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HUGE Disappointment 2025

fishing user avatarroadwarrior reply : 

David Hayes caught the World Record smallmouth bass in 1955 on Dale Hollow Lake.

Some believe the next World Record will be found on the Tennessee River:

Almost exactly four years ago, November 2004, my fishing partner and best friend,

Speedy Madewell, boated a 10 lb beauty. I netted the fish and weighed it, he released

the monster! Since that time we have had some luck with other big bass, including the

bronzebacks in my avatar (January, 2005).

Last Saturday Speedy and I fished the river with limited success: an assortment of species

including largemouth, smallmouth, Kentucky bass, striper, cats and drum. We may have

caught forty fish or so, but no size and most importantly, no browns of note. Around 11:00

things changed.

With poor results off either bank and limited water release by the TVA, we moved to the

"middle of the river". Actually, we decided to fish along the river channel, defined by

navigational buoys. The drop is well defined, but relatively small, only 3-5' in 15-25' water.

Still,this represents significant structure for fish in open water.

After landing a few nondescript fish, I got a nice strike drifting along the ridge.

I set the hook hard and didn't budge the fish. However, there was very little fight

and I saw another drum in my future. After 10-15 yards of retrieve, the drum dove

and turned into a big catfish, just digging to the bottom, but no run. As I brought the

fish closer to the boat, Speedy asked, "Gonna need the net?" Without any emotion

I replied, "Yeah, it's big and ugly."

Speedy runs the trolling motor on the forward platform of a BayRanger 2180,

center console. So, with the net on the floor opposite me, it takes

a minute to get set up. With little current, we let the boat drift.

This time of year the water clarity on the Tennessee is about 3, maybe 4 feet.

As my partner came over to my side he asked, "What's ya got?" I replied, in a

steady voice and without inflection, "The biggest flipping smallmouth I have ever seen."

The fish appeared to be a Trident submarine as it rose toward the surface so both of

us could get a good look at her, but then she bolted. She initially ran about 15 yards

forward, then after a 90 degree turn, another 20 yards toward the middle of the river.

My situation was precarious. I'm in the middle of the boat and have to hustle to get to

the front, around and over the trolling motor while at the same time maintaining rod

position with a sizzling drag. I was starting to have some fun!

The pig came up, but did not jump. I got her turned around, but she had already decided

she didn't like the Ranger. When she was halfway back, she bolted again, but this time

dove deep. It took a few minutes to get her a little closer.

Most smallmouth, especially biggun's, tend to fight the best on the first run after a close

encounter with the boat, but even later, they never give up. This fine lady staged at rod

length, tugged mightily and would not come up. I asked my buddy what he thought

I should do? He responded, "Doesn't matter. That fish ain't ready and she's going

to do anything she wants!"

Well, I've caught a few big fish and I was in no hurry. My rod appeared parabolic with the line

straight down into the river. I said to my friend, "This is when you have to believe in your equipment."

And then.......the line snapped.

stupid, Stupid, STUPID!

We weren't catching anything interesting, so although I noticed a burr on my line before

the last cast, I didn't do what I always preach: "If it ain't perfect, it ain't good enough."

When there is any doubt, retie your line, leader or hook.

So, could that smallmouth have been the New World Record? I don't know, but it wasn't boated,

so it doesn't count. You might ask, "Really now, how much do you think she weighed?"

I don't know the answer to that either, but what I can tell you is, she was...



fishing user avatarmattm reply : 

Dang it.  I'm sorry man.  We've all been there on the retie thing.

fishing user avatarCaptain Rhino reply : 

That's one of the most depressing stories I have ever heard.

fishing user avatar32251 reply : 

Great story.  You got closer than all the rest of us. Don't be too bummed about it. You know where the fish is now.

fishing user avatarflechero reply : 

Dang it, RW!!  What a killer!!  Arrgghhh!!!  

As a side note, before you make any adjustments, weight you drag for me.  Your rod shouldn't have gone completely "parabolic" on you.  I wonder if you might have accidentally knocked it up a little.  ?

One of these days!!!  

fishing user avatarTokyo Tony reply : 

Jeez, that stinks. I've never hooked a bass big enough that I couldn't move her, so it sounds like that one was enormous.


fishing user avatarroadwarrior reply : 

Nope, the drag was fine. Parabolic might be a bit

of a stretch. Let's just say it was "loaded". The drag

was releasing smoothly, but firmly when the line broke.

I usually fish Yo-Zuri #6 (11.9 lb test), but Saturday I

was fishing #4 (8.5 lb test) and as I admitted, I fished

it with a burr. All me, not the gear. However, I will NOT

be fishing #4 again on the Tennessee River.


fishing user avatarbassnleo reply : 

Man......I'm speechless!

Kinda makes you want to punch yourself in the head over and over again huh?

Keep at it!

fishing user avatarsenile1 reply : 

Wow, what a story, Kent.  That gave me a sick feeling deep in my stomach.  You're one of the few people on here in an area that could possibly land a world record.  We're depending on you to nail that smallmouth record.  Old Mr. Murphy always makes sure that the one time you don't cut off the bad line that's when the fish of a lifetime strikes.  Man, you had to feel sick after that.  I think it would be so cool if you would break the record.  That record has stood for quite some time.

fishing user avatarmattm reply : 

It would be a double edged sword if RW broke the smallmouth record.  On one hand it couldn't happen to more of a first class guy.  On the other hand it would be unbearable to listen to the non-stop barrage of RW telling us that he was right about Shimano, St. Croix, Yo-Zuri, any Yamamato and knockoffs.

fishing user avatarsenile1 reply : 

Hmmm . . . . now that I think about it, I wonder if the Yo Zuri just didn't hold up.  In order to save face, RW couldn't blame the line that he has championed so he blames himself.  Yeah, that's the ticket.  ;)

fishing user avatarflechero reply : 
Nope, the drag was fine. Parabolic might be a bit

of a stretch. Let's just say it was "loaded". The drag

was releasing smoothly, but firmly when the line broke.

I usually fish Yo-Zuri #6 (11.9 lb test), but Saturday I

was fishing #4 (8.5 lb test) and as I admitted, I fished

it with a burr. All me, not the gear. However, I will NOT

be fishing #4 again on the Tennessee River.


Gotcha.  I know you are normally pretty anal about drag settings... which is why I though maybe is accidentally got changed.  

The good news is that even with poor conditions, you found a big fish, that should be encouraging.

fishing user avatarGrey Wolf reply : 

Tuff luck RW.

fishing user avatarMuddy reply : 

Tough Luck!  Now go back and get her this time ::)

fishing user avatarTin reply : 

So what did she hit???

fishing user avatartritz18 reply : 

what a sad story, but the fight must have got your heart thumping. Happened to me once had a big smallmouth on and as soon as it dove under the boat my line snapped. Its very upsetting but its part of fishing.

fishing user avatar.ghoti. reply : 

The silver lining in this cloud is you now know where a trophy lives.

Truly large fish are creatures of habit. It will be back there.

Go get it.

fishing user avatarroadwarrior reply : 
I know you are normally pretty anal about drag settings...


I'll have to eat a little crow, but no one should ever be broken off by a fish in open water.  If I fished more grass or timber, braid or higher test copolymer would be mandatory. However, unless you are wrapped in a tree, cut on a rock or on someone else's line, breaking off is totally inexcusable.


fishing user avatarMuddy reply : 

yo zuri

fishing user avatarfourbizz reply : 
So what did she hit???

With 4lb? I would guess shiners.

fishing user avatarPaul Roberts reply : 

Uggghhh...oh sorry to hear...

With a lesser fish, that would have been a lesser mistake. Such events are not predictable.

Reminds me, the 8lb fluoro on my jerkbait rod is frayed about 20 feet in. I'm going to the garage RIGHT now to take care of it.

fishing user avatarfishfordollars reply : 

Man that sucks. Sorry to hear the story. Too depressing.

fishing user avatarBig-O reply : 

Kent, great story and understand your disappointment but just think, you witnessed an awesome moment that all fishermen dream about.....The opportunity to challenge and do battle with a possible world record. There are but a few folks "in this world" that might have such an opportunity, so chin up and keep the faith. After all the fish is still there and you most probably have a GPS mark on her.....Sounds like a rematch to me ;)

Big O

fishing user avatarDADto4 reply : 

Sorry about the outcome.Stories like that really turn my stomach,I was really hoping to scroll down a little farther and maybe, just maybe see a world record!

When you get her ,,,you will post a pic here before the local press right??? ;D

fishing user avatarGeorge Welcome reply : 


Think of it this way - you were hallucinating and it was really a catfish, cuz I know you just don't miss any bass. That's what I tell myself anyway.

fishing user avatarroadwarrior reply : 
So what did she hit???

With 4lb? I would guess shiners.


I also fished a Silver Buddy and GYCB Single Tail Grubs on a different rig. On this particular day, artificials worked as well or better than shiners, but neither produced a "keeper" smallmouth except for the one that got away. Although we will definitely buy some minnows, I think a jig is going to my main weapon on this particular structure. Another lure I want to throw here is a 3/4 oz Ledgebuster Single Willow Blade.

We will fish the exact spot of course, but I'm really jazzed about opening up "new" structure. The channel is maintained by the Corps of Engineers and/or TVA and extends through the entire river system. That's something for all the other guys in this region to think about. And by the way, technically I'm fishing Kentucky Lake which is our destination for next year's BR Roadtrip! So get ready.


fishing user avatarSam reply : 

Yes, line snapping happens to all of us.

Sorry you missed the fish but you know where she lives so go back and get her.  ;)

fishing user avatarfishizzle reply : 

great play by play

sorry you didn't land her

fishing user avatarSiebert Outdoors reply : 

That sucks RW.   You will get it though.  Keep it up.

fishing user avatarhuskybass reply : 


Sorry to read this.  I check my line often and retie at least a handful of times throughout the day.

Hope you get her next time!  

fishing user avatarhawgchaser reply : 

Not knowing! That's what keeps you up at night. I got broken off at the boat this spring on what I think was a PB black. I felt a burr in my line but we were about to leave so I didn't retie. Sure enough I hook a hog and she broke off AT THE BOAT! No doubt she was double digits but I still think she could have beaten my pb of 11lbs 02.

It will haunt you for a long time. But it will also be a lot of fun trying to meet up with her again. Good luck!

fishing user avatarroadwarrior reply : 

Well, we both "knew better". There is no excuse, except for stupid,

that anyone should be broken off in open water. Check your line,

retie your knot (often) and set your drag properly, it's that simple.


fishing user avatarCJ reply : 

Man Kent, regardless of the outcome it was a great read. Well you can look at what might have been but I would try not to think about it. We live and learn. Next time, and there will be a next time, you'll be ready. This may be the year!


fishing user avatarelectrikal reply : 

Great story, terrible ending! Hope to see a sequel with a better outcome.  

Good luck to ya Kent.


fishing user avatarCrumb reply : 

RW, I found myself fishing yesterday in open water checking and re-tieing my line often because of your story. I too become lax when the fish are small or the bite is slow, but not anymore. Thanks for the story and sorry the outcome wasn't different.

fishing user avatarRedlinerobert reply : 

AHHHHHH!  Great story RW, I'm sure that fish will remain on your mind til your final days.  

fishing user avatarpaul. reply : 

tough break man.  hope you get another crack at her (or an even better one).  keep after 'em man.  we can't let cali take our smallmouth record. ;D

fishing user avatarSMfisher reply : 

great story i want to see pictures next time, good luck and find her again!


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