Its no giant but its a nice chunk. I went out today with a buddy and targeted Peacocks. I caught 3 Peacocks the two biggest in the photos below weighed approx 3.5 -4lbs. They may have weighed 4lbs but fought like they weighed 15lbs. On the first fish it destroyed my Spro Little John. Ripped the front hook and O-ring off, and bent two of the rear trebles. PEACOCKS = BEAST
That's awsome dude! I didn't know there were any peacock bass in Florida. They're not native are they?
Man I can't wait to catch a peacock. They seem like so much fun to fish for!
QuoteThat's awsome dude! I didn't know there were any peacock bass in Florida. They're not native are they?
No they are not native. They are one incredible fish though. Here is some info I found on the web as far as how they got here.
The South Florida Butterfly peacock bass has become an extremely popular freshwater game fish. The peacock bass was introduced to the waters of south Florida back in 1984 by the fish and wildlife commission in order to aid in controlling the ever-growing number of exotic species of fish that were let go into our canals by their owners once they became too big for their tanks. The commission released 20,000 butterfly peacock fingerlings that were stocked into the major canal systems of southeast Florida. The initial stocking took place between 1984 and 1987, procured again by the FWC. Peacock bass are natural predators of the illegally introduced and abundant exotic fishes such as the African spotted tilapia and numerous other species of cichlids that had overrun sections of the canals in the metropolitan Miami-Ft. Lauderdale area.
Almost makes me want to move down there.
That is an awesome catch!
Those are real nice peacocks......that background isn't faded out either, lol..........looks like a 441 canal.
Good looking Peacocks there Hawk, There are some real good canals around here that hold some beasts. It is almost that time where you can go out and get 20 or 30 of them in an afternoon. I've got some spots, so we should get together and trade info. I am over at my bro's shop fairly often, so I will swing into your shop and say Hello. Heres a pig from last year at one of my secret spots.
QuoteGood looking Peacocks there Hawk, There are some real good canals around here that hold some beasts. It is almost that time where you can go out and get 20 or 30 of them in an afternoon. I've got some spots, so we should get together and trade info. I am over at my bro's shop fairly often, so I will swing into your shop and say Hello. Heres a pig from last year at one of my secret spots.
Thats cool, let me know. We can get together and fish.
Wow, that's a nice looking fish. Great catch.
Congrats on your PB .
nice feesh.
i almost prefer catching those over LM. they are really pretty too. i am definitely bringing my rigs down when i go to visit for thanksgiving.
QuoteThose are real nice peacocks......that background isn't faded out either, lol..........looks like a 441 canal.
^why would you call out a spot like that? I am not saying you are right or not but why would you do that?
That is why people swirl backgrounds.
Way to go Jason, that is a VERY nice peacock. Lol about your lure but peacocks will destroy your plugs. You definitely have to go with cheap lures.
I don't believe that's the 441 canal but I'm not going to say which one i think it is.
Also, guess what? We lost the rock pit :'(. I went out there for the first time since you and I went and the lock was changed. I cut the chain and fished anyway but I'm pretty sure that will be the last of the pit.
QuoteWay to go Jason, that is a VERY nice peacock. Lol about your lure but peacocks will destroy your plugs. You definitely have to go with cheap lures.I don't believe that's the 441 canal but I'm not going to say which one i think it is.
Also, guess what? We lost the rock pit :'(. I went out there for the first time since you and I went and the lock was changed. I cut the chain and fished anyway
but I'm pretty sure that will be the last of the pit.
Dont worry, Doug I have another Rock pit that produces just as well if your interested. Only problem is you wont be able to bring your bass boat. Jon boat/ electric only, And there is no boat ramp.
I've never fished for Peacocks but it's on my bucket list. Those are some sweet looking fish with some mean shoulders.
QuoteI've never fished for Peacocks but it's on my bucket list. Those are some sweet looking fish with some mean shoulders.![]()
They get those Giant sholders from pumping iron and slamming tilapia all day. ;D
Very nice peacock you got there. I haven't fished for them in a while but think I will give it a shot next weekend. The fall mullet run is in full force and I have been getting my snook on so no time for the freshies. My biggest peacock was a little over 6 pounds and that one you got there is at least a 3 pounder. Keep it up 8-)
nice one man!!!!
though its been quite some time since i've caught peacocks..... i love it.
i used to live in pembroke pines, and targeted them all the time....
now in orlando, and LM are the way to go for me....
but i dare to say it (on this site ).....
peacocks IMO fight better pound for pound than LM's do!
wish i could get some of that action in again :'(
Nice fishes
QuoteQuoteThose are real nice peacocks......that background isn't faded out either, lol..........looks like a 441 canal.^why would you call out a spot like that? I am not saying you are right or not but why would you do that?
That is why people swirl backgrounds.
I'm all for sharing information and I've never faded a background out, my policy will never change. The further south you go the better the peas get, if anyone gets down this way, I'd share what I know. Peas are abundant in Delray.
QuoteQuoteQuoteThose are real nice peacocks......that background isn't faded out either, lol..........looks like a 441 canal.^why would you call out a spot like that? I am not saying you are right or not but why would you do that?
That is why people swirl backgrounds.
I'm all for sharing information and I've never faded a background out, my policy will never change. The further south you go the better the peas get, if anyone gets down this way, I'd share what I know. Peas are abundant in Delray.
Good for you......but this wasnt your information to share. I am sure if he wanted to name the spot he would have in his post.
Those are some great pics.I hope I get to fish for Peacocks someday.I bet they fight like some beasts.
QuoteQuoteQuoteThose are real nice peacocks......that background isn't faded out either, lol..........looks like a 441 canal.^why would you call out a spot like that? I am not saying you are right or not but why would you do that?
That is why people swirl backgrounds.
I'm all for sharing information and I've never faded a background out, my policy will never change. The further south you go the better the peas get, if anyone gets down this way, I'd share what I know. Peas are abundant in Delray.
Here is how I see it. If someone posts a picture and doesnt name the spot he was fishing, and you THINK you recognize the spot. Keep it to your self. Rather than advertise it to the World Wide Web. I just think thats common courtesy, if the person posting the pictures wanted to share the location he would spell it out in the original thread.
That's a nice peacock there. I love targeting peacock and go everywhere from the C-100 way down south to the Ida-Osborne chain up north. I call them Florida Smallmouths since we dont have the smallies down here but they are ferocious like smallies. They will bend some hooks, particularly if you are using braid. I keep a seperate box of peacock lures like Original Rapalas, X-Raps, Torpedos etc and have upgraded a lot of hooks to 2X. We caught some out of Holiday Park this past Saturday but no 4#'s like that one. I was fortunate enough to go to Brazil a couple times and you can only imagine-Peacocks on steroids!
QuoteThat's a nice peacock there. I love targeting peacock and go everywhere from the C-100 way down south to the Ida-Osborne chain up north. I call them Florida Smallmouths since we dont have the smallies down here but they are ferocious like smallies. They will bend some hooks, particularly if you are using braid. I keep a seperate box of peacock lures like Original Rapalas, X-Raps, Torpedos etc and have upgraded a lot of hooks to 2X. We caught some out of Holiday Park this past Saturday but no 4#'s like that one. I was fortunate enough to go to Brazil a couple times and you can only imagine-Peacocks on steroids!
I would love to go to Brazil and target Peacock. I cant even imagine fighting a 20lb Peacock. I have seen the ferocity from the little guys, I know what they are capable of. But I must say If I had to pick either Largemouth or Peacock fishing, It would be Peacocks without a doubt.
Quotenice feesh.i almost prefer catching those over LM. they are really pretty too.
If fishing freshwater ANY DAY MAN, ANY DAY!
Congrats Hawk, I won't call you out on the spot either, but I know where its at .
For those of you that are lurkers and want to catch them go to Bass Pro Shops in Dania buy get some saltwater x-raps and rattle traps with spinnerbait blade tails. Have lunch, then drive west on Griffin Road once you past the turnpike start fishing the canal just north of Griffin. Make sure you have a good pair of polarized glasses so you can spot them, work your lure erratically, and hang on once you catch one, by the way you may also catch a Tarpon or Snook there too!
QuoteQuoteQuoteQuoteThose are real nice peacocks......that background isn't faded out either, lol..........looks like a 441 canal.^why would you call out a spot like that? I am not saying you are right or not but why would you do that?
That is why people swirl backgrounds.
I'm all for sharing information and I've never faded a background out, my policy will never change. The further south you go the better the peas get, if anyone gets down this way, I'd share what I know. Peas are abundant in Delray.
Here is how I see it. If someone posts a picture and doesnt name the spot he was fishing, and you THINK you recognize the spot. Keep it to your self. Rather than advertise it to the World Wide Web. I just think thats common courtesy, if the person posting the pictures wanted to share the location he would spell it out in the original thread.
441 is long road with scores of good spots and I did not pin point the spot, but I fish it all the time, live a few minutes from there.
On other forums which I frequent we share our info and always point people in the right direction, not to say that there isn't some that don't share but most do.
Awesome pics of a fantastic fish!
I was fishing a canal near Miami this past Thursday and in a two hour period landed/hooked over a dozen with the largest at 18 1/2". This fish gave the 6' heavy rod all it wanted. What a fighting fish!! The avatar I use is the 18 1/2" Peacock.
WTG Hawk, NICE Color too
Beautiful catches Hawk. 8-)
I wish there was a place to catch Peacock Bass on the west coast. :'(
Now this is my cup of tea.
Great picture buddy. I agree that there is no fish pound for pound that compares with peacocks. I can tell you from experience, that a 20 lb fish will rip any other fish to threads in the same weight class...
UrbanAngler, the closest fish I could compare them to would be stripers.
We don't have 20 lb Peacocks in south Fla, a 5# is nice one here ( state record around 9#), that being said as great as Peacocks are, and I love catching them, a 5 # Jack Crevelle IMO will out fight a 5# peacock hands down, no contest.
Not really a fair comparison as a Jack is a saltwater fish than can go pretty big, but we are talking pound for pound.
Thanks for all the compliments
QuoteWe don't have 20 lb Peacocks in south Fla, a 5# is nice one here ( state record around 9#), that being said as great as Peacocks are, and I love catching them, a 5 # Jack Crevelle IMO will out fight a 5# peacock hands down, no contest.Not really a fair comparison as a Jack is a saltwater fish than can go pretty big, but we are talking pound for pound.
I was referring to freshwater. Saltwater is another animal entirely.
good lookin fish
nice catch
Great!!! ))
QuoteQuoteWe don't have 20 lb Peacocks in south Fla, a 5# is nice one here ( state record around 9#), that being said as great as Peacocks are, and I love catching them, a 5 # Jack Crevelle IMO will out fight a 5# peacock hands down, no contest.Not really a fair comparison as a Jack is a saltwater fish than can go pretty big, but we are talking pound for pound.
I was referring to freshwater. Saltwater is another animal entirely.
Freshwater, I agree. Peacocks even fight harder than smallies. They're a little more savage and reckless than smallies, whose fights seem a bit more calculated.
Pound for pound, carp might fight as hard as peacocks, although it's a COMPLETELY different type of fight, to the point where a true comparison is impossible.
I don't think anything fights harder than jack crevalles though :-)
Hawk - great fish there.
If a guy was to plan a Peacock trip, where would everyone suggest? I saw a Roland Martin video filmed in the Naples area that made that area look pretty good. Easy access/hotels would be important. Wouldn't have time on a vacation trip to do much scouting around for the tough to find spots.
If your coming for Peacocks you best bet is the Miami/Ft.Lauderdale/W. Palm areas.