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Braid To Floro Knot 2025

fishing user avatarsmokethis reply : 

So I'm going to give the fluorocarbon leader a try on my braided line and I was wondering what would be the best knot to tie it with? Any suggestions would be great

fishing user avatarSmokinal reply : 

I prefer the Blood knot on almost everything except on my microguide rod which I use an Albright.

Great site to learn knots:

fishing user avatarsmokethis reply : 

I was doing some research and seems like that is the strongest one I have seen. I am using it on an *** black *** so it's not a micro guide rod. Thanks for the info

fishing user avatarKoofy Smacker reply : 

Ive used a uni to uni a lot the past few years and have had nothing but stellar success with it. Usually 10lb braid to 6lb fluoro

fishing user avatarWbeadlescomb reply : 

The improved Albright is so simple I feel stupid for not using a leader on braid years ago.

Make a loop in your flouro feed the braid thru the loop maketen ten twists around the flouro go back thru the original loop wet and cinch clip tag ends. I've yet to break the leader at the knot

fishing user avatarjbsoonerfan reply : 

I use a Uni to Uni, or double Uni. I have heard it called both.

fishing user avatarTartan34 reply : 

Once I started using the Alberto knot, I won't go back to anything else.

fishing user avatarAlpha Male reply : 

I have heard a lot of you guys using different lengths of leaders. has anyone had it hangup on the guides on casts? I just started using braid last year and never used a leader for that reason.

fishing user avatarTartan34 reply : 

I haven't had a hangup with the Alberto, and I have fished it through micro guides.

fishing user avatarDarren. reply : 
  On 3/2/2014 at 9:45 AM, Alpha Male said:

I have heard a lot of you guys using different lengths of leaders. has anyone had it hangup on the guides on casts? I just started using braid last year and never used a leader for that reason.


I have had it hang up in guides, but rarely. I found that as I learned to tie leaders, getting the wraps consistent was so important, that and getting a good trim on the tag ends. Not so much the braid tag, but the leader tag. If it stuck out because I couldn't trim it with tools on-hand, it would hang up more often when trying to pitch the bait.

fishing user avatargripnrip reply : 

This is a page I bookmarked.   http://www.***.com/15-fishing-knots-every-angler-should-know/

Practice.  Practice some more.  Practice when you think you have it!

fishing user avatarEdRitchie reply : 
  On 3/2/2014 at 9:37 AM, Tartan34 said:

Once I started using the Alberto knot, I won't go back to anything else.

same here ! Alberto Easy to tie and excellent strength

fishing user avatarplumworm reply : 

Just use a uni/uni knot and don't sweat the small stuff. It works.

fishing user avatarNick49 reply : 

When I began using braid to fluoro or braid to mono I got impatient with learning some of the tougher knots.  I ended up going with the uni to uni (a couple years ago).  Easy to learn and hard to tie a bad one.  Holds up extremely well. 

fishing user avatarSirSnookalot reply : 

I use an alberto for all line joining.

fishing user avatardoyle8218 reply : 

I use the uni to uni knot.

fishing user avatarJolly Green reply : 

I tried a few before settling on the Alberto knot, and it hasn't given me any problems at all. The knot that you practice and tie well will be the knot that works best for you; that said, I like the Alberto best because the fluoro basically stays put in your hand and all the wrapping is done with the much more manageable braid. It's not only simple, it's actually easy, on top of being effective.

fishing user avatarSoFlaBassAddict reply : 

Albright or modified Albright (Alberto).

Hands down the two best. I've used them from fly fishing all the way up to giant off shore big game. The trick with the Alberto is to be patient and make sure it all seats properly.

fishing user avatarolegs reply : 

I use the uni to uni knot.

fishing user avatarstratoliner92 reply : 

j-knot for me. It was stronger than seaguar and uni-uni for me. Never tried alberto

fishing user avatarmprestonSEK reply : 

With lines of smaller diameter(8lb fluoro to 15lb braid) I use the Albright knot. With heavier line(20lb fluoro to 50lb braid) I tie the Alberto. Both hold up very well and go through the guides with no issues as long as you trim the leader material.

fishing user avatarOregon Native reply : 

I too like the double uni. I use five wraps on braid side and four on fluro side. Do it slow and keep wet and it's awesome.

fishing user avatarroadwarrior reply : 

Alberto exclusively for me.

fishing user avatarOkeechobeeAngler reply : 

Modified Albright when snook fishing.

fishing user avatarA-Jay reply : 

Uni to Uni Knot.


Used to tie the Might Knot  . . . . . . . Might Hold - Might not . . . .


Sorry that was bad.





fishing user avatarsmokethis reply : 

I fished the blood knot all day today and it worked great. Only one thing it's a little annoying when the knot goes through my guides. This is the first time I've used a leader so I'm sure I will get used to it.

Also had another question about leaders. How long do you guys usually make it and how often do you change out the leader?

fishing user avatarjbsoonerfan reply : 

I don't like it going through my guides. I usually only use a 12-16" leader and don't reel it past the tip. I also sometimes use a bead on my braid and the weight above it, so the knot stops the bead and it is sort of like a Carolina rig.

fishing user avatarSmokinal reply : 

I usually go 2 full arm lengths. I don't analyze that too much. I trim back as needed from nicks and just replace it when it gets about 4 ft long.

fishing user avatarOregon Native reply : 

What the man said...bout six ft or two arm lengths.

fishing user avatarcbass12 reply : 

Modified Albright, super easy to tie and very strong. I've tried some of the others but this one is just the easiest for me to tie.

fishing user avatardam0007 reply : 

Im looking forward to trying this new one I found, throughout this season. I do not know the name but the braid basicly holds the fluoro like a chinese finger trap. Alot of salt guys I guess use it.

fishing user avatarCgrinder reply : 

Uni to Uni if the lines are similar in diameter, Alberto if not.

fishing user avatarTim Kelly reply : 

This is without question the strongest smallest and best knot for making the connection, and this is the easiest way to tie it. It does take a bit of practise to tie, and takes a couple of minutes to tie, but the line will never break at the knot. If you make a leader up that's a couple of rod lengths long you can re-tie umpteen times and even have a few break offs but not need to tie a new leader on.

Try it and I promise you will be convinced.

fishing user avatarSmokinal reply : 
  On 3/3/2014 at 10:40 PM, dam0007 said:

Im looking forward to trying this new one I found, throughout this season. I do not know the name but the braid basicly holds the fluoro like a chinese finger trap. Alot of salt guys I guess use it.



  On 3/4/2014 at 3:40 AM, Tim Kelly said:

This is without question the strongest smallest and best knot for making the connection, and this is the easiest way to tie it. It does take a bit of practise to tie, and takes a couple of minutes to tie, but the line will never break at the knot. If you make a leader up that's a couple of rod lengths long you can re-tie umpteen times and even have a few break offs but not need to tie a new leader on.

Try it and I promise you will be convinced.

fishing user avatardam0007 reply : 
that's the one!
fishing user avatarTlaz reply : 

OK Guys

I have a few questions about this as well. I plan on trying it on a couple rods this year.

I have a topwater / jerkbait rod that I want to put braid on. Would you use Fluoro leader or Mono? Thinking mono because of the non sink factor but also want the strength. What lb Braid and leaders would you recommend

On another rod I use for cranks, lipless etc, I am thinking Fluoro for that however I was also thinking of filling slightly more than half with Braid and maybe the last 75-100 yards with Fuoro. Basically just using braid as a backing and for casting distance.

Any advice on these two setups would be greatly appreciated.



fishing user avatarDrewski73 reply : 

For the topwater/jerkbait and the crankin rod, stick with mono or flouro. Not the applications to use braid IMO. I love braid, but it isnt for everything, and those 2 situations are the 2 I dont use braid in.


I use the alberto knot, and pitch ALOT with it. Ive tied it once where it hung up, and it was the flouro tag end sticking up just a bit too much. Trimmed it, and it worked fine. I use a lot of 20 lb flouro in timber, and a uni to uni does NOT go through standard guides with 20 lb flouro very well, so I learned the Alberto.

fishing user avatarfrogflogger reply : 

For myself braid for backing isn't a good idea - I use mono for backing if I don't expect a fish to get into it with a long run.

fishing user avatarTlaz reply : 


  On 3/4/2014 at 10:49 PM, Drewski73 said:

For the topwater/jerkbait and the crankin rod, stick with mono or flouro. Not the applications to use braid IMO. I love braid, but it isnt for everything, and those 2 situations are the 2 I dont use braid in.


I use the alberto knot, and pitch ALOT with it. Ive tied it once where it hung up, and it was the flouro tag end sticking up just a bit too much. Trimmed it, and it worked fine. I use a lot of 20 lb flouro in timber, and a uni to uni does NOT go through standard guides with 20 lb flouro very well, so I learned the Alberto.

For top water and jerks, isnt it best to use a floating line like Mono or Braid?

fishing user avatargripnrip reply : 
  On 3/5/2014 at 12:38 AM, Tlaz said:


For top water and jerks, isnt it best to use a floating line like Mono or Braid?

Topwater yes. Both of those lines would work.  I don't like braid or mono for a jerkbait.  I like braid to flouro on a jerkbait only when I'm fishing it all day.  Key word "only"  Braid has no stretch.  It wears me out otherwise.

fishing user avatarTlaz reply : 


fishing user avatargripnrip reply : 
  On 3/5/2014 at 2:45 AM, Tlaz said:


No problem.  I would suggest that you use everyone's advice until you find what works for "you"   I am a machinist by trade and there is a 100 ways you can machine a part.  When it comes to fishing, it is the same.  We're all made differently.  Otherwise the world would be a boring place IMO.

fishing user avatarFelix77 reply : 

I use the uni-to-uni knot

fishing user avatarww2farmer reply : 

 Broken record time...............I use the Alberto. Easy to tie, strong, and don't hang in the guides. I use it for ALL my leaders.

fishing user avatarroadwarrior reply : 
  On 3/5/2014 at 8:08 AM, ww2farmer said:

 Broken record time...............I use the Alberto. Easy to tie, strong, and don't hang in the guides. I use it for ALL my leaders.


Simple, huh?


Not complicated, no issues...NEVER fails.

fishing user avatarww2farmer reply : 
  On 3/5/2014 at 8:10 AM, roadwarrior said:

Simple, huh?


Not complicated, no issues...NEVER fails.

????? .......You been drinking tonight ?

fishing user avatarSirSnookalot reply : 

I scratched my head over the FG knot, too much for senior citizen.

fishing user avatarroadwarrior reply : 
  On 3/5/2014 at 8:23 AM, ww2farmer said:

????? .......You been drinking tonight ?


Nope, just liked your reply!

fishing user avatardam0007 reply : 

Couldn't get knot to hold, fc slides right through....... Um

fishing user avatarFish Murderer 71 reply : 

Improved albright here.  It's what I learned first and can tie it without having to think about it to much.  Have yet to have it break...  even when I got an umbrella rig stuck up in a tree.

fishing user avatardam0007 reply : this's one came out nice just did it
fishing user avatarFish Murderer 71 reply : 
  On 3/17/2014 at 10:33 AM, dam0007 said: this's one came out nice just did it

Like this!

fishing user avatardam0007 reply : 
  On 3/17/2014 at 10:50 AM, Fish Murderer 71 said:

Like this!

just went and pitched a few dozen times in the backyard. 12 ft leader? The knot through the guides is annoying!!!!! Feel it catching on the guides and it's shortening the distance and the noise is annoying! There's gotta be a better way lol edit* hooked the jig to the fence and pulled like all hell the knot is definitely tough
fishing user avatarSirSnookalot reply : 

At times I find the knot coming thru the guides a bit annoying as well, however I do not think it affects the distance, leader is about 3'. I tie my knot with less cross wraps and it seems to be smaller.  I don't have a set number of up and down wraps, whatever makes a neater knot depending on the combination of braid and leader thicknesses.  Standard bass or peacock set up is 10# braid and 10# leader, 7 wraps up and 1 down.  Standard inshore set up 15 or 20# braid and 30# leader, 8 up and 2 down, been holding just fine on 25+ fish saltwater fish.  I have not retied my joining knot or loop knot to my lure in 4 days of fishing, just left the same lure on.

fishing user avatardam0007 reply : 
  On 3/17/2014 at 2:00 PM, SirSnookalot said:

At times I find the knot coming thru the guides a bit annoying as well, however I do not think it affects the distance, leader is about 3'. I tie my knot with less cross wraps and it seems to be smaller.  I don't have a set number of up and down wraps, whatever makes a neater knot depending on the combination of braid and leader thicknesses.  Standard bass or peacock set up is 10# braid and 10# leader, 7 wraps up and 1 down.  Standard inshore set up 15 or 20# braid and 30# leader, 8 up and 2 down, been holding just fine on 25+ fish saltwater fish.  I have not retied my joining knot or loop knot to my lure in 4 days of fishing, just left the same lure on.

the rod I'm intending on pitching with is what I want to have leader on. I usually have a rod length of line out when I cast/pitch. I think if I trim leader down so knot isn't going through the eyes I'll be alright.
fishing user avatarRepo reply : 

Check out this video.  BY far the easiest I have found.  Haven't had break yet.


fishing user avatarboostr reply : 

I usually use the uni to uni, but the Alberto looks way easier... Gonna have to try it.

fishing user avatarIluvsmallies reply : 

I tried the fc knot as well and kept sliding out on me....not sure what i was doing wrong

fishing user avatarfish365 reply : 

Only tie braid to floro in winter and use Seaguar Knot. It's fast and lets me get gloves on in a hurry.

fishing user avatarBass2124 reply : 
  On 3/2/2014 at 9:37 AM, Tartan34 said:

Once I started using the Alberto knot, I won't go back to anything else.

Couldn't agree more!  This is the best knot for braid to flouro/mono in my opinion.

fishing user avatarXyndifor reply : 
  On 3/20/2014 at 12:18 AM, boostr said:

I usually use the uni to uni, but the Alberto looks way easier... Gonna have to try it.

Alberto is easy. You can't really mess it up. I used to use double uni knot but I like the profile of the Alberto much better. Skinny is good.


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