I haven't posted on here in a while, especially the outings section. To be honest, there hasn't been much for me to post. Bunch of 5 and 6 pounders, but just couldn't find the same quality that I was catching last year.
Did finally manage one decent one the other day so I figured I'd post it up.
She went 9lbs4oz. Dobyns 805 Punch Rod / Revo STX
real nice fish, congrats. Where in CA. Are you?
well thats one beautiful decent 9 pounder to me, CONGRATS!!QuoteI haven't posted on here in a while, especially the outings section. To be honest, there hasn't been much for me to post. Bunch of 5 and 6 pounders, but just couldn't find the same quality that I was catching last year.Did finally manage one decent one the other day so I figured I'd post it up.
She went 9lbs4oz.
That is one nice toad right there. Thanks for sharing!
Thats a hawg. I wish that I could consider " not much to talk about " as 5 and 6 pounders.
Interesting water surface in the background. Does that happen much in California?
Do you realize there are programs that can "unedit" photos posted on the 'net?
If you are trying to hide the background so as to not give away a location, there are ways to get around the edit.
I don't know what they are, but I recall someone posting a picture with the background altered, and another poster used the program, unedited the photo and posted it.
The original poster was none too pleased.
How many people are looking at backgrounds in other people's pics to try to find a good fishing spot?
Lol, right now all over California these invasive anglers are planning their trip to YOUR SPOT! OH no!
QuoteHow many people are looking at backgrounds in other people's pics to try to find a good fishing spot?Lol, right now all over California these invasive anglers are planning their trip to YOUR SPOT! OH no!
Not sure if you're taking a shot at me, but the answer is a LOT. Not sure if this isn't an issue in Texas, but here in Cali, it most certainly is.
No need to post on a matter that you really don't understand. I've had a body of water RUINED from photos being posted. Actually, make that TWO bodies of water.
As for the post above, I would love to see someone unedit the photo posted. If someone is going to be THAT desperate, and spend that much time, then they need all the help they can get.
Nice bass. You can really post some pictures of those 5 & 6 lb. bass , we won't make fun of you .
Those 5 & 6 lb fish are almost trophies here in Ohio.
Me too. I don't blame you, man. Its not as bad up here, but when it comes to winter trout fishing, spot burn can be really bad. you post a pic on the web, and the next day you see a bunch of out of state plates in the parking lot, LOL.QuoteI've had a body of water RUINED from photos being posted.
Its impossible to "unedit" a JPEG. Once the change is made and the image file is saved, the changes are permanent.
Anyway, nice fish, I can't get enough of those Cali slobs - keep posting them up.
QuoteQuoteHow many people are looking at backgrounds in other people's pics to try to find a good fishing spot?Lol, right now all over California these invasive anglers are planning their trip to YOUR SPOT! OH no!
Not sure if you're taking a shot at me, but the answer is a LOT. Not sure if this isn't an issue in Texas, but here in Cali, it most certainly is.
No need to post on a matter that you really don't understand. I've had a body of water RUINED from photos being posted. Actually, make that TWO bodies of water.
As for the post above, I would love to see someone unedit the photo posted. If someone is going to be THAT desperate, and spend that much time, then they need all the help they can get.
Nothing personal, but if I lived in CA, I would totally ninja your fishing spot if you're considering 5-6 lbers nothing special.
EDIT: Almost forgot, d**n nice fish.
thats one NICE fish man!!!!
and im sure your spot will remain in secrecy.
I wasn't taking a shot at you, I just think its crazy that people would do this. How could it be a 'secret' that a certain body of water held big fish? You couldn't be the first person to catch a big fish there.
I guess its just odd to me because it doesn't seem to be an issue here in Texas. The guides on nearly all of the lakes post their bass pictures and the patterns their catching them with.
Maybe if all of the cali anglers carried guns on their boats it would solve the problem?
Anyways, sorry to hijack the thread. What I meant to say was "nice fish man"
QuoteI wasn't taking a shot at you, I just think its crazy that people would do this. How could it be a 'secret' that a certain body of water held big fish? You couldn't be the first person to catch a big fish there.I guess its just odd to me because it doesn't seem to be an issue here in Texas. The guides on nearly all of the lakes post their bass pictures and the patterns their catching them with.
Maybe if all of the cali anglers carried guns on their boats it would solve the problem?
Anyways, sorry to hijack the thread. What I meant to say was "nice fish man"
It's not the body of water, it's the specific location. There's TWO issues with showing where bigger fish are being caught. The more important of the two for me, is bucket fisherman. On almost every body of water out here are a TON of bucket fisherman. They keep EVERYTHING they eat, and they use live bait. Live bait in areas where there's a large amount of quality fish, is not a good scenario.
The second issue is I have 3 tournaments coming up this month, and would rather not have 20 baits from 20 boats hitting each spot because they know there's a big fish there.
I understand in most states it may not be an issue, but a LOT of guys out here do it, because it is an issue. There are some photos I have posted where I haven't edited the pictures. My avatar is me holding a 13lber caught on the same body of water. But there's nothing very recognizable to where I think it would harm anything. I edit photos that I believe could give a spot away and potentially cause there to be guys out there catching and keeping.
Hope this clears things up a little bit.
Ditch the scale...That bass is easily 12 lbs!
;D ;D ;D
Great looking fish- congrats...if you don't want to give up your spot, how about line, lure, depth, time of day and retrieve?
Nice fish David,
i know what you mean brokeju about tourney time!
Ive shared info with the wrong people before and had good schooling spots hit hard where the fish wouldnt hit anything you through at em!
and ESPECIALLY around tourney time!
anyways nice fish!
couldnt imagine 5-6 lbers not photo worthy!
i take pictures of 13 inchers!
almost made a post with my 1st carolina rig bass who was a mighty 10incher!
I completely understand the problem, Brokeju. Nice fish.
And the un-editing stuff is bull honkey. Like JFrancho said, once a jpg is saved it is flattened. Un-editing it would be like trying to manipulate a photograph to see what was behind a person. The data just isn't there.
QuoteDitch the scale...That bass is easily 12 lbs!
;D ;D ;D
I wish RW! She had a belly too, which you can't see too well in the photos. I stupidly didn't get measurements, but she wasn't 12 unfortunately. Thanks for making me feel a little less bummed that she fell short of a DD! I thought she would go 10 1/2 when I pulled her up.
What a monster! Nice fish!!!
amazing fish! i'm still fishing for my first big bass, although i don't think they get that big in michigan!
I've seen better :-/
QuoteQuoteHow many people are looking at backgrounds in other people's pics to try to find a good fishing spot?Lol, right now all over California these invasive anglers are planning their trip to YOUR SPOT! OH no!
Not sure if you're taking a shot at me, but the answer is a LOT. Not sure if this isn't an issue in Texas, but here in Cali, it most certainly is.
No need to post on a matter that you really don't understand. I've had a body of water RUINED from photos being posted. Actually, make that TWO bodies of water.
As for the post above, I would love to see someone unedit the photo posted. If someone is going to be THAT desperate, and spend that much time, then they need all the help they can get.
It only took me 3 mins to get a copy of the unedited photo. I will pm you so you can save your spot. VERY nice fish
QuoteI've seen better :-/
yeah we know thats a joke lol
Congrats! Beautiful fish!
QuoteQuoteQuoteHow many people are looking at backgrounds in other people's pics to try to find a good fishing spot?Lol, right now all over California these invasive anglers are planning their trip to YOUR SPOT! OH no!
Not sure if you're taking a shot at me, but the answer is a LOT. Not sure if this isn't an issue in Texas, but here in Cali, it most certainly is.
No need to post on a matter that you really don't understand. I've had a body of water RUINED from photos being posted. Actually, make that TWO bodies of water.
As for the post above, I would love to see someone unedit the photo posted. If someone is going to be THAT desperate, and spend that much time, then they need all the help they can get.
It only took me 3 mins to get a copy of the unedited photo. I will pm you so you can save your spot. VERY nice fish
Well aren't you special.
Almost forgot: :DNICE FISH!!!!!!! ;D ;D
Very nice. Congrats. Hard earned I'm sure.
I'm confused though -don't understand the issue brought up here. It's his fish and his spot. Congrats and move on. Does he owe anyone more than that?
I was being nice
Considering he wanted the spot kept secret, I told him privately over pm.
That is a nice bass.
Some people have way to much time on their hands if they are un-editing photos to find where people fish. What happened to the good ole honor system? I guess most people will do anything for a 10+. I just think it's stupid and disrespectful. I'm sorry some people just have no self respect. I'm not taking a shot at you Michelle, but the other idiots that have to get out of their mom's basement more often then when the Matrix Reloaded is playing on TNT again. :)
Nice Hog. Where'd you catch it? Joking. We'll done.
nice fish dude.
Ah...I see. Went back and read Rhinos post.
Michelle43 is it true one can "unedit" a jpg image?
Awesome fish, and good luck with your upcoming tournaments.
I have to say though, this thread brings up a point that really drives me nuts. People always have something stupid to say when you have the background blurred out. Whats up with this? Cant someone catch a nice fish and share it with everyone, without having to share his spot?!?!?
QuoteAh...I see. Went back and read Rhinos post.Michelle43 is it true one can "unedit" a jpg image?
I don't know. I didn't unedit it.
Guess it's time I shutup and read. :
Just to clear it up:
There is no unediting. There is no secret way to get past a jpg edit.
QuoteJust to clear it up:There is no unediting. There is no secret way to get past a jpg edit.
Thank you, I was just trying to be nice.
The only reason I looked it up is because it was posted that it was not possible.
Tell a kid they CAN'T do something and that is the first thing they will do. I am not a kid, but I am college educated in both computers and investigation. I was tempted...so I did.
I have no desire in his spot as he is in Cali and I am in VA.
The point is, GREAT FISH!!! congrats! I hope you catch it again during your tournament
That is a nice fish. Well done.
It's good to see you back and posting! Nice fish too, Dude!
next time just pop the sucker in a livewell drive to a spot that never produces snap a pick,go back to old spot drop fish off,go home post it all over the web, watch all the bozos at that spot trying to catch that fish
Decent? That would be my PB!! Congrats.
QuoteThats a hawg. I wish that I could consider " not much to talk about " as 5 and 6 pounders.DO WORK
X2!!!!!!!! Man, I'm stoked 'bout a four pounder!!!