Just received the flier on the BPS spring sale and as usual there are some good deals if you have casting/spinning you want to trade in for a cash allowance on a new reel, or a rod you can cash in on a new rod. With the discount and allowance for a trade in you can pick up a Pro Qualifier for $70. Carbonlite 2.0 reel and Carbonlite rod combo for $120. I did notice that the cash allowances are not as great as they have been in the past. Last year I traded in my old ProQualifier on the new Chronarch MGL and got $50 off. I think it starts on the 15th. The high end JM rods and reels are also marked down.
I like the sales on braided line this year plus I have 2 rods and reels to trade in. Moving up to baitcasting this year.
Where do you see the sales? It starts on the 16th.
Google "Bass Pro Spring classic flyer"
Oh yeah...the Sufix 832 braid for less than $10.00....i'm getting 5 spools....
Anyone know if the gear has to be in usable condition or not? A salesman there on friday told me they would take broken rods, but didn't mention anything about reels. I have some reels that would work given some new parts, but I don't really want to mess with them to fix them. Then I have some really old gear, like wooden rods and old conventional/spincast reels that I don't really need or want anymore. I also have a reel with a broken reel seat, but it works otherwise. I wondered if they would take those for any trade value, and if so, how much roughly would they be worth?
This equipment is spread around to various youth groups. Future anglers. You really should keep your, broken, non working gear at home. An employee is “suppose” to inspect your offering before they give you your coupon.
They also have inexpensive reels that can be purchased for like $5 or $10 that are donated to various fishing groups as mentioned above.
I was hoping the Minn kota ulterra would be part, but no luck.
I had high hopes.......
At our store, the sale starts on the 16th. All rods and reels must be in working condition and are supposed to be checked when taken. We are told that a tip could be broken, but not any further down the rod. Also told that everything is refurbished donated to various charities/ organizations. There will be $5.99 reels to purchase to trade if you don't have one.
Okay that's what I thought, just wanted to be sure since I didn't see any actual details on that. Granted, all the reels are fairly easy to fix I think, I just haven't had the extra cash to fix them.
I have some good rods I could take, but those are just spincasts. Probably not worth much credit though. If it has to be both reel and rod, then I probably won't bother dealing with that cause some of them don't have dedicated reels anymore. All I really want is a Carbonlite rod, I was told the rods would be on sale for sub-100 range. I don't really care about the reel that much for $120, I already have a reel I want to put on it.
I’ve done the trade in on both reels and rods. I’ve traded in some old Academy Mettle’s I had bought on sale for $39.95 and got the $20 off another reel. I did see spincast reels in the bin but like the earlier poster said, they should be in working condition. They don’t base the discount off of the type of reel but rather the amount you spend on the new one. The amounts are in the flyer.
Where is the 25% off Zoom® plastics?
"Reason", No Zoom this year. First year that Zoom hasn't participated. I know what I've been told as to the reason, but I'm not a liberty to post it. I like my job way to much to lose it over a post.
"FishDewd", You can trade any reel or rod (spin-cast, spinning, bait-cast, even fly). You don't have to trade "kind for kind". In example, you can trade a spin-cast in on a bait-cast. Like "The Fisher" noted, the amount of credit you get is based on the rod or reel you purchase. The more expensive the rod or reel, the more credit. Look at page two in your flyer for the chart.
If all you want is a Carbonlite rod, it will qualify for a trade in. However, the Carbolite COMBO noted on the cover for $119.97 DOES NOT qualify for a trade in. It's already priced at 50% off.
Okay cool, thanks. I'll bring some gear up there. Have a few things that are definitely fishable.
I have read that Carbonlite combos are sold at such a low price due to them having cheaper internal parts. I have noticed that the item #'s on them do not match any other Carbonlite combos that BPS sells online. The other individual rods and reels listed in the flyer match the item #'s listed online. Does anyone have any further info on this?
Edited by Medico22733I got a gift card burning a hole in my wallet. Might stop by Saturday and get some of the rapala shadow raps that are discounted.
It is the same reel, you are getting the rod for free.
So I went, I saw, I conquered... kind of. They kind of pulled a fast one on me. The original ad I saw showed a carbonlite reel and said "buy a reel at $119.97(9?) and receive a carbonlite rod for free". It made it sound like I could choose a reel and then choose a rod. But that's not what it was at all... they had pre-made combos available in 6'6"-7'0" variations of medium to heavy. They did not the medium-lite rod combo that I wanted, in right or left hand (I wanted a left). I showed them the ad I downloaded and printed earlier this week, and while they agreed the wording was misleading and that I was right to think I could pick a rod, they refused to honor it. Also, I wasn't terribly impressed with the reels. I liked how the star wheel and spool knob clicked, but the spool bearing seemed sub-par to me and did not have much free spin to it. Ultimately I turned in one Zebco Mercury pole with a nice little 33 reel on it that I've used to pull many a fish out of creeks with, and got the $20 off for the medium-lite rod that I actually wanted. I also tried to cash in my credit points, but was told I didn't have any points on my card which I've had loaded at customer service 3-4 times now. So I ended up paying the full $100 for the rod (not bad a bad price though, not complaining) and for the red eye chartreuse sexy shad lipless crank I bought with it. Apparently you can combine the discount for an old rod/reel with points on your reward card to get a bigger discount. Too bad I couldn't do that, and I can't get that credit back cause the receipts are too old. I was told that the employee must have not pushed "enter" when my previous points were applied. Well, that's great. Good job! So I made sure the points were applied this time when I bought the rod and crank, so now I have 100 points when I should've had closer to 300 to use for a few extra bucks off. It was just chaotic to say the least! Hardly anyone was working, the people in customer service were really slow and giving this guy a hard time about a return purchase price for a Mossberg shotgun he had bought. Don't think I will mess with Bass Pro's sales events anymore, they just do not have their stuff together. Lol.
With that said, I like the rod! I loads at 1/8th easily and I think it will be perfect for throwing weightless plastics. I think I will enjoy it a lot. It has a Fuji first guide with K series mini guides the rest of the way down. It is light, sensitive, and balances perfectly with the reel I put on it. So I"ll be testing it out next week now that temps that stabilized back into the 70's again. I think Spring is finally almost here! At least where I live anyway.
Now that the Bass Pro Spring Fishing Classic is under way.
How many of you are planning on a trip to take advantage of the deals?
Doubtful. "Sales" at BPS just means they got prices down to were they normally are a lot of other places with an occasional exception.
I am going Monday. Just for a few items though.5 for 10 spinners is why I am waiting til Monday. I agree that aside from about a dozen things, there aren't any "crazy" deals.
Nope. I'm good.
On 2/17/2018 at 5:10 PM, Oregon Native said:Hmmmmmmmmm.......No
I'm not going either. Don't need anything.
But where is the love for BPS? I'm not feeling it from all the responses
Not what it once was. Now that BPS took over Cabela's there aren't many real deals. Also it use to be more of an outdoor expo kind of event, now not so much.
I stopped by yesterday on my way home from work. It's not how I remember it. I ended up saving $2 on $65 worth of tackle. I didn't see any vendor booths (maybe that's only on weekends). It might be worth it if your looking for something very specific that happens to be one of their sale items. They had bins and bins of discounted rooster tails and everyone on the lake will seemingly be casting a new carbonlite combo.
I've gone every year since 2009. I have never seen vendors show up at these events. At least not at my local BPS. That would be a cool feature to have
We went yesterday. For somthing to do. Was disappointed. Once again. I was told the trilene 100 fluoro was not for the fluoro xl...so I didn't buy any.(it is by the way, at least online) Plus line sizes were not the ones I wanted. They were out of 8 lb. I wish they still had the zoom sale cuz they didn't. I didn't like how they only had select items in certain brands on sale either.
I went and gotta pflueger president 30 some boxes and rod socks. Didn't save much but enough to make it worth it I suppose
They usually have decent deals on terminal tackle so I may go in or might just do an online order and save the hassle.
My son went today to utilize the rod/reel trade in program. Said rod choices were minimal at best.
Went to the Hampton, VA store today with one of my sons.
Deals...meh. But I did pick up 5 3600 size boxes for $10.
I like the BPS boxes.
Son picked up a sweet Gerber knife, I picked up some hen
hackles for tying jigs. Other than that, was fairly busy, but
nothing like I've seen in several years past.
Picked up a new B&M Sam Heaton 10 ft Crappie rod that I hope will be good as it is my first, Seems like it feels good anyway. Also a SOG knife that was on clearance.
I had a bunch of gift cards saved up from the past couple+ years and picked up a Curado K and some random non-sale things for the boat. It was less busy than any other Friday Classic I've been to, but they were already out of a number of things as though they didn't even bother increasing the inventory for sale items (tackle). At this point it's more of a social outing tradition with my dad than anything else... sure miss the days of sales you'd be excited to see.
Underwhelming at best
the Plano type boxes, 5 for 10.00 may be the best deal in the store
well, I decided to drop in to my local BPS. I was there mainly to get new line to respool. Trilene was on sale for $6
I was walking through the crank section, and I hear a lot of people talking about the whopper plopper. This is not a new lure. What has happened recently that has this being so popular? Yes, it's on sale, but there was buzz about it prior to. But i definitely heard whispers about it as I was walking past other shoppers.
just seems like all of a sudden
It's pitiful. I suppose you could find some stuff at the stores (the storage boxes for example) but I don't see anything on line that trips my trigger. I've pretty much given up on BPS
i thought about it but decided to save my gift card for the on-line sale that usually follows this one
Medico22733, I got your message and replied. I've never looked at the internals of a Carbonlite reel as I don't use them They, BPS mothership, tell us they are the same. I do use the Carbonlite rods, in addition to the Patriots.
I use the Pro Qualifier reels and can tell you that when we sold the p/q combo's, they were identical. I know this is apples and oranges, hope it helps.
Edited by volzfan59I was going to try one of the carbon lite combos but they were sold out today. They had the reel and the rod but wouldn’t make a combo to sell for 120. My VIP card runs out in may and I don’t plan on shopping there after that. I did get some of the bass pro brand flourocarbon. Anyone ever tried it? I usually buy red label
On 2/19/2018 at 10:46 AM, volzfan59 said:Medico22733, I got your message and replied. I've never looked at the internals of a Carbonlite reel as I don't use them They, BPS membership, tell us they are the same. I do use the Carbonlite rods, in addition to the Patriots.
I do use the Pro Qualifier reels and can tell you that when we sold the p/q combo's, they were identical. I know this is apples and oranges, hope it helps.
Any idea if the new BPS Formula BC reels have anything in common with the older PQs? I stopped by the store today to buy the carbonlite combo, but they were out of LH retrieves. I did pickup the Formula for $40. Didn’t get a chance to compare them to the PQs (have couple of them), but they look almost identical.
On 2/19/2018 at 1:35 PM, standman said:Any idea if the new BPS Formula BC reels have anything in common with the older PQs? I stopped by the store today to buy the carbonlite combo, but they were out of LH retrieves. I did pickup the Formula for $40. Didn’t get a chance to compare them to the PQs (have couple of them), but they look almost identical.
Interesting if that is true, that is an awesome deal!
To be completely honest with you, I don't know the answer to your question. The Formulas are 10 bearing reels, all of my old P/Qs are 7 bearing. Those Formulas sure are smooth though. When I left this afternoon, we had sold out of the Formula spinning reels, had six baitcasters, all 6.6:1 righties.
Once the classic is over, I'll try to get you an answer.
On 2/12/2018 at 8:16 AM, Fishin' Fool said:They also have inexpensive reels that can be purchased for like $5 or $10 that are donated to various fishing groups as mentioned above.
Exactly. Buy a zebco 202 for 5$ and trade it. They stock a massive amount for that reason.
On 2/17/2018 at 2:32 AM, FishDewd said:So I went, I saw, I conquered... kind of. They kind of pulled a fast one on me. The original ad I saw showed a carbonlite reel and said "buy a reel at $119.97(9?) and receive a carbonlite rod for free". It made it sound like I could choose a reel and then choose a rod. But that's not what it was at all... they had pre-made combos available in 6'6"-7'0" variations of medium to heavy. They did not the medium-lite rod combo that I wanted, in right or left hand (I wanted a left). I showed them the ad I downloaded and printed earlier this week, and while they agreed the wording was misleading and that I was right to think I could pick a rod, they refused to honor it. Also, I wasn't terribly impressed with the reels. I liked how the star wheel and spool knob clicked, but the spool bearing seemed sub-par to me and did not have much free spin to it. Ultimately I turned in one Zebco Mercury pole with a nice little 33 reel on it that I've used to pull many a fish out of creeks with, and got the $20 off for the medium-lite rod that I actually wanted. I also tried to cash in my credit points, but was told I didn't have any points on my card which I've had loaded at customer service 3-4 times now. So I ended up paying the full $100 for the rod (not bad a bad price though, not complaining) and for the red eye chartreuse sexy shad lipless crank I bought with it. Apparently you can combine the discount for an old rod/reel with points on your reward card to get a bigger discount. Too bad I couldn't do that, and I can't get that credit back cause the receipts are too old. I was told that the employee must have not pushed "enter" when my previous points were applied. Well, that's great. Good job! So I made sure the points were applied this time when I bought the rod and crank, so now I have 100 points when I should've had closer to 300 to use for a few extra bucks off. It was just chaotic to say the least! Hardly anyone was working, the people in customer service were really slow and giving this guy a hard time about a return purchase price for a Mossberg shotgun he had bought. Don't think I will mess with Bass Pro's sales events anymore, they just do not have their stuff together. Lol.
With that said, I like the rod! I loads at 1/8th easily and I think it will be perfect for throwing weightless plastics. I think I will enjoy it a lot. It has a Fuji first guide with K series mini guides the rest of the way down. It is light, sensitive, and balances perfectly with the reel I put on it. So I"ll be testing it out next week now that temps that stabilized back into the 70's again.
I think Spring is finally almost here! At least where I live anyway.
Did you ask the store manager (not the fishing stupivosor) to build your own?? My BPS lets you do that if you ask nicely.
I did actually... no go. They were only comboing certain rods with the reels and wouldn't let me just get a reel for it.
FishDewd, You are correct. BPS mothership told all stores that sale combos can not be built in store. The only combos that can be purchased at the sale price come to the stores pre-built. The ad states "limited quantities, no rain checks. We started the sale with almost 500 combos, 500. Sold out in 2 1/2 days.
Not to say that a store manager couldn't go rouge and do it, but they won't if they like they're job. A report is generated every day tracking those things.
BPS mothership could reverse their decision, that's up to them. At our store, like yours and all others that I know about, we're not building combos at the sales price, no matter how nicely you ask.
@volzfan59 do you know if he stores are going to restock during the Spring Sale? Seems like everything is mostly already picked through. Wondering if it’s worth trying again on a strategic date. Thanks
Dirtyeggroll, I'm off today, but one of the guys called me at home. We received 105 more this morning. I don't know what lengths, powers or ratios though. It wouldn't hurt to call your store. I don't know how we ended up getting more?
Question for you, how do you get the @name sign?
On 2/21/2018 at 4:51 AM, volzfan59 said:Dirtyeggroll, I'm off today, but one of the guys called me at home. We received 105 more this morning. I don't know what lengths, powers or ratios though. It wouldn't hurt to call your store. I don't know how we ended up getting more?
Question for you, how do you get the @name sign?
Cool, I will just call the store...
I just type “@“ and then immediately start typing the username (must be a space before “@“ and no space after “@“ should look like “@volzfan” without the quotations @volzfan59
Went to BPS yesterday morning for a few things one of whuch was 5 for $10 booyah spinners that were supposed to go from the 19th-25th. Was told they were out of them. Apparently corporate called them and told them to put them out on Saturday. They sold out of them by 3pm on Saturday, 2 days before the sale was even supposed to start. . .I am probably done with them. That just drives me nuts when a store does something like that!
I made it in on Saturday with the intent to pick up some soft plastics and maybe some of the Booyah spinnerbaits. I had no intention of picking up a new rod and reel. Ended up leaving with the baits and one of the Carbonlite combos. Just seemed too good to pass up. The selection on the combos was somewhat limited, but I did end up with a 7.5:1 reel on a 6.5' MH/F. I wanted a 7', but they had sold out of those in the right hand retrieve. Not a deal breaker.
Honestly, outside of the Carbonlite combo, and maybe the spinnerbaits, I was not terribly impressed with the rest of the sale. I may go back to take advantage of the line sale once I decide what I want to spool the new reel up with.
On 2/20/2018 at 10:33 PM, volzfan59 said:FishDewd, You are correct. BPS mothership told all stores that sale combos can not be built in store. The only combos that can be purchased at the sale price come to the stores pre-built. The ad states "limited quantities, no rain checks. We started the sale with almost 500 combos, 500. Sold out in 2 1/2 days.
Not to say that a store manager couldn't go rouge and do it, but they won't if they like they're job. A report is generated every day tracking those things.
BPS mothership could reverse their decision, that's up to them. At our store, like yours and all others that I know about, we're not building combos at the sales price, no matter how nicely you ask.
It's not a big deal... I wasn't terribly impressed with the reel anyway. I liked how all the drags clicked and everything, but I didn't really need that. The reels I tried didn't have a very good freespool and I was wanting a weightless combo- the reel I have works better than theirs.
On 2/21/2018 at 12:58 PM, FishDewd said:It's not a big deal... I wasn't terribly impressed with the reel anyway. I liked how all the drags clicked and everything, but I didn't really need that. The reels I tried didn't have a very good freespool and I was wanting a weightless combo- the reel I have works better than theirs.
Free spool isn’t the best indicator of a good reel and over rated. They usually cake on the oil and grease. I’ve torn down low end reels, cleaned them up oiled and greased the right way. Night and day difference.
On 2/21/2018 at 1:05 PM, lmbfisherman said:Free spool isn’t the best indicator of a good reel and over rated. They usually cake on the oil and grease. I’ve torn down low end reels, cleaned them up oiled and greased the right way. Night and day difference.
This is true... I just don't know the carbonlites internals. I can tear down Penn and some Abus but that's all I know how to do as far as baitcasters/conventionals go.
I didn't buy a single thing. Quite sad really. I miss the Zoom deal.
On 2/19/2018 at 10:46 AM, volzfan59 said:Medico22733, I got your message and replied. I've never looked at the internals of a Carbonlite reel as I don't use them They, BPS mothership, tell us they are the same. I do use the Carbonlite rods, in addition to the Patriots.
I use the Pro Qualifier reels and can tell you that when we sold the p/q combo's, they were identical. I know this is apples and oranges, hope it helps.
Thanks for the reply. I purchased two of the Carbonlite combos during the sale. I haven't fished with them yet, but have spooled them up and practiced with some light weights. So far I love them!! Only time will tell. Hard to beat the pro qualifier for the money though. I will probably try out a pro qualifier 2 soon.
My closest Bass Pro Shop is 90 minutes away so no shopping trip for me. But I had a couple gift cards from Xmas that I hadn't used so I made an online order instead. I bought SK Bitsy Bug jigs, SK Menace Grubs, SK Baby Rage Craws and some Trilene 100% Fluorocarbon (BOGO). Everything I bought was on sale, I saved over $60 from normal retail, and only paid $5 out-of-pocket. Win!
Been to BPS twice so far during this sale.
Picked up 2 Lowrance HDS 9's . With the 3x rewards and bonus bucks plus sale price, I basicly got 2 for the price of one. $3216.00 out the door and $720.00 back on gift cards and points. I also picked up some of the suffix 832 braid and misc.
Will be going back a couple of more times before it is over.