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PB - 7 lb barrier finally falls 2025

fishing user avatarsenile1 reply : 

I was beginning to think I would be stuck at a personal best of 6 lbs 15 oz forever. It has been 19 years since I caught that fish and while I have caught some 5s and 6s since then the 7 lb barrier remained an elusive goal for me. Finally, today, I have put that behind me.

A cold front passed through, winds were light and from the east, and the temperatures were in the low 60s. For the first two hours, fishing was just average. I had caught 3 bass that I would estimate were 1 - 2 lb fish on a GMAN 3/8 oz Black/Blue jig. The wind started to pickup so I also started throwing a spinnerbait. I reeled the spinnerbait under the end of a tiny laydown with coontail growing under it and immediately the lure felt as if it were hung up but my drag started to slip and the rod started to vibrate. I knew I had a good fish but she had me wrapped around a stick in the laydown. I was in a 10 foot john boat with one paddle and I had the anchor out in 10 feet of water. I had to hold the rod in one hand keeping pressure on the fish while I pulled the anchor up with the other hand. Once I pulled that off I had to grab the paddle and direct the boat toward the laydown and still keep pressure on the fish with my other hand. The whole time I was thinking "I can't lose this fish." Just as I was getting to the laydown I had managed to pull the fish up to the surface and I could see from her dorsal fin that she was a chunk. She made one last dive before I could reach in and grab her and then a cool thing happened. During her last dive she unwrapped me and when I got her back to the surface I had her free from the laydown and was able to reach down and grab her. My scale gave me varying weights from 7 lbs 1 oz to 7 lbs 9 oz, but it seemed to hang steady most of the time at 7 lbs 5 oz so that's what I'm calling her. And here are the pictures. They aren't the greatest because I was unprepared in this little boat and I had to take them at arm's length.







fishing user avatarGrey Wolf reply : 


fishing user avatarfourbizz reply : 

Congrats bud! Nothing better than reaching a new milestone!

fishing user avatar.dsaavedra. reply : 

wow thats an awesome story!

beatiful fish. congrats!

it must feel good to break a 19 yr old pb! :D

fishing user avatarBig-O reply : 

Now you got it goin your way.....WTG

Big O

fishing user avatarCravin reply : 

Thats a great looking bass, I like seeing how there back gets a hump when they get that big.. congratulations!

fishing user avatarBassaholic84 reply : 

Beutiful bass congrats man

fishing user avatarjrhennecke reply : 


fishing user avatarpaul. reply : 

oink oink!  very cool.  congrats big time. :)

fishing user avatarEddie Munster reply : 

Nice fish buddy!  :)

fishing user avatarPaul Roberts reply : 

That's a big bass, and a nice looking one too. Neat pattern. Congrats! Looks overcast -were you still under the front? Or did another roll through?

fishing user avatarrondef reply : 

Congrats Thats a nice looking hawg you got there.  

fishing user avatarfishinfiend reply : 

Now that is a nice fish!!!

fishing user avatar32251 reply : 

Nice fish!! next time keep him off the dang floor!!

fishing user avatarJake. reply : 

Great fish!  

fishing user avatarroadwarrior reply : 



fishing user avatarDaniel My Brother reply : 

That is a HUGE bass, especially for KC!

I could not be happier for you.

Pics look pretty sweet to me.

:) :) :) :) :)

fishing user avatarNitroMan reply : 

Great looking fish you have and congrats on breaking your old PB!!!!

-Nitroman ;)

fishing user avatarPaul Roberts reply : 

You know, that's a long fish. And you'll probably see her again. If it's anytime from Oct to March -she'll break 8lbs.

And she's in nice healthy condition: She's probably got a few more years in her.

Curious: Is this water body fished very often?

fishing user avatarfirefightn15 reply : 

Beautiful job on your new PB!  8-)

fishing user avatarsenile1 reply : 

Thanks for the nice comments, everyone!


  Quote next time keep him off the dang floor!!

lol . . . I agree, but laying her next to that tackle box was the only way to give everyone an idea of her length.

Paul Roberts:

Looks overcast -were you still under the front?

The front had passed but the low pressure system that the front was hanging off of was looped around near Kansas City causing overcast skies.

If it's anytime from Oct to March -she'll break 8lbs.

Paul, you read my mind. When I caught her I was thinking about how big she would be if she were carrying eggs.

Is this water body fished very often?

This is a pond and the owner invites all of his friends to come and fish it, so the pressure is moderate for it's size. There is usually someone there every weekend.

fishing user avatarskillet reply : 

GREAT feeling ain't it?

                                  As Ever,



fishing user avatarshorefisher reply : 

Congrats! Now here's to not having to wait another 19 yrs. to break this one.

fishing user avatarMovarus reply : 

Great story, leading up to an awesome fish!


fishing user avatarRWHusker. reply : 

Great Fish Ed, congrats.  I havent forgot I owe you a trip just havent been that way this year.  No way I'm interested in double or nothing this year, you guys look awesome.  If you come to Lincoln for the game we can fish that morn.


fishing user avatarsenile1 reply : 

Thanks, Rod.  I've been thinking about that fishing trip also.  Work has been crazy for me.  I've been putting in 70 - 80 hour weeks.  We have too many network installations and not enough people to do them.  Amazingly, I have found some time here and there to fish and the Summer fishing has been really good after a bad Spring.  Hopefully when things slow down, we can meet up at Mozingo as you suggested before.

fishing user avatarst00pid reply : 

congrats on the pb.

fishing user avatarhawghunter1744 reply : 

Why didn't you just measure the fish instead of measuring the tacklebox then using the tacklebox to measure the fish??

fishing user avatarDaniel My Brother reply : 
here are the pictures. They aren't the greatest because I was unprepared in this little boat and I had to take them at arm's length.

I remember a while back you mentioned getting the fish back in the water quickly was more important to you than getting a good pic, and I agree.

I also fish without a livewell, but this 15' rope stringer modified with a clip from a metal stringer helps give me time to set up a camera and scale without putting the fish in jeopardy.

If I catch a good fish, I just clip him through the bottom lip and put him right back in the water while I get my camera set up the way I like. Only when I'm completely ready to snap the pic do I have to pull the fish out of the water.

Too many times I hear stories of people who keep big fish out of the water for several minutes while they try to get someone to snap a pic. I think this is a better solution.


I've also heard of some tournament fishermen keeping big bass alive like this for several days, but those guys tend to end up in handcuffs.

:-/ ::) ;D

fishing user avatarIDbasser reply : 

That is nice!!!  Way to go!

fishing user avatarsenile1 reply : 
Why didn't you just measure the fish instead of measuring the tacklebox then using the tacklebox to measure the fish??

Look a little bit closer at the pictures and you will see there is carpet under the tacklebox when it is being measured while there is nothing but aluminum boat under the picture of the fish by the tacklebox.  I didn't have a measuring tape with me on the boat so I used the tackle box.  When I got home I measured the tacklebox on my carpeted floor so you, my trusted viewer, would have an idea how long she was.   :)

fishing user avatarsenile1 reply : 
here are the pictures. They aren't the greatest because I was unprepared in this little boat and I had to take them at arm's length.

I remember a while back you mentioned getting the fish back in the water quickly was more important to you than getting a good pic, and I agree.

I also fish without a livewell, but this 15' rope stringer modified with a clip from a metal stringer helps give me time to set up a camera and scale without putting the fish in jeopardy.

If I catch a good fish, I just clip him through the bottom lip and put him right back in the water while I get my camera set up the way I like. Only when I'm completely ready to snap the pic do I have to pull the fish out of the water.

Too many times I hear stories of people who keep big fish out of the water for several minutes while they try to get someone to snap a pic. I think this is a better solution.


I've also heard of some tournament fishermen keeping big bass alive like this for several days, but those guys tend to end up in handcuffs.

:-/ ::) ;D

Thanks, Daniel.  That's an excellent idea!

fishing user avatarTokyo Tony reply : 

Great job! I bet that ordeal had you shakin' for a while  :)

fishing user avatarSimp reply : 

I hate to see guys ragging on him for getting the picture of it on the floor. He waited almost 2 decades to beat that old PB and get a 7lber! Just let him get a few pics and not rag on him. He didn't take it home and put it on a wall mount or anything. I mean come on let the angler enjoy the fish a little with a few photos before releases it. I know we all want to make sure that trophy fish lives on, but that fish could very well live several more years and never be caught again. So whats the harm of a well meaning angler snapping some photos, weighing and measuring the best he can, and then releasing the fish? Most of us spend allot of time and money on this sport and when we do catch a trophy fish don't fault the person for enjoying that moment with some photos and measurements. Whats the point of having a lake full of 10lbers if no one ever got to catch them??

Congrats on that LUNKER and thank you for releasing it for the next angler to enjoy!

fishing user avatarDaniel My Brother reply : 
I hate to see guys ragging on him for getting the picture of it on the floor. He waited almost 2 decades to beat that old PB and get a 7lber! Just let him get a few pics and not rag on him. He didn't take it home and put it on a wall mount or anything. I mean come on let the angler enjoy the fish a little with a few photos before releases it. I know we all want to make sure that trophy fish lives on, but that fish could very well live several more years and never be caught again. So whats the harm of a well meaning angler snapping some photos, weighing and measuring the best he can, and then releasing the fish? Most of us spend allot of time and money on this sport and when we do catch a trophy fish don't fault the person for enjoying that moment with some photos and measurements. Whats the point of having a lake full of 10lbers if no one ever got to catch them??

Congrats on that LUNKER and thank you for releasing it for the next angler to enjoy!

I hope nobody thinks I was raggin' on Senile. I have a lot of respect for him and his concern for the welfare of big bass. My suggestion was just offering a way to get the pic he wants without that hectic "I've got to release this bass quick or else" feeling.

fishing user avatarsenile1 reply : 

I don't mean to bring this back to the top of the threads as it has pretty much ran its course but I wanted to respond to a couple of people.  

Simp, thanks, for getting my back.  I understand the concern of some for laying the fish down.  I don't normally let fish touch the bottom of the boat but in this case I layed her down quick for a length picture.  The fish was long and if I was making a guess at her weight from looking at the pictures, I wouldn't have guessed over 6 lbs, so I though the length picture would give everyone a better idea of the fish's size.

Daniel, I didn't feel that you were bashing me in anyway.  We're good.  I really appreciated the suggestion.  

fishing user avatarSimp reply : 
I don't mean to bring this back to the top of the threads as it has pretty much ran its course but I wanted to respond to a couple of people.

Simp, thanks, for getting my back. I understand the concern of some for laying the fish down. I don't normally let fish touch the bottom of the boat but in this case I layed her down quick for a length picture. The fish was long and if I was making a guess at her weight from looking at the pictures, I wouldn't have guessed over 6 lbs, so I though the length picture would give everyone a better idea of the fish's size.

Daniel, I didn't feel that you were bashing me in anyway. We're good. I really appreciated the suggestion.

Daniel and myself worked it out via PM were good. I even invited him to go fishing at my honey hole. Unfortunately for him he's a busy guy and couldn't go but I caught two ~5lbers,.a 6lber, and my ffirst 7lber on my next two trips. So I plan to always invite him now . ;D

BTW good idea to post the length because your right it's a very long fish compared to the 7lber I caught.


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