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***VIDEO--Ghetto Bassin*** 2025

fishing user avatarLow_Budget_Hooker reply : 

My "Summer Groove" video for '08



fishing user avatarT-rig reply : 

Great video man! 8-)

fishing user avatarBig Tom reply : 

Awesome video LBH.

Always entertaining.

fishing user avatarfirefightn15 reply : 

All that, and a talking bass.  Man, you got it all covered! ;D

fishing user avatarJCrzy4Bass reply : 

Hey Russ... can you get a tan up there in Rhode Island?!?!? Wasn't sure on that one ;D

Boat looks great out there all done up this season man. Keep shootin' them awesome vids.

As usual... big baits = big fish!!! Some porkers on there!

Where's the famous jitterbug in all the action?!?!?

Great video man. Keep up the good work. Perfect tunes as well. Relaxing even...

fishing user avatarInfidel. reply : 

Dude that is just a cool freaking video.  I'm still laughing  ;D

fishing user avatarBassboy15 reply : 

That was tight!

fishing user avatarjeremyt reply : 

As always awesome video, I am looking forward to the LBH clothing line, I am in need of a new wardrobe. Would that make me a member of the LBH fishing team???  ;D

fishing user avatarHooked_On_Bass reply : 

Sweeeeeeeeeet video LBH! 8-)

fishing user avatarInfidel. reply : 
LBH fishing team???

Spend as little as you can on fishing tackle... and then cut that budget in half  ;)

fishing user avatarfishinfiend reply : 

Nice fish. Looks like I will be investing in a swimbait.

fishing user avatarLow_Budget_Hooker reply : 

Thanks guys :) (and girl,....yes, In can see you looking,lol ;) )

Jeremy , If you buy the "Team shirt" than,...absolutely,''ll be properly represented!!! :D

fishing user avatarfourbizz reply : 

Cool vid russ.

you gotta start grinding those fish in man, those headshakes are bad news.

fishing user avatarEvan Pease reply : 

Great vid :) What swimbait were you throwing that it showed you rubbing stuff on it? Burley let me throw his saturday at dinkmasters so now I want one lol.

fishing user avatarburleytog reply : 
Great vid :) What swimbait were you throwing that it showed you rubbing stuff on it? Burley let me throw his saturday at dinkmasters so now I want one lol.

The one you were throwing Saturday was a 7" MS Slammer.

fishing user avatarLow_Budget_Hooker reply : 
Cool vid russ.

you gotta start grinding those fish in man, those headshakes are bad news.

Gotta let them win once in a while,lol....besides,...they only jump when they find out they are going to be in a video,lol......rockstars  ::).....

Great vid :) What swimbait were you throwing that it showed you rubbing stuff on it?

That was a 9" red MS Slammer, assaulted with a black sharpie,lol

I rub *** "Bass-O-Leen" scent on it.

fishing user avatarMARSH MASTER reply : 

Awesome video lbh always a good show.  8-) 8-)

fishing user avatarJimzee reply : 

Great vid Russ, the music was the right choice.  You guys are starting the swimbait itch in me again with these posts lately.

fishing user avatarEvan Pease reply : 

Thanks LBH and Burley.

fishing user avatarLow_Budget_Hooker reply : 
Great vid Russ, the music was the right choice.  You guys are starting the swimbait itch in me again with these posts lately.

Get warmed up,.....Kentucky Lake will be here before we know it!!  5 straight days of big bait chuckin'.......cancel the gym membership,lol, you won't need it by then :)

fishing user avatarMasshole Mike reply : 

sweet vid russ.

that clip of me with that little guy just ain't cuttin it man, after i pick up my swimbait setup this weekend we're gonna have to get some decent footage for the next one! 8-)

fishing user avatarLow_Budget_Hooker reply : 

Mike, I'm on vacation the week after next and then every other week for awhile :)

Start changing your sleep patterns and save your sick days, we're goin' creepin',........on the daaaaark side... 8-) ;)

Maybe the Quabbin one night?  I'll come up your way, round up Cigarlover

fishing user avataralemap4 reply : 

Definately hot video......I even caught a glimpse of dessert! 8-)

fishing user avatarLow_Budget_Hooker reply : 
Definately hot video......I even caught a glimpse of dessert! 8-)


Folks, a long time friend of mine (alemap8) ,my first love believe it or not :)  

Funny, this internet thing,lol, it's been over 20, 22 yrs or so.

Welcome Aboard alemap :) You haven't changed, still know how to make a guy blush   ;) ;D

fishing user avatarmattm reply : 

Awesome video.  Loved the start with the big girl jumping with the swim bait shakin everywhere.

fishing user avatarfirefightn15 reply : 

LBH, what's the weight on that thing and what size rod are you using?  


fishing user avatarMrs. Matstone reply : 

Awesome video!

fishing user avatarLow_Budget_Hooker reply : 
LBH, what's the weight on that thing and what size rod are you using?  


This particular one weighs 2 3/8 oz on my kitchen food scale.  The rod is a 20 lb class jigging rod (saltwater.  Ton of beef in the base, top is very soft.)  Not the best use for it but it's getting the job done, low budget, till I'm set up better.  

This rod was a gift from Muddy's girlfriend Elaine about a year ago.  Everything happens for a reason, it has saved the day after breaking the 2 other rods I had that were capable of throwing these.  Funny how I pick it up, and Muddy comes back.  Y'all believe in a higher power?

fishing user avatarCigarlover 1 reply : 


Anytime you wanna hit up the Quabbin come on up, I can be there in 20 mins.

fishing user avatarMasshole Mike reply : 
Mike, I'm on vacation the week after next and then every other week for awhile :)

Start changing your sleep patterns and save your sick days, we're goin' creepin',........on the daaaaark side... 8-) ;)

Maybe the Quabbin one night? I'll come up your way, round up Cigarlover

definitely gonna have to set something up, check your pm's sir.

let's get on 'em! 8-)

fishing user avatarflechero reply : 

With each video, I catch myself looking for glimpses of the VS3 guides... I smile each time, and then I cringe as I see the rod dropped, smacked, stepped on etc. ;D

If it is stil taking that kind of abuse, maybe I need to come out of retirement and build you a swimbait rod that will stand up in the Ghetto. ;)

fishing user avatarroadwarrior reply : 

You'll need to make it out of heavy gauge steel.


fishing user avatarLow_Budget_Hooker reply : 

LMAO, you guys are a riot.

Yea Flech, that rod is special to me man.  You always hurt the ones you love but they always remain true to you,lol.

It won't do me any good at home all safe and sound, tucked in a velvet case under the bed right? :)

Seriously, I have gotten lots of good times out of that rod in the year and a half I have owned it.  It's a karma thing

RW- You sayin' I can't break steel?  I mean,...I'm sure if I set out on a mission and tried purposely to hurt it, I'd have no luck.  But surely, I will forget it on the roof of the car and it will not slide off till I get in front of a semi on the highway, day in my world and it would allll make sense,lmao.

fishing user avatardeepsessions reply : 

cool vid man I dig the tune....keep chuckin'!

fishing user avatarRedlinerobert reply : 

You'll be using Amazon mojo any day now pal.  Great video.  ;)

fishing user avatarLCpointerKILLA reply : 

cool video. makes me want to go fishing right now badly

fishing user avatarhawghunter1744 reply : 

Awesome video. Those were some nice fish too!!


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