The bite was really crappy out there today. Branuss04 and I had 1 bite all day but I stuck her. 4lbs15oz on a swimbait. She was an absolutely beautiful fish and I'm happy that she was my first good fish of the year.
I absolutely LOVE the release picture. Awesome timing. If you really look at it, you can see a spray of water that is hitting my hands, you can see how it was created from a right to left motion. Then if you look at her big broad tail you can see it is going from left to right. All of that water moved by just two lightning quick flashes of her tail. I think it is a really cool picture!
If I am only going to get 1 bite a day, I sure am glad when they turn out like this
Love it! She's gorgeous buddy, way to stick the bite that mattered.
Great pics. Beautiful fish!
Nice fish and well done for c&r 8-) 8-)
Wow that's a great fish. Cangrats
Awesome fish and pics, congrats!
I can't wait to catch one of those bad chickens...
Way to go man!! Beautiful fish!!
;D ;D ;D WOW! ;D ;D ;D
Great fish, GREAT pic!
Awesome fish.
Great fish, Congrats!
thats a great fish dude!!! the release picture is very cool. 8-)
The bite may have sucked for me, but it was freakin awesome just to get out on the water. My boat has been in the shop since last november, so this was my first fishing trip in 3 months. Now the boats runny great, i'm totally confident in it now and can't wait to get the year rollin.
That release pic did turn out sweet. Thanks forbizz for tagging along.
Nice job four! good to see you stick a solid fish.
A Beauty!!!
I am a big fan of the release pics as well
Beautiful fish. Nice job. Congrats on a new PB.
Great fish...funny sideburns.
Thanks everyone!
Daniel, I think I have some self conscious deal where I leave more and more sideburn everytime I shave ;D My girlfriend has been nagging me about them too.
Hey, I'm a renaissance man! ;D
what an awesome deal. congrats to ya big time.
Nice fish Elvis...
Great day.....1 fish.....1 new pb
That fish is beautiful and healthy looking
P.S. dude.....get a is reppin Cali......
(just jealous cause I ain't caught a smallie in years)
Nice fish Bizz!
nice tank! cheers to a new pb!
I wish I could have found her last week. I know I was on that SPOT!
nice fish man. Congrats
Great Smallie! 8-)
Holy Cow, that is one GORGEOUS fish.
Great job Bizz!!
That fish looked like a painting. She was a very highly detailed.
Great fish, super picture.
Nice fish
Strange color :-?
Very nice fish
What were you throwin when you nabbed her? That secret new bait you can't talk about?
Welcome aboard!
not gonna tell us what you stuck her on? ;D
nice fish, looking to break my smallie pb this yr for sure.
Quotenot gonna tell us what you stuck her on?
He said he stuck it on a swimbait. How more specific can one be ;D
Congrats bro!
Great looking grouper, bizz. ;D ;D
Nice fish! Do they feed on a lot of crawfish in that body of water?
QuoteQuotenot gonna tell us what you stuck her on?He said he stuck it on a swimbait. How more specific can one be
Congrats bro!
;D gotta pry whenever possible
Nice smally, and stay away from my special lady friend.
QuoteNice fish! Do they feed on a lot of crawfish in that body of water?
I don't think that they really key in on craws here very much muddy.
Monster Smallie there 4biz...Nice.
Psht. I catch fish three times that big.
In my dreams.
Good fish man! I wish I could fish now, but alas, most of the lakes are frozen solid. Only good for trouting now.
By the looks of things, anything that hits the water!
She's a beauty! Way to go on the new PB.
Sweet Dude, very nice 8-)
Cool pic too!
Awesome smallmouth Jay. Congratulations, good job!
'Fangtastic' Fish young man!!!
Thanks for the kind words all!
Now to go out and get one that would make RW and FC jealous!
7+ or BUST!
Gorgeous fish and very good pics ! 8-)
Good luck with that 7+ !
nice, need smallies like that in our neck of the woods
Nice fish,havent gotten out yet this year but i hope to land a nice one like that for my first of the year.
Great fish, and pics
Nice fish, Elvis....
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