Hey guy's, I wanted to see your pb. So if you have a (pic) of it put it on! I'm in the mood to see a hawg
7 lbs. 8 oz. Lake Guntersville on the BR road trip.
10 lbs 12 oz.
4 pounds 9 ounces, I know it will be dink in this thread...but I am still beaming! ;D
This one I didn't have a scale with me, but I estimated the fish to be in the 4lb range.
This one is my pb, 5lbs 5oz. Fell to a black/blue jig w/paca chunk trailer ;D.
8.1 lbs
7lbs 5oz.
5lbs...black/black cavitron
A tear just came to my eye
This should be good.
lol i dont need to explain to u why i kept them ,, u never have eaten fish befor e ????? ..........
QuoteA tear just came to my eye
Ouch. Breeders :'(
QuoteOuch. Breeders :'(
That was harsh!
Unless you fish this guys water chill out, his fish his rules
Maybe one day I'll try some fish but for now I have a gag reflex that cannot stand fish
THANK YOU !!! ok short story for all who have a negative remark at me this is only the 3rd count them 3 bass i hve ever taken to eat not kill ,in my life time of fishing lets see 3 fish from the age of 12 ,now iam 36 ummmmmmmmmmm,so for all the bashers keep comments to yourself .
QuoteUnless you fish this guys water chill out, his fish his rulesMaybe one day I'll try some fish but for now I have a gag reflex that cannot stand fish
Quoteso for all the bashers go 2 h@ll!!
Ease up man...We all have our own opinions.
opinions or not i thought this site was about fishing not bashing others and such all i did was post apic of a catch a nd said i ate them .and every one has to bash me for it ,its not like i ruined my fishery by taking 2 fish female did not have one fry or egg in her ,ther are lots of bass in the spot i fish ,just like deer hunting to keep the population down and encourge bigger bucks and does ,,,,...... that note goodnite
QuoteQuoteso for all the bashers go 2 h@ll!!
Ease up man...We all have our own opinions.
Quoteopinions or not i thought this site was about fishing not bashing others and such all i did was post apic of a catch a nd said i ate them .and every one has to bash me for it ,its not like i ruined my fishery by taking 2 fish female did not have one fry or egg in her ,ther are lots of bass in the spot i fish ,just like deer hunting to keep the population down and encourge bigger bucks and does ,,,,...... that note goodniteQuoteQuoteso for all the bashers go 2 h@ll!!
Ease up man...We all have our own opinions.
Honestly, I did not see a single post that I would consider "bashing".
PB 0.2 oz! ;D ;D ;D
So that's why the CT River has been so awful the past couple of years.
ha ha ;D ;D ;Dnot ct river never fished there ////
QuoteSo that's why the CT River has been so awful the past couple of years.
Let the man eat his fish! Everyone down here catches bass for eating, and the fishery is as strong as it ever was.
thank you speed and on that note goodnite all and happy fishing ;D
QuoteLet the man eat his fish! Everyone down here catches bass for eating, and the fishery is as strong as it ever was.
Aw Dude bass dont even taste good :'(
WOW! Someone is feelin' a little guilty.......... I would like to add that you should not tell anyone to go to h$ll, not nice. But I see you caught yourself and edited that out. Be nice and also put breeders back.
QuoteQuoteYES I FRIED UM UP AND ATE THEM////Aw Dude bass dont even taste good :'(
No they don't - but if you take a little Florida Panther and wrap it in some Manatee bacon and grill for about 20 min......mmmmmmmmmmmm that's some good eatin
Quotegod why all negative feedback at me ,,,everyone hates me ,,long story the pond i got these 2 from has alot of breedders there size ,they already had fry and the guy who owns these ponds wants to thin them out to many bass theres tons this size in there so they were taken for a reasons ,, his ponds his rules my fish my rules .guess i wont post no more tired of the negitive remarks i get ,,,if i wanted comments like that i would have asked just posted a pic for him oh well it seems everyone has there comments i aint no pro bass guy and nither are any of you,,, QUILTY NO//ticked YES> >QuoteWOW! Someone is feelin' a little guilty.......... I would like to add that you should not tell anyone to go to h$ll, not nice. But I see you caught yourself and edited that out. Be nice and also put breeders back.
Quoteif i wanted comments like that i would have asked
you asked for it when you said this:
don't pretend that you didn't know it would start something.
yes stated that so no one would say waste of fish simply put i ate them
QuoteQuoteif i wanted comments like that i would have askedyou asked for it when you said this:
QuoteYES I FRIED UM UP AND ATE THEM////don't pretend that you didn't know it would start something.
i thought you said you weren't gonna post anymore.
Quoteguess i wont post no more
see, we can bait responses out of you too.
Quoteyes stated that so no one would say waste of fish simply put i ate themQuoteQuoteif i wanted comments like that i would have askedyou asked for it when you said this:
QuoteYES I FRIED UM UP AND ATE THEM////don't pretend that you didn't know it would start something.
You have said "goodnite" and "I'm out" a few times now. You should probably just walk away and forget about getting the last word in. That hole of yours was insurmountable from the time you posted those pics anyway.
Here are my two best Largemouth caught in Connecticut. Both were released immediately after the photos were taken. The second weighed 7-7 and I suspect the first was bigger than that.
Nice bass pics have been posted and we'll leave this open for more pics.
Going forward on this thread, all off topic posts will be removed.
-Kent a.k.a. roadwarrior
Global Moderator
Give the guy a break guys. I thought this group was mature enough to keep there mouths closed and the thread where it needs to be. Obviously not.
Some of Big Al's fish:
9 pounds, 6 ounces
Caught, photgraphed, and released on Labor Day 2008 on Lake Carr, Tallahassee, Florida
Largemouth 6lb. 8oz.
Smallmouth 6lb. 4oz.
QuoteSome of Big Al's fish:
Those are some great pics and that is a HUGE brown trout....love those hookjaws!!
Thanks. Some more brown trout:QuoteThose are some great pics and that is a HUGE brown trout....love those hookjaws!!
And a bass from a couple weekends ago:
And what the heck, here's a Chinook from last week:
Took my nephew night fishing when I first designed the Anaconda....
QuoteTook my nephew night fishing when I first designed the Anaconda....
what a hog how big was that pig
QuoteQuoteTook my nephew night fishing when I first designed the Anaconda....what a hog how big was that pig
She was only 13.90 but I thought she was going to weigh 15+. Caught this fish the year before and she was 14.40......She is one of my girlfriends but I only get to see her once a year. We are both getting older ;D
Big O