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Bitter Sweet New PB 2025

fishing user avatarDavid P reply : 

Got to fish the Delta today, finally.

I'm happy to have a new PB and all, but 5oz shy of a DD just hurts!

9lbs 11oz



fishing user avatarjrhennecke reply : 

Beautiful fish man

fishing user avatarJimzee reply : 

I know you're stoked.  Bitter sweet or not, that's a fish to be proud of.  Bask in the the glory my man!  

fishing user avatar.dsaavedra. reply : 

wow man great fish! maybe i can get one like that this spring ::) ;D

hope you saved a few copies of the pic before you whited em out ;)

fishing user avatarT-rig reply : 

What a fish man, congrats! 8-)

fishing user avatarisland bassin reply : 

Congrats 8-) 8-)

fishing user avatarfourbizz reply : 

way to go dude! nothing beats one of those bites!

fishing user avatardumb_dog11 reply : 


what on?

fishing user avatarMaxDal reply : 

Wow flawless bass !

Very nice color, perfect shape and perfect fins and tail !

No mark of whatever anywhere on the fish....

Beautiful fish. Congratulations on your new PB ! 8-)

fishing user avatarTin reply : 


fishing user avatarBassboy15 reply : 

jig paid off eh?

fishing user avatarKU_Bassmaster. reply : 

Congrats :)

fishing user avatarmattm reply : went out and got a 9lber.  Poor guy ;).  Seriously nice fish man.  Congratulations.  The post turned out a lot better than I thought when I saw the title.  I thought you were going to say it was gut hooked or something.

fishing user avatarHesterIsGod reply : 

Another California giant, nice fish man :)

fishing user avatarfisher of bass reply : 

WOW :o beautiful fish, congrats.

fishing user avatarSneakySnook reply : 

WTG! Great looking bass.

fishing user avatarFivePoundBluegill reply : 

Brokejews going to be pretty mad about this post.

I was just talking to him on aim and he told me since i was a good friend he would tell me what the "secret" bait he used was....


fishing user avatar.dsaavedra. reply : 
...since i was a good friend...

not any more ::)

and i wouldnt believe him if he said inline spinner, you guys should hear some of the other baits he told me he caught it on :o ;D

fishing user avatarDavid P reply : 

I told you guys, I caught it on a cheeto.

fishing user avatarJimzee reply : 
I told you guys, I caught it on a cheeto.

Would that be the puffy kind or the crunchy kind? ;D

fishing user avatarDavid P reply : 
I told you guys, I caught it on a cheeto.

Would that be the puffy kind or the crunchy kind? ;D

The spicy hot ones. They go nuts for those things!

fishing user avatarbpm2000 reply : 

nice chunk man!!

fishing user avatarYaHoo reply : 

nice fish!

you californians? are crazy!

all doing the fourbizz technique whiting out the background to secure your hotspot!


fishing user avatarBassboy15 reply : 

Gotta do watchu gotta do

fishing user avatarPigsticker reply : 

I love the white out backrounds especially on a big heavily trafficked body of water where probably a lot of people have hit every inch of the place. both funny and tricky. i do want to do this on  some local community hole and blank the picture just for kicks with a bunch of people around me fishing :)

fishing user avatarBranuss04 reply : 

Nice pig man, the delta sure is throwing out some giants right now.

fishing user avatarTokyo Tony reply : 

Great fish Brokejaw!  That must have been a fun fight  :)

fishing user avatarpaul. reply : 

awesome.  great fish man!!! :)

fishing user avatarslomoe reply : 

amazing fish man, keep it up!

fishing user avatarFish Chris reply : 

I don't care how you slice it.... That is a great looking bass you caught there !!! Congrats :-)

BTW, you could have called that fish 12 lbs, in that second shot, and I doubt that anyone would have argued you.... But that fact that you called it 9-11, gives you the highest degree of credability for any bass you ever catch from here on out ! You da' man ! :-)

Oh.... and I can tell by the tulies between your head and the fish, the "exact spot" you were fishing ! Good thing I know how to keep a secret, huh ? ;-) LOL

Keep on em' buddy,

Your DD is coming soon,



fishing user avatarsodaksker reply : 

Nice fish!  Where does that put you in the state to state contest? or are you entered?

fishing user avatarHooked_On_Bass reply : 

Very, very nice! Congrats man.

fishing user avatarba7ss3in reply : 


fishing user avatarNE_fishr reply : 

Thats a great fish. Congrats.

fishing user avatarKy_Lake_Dude reply : 

awesome! congrats ;)

fishing user avatarSouthMiamiBassMan reply : 

CONGRATS! d**n is it Saturday yet?!?! I need to get some fishing done ASAP.

fishing user avatarjerbs reply : 

Nice dude!!!

I see you finally got the toon out....Was I right? ;D

fishing user avatarHOIST-N-HAWGS reply : 


fishing user avatarM_Fields. reply : 

Nice fish!!!  Congrats on PB.



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