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How's Everyone Fishing Lately? 2025

fishing user avatarBassNub reply : 

I racked up, packed up for the season just waiting for spring at the moment. So why don't you guys help keep my mind on tracks by telling me your fishing experiences lately. Since these winter months are here now. Thank you I can't wait until spring. Time to hibernate.

fishing user avatarMALTESE FALCON reply : 

My boat has been out of the water and shrinkwrapped for over a month. For some reason the bass didn't move into my canal this Fall (which is very odd), and there is a thin layer of ice on the water right now and I can't even go icefishing for perch. I'm a cranky old -------.

Within the next few weeks there should be enough ice to go fishing, however that isn't my favorite way to fish. It is better than not fishing at all though.


fishing user avatarBoogey Man reply : 

Winterizing the boat today and calling it quits for the year. I've always done pretty decent in November but this year the November fishing was tougher than Superman's kneecaps :-[.

fishing user avatarOlebiker reply : 

The club tournament season is over, but I will start fishing a local series on January 11.  Any fishing I do between now and then will be focused on finding fish to catch for that first tournament in January.

fishing user avatarbocraw reply : 
Winterizing the boat today and calling it quits for the year. I've always done pretty decent in November but this year the November fishing was tougher than Superman's kneecaps :-[.

Is this Ken Nance from the old ?!!???

Fishing has been good in Alabama.  Unfortunately I hit a rock last week and bent prop shaft and tore up prop.  I am about to hook up boat and take to couple of dealers to get estimates.  I hope the price is lower than what they quoted on the phone!  Otherwise my boat will be parked for a while....

fishing user avatarroadwarrior reply : 

It's Primetime on the Tennessee River. Our smallmouth

season gets started in October and runs through about

mid-March.  My partner caught his PB in November, 2004;

mine were caught two months later, January, 2005. Those

are the fish in my avatar.


fishing user avatarSoFl-native reply : 

Fishing has been good down here between the fronts.

fishing user avatarfishfordollars reply : 

Winterizing mine also. That means charging the batteries, respooling reels, discussions with the B Monkey, fueling up, and trying to decide where to go. Now through April is my favorite time to fish.

fishing user avatarBoogey Man reply : 
Winterizing the boat today and calling it quits for the year. I've always done pretty decent in November but this year the November fishing was tougher than Superman's kneecaps :-[.

Is this Ken Nance from the old ?!!???

Fishing has been good in Alabama. Unfortunately I hit a rock last week and bent prop shaft and tore up prop. I am about to hook up boat and take to couple of dealers to get estimates. I hope the price is lower than what they quoted on the phone! Otherwise my boat will be parked for a while....

No, my name is Mike. Someone else asked me if I was Ken Nance. I didn't steal somebody's handle, did I :-??

fishing user avatarbocraw reply : 

I wouldn't worry about it Mike.  There is a man named Ken Nance who lived in Kentucky and had a really cool site at  Word is he had a bad episode of Chrohn's disease and disappeared.  (I don't think he passed away or anything like that).  But anyway, since you are from Kentucky people might ask you about it from time to time.  I have not seen or heard from Ken in many years so I think it is very safe for you to use "crankensein" as your username.  It shouldn't bother you one bit.  

fishing user avatarfivesixone reply : 

Nothin' but dinks around here the past few days...  :(

fishing user avatarFishinDaddy reply : 

We caught 7 keepers over the holidays.  5 of those between 8 and 9 am Friday.   We have had 3 fronts blow through in the last week.  The bite is off.

fishing user avatarKrzkev reply : 

Down here in S. florida the bite has been slow for the Large mouths,  but these wierd looking bass won't seem to stay off the hook. (LOL) This one went 18 inches and around 4 lbs.


fishing user avatartritz18 reply : 

Wish I could still be out there, meanwhile I am waiting for the ice to thicken >:(    So jealous of the members down south.

fishing user avatarOH-bass614 reply : 

still waiting for the water to warm back up lol i cant wait until i graduate... ill make it a point to find a college with good lakes around and warm all year round  :P  but i still got 3 and a half yrs of high school to go >:(

fishing user avatarBassNub reply : 
My boat has been out of the water and shrinkwrapped for over a month. For some reason the bass didn't move into my canal this Fall (which is very odd), and there is a thin layer of ice on the water right now and I can't even go icefishing for perch. I'm a cranky old -------.

Within the next few weeks there should be enough ice to go fishing, however that isn't my favorite way to fish. It is better than not fishing at all though.


ah nice your from MI too!

fishing user avatarBassNub reply : 

Man, sounds like you guys from the southern part of the states there are still having fun. Well good luck to you guys, wish me luck when springs here lol ;D

fishing user avatarEastTexasBassin reply : 

The bite is still on nice and strong in East Texas.  I'm catching nice bass in shallow water and out deep as well.

Winter is my 'time to shine' when it comes to bass fishing.  Last winter there were many trips where my buddies were skunked and I was pullin 'em in all day.  I stick to t-rigs, c-rigs, jigs, and shakey head finesse worms this time of year.

These days its been in the 40s in the mornings and up into the 60s in the afternoon.

If it gets below freezing for a while, then it'll be time to hit up the power plant lakes.  They stay nice and toasty.

fishing user avatarfranklinfishfinder reply : 

I live in franklin nc which is west of asheville and just 15 miles from the georgia line and about 35 to south carolina. I fish alot of local tournament trails. 3 to be exact and they are all year long. Last week 16 pounds won it over at chatuge we finished 5th with just over 9 pounds. but they thing about all the lakes around here is the spotted bass have took over. I would say every lake is at least 75% spots and spots hit all year long. They might be deep but they are 10 times easier to catch then largemouths in the winter. just like RW said about the smallies. the spots are now just heating up really. yeah you might have to spend half the day finding them but once you find the bait and the fish getting them to bite is not that hard really. just use a drop shot, shakey-head worm, jig or a spoon. also deep cranks and slow rolled spinnerbaits work. I have tourney this saturday and sunday on nottley. I'll let everyone know how they are bitting.

fishing user avatarfivesixone reply : 

That peacock is purrrrrrrty!  ;)

fishing user avatar-HAWK- reply : 
Down here in S. florida the bite has been slow for the Large mouths, but these wierd looking bass won't seem to stay off the hook. (LOL) This one went 18 inches and around 4 lbs.

Sweet! We need to meet up on the Lake so you can put me on some Peacock!

fishing user avatarbasser89 reply : 

I had all of last week off but only managed to get out one day. Hit the upper Potomac for some smallie action near one of the warm water discharge areas near me. The smallie action was rather slow. Only managed 5 little dinks. One my way out, I fished part of the C&O canal that I've caught a handful of largemouths before. I managed this 20 incher on a t-rigged Strike King stick bait. My digital scale weighed her at 4lbs 4oz.


fishing user avatarsenile1 reply : 

My Fall has really been bad as far as time on the water goes.  I spent seven weekends in Lewisville, Texas, including some days during the week, performing an upgrade of an enterprise network so fishing days have been scarce.  Unfortunately, I was working around the clock much of the time I was there so I didn't get to check out any Texas water.  However, when I have been on the water fishing has been good.  Water temps are around 40 and heading south fast but the black and blue GMAN jigs are still catching fish, though at a much slower rate.   8-)

fishing user avatarTokyo Tony reply : 

Bass fishing's done in CT. All of my favorite ponds are mostly, if not fully, covered in ice.

I'm in for a long winter of trout and salmon fishing. Sucks.

fishing user avatarSpecialSause reply : 

i havent had much luck all fall but today i tried out a new pond and caught 2 4lbs bass and a crappie.. others include a few dinks. i thought i was gonna get skunked. i used a shakey head jig and the zoom brown and green trick stick. i let it sink then sit then twitch twitch BOOM.



fishing user avatarT-rig reply : 

All I'm catching are these things. :)

But better then nothing.


fishing user avatarSam reply : 

We had snow in Richmond, Virginia Saturday night and it was 18* on Sunday morning and you want to know how our fishing is, lately?

There is no fishing going on in this area until is warms up.  ;)

fishing user avatarRed reply : 

i have been out at least twice a week for over a month now, and i have absolutely nothing to show for it.  not even a dink!  i cant buy a bite.  i have tried everything.  but, either way, i am still out there every weekend!!

fishing user avatarfishfordollars reply : 

Bass-N-Bucks drew 215 boats last weekend on Rayburn. One day tournament was won with a trap in 4 ft and weighed a little over 22 lbs. I know of at least thre other 20+ lb sacks...All on a trap.

fishing user avatarfranklinfishfinder reply : 

Fished a tournament on nottley on the 6th. placed 10th out of 48 boats. only thing was me and my partner only weighed 3.32 pounds with 2 keepers. 11.62 won the tournament. we caught 9 fish total and only 2 kept. the temp stayed in the 30's i think the highest it read was 38. when we took off it was only 19. ice was freezing the guides till about noon almost. it was just plain cold. water temp was around 45. some fish were shallow on deep docks around 15 to 20 feet. but most fish were in 50 feet plus. caught all our fish on drop shots. hope it warms up some for the tournament over on hiwasse on the 3rd. only thing about that lake is have a few more sweet spots on it. nottley for me is just hope and pray kind of lake. dont have any spots on it that hold fish no matter what. but i'd radther freeze and fish then not fish at all. good luck to anyone else who battles the cold this year and remember fish have to eat no matter how cold it gets.

fishing user avatarGrey Wolf reply : 

You are a better man than me. Good luck with your tournaments.

fishing user avatarfishntime reply : 

I havent had anytime to get out and fish.  But it looks like I will be out on the water on the 12th. Weather is actully still on the warm side during the day. :D

fishing user avatarTokyo Tony reply : 

Well for CT it was ridiculously warm yesterday (high in the mid-50's) and it rained all day, which means my ponds are almost all ice-free now. It's not supposed to be too cold today and tomorrow, so I'm going BASS fishing this weekend  ;D

I'll post a report.

I don't think this qualifies as a legitimate pre-trip post, so it shouldn't jinx me.

fishing user avatarMNBassguy reply : 

no reports here,The water is hard.

fishing user avatarsambrochill reply : 

well i caught a really tiny minnow but other than that i put the rods and tackle in the closet and im done for the season =/

i cant wait till that spring time weather comes

fishing user avatarflippincrazy reply : 

Haven't been bass fishing since nov. These fair weather folk in ohio close the ramps even if there might be ice >:( But I've been hitting up the trout streams for browns, like I do every winter, nothing compares to bass but those trout are pretty little fish and evey once in a while not so little either ;D

fishing user avatarT-rig reply : 

Nothing big but better then nothing. :)


fishing user avatarbilgerat reply : 

Zippo here in New Jersey. Thought I would at least get hit, with the temp up in the 60's and cloudy, but nothing. :(

fishing user avatarroadwarrior reply : 

One hour Friday afternoon 6 lbs, 2 lbs; two hours yesterday 4 lbs.

All caught on a white & pepper Karu VibraSpin.



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