelon seed centipede. We have many Jaguars down here. I catch them often. They have teeth so you must be careful handling them.
Centipedes always get the fish, landed some nice one using it in June and early July.
Gonna head out tomorrow to the last spot i got a nice fish a couple weeks horny toads, rattlesnakes and leeches.
MCS, you know fishing is slow when a decent bass does not bite a centipede on 1/16 weight on 6lb test!!! That is what I am dealing with down here. Really, frustrating!!
On 8/13/2013 at 9:03 AM, BassinLou said:MCS, you know fishing is slow when a decent bass does not bite a centipede on 1/16 weight on 6lb test!!! That is what I am dealing with down here. Really, frustrating!!
Tell me about it lou, I am just going to tie on a grub and catch all the 12" inchers that are doing work. That is all I managed this morning, was 1 12 incher. on a rattlesnake and one miss on the horny toad and a leaky bag of gulp in my back pocket.....F - that $H#T man, why can't it smell good like big bite anise or strike king coffee.... even gambler garlic LOL
MCS I feel for you. Chuck those pants. Gulp smells nasty.
Hopefully they weren't your favorite pants MCS, we all have that one lol
On 8/13/2013 at 7:40 AM, AK-NJ1986 said:Nice fish what were you catching the snakeheads on and what did you catch the bass on?
frog on top always for snakeheads they love em i used it all day so thats what bass was caught on too
Its hot outside, I cant even bring myself to fish unless I start early and get caught up in the heat or late evening. I went outside a few minutes ago and turned right around.
The heat is intense, there is no denying. This is the only time of year for me where fishing early and fishing late in the day makes sense. Winter and Spring I can go all day.
Finally had a couple minutes to sit down and put up a few pics....
One on a 1/2oz pumpkin football jig, and one on a large pumpkin ocho
hope to hit 100"+ on the weekend. no more fishing for the rest of the week though, thanks to work!
That's a cool fish Lou. Ive never caught one of those. Is it like a brackish fish?
No Fstr, its a freshwater fish. It's an exotic from South America.
I wonder how it swam up from South America that's a long swim lol
Your funny AK. I seriously doubt it. Especially the one that I caught. It was in a park lake. Those were placed there somehow.
Yea either bird poop or somebody from South America who enjoys catchin jags decided to put it in the pond
Just caught this beauty. My heart is still pounding. I caught her 1 block away from my house at the neighborhood canal. She hit right in front of the culvert. I was using a Booyah pond crasher. She went for 6lbs 10oz and measured 23.5 inches. Woohoo!!!
Although this summer has been brutal, and fishing is slow, by consistently staying the course I have managed 2 fish in the last 2 months well over 6 lbs. I'll take it.
Went out this evening to a new spot Ive heard through some people. Caught this guy on a wacky rigged senko. As you regular guys know im pretty new to fishing down here in FL and to this site. This is by far my best one since ive gotten going about a month or so ago. Was pretty pumped to get this guy in, id been stuck on 12" for a long time!
Dsidle61, solid 17 incher. WTG!! Keep at it.
Yea nice fish Lou that's a fatty!!!
I had one bigger than that this morning judging by yours it was between 7 and 8. Had her in my hand taking out my swim bait she wiggled out my grip and back into the lake. Going back in the AM a little earlier so I have a little longer to try and get her again.
How did she get away!! You literally had her in your hands!! Wow! Bummer. Yeah, my fish was sweet. That pic does not give the fish justice. I had her out to long for one more pic with me holding her out. I just wanted to get the measurement. Darn tournament. LOL. You gotta love frog fishing.
On 8/15/2013 at 10:16 AM, BassinLou said:How did she get away!! You literally had her in your hands!! Wow! Bummer. Yeah, my fish was sweet. That pic does not give the fish justice. I had her out to long for one more pic with me holding her out. I just wanted to get the measurement. Darn tournament. LOL. You gotta love frog fishing.
Yea had her lipped taking out the swim bait and when she wiggled I lost my grip and dropped her watched her flop back into the water lol. But I know what you are talking about having the fish out too long so you only get a measurement pic lol. IMO pics rarely do the fish justice I can tell from your pic that was a nice fat fish!
But that's why I fish it's for the pictures and memory of the catch
You are definitely in a good spot for the heaviest fish of the month!
That's the thing about froggin the chances of a BIGGEN are very good. When I come in Spring to do some boat fishing with you these frogs I use will change your perspective on frogs. Ill bring some extra packs so you can have em
On 8/15/2013 at 8:45 AM, dsidle61 said:Went out this evening to a new spot Ive heard through some people. Caught this guy on a wacky rigged senko. As you regular guys know im pretty new to fishing down here in FL and to this site. This is by far my best one since ive gotten going about a month or so ago. Was pretty pumped to get this guy in, id been stuck on 12" for a long time!
Nice catch!....Glad you are getting some useful info and once fall rolls around you will have everything all lined up to score some big fish. Oct. thru May is waaay better than now....even on the nights we touch 30's the water is still 60's or higher.
On 8/15/2013 at 11:58 PM, MCS said:Nice catch!....Glad you are getting some useful info and once fall rolls around you will have everything all lined up to score some big fish. Oct. thru May is waaay better than now....even on the nights we touch 30's the water is still 60's or higher.
MCS how's the baitcast going and have u been having and luck?
On 8/16/2013 at 12:56 AM, AK-NJ1986 said:MCS how's the baitcast going and have u been having and luck?
Good man, it is all right. Just need to work on accuracy. I have caught a few fish, had a 20" landed on July 30th, with it.
Once you dial it in man, it pretty much is just minor adjustments after that.
MCS, I am glad you are keeping up with the B/C. I am telling you; you are going to be glad you included it in your arsenal. AK, you keep touting those frogs. In the spring, when you come down, you will need to bring several packs down.
Yea I know luckily I can get them online because the local store is running low and said they most likely won't get more in. So I may have to make a mega purchase online and stock up on frogs and hooks
AK, how are the frogs that were gifted to you for winning the contest last month?
On 8/16/2013 at 2:32 AM, BassinLou said:AK, how are the frogs that were gifted to you for winning the contest last month?
I never got them
AK, that's too bad. I was just curious if they were any good.
Me2 he said he sent them but I never got them they will prob show up if not this week next week
AK did you PM him and follow up ?
Yea he said he sent them over a week ago I think so I mean they should've been here or will by Saturday or early next week
But I fish soft plastic hollow body frogs and these are kind of like the rage tail and horny toad style. I like mine because they float and you can speed retrieve. The rage style you need to have constant motion so instead of that I use the big rage craws and have a lot of success but the small ones hit that too seems like only big girls like my frogs
Headed out to Salt Springs Run today...
Hope to get a little sumthin for you guys.
Going to be going at the hard the next 48 hours!
Going out in a hour or so, then waking up early and heading out to OPCC, Dave went last night caught 7 biggest being 8lbs
Hopefully those little lightning storms we've been having have turned the fish on
It was dead this morning.....Where are daves pics man, I want to see these fish!
Me and my buddy have caught a few nice fish here and there, but man that country club must be an anomoly, it just doesn't seem to slow down. Crazy man. He is one lucky dude to have constant access to that joint.
With school back in session I am going to hit some of my more local spots.
I eyed a new spot, gonna hit it tonight! Hopefully it will be worth the trip :/
On 8/17/2013 at 3:03 AM, MCS said:It was dead this morning.....Where are daves pics man, I want to see these fish!
Me and my buddy have caught a few nice fish here and there, but man that country club must be an anomoly, it just doesn't seem to slow down. Crazy man. He is one lucky dude to have constant access to that joint.
With school back in session I am going to hit some of my more local spots.
MCS all this activity coming out of the country club is slow ever since I first started. He always talks about the insane number of fish he catches during the spring. But last night was rare cuz every night I go with him we get a few and bunch of misses. We haven't went in the AM in a while or the evening it usually just night.
On 8/17/2013 at 3:03 AM, MCS said:It was dead this morning.....Where are daves pics man, I want to see these fish!
Me and my buddy have caught a few nice fish here and there, but man that country club must be an anomoly, it just doesn't seem to slow down. Crazy man. He is one lucky dude to have constant access to that joint.
With school back in session I am going to hit some of my more local spots.
Ask czar Dave never takes pics unless we tell him too lol. I told him to start takin em when I don't go at night because that's when he seems to get em so I need proof lol. He sent me these two last night
Those are some serious fish. Thank goodness Dave is not the competitive type, because AK, you would be joining us on the bottom.
On 8/17/2013 at 4:42 AM, BassinLou said:Those are some serious fish. Thank goodness Dave is not the competitive type, because AK, you would be joining us on the bottom.
Lou I know and I'm sure some of these tournament guys will have some pics of fish maybe not with the lengths but we will probably see some giants
Just came back in from some late evening frogging. Caught 3, but 2 were pic and contest worthy. Including these fish, I am so far at 76.5 with half the month to go. AK, you better get your hookset issue corrected. I am right behind you. LOL.
I am going to have to get another, thicker, tape measure with bigger numbers.
Was going to go to a new spot today with some lizards but a voice inside my head (one of many voices that is) told me to take the jig and go practice some more so I hit the canal 2 blocks from my house and methodically picked apart every inch of the bank. I found a sunken tree even where I got a bite but as soon as he came up to the surface he jumped and was gone I continued to fish the 50-75 yard stretch of the canal, and decided to try my luck in and near some thick vegetation... what do you know I pulled a 21" and a 16" piggies
so with my previous 18" catch I'm up to 55", for now
The biggest one today was skinny, I weighed him in at 3lbs 2oz which was very surprising for a fish this length, but you can tell he's a hungry fellow. The 16" was fat and weighed probably the same LOL. The largest one came right on a fall of the jig near some weeds maybe 4-5 yards from where I was standing. The bite was unmistakable! The 18" I slowly hopped and swam the jig right through some thick grass and bam! The first one of that day that got away I got around what felt like a sunken tree (same one I got hanged up on a week ago and actually managed to pull a thick branch to the surface before my 50# braid snapped). The bite was a very gentle tap on the line, I set the hook and couldn't tell at first if it was a fish or stick fish, but soon I knew once he started to swim off and up.
And of course all was caught on Siebert Outdoors Jigs and Space Monkey and Rage Tail Craw trailers
So looks like JIG is the game in town this month! Enjoy the pics!
Good for you Martin. You are sticking with your guns and fishing the jig. Nice catches. Jig bite is great, but for me my confidence bait is a frog. Keep it up.
Nice catches Martin and Lou!
I hope to catch something over 18" to replace some fish. Hopefully I got some pics of some nice fish... If Dave catches any BIGGENs ill snap a pic and post em
Struck out again at OPCC thins morning. Missed my usual BIGGEN twice this morning, same spot I miss him at EVERY TIME I GO! Next time I might just bring a cast net and catch him that way lol.
Dave pulled in a few nice ones today only 1 at OPCC the others were at new spots he showed me and Derrick. Derrick had a nice one he said between 6-7. He had it on shore taking hook out dropped the fish and tried to grab its tail before it swam off. I was kind of far from him I look over and it looks like he is in the water. I'm like I don't understand you doing in the water he laughed then told me about the fish.
It was a slow day at OPCC but we managed to pull in a few from the other spots Dave took us, nothing picture worthy for us and Dave's 5lbers to him weren't worthy lol
O yea caught my first fish on a soft plastic worm, haven't thrown anything but a frog or Swimbait in months! Felt good to know that I still know how to fish soft plastics lol
Nice fish Martin and Lou. Enjoy it while it lasts September I am gonna have a few spots I haven't been to and a few new dialed. Killing me watching, I am down in barefoot bay today man wish I had time to wet a line out in the bay.
might need a partner to fish tomorrow?? if someone is interested let pm me maybe we can link up i will be fishing the c-14 back canals of margate
edit: it will be early as heck btw 5:15-5:30 meet time at dock
On 8/18/2013 at 1:39 AM, BP10 said:might need a partner to fish tomorrow?? if someone is interested let pm me maybe we can link up i will be fishing the c-14 back canals of margate
edit: it will be early as heck btw 5:15-5:30 meet time at dock
Hey I never got those frogs at first I was like maybe he lives in California or something then realized you live few hours from me lol. I guess they must have got lost in transit or you might have sent to wrong address
On 8/18/2013 at 4:43 AM, AK-NJ1986 said:Hey I never got those frogs at first I was like maybe he lives in California or something then realized you live few hours from me lol. I guess they must have got lost in transit or you might have sent to wrong address
i got it back in mail yesterday returned ot sending with a note saying person by that name does not live here LOL im shooting u my phone number so i can make sure i got it correct this time call em when u get chance
Went out this afternoon from about 1-3pm. Was a little cloudy here in JAX so I figured id get out of the house and not die in the heat. Caught 3 and lost 3 in that time. Only one picture worthy, a nice chubby 16". Had all my catches on a wacky senko. And only one bite on a swimbait. Nothing on my lizards, spinners, or trick worms. This puts me at 2 fish for 33". I dont think ill be winnin anything this month but its fun to keep track and give me something to shoot for!
On 8/18/2013 at 5:02 AM, dsidle61 said:Went out this afternoon from about 1-3pm. Was a little cloudy here in JAX so I figured id get out of the house and not die in the heat. Caught 3 and lost 3 in that time. Only one picture worthy, a nice chubby 16". Had all my catches on a wacky senko. And only one bite on a swimbait. Nothing on my lizards, spinners, or trick worms. This puts me at 2 fish for 33". I dont think ill be winnin anything this month but its fun to keep track and give me something to shoot for! IMG_0561 new.jpg
Not to steal your spot what part of Jax were you fishing? We were out early around 6a an caught a little showers then it cleared up looked like it was goin go rain but turned out to be a nice day
AK, what is about you guys and dropping fish. I think that's why bass czar wears a glove. MCS, I like the smack talk. I really hope your Sept spots put you on top. AK, keep missing fish. I am going to a new area later, maybe I can show you how it's done
On 8/18/2013 at 5:09 AM, AK-NJ1986 said:Not to steal your spot what part of Jax were you fishing? We were out early around 6a an caught a little showers then it cleared up looked like it was goin go rain but turned out to be a nice day
Just a small pond off Collins road, yeah i put off going this morning bc the weather looked iffy. Didnt expect much action when I went out but was pleasanty surprised.
On 8/18/2013 at 5:20 AM, BassinLou said:AK, what is about you guys and dropping fish. I think that's why bass czar wears a glove. MCS, I like the smack talk. I really hope your Sept spots put you on top. AK, keep missing fish. I am going to a new area later, maybe I can show you how it's done
That's my only problem man I keep missing em lol.
Yea and Derrick does use a glove like OJ so idk how he dropped it. But it's those unexpected wiggles that get ya, few times I've been going to lip a fish And it wiggles and I cut my finger or hand on the hook I hate when that happens. Some people grab the fish by the back or under the gills I need to start adopting that technique
On 8/18/2013 at 5:20 AM, BassinLou said:AK, what is about you guys and dropping fish. I think that's why bass czar wears a glove. MCS, I like the smack talk. I really hope your Sept spots put you on top. AK, keep missing fish. I am going to a new area later, maybe I can show you how it's done
Lou how'd that new area treat you? I was gonna do some evening fishing but Mother Nature rained on that plan
AK, I gotcha worried huh? Lol. Fortunately I was able to catch two froggin. Luckily for you AK, they were not competition worthy. Sleep easy tonight.
Had one of my better mornings so far. Went back to my golf course after I let it cool down for a bit. I caught 10 and then I went to Gate and caught 4 all 2 17" and 2 18". The golf course they weren't biting the frog so I put on my new zoom worms and killed em. I was fishing em top water and when I saw the wake I would stop and the fish would slam the worm. At gate 2 big ones eluded me one got hung up in the pads and the other came unhooked after the 3rd jump all on a frog. Then I switched to a buzz bait and caught those 4. 14 total fish and a good amount of missed strikes and hook sets it was a good morning
Lou it's getting close to the end and I only got 1 fish that's 20" that won't cut it, need to get to the 100" mark
Tick...Tick...Tick. Fortunately, for you AK, school starts tomorrow and my time really became limited. But you never know. I may find some time and nail another big one. Nice catches this morning. 14-15 bass in one morning is a good morning indeed.
I tried to fish today but its too dang hot, brutal. I caught one fish and packed it up after trying a few spots. Took a cold shower and the a/c is on high with the fan pumping. ahhhh
Diggy I hear yah. I do not know what possessed me to go out at 3pm. I only lasted til about 415pm and said forget it. I didn't catch anything or get any looks so I decided to walk back home.
I am headed back out now to see if I can catch the two biggens that eluded me!
Diggy and Lou that's why I do most of my fishing in the AM and evening it's cooler. I came in today around 1 and I could feel the heat comming lol.
The a.m. and evening are much cooler for sure. However when you can't fish mornings and are busy at night, you sometimes have to bite the bullet and fish the afternoon. I know the odds are against me, but with bass fishing you never know. Today, I got skunked. It happens.
Finally got my big guy this evening. Caught this guy on a wacky senko just bouncing it 10 feet off the shore line. Thinking I need to invest in a little scale, my estimate for this one was 5lbs? What do you guys think?? Also had 2 other hits on my swimbait that i missed (one on my first cast, definitely wasnt prepared) and caught 2 more on a popr. One was few inches smaller than this but he absolutely inhaled my popr so by the time i wiggled it out i was just trying to get him back in the water. This puts me at 3 fish (16,17,21) for 54 total.
On 8/19/2013 at 8:36 AM, dsidle61 said:Finally got my big guy this evening. Caught this guy on a wacky senko just bouncing it 10 feet off the shore line. Thinking I need to invest in a little scale, my estimate for this one was 5lbs? What do you guys think?? Also had 2 other hits on my swimbait that i missed (one on my first cast, definitely wasnt prepared) and caught 2 more on a popr. One was few inches smaller than this but he absolutely inhaled my popr so by the time i wiggled it out i was just trying to get him back in the water. This puts me at 3 fish (16,17,21) for 54 total. IMG_0563 new.jpg
Nice fish were you at your same spot or different
On 8/19/2013 at 8:41 AM, AK-NJ1986 said:Nice fish were you at your same spot or different
Same spot over on collins road, putting out some good fish for me.
On 8/19/2013 at 1:32 AM, AK-NJ1986 said:Had one of my better mornings so far. Went back to my golf course after I let it cool down for a bit. I caught 10 and then I went to Gate and caught 4 all 2 17" and 2 18". The golf course they weren't biting the frog so I put on my new zoom worms and killed em. I was fishing em top water and when I saw the wake I would stop and the fish would slam the worm. At gate 2 big ones eluded me one got hung up in the pads and the other came unhooked after the 3rd jump all on a frog. Then I switched to a buzz bait and caught those 4. 14 total fish and a good amount of missed strikes and hook sets it was a good morning
buzzbait huh lol
On 8/19/2013 at 10:58 AM, bass Czar said:buzzbait huh lol
Yessir I had to you have proved gate is the buzz bait pond. Those academy buzz baits that are $2 aren't too durable one broke after 2 fish and the other is beat up
Dsidle, nice fish. Healthy looking, I think your estimate is right 4.5 and to 5lbs.
Got me a 20" this morning on a buzz bait to replace my 18". In at 19, 19, 19, 20, 20... 97"
Nice AK.
Nice fish there AK, havent had any luck on my buzzbait so far, ive been using the popr to get the noise and also being able to stop the lure which is when i get almost all my hits. Love fishing the buzzbaits though!!
I caught this 17 incher today at the park. I had to fish light today. I only caught this one at the end of my outing on a stickworm. This finally makes my 5th. Puts me at 93.5 inches. I am getting close AK. I still have the weekend to start culling.
Lou you do have the weekend to start culling but so do I!! Lol
Next week I am going to be fishing everyday the wife and kid are going to NJ to visit friends and family so I will have no restrictions for a week straight hopefully I get good weather and not too much rain!
Man I haven't even had a chance lol. No time that might change in sept. though. I might be required to do 16 hrs minimum. Lol
AK, I am not worried about you. You can't seem to hold on to your fish. LOL...LOL... By the way. When did you get married?? Just last week your girlfriend became your wife??
Lol yea I can't hold onto my fish
And Lou I didn't get married wife is just shorter to type than girlfriend lol we are basically married child together, live together, have joint bank account lol
I can not tell you how many big fish I have had in my grasps or have come off right in front of me and flop back into the water
Exactly!! AK, now you see why I am not worried. However, you are going to fish all next week, so that will be plenty of time for you to perfect your hands.
On 8/21/2013 at 1:01 AM, AK-NJ1986 said:I can not tell you how many big fish I have had in my grasps or have come off right in front of me and flop back into the water
this is one reason why when i catch a fish i go to the middle part of my boat so incase i drop it it doesnt fly out the boat
Yea I am going to have a lot of free time next week hopefully I have some good fish to show for it.
My one pond at my golf course has been ruined!!! The vegetation is gone not sure if its the rain or if they treated the pond, but whatever happened it ruined it for me. The fish are no longer in the spots that they usually are. The water clarity is amazing now though so I may need to switch up and use some worms and crank baits instea of the frog to get through the grass and pads
On 8/21/2013 at 1:51 AM, BP10 said:this is one reason why when i catch a fish i go to the middle part of my boat so incase i drop it it doesnt fly out the boat
Lol if I had a boat I wouldn't lose half as many fish as I do. Mine usually come off when I have em flopping around on shore tryin to lip em to get the hook out. I have had about 4 fish all over 5lbs in my hand and dropped em trying to get the hook out. If I had a boat instead of the fish sliding back into the water they would be flopping around in my boat when they come unhooked or I drop em
And I think I found a secret weapon... that would be my jig + the deepest water I have ever seen in Coral Springs let's just say that my 3/8oz jig with trailer that sinks at about 1-1.5ft / second takes 15+ second to hit the bottom and I have to keep giving it line after it hits the surface to keep it falling vertically
oh and the spot is like 2 miles from my house... stay tuned
On 8/21/2013 at 2:06 AM, mvorbrodt said:And I think I found a secret weapon... that would be my jig + the deepest water I have ever seen in Coral Springs
let's just say that my 3/8oz jig with trailer that sinks at about 1-1.5ft / second takes 15+ second to hit the bottom and I have to keep giving it line after it hits the surface to keep it falling vertically
oh and the spot is like 2 miles from my house... stay tuned
I thought you were setting up for a picture of a 10lb bass that you caught on a jig
On 8/21/2013 at 2:09 AM, AK-NJ1986 said:I thought you were setting up for a picture of a 10lb bass that you caught on a jig
yea that's the plan LOL
I did to. I was waiting for a pic of a monster. You can't announce a secret weapon until you have test fired (fished). LOL.
Lou I forgot u still hold the Big fish of the month lucky for you I have butter fingers because I would have had two to compete with yours... But this is fishing not horse shoes SO almost doesn't count lol
I can't wait til one of us throws up a pic of that Monster fish 8+ lbs we have yet to see her yet. I think the biggest we've seen was 7lbs
On 8/21/2013 at 2:11 AM, BassinLou said:I did to. I was waiting for a pic of a monster. You can't announce a secret weapon until you have test fired (fished). LOL.
oh yes I can well plus I did get a MASSIVE bit on a jig in that spot, but i only found it toward the end of my fishing expedition last sunday so... but i'll be back, armed with jigs, rage tails, kreatures, and explosives if i have to
Martin $$ talks and .... you know the rest. Pics and measurements are the name of this game. AK, I completely agree, almost does not count, however I have a feeling the ninja's will start jumping out pretty soon.
On 8/21/2013 at 2:21 AM, AK-NJ1986 said:I can't wait til one of us throws up a pic of that Monster fish 8+ lbs we have yet to see her yet. I think the biggest we've seen was 7lbs
ak i believe you have came close to this record with a 22 inch fish or 23 right? last month i believe ?,%20largemouth
On 8/21/2013 at 3:30 AM, BP10 said:ak i believe you have came close to this record with a 22 inch fish or 23 right? last month i believe ?,%20largemouth
Yea it was 24" that's the one I was referring to but it wasn't fat just long and heavy. I would love to see how big that one would be during spawn.
And when I caught it she was with another female bigger than her so maybe she was hanging with her too much and wasn't eating enough cuz the bigger girl eats all the food they see lol
On 8/21/2013 at 3:02 AM, BassinLou said:Martin $$ talks and .... you know the rest. Pics and measurements are the name of this game. AK, I completely agree, almost does not count, however I have a feeling the ninja's will start jumping out pretty soon.
Oh I know the ninjas are going to come out it has been way too quiet in here but I think it will be like that one guy did last month and it will just be pictures of the fish they caught during tourneys with no measurements.
I know it's a while away but I can not wait for the spawn fish we are catching!!! I think to make it more fun during those months when the fishing is on fire we should add more fish like top 8... I just want to see a lot of pics of monster fish lol
No, AK, I have feeling someone is going to step in with pics and measurements to show their fishing muscles. Like you said, it is way too quiet, a several guys posted their intention to play and I have not see or heard from them since. It's all good. It's an accomplishment in itself to catch a bass weighing more than 4 pounds and 20 inches or longer, especially with these summer conditions.
On 8/21/2013 at 4:44 AM, BassinLou said:No, AK, I have feeling someone is going to step in with pics and measurements to show their fishing muscles. Like you said, it is way too quiet, a several guys posted their intention to play and I have not see or heard from them since. It's all good. It's an accomplishment in itself to catch a bass weighing more than 4 pounds and 20 inches or longer, especially with these summer conditions.
Yea I forgot a couple people said they were going to join in this month I haven't seen them post that's why I forgot. It seems like it's me, u, Derrick, MCS, Martin, dis, BP, and a few others (sorry if I forgot to mention you).
I mean I can't wait to see these fish these guys have been catching that was a pleasant surprise last month when I think it was Shane who showed us some of those amazing fish he caught last month. Only thing is I like how active we all are and how we have open conversation sharing our trips, tips, and experiences both good and bad ( I seem to have WAAAAAY more bad stories about lost and missed fish than I do good ones lol)
might do some night fishing tonight after i pick up my new handles for my reels hopefully they r in stock!!!!!!
On 8/21/2013 at 5:16 AM, BP10 said:might do some night fishing tonight after i pick up my new handles for my reels hopefully they r in stock!!!!!!
I'm doing some night fishing too I'm going out around 7p hopefully I have some luck
Lou funny how we talk about the ninjas when I fish with the ultimate ninja like 3 times a week lol. It turns my stomach every time I see Dave pull out a BIGGEN and just throw it back lol. I think I showed you guys 5 fish or more that he caught all over 6lbs an massive.
But for real every time I hear good fish good fish, splashes, he gets it on land man look at this fish... Me yeah man that's a monster!! Then look away for 2 seconds and hear a splash look back and see him with no fish!! I'm like WHAAAA u didn't take a picture? Nah it was only a 5 or 6lber... Oh only 5 or 6 lmao me I am having a d**n photo shoot wit those fish!!
It's funny tho ever since I told him to take pics of the big ones he sends em.
If I win this month ima keep the ninja on the side so I can try to win again next month lol. But I will get him to join... Even if I have to measure his fish and take te pics I will and will post on his behalf lol
I think, to spice things up, I'll offer a prize for September's tournament... how about a $50 gift card to Bass Pro?
I also had another idea... assuming everyone has a PayPal account... whoever enters the tournament can send me or some other member on here a $10 paypal gift as an OPTIONAL entry fee. Then, toward the end of the tournament whoever won get's the entire sum? If you don't have paypal or don't want an optional entry fee, then we can have 2 winner categories, where only those who paid in get payout IF they win in the "people who paid in" group. Or I could start a whole separate tournament with $10 entry or so for those willing to dish out some doe
Your thoughts?
P.S. I still plan on sponsoring a BassPro gift card for next month's tournament Let's spice things up gentleman!!!
Martin, I think the idea is great. However when $$ becomes involved even though they are gift cards. I think if a Mod sees this we may be warned not to continue. To keep it safe, and fun I think we should continue on the course we have all begun.
I came in little while ago, from what I consider night fishing LOL. I fished from 730-830 this 8 block stretch of canal. Out of 3 strikes with the frog I landed 2. Don't worry AK, they were not big enough to cull, but the hits were great. AK and the guys who frog fish, what do think is better, the sight of the strike or the feeling weight of the fish when you hookset??
I agree with Lou on this one, the gift card may be ok but once you start throwing money in it could get a litttle complicated, not to mention the site may shut you down for "gambling".
On 8/21/2013 at 8:36 AM, BassinLou said:Martin, I think the idea is great. However when $$ becomes involved even though they are gift cards. I think if a Mod sees this we may be warned not to continue. To keep it safe, and fun I think we should continue on the course we have all begun.
very well, scratch the idea of pay to play. but i still insist on sponsoring a gift card for next month's tournament, i think no harm can come from that, it's my own $$ and i volunteer under no pressure
so, consider August a warm up round, and next month's tournament we'll have a prize... after all it will not be the first time someone offered a prize to the winner
On 8/21/2013 at 8:40 AM, BassinLou said:I came in little while ago, from what I consider night fishing LOL. I fished from 730-830 this 8 block stretch of canal. Out of 3 strikes with the frog I landed 2. Don't worry AK, they were not big enough to cull, but the hits were great. AK and the guys who frog fish, what do think is better, the sight of the strike or the feeling weight of the fish when you hookset??
frog was my all time favorite lure for few months, then again i was targeting snakeheads... the site of a large snakehead coming up on my frog and exploding in the water was priceless! one time i had to twitch it 4 times and each time she came closer but hesitated! on the 4th twitch she hit it! with bass it's less entertaining but still fun! i think the sight of a fish exploding on a top water lure is the best sight in the world!
On 8/21/2013 at 8:42 AM, mvorbrodt said:very well, scratch the idea of pay to play. but i still insist on sponsoring a gift card for next month's tournament, i think no harm can come from that, it's my own $$ and i volunteer under no pressure
so, consider August a warm up round, and next month's tournament we'll have a prize... after all it will not be the first time someone offered a prize to the winner
And I plan on winning next months prize too lol
On 8/21/2013 at 8:40 AM, BassinLou said:I came in little while ago, from what I consider night fishing LOL. I fished from 730-830 this 8 block stretch of canal. Out of 3 strikes with the frog I landed 2. Don't worry AK, they were not big enough to cull, but the hits were great. AK and the guys who frog fish, what do think is better, the sight of the strike or the feeling weight of the fish when you hookset??
Havent done a ton of frog fishing yet, but fish alot with pop-r's. I dont think anything beats the sight of the strike. Especially on a calm evening. Although I have noticed on my top waters (frog,pop-r,buzzbait) ive had mostly 13-15" fish hitting. My 2 17" and my 21" both hit a senko i was lolly gagging across the bottom. Anyone else seeing the same thing?
Martin, no argument here. I would love to up the stakes. But again, $$ is involved volunteered or not, I think is not part of this forums rules. I am just watching out for the groups best interest and I don't want any of us to get in trouble. Tell you what, PM Glenn and ask him what he thinks. If he greenlights it I am definitely in.
On 8/21/2013 at 8:40 AM, BassinLou said:I came in little while ago, from what I consider night fishing LOL. I fished from 730-830 this 8 block stretch of canal. Out of 3 strikes with the frog I landed 2. Don't worry AK, they were not big enough to cull, but the hits were great. AK and the guys who frog fish, what do think is better, the sight of the strike or the feeling weight of the fish when you hookset??
Lou I love feelin the weight of the hook set since I miss so many... When I feel the weight I'm like THANK GOD I HOOKED EM lol. But to me I love hearing the sound the fish makes when it slams the frog! I can always tell how big it is when I hear it.
On 8/21/2013 at 8:46 AM, BassinLou said:Martin, no argument here. I would love to up the stakes. But again, $$ is involved volunteered or not, I think is not part of this forums rules. I am just watching out for the groups best interest and I don't want any of us to get in trouble. Tell you what, PM Glenn and ask him what he thinks. If he greenlights it I am definitely in.
it's all goo Lou! i'll do a prize next month and we'll worry about it later
On 8/21/2013 at 8:45 AM, AK-NJ1986 said:And I plan on winning next months prize too lol
we shall see my friend, we shall see
EDIT TO ADD: i can't help my self... your arrogance blinds you Darth Bassious LOL
On my outing today, a baby alligator came out of nowhere and almost got my frog. In the 15 yrs I have been fishing that canal I have never seen a gator. Also so several rats as well. Those surprised me to but its expected for them to come out at night. I think I should start fishing with rats. I have a few of them.
On 8/21/2013 at 8:46 AM, BassinLou said:Martin, no argument here. I would love to up the stakes. But again, $$ is involved volunteered or not, I think is not part of this forums rules. I am just watching out for the groups best interest and I don't want any of us to get in trouble. Tell you what, PM Glenn and ask him what he thinks. If he greenlights it I am definitely in.
Yea I would definitely throw in some money in the pot!
But this would have to be organized. People would need to state the fact that they are in and send their payment by a certain date, I would say by the end of the first week. After that nobody should be allowed to enter late.
You guys are focusing on next month already?? I see this as midway of the 4th Qtr. I am close in hitting the 100 inch mark. But 6.5 inches may not seem like much but that means I have to land some very big fish. I am game though. This friendly rivalry has me all worked up, to finish the month strong.
On 8/21/2013 at 8:50 AM, BassinLou said:On my outing today, a baby alligator came out of nowhere and almost got my frog. In the 15 yrs I have been fishing that canal I have never seen a gator. Also so several rats as well. Those surprised me to but its expected for them to come out at night. I think I should start fishing with rats. I have a few of them.
Lou rats and mice are one of bass' favorite foods. If you hav them around your canals you definitely need to throw on a mouse lure and see what happens, I would try them around the same time you started seeing them
Lou you said it best friendly rivalry, it makes using that much more enjoyable for me
I am going to carry a rat to see what happens. I have noticed though at my canal, I catch 1 or 2 fish 15 min before the sun goes down, and once the sun goes down and darkness settles, the canal goes quiet and all the fish activity stops.
I've only fished one canal there aren't many in my part of Jacksonville I have to go to Ponte Vedra. I have seen massive fish jumping out the water but I never have any luck there. Not to mention at that spot there is a snake colony everywhere u walk you see a snake hole. There are a few small gators and alligator gar too
my new handles for my reels the other reel has the same blue and orange handles with a orange middle GO GATORSSSSS
On 8/21/2013 at 9:30 AM, BP10 said:my new handles for my reels the other reel has the same blue and orange handles with a orange middle
Gators fan huh I saw a Florida gators bait caster online it was pretty cool looking
On 8/21/2013 at 9:48 AM, AK-NJ1986 said:Gators fan huh I saw a Florida gators bait caster online it was pretty cool looking
LOL it is all GATORS around here.....Do they even have a college ball in NJ???....I disowned my Terps when they said they were leaving the ACC.
Enter the Dragon.....Went out this morning landed this, only bite in about 45 minutes. It was a fun catch, 3 jumps, one was after it went under a cable to the fountain, got back on the right side and then a run up a big culvert before landing her. Peeling drag, it was a little light on the setup as u know I was borrowing a buddies lender casting setup, 6' zebco M/F with a ABU MAG I with 12# big game. It was slow dragging a KVD finesse worm(Mutilator) T-rigged with 1/4 oz bullet...kept bottom contact barely moving. Her stats are 6.5# on the boga, and 22" long....she my only this month that is worthy so I am at 22" total.....What is your big fish Lou? Did I take you?
On 8/21/2013 at 10:39 PM, MCS said:LOL it is all GATORS around here.....Do they even have a college ball in NJ???....I disowned my Terps when they said they were leaving the ACC.
Yea our big school was Rutgers that's where I did my thang. There are a bunch of other schools but that's the well known one... We produced some NFL talent nowhere near the state of FL as a whole. I'd say FL and TX schools have produced the most NFL talent.
I was going to go on a FL Gators and Tebow rant gator diehards don't want that, it would be off topic anyway
On 8/21/2013 at 10:48 PM, AK-NJ1986 said:Yea our big school was Rutgers that's where I did my thang. There are a bunch of other schools but that's the well known one... We produced some NFL talent nowhere near the state of FL as a whole. I'd say FL and TX schools have produced the most NFL talent.
I was going to go on a FL Gators and Tebow rant gator diehards don't want that, it would be off topic anyway
I know Rutgers dude, I was kidding....there was a guy that just won a super bowl the played there... Ray Rice GO RAVENS! LOL...
On 8/21/2013 at 10:47 PM, MCS said:Enter the Dragon.....Went out this morning landed this, only bite in about 45 minutes. It was a fun catch, 3 jumps, one was after it went under a cable to the fountain, got back on the right side and then a run up a big culvert before landing her. Peeling drag, it was a little light on the setup as u know I was borrowing a buddies lender casting setup, 6' zebco M/F with a ABU MAG I with 12# big game. It was slow dragging a KVD finesse worm(Mutilator) T-rigged with 1/4 oz bullet...kept bottom contact barely moving. Her stats are 6.5# on the boga, and 22" long....she my only this month that is worthy so I am at 22" total.....What is your big fish Lou? Did I take you?
What time were you fishing this morning?
Nice fish I think Lou has u beat by like 1oz or u may have him by 1oz it's close between you two for the big fish of the month
On 8/21/2013 at 10:52 PM, AK-NJ1986 said:What time were you fishing this morning?
Nice fish I think Lou has u beat by like 1oz or u may have him by 1oz it's close between you two for the big fish of the month
Got there a little after 6 left at a little before 7. Man I wanted to get up and be there at 5:30 but....sleep prevailed....I caught her about 6:15ish i guess. I made a few casts with a lipless and then second cast with that worm.....BAM!....well more like tap tap...
On 8/21/2013 at 10:57 PM, MCS said:Got there a little after 6 left at a little before 7. Man I wanted to get up and be there at 5:30 but....sleep prevailed.
That's funny me2 exact times I thought I set my alarm for 5:15 and then I ended up waking up at 8a. I wanted to see how the bite was this morning after the full moon, someone said something about a blue moon it was so bright last night. U showed that the BIGGENS were lurking early AM I wish I woke up
Nice MCS, WTG!! No I gotcha beat by 5oz my friend. Mine went for 6lbs 10oz. I had to go double check in the gallery. Regardless, great fish.
On 8/22/2013 at 1:05 AM, BassinLou said:Nice MCS, WTG!! No I gotcha beat by 5oz my friend. Mine went for 6lbs 10oz. I had to go double check in the gallery. Regardless, great fish.
Well, I think the scale reads .25 .5 etc. as it is a spring so it is to the pound. so that would mean 6.5 is a 6 pound 8 oz fish so you got me by 2 oz....ever so close!!!!!
I couldn't recall if you had 6.1 or 6 pound 1 oz or 6 pound 10 and it was the worse case! I thought I had ya!!!! man you were not far from 7
MCS, Sad thing is I know that that fish is heavier. My scale runs on the light side but there is no way of telling by how much with pin point accuracy, I tried. $$ is tight right now and I wanted to get a sweet Chatillion scale that J. Franco led me to. That scale is one of the most pin point accurate hand held scales you can have. But, it's little pricey. OH and by the way!! I just remembered!! Remember the spot I went to last month, where I landed that monster in my avatar pic where I was chased out by FHP. Well, my brother-in-law spoke with another trooper that works in the area and he said, he doesn't understand why I was told to leave. It's ok to fish that pond as long as your vehicle does not present to be a road hazard. Soooo, you know what that means AK.
I do know what that means Lou I may be in trouble quick lol. I remember that post I believe u had 3 nice ones including the BIGGEN.
But I am tied down for the rest of the week so fishing will be minimal but next week IT'S GOING DOWN no responsibilities lol.
My goal, I don't think my lengths will hold up this month, is to get the big fish of the month. I definitely held 2 or 3 that would have got me that but I got butter fingers ha
Lou maybe the trooper who chased you off is a member of this site and silently participating in our competition lol wouldn't that be something if he was the ninja and post pics from your spot lol
Someone from another forum I am part of said something along those lines. I found it to be pretty funny. That would be something if he was the ninja. LOL.
On 8/22/2013 at 1:21 AM, BassinLou said:MCS, Sad thing is I know that that fish is heavier. My scale runs on the light side but there is no way of telling by how much with pin point accuracy, I tried. $$ is tight right now and I wanted to get a sweet Chatillion scale that J. Franco led me to. That scale is one of the most pin point accurate hand held scales you can have. But, it's little pricey. OH and by the way!! I just remembered!! Remember the spot I went to last month, where I landed that monster in my avatar pic where I was chased out by FHP. Well, my brother-in-law spoke with another trooper that works in the area and he said, he doesn't understand why I was told to leave. It's ok to fish that pond as long as your vehicle does not present to be a road hazard. Soooo, you know what that means AK.
Yeah weights are a little sketchy baised on scale and vary scale to scale....That is why I like length hard to get an inacurrate length....Yeah that is what I thought only if there was a hazard. the FDOT ponds you cannot fish are posted as such around here.
Yeah around here FDOT ponds have high fences and signs all over. Obviously, I would not go there. But the pond I went to, really left me scratching my head when I was leaving.
Lou you may be in trouble for the big fish!! Dave just sent me a text saying he hooked into the biggest bass of his life... For him that means over 13lbs 8oz!!! This pond is probably 50 yards if that so it's not that big at all. I remeber he took me there last week and I'm like I don't understand is this big a$$ puddle lol. He pulled out a few fish and two nice ones between 4 and 5.
Next week best believe I will be there putting in work tryin to hook her lol. I am going to do a lot of scouting this week since I have a lot of free time. Need to locate the BIGGENS so next month I can compete for that BPS gift card, I need me some more frog hooks if I am fortunate enough to win that's where that's going.
On 8/22/2013 at 2:23 AM, AK-NJ1986 said:Lou you may be in trouble for the big fish!! Dave just sent me a text saying he hooked into the biggest bass of his life... For him that means over 13lbs 8oz!!! This pond is probably 50 yards if that so it's not that big at all. I remeber he took me there last week and I'm like I don't understand is this big **** puddle lol. He pulled out a few fish and two nice ones between 4 and 5.
Next week best believe I will be there putting in work tryin to hook her lol. I am going to do a lot of scouting this week since I have a lot of free time. Need to locate the BIGGENS so next month I can compete for that BPS gift card, I need me some more frog hooks if I am fortunate enough to win that's where that's going.
Let me guess, mister modesty has no pics?!?!?.....Man that thing would be 2 times my fish this morning!!!! That a different spot than OPC? over off argyle forest by any chance?
Fortunately, for me, I don't think Dave threw his name in the hat for this month. Am I mistaken? Also, I asked Martin last night and I will ask you, if you want to include a Bass card next month pls...pls ... follow up with Glenn first. I don't want this thread locked on silly assumptions.
On 8/22/2013 at 2:28 AM, BassinLou said:Fortunately, for me, I don't think Dave threw his name in the hat for this month. Am I mistaken? Also, I asked Martin last night and I will ask you, if you want to include a Bass card next month pls...pls ... follow up with Glenn first. I don't want this thread locked on silly assumptions.
Gift card is cool and all that but I think it is a bit over the top. I like the friendly fun...pack of baits is good. I mean I am down with that. If I have to start throwing 10 or 20 bucks a month to play even one time I am done. Perhaps it should work like this. Someone starts....could be BP10 with last month, sends a pack of bait to the winner. Then the winner of that month is to send it the following month. Maybe even the bait should be what the winner caught his/her biggest or most fish on.....If you win two months in a row then treat will eventually lose AK LOL
On 8/22/2013 at 2:26 AM, MCS said:Let me guess, mister modesty has no pics?!?!?.....Man that thing would be 2 times my fish this morning!!!! That a different spot than OPC? over off argyle forest by any chance?
Yea no he definitely would have taken a pic. He just hooked it on a frog and lost it after the second jump. Yea this pond is different than OPCC all those ponds in there are huge. No it wasn't over by argyle this pond is over by the Academy in orange park. Like I said if you saw it you would think it was a big ass puddle lol.
I never checked out that pond you told me your buddy caught and released that monster. I will prob go over there next week
On 8/22/2013 at 2:35 AM, MCS said:Gift card is cool and all that but I think it is a bit over the top. I like the friendly fun...pack of baits is good. I mean I am down with that. If I have to start throwing 10 or 20 bucks a month to play even one time I am done. Perhaps it should work like this. Someone starts....could be BP10 with last month, sends a pack of bait to the winner. Then the winner of that month is to send it the following month. Maybe even the bait should be what the winner caught his/her biggest or most fish on.....If you win two months in a row then treat will eventually lose AK LOL
Lol I was gonna be like sucks for me if I win again I will have to treat myself lol.
Martin is only throwing in the gift card out of the kindness of his heart the mods can't do anything about that, but the whole throwing money in a pot could be a problem which is understandable.
MCS it's funny u mentioned the $10 $20 thing because I was down with that originally then it wouldn't be fair because some of us can fish more often than others. The whole friendly comp we have is a lot of fun and provides good conversation and every so often when someone wants to throw in a prize for that month that's cool.
On 8/22/2013 at 2:42 AM, AK-NJ1986 said:Lol I was gonna be like sucks for me if I win again I will have to treat myself lol.
Martin is only throwing in the gift card out of the kindness of his heart the mods can't do anything about that, but the whole throwing money in a pot could be a problem which is understandable.
MCS it's funny u mentioned the $10 $20 thing because I was down with that originally then it wouldn't be fair because some of us can fish more often than others. The whole friendly comp we have is a lot of fun and provides good conversation and every so often when someone wants to throw in a prize for that month that's cool.
That is my thought exactly
Yeah Martin is cool for doing that but man if it becomes monthly and I don't contribute like that then I feel bad. U know what I mean
I really enjoy this thread. The friendly rivalry and banter keeps me coming back for more and I have improved my skillset ever since we started this. I also really like the relationships we formed with each other. We all have a competitive side other wise we would not be participating, I just don't want what we got going on to get ruined.
Now if martin was putting up a bottle of zubrowka.....then I wouldn't feel bad and I might try a little harder......who am I kidding I would try alot harder
On 8/22/2013 at 3:02 AM, MCS said:That is my thought exactly
Yeah Martin is cool for doing that but man if it becomes monthly and I don't contribute like that then I feel bad. U know what I mean
Yeah I will contribute a prize one month, probably a pack of my hollow body frogs I use and ultra vibe worms (my new favorite soft plastic sorry senkos)
MCS and Lou have you guys ever used ultra vibe worms? The fish around here love em! I have most of my success fishing em top water and the yoyo technique
On 8/22/2013 at 3:26 AM, AK-NJ1986 said:Yeah I will contribute a prize one month, probably a pack of my hollow body frogs I use and ultra vibe worms (my new favorite soft plastic sorry senkos)
MCS and Lou have you guys ever used ultra vibe worms? The fish around here love em! I have most of my success fishing em top water and the yoyo technique
Yep bitters makes the best, they were really killer last fall....well late august, sept, oct.
Yea I have a pack of bitters that I got from that Strike Zone store you told me about. Can't beat 2 for $5. I think one pack of the Zooms cost $5 and they give you 15. Not sure how many are in bitters pack but I would guess anywhere from 8 to 10 so they are definitely a better buy.
Not sure if academy or dicks carry Bitters
I can do BassPro card and bottle of Zubrowka LOL as stated earlier by others and myself, let's just forget the pay to play idea. I don't mind donating a gift to the winner and i see no harm in that to us nor the forum in general
AK, do you mean the zoom u-vibe worms? I have fished with those in the past. Last season I used horny toads more so than u-vibe worms. But I keep gravitating to the hollow body frog until the temps start to change.
Yea those are what I'm talking about. Frogs have slowed down for me, I catch the bigger ones on the frogs but catch more fish with the Uvibe worms. I have more success with the frogs in the AM. Haven't been able to wake up early enough the past few days I hope to get out there tomorrow morning before sunrise and see what happens, I only have a few frog hooks left so I can't afford to lose any, Me and Dave bought out Academy's stock and they said they aren't probably getting any shipments from their warehouse which I don't understand
Tomorrow is my very early day, I am up before 0530, unfortunately its not for fishing. I am going out again a little later though. AK lookout!!
Yeah man good luck when you go out I'm not sure if I can go fishing this evening I will prob spend some time with the family before they leave for the week
AK, you not being able to go out to fish tonight is music to my ears. LOL...LOL
Lou I want to see some pics of fat fish all under 18" tho so I can hold onto my slim lead lol
Yea I am on lockdown I think until they leave only fishing I can do is in the AM for 2 hours or so it's gonna be rough lol
I will be out in the morn....AK u know there is an Academy on atlantic, might still have your hooks.
On 8/22/2013 at 5:31 AM, MCS said:I will be out in the morn....AK u know there is an Academy on atlantic, might still have your hooks.
Yea I wiped them out too about a month ago lol. I was fishing gate parkway and ran out so I went to the academy there. It's weird they don't carry the hollow body frogs at that one. Both stores only have the weighted hooks in size 6 I believe. I use the unweighted size 5 because they for the frog perfectly.
I know they had them at BPS in Orlando but when I was there they had 5 packs and I bought em all, hopefully the restocked them because I will be in Orlando Sunday so hopefully they did
Before you guys ask me how do I go through so many hooks the answer is my own stupidity castin in trees and such lol
Also had a few fish take my hook. I felt bad for one who was gut hook, really wanted that frog, and I couldn't get the hook out it was a nice size fish too
AK, the less I know about your fishing blunders, the better. Your slippery hands, losing hook issues, running out of your favorite lures,and with all of that you land some pretty good fish. You better perfect that by the time you make your trip down here.
Yeah I kno it's rough over here man lol
I just got back from fishing my jigs in some deep water for over 2 hours... NOT EVEN ONE BITE!!!
On 8/22/2013 at 8:39 AM, mvorbrodt said:I just got back from fishing my jigs in some deep water for over 2 hours... NOT EVEN ONE BITE!!!
They didn't want the jig today I guess
I just got in from my night time canal adventures. First off, in the first time in my life. 2 blocks away from my house, a FWC officer pulled over and saw me fishing. He kindly came by and asked me for my fishing license. Fortunately, I had my wallet with me, and thank goodness for BR, because I followed someone's advice and did 3 copies of my fishing license. One is in my car, one in my wallet, one in my boat. AK, guessed what I asked him since I had his undivided attention?? If I could fish turnpike retention ponds. Guess what he said? You know.. he said yes, as long as I am following the law and there are no signs and I am not obstructing traffic in any way. I am good to go. I also caught a nice bass, but unfortunately he was not 18 inches, he was 17. Nice and fat, on my lure of the year.... frog. Lastly, I posted a pic in other species section, I caught my PB of Jaguars. This one hit like a bass and I actually thought it was a nice bass until I reeled him in and saw he was a Jaguar. It measured 15 inches, but before I could take another pic, with the scale it flopped and slid right down the bank and into the water. I caught this one next to a culvert with a frog also.
Martin, so your secret weapon spot was a dud. LOL. You will catch them next time. Tick...Tick...Tick....
On 8/22/2013 at 8:50 AM, AK-NJ1986 said:They didn't want the jig today I guess
they didn't want jig for sure! i could see large bass in the shallows chasing little fry but i didn't have any swim baits with me
On 8/22/2013 at 8:51 AM, BassinLou said:I just got in from my night time canal adventures. First off, in the first time in my life. 2 blocks away from my house, a FWC officer pulled over and saw me fishing. He kindly came by and asked me for my fishing license. Fortunately, I had my wallet with me, and thank goodness for BR, because I followed someone's advice and did 3 copies of my fishing license. One is in my car, one in my wallet, one in my boat. AK, guessed what I asked him since I had his undivided attention?? If I could fish turnpike retention ponds. Guess what he said? You know.. he said yes, as long as I am following the law and there are no signs and I am not obstructing traffic in any way. I am good to go. I also caught a nice bass, but unfortunately he was not 18 inches, he was 17. Nice and fat, on my lure of the year.... frog. Lastly, I posted a pic in other species section, I caught my PB of Jaguars. This one hit like a bass and I actually thought it was a nice bass until I reeled him in and saw he was a Jaguar. It measured 15 inches, but before I could take another pic, with the scale it flopped and slid right down the bank and into the water. I caught this one next to a culvert with a frog also.
That's cool that you ran into a cool cop funny he asked for your fishing license. Mine expired in June I need to get around to renewing it probably next week.
Lou atleast you got a picture of your fish before it flopped back into the water, I wish I was so lucky. Next time I catch a big fish I am going to take a pic while its still hooked just incase my butter fingers reemerge lol
Got a frog question for you guys. Ive discovered the hollow body benefits to these bad boys, took them to my apt complex pond w/ lots of weeds just to give it some practice today and i feel like they are gonna do some work at my new spot. Are you guys fishing more of the zoom horny toad soft plastics or more the "lifelike" pond crasher frogs? And maybe a little pros and cons of each?? Much appreciated!!
dsidle, I mainly use hollow body frogs (lifelike) ones. Pros for hollow body frogs are their versatility. You can chug them, walk them, burn them . They stay in the strike zone longer. They float . Horny toads, aka buzzing frogs. They are mainly for that buzzing. They have to keep moving to do it's job. Both are very effective. You just have to now the water your fishing and see what mood the fish are in. If you see a lot of chasing going on, on top then use a buzzer. Cons, I cannot think of one. AK used more of the buzzing kind I think.
Yea I use the hollow body buzz kind best of BOTH worlds... That's why I stress that the ones I use are the best because you have the benefits of both and like Lou said there aren't any cons IMO.
Hollow bodies are good because you can pause at the holes in the grass, vary how much noise u make and do a walk, pop, or straight retrieve.....cons lots of misses (especially when starting with em) and they take on water..(I throw a live target mouse)...horny toads (add vibe tail worms in here too) are more of a subtle buzz bait, easier to set a hook...con speed is fast or faster (tho I heard some will let them sink).both are pretty weedless. I use the horny toad and vibe especially last year with more success personally. This year until June I was back and forth with a pop-r and jumpin minnow. I fished the live target most recently but I am more catching small ...on top and big slow and below. Not really a fan of the hollow body, but I got mine as a gift just this year maybe it will grow on me.
There she is the love of my life
Y'all see that lunker frog with the legs? You guys gonna throw that? Kinda like your brand AK....I seen the ones AK throws and he is right it is a combo, probably a overlooked brand but a buzzer u can pause, that is just SILLY!
On 8/22/2013 at 9:44 AM, AK-NJ1986 said:image.jpg
There she is the love of my life
I think I might try them.....and y'all keep posting while I am typing, makes me a step behind lol
On 8/22/2013 at 9:48 AM, MCS said:I think I might try them.....and y'all keep posting while I am typing, makes me a step behind lol
Yea MCS these will change your outlook on frogs
Very overlooked brand so much so that Academy won't restock their supply!!!! I am going to make a massive online purchase so I will be good for a couple months.
Greetings everyone. My name is Juan and I know a few of you guys from the South FL thread. BassinLou and AK-NJ1986 told me about this thread and the monthly comp's that go on. A little about myself...I'm originally from KY, just separated from the military (5yrs) and relocated to south FL so I'm new to the area.
I have a few fish that I've caught this month, however they won't be counted because they're unmeasured. So from here on out, I'll make sure I grab my tape measure when I go rip some lips. I'll post the pics of the fish I've caught just to share with you guys. Just a reminder, they're not counting towards my monthly measurement because they are unmeasured for exact length.
I'm fairly new to fishing (started last year) so I'll be reading your guys post on what lures you use and how to use them. I'm probably the 'biggest' rookie in this comp so whenever I catch a big fish, I'll be like a kid in a candy store hahaha. I mainly fish jigs and worms. Just added brush hog and fluke to the arsenal. Fluke has been my go to bait every since I've been using it haha. Well, if any of you guys have any questions, PM or just post in the thread. I'll be following this thread as well now. Go rip some lips!
There were about 2-3 other pics but I'm not going to worry about posting them. Hope you guys like
Tonight's two catches...shouldve been 5 but i missed 3. they stopped biting at midnight. I believe they sensed that thunder and lightening coming. Oh yea, I caught all of them on a white pearl w/chartreuse tail fluke in the canal that run around my community expect the two from tonight. Caught them on yum d2 dinger. One on June bug and other on watermelon something. Those came from a golf course pond btw. A VERY shallow pond. Those fish might die if we have a heat wave with no rain for 2weeks
On 8/22/2013 at 9:55 AM, AK-NJ1986 said:Very overlooked brand so much so that Academy won't restock their supply!!!! I am going to make a massive online purchase so I will be good for a couple months.
Man I hate buying online but sometimes it is required to get what you want. The shipping is what chaps me, especially if I don't want buy 20 or 50 worth of something.....
On 8/22/2013 at 10:22 PM, MCS said:Man I hate buying online but sometimes it is required to get what you want. The shipping is what chaps me, especially if I don't want buy 20 or 50 worth of something.....
Yea on TW if you spend over 50 you get free shipping or $5 for 2 days and $10 for next day. I am the same way though I would rather not deal with online fishing purchases because of the shipping. Since the stores are out I am going to have to go the online route. I might see if anyone I know needs anything and just get their money and place a big order and pay the $10 shipping
I planne on going out this morning around 530 6 but Mother Nature wouldn't allow it, it was down pouring. I went out at 9:30 for only 40 mins or so and managed to miss two and land 4. The biggest was 19". It was pretty cool I casted on land and brought the frog into the water right on top of the fish I saw the fin and tail as it got spooked then it did a 180 and slammed the frog all happened within 5 seconds was pretty cool. The interesting thing was that the fish hit it from behind but came out the water mouth down on the frog from above, I have never seen a fish do that to my frog ever I think it was a p*ssed off strike, wish I could have got it on camera it was pretty awesome to see since I've never seen that before
On 8/22/2013 at 2:25 PM, juan_LMB said:Tonight's two catches...shouldve been 5 but i missed 3. they stopped biting at midnight. I believe they sensed that thunder and lightening coming. Oh yea, I caught all of them on a white pearl w/chartreuse tail fluke in the canal that run around my community expect the two from tonight. Caught them on yum d2 dinger. One on June bug and other on watermelon something. Those came from a golf course pond btw. A VERY shallow pond. Those fish might die if we have a heat wave with no rain for 2weeks
Juan that first fish is a fatty!! Nice catch glad you PMd me about the frogs and golf courses. You will get them on the frog just gotta stick with it especially since u said the golf pond is shallow when they are on you are going to slay em.
Being your tape measure with you next time so you can get the pics with the lengths. I know there's only few days left in this comp but the fish you posted in the South Fl thread and these would have definitely put you in contention or even in the lead you posted some real nice catches!
On 8/22/2013 at 2:25 PM, juan_LMB said:Tonight's two catches...shouldve been 5 but i missed 3. they stopped biting at midnight. I believe they sensed that thunder and lightening coming. Oh yea, I caught all of them on a white pearl w/chartreuse tail fluke in the canal that run around my community expect the two from tonight. Caught them on yum d2 dinger. One on June bug and other on watermelon something. Those came from a golf course pond btw. A VERY shallow pond. Those fish might die if we have a heat wave with no rain for 2weeks
Juan that first fish is a fatty!! Nice catch glad you PMd me about the frogs and golf courses. You will get them on the frog just gotta stick with it especially since u said the golf pond is shallow when they are on you are going to slay em.
Being your tape measure with you next time so you can get the pics with the lengths. I know there's only few days left in this comp but the fish you posted in the South Fl thread and these would have definitely put you in contention or even in the lead you posted some real nice catches!
On 8/22/2013 at 11:02 PM, AK-NJ1986 said:Juan that first fish is a fatty!! Nice catch glad you PMd me about the frogs and golf courses. You will get them on the frog just gotta stick with it especially since u said the golf pond is shallow when they are on you are going to slay em.
Being your tape measure with you next time so you can get the pics with the lengths. I know there's only few days left in this comp but the fish you posted in the South Fl thread and these would have definitely put you in contention or even in the lead you posted some real nice catches!
hahaha, yea they were fat; hungry fish. the one laying down beside the sidewalk....sad to say but she died. Ate the entire worm and the hook was in her throat. I didn't even feel her take the worm on the fall. Got ready to give it a couple twitches and felt weight. After removing the hook, i put her back in the water and she floated moving her gills and fins. I walked back over there to check on her and she was floating dead on the side of the pond. (
On 8/23/2013 at 12:40 AM, juan_LMB said:hahaha, yea they were fat; hungry fish. the one laying down beside the sidewalk....sad to say but she died. Ate the entire worm and the hook was in her throat. I didn't even feel her take the worm on the fall. Got ready to give it a couple twitches and felt weight. After removing the hook, i put her back in the water and she floated moving her gills and fins. I walked back over there to check on her and she was floating dead on the side of the pond.
Yea man I have good luck not killing fish when they are hooked deep only happened twice this year, and they were small so no biggie. It's a shame though that one you caught was a nice size fish too bad it died.
Did you try to rejuvenate it by holding the tail and moving it back and forth to get the oxygen to the fish? A couple times I put the fish in the water and it will act weird or float on its side so I do that until the fish swims off.
On 8/23/2013 at 1:04 AM, AK-NJ1986 said:Yea man I have good luck not killing fish when they are hooked deep only happened twice this year, and they were small so no biggie. It's a shame though that one you caught was a nice size fish too bad it died.
Did you try to rejuvenate it by holding the tail and moving it back and forth to get the oxygen to the fish? A couple times I put the fish in the water and it will act weird or float on its side so I do that until the fish swims off.
I couldn't really get down to the water. It was full of weeds and other BS. Didn't know where the drop off was at and wasn't trying to go swimming with them haha. If I had a net, I would've take it out and walked to the other side where I could get down to the edge of the water. So far, #1 I've killed but like you said...its a shame b/c it was a nice size. I'm sure there are other bigger ones down in there though.
Juan, nice to see you on board. Looking at the pics, I am not so glad I told you about this thread. LOL. MCS, give the frog a chance. AK, swears by his and I swear by mine (hollow bodies). I tell you what, if you would have caught your 6lbs 5 oz bass on the frog, you would be singing a different tune right now. Give them a chance, trust me.
Juan, sometimes you do what you can for a fish, but when they get so deeply hooked, there is only so much you can do. Did you try to reach the hook thru the gill plate, and try that hook removal technique? Or were you able to see the hook and expose and pinch down the barb of the hook? Since, I have learned those 2 techniques my fish survival rate is 99%. That 1% are for the fish that suffer that rare gill damage on hookset.
On 8/23/2013 at 2:16 AM, BassinLou said:Juan, nice to see you on board. Looking at the pics, I am not so glad I told you about this thread. LOL. MCS, give the frog a chance. AK, swears by his and I swear by mine (hollow bodies). I tell you what, if you would have caught your 6lbs 5 oz bass on the frog, you would be singing a different tune right now. Give them a chance, trust me.
I only got the live target because my 6 yr thinks they are cool and his mom took him shopping for my was between that and a pad crasher but he like the mouse better LOL....I took them one trip and only use it, missed 3 small ones and out of the 4 or five trip I used it, I missed all my hook ups and the only nice sized fish that was the closest to getting a solid hook caused it to take on water. It impales itself alot. I know I need to try another brand like boyah or spro, but when I drop funds on the gear there are other things I rather buy. Plus once I get my casting combo fully put together I am going to stock up on siebert spinner baits and jigs, then need some trailers too.
On 8/23/2013 at 2:33 AM, MCS said:I only got the live target because my 6 yr thinks they are cool and his mom took him shopping for my was between that and a pad crasher but he like the mouse better LOL....I took them one trip and only use it, missed 3 small ones and out of the 4 or five trip I used it, I missed all my hook ups and the only nice sized fish that was the closest to getting a solid hook caused it to take on water. It impales itself alot. I know I need to try another brand like boyah or spro, but when I drop funds on the gear there are other things I rather buy. Plus once I get my casting combo fully put together I am going to stock up on siebert spinner baits and jigs, then need some trailers too.
For $8 you get 3 frogs and 2 hooks that's $1.60 per item which is a pretty good deal when you break it down like that. I'm not sure but I believe the spro and booyah frogs are kind of expensive maybe $6 to $8 for one... and my brand works better lol jk.
Do the live target frogs have the double frog hooks or are they treble hooks? I think I remember seeing a frog that had two treble hooks but not sure how effective that would be around pads and vegetation
On 8/23/2013 at 2:16 AM, BassinLou said:Juan, nice to see you on board. Looking at the pics, I am not so glad I told you about this thread. LOL. MCS, give the frog a chance. AK, swears by his and I swear by mine (hollow bodies). I tell you what, if you would have caught your 6lbs 5 oz bass on the frog, you would be singing a different tune right now. Give them a chance, trust me.
Lou that's funny I was thinking the same thing hah jk. Its good to get more people in here we all like the competition and we all definitely enjoy seeing the pics!
I have a free day today and figures Mother Nature is on her period right now messing up my fishing
On 8/23/2013 at 2:22 AM, BassinLou said:Juan, sometimes you do what you can for a fish, but when they get so deeply hooked, there is only so much you can do. Did you try to reach the hook thru the gill plate, and try that hook removal technique? Or were you able to see the hook and expose and pinch down the barb of the hook? Since, I have learned those 2 techniques my fish survival rate is 99%. That 1% are for the fish that suffer that rare gill damage on hookset.
Wait I have never used either of these techniques I don't think I ever needed to I guess but I am curious. With the gill you would just go in that way to try to remove the hook? And pinching the barb down with pliers would make it easier to make that hook slide out, when would you do that?
Live Target mice has some kinks to work out. But live target frogs imho, are one of the best frogs right now. Yes, are they harder to walk than a booyah frog. Yes, they are pricey. But these things last a while and can take good beating. They are double hook designed, so when a bass smacks it and you get a solid hookset, that fish isn't going anywhere. With my experience so far, booyah's are good to. But their endurance for me is suspect.
The frogs I use are double hooked as well and we all know how many I lose on before and after they are hooked. That's why I imagine that a treble hook design would make it harder to maneuver but have an excellent hook set ratio
AK, I have been searching for the technique I mentioned on here and I can't find it on the fly. But its on BR, with diagrams. It works awesome. Especially on bigger fish. It's tougher on yearlings because of the small cavity in their mouths. Look it up and your fish mortality will increase significantly. The pinching the barb technique is easy. Expose the hook as best you can to the barb, pinch it well and the hook should work its way out. When I am in the glades I also carry a hand held plier like wire cutter. In case of emergencies. That's more for me and my guests in case of accidents.
Side note: I just hit 1,000 posts with you guys. Cool.
I will take a look at the live target frogs Lou
AK the ones with the trebles are rebels frog r and the have a frog pop r too. They are hard bodied. My son got me the frog pop r as well. It is a little light but works good. I am partial to pop r though
The frog I was talking about is the live target walking frog. Looks like it's a hard body frog I may check it out but I don't like spending over $10 on one lure. I can get 3 packs of mine for $2 more and have 8 more frogs than I would have for $10.
I will put that on my birthday gift list November 7th (case u guys wanna get it for me lol)
AK, Live target also makes a hardbodied frog with a treble hook, but that's more for open clean water. You can't throw it in slop like pads and grass.
AK, its cheaper for you to get a Live target frog. You can't tell me your frogs do not rip easily. Can your one pack of frogs last 50 nice bass hookups?
On 8/23/2013 at 3:15 AM, BassinLou said:AK, Live target also makes a hardbodied frog with a treble hook, but that's more for open clean water. You can't throw it in slop like pads and grass.
Yea I figured because they wouldn't be able to get through the thick stuff
On 8/23/2013 at 3:18 AM, BassinLou said:AK, its cheaper for you to get a Live target frog. You can't tell me your frogs do not rip easily. Can your one pack of frogs last 50 nice bass hookups?
They actually are pretty durable only problem is that they come off the screw on the hook unless you super glue them. I have done that with a few of them and I haven't lost one yet, actually I lied I lost one in a tree. Only problem with the superglue is when one color isn't working have to retie on another
But like I said they are surprisingly durable I have caught multiple big fish on em as long as they stay on the screw you are good. I only had one that ripped one of the legs was bit off by what I have no idea
I had one time I caught a nice size fish and the frog flew off in the water. I take the hook out the fish release it and then go back in my tackle bag to get another one. I hear an explosion on the water turn around and the white frog was gone lol.
Few times too when I lost the frog in the water I come back another time and find them on the bank. I recovered about 6 that way
AK, check out this article. This is the technique I was talking about I am sure you have seen this:
AK, let's just say when you make your trip down, bring a few packs of frogs. You will be losing plenty, if we time this trip right.
On 8/23/2013 at 3:34 AM, BassinLou said:AK, let's just say when you make your trip down, bring a few packs of frogs. You will be losing plenty, if we time this trip right.
Yea I plan on making a big online purchase before I make the trip down south.
You just need to tell me when the fish are on fire down there and I will be there that weekend! When the basketball season starts back up I will be going to a few Miami Heat games so I won't be a stranger depending on how far you are to there, but my rod will be in my car with my Lebron jersey lol
Lou when we go out one of those days I want to target some peas I need some of them in my photo collection... if big enough I'll throw one on the wall lol
On 8/23/2013 at 2:16 AM, BassinLou said:Juan, nice to see you on board. Looking at the pics, I am not so glad I told you about this thread. LOL. MCS, give the frog a chance. AK, swears by his and I swear by mine (hollow bodies). I tell you what, if you would have caught your 6lbs 5 oz bass on the frog, you would be singing a different tune right now. Give them a chance, trust me.
lol, I just catch fish. I honestly thought they were short but had a little weight to them. I guess they are competitive catches hahaha
On 8/23/2013 at 4:34 AM, juan_LMB said:lol, I just catch fish. I honestly thought they were short but had a little weight to them. I guess they are competitive catches hahaha
Yea some of them look short but sure are fat. My fish are usually long but not as fat you guys got them all u can eat buffet fish in south fl out fish up here in Jacksonville are on weight watchers
On 8/23/2013 at 2:22 AM, BassinLou said:Juan, sometimes you do what you can for a fish, but when they get so deeply hooked, there is only so much you can do. Did you try to reach the hook thru the gill plate, and try that hook removal technique? Or were you able to see the hook and expose and pinch down the barb of the hook? Since, I have learned those 2 techniques my fish survival rate is 99%. That 1% are for the fish that suffer that rare gill damage on hookset.
No, I didn't try pushing the hook through the gill plate because it would've caused more damage. However, I did do that a few days ago to the fish I was throat hooking. It help. I pinch down the barb on all of my hooks with my gerber (multi-tool) before casting. It helps a lot when removing the hook. There was actually a small piece of meat of the fishes throat but was difficult to get out. I eventually got it though. I believe it ripped the rest from when it was fighting in the water and I was pulling it out.
Juan, when you start measuring and weighing your fish you will find that you are doing quite well considering other people are having a hard time getting into fish this summer.
On 8/23/2013 at 2:55 AM, AK-NJ1986 said:Wait I have never used either of these techniques I don't think I ever needed to I guess but I am curious. With the gill you would just go in that way to try to remove the hook? And pinching the barb down with pliers would make it easier to make that hook slide out, when would you do that?
the gill opens up very wide when you push over there. so when you hook slides through one of the gills, gently pull it back through so you don't hook one of them (gills) haha. out comes the hook.
Juan, what are the hook sizes you are using again? On Flukes I use 3/0 and 4/0 EWG Gamagatzu hooks. I think the reason, the hooks are getting so deeply hooked is because of the night fishing. Although you are doing great. The darkness is limiting your vision to read your line. By the time you realize the fish is on, the fish grabbed it a while back.
On 8/23/2013 at 4:45 AM, BassinLou said:Juan, what are the hook sizes you are using again? On Flukes I use 3/0 and 4/0 EWG Gamagatzu hooks. I think the reason, the hooks are getting so deeply hooked is because of the night fishing. Although you are doing great. The darkness is limiting your vision to read your line. By the time you realize the fish is on, the fish grabbed it a while back.
Flukes and baby brush hogs size 3/0. worms and lizards 5/0. yep, that's another reason i'm detecting the fish so late. can't see my line in the moon light too well. the fish aren't aggressive neither. kinda just come by and pick it up. not a hard thump
That's what I suspected Juan. Try using the same 5/0 hook your using on the lizard with flukes. Just try it and see if that changes anything.
Ok. I'll give it a shot tonight Lou
AK, I wanted to get out for little after dinner and just hit culverts, but mother nature also had other plans. Oh well, I will try again tomorrow. I have 9 days left to make something and knock down our current King of the Hill. I don't want to name any names or anything but his initials are A.K.
I just got back in and not were the fish on fire!!! I was out for a hour and caught 13 fish!!!! Biggest was probably 12" lol. I swear every one of those dinks felt like it was a monster fish ha. I was using a Uvibe worm in watermelon red. I was sick of catching dinks so I left, I sat in my car dumbfounded like all those fish and not ONE big one... Very frustrating but fun go catch em non the less. Only negative is I only have 3 worms left and plan on going fishing tomorrow morning. Good thing wal mart is 24hrs so I am going to go later tonight after my fantasy football draft!!!
You guys are really lucky for the next few months no fishing Sunday all day, Monday and Thursday nights... I am more obsessed with football than fishing
I appreciate the frog comments, and looks like i got quite a discussion started! Ive just invested in a live target frog and only used it once and my non-hot spot with no luck. Look very promising though. I think im gonna have to give the hollow body frogs AK fishes a shot as well just to see what I like best.
Dsidle, frogs like the millions of other lures available to us, not always catch fish on that particular day. Tomorrow is a new day, and the fish's mood will change. Keep at it. When the hit comes, and believe it will. You will be hooked on them just like the rest of us. It's only a matter of time. What color of Kopper frog did you get btw?
By the sounds of it we lost AK everyone, during football season.... Yay!!! LOL..LOL
On 8/23/2013 at 8:29 AM, BassinLou said:By the sounds of it we lost AK everyone, during football season.... Yay!!! LOL..LOL
Lol yea you did. Sunday is usually my main fishing day but now it's football day.
If the Eagles have a bad season then you have to worry about me fishing Sundays lol.
On 8/23/2013 at 8:22 AM, dsidle61 said:I appreciate the frog comments, and looks like i got quite a discussion started! Ive just invested in a live target frog and only used it once and my non-hot spot with no luck. Look very promising though. I think im gonna have to give the hollow body frogs AK fishes a shot as well just to see what I like best.
Did you go to Dicks or Academy?
DS one day you need to come out with Me Dave and Derrick You three all live in OP you just got to wait for me to make the 20min drive and it's on lol
On 8/23/2013 at 8:26 AM, BassinLou said:Dsidle, frogs like the millions of other lures available to us, not always catch fish on that particular day. Tomorrow is a new day, and the fish's mood will change. Keep at it. When the hit comes, and believe it will. You will be hooked on them just like the rest of us. It's only a matter of time. What color of Kopper frog did you get btw?
I got the yellow black one. I will definitely be using them alot, I just took it to my apt complex pond to see what it fished like bc ive never fished one. Hoping to take it to my good spot tomorrow evening.
On 8/23/2013 at 8:37 AM, AK-NJ1986 said:Did you go to Dicks or Academy?
DS one day you need to come out with Me Dave and Derrick You three all live in OP you just got to wait for me to make the 20min drive and it's on lol
I got my koppers frog from the dicks on wells road. Academy is a little further down the road so i get most of my stuff at dicks. They usually have a decent selection, minus the fact that they only ever have 1 color of the 6" senkos, but hey they work. That would be great to get together. derrick got in touch w me about fishing once but it was right before i got married and left on my honeymoon for 2 weeks so we havent gone out. But yeah maybe we can plan something. I dont do mornings bc i work at 630am every morning and i dont stay out much past 930/10pm bc of the afore mentioned working at 630am lol but well have to do it sometime.
On 8/23/2013 at 9:04 AM, dsidle61 said:I got the yellow black one. I will definitely be using them alot, I just took it to my apt complex pond to see what it fished like bc ive never fished one. Hoping to take it to my good spot tomorrow evening.
I got my koppers frog from the dicks on wells road. Academy is a little further down the road so i get most of my stuff at dicks. They usually have a decent selection, minus the fact that they only ever have 1 color of the 6" senkos, but hey they work. That would be great to get together. derrick got in touch w me about fishing once but it was right before i got married and left on my honeymoon for 2 weeks so we havent gone out. But yeah maybe we can plan something. I dont do mornings bc i work at 630am every morning and i dont stay out much past 930/10pm bc of the afore mentioned working at 630am lol but well have to do it sometime.
Yea I like the 6" senkos in black with blue flake dicks does have good stuff academy has a lot more but it's not as close to you as dicks.
Yea we need to set something up for a weekend or one benign after you get out of work. Derrick is the same he can't do mornings unless weekend and when we go out in the afternoon he has to go by 9:30, and he's afraid of the dark lol. Me and Dave usually stay out into the night... Once I run into a snake at night that's the end of my night bank fishing lol so far so good though
Yep thats pretty much my schedule. Ive never really done night fishing for bass. Only catfish a few times but im not much of a fan of that, its a little slow for me. Ive been snake less so far this year knock on wood!
I went out this morning to my golf course and for the first time in a while I got skunked. I was there from 5:40 til 7:20. I had two misses on the frog and that was it. The fish weren't active this morning don't know if it had something to do with the rain or the full moon. I'm going to take getting skunked as a sign and not go fish tonight I'll try again Saturday morning.
If some of you go out or went out this morning hope you had some luck
On 8/23/2013 at 7:36 PM, AK-NJ1986 said:I went out this morning to my golf course and for the first time in a while I got skunked. I was there from 5:40 til 7:20. I had two misses on the frog and that was it. The fish weren't active this morning don't know if it had something to do with the rain or the full moon. I'm going to take getting skunked as a sign and not go fish tonight I'll try again Saturday morning.
If some of you go out or went out this morning hope you had some luck
Yep I tried that spot I landed the nice fish miss. that was it.
AK, j went fishing at the golf course pond around the corner from my house last night and got skunked too. Had a few bites on a worm but they didnt take it for me to set the hook. I was hearing them splashing and could see the waves from them swimming around. I guess they wasnt hungry.
So I started out working the hell out of my live target frog. Didnt get ONE bite. It's so frustrating because I give it every retrieve I can perform. In the pads, past, beside and around them. Open water too. NO bites. I even threw it out gave it a few twitches and let it sit there while I fished my worm. Oh yea, I lost my last worm hook last night to a Lilly pad stem. I think those stems are very thick and don't rip out too easy. I threw a jig, worm, and frog...nothing. So I left.
Came home for a few hours to eat and relax. I couldn't take it, I was determined to at least catch one. I head to the Canal behind me house around midnight and went straight for the kill shot. Threw the fluke in my hot spot and fish it like I always do. First cast, got a bite but set the hook too fast. I don't believe he had the whole thing in his mouth because I felt him pulling away with it. Still determined to miss. About the 6th cast, I finally got him. I actually waited until I felt A LOT of weight and slammed the hook. Eventually I switched to the frog before I left because I was hearing a lot of splashing to the right of me on the other side of this tree. FIRST CAST, I popped him twice pause popped one and let it sit...SPLASH! I think that fish was huge. I'm sitting here reeling and pulling. Next thing I know, the line goes super light and the d**n fish got off!! I was livid...but happy I experienced that too water bite. I think I jacked it up because I didnt set the hook like I wanted the fish. I'm so use to setting the hook with worms and flukes that I forget I need to really slam it with those frogs. *deep sigh* maybe next time.
At least I caught the one fish I was determined to get haha
Yea man I am going out with my wife tonight to dinner and a movie but I purposely left both poles in my car so after we do the whole quality time thing I'm gonna see if she wants to fish before we go home, even put change of clothes for us both to fish in the trunk... Got her hah
I love at night when you feel the big bite or even better when you hear it. It's tough dealing with a missed hook set of even worse when you got her and she comes off, gives you te suspense of what coulda been. That's why I like night fishing a lot I could do without te bugs snakes and gators tho
To this day I still can not get the image of the biggest bass I have seen on this site on my line jump a good 2 feet out the water and then get hung up in pads about 10 to 15ft maybe to me and come off. My boy Derrick witnessed it and we go to that spot regularly, going tomorrow morning.
So I'd rather night fish and lose the BIGGEN so I don't have another concrete image stuck in my head
Juan, you definitely, have to stick the bass hard with a frog. If you set the hook like on a fluke set up, you will have your heart broken again. That was good learning experience. You are one determined man to go out again.
Lou do you or anybody else plan on doing some fishing this weekend? Going after the BIGGEN at the Gate spot tomorrow morning with Derrick
AK, does a bear crap in the woods?? Of course I am going fishing this weekend. Later today for some late evening action, and guess where on Sunday, late afternoon? You know where.
No go last weekend. Went to Salt springs and had zero bites. Went "somewhere" in the Oklawhaha chain and caught a few tinys. nothing over 2lbs.
Hitting up Lake Lochloosa next saturday. I'll say it for the 100th time, Fishing in North Forida sucks compared to the Orlando area.
I'm doing pretty good in Jacksonville but not doing the numbers in use to, this weather recently has been a factor I think. I am going to be in Orlando on Sunday I am going to be doing some fishing while I am there.
Lou I do know where you are going! For my sake I hope that cop comes back lol. I look forward to seeing pics and good luck man
Thanks AK. I am looking forward, to coax some pigs to come out and play. For my sake, I hope that trooper does not drive by again. That would be something.
here are the frogs I have, the one in the package I got today. I only caught one fish with a frog an I lost that one in a tree lol Andrew and dave kill'em with the frogs everytime we go out, buzzbaits are my choice for topwater fishing
Bass Czar, that frog on the left I have also. It's a scum frog. I have not used that frog in years. I am not a fan. But that particular frog taught me lesson. I was fishing years ago in the everglades during the summer. The water was high, it was hot, and the fishing was very slow. So I did a bad cast and the frog flies to the middle of the finger canal I was fishing on. I start bringing in the frog, all frustrated that the day was a bust and all of sudden a huge bass explodes on this frog. By the time I react. The bass jumps in the air and throws the frog. I was crushed, for letting a great opportunity slip me by. The lessoned I learned was that any time a frog is in the water, anything can happen at any time.
That's why with frog fishing you need to be locked in. That's my problem I lose focus so I miss a lot of fish I need my medical to help me focus lol
AK, I need you unfocused next week until Saturday.
I just got in after working 2 miles of canal. I am beat, and defeated. Frog was definitely not on the menu today. Maybe tomorrow.
I though this was pretty cool. I did not see it until I reviewed now with my son. I took a pic of the resident baby gator that hangs out by the culvert at the canal I fish on. I went to show my son the pic I took when I look closer there are 2 bass hanging out below the gator. I though it was cool. Check it.
I give up! Oh, and next month we're doing a snakehead tournament instead
Got this one on a Jitterbug... figured I change things up and throw some odd top-water lures I haven't used in ages...
Problem with a snakehead tournament you and handful of guys will be playing. I don't have snakeheads down here, and AK, MCS, Bass Czar and others from up North do not have snake heads up there. Martin congratulations!!! you won the Sept King of the Hill Snakehead tourney. Yay!!! I new you could do it.
Oh here you guys, I messed up and have been saving the majority of my pics in my gallery as thumbnails. Ooops!! Here is a corrected pic of the baby gator.
On 8/24/2013 at 8:37 AM, BassinLou said:Problem with a snakehead tournament you and handful of guys will be playing. I don't have snakeheads down here, and AK, MCS, Bass Czar and others from up North do not have snake heads up there. Martin congratulations!!! you won the Sept King of the Hill Snakehead tourney. Yay!!! I new you could do it.
was just kidding about the snakehead tournament Lou
On 8/24/2013 at 8:39 AM, BassinLou said:Oh here you guys, I messed up and have been saving the majority of my pics in my gallery as thumbnails. Ooops!! Here is a corrected pic of the baby gator.
i wonder who was stalking who
I hate it when I can't interpret jokes. You got me.
I'm at bass pro shop and the salesman asked me what was I targeting, snakehead. Told him heck no, just bass. Next thing you know, what do I catch on my live target frog? A snakehead hahaha
He destroyed that frog by the way. The hooks were ripped all the way out. Thank God it was reparable and I just had to pull them back through.
On 8/24/2013 at 9:07 AM, juan_LMB said:
I'm at bass pro shop and the salesman asked me what was I targeting, snakehead. Told him heck no, just bass. Next thing you know, what do I catch on my live target frog? A snakehead hahaha
He destroyed that frog by the way. The hooks were ripped all the way out. Thank God it was reparable and I just had to pull them back through.
HAHAHA MY SNAKEHEAD IS BIGGER THAN YOURS HAHAHA!!! LOL sorry couldn't resist yea i nailed on today on a jitterbug, had few bites on a lizard but no luck
Lol yea yours is bigger.
Braved the rain this evening up here in Jax to get my line wet. Fished only my live target frog at my good spot, had one miss and one tossed me on the jump, looked like a pretty decent fish. Only stayed out for about 45 min before I got sick of the rain.
Welcome man, glad to have you next month. Maybe you can show us Jax boys how it is done down south since Martin and Lou can't catch a cold and fstr likes his real job better than fishing LOL
MCS, I'm in south FL. Catching some big girls (check the pics). Welcome cutlerjay. Share all experiences and post pics. I'm new myself to bass fishing and I'm getting good at a fast pace haha.
Stop at Wells lake after dinner with my girl before our movie. Got there around 10:00 cast out once bring it about 5 feet from me and one missed it. Two casts later got one but came unhooked by a tree. Then I cast out the second it hits the water boom. Set the hook and my girl wanted to reel it in. I gave her the pole and she reeled her in, after I gave her pole I was like man if she loses this fish cuz I knew it was big. She gets it on land I remove the hook measure take a few pics then release her. She went 20" and 5.8. Caught her on a white frog.
Now I'm at 98" (20, 20, 20, 19, 19) I'm going out tomorrow morning with Derrick to gate and my new spot up the street from my house. Hopefully I get some nice ones will post pics tomorrow at some point
Hi CutlerJay, its great to have you. You are in prime peacock territory down there in old cutler. Nice canals. We are here to help. But looking at your pics you will be just fine. MCS, nice jab, your comment made me laugh out loud. Then I checked my numbers and looked at yours and I new I was ok. Jab..Jab... LOL. Honestly, though, if MCS had more time I think the Jax group would have some serious competition. AK, since your girlfriend reeled in the fish that does not count toward your numbers,...sorry. Just kidding. Nice job and fish. Juan, koppers frogs do that a lot, after a big fight. The frog will slide up the line. Its easy to slide the frog back down and reposition it. Martin, keep tearing up those snakeheads, it will distract you from bass and you will be one less person I have to keep an eye on.
Dsidle, I didn't forget you. It was nice to see that you have been sticking to the frog and you saw signs of life yesterday. Unfortunately, the fish became unbuttoned. You will learn over time when frog fishing, to give your self a second or two once the bass takes the frog, before setting the hook. That way the hookset insures you, you stick them well. I remember when I first started fishing with frogs, I thought, the fast reaction was a good thing, and in this case you have to against what your instincts are saying and actually tell yourself to slow and calm yourself down before you set the hook. Keep at it. Your surprise is coming soon.
Went out this morning to gate got there at 6:15 first few casts I get a huge strike at the bank but missed. Then I was switching baits first was frog, then I used a walk the dog yamamoto hard bait I think its called a pencil or something like that, swim bait, worm then switched back to the frog. Casted out over by some trees and got a nice 4.10lb 20" bass. She destroyed my hook bent it all out of shape. Caught a few other small ones at my other pond and golf course.
Lou I'm creeping up towards 100" at 99" now. I wont be fishing for the rest of the day though going to do some fishing in Orlando tomorrow though.
It's all good AK, I am going to my spot tomorrow. If I do not produce there, then the week will be very challenging. Although now I am 7 inches behind, its not that easy to catch up to that. But you know me I am up to the challenge.
Just a quick ? For all those throwing frogs. I picked up a spro frog the other day but then realized I use a medium xfast action rod (already broke tip on it and replaced it...(thank you extra insurance) with 8lb braid. Am I asking for another broken tip or snapped line with this setup? Thanks.
On 8/25/2013 at 1:06 AM, CutlerJay said:Just a quick ? For all those throwing frogs. I picked up a spro frog the other day but then realized I use a medium xfast action rod (already broke tip on it and replaced it...(thank you extra insurance) with 8lb braid. Am I asking for another broken tip or snapped line with this setup? Thanks.
i would definitely up the line test to like, 50lbs braid my frogging setup is MH/F 6'8" rod with 50# braid and drag clamped down all the way! 8lbs braid will snap the instance you try to pull one out of thick grass or lily pads me thinks...
M/XF should be OOOKKK i think, though I would like something heavier for stronger hook sets.
On 8/25/2013 at 1:06 AM, CutlerJay said:Just a quick ? For all those throwing frogs. I picked up a spro frog the other day but then realized I use a medium xfast action rod (already broke tip on it and replaced it...(thank you extra insurance) with 8lb braid. Am I asking for another broken tip or snapped line with this setup? Thanks.
I would go get you some 30 or 50lb power pro slick braid. The rod you have is fine I have a medium rod I use and medium heavy 6'9" and 7'. I catch some pretty big fish in lots of pads and vegetation without braid you wouldn't get the fish in through all that
CutlerJay, great question, here is where you are going to get mixed advice. You pick what works for you. I personally use for my everyday rod set up for local canals a M/H Avid X-fast tip 7 ft long. I have that spooled up with 30lb PP. You could go heavier, but after catching some big fish this summer in the canals, I do not see the need to go higher. In the everglades, my frog set up is H, XF, 7ft 4inch, St. Croix rod with 50 lb PP. Imho, 8lb braid, with medium rod, you may run into trouble. The braid is too light, and the rod does not have enough setting power. You may get away with it with small fish, but a big bass or peacock you will have to really know what your doing. If the rod has already broke, that area could be compromised.
Correction.... CutlerJay, the warranty you had replaced your rod.. I would still consider a M/H.
Thanks for the replies. I had a feeling I may be on the light side. Think I will leave this setup for soft plastics and my little neighborhood ponds. Sounds like I need another combo for the big hogs out onto the gear research. I enjoy that part too. Cheers
so guys, I just bought myself a new rod the other day while at bass pro (i know, i live in that store). It's the bass pro tourney special spinning rod. it's a 6'6 MH fast action rod. the line weight is 6-17lbs but however I bought a spool of 20lb braid. Is it ok for me spool my rod with it when it's time? I read on another form people were saying it's ok, just properly set the drag and don't try to man handle the fish with the rod or it'll snap. What do you guys recommend?
Juan spooling up with twenty lbs braid would be fine on that outfit. What reel would you be using? Remember to use some mono for backing, then tie on the braid. What baits do you plan to throw on that setup?
Cutler Jay, there are plenty of threads on rods and reels here. You will have plenty of stuff to read. If you need a fresh perspective, ask questions in the tackle section. Just be ready for many opinions.
On 8/25/2013 at 11:36 AM, BassinLou said:Juan spooling up with twenty lbs braid would be fine on that outfit. What reel would you be using? Remember to use some mono for backing, then tie on the braid. What baits do you plan to throw on that setup?
The real is the one coming off my bass pro stampede. That's my next investment, 2 aftermarket reels. I plan on throwing my typical; flukes worms and frogs. Can't crank in the canals, too much grass in them. The guy at BPS told me about leaving some mono on the spool and typing it off to the braid.
It's a spinning mistake. I'm not too proficient with baitcasters
I just had to get the shot in there on you guys lol. I know Lou it is always about time. I had 2 hours on the water this week if that.....amazing I stuck it out and finished #2 the first month we had this...but then I was getting a few more hours in then. Lol
MCS, taking care of your brood requires time. You and the Mrs. are out numbered 2 to 1. It's amazing still found time to get out. Your jab, took me off guard. That's good though, all u guys keep me on my toes.
Juan, I noticed, you really enjoy fishing the fluke. In my experience, when you use braid for flukes, the action changes. I would keep the fluke on a mono outfit, and frogs, jigging, t-rigging on the braid. Just my humble opinion.
On 8/25/2013 at 9:40 PM, BassinLou said:MCS, taking care of your brood requires time. You and the Mrs. are out numbered 2 to 1. It's amazing still found time to get out. Your jab, took me off guard. That's good though, all u guys keep me on my toes.
That's what we're here for to help make one another better anglers
It's all good MCS.
On 8/25/2013 at 11:47 AM, juan_LMB said:It's a spinning mistake. I'm not too proficient with baitcasters
Juan I use a spinning combo with 50lb braid I am the same way I gave up on the baitcaster though too many birds nests
On 8/26/2013 at 12:29 AM, BassinLou said:It's all good MCS.
Lou did you end up going to your spot this weekend? I caught a few small ones in Orlando biggest was 17". Before I leave I am going to go back out and then I am going to stop at some of the parkway retention ponds on my way back up to Jacksonville
AK, I actually changed my mind, and met up with member from here Geo G. He was kind enough to show me one of his spots in Weston. Very nice spot. We caught a few but nothing to brag about. Breath easy, you are still in the lead. Martin and I tried to meet up but our schedules didn't allow it.
Well looks like I found a spot loaded with large hungry bass
I think I was at 56" so far so that makes is 56+18+16 = 90" so far...
Great job Martin! It's too bad we couldn't meet up. Looks like it would have been productive. Also all your whining about summer fishing paid off. LOL What were using to catch those? Jig? or did you switch it up.
On 8/26/2013 at 9:05 AM, BassinLou said:Great job Martin! It's too bad we couldn't meet up. Looks like it would have been productive. Also all your whining about summer fishing paid off. LOL
What were using to catch those? Jig? or did you switch it up.
Zoom 6" and 8" lizards, in green pumpkin / red flake, my go to swim bait
Yeah, I remember you used to use those before. Glad they produced for you.
On 8/26/2013 at 9:09 AM, BassinLou said:Yeah, I remember you used to use those before. Glad they produced for you.
More importantly, I found a spot that has a nice parking and access to water, and is connected to a Turnpike Pond that I know has huge bass
Just had to dodge the security guards once in a while LOL
Martin good catches they look like weight watchers Jacksonville fish
I may have to switch it up from the frog like you did with the jig if it doesn't work for me today
I hope today wasn't any indication of how the rest of my free week is going to turn out! Was stubborn today in the heat from 11a til 6p and threw nothing but the black frog. I caught 1 fish weighed 4.6lbs and 20". After that nothing. I hit up atleast 6 different ponds and not even bites or activity in the water. The sun got the best of me and the fish.
I am going to OPCC tonight see if the fish will be active in the cooler water temps. Hopefully to make up for today!
That fish puts me at 99"
I hit the water at 6 for about 45 this morning, slow dragging same as my big fish last week different spot. Tons of action, missed a few, one got the worm off the hook, but all landed were smaller. But tons of action they were hitting fast and hard too bad I had to leave so tonight might be good for u they seemed to like the cool water and low light.....the water was up 1-1.5 feet and a little murky but not too badOn 8/27/2013 at 6:38 AM, AK-NJ1986 said:I hope today wasn't any indication of how the rest of my free week is going to turn out! Was stubborn today in the heat from 11a til 6p and threw nothing but the black frog. I caught 1 fish weighed 4.6lbs and 20". After that nothing. I hit up atleast 6 different ponds and not even bites or activity in the water. The sun got the best of me and the fish.
I am going to OPCC tonight see if the fish will be active in the cooler water temps. Hopefully to make up for today!
That fish puts me at 99"
4 fish from yesterday fishing AK, 3 on a green & white scum frog and 1 on a black & gold buzzbait
the other 2On 8/28/2013 at 3:47 AM, bass Czar said:4 fish from yesterday fishing AK, 3 on a green & white scum frog and 1 on a black & gold buzzbait
Bass Czar, what is your total for the month?
im just fishing this month not competing lolOn 8/28/2013 at 4:13 AM, BassinLou said:Bass Czar, what is your total for the month?
Too bad. What's interesting is showed 5 bass?
You pull those out of the lake on wells Czar?? Just thought i recognized the building behind ya.
yes all but one which was caught at gate parkway on buzzbaitOn 8/28/2013 at 7:13 AM, dsidle61 said:You pull those out of the lake on wells Czar?? Just thought i recognized the building behind ya.
Got my new 30# braid today rigged up 5/0 super line hooks, 10" gambler ribbon tail, mag trick worms and 8" lizard....go big or go home. I might not be best 5 but I want biggest! Lou your going down!!! Lol
Nice catches czar...good info too!
MCS, I am on the same boat. Time is winding down, and time is scarce to fish. Best of the luck swinging towards the fence. I will be on Fri and Saturday.
On 8/29/2013 at 12:39 AM, BassinLou said:MCS, I am on the same boat. Time is winding down, and time is scarce to fish. Best of the luck swinging towards the fence. I will be on Fri and Saturday.
I managed 2 15" today on mag trick worms....buddy was crushing them on the jig had 3 17 or better and a couple others smaller. And a few days before that he had a couple 17 and 18" Got a nice long trip planned for Monday. Sept maybe my month.
On 8/29/2013 at 1:05 AM, MCS said:I managed 2 15" today on mag trick worms....buddy was crushing them on the jig had 3 17 or better and a couple others smaller. And a few days before that he had a couple 17 and 18" Got a nice long trip planned for Monday. Sept maybe my month.
Yeah, Yeah, don't count your chickens before they hatch. LOL
On 8/29/2013 at 3:05 AM, BassinLou said:Yeah, Yeah, don't count your chickens before they hatch. LOL
my eggs do have a tendency to get scrambled.
On 8/29/2013 at 3:50 AM, MCS said:my eggs do have a tendency to get scrambled.
The power of positive thinking never hurt anybody.
Well. I caught 7 today. 5 small ones and then a 16 and 15. It's funny, tried the frog, spinnerbait, rattle trap, and jerk bait..... Nothing nit even a nibble. I put the watermelon stick bait on and all of a sudden there are fish in the pond. Do people really catch fish on things other than soft plastics? I sure would like some thing other than a senko to see some action (more than just a wet lure). Glad to hear y'all are catching. Cheers
On 8/29/2013 at 9:15 AM, CutlerJay said:Well. I caught 7 today. 5 small ones and then a 16 and 15. It's funny, tried the frog, spinnerbait, rattle trap, and jerk bait..... Nothing nit even a nibble. I put the watermelon stick bait on and all of a sudden there are fish in the pond. Do people really catch fish on things other than soft plastics? I sure would like some thing other than a senko to see some action (more than just a wet lure). Glad to hear y'all are catching. Cheers
Yeah the spinnerbait and trap work well Oct to June...jerk bait in Dec and Jan. but it gets a little chilly up here. Cranks like bandit 100, bomber square a, kvd 1.5, get it done too. u may have to learn to put up with rippin thru weeds or rippin them off. Pop-r, kelly j's, spooks, and rebel jumpin minnows produce for me a ton. And for plastics for the most part I use ribbon tails, grande bass rattlesnakes, lizards, flukes, soft swim baits, trick worms, brush hogs, vibe worms, horny toads and craws before a stick bait. But summer fishing slow is the only way to go. My buddy has been doing well on a jig with a havoc craw trailer. Just dragging it.
Is anyone having any luck either morning mid day or evening... It's rough out here man!!! Only positive that I have taken from this week is that you need to value every strike you manage to get. I missed two big ones over by the Industrial Park ponds and another over by my spot. Other than that dinks dinks dinks! If I throw a frog I get a few strikes second I put on a soft plastic the dunk dinner bell rings. Frustrating because they bite off the tails of my worms which ruins them
Hope you guys are having luck ony thing I'm catching is a tan and I'm black so I don't need one lol
Yesterday morning was good for me and my buddy. Wish I have more time but we started at 5:30 and he worked a jig with havoc craw trailer and had 2, one 4.5 pounder by 6. I started with a 10" ribbon tail then switched to a mag trick worm(wat/red) and landed a couple in the 14-15" range and I left around 7. He landed another nice 17 and a 10" . He said same thing worked a few evenings before. he landed a 17" and 19".....So we were working a weed line, about as far as you could cast out. we would cast maybe 6-10 feet past it and come back to it, you could feel you hit the weeds and that is where they were. He said they would hit the jig when he swam it a few crank and let it die. I was work a 1/16 bullet on a mag trick, I was slow dragging, lightly swimming(just enough to get off bottom)....Maybe ditch your frogs and bring back your swim jig man. The dinks have been close to shore or around culverts cast far and deep. You know it was cooler this week too, as soon as it stays this cool it is gonna be on. Anyway that is my 2 cents from this week.
I took a few days off fishing because the bite slowed down on me. A lot of lighting with a little thunder and might have slowed them down. I stepped out last night just to mess around across the street from where I live. Yes, I forgot the tape measure again. I even forgot my headlamp, that should show you that I wasn't too serious. Well it got serious when I started getting bites. I missed 3 and caught this one HUGE bass on a June bug worm. Was retrieving it all type of ways. The canal was deep so I let my worm go all the way down and worked it back towards me. Here you Gents go...oh yea, personnel best btw
Awesome fish Juan. The bigs ones usually hit when you least expect it. You seem to be dailed in keep at it man your up your pb in no time! That looks like it might have given me and Lou a run for big bass of the month.
Went to OPCC this morning with just a bag of mix (extra frog and hook, 3 worm hooks, Uvibe, rage craw, and storm swim shads). We want late around 10:15 so I didn't bring all my stuff didnt expect to catch much in the heat. I had my frog tied on as usual. Caught one that 19" and missed 2 others. Dave was catching some smaller ones on Uvibe worms weightless. We went to a pond he calls feeder cuz the bass go in there after the shiners so we threw in swim baits and pulled in a few nice ones. He ended up getting 6 and I got 4 on the swim bait.
we are going back this evening to try the top water bite, they were chasing bait fish earlier but as it got too hot we notice less activity and we were too hot so we left.
Nice fish Juan. MCS, the fish Juan caught was nice, but not over 6lbs nice. That same fish during the spawn would be really nice!! That fish looked on the skinny side. Oh! Juan, never go unprepared fishing. When you do, its when everything happens. I look forward competing with you in Sept. MCS, looks like your activity is starting to pick up, that's good. Maybe, you can make a strong run Sept, and have us looking over our shoulders. Martin, I know you are reading these threads, how is the lizard treating you lately?? AK, I have not forgotten about you. 2 1/2 days left, I may be behind, but I still have plenty of fight in me.
On 8/30/2013 at 1:51 AM, BassinLou said:Nice fish Juan. MCS, the fish Juan caught was nice, but not over 6lbs nice. That same fish during the spawn would be really nice!! That fish looked on the skinny side. Oh! Juan, never go unprepared fishing. When you do, its when everything happens. I look forward competing with you in Sept. MCS, looks like your activity is starting to pick up, that's good. Maybe, you can make a strong run Sept, and have us looking over our shoulders. Martin, I know you are reading these threads, how is the lizard treating you lately?? AK, I have not forgotten about you. 2 1/2 days left, I may be behind, but I still have plenty of fight in me.
well the lizard and a new spot treated me to 90" e-bass this month now i have to check bribery laws in FL and see if I and the security detail at the new honey hole can come to some sort of an arrangement LOL if not then it's going to be a lot of night fishing for me
Lizard.....Might try that soon....I am getting itchy, have a long expidition planned for monday but I might have to give in before then and do the usual short outing.
On 8/30/2013 at 1:51 AM, BassinLou said:Nice fish Juan. MCS, the fish Juan caught was nice, but not over 6lbs nice. That same fish during the spawn would be really nice!! That fish looked on the skinny side. Oh! Juan, never go unprepared fishing. When you do, its when everything happens. I look forward competing with you in Sept. MCS, looks like your activity is starting to pick up, that's good. Maybe, you can make a strong run Sept, and have us looking over our shoulders. Martin, I know you are reading these threads, how is the lizard treating you lately?? AK, I have not forgotten about you. 2 1/2 days left, I may be behind, but I still have plenty of fight in me.
Has the head of a 6er.....don't blow the arm out Lou...pace yourself....Sept. is upon us soon you want to be fresh. LOL
LMAO, Good one MCS!! Trust me, I will be fine. If I miss Aug, I will start Sept strong on Sunday.
How's it goin guys? I ran across this post and noticed Ak is in on it and he and i have fished together before so i was wondering how this works? I am currently on deployment and wont be back till November but would like to get in on it then! I know a couple ponds at that ive pulled some 24" Hawgs out of so I may be able to give yall some added competition! Any insight would be great thanks!
On 8/30/2013 at 9:47 PM, pondslayer said:How's it goin guys? I ran across this post and noticed Ak is in on it and he and i have fished together before so i was wondering how this works? I am currently on deployment and wont be back till November but would like to get in on it then! I know a couple ponds at that ive pulled some 24" Hawgs out of so I may be able to give yall some added competition! Any insight would be great thanks!
Yea man I responded to your PM it goes by length. Top 5 fish lengths. We also do the big fish that we started this month so u catch that HAWG make sure u got your scale and measure
On 8/30/2013 at 9:50 PM, AK-NJ1986 said:Yea man I responded to your PM it goes by length. Top 5 fish lengths. We also do the big fish that we started this month so u catch that HAWG make sure u got your scale and measure
Ok sounds good so all you need is to take a photo of the measure? sounds good! How many ppl do yall have doing this and is it all over Florida or just in JAX? And who is the Administrator/ Record keeper? lol
On 8/30/2013 at 10:27 PM, pondslayer said:Ok sounds good so all you need is to take a photo of the measure? sounds good! How many ppl do yall have doing this and is it all over Florida or just in JAX? And who is the Administrator/ Record keeper? lol
Law school has been strict....They had a gator and been running people out left and right. Haven't fished it in a while, AK fished a couple times after me but think he stopped too. A buddy said they put up no fishing signs but I haven't been by to confirm.
Best of luck to all of you who are trying to finish August strong. Although August has been very challenging, several of you have caught some very nice fish. We may all whine from time to time, but at the end, some nice numbers have been put up so far. I am looking forward to competing with the bragging club vets next month (you know who you are) and the new guys who have come on board and have shown an interest to play sort of speak. I will put up my final numbers tomorrow night. Til then, I have under 30 hrs to make something happen.
On 8/31/2013 at 1:25 AM, BassinLou said:Best of luck to all of you who are trying to finish August strong. Although August has been very challenging, several of you have caught some very nice fish. We may all whine from time to time, but at the end, some nice numbers have been put up so far. I am looking forward to competing with the bragging club vets next month (you know who you are) and the new guys who have come on board and have shown an interest to play sort of speak. I will put up my final numbers tomorrow night. Til then, I have under 30 hrs to make something happen.
Good luck Lou my numbers are pretty much set. I keep missing the big bites and the weather is too hot for me. On the bright side football is back and this year I am going to start to follow college a lot more so that will keep me occupied.
Did you ever have luck at the "cop spot" again?
AK, believe it or not, I have not gone back. Someone from here was kind enough to show me one of his spots, that he has pulled 8's from. As we speak, I am deciding what location to go to today, and which one to wrap up with tomorrow. Decisions...decisions... I am glad you are distracted though. Watching football although fun at times, isn't much of my thing. I will be in touch.
Here a couple from Loxahatche me and my bud caught today. Wish I could show the 10 plus that spit the hook on a jump
Nice Shane!! Thanks for Bragging!! LOL.
On 8/31/2013 at 9:15 AM, Captain Shane Procell said:Here a couple from Loxahatche me and my bud caught today. Wish I could show the 10 plus that spit the hook on a jump
What you catch em on?
Gambler Big EZ and a Gambler creature bait w/1oz tungsten in the reeds
Well, though not as nice as Capt Shane's, I was able to pull a 19 incher from my neighborhood pond. I was working a weightless senko painfully slow up the slopes. Felt really good to get another decent size fish. I hope I can continue this next month. Cheers everyone.
Nice fish Cutler Jay!! I wish I would caught a couple of those today. Nice job.
Well... Deal is a deal. My final numbers for this month stands at 93.5 inches. I busted my butt this week but could not catch anything worth culling. My biggest bass this month was 6lbs 10oz. AK, I do not see anyone else posting so I guess your "king of the hill" again. Congrats!. How did everyone else do??
Shane... yur killing me!
I can't wait to get back to Orlando.
On 9/1/2013 at 8:10 AM, BassinLou said:Well... Deal is a deal. My final numbers for this month stands at 93.5 inches. I busted my butt this week but could not catch anything worth culling. My biggest bass this month was 6lbs 10oz. AK, I do not see anyone else posting so I guess your "king of the hill" again. Congrats!. How did everyone else do??
The only one worthy was my 6 lbs 8 oz at 22" I think and if I woulda cataloged the 15 and under crowd woulda had a total in the 75-85 inch range. Time was limited this month but next month I have a couple longer trips planned so hopefully be more competitive
So who won AUGUST?!? I was at 90"...
Martin, AK took top honors at 99" I hit 93.5" and you came in at 90". See all that whining and you came in 3rd in August, one of the toughest months of the year. The two biggest photographed and measured biggest fish of the month was MCS with a 6lb 8oz'r and me with a 6lb 10oz'r. If I am wrong with any of these #'s please someone correct me.
They sound right Lou nice work keeping record of this.
Congrats AK, your a marked man now, lol not gonna be easy for you.
Congrats to the top 3, good work. I think I only caught 5 or 6 six fish all month. Nothing over 15" (unless the 17" snakehead counts HaHa) I did have a couple big ones missed (too many lately) probably snakeheads anyways. Love checking these threads each day from work, makes me daydream about not being at work. Good Job everybody!
Hey Guys,
New to the forum, but is it too early to brag?
On 10/2/2013 at 4:06 AM, Mouldie said:Hey Guys,
New to the forum, but is it too early to brag?
Yea you are a few months too late lol we started a new one check it out
On 10/2/2013 at 4:38 AM, AK-Jax86 said:Yea you are a few months too late lol we started a new one check it out
Beat me to it LOL....
On 10/2/2013 at 4:39 AM, MCS said:Beat me to it LOL....
I saw this and was like what August, somebody must be living in the past then I saw he was new
LOL..LOL... I thought I went back in time....