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Yet another Varner Monster (11lbs 7oz) 2025

fishing user avatarRandall reply : 

I just got back from Varner and fishing was slow for numbers with only eight bites all day. But, who cares when one of them looks like this 30 1/2 inch long monster. The photo doesnt do this fish justice. It was skinny and long but the head on this thing was massive. Mouth was huge. Caught on a jighead and trickwom. I wish this fish had been eating a little more since it only weighed 11 pounds 7 ounces but had plenty of extra room in its stomach for a bunch more weight.


fishing user avatarRandall reply : 

Doghouse had a nice fish too. We ran into him out on the lake and he had this one to show us. It was a little skinny as well

fishing user avatarGatorbassman reply : 

Why you !@#!#@$! >:( crap eatin !@#@$#@! >:(

Great fish but Dang you guys are killin me. The Whitetail Deer are in full rut and ya'll are catchin hawgs like they were in a barrell. I can't be two places at once. :'( :'( :'( :'( :'(

fishing user avatarRandall reply : 

Then get out of the woods!!!!!!!!!!!  :)

fishing user avatarKU_Bassmaster. reply : 


fishing user avatarfourbizz reply : 

30.5! Thats awesome. Welld done again Randall!

fishing user avatarsenko_77 reply : 

Your an animal!  Maybe I might trade that 55 for a trip to varner. :-?

fishing user avatarsodaksker reply : 

11-7 gee isn't that a little small for you Randall? Frankly I'm a little disappointed. ;) ;)

Try envious :)

Nice fish!

fishing user avatarDoghouse. reply : 

I love those those varner hogs more than those big bucks. GET OUT OF THE WOODS BROTHER FLUKE!!!!!!!!

fishing user avatarGatorbassman reply : 

Well you already have all my fishing gear at your house so get your boat charged up I will be there Tuesday afternoon to get it. Right after my trip to the new Bass Pro Shops in Macon. :)

fishing user avatarDaniel My Brother reply : 

30.5 inches?!? Wow. Great fish. I hope she fattens up this spring and you stick her again.

fishing user avatarbassclown reply : 

nice fish

fishing user avatarDan: reply : 

holy cow, the head on that thing is MASSIVE

fishing user avatarguest reply : 

incredible catches guys.

do the thin bodies of these long bass worry you at all?

It seems to me that each of these bass looked way too thin.

fishing user avatarMurray reply : 

im grabbing my tacklebag and my rods and RUNNING to jowja be there in like three days...look for the little dehydrated boy.

fishing user avatarGatorbassman reply : 
incredible catches guys.

do the thin bodies of these long bass worry you at all?

It seems to me that each of these bass looked way too thin.

Not really. The lake is slap full of shad. These bass are the ones that have been in deep water all summer long. Now that the lake has turned over they have come up to fatten up all winter long in preparation for the spawn. Give them a month or two and they will be monsters.

fishing user avatarGrey Wolf reply : 

GREAT FISH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

fishing user avatarfishingrulz reply : 

WOW! Great fish guys!

fishing user avatarDoghouse. reply : 

The deeper fish out there right now are pretty thin because most of the shad are up on the flats if you look back at fish like the 2 randall had early in the week they were fat and healthy but they were caught on the grass flats. the fish i had when randall took that pic i had just caught in 20 feet of water and varner is not a deep lake only around 35 feet at the deepest point

fishing user avatarRatONaStick reply : 

Beautiful fish!!  8-)


Any idea how much that fish of yours weighed?

fishing user avatarNATHAN_JAMES reply : 

Jig in the throat, Bass in the boat!


fishing user avatarBassassasin12 reply : 

monster fish once again, man o man. Whats the lake record on Varner, is it held by one of the crew?

fishing user avatarTop reply : 

why couldn't Stewart be just a bit closer? I have a feeling my car is going to be getting a WHILE lot more miles than it did here!


fishing user avatarGatorbassman reply : 

AL, You think Varner is good. Fort Stewart is perhaps the best place in GA for a DD bass. Six of the top 30 bass caught in Georgia were caught in Fort Stewart. These bass range in size from just over 15 pounds to over 16 pounds. And these are just the ones that have been officially weighed. There have been countless other bass in the 16 to 17 pound class caught from installation waters over the years but have never been officially recorded or reported!

fishing user avatarDoghouse. reply : 

RAT that bass was around 4lbs she was very thin tho i have playing with the DEEP fish at varner lately my weak side ;)

fishing user avatarMattlures reply : 

Randall you got robbed! as great as that fish is, I feel sorry for you. Had that fish been healthy it would have been a mid teen. had it been healthy and spawning it would have been a high teen. Had that fish been here in CA and spawning you would be famous!

fishing user avatarRandall reply : 
monster fish once again, man o man. Whats the lake record on Varner, is it held by one of the crew?
The official lake record weighed on certified scales is 15lb and 3 or 4 ounces. I  personally weighed a fish that was 16lbs  8oz for a guy a couple years ago and the same guy showed me and a couple other Varner regulars a photo of what was told to be an 18lb fish he suspected was the same fish that weighed 16 lbs although there was no witness to verify the 18lb fish. You know you got to have a witness for a fish like that. There was a fifteen pounder found floating a couple of months ago as well. Is the record held by one of the crew? Not yet but we are working on it. ;) All we have to do is catch one of these long slim fish after she decides to go on a feeding spree while full of eggs. ;D
fishing user avatarRandall reply : 
Randall you got robbed! as great as that fish is, I feel sorry for you. Had that fish been healthy it would have been a mid teen. had it been healthy and spawning it would have been a high teen. Had that fish been here in CA and spawning you would be famous!
I agree. Thats actually about the third time I have seen a head come up and shake and thought this is it. Then the fish gets in the net and you pick it up and cant help to be disapointed since the fish should weigh more. Almost all the fish in the lake start getting in better shape by late December so I will just have to catch her again then. ;D
fishing user avatarLow_Budget_Hooker reply : 

Seems simple.

sunrise in a tree,  mid afternoon in the boat, back in the tree for dusk.

Life doesn't need to be so complicated,lol

fishing user avatarChris at Tech reply : 

That Varner fish is just a touch smaller than the monster I got yesterday :)

fishing user avatarsenile1 reply : 

What a head on that fish!!  And what a monster she will be when she fattens up some.  What a sweet lake and you obviously know what you're doing.  I think you post a DD just about every week or two.  

fishing user avatarSPEEDBEAD. reply : 

UN-FREAKIN-REAL!!!!!!!! 30.5, crazy!!!

fishing user avatarRatONaStick reply : 
RAT that bass was around 4lbs she was very thin tho i have playing with the DEEP fish at varner lately my weak side ;)

I caught a similar fish this past friday, it was 23 to 24 inches long but only weighed 5lb 13oz. When I first layed eyes on it I figured it was 7 to 8 pounds, unfortunately that wasn't the case.

Either way, it's still a nice fish.

Deep water fishing isn't my strong point either. ;)

fishing user avatarWhiteMike1018 reply : 

How do you guys get tofish this Lake? I heard its private? Around how many acres?

fishing user avatarRoLo reply : 

You guys sure have a handle on the Sweet-Spots (unbelievable).


fishing user avatarGatorbassman reply : 
How do you guys get tofish this Lake? I heard its private? Around how many acres?

Varner is a public 860 acre lake. It has an electric motor restriction and is run by the Newton County Water Authority. It cost 10 bucks for those who don't live in Newton or Morgan counties.

fishing user avatarfishbear reply : 

Make that Newton or Walton Counties there Fluke.   :D :D ::) ::)

fishing user avatarGatorbassman reply : 

I had a feeling I was wrong.


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