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10lb bass!!! 2025

fishing user avatarBassboss reply : 

10lb bass (25 inches) my dad caught, on a 3/8 chartreuse spinner bait, ultra light spinning tackle (don't quote me on that, it was about a year and a half ago), with 30lb braid.


BTW if it looks really skinny it's be because it was right after spawn.


fishing user avatar.dsaavedra. reply : 

nice fish.

did he get it mounted or something?

fishing user avatarBossierBassHunter reply : 

30lb braid? ultralight?  ::)

fishing user avatarGrey Wolf reply : 
nice fish.

did he get it mounted or something?

He answered your question then deleted it.

fishing user avatarTin reply : 
30lb braid? ultralight? ::)


I need to put my waders on...

fishing user avatarBassinWill301 reply : 

Hmmmm nice fish, but why 30lb braid on an UL.

fishing user avatarBass XL reply : 
30lb braid? ultralight? ::)


I'd have to agree too. On top of it, thats a really heavy lure for fishing ultralight spinning.

fishing user avatarcart7t reply : 

Imagine trying to reel a 3/8 oz spinnerbait in on an ultra lite rod. And with 30lb braid on top of it!!  Then setting the hook on a 10lb bass and actually generating enough power to sink the hook.  

Some things just make you go hmmm......

fishing user avatarjjbassjj reply : 

hmmmmmmmm indeed

fishing user avatarmase088 reply : 

I thought the Snapper G posts were done with! :-?

fishing user avatarptomacbass reply : 

either your dad is 3 feet tall or thats a 10 foot ultra light :-?

fishing user avatardaviscw reply : 

Nice fish! When was this?

fishing user avatarfishinfiend reply : 

IF THIS IS TRUE, that is a very nice fish.

fishing user avatarBig-O reply : 

Nothing like a 10 lber to get your blood pumping...congratulations

Big O

fishing user avatarfirefightn15 reply : 

Looking at the indentations made by his fingers and the cupping of the belly made by the palm of his other hand, I would say that it isn't a mount.  Does look rather rigid though.  Aside from anything else, that's a really nice fish you have there. :)  Great catch!

fishing user avatarDan: reply : 
Looking at the indentations made by his fingers and the cupping of the belly made by the palm of his other hand, I would say that it isn't a mount. Does look rather rigid though. Aside from anything else, that's a really nice fish you have there. :) Great catch!

I don't think anyone was saying it looked like a mount, I think the question about the mount was posed to answer why he was standing in a driveway with the fish as opposed to releasing it, but that's a whole other can of worms that has been discussed and argued in the past.

fishing user avatar.dsaavedra. reply : 
Looking at the indentations made by his fingers and the cupping of the belly made by the palm of his other hand, I would say that it isn't a mount. Does look rather rigid though. Aside from anything else, that's a really nice fish you have there. :) Great catch!

I don't think anyone was saying it looked like a mount, I think the question about the mount was posed to answer why he was standing in a driveway with the fish as opposed to releasing it, but that's a whole other can of worms that has been discussed and argued in the past.

yup :)

fishing user avatarFivePoundBluegill reply : 

Is that the rod he used infront of him? If so I doubt its an ultralight rod. 30LB braid and lure that size would not work well with an ultralight rod anyway. Anyway its a nice fish. I did not think it looked 10 LBS at first then I looked at how the pic was taken and saw hes not holding it out that much. Your dad also seems like a bigger guy too so it probably is a 10 or very very close.

I do not blame him for keeping that fish or getting it mounted. Me personally I would release any fish thats not at least a state record but I do not blame a person for keeping a fish every so often. Its a 10 LB bass and probably his first one. A lot of people would get a mount of that... good job to your dad.

fishing user avatarfirefightn15 reply : 

Gotcha! ;)  Have a hard time staying on my toes with this one.

fishing user avatar.dsaavedra. reply : 

i dont care who caught it or what kinda gear they were using, its a nice fish regardless!

and im pretty sure this is a scanned photo (looks that way) and that "rod" infront of him is actually just a crease in the photo. i say this because there are no "guides" on the "rod". also, it looks like there is another crease to the left of the one in the middle.

anyway, its a nice fish, no need to get all caught up on how it was caught.

fishing user avatarLow_Budget_Hooker reply : 
Looking at the indentations made by his fingers and the cupping of the belly made by the palm of his other hand, I would say that it isn't a mount.  Does look rather rigid though.  Aside from anything else, that's a really nice fish you have there. :)  Great catch!

I don't think anyone was saying it looked like a mount, I think the question about the mount was posed to answer why he was standing in a driveway with the fish as opposed to releasing it, but that's a whole other can of worms that has been discussed and argued in the past.

yup :)

Yup, nice dead breeder :(

fishing user avatarBassboss reply : 
Nice fish! When was this?

About a year and a half ago, right after spawn.

fishing user avatarBassboss reply : 
i dont care who caught it or what kinda gear they were using, its a nice fish regardless!

and im pretty sure this is a scanned photo (looks that way) and that "rod" infront of him is actually just a crease in the photo. i say this because there are no "guides" on the "rod". also, it looks like there is another crease to the left of the one in the middle.

anyway, its a nice fish, no need to get all caught up on how it was caught.

Thank you! And your totally right about that "rod" is just a crease in the scan.

fishing user avatarBassboss reply : 
nice fish.

did he get it mounted or something?

no but his birth day is in 2 days or so and I'm gonna get him a mount of it.

fishing user avatar-HAWK- reply : 

If he didnt get it mounted what did he keep it for. Please tell me yall at least ate it?

fishing user avatarSPEEDBEAD. reply : 
nice fish.

did he get it mounted or something?

no but his birth day is in 2 days or so and I'm gonna get him a mount of it.

You have some mighty quick taxidermists in Florida?   :-X

fishing user avatarA.Do? reply : 

Very nice bass! Replicas don't come cheap! I wanted to get one of my PB but thought I'd atleast get a citation size before doin so.

3/8oz spinnerbait is one helluva lure to be throwing on an UL. It feels odd enough on my MLF. Whatever works! Again, great bass! :)

fishing user avatarGrey Wolf reply : 

Gettin deep again.

fishing user avatarTin reply : 
nice fish.

did he get it mounted or something?

no but his birth day is in 2 days or so and I'm gonna get him a mount of it.

You have some mighty quick taxidermists in Florida? :-X

You have never heard of a Drive-Thru Mounting Shop? ::)

fishing user avatarMuddy reply : 

What you Fellas never heard of

fishing user avatarBassboss reply : 
If he didnt get it mounted what did he keep it for. Please tell me yall at least ate it?

Fried 'em up!  ;)

Ya I know it wasn't a sports manly diction to keep it, but me wanted to get a pic of it!  

fishing user avatarBassboss reply : 
nice fish.

did he get it mounted or something?

no but his birth day is in 2 days or so and I'm gonna get him a mount of it.

You have some mighty quick taxidermists in Florida? :-X

E-bay, I plan to get a replica of it that's at lest 25" or so.

I also never said I would get it to him on time, now did I!  :D

fishing user avatarSPEEDBEAD. reply : 

Ohh, nope you didnt!!!

You got me good!!!

fishing user avatarLow_Budget_Hooker reply : 



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