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Neighborhood lake finally delivers a big one. pic! 2025

fishing user avatar32251 reply : 

Ya'll know I have only been bass fishing for about a year and a half. Everything I learned has been from this forum and from my brother. My small 3 or 4 acre neighborhood lake is where I can run down and check out rods and reels and lures. It is an old lake with no creek or anything feeding it, just rain runoff and maybe a little spring or something. I never caught a big fish out of it....until today.

I Wanted to test a chatterbait with some new 10lb line. Put an extra trailor on it..a black trick worm, tossed it out. Let it go to the bottom and just hopped it and let it sit there...felt a little pop and the line felt light so I set the hook. Wow!!! Got the fish over in the small pads we have around the tangled me up pretty good so I have learned to just give the fish some slack and wait it out till it decides to move a little and then I can drag it up and out.

Give me some good estimates on how much it weighs. Got to be 10+!


fishing user avatarmattm reply : 

Are you wanted or just Mr. Wilson from Home Improvement.  Seriously that has to be the worst pic ever to guess weight by. I'd say 9-10lbs.

fishing user avatarMobydick reply : 

I'd say around 7 give or take a few ounces.

It's a nice fish whatever it is!

fishing user avatar32251 reply : 
Are you wanted or just Mr. Wilson from Home Improvement. Seriously that has to be the worst pic ever to guess weight by. I'd say 9-10lbs.

OK I put up a smaller version of the original pic just as it was, and added another. Is this better??

Hope this will make it easier to guess a weight. At least I have a pic!!


fishing user avatarDavid P reply : 

That's a mighty nice fish, but from the picture, doesn't look like she'd go quite 10. Did you get measurements?

She's long but looks pretty thin . I'd say 8-9.

fishing user avatar32251 reply : 

My wife is standing on a hill above me taking the pic, so the shot is not straight on and might make the fish look a little thinner with the angle looking downward. I did not have a tape measure on me. I thank you all for your estimates.

BTW I released the fish after the pics were taken.

fishing user avatarGrey Wolf reply : 

You really want some one say its a ten , I don't think so , 8 to 9 lbs.

fishing user avatar32251 reply : 
You really want some one say its a ten , I don't think so , 8 to 9 lbs.

That's fine!! I don't have enough experience in weight guessing.

By the time the story gets told a few'll be up to 12 before you know it! 8-)

Here is the last shot more straight on.  Looks a little less thin this angle.

That should give everyone enough pics to do some more estimating.


fishing user avatarDaniel My Brother reply : 

Great fish regardless of the weight! Long and lean.


:) :) :)

fishing user avatarRandall reply : 

That ones hard to guess but I guess 7-8 from the last photo. and 8-9 in the first one. :) Nice fish! I have a hard time guessing looking at a fish in person unless I pick it up. 12 sounds much better for the storys though. ;D

fishing user avatarsenile1 reply : 

I'm with Randall on the 7 - 8 lb estimate. She's long and lean and somewhat similar to the one in my avatar which was 23 and a half inches but it didn't break seven and a half pounds. Sweet fish! I'm happy for ya'. 8-)

fishing user avatarfishntime reply : 

Heres my estimate



fishing user avatarBass Bro reply : 

Looks nice no matter what  it's weight is! :)

fishing user avatarfishizzle reply : 

just testing your line huh.

guess it handled ok

bigger than anthing I've caught so to me its a 10

fishing user avatarBassinSoldier reply : 

I'd guess 7 or 8.  Great fish either way man, congrats!  Been a while since I have caught one that big.  

fishing user avatarT-rig reply : 
I'd guess 7 or 8. Great fish either way man, congrats! Been a while since I have caught one that big.



fishing user avatarDADto4 reply : 

Who cares how much it weighs, Thats one heck of a catch in my book! ;)

fishing user avatardeadeye32. reply : 

I say 10.2lbs.   ;)

fishing user avatar32251 reply : 
I say 10.2lbs. ;)

Bless you Deadeye!!  You are a true fisherman!  If I can ever return the exaggerati.......uh favor, just let me know!  8-)

fishing user avatarCaptain Rhino reply : 

8 on-the-dot sounds about right to me. Congrats on the awesome catch. It looks like the neighborhood lake is a decent place to fish.  

fishing user avatarroadwarrior reply : 

Great fish no matter what it weighed.



fishing user avatardemonjd22 reply : 

yea that thing is NICE! congratulations on the hawg. god i wish the lakes up by me here in nj had bass that big  >:(

fishing user avatartyrius. reply : 
I did not have a tape measure on me.

Next time use your line to measure the length and girth.  Just cut the lure off, pull the line the length of the fish and then cut it off.  That's the length.  Wrap the line around the fattest section for the girth and you have measurements even if you don't have a tape measure.

If you just want to get length then measure it along your rod and go back and use a tape to get the length later.


fishing user avatar32251 reply : 
I did not have a tape measure on me.

Next time use your line to measure the length and girth. Just cut the lure off, pull the line the length of the fish and then cut it off. That's the length. Wrap the line around the fattest section for the girth and you have measurements even if you don't have a tape measure.

If you just want to get length then measure it along your rod and go back and use a tape to get the length later.


That just makes too much good sense!

fishing user avatartyrius. reply : 
That just makes too much good sense!

Now go back out there and catch her again.

And THIS time measure her!!!

fishing user avatarTokyo Tony reply : 

Yeah Chatterbaits! Nice fish  :)

fishing user avatarSDoolittle reply : 

If you really want to know how much that fished weighed, you should contact this guy.l_db3ba83c08ff4345bc98cf09df30a39d1.jpg

fishing user avatardaviscw reply : 
If you really want to know how much that fished weighed, you should contact this guy.l_db3ba83c08ff4345bc98cf09df30a39d1.jpg

Gahlee that dude is famous!

I'd give it 7 or 8 also. Awesome fish!

fishing user avatarrondef reply : 

Thats one nice hawg you got there.  

fishing user avatarCertified Public Angler reply : 
 I did not have a tape measure on me.

Next time use your line to measure the length and girth.  Just cut the lure off, pull the line the length of the fish and then cut it off.  That's the length.  Wrap the line around the fattest section for the girth and you have measurements even if you don't have a tape measure.

If you just want to get length then measure it along your rod and go back and use a tape to get the length later.


If only adrenaline allowed for a quick creative solution like that. haha. I would have never thought of that.  ;)  He was probably too worried about getting a picture and making sure the big boy swam away alive.

Great fish, congrats!

fishing user avatarCade Laufenberg reply : 



Cannot compute.

Sorry we don't have fish that size where I come from! ;D

fishing user avatarGeorge Welcome reply : 

Get a scale - stop guessing. A picture is worth a thousand words as you can tell by all the posts but no one can guess with any accuracy the weight without a great deal of luck.  A camera is a very deceiving instrument.

fishing user avatarfirefightn15 reply : 

That's a beaut.  Great catch! ;)

fishing user avatartyrius. reply : 
I would have never thought of that. ;)

I got the idea from here!!!  And actually used it a month ago when I caught a nearly 7 pound monster.  I didn't have anything to measure girth so I just used the fishing line.

fishing user avatarIDbasser reply : 

Whatever the weight on the fish is, that is one nice fish!

fishing user avatarRedlinerobert reply : 

That is a solid 7.  

fishing user avatarLCpointerKILLA reply : 
I'd guess 7 or 8. Great fish either way man, congrats! Been a while since I have caught one that big.



x3 big fish

fishing user avatarBassboss reply : 

10-11lbs I'd say!!

fishing user avatarCasey=SeededPro reply : 

sir, thats a mighty nice fish. i know from experience those little neighborhood lakes hold HUGE bass, and this is a beauty

fishing user avatarInfidel. reply : 

The weight is less important than the fact that you stuck a solid fish! Congrats. :)

Guessing the wieght of a fish from a pic is pointless. Too many variables. For instace, you could have fourbizz holding an eight and it would look like a six where as if Brokeju was holding that same fish it would look like a ten ;D

fishing user avatarYakfish reply : 

Who cares? Better than any fish I've ever caught (or will catch) around here. Congrats!

fishing user avatarFishinDaddy reply : 
That ones hard to guess but I guess 7-8 from the last photo. and 8-9 in the first one. :) Nice fish! I have a hard time guessing looking at a fish in person unless I pick it up. 12 sounds much better for the storys though. ;D


Congrats!  giver her another years or so and you will have a 10.  At least you know where to look now.


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