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My Hands Are Still Shaking. 2025

fishing user avatarrippin-lips reply : 

My buddy hit me up to fish after work tonight. Local reservoir that can only be fished from shore and it gets hit HARD. I was fishing from probably the most popular spot too. Felt some weight and saw the line move. Set the hook and started reeling. Realized when it was just my handle turning and not the spool it was a good fish. Then the whoosh noises definitely let me know it was a good one. Made a small jump close to shore and then I landed her. My buddy said that's probably a 5lbr. I told him it's over 6 for sure. I never usually fish wacky but I'm sure glad I did. My Pb thus far is 6.5. That was until tonight.





fishing user avatarDwight Hottle reply : 

Congrats on the new PB.

fishing user avatarMainebass1984 reply : 

Nice fish. Well done.

fishing user avatar00 mod reply : 

Congrats on the PB!


fishing user avatarrippin-lips reply : 

Thanks everyone.

fishing user avatarJolly Green reply : 

Awesome fish! Man, I have that same scale and it never reads 7-5, what's up?

fishing user avatargeorgeyew reply : 

Awesome fish. Over 7lb in MD....Wow!!

fishing user avataraavery2 reply : 

Good fish, congrats!

fishing user avatarjbw252 reply : 

Great catch. Congrats.

fishing user avatar5 Dollar Fishing Game reply : 

Props just for having a SCALE!!!!!!

Nice fishy too!!

fishing user avatarCatch and Grease reply : 

NICE! Darn good fish.

fishing user avatarrippin-lips reply : 
  On 8/30/2014 at 10:00 AM, 5 Dollar Fishing Game said:

Props just for having a SCALE!!!!!!

Nice fishy too!!

I always try to carry a scale because sometimes you just never know. Without it I wouldn't of known I have a new Pb now.

fishing user avatarHi Salenity reply : 

Great fish!!!

fishing user avatarDarren. reply : 

Yeah, I was gonna say - before I saw your scale pic - that your fish was well over 6 pounds, pushing 7 give or take. I'm glad I was close!


Big congrats!

fishing user avatarDarren. reply : 
  On 8/30/2014 at 10:40 AM, rippin-lips said:

I always try to carry a scale because sometimes you just never know. Without it I wouldn't of known I have a new Pb now.


And it is time to change your "My PB:" description to "Between 7-8 lbs"!

fishing user avatarAlonerankin2 reply : 

Wow! That's a chunk of a fish! Nice job!!

fishing user avatarrippin-lips reply : 
  On 8/30/2014 at 10:57 AM, DarrenM said:

Yeah, I was gonna say - before I saw your scale pic - that your fish was well over 6 pounds, pushing 7 give or take. I'm glad I was close!

Big congrats!

I was thinking about 7 before I got it weighed. Also hoping because my goal after the 6 was to hit 7. I also haven't caught nearly as many in the 4-5 range this year so it made up for it. I'm just happy I had the scale so I wasn't purely guessing on weight.

Thanks everyone once again. None of my friends understand the feeling of excitement you get from something like this.

fishing user avatarPondHopper96 reply : 

That's a hog man!

fishing user avatarbassman31783 reply : 

Very nice. Great job!

fishing user avatarA-Jay reply : 

Sweet Bass ~ Congrats.


PB's are always a Blast !



fishing user avatarBassinLou reply : 

Nice fish RippinLips!!!  WTG!! That is a pretty fish for sure. It's an exciting moment when you catch a PB. Congratulations!!  :respect-059: 

fishing user avatarK_Mac reply : 

Nice fish! Congratulations on the new PB.

fishing user avatarOntarioFishingGuy reply : 

Nice fish! Congrats.

fishing user avatarjignfule reply : 

NICE !!!!!!!!!!!!!!

fishing user avatarBluebasser86 reply : 

But, but, wacky rigs only catch dinks  :eyebrows:


Awesome fish man and props for getting her from a pressured lake and from the bank  :respect-059:

fishing user avatarrippin-lips reply : 
  On 8/31/2014 at 1:52 PM, Bluebasser86 said:

But, but, wacky rigs only catch dinks :eyebrows:

Awesome fish man and props for getting her from a pressured lake and from the bank :respect-059:

Haha right. My last Pb was on a drop shot.

fishing user avatarbuzzed bait reply : 

nice fish man!  you can tell that spot is hit hard by the trail that is worn down in the background...

fishing user avatarSiebert Outdoors reply : 

Awesome catch!!!  Congrats on the PB.

fishing user avatarHardcoreBassin reply : 

Nice fish! Congrats!

fishing user avatarroadwarrior reply : 

:respect-059: CONGRATULATIONS!




fishing user avatarFrogFreak reply : 

Your story give me hope of finding a 6 pound plus fish. That's been my goal this year but so far just a couple fives and a bunch of dinks. Way to go brother!!

fishing user avatarrippin-lips reply : 
  On 9/3/2014 at 3:54 AM, FrogFreak said:

Your story give me hope of finding a 6 pound plus fish. That's been my goal this year but so far just a couple fives and a bunch of dinks. Way to go brother!!

You'll hook into one. Just keep after it.

fishing user avatarthomas15 reply : 

Great fish, thanks for sharing!

fishing user avatarGreeneye8181 reply : 

Well done. I love catching fish from shore. Especially if I can land a beauty like that.

fishing user avatarWill Wetline reply : 


fishing user avatarmnbassman23 reply : 

Congrats on the PB!

fishing user avatarrippin-lips reply : 

Thanks again everyone for all the kind words. It's definitely a fish I won't forget.

fishing user avatarCarolinaBoy4Life reply : 

Nice toad man! Heck of a fish for any waters let alone MD!

fishing user avatarkjfishman reply : 

Well done!

fishing user avatarreb67 reply : 

Great fish, but be careful of the back ground you are going to give away your location to the

fishing user avatarrippin-lips reply : 
  On 9/6/2014 at 9:24 AM, reb67 said:

Great fish, but be careful of the back ground you are going to give away your location to the

Every local and their cousins fish that place. I also could care less if someone else catches it. I'm sure someone already has at some point, just not recently from anyone that I know who fishes there. I hope someone does actually catch it because it will make a great memory for them. Only thing I wouldn't want is for someone to keep it. I have no right to say what they do with it though. I would probably try my best to talk them out of it if I was there. Maybe tackle them and throw it back myself haha.

fishing user avatarreb67 reply : 
  On 9/6/2014 at 11:19 AM, rippin-lips said:

Every local and their cousins fish that place. I also could care less if someone else catches it. I'm sure someone already has at some point, just not recently from anyone that I know who fishes there. I hope someone does actually catch it because it will make a great memory for them. Only thing I wouldn't want is for someone to keep it. I have no right to say what they do with it though. I would probably try my best to talk them out of it if I was there. Maybe tackle them and throw it back myself haha.

I agree with you on hoping they would release it. There is a spot on the river I fish called the log jam that everyone knows about. A couple weeks ago my wife and I was working our way down to the log jam we could hear a couple of guys in that area and could hear them laughing and caring on after landing a nice fish. A short while later they motored up and headed our way when they got close to us they slowed up I asked him how big was that fish they caught he reached in the live well and pulled out hawg said it weighs 8.83. Around here 22" - 8ib largemouth is a trophy fish I hope he was just going to have it measure and weighed and then release it. I plan on mounting my first 8 pounder but I will have a replica made.

fishing user avatarrippin-lips reply : 

Yeah same here. I'll photo it and take measurements and get a replica made of whatever fish I decide is my trophy fish.

fishing user avatarCDobber reply : 

Congrats on that beautiful PB

fishing user avatarBankbeater reply : 

Nice going, Congrats!

fishing user avatarFishTank reply : 

Well done.  In MD that is a huge fish.  

fishing user avatarrippin-lips reply : 
  On 9/8/2014 at 7:18 AM, FishTank said:

Well done. In MD that is a huge fish.

Thank ya sir. Yeah I'm pretty pumped about it.

fishing user avatarMaster baiter reply : 

That fish probably watched lures all day till you came along. Great fish sir!

fishing user avatarAK-Jax86 reply : 

Great looking bass man!!

fishing user avatarJtrout reply : 

I'm out in anne arundel/pg/Howard counties waitin for mine! Nice fish bro u gettin a mount?

fishing user avatarrippin-lips reply : 
  On 9/12/2014 at 5:34 AM, Jtrout said:

I'm out in anne arundel/pg/Howard counties waitin for mine! Nice fish bro u gettin a mount?

I'm thinking about getting a replica made but I'm not sure yet. I'm hoping to hit the #8 mark first before I spend that kind of money.

fishing user avatarkanasbassfisher08 reply : 

hope u put it back for the next guy!!!

fishing user avatarrippin-lips reply : 
  On 9/15/2014 at 9:43 PM, kanasbassfisher08 said:

hope u put it back for the next guy!!!

I throw anything of size back so hopefully I can catch it when it's even bigger.


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