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oooooouuuuuch... aka "the fish that got me back" 2025

fishing user avatarMasshole Mike reply : 

this one did not feel good...




that was a nice little visit to the ER to have it removed. was gonna give er a go myself but even my aunts that are ER nurses said it'd be best to just go and get it taken out. it was so deep they actually had to back it out instead of pushing it through and cutting it. the doc took a hollow point needle and ran it down the shank of the hook to the barb so that the barb sat inside the tip of the needle, then just gave a couple tugs on it and out she came.

and what did i gain from yesterday's adventure? a new respect for treble hook'd lures and a sore @55 finger.

fishing user avatarrondef reply : 

I always worry about that happening to me when I lip a bass when using a lure with treble hooks.  After seeing all of the recent posts I guess I need to make sure I am more careful.

fishing user avatargarry77 reply : 

I had a do use the same technique to remove a hook out of me.It was in my shin though not my finger.Since that time I carry a few needles and some alcohol wipes in my box.Only had to use them once on a buddy so far(knock on wood).Of course he didn't get any anesthetic though,lol.

fishing user avatarThe Rooster reply : 

Holy Toledo buddy!!!  I've never had that happen to me but I saw it happen to a friend of mine while we were out.  It was in the back side of his finger though, on the middle joint of his index finger.  Wasn't quite as deep as yours but well well passed the barb and hopelessly stuck.  He just ripped it out though....OUCH!!!!  Then at the same time a bee went in his shoe and stung him.  Double OUCH!!!!  Needless to say he had a bad fishing trip, but he was in good spirits and stayed to fish anyway.  

fishing user avatar=Matt 5.0= reply : 

Dang..... :-?

fishing user avatarCJ reply : 

Man Mike! You learned the hard way, just like me. I drove one through my thumb and it came out under my thumbnail. I did my own operating cause I wasn't done fishing that day.

Anyway, hope it don't get as soar as mine did. Take care of it and use needlenose when you're fishing anything with trebles.

Dang....I know that hurt!


fishing user avatarJimzee reply : 

Same thing happened to me except mine was in the top joint of my left thumb. The ER has to use the hollow needle and all just like you said. I know how that felt. Mine was a tiny torpedo.

fishing user avatarDavid P reply : 

I was just about to buy a crankbait setup, and now I remember why I don't throw hard baits  ;D

fishing user avatarLow_Budget_Hooker reply : 


                                                     woops  ::)

So what did you learn???  Keep a hypodermic on the boat :)  (ps- isn't that a greeeeat crank though?  deadly color, looks even better with a little red on it,lol)

fishing user avatarRiskKid. reply : 

Dang and OUCH Mike!!!

That brings new meaning to the bleeding bait series!

fishing user avatarHooked_On_Bass reply : 


I did that a couple of years ago. I had my cousin push the hook all the way through and cut off the barb. :-[

fishing user avatarCigarlover 1 reply : 

Man that hurts just looking at it. Two words - Needlenose Pliers.  ;D

fishing user avatarXcoM274 reply : 

Ouch, memories and pain come back...

Try getting one of those out 12 hours into Canada.... :o

fishing user avatarJake P reply : 

OUCH! I have been hooked a few times but never that deep.

fishing user avatar.dsaavedra. reply : 

why didnt you try the method where you loop your line around the hook, push down, and pull?

if i ever get hooked, thats what im gonna do.

fishing user avatarJayDub reply : 
why didnt you try the method where you loop your line around the hook, push down, and pull?

if i ever get hooked, thats what im gonna do.

If you look at the angle the hook is going into the skin, you can tell that, not only did the hook go far into the skin, (way up past the barb), but that it penetrated downwards DEEP.  I'm pretty sure that method would not have worked on this one, and that's also why the "push-through" method wouldn't have either. Unless you wanted to go through ALOT of meat...  :'(

fishing user avatarRedlinerobert reply : 

Yikes!  That'll leave a mark.  

fishing user avatarPainter Dude reply : 

oooooouuuuuch is right! :'(

fishing user avatarHOIST-N-HAWGS reply : 

Been there done that! OOUCH! Oh wait....... that's right I ever did that to myself just other people in te back of my boat ;D

Lesson learned "GET A GRIPPER! ";)

fishing user avatarMasshole Mike reply : 

i'll tell ya what fellas, i was as careful as careful can be so that exactly this wouldn't happen.

here's the story...

i was throwin a senko and not catchin so i switched to the xr50 that you see pictured on the first page. i started catchin (mostly perch but there was a bass mixed in) and ended up hookin into a small perch. he got all 3 hooks from the front treble stuck into different sections of his mouth, two on top under his eyes and 1 straight thru his lower lip. his mouth was too small to try and lip him so i grabbed my rapala lip grip scale and my hook outs and went to work.

i was having the hardest time trying to get the 3 hooks out because the fish wasn't cooperating and they were so perfectly hooked in his little face that it was just a total b!$&h trying to do anything. so i decided to get down in there and try to work the lure around the fish instead of the fish around the lure. well no sooner than i grabbed the xr50 he starts flippin out, i dropped the lure and pulled my arm back and as i did the rear treble sank in and the fish's little spasms just sank it even further.

my buddy joe ended up having to cut the front treble out of the fish's mouth, and i tell ya i tried like hell to get that hook out myself but it just was not happening. the er nurses told me "i did good" when they saw how deep it was.

two days later and the most painful part is the tetanus shot that i got in my right butt cheek. it feels like the worst charlie horse ever.

fishing user avatarroadwarrior reply : 


That's a great, "terrible" picture...I'll bet it was every bit as bad as it looks.


fishing user avatarBassinBoy reply : 

Nice lure

fishing user avatar.RM. reply : 

Ouch, was on a great top water bite for spots, and did that using a ChugBugg caught up in some grass and shook it loose. Bait comes back aiming at the head, I duck and cover up using the right arm and wham, into the right arm funny bone past the barb... :o

Well we park the boat head to the local med center ER, have the thing cut out of the funny bone. Go back to the lake tie the same lure on and continue the best top water day I have ever had for spots.... ;)

fishing user avatarDavis reply : 

Every single picture I cringed and said "oh man". That is brutal. Almost happened to me last week crankbait fishin.

I usually always lip my fish but with trebles I hold the fish by it's belly and use the other hand for my needle nose. Accidents still happen though. Man what a gash!  :'(

fishing user avatarba7ss3in reply : 

oooooh, hope you are feeling better.

fishing user avatarLCpointerKILLA reply : 

that is hard to look at

fishing user avatarBankbeater reply : 

I feel you pain. Had that happen to me about 10 years ago.

fishing user avatarTheBeast reply : 

Had one go in on me once while setting here in my store, I was just picking it up and grabbed the counter and in the finger, deep and at about the same angle.   But silly me just kept working at it and turned it up and pushed it on through and out, took about 30 inutes but I did it.  Don't consider it being tough just stubborn.

fishing user avatarthetr20one reply : 
i'll tell ya what fellas, i was as careful as careful can be so that exactly this wouldn't happen.

here's the story...

i was throwin a senko and not catchin so i switched to the xr50 that you see pictured on the first page. i started catchin (mostly perch but there was a bass mixed in) and ended up hookin into a small perch. he got all 3 hooks from the front treble stuck into different sections of his mouth, two on top under his eyes and 1 straight thru his lower lip. his mouth was too small to try and lip him so i grabbed my rapala lip grip scale and my hook outs and went to work.

i was having the hardest time trying to get the 3 hooks out because the fish wasn't cooperating and they were so perfectly hooked in his little face that it was just a total b!$&h trying to do anything. so i decided to get down in there and try to work the lure around the fish instead of the fish around the lure. well no sooner than i grabbed the xr50 he starts flippin out, i dropped the lure and pulled my arm back and as i did the rear treble sank in and the fish's little spasms just sank it even further.

my buddy joe ended up having to cut the front treble out of the fish's mouth, and i tell ya i tried like hell to get that hook out myself but it just was not happening. the er nurses told me "i did good" when they saw how deep it was.

two days later and the most painful part is the tetanus shot that i got in my right butt cheek. it feels like the worst charlie horse ever.

OOUUUCCCHHH!!!!! That is a bad one. But next time consider a perch hooked like that a sandwich or bait!

fishing user avatarBig Tom reply : 

Luckily, I have only skin hooked myself and those close to me a few times.  Those pictures look terrible but I would have whipped the camera out and done the same thing.

fishing user avatarbtcprince reply : 

pucker factor .....10

fishing user avatarKy_Lake_Dude reply : 

man that totally sux :(

fishing user avatarkms399 reply : 

reminds me of a couple years back we were fishing 3 guys out of a 16' boat and the guy in the front hauls off for a long distance cast with a 3/4 oz daredevil and snags the guy in the middle seat right in the forearm man you should have heard the swearing I thought they were gonna come to blows. we laugh about it now.

fishing user avatarLow_Budget_Hooker reply : 
Ouch, was on a great top water bite for spots, and did that using a ChugBugg caught up in some grass and shook it loose. Bait comes back aiming at the head, I duck and cover up using the right arm and wham, into the right arm funny bone past the barb... :o

Well we park the boat head to the local med center ER, have the thing cut out of the funny bone. Go back to the lake tie the same lure on and continue the best top water day I have ever had for spots.... ;)

The scent of blood.....:)  Hey, there's a thought, we have craw, anise, garlic, "blood" scent? ......hmmmm  David, could have something there...:)

fishing user avatarfishfordollars reply : 

I feel for you. I have the inside of my left index finger still numb after 6 years from an episode similar to that. Good luck with it.

fishing user avatarshorefisher reply : 

hmm...that reminds me of a recent experience of mine

only it was my head :(

fishing user avatarNitroMan reply : 

Dang that sucks for you!!! I am always as cautious as I can posibly be when it comes to fishing with trebles... Every now and then I will accidentally BARELY hook my self but never that bad. God I can only imagine I hope it never happens to me!!! ;)

fishing user avatarBankbeater reply : 

And at the ER they always ask you if you caught anything.

fishing user avatarTokyo Tony reply : 

Holy crap man. You all healed up?

fishing user avatarbassbanger reply : 

And i thought i was the king of getting attacked by trebles!!! Last week i had a muscle shirt on, and i had a dang aruku shad fling up and catch my underarm OUCH!! on the same day i had it catch my thigh then i stepped on a d**n swim bait!

fishing user avatarMasshole Mike reply : 
Holy crap man. You all healed up?

Yeah dude, all healed up. Although once in a while I'll hit my finger on something and the nerves that got ripped up inside will send a jolt through my hand. Nothing major but there was definitely some damage done inside.

fishing user avatarbass slayer 17 reply : 

yup that was a bad one... I had the same thing happen to me with a 7 inch stickbait... thats why i use pliers and probably a boga grip would help to..

fishing user avatarMasshole Mike reply : 
yup that was a bad one... I had the same thing happen to me with a 7 inch stickbait... thats why i use pliers and probably a boga grip would help to..

I actually was using a lip grip scale by Berkley, along with my Rapala multi-purpose pliers, needle nose pliers and hook outs. Just couldn't get the hook out with all that hardware so I tried holding the lure and... well, you get the picture.

fishing user avatarbass slayer 17 reply : 

ah ok.. glad to see that your healed... i think yours might have bled more than my injury did.. got mine in the thumb


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