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Another great day! Blue eye's new P.B.!!! 2025

fishing user avatarcraigaria reply : 

After 3 trips out and only 1 fish in the boat, we finally got on them again. We did the same deal with the shad and caught some very nice fish! The only scale we had on the boat wasn't reading right, so we had to guesstimate the weight of the fish. They were all pretty good though, and two of the fish could've broke 10 lbs.

Blue eyes got her new personal best (TWICE)! She almost had one around 8 lbs, but it came unbuttoned by the boat. :(  I'm a lucky guy to have a girl like her, even if she outfishes me sometimes ;)


fishing user avatarcraigaria reply : 



fishing user avatarcraigaria reply : 



fishing user avatarcraigaria reply : 



fishing user avatarcraigaria reply : 



fishing user avatarcraigaria reply : 



fishing user avatarcraigaria reply : 



fishing user avatarcraigaria reply : 



fishing user avatarcraigaria reply : 



fishing user avatarcraigaria reply : 

fat belly


fishing user avatarcraigaria reply : 



fishing user avatarcraigaria reply : 



fishing user avatarcraigaria reply : 



fishing user avatarcraigaria reply : 



fishing user avatarcraigaria reply : 



fishing user avatarcraigaria reply : 

Ryan with a nice one!


fishing user avatarcraigaria reply : 



fishing user avatarcraigaria reply : 



fishing user avatarcraigaria reply : 



fishing user avatarBucketmouthAngler13 reply : 

Those are some hogs! Great stuff for this time of year. Good going!

fishing user avatarsenko_77 reply : 

Dang, looks like an awesome day!  Was that at Nunya?

fishing user avatarWhiteMike1018 reply : 


Excellent bass too btw, those are some BOARS!

question, how did you net all those shad? did you do it from the boat or what?.seeing all those shad makes me want to do this , plus im getitng an aqaurium soon where i will beable to store bait

thanks- WM ;)

fishing user avatarT-rig reply : 

I'm impressed! I want some too!!!! :'(

fishing user avatarLow_Budget_Hooker reply : 

Way to go blue eyes!!

And yes craig, you are quite lucky, look how she is even pushing your fish closer to the camera for you in that first pic. (at least I hope that's what she's doing,lol.)

In the FAQ's there is a tutorial about posting multiple pics, please look into that. Thanks

fishing user avatarBlue Eyed Fisher Chick reply : 

Thanks for posting the pictures for me babe!!  I had a GREAT time.   :)  Hopefully we can do it again SOON!!  My sister will be soo jealous when she sees these pictures!!  Thanks for taking me with you!!!

Thanks LBH!!  Yeah I was trying to make his fish look bigger  ;)  Got to look out for him!!  

fishing user avatarroadwarrior reply : 


Those are some mighty fine fish.

fishing user avatarcraigaria reply : 
Dang, looks like an awesome day! Was that at Nunya?

Yeah, good ol' lake nunya. The bite has been pretty slow on artificials, it is about time to start hitting up Varner and trying to hook up on some real hawgs ;)


question, how did you net all those shad? did you do it from the boat or what?.seeing all those shad makes me want to do this , plus im getitng an aqaurium soon where i will beable to store bait (quote)

We caught the shad with a casting net. The hardest part is finding the school of baitfish first, then the rest is easy. I doubt that the shad will live in an aquarium. They are kinda dumb and they will swim into the corner of the tank until they die. They will live in a bait tank for a while, with the right chemicals and a steady temperature with a good airator setup.


In the FAQ's there is a tutorial about posting multiple pics, please look into that. Thanks (quote)

Sorry about that. I know how to do it, it has just been faster for me to do it this was because of having to resize my pics first. I have just skipped loading my pics on shutterfly to shave a little time off my post. I will change my posting style, you are not the first person to say something to me about this. 8-)

fishing user avatarKy_Lake_Dude reply : 

Nice Hogs! ;)

fishing user avatarLightninrod reply : 

I just don't know which is prettier, the Bass or.................... ;)


fishing user avatarCatt reply : 

So lady when are you going to start giving us ole dogs some of your secrets?  ;)

fishing user avatarBlue Eyed Fisher Chick reply : 
So lady when are you going to start giving us ole dogs some of your secrets? ;)

A woman never reveals her secrets!!!  ;)  

fishing user avatarCrazedL.IFisherman reply : 

Wow  great bass after great bass, nice fishing guys!!!

fishing user avatarguest reply : 

Great looking fish.  Nice job.

fishing user avatarguest reply : 

Pretty girl

Nice fish

Life is good eh Craig?

fishing user avatarLow_Budget_Hooker reply : 

I know Lady blue's secret!!!   Date Craig!  :)

fishing user avatarBlue Eyed Fisher Chick reply : 
I know Lady blue's secret!!! Date Craig! :)

Sorry guys he's taken  :) , but maybe for a minimal fee I might loan him to you for a while.  I think this could be a great side business for me  ;)

fishing user avatarcraigaria reply : 


Pretty girl

Nice fish

Life is good eh Craig?

I can't complain ;)

And like Blue Eye said, I am taken. So stop with all the PM's asking me out ;D :P

fishing user avatarLow_Budget_Hooker reply : 

Blue eyed pimpin',lol,...Pressure is on Craig, produce or your pimp's gonna come callin'


fishing user avatarwapitiman reply : 

Craigaria- Nice fish, I used to live in Madison have you ever fished @ Marben Farms (I think it is open to public now) We caught some tremendous bass there in the mid-eighties. Anyway Ive done lots of fishing in your area & its good to see middle Georgia represented here. Good Luck

fishing user avatarcraigaria reply : 
Blue eyed pimpin',lol,...Pressure is on Craig, produce or your pimp's gonna come callin'


Does that make me a bass ho'? ;D

fishing user avatarcraigaria reply : 
Craigaria- Nice fish, I used to live in Madison have you ever fished @ Marben Farms (I think it is open to public now) We caught some tremendous bass there in the mid-eighties. Anyway Ive done lots of fishing in your area & its good to see middle Georgia represented here. Good Luck

Marbin farms is open to the public, it has been for around 15 years I guess. I fished there the day it opened when I was 16 years old, I think. I haven't fished there in a few years, but I am sure it is still good. Me and my buddy won a tourny there a few years back with one fish. 9lb 6oz. I loved lake margery and bennett, and the best fishing I ever had out there was on shepard, one of the smaller lakes with the handicap access. Lake Margery holds 2 of the biggest bass ever caught in GA. I bet it was the best fishing ever before it was opened up, you are a lucky guy to have fished there :) Thanks for the compliment on the fish! 8-)

fishing user avatarhi_steel_basser reply : 
Craigaria- Nice fish, I used to live in Madison have you ever fished @ Marben Farms (I think it is open to public now) We caught some tremendous bass there in the mid-eighties. Anyway Ive done lots of fishing in your area & its good to see middle Georgia represented here. Good Luck

Marbin farms is open to the public, it has been for around 15 years I guess. I fished there the day it opened when I was 16 years old, I think. I haven't fished there in a few years, but I am sure it is still good. Me and my buddy won a tourny there a few years back with one fish. 9lb 6oz. I loved lake margery and bennett, and the best fishing I ever had out there was on shepard, one of the smaller lakes with the handicap access. Lake Margery holds 2 of the biggest bass ever caught in GA. I bet it was the best fishing ever before it was opened up, you are a lucky guy to have fished there :) Thanks for the compliment on the fish! 8-)

Marben Farms is now called Charlie Elliott PFA. When I first got serious about fishing I learned how to do it there. My PB LMB came from Lower Raliegh pond. They have a free campground, so anybody looking for a great weekend getawy in the Covington, GA area ought to put it high on their list. I have alot of memories there. Now I've moved to the Cartersville area, so it's a long drive. I hope to make it this spring.

fishing user avatarguest reply : 
I know Lady blue's secret!!! Date Craig! :)

Sorry guys he's taken :) , but maybe for a minimal fee I might loan him to you for a while. I think this could be a great side business for me ;)

I showed Craig's picture to my wife and a couple of her girlfriends.

They have one question.

How much?

fishing user avatarBlue Eyed Fisher Chick reply : 

I showed Craig's picture to my wife and a couple of her girlfriends.

They have one question.

How much?

Yeah I show our fishing pictures to my girlfriends all the time and they say nice fish, but WOW at the guy!!! :D How much huh, well that depends, how bad do they really want to go?? ;)

fishing user avatarcraigaria reply : 

;D I am now offically a "low budget hooker" ;D ;)

fishing user avatarguest reply : 
;D I am now offically a "low budget hooker" ;D ;)

Maybe, but it sounds like blue eyes is willing to negotiate.  

I think I'll sign off this thread.


fishing user avatarMurray reply : 

good day!

fishing user avatarbuzzbaitfool12 reply : 

Look guys, all this talk about Craig and how much is pushing me over the edge..the first time you hear him sing one of our made up songs you would run the other way.. ;D


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