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STATE RECORD!!!!!! 2025

fishing user avatarBucketmouthAngler13 reply : 

I think I am going to pee myself! Wait to your hear this! I CANT BELIVE IT!

Today I hit my secret pond by myself. I was using jigs and jerkbaits to no avail. After a few hours, I tied on my mattlures Gill and started using that. At 3:30pm, rain drizziling, I hooked, fought and landed my first swimbait bass, and the bass of my dreams!

11lbs 4oz! I beat the state record (that stood for 27 years) by just 6oz! I weighed it on my digital scale, took 3 pictures, and released the mosnter. (I only had her out of the water for about 60 seconds) I AM SO FREAKING PUMPED! I AM STILL SHAKING!!! I'm the luckiest guy in the world! I spent more time and money going after this bass then anything else! She totaly distoried my swimbait, but I didnt care. She hit the bait close to the surface about 15ft out. I had 30lb powerpro and my drag tight, but she still ran out about 50 yards before she tired out. She didn't surface intill I had her right in, and I was so scared I would mess up and loose her I was afriad to lip her. I hauled her out (had to use both hands) and let out a long, loud, shaky, "YEEEEEHAAWWWW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

another fisherman was on the other side of the lake and he came running over. "Holy ****! Holy ***!" was all he could say. He took the pictures, witnessed the weighing and the release, cursing up a storm the whole time. You are the first people (besides my family) to hear this news! I'm going to nodify the NJ Fish and Game deparment right after i post this. I dont know if they will give me the record because the scale isnt certified, but I dont know. I have the guy's name and phone number so they can have a witness. I always told myself I would release the record if I ever cought it, and thats what I did.




OK enough jibberish! Ladies and Gentlemen, here is the new record!!! I post more details and pictures later, I got some calls to make.

Tight lines! I still cant believe it!


fishing user avatarWhiteMike1018 reply : 

Congratulations Matt you said one day you would do it! omg thats is a pig.

fishing user avatarLow_Budget_Hooker reply : 

That thing looks like it would go 14 all day,....I can't believe you released a state record...:(

fishing user avatarLong Mike reply : 

Nice photo, but I think you caught a crap. I mean carp. ;D

fishing user avatarBassassasin12 reply : 

I knew as soon as I saw the post. Good try though

fishing user avatarSean_e_bus_21 reply : 

GREAT JOB MATT... i should have gone with you today im so entirly mad and p'ed of at my self................i knew they would be biting today

Great job BOII


fishing user avatarMurray reply : 


fishing user avatarYakfish reply :  ;)
fishing user avatarJimzee reply : 

Got me!!! ;D

fishing user avatargeorgiabassfisherman reply : 

hahahahhahahahahaha wow u got me ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D

fishing user avatarGotta Love It reply : 

You got me too you little ____________!!!!  It was a great April fool's joke though!  :)

fishing user avatarT-rig reply : 

Had me fooled all the way!!! ;D

fishing user avatarCravin reply : 

I was aware of the whole april thing well before to this post and I still fell hook line and sinker! very funny :D

fishing user avatarSPEEDBEAD. reply : 

Very good young 'un, very good.....You got me for sure.


fishing user avatarroadwarrior reply : 


Me, too.

fishing user avatarBucketmouthAngler13 reply : 

LOL i thought this was good idea. ;D

I was talking to LBH on aim (while he was reading the post and before he saw the picture) and i got him sooooo bad. I was crying with laughter.  ;D:'( ;D

fishing user avatarBD reply : 

Got me as well.

fishing user avatarNew 2 Bass reply : 

Got me.

fishing user avatarFatBoy reply : 

Fooled me today, a day late.  The April Fool's prank that keeps on foolin'.  Very nice!!!

fishing user avatarCrabcakes reply : 

I fell for it too. In my defense it was April 2nd when I saw it. ;D

fishing user avatarDaniel My Brother reply : 

You got me hook, line and sinker. I kept thinking "HE THREW IT BACK!?!"

fishing user avatarJohn J. reply : 

I remember everyone talking about something about that bma13 got them in my "April Fools Pranks" post, but now I know what everyone was talking about!  ;D ;D ;D ;D

I probably would have fell for it...then again, I might have figured it was a joke....


Good one though lol!  ;D 8-)

fishing user avatarguest reply : 

Untill I opened the link, all I could think was.

"dummy kid, releases a state record."

fishing user avatarHookemdown. reply : 

Got me..... >:(

Until I opened the link, all I could think was.

"dummy kid, releases a state record."

Funny, first thing I thought was FishChris saying: Good job, kid, C and R'n that monster. Good to see young fellers preserving our sport....(BLA BLA BLA)

fishing user avatarjomatty reply : 

interesting the varied responses the release of the imaginary fish got.  if i caught a state record i would release it no problem.  if i caught the world record...that bad boy is goin in the ice box to silence doubters.

i guess the different records mean different things to different people.


fishing user avatarRecMar8541 reply : 

got me too, on april 3rd lol!!  yeah!! tonight is the new season of deadliest catch!!!

fishing user avatarBankbeater reply : 

You got me good!! :)

fishing user avatarJohn J. reply : 

If I caught the state record here (which is like 16 pounds and 9 ounces) I will throw it in my pond lol!!! Then again depending on if anyone seen it and if the press was there I would throw it back..

God bless  8-)

fishing user avatarBucketmouthAngler13 reply : 

Hey guys, I'm surprised with all the negitive views on releasing a big bass. (record)

I dont know if you all guys know, But right now I am going after the record, and I think I have about a 10% chance of getting it. (for reasons that have to be left unkown)

And, If I where to have a certified scale, witnesses, plenty of picutres, I would release the record bass. Here are my reasons:

1. I might be able to still get my name in the books. If I dont, who cares? I cought it, and I know the exact weight. I'm after this bass for the thrill of landing it, and the thrill of releasing it, and of course bragging rights so I can shut up all the people who think I'm crazy.

2. I see no reason why I should release a 10lb even bass (not the record) and NOT release a 11lbs even bass (record) just becuase it is a record. Life isn't about fame or fortune. I think it is downright wrong to keep a trophy bass. It's kinda like killing a doe that has twins with her. And having my name in the books and having my "collage paid for" should not be any reason why I should do something I beleive is wrong.

3. What if someone else catches it? Good for them. They can thank me for the fish of their life. If they release it, then maybe someone else can catch it. If that someone else catches it, then someone else might have the bass of their life. Screw the record books.

Let me ask you this. Would the world be a better place if some guy finaly broke the record, or if someone cought the bass and released it, someone else cought it and released it, and so on.

If someone else catches and doesnt release it, well, thats their problem. I would have done my part.

tight lines



if anyone is confused with this thread, I havn't cought the record bass. Yet. LOL ;)

fishing user avatarBadKarma42 reply : 


fishing user avatarJohn J. reply : 

and also if you release that record bass, in the future when the bass grows it will be another record for someone to catch. Keeping that chain going on is indeed a great thing to do!

I agree with you 100% BMA13!  8-)

fishing user avatarRedlinerobert reply : 

So I just saw this too and you got me, you little turkey.  ;D

fishing user avatarRandy Beasley reply : 

yeah to me killing a trophy fish just to hang in on you wall is wrong. Now if the fish dies in during the figh (which has happened) then i think you should do what ever you want with the fish. But dont kill the poor thing, just take as many pics as you can and have that warm feeling inside when you see him swim away...

fishing user avatarBucketmouthAngler13 reply : 
So I just saw this too and you got me, you little turkey.  ;D

LOL four days later and it's still fooling people. ;D

fishing user avatarguest reply : 

I hope you get nothing but Dinks til MAY  got mee too!!!!!!!!!! WHAT A MOOK!

fishing user avatarTroutfisher reply : 

Takes a mook to know a mook  

fishing user avatarClayton reply : 

Aw man! you had me good. ;D

fishing user avatarTheBeast reply : 

Another one got, 4 days later.  :-[ ;D

I agree with releasing the fish as well, since it apparently has very good genes and will be laying eggs and passing those gens on to future generations of hawgs.

fishing user avatarBucketmouthAngler13 reply : 
I hope you get nothing but Dinks til MAY  got mee too!!!!!!!!!! WHAT A MOOK!

Takes a mook to know a mook

Or "Takes a mook to mook a mook"

fishing user avatarBass Smacker reply : 

 You got me to :D

 I Know I would release a state record fish if I had pics waight and a witness. I'm wondering though if one could get a digital scale certified? I don't see why not.

 Now a would record fish would go home with me...  Just to make sure...    

fishing user avatarSupermat reply : 

Ugh, its April 6th and I just stumbled onto this post... feeling plenty stupid as April Fools is long gone and I never saw this one coming.  ;D

fishing user avatarww2farmer reply : 
Ugh, its April 6th and I just stumbled onto this post... feeling plenty stupid as April Fools is long gone and I never saw this one coming. ;D

HAHA I just fell for it too........


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