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Varner 12.0 and 10lb 14 oz on swimbait and trap 2025

fishing user avatarRandall reply : 

Fished today at Varner looking for the BIG bite. Front was getting ready to come through and water was 58 deg. Perfect for throwing a big swimbait for a monster. I started off throwing the swimbait with no takers. I had to get the day going so I switched to a lipless crankbait and caught some three and four pounders then I threw a worm for a while and caught some one and two pounders. OK now I am warmed up from catching some baby fish. The fish seem to be getting more active so I go  to a proven big bass spot that has produced a few ten and eleven pound fish for me over the past few months. I start casting the swim bait and see a flash just under it but it misses it. I make three more casts with the swimbait trying different retrieves to try to trigger a better strike from the fish. On the third cast I burn it and stop it and the fish takes the bait as the swimbait stops in front of the fish. I wish I could tell you the fight was a good one but the fish jumped one time and I skipped it all the way to the boat on heavy braid as it never got a chance to get back into the water once I saw I had both sets of big trebles in the mouth of the fish. It was still fun though since I saw the fish take the bait after missing it on my first cast.  


fishing user avatarDaniel My Brother reply : 

Wow! Very impressive. I'd be thrilled to catch half that fish!

fishing user avatarFishin49er reply : 

Very nice fish, congrats.

fishing user avatarRandall reply : 

I call Doghouse and tell him the fish are biting so he shows up in his boat right after they shut down and get lockjaw. I stop throwing the swimbait and pick up the lipless crankbait again and fish for a while with no strikes. Doghouse has been throwing a DT-16 out behind me where I had lost a couple of good fish on a spoon but he decides he wants to catch a fish so he pulls out his favorite lipless crankbait and fishes down a bank and I follow behind him in my boat throwing the same type of bait. Its been a while since I had a strike so I am getting ready to leave the spot or go back to a worm when my bait comes to a complete stop. I yell to Doghouse for help but he is too far away to bring a net over. The fish tried to jump but never got its head up. It did however spray me with water a couple of times with its  paddle size tail as it came to the surface. I got it to the net and scooped it up and almost lost it since half of the fish was still outside the net. It had what looked to be an 10 to 12 inch worm passing out its rear. :o I guess someone must have lost it and is telling everybody how big it was and nobody believes them. ;D Doghouse came over and photographed the fish on the scale and it weighed 12.0. Maybe Doghouse can post the photo of the fish on the scale.


fishing user avatarRandall reply : 

Here is one more photo of the 12.0


fishing user avatarRandall reply : 

I almost forgot. If you look at the 10lber pic you can see where it missed the bait on the first cast. It has two marks on its side that match up exactly to the hooks on the swimbait. Looks like I almost snagged it.

fishing user avatarFishin49er reply : 

WOW, another nice fish.  Way to go!!

fishing user avatarDan: reply : 

holy crap! nice work man! that's one good day.

fishing user avatarfourbizz reply : 

SWEET! Nothing like 2 DD's huh! :P

fishing user avatarPa Angler reply : 

Congrats, Awesome fish.

fishing user avatarjusttrying reply : 


you're "living a dream" in the fishing world! CONGRATULATIONS

HOWEVER, keep in mind, that I, like the rest of the posters, wish you congratulations, we are, inside, so envious til we can't stand it!  Wheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee


fishing user avatarVyron reply : 

what a day!!!!!  :)

fishing user avatarCyBasser reply : 



You prove me right - I just started getting swimbaits for some big babies! What swimbait did you use?

fishing user avatarLow_Budget_Hooker reply : 

Beautiful fish, great catchin' Randall!!

(Any video?)

fishing user avatarFish Chris reply : 

Those are some pigs ! Good job. Makes me want to sneak in a bass trip one of these days soon..... Like a warm day between fronts, on the off tide week for Sturgies..... Now you got me thinking :-)

Continued success to you !



fishing user avatarGrey Wolf reply : 

WOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!! HOG'S GALORE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! GREAT JOB!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

fishing user avatarsenile1 reply : 

My hat's off to you, Randall.  Most of us, except for those in southern states and California, would be glad to catch one double-digit bass in a lifetime.  

fishing user avatarLightninrod reply : 


What a BASSER you are Randall! 8-)

We are not worthy!


fishing user avatarRandall reply : 



You prove me right - I just started getting swimbaits for some big babies! What swimbait did you use?

It's a six inch ABT/Strike King swimbait. I cant remember which this one was but ABT makes both baits. ABT calls it the Titan and SK calls it the King Kong. Its the most affordable hard swimbait I could find that still had a good action. I am still saving up for a couple Triple Trouts and maybe one or two more hard swimbaits. After throwing some soft swimbaits for a few years I am really starting to like the hard swimbaits better than the soft ones.

fishing user avatarroadwarrior reply : 

Looking for the big bite?

Hmm...I guess you found it.

Congratulations! Great fish, fantastic pics.

fishing user avatarSPEEDBEAD. reply : 

I keep hearing Varner this and Varner that....dude, I WANT A SHOT!!!!!!


fishing user avatarSPEEDBEAD. reply : 


fishing user avatarSPEEDBEAD. reply : 

ok, just Mapquested from my apartment to the Newton Recreation Commission building. This is the closest guess I could find next to Varner.

Supposedly, this is the estimated trip....

Total Est. Time: 10 hours, 52 minutes     Total Est. Distance: 699.53 miles

I will sit back and wait for the PM invites to roll in!!!!!!!


fishing user avatarFisherman reply : 

Absolute pigs; way to go!  I need to catch one of those...  :D

fishing user avatarGatorbassman reply : 

>:(!@#$%^&*(*&^%$#@!@#$%^&* >:((*&^%$#@!@#$%^&  >:((*&^%$#@   (*&^ >:(%$#@#$% :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'(

fishing user avatar5bass reply : 


The 2nd annual roadtrip has just been changed from Lake Fork to VARNER..... ;D


fishing user avatarChug Bug reply : 

Nice Fish Man!  Good work.

fishing user avatarLow_Budget_Hooker reply : 

(Any video?)

Have you been videoing at all this season?  That 8 lbr on video is priceless, we need more!

fishing user avatarK_Mac reply : 
My hat's off to you, Randall. Most of us, except for those in southern states and California, would be glad to catch one double-digit bass in a lifetime.

What he said.

fishing user avatarRandall reply : 

(Any video?)

Have you been videoing at all this season? That 8 lbr on video is priceless, we need more!

My wife borrowed my tripod and I haven't really been in the right situation when the big fish hit to have the camera running. I will try to get some in the next couple of weeks when I am out. It will be easier to get video when my guide service slows down some this winter and I get out fun fishing more.

fishing user avatarKeithscatch reply : 

Nice ones for sure. I thought it ironic that you went out looking for hawgs on the swimbait (you did catch one on it) but caught the biggest bass on the lowly $3 rattle trap. Just hard to beat those traps.

Good going.

fishing user avatarAlpster reply : 

Those are amazing fish Randall, thanks for sharing the pictures with us.  Oh and by the way, I WANT ONE!!!!!!!!!! ;)


fishing user avatartallydude reply : 

Beautiful fish!

fishing user avatarRose_Jackets67 reply : 

Man oh man. I was literally about a 1/2 step from skipping my afternoon classes Monday and taking the whole day to go to Varner... Maybe I should have   :-?  Glad you were able to stick 'em, Randall.


fishing user avatarRandall reply : 
Nice ones for sure. I thought it ironic that you went out looking for hawgs on the swimbait (you did catch one on it) but caught the biggest bass on the lowly $3 rattle trap. Just hard to beat those traps.

Good going.

It was actually a $11.95 at Bass Pro Hardcore Drum with a $1 hook upgrade. ;D
fishing user avatarBassassasin12 reply : 

wow, every time you catch one double digit it seems like you get another the same day. Thats awesome. I need to move ot Georgia.

fishing user avatarRandall reply : 
wow, every time you catch one double digit it seems like you get another the same day. Thats awesome. I need to move ot Georgia.
The thing about Varner is that the big bass aren't loners there. There are enough eight to ten pound fish in an area to make a school of eight to ten pound fish. If you catch one, with the exception of spring, there are usually more the same size around with it or near it.  So what I do is work a spot over and over after catching a big fish there until I get another one or two. It may take a week or the next cast may catch it.  
fishing user avatarfishingrulz reply : 

um yea....I can preety much sum this up with....WHAT THE HELL!!?!?!?!?!?! :o

hehe, those are 2 freakin beauts man...nice, nice job on them. I haven't caught anything bigger than 2 and a half..but I will. And you guys will be the first to hear about it!

fishing user avatarMatt Fly reply : 

Makes me want to buy some digital equipment, does the fish come with camera?  LOL

You are consistently producing nice bass, and those are 2 more to add to your list for 2006.     Great job as always.



fishing user avatarguest reply : 

You sure can catch the porkers.

Way to go dude !!!!!!!!!!!

fishing user avatarCaptain Cali reply : 

WOW! That is amazing!! Great work!

fishing user avatarTop reply : 

wow Randal,

  I just asked the wife if after we got to Fort Stewart I could hire a trip with you... she said go for it... :)

hmmmm I think that would be a blast...  help me get my new BP!  Senko I think you need to come along too! I need all the guidance and coaching I can get!


fishing user avatarguest reply : 

I gotta admit Randall.  Your hog photo's are great advertising.  Maybe next year Varmer would be a good destination for the road trip.

fishing user avatarGatorbassman reply : 

We thaught about that but Varner requires an electric boat that is spacificly disigned for that lake and others like it. You can easily burn the juice out of 6 to 8 batteries in a day of fishing. So that would limit the trip to those of us that have rigs like that. There are other reasons like lack of camping in the area and distance to the nearest gas motor lake. I sure wish we could pull it off though. It would be awsome.

fishing user avatarguest reply : 
We thaught about that but Varner requires an electric boat that is spacificly disigned for that lake and others like it. You can easily burn the juice out of 6 to 8 batteries in a day of fishing. So that would limit the trip to those of us that have rigs like that. There are other reasons like lack of camping in the area and distance to the nearest gas motor lake. I sure wish we could pull it off though. It would be awsome.

Well, just keep posting those pix.  I feel a road trip to GA. coming some time in the future, after the lake fork trip.  What town do you usually recommend your clients stay in?

fishing user avatarGatorbassman reply : 

Covington, GA. That is were I grew up. There are a few good hotels very close to Varner. Randall is very reasonable with his rates and he works his tail off for ya. I have yet to hear of someone being disappointed with a trip with Randall. Even if they don't catch a single fish.


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