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How Much Does This Bass Weigh!!!! 2025

fishing user avatarBrick56 reply : 

Please help I caught this bass last summer. I was fishing off my kayak so I didn't pack my scale. I need to know about how much my fish weighs I was thinking around 9 or 10

fishing user avatartomustang reply : 

Big girl but she looks starved

Nice catch regardless

fishing user avatarA-Jay reply : 

Welcome to BR ~


Nice Bass - did you happen to take and record the length & girth ? 


That's a fairly decent way to get ball park weight.


You're going to get a wide array of guesstimate weight replies here.


I'll will you that what ever it weighed, it's a lot bigger than anything I've gotten in 2014.



fishing user avatarNitrofreak reply : 
  On 1/11/2014 at 6:28 AM, tomustang said:

Big girl but she looks starved

Nice catch regardless


Agreed , Very Nice catch and congrats !!!!

fishing user avatardeaknh03 reply : 
  On 1/11/2014 at 6:48 AM, A-Jay said:

Welcome to BR ~


Nice Bass - did you happen to take and record the length & girth ? 


That's a fairly decent way to get ball park weight.


You're going to get a wide array of guesstimate weight replies here.


I'll well you that what ever it weighed, it's a lot bigger than anything I've gotten in 2014.



2014 being the key?

fishing user avatarBassWhole! reply : 

7 lbs, 9 1/2 oz. (I do this for a living)....Or 10....

fishing user avatarHattrick7 reply : 

I dunno but I'd definitely say she's over 3lbs :). This might help if you have these measurements. Geeez...sounds like a playboy model.

To determine the weight of a largemouth bass in the absence of a scale, the following formula based upon linear measurements of the fish is a reliably accurate method of calculating its weight:

L x G x G

W = -----------


L = Length [in inches] from nose to fork in tail

G = Girth [in inches] around fleshiest portion of body

W = Weight of fish in pounds

fishing user avatarJeziHogg reply : 

Defiantly over 6lbs, but no more then 8 1/2. That bass looks like it hasn't eaten in forever.

fishing user avatarDwight Hottle reply : 

I'm guessing 7-8 lbs. Nice fish. For reference this fish weighed 9-2.



fishing user avatarWRB reply : 
  On 1/11/2014 at 7:42 AM, Hattrick7 said:

I dunno but I'd definitely say she's over 3lbs :). This might help if you have these measurements. Geeez...sounds like a playboy model.

To determine the weight of a largemouth bass in the absence of a scale, the following formula based upon linear measurements of the fish is a reliably accurate method of calculating its weight:

L x G x G

W = -----------


L = Length [in inches] from nose to fork in tail

G = Girth [in inches] around fleshiest portion of body

W = Weight of fish in pounds

IGFA formula is good for tuna, not bass; L x L x G / 1200 = weight in lbs. L = length with mouth closed.


fishing user avatarDarren. reply : 

I'm with Dwight, 7-8 pounds. The bass in my avatar was 6.6 pounds and over 22". Yours definitely looks bigger.

fishing user avatarmjseverson24 reply : 

I would say the fish is between 8 - 9, it would appear to be about 23-25 inches long. it is pretty skinny on the bottom but the top looks pretty thick and healthy. it is hard to compare it to Dwight's fish since his is short and fat (probably not even 22") and yours is long and skinny. it definitely looks bigger than 8 though. 



fishing user avatarMarty reply : 

In what part of the country was it caught?

fishing user avatarBrick56 reply : 

Thanks to everybody's replies. I used toms equation an it came out to be just over 8lbs.

-thanks Mitch

fishing user avatarDarren. reply : 
  On 1/11/2014 at 8:07 AM, mjseverson24 said:

I would say the fish is between 8 - 9, it would appear to be about 23-25 inches long. it is pretty skinny on the bottom but the top looks pretty thick and healthy. it is hard to compare it to Dwight's fish since his is short and fat (probably not even 22") and yours is long and skinny. it definitely looks bigger than 8 though. 




The more I look at it, I'm thinking the better part of 8. But nearly impossible to tell without measurements or a weight.


My bass (avatar) was also skinny, but 22 ¼" long. Dwight's was feeding extremely well, no idea the length.

fishing user avatarBrick56 reply : 

I caught the fish in North Carolina on Mount Island Lake.

fishing user avatarInsanity reply : 


L = Length [in inches] from nose to fork in tail

To the fork In the tail? Or to the tip of the tail ? I've always measured to the tip. Like for legal length. I've never even had a tape measure when I catch the biggest ones anyway. Seems they don't bite if you carry a camera,scales,or even a tape measure some times. :D.

I've used the calculator on here for years. Look under (tools) tab at the top.

And it's pretty darn close to fish I have weighed in the past.

fishing user avatarBrick56 reply : 

The only measurement I took was its length and it was 27inches

fishing user avatarboostr reply : 

IS it Skinny because of post spawn, just asking. Still bigger that what I have caught...... For now :whistle:

fishing user avatarHattrick7 reply : 
  On 1/11/2014 at 9:06 AM, Insanity said:


L = Length [in inches] from nose to fork in tail

To the fork In the tail? Or to the tip of the tail ? I've always measured to the tip. Like for legal length. I've never even had a tape measure when I catch the biggest ones anyway. Seems they don't bite if you carry a camera,scales,or even a tape measure some times. :D.

I've used the calculator on here for years. Look under (tools) tab at the top.

And it's pretty darn close to fish I have weighed in the past.

Same here except the camera since I always carry my phone fishing. I usually eyeball it and mysteriously the bass gains a coupla pounds. :)

fishing user avatarInsanity reply : 

Shhhss. I don't think the fish no there is a camera in the phones yet. Lol

I still forget myself. I dropped a pretty 7+ back in a couple of months ago and then thought I should have taken a pic she was so pretty. My old iPhone takes good pics. I just noticed this fall. Had it for more then two years. Lol.

The old phones where so bad I never bothered looking at this one and it's only like 2 Meg's to. Go figure.

fishing user avatarflyfisher reply : 

27" length fish should be pushing double digits even being skinny.

fishing user avatarJT Bagwell reply : 

Nice fish

fishing user avatarprimetime reply : 

Camera Angles make it so tough to figure out how big a Fish actually is. I always use the Rapala formula  which used length and girth to estimate the weight. I have seen some crazy weights both Light and Heavy for Long and Short Fish....I know an Angler landed a 33" largemouth at lake Toho in a Bassmaster event that weighed 9.3 or something else super light. The Fish was a schoolie who chased bait around all day instead of hiding out and ambushing prey which makes those bass much fatter since they burn less calories & Eat bigger Panfish etc.....


Overall, your Fish looks awfully skinny in the first photo, but looks like a Good 7.5-8lb Healthy Fish in the other. That is a BIG Fish for sure. I used to catch tons of 4-5lb fish in Ny growing up, and since moving to Florida, I now realize how big a True 10lb Fish really is. When you see one, you realize that it is HUGE & they just look different than all smaller Bass.


General rule of thumb....19"-4lbs  21" 5-6lb if a Chunk    22-23" 5-12...I believe I have actually viewed recordings in Texas that were crazy & the Fish looks like a Pillow.


I find that I catch alot of 21-23" Bass here in Florida, and They are Stocky in some of the private ponds which receive little pressure and are full of bait. I have had all my measurements calculated & only 2x did any of those fish break 8, and it was barely over. I actually landed a 24.25" which looked like a 9 to me and was 7.15...Not sure how accurate the measurements are, but I have been lucky to have seen several ten's landed, and was on a golf course when a 14yr old pulled out a decent 13.9 which was officially weighed...It looked like an alien from outer space and it was not long and quite sure it was under 28".


Either way, Huge Fish and a trophy in any body of water, especially out of a Kayak which is tough with leverage etc. I will keep using the Rapala % 12 formula and so far it likes to keep me in the 7.3-9.9 & hopefully it comes this year as I am on a mission to get a teener after witnessing a Monster coming out of a Golf Course Pond. I have seen Bass over 10lbs in small retention ponds loaded with bait, but they are tough to catch on artificialls many times as most good ponds are clear & have alot of cover/Weed growth.

fishing user avatarprimetime reply : 

Too bad that 27" was not caught Pre Spawn as you may have had a 10-11lb fish on your hands....looks like that fish lost extra weight for some reason...Still a Giant.


I always measure to fork of tail and scales have been within a few ounces 85% of the time, and the other times I simply add a half inch somewhere so I get a better weight to tell others. It is all about girth and Genetics.

fishing user avatarWRB reply : 

The fact is that bass doesn't look 27" long based on your hand size, closer to 23" to 24".

Based on the fish lean* body the girth is maybe 18", this bass = 8 # +_ 1/4# , nice NLMB.

At 27" the lean body bass would be 12# approx,


PS, you don't need a tape measure simply use a length of your fishing line and cut to length another for girth. A good scale resolves all these issues.

* lean body girth = 75% of length.

fishing user avatarComfortably Numb reply : 

Nice fish for sure. Fish in my avatar was 24" amd 8#.


I would guess yours is about the same or a little better.


They always look smaller in the pics unless people hold their arms out LOL.

fishing user avatarNEjitterbugger reply : 

7.5 to 8 pound range

fishing user avatarVolFan reply : 

That thing has the head of a DD and the body of a dink. Weird looking fish.

fishing user avatarMainebass1984 reply : 
  On 1/11/2014 at 8:00 AM, WRB said:

IGFA formula is good for tuna, not bass; L x L x G / 1200 = weight in lbs. L = length with mouth closed.



This formula is insanely accurate. It is always within 2 oz of my digital scale. Most of the time it is spot on.


That fish has an 8 lb head but looks thin. Could be sick or about to die. 27 inches ? That would be something.


I would "guestimate" 7 lbs 12 oz.


Just start bringing a digital scale with you.

fishing user avatarAK-Jax86 reply : 

Nice fish regardless but I hate when people say this fish weighed this for reference lol. Fish grow differently in different waters some may be fat some may be slim but solid. I've caught a 6lber that looked bigger than my 7.7 and have caught fish in the 4-6 range that look way bigger or smaller than they read on a scale. Scales eliminate the guess work you can get a nice digital for only $15 all fishermen should have one incase you come into contact with that double digit beast! I learned my lesion and carry my scale with me when I am traveling light... Now I stick my scale, pliers, and my phone in my pockets and rod in hand

fishing user avatarAlonerankin2 reply : 

Seen and caught a few around her size... Just to look at a picture is tuff... She's skinny for sure big head ....over 7 less than 8 pounds ... That's just educated guess based on 30 years fishing for them big ole girls.... Before spawn she would go 10 +... Nice fish my man... Nice fish!

fishing user avatarN8Dawg34 reply : 

That's a nice fish! Needs to eat a little bit but I will say that's the biggest I've seen out of mountain island!


fishing user avatarMainebass1984 reply : 
  On 1/13/2014 at 10:10 PM, Alonerankin2 said:

Seen and caught a few around her size... Just to look at a picture is tuff... She's skinny for sure big head ....over 7 less than 8 pounds ... That's just educated guess based on 30 years fishing for them big ole girls.... Before spawn she would go 10 +... Nice fish my man... Nice fish!


 Bass only gain 10% of there body weight for the spawn.

fishing user avatarPete-K reply : 

7+ lbs

fishing user avatarDead River reply : 

it's a nice fish but it's definitely not healthy. I don't think it's 27" long. I'm gonna go 7.25 tops


I never used fork length just measured to the end of the tail open, then I started hanging around fisheries biologists that measure fish with the tail pinched (total length). that's also how game wardens do it when checking ppl's creels.

fishing user avatarDead River reply : 

here's a 7 lb 14 oz pig that was caught post spawn last year. she was 23.5" (total length) x 17" girth. I saw this fish boil on a point, I believe she was marauding a bream bed. now 23.5" total length is more like 23" or less regular length and under 23" fork length, let this fish looks just as long as the one you're holding. this fish looks bigger and longer than it is, would've loved to have weigh her on a boga, digitals had to do

fishing user avatarDead River reply : 

here's a 7 lb 10 oz that was 24" total length

big headed old fish, notice the scleral band on her eye.

if this fish was fat it might weigh 9 lbs. an old female for sure


fishing user avatarSPEEDBEAD. reply : 

My head hurts.


Fish are never as big as they appear without a scale. Except maybe when they never make it to the boat.


Nice fish, bring a scale. Have fun.

fishing user avatarpbrussell reply : 

What's a scale?

fishing user avatarretiredbosn reply : 
  On 2/7/2014 at 3:13 AM, pbrussell said:

What's a scale?

Those little hard round things on a fish's skin ;)

fishing user avatarSirSnookalot reply : 

I actually do have a scale, 2 in fact.  I've yet to use them, don't like carrying one.  If someone near me has a scale and I've caught a really nice fish, sure I'm curious.

fishing user avatarRoLo reply : 
  On 1/11/2014 at 7:10 AM, reason said:

7 lbs, 9 1/2 oz. (I do this for a living)....Or 10....


Precious  :grin:

fishing user avatarLunk3r_Hunter reply : 

I once caught a 4lb bass with a 10lb head. The bass was sick or something, it did not fight whatsoever. Was not the only bass I have caught with a unusually large head compared to body dimensions.


I would say based on what I have observed in the picture, taking into account I have no idea your physiological parameters, this bass weighs 7-7.75 pounds. 

fishing user avatarfisherman556 reply : 

that fish is close to 10 pounds

fishing user avatarRoLo reply : 
  On 7/15/2014 at 8:37 PM, fisherman556 said:

that fish is close to 10 pounds


Wow, a double-digit first post.

Welcome to the forum :smiley:



fishing user avatarKevin22 reply : 

I would guess that fish to be 7-8#. Probably 10 in the spring! 

fishing user avatarKevin22 reply : 
  On 1/11/2014 at 9:36 AM, Brick56 said:

The only measurement I took was its length and it was 27inches



27" on a board with the nose pushed into it (mouth closed)? Or 27" with a tape laying along its body with the mouth open and the tail pinched? There is a big difference. 


I've seen guys catch 14" crappie that measure 12" on my board, same with bass and anything else that has a big set of jaws. 

fishing user avatarmikekurinka reply : 

7 maybe 8 big head small body but still a trophy fish bet that was an awesome day


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