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SENKOS....not just for Bass anymore 2025

fishing user avatarairborne_angler reply : 

   Went fishing today and had a little luck,caught 4 small ones . On one cast, I was dragging my SENKO along the bottom and felt a "TAP-TAP",so I stopped and waited.After a few seconds of no action I began my slow dragging retrieve again and then suddely.......WHAM!!!. I set the hook and began a good fight,As the fish got closer to the bank I noticed a yellow color :o. To my surprise,what I caught was a fat ,pot bellied yellow catfish,or "mudcat" as ive heard em called. This was certainly a first for me. So now I know theres more than just bass and sunfish in this pond ,the fishing could get to be a little more exciting,when im tired of cranking for bass,I can lob a hook full of crawlers out and sit on the bank and wait for the bite to come. ;D

fishing user avatarpiranha reply : 

I fished my first tourney last night as a co-angler. The only fish the guy caught who owned the boat was a bluegill, yup, on a senko with a 2/0 hook.

On a similar odd note, I caught a shiner tonight on a spinner bait. Go figure.

fishing user avatarpaully reply : 

hehe my first fish on a senko was today and it wasn't a bass it was a nice 4 lb channel cat

fishing user avatarthe dude1301599870 reply : 

Nice, nice...Seems to me that Senko's seem to be the magic.

I'm a live bait fisherman myself and hope to land some major mo-fos this weekend since I rangled up somewhere around 100, 9 to 12 inch long Night Crawlers outa my front yard (try it) and am headed out to Large Mouth Central; I'll letcha know!...BTW I've never lost a tourney. Wish me luck!!!

fishing user avatarkirk reply : 

Nope, they are not just for bass.  I have caught a crappie and a huge snapping turtle on one.  That was interesting, to say the least.

Snappers have a negative attitude when hooked.  

fishing user avatarHoosierAngler reply : 

I caught a Big Green Sunfish on a 5" Senko, I was using a 4/0 hook- I couldn't believe I hooked him ;D

fishing user avatarel_jewapo reply : 

the first fish i caught on senkos was a bowfin

fishing user avatarpaully reply : 

Hah! I just caught a bass and a WALLEYE on a senko today! I guess it can catch any fish!

fishing user avatarguacomole reply : 

I caught a HUGE bream on a senko once. It was massive, at least a pound.

fishing user avatarCBedo reply : 

My last club tourney, we put a crappie, walleye, white bass, and a cat in the boat on senkos and brushhawgs.

fishing user avatarsenko_77 reply : 

i caught a few warmouth on 7 inch senkos. weird huh

fishing user avatarLow_Budget_Hooker reply : 

Add stripers and bluefish to the list!

fishing user avataradolan reply : 

theyr'e dinamite for pike too!

fishing user avatarDoNKeYMEAT reply : 

I have used Senkos on 1 OZ and 1 1/2 OZ jigheads while vertical jigging for lake trout.... They work at 100+ ft too...

fishing user avatarTheBeast reply : 

Pulled in a bluegill once on a swimming senko.   It came up a bit the tail I saw it and just reeled in slow and steady, it didn't let go till it was out of the water and over the boat.  

fishing user avatarMasshole Mike reply : 

Holy grave digger batman!


fishing user avatarLCpointerKILLA reply : 
Holy grave digger batman!


x2 lol

fishing user avatarBassboy15 reply : 

I caught a nice 3lber on a senko to, it makes you think you just hooked into a NICE bass, only to be disappointed :(

fishing user avatarMrs. Matstone reply : 

Well I have caught a catfish on one before too and also a frog and a bat. Although the bat was not in the water when I got it just afterwords.  :)

fishing user avatarMARSH MASTER reply : 

try redfish and speckle trout

fishing user avataravid reply : 

I feel sorta left out.  I have been fishing seko's for years and can't recall one fish I caught that wasn't a bass.

What am I doing Wrong?  :-/

fishing user avatarmase088 reply : 

Maybe your just doing everything right?

fishing user avatarMrs. Matstone reply : 
Maybe your just doing everything right?

I was thinking the same thing.  ;D Maybe it is the rest of us that are off.

fishing user avatarJoshawa reply : 

I caught this bad boy on a 5" Senko earlier this year


fishing user avatarmase088 reply : 

First one to land a carp on one wins IMO.

fishing user avatarmike bat reply : 

ive caught a few nice eyeballs on a 5inch senko and i saw my friend catch and eyeball too ...

fishing user avatarislandbass reply : 

Talk about resurrection!

Anyway, fishing for smallies witha 3" senko I caught a yellow perch. It nailed the senko. Trout have also fallen victim.

fishing user avatarNitroMan reply : 

While I was Fishing out on the beloved Potomac River I hooked into what I thought was the hardest fighting bass ever until I was able to see him.... d**n 13 lb. Catfish... Aint nothing worse then hooking a cat when I'm out trying to learn how to bass fish ;D ;D ;D ;D

fishing user avatarfishfordollars reply : 

Throw a Senko,  Spinnerbait, and a rattletrap in front of a Speckeled Trout or Bull Red and whatch what happens.

fishing user avatarOlebiker reply : 

I caught a mudfish on a Senko a couple of weeks ago.  

fishing user avatarGrey Wolf reply : 
So how was the Senko rigged when these "foreign" fish hit them? Any common denominator?[/quot

There's only two ways to rig them , texas or wacky , take your pick.

fishing user avatarJ Francho reply : 
So how was the Senko rigged when these "foreign" fish hit them?  Any common denominator?

There's only two ways to rig them , texas or wacky , take your pick.

Have to disagree there.  You can rig them wacky, o-ring, weedless, t-rig (weighted), c-rig, Mojo, split shot,  DS weedless, DS wacky, DS nose hooked, on a jighead, as a trailer, throw in nail weights, and the possibilities are endless.  My two favorites are wacky on a DS, and weedless with a nail in back end, as well as the typical wacky rig.

Back to the original question, I've caught rock bass, drum, bowfin, brown trout, perch, silver bass, bullhead, channel cats, as well as SMB and LMB on them.

fishing user avatarGrey Wolf reply : 
So how was the Senko rigged when these "foreign" fish hit them? Any common denominator?

There's only two ways to rig them , texas or wacky , take your pick.

Have to disagree there. You can rig them wacky, o-ring, weedless, t-rig (weighted), c-rig, Mojo, split shot, DS weedless, DS wacky, DS nose hooked, on a jighead, as a trailer, throw in nail weights, and the possibilities are endless. My two favorites are wacky on a DS, and weedless with a nail in back end, as well as the typical wacky rig.

Back to the original question, I've caught rock bass, drum, bowfin, brown trout, perch, silver bass, bullhead, channel cats, as well as SMB and LMB on them.

You go get em tiger!!!!!!!!

fishing user avatarGrey Wolf reply : 
My guess is that the "only 2 ways to rig them" comment was that those are the most common and as such the only 2 ways he finds productive. I am sure he knows there are more than 2 ways to rig a Senko. I mean most everyone knows there at a minimum 3 ways to rig any worm. I was just curious if one way was more enticing to non-bass than another. For instance a Walleye, would they prefer weedless or T-rigged over wacky or O-ring? Just curious as I'm new to bassing.

You hit the nail on the head. Sorry I  didn't give you a better answer but truthfully I don't fish for anything except bass.

fishing user avatarJ Francho reply : 

Outside the obvious bait/size thing, I think that what you're catching probably has a bit to do with where you're fishing and what time of year it is.  I can think of at least one local shore spot that you can throw a small goby colored tube and depending on the time of year, catch LMB, SMB, brown trout, catfish, rock bass, etc. as they all are there at different times of the year feeding on gobies.

fishing user avatarSam reply : 

Yes, Senkos attract all freshwater fish.

I have caught catfish, crappie and bream on Senkos.

Of course, it helps when you throw a 2-inch Senko!  ;D   ;D   ;D

fishing user avatarbasser89 reply : 

I've seen speckled trout listed so I'll throw one in for a 15" rainbow I caught on a 4" Senko. Also caught about a 2" bluegill on a 5" Senko (if I can find the pic, I'll post it)!

fishing user avatarBassboss reply : 
Nope, they are not just for bass. I have caught a crappie and a huge snapping turtle on one. That was interesting, to say the least.

Snappers have a negative attitude when hooked.

Tell me about it! I little while back, I was fishing a crank bait and i hooked in to a 23" long, 12" wide snapping turtle. thought It was a gar or a really nice bass! But unfortunately i left my pliers at home, and could ant get the hook out, so i had to cut the line and watch my favorite crank bait swim away!  :'(  

fishing user avatarmattm reply : 

Wow.  Talk about a post that won't die.  This is from 2005.

fishing user avatarbassinfla82 reply : 

I couldnt even count how many Chain prickle ive caught on them....

fishing user avatarTokyo Tony reply : 
Wow. Talk about a post that won't die. This is from 2005.

fishing user avataravid reply : 

In the spirit of keeping alive the post that won't die, I just had to add that in based on my experience and what I have heard and read from reliable sources.  There is absolutely no wrong way to rig and fish a senko.

I rarely throw them weightless anymore.  They just plain catch fish.  One of my "secrets" is to retrieve them with a jerking motion.   The tail section whips back and forth.  I have caught many many bass after my targeted presentation was finished, just by continuing to work the lure all the way back to the boat.

fishing user avatartand reply : 

x2 on redfish and add snook to the list.  

That is kinda a funny story...ran out of all our salt water flukes and all I had left was senkos!  OOPS!  Figured from now on that I only need!

Next time I go bottom fishing I will take some out with me and see about some grouper and snapper!!

fishing user avatarfishizzle reply : 

  die, die, die

fishing user avatarNOVA Angler reply : 
die, die, die

Not yet!

8 lb. Snakehead caught last year on a 5 inch Senko on the Potomac River. Fought harder than any bass I've ever caught.


fishing user avatarNOVA Angler reply : 

Another pic....


fishing user avatarmlpauley reply : 

those snakeheads scare me lol   :'(

fishing user avatarFlywatersmallie reply : 

I caught a mammoth carp (25ish lbs) last weekend on a 2" Senko. Also, over the years, bluegill, rock bass, walleye, sauger, SMB, LMB, perch, pike, gar, drum, crappie, white bass, trout (browns, rainbows and brookies), salmon. I dont think I need to carry any more baits than 1/6thoz jigheads and 2" senkos. Seriously.

fishing user avatarRich K reply : 

I was fall fishing a couple years ago and throwing a weighted texas rigged senko. As it was in sight, I would bring it up and watch it fall and saw a greenish golden flash chase it on the fall. Waited 2 seconds and go to set the hook and felt no resistance. Reeled in and my line was cut - the whole rig gone. I rigged up and cast out again. Same thing happens withing 30 feet from the boat. I started thinking it had to be a northern. I tie on my only leader and am out of senkos. I texas rig a sweet beaver and figure this pike had to be under the boat and just eating as I was coming in. After a half dozen or so casts, I am dragging the beaver on the bottom under the boat and sure enough I hook up. It was only a 28" or so pike, but rewarding to finally catch it!

I also caught a 8-9 lb cat fish on a red shad colored senko on a hot summer night.

They definitely are fish catchers!


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