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WOOOOOOOOOO!!!!! PB for me!!!! 2025

fishing user avatarI.rar reply : 

went to a park that another member recommended for an hour or so today. walked around a smaller creek and caught a couple 7" LM on a 5" trick stick. one , i set the hook and it flew right out of the water. both were released successfully.

continued to walk around the south east side of the lake and saw some boils on the water. casted to them - nothing. started sprinkling but i stayed out. walked a little further south on this lake and cast out a 8" taper tail in watermelon... twitch , twitch... pause...SLAM! i saw the bass engulf the bait! i sware my heart stopped. i was reeling her in as she was stripping line. once i got her a couple feet from shore , i jumped in there with my socks and sandals (dont ask) and lipped her.




i was about to pull an ike and start screaming and breakdancing but saw that there was a family taking pictures and didnt want them to think im a nut-job. she was also released unharmed.

i dont know for sure how much she weighed , but i know ive never caught one as big. i would guess 7lbs? not too sure. maybe one of you guys could tell me.


fishing user avatarfirefightn15 reply : 

No matter the weight, that is one nice fish! 8-)

fishing user avatarI.rar reply : 
No matter the weight, that is one nice fish! 8-)

thanks. i knew it was when i had a hard time trying to get the whole fish in the picture using my cell phone  ;D ;D.

fishing user avatarJ-B reply : 

Very nice fish.  Congrats!

fishing user avatarroadwarrior reply : 

That's a beauty!


fishing user avatarSkunked in DR reply : 

Congrats on the fish.

socks and sandals? 

fishing user avatarGrey Wolf reply : 

Nice hog !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

fishing user avatarSoFlaBassAddict reply : 

So thats what you pulled out of Tree Tops?  I may have to try and do some fishing out there one day.  Nice fish right there.  WTG

fishing user avatarb.Lee reply : 

nice fish

fishing user avatarBigEbass reply : 

FREAKIN NICE - heck yeah man!!

Oh and I think technically you may have gone Ike really - I mean jumpin in in your socks and sandals - cmon - tell us the truth - you yelped or said something loud - I know you did  ;) - no shame in it dude - its a PB!!!

fishing user avatarI.rar reply : 

thanks guys. just looking at the pic again gets me pumped.

as for the socks and sandals , ive been sick since sunday and im just now getting over it. was trying to keep my feet comfortable , but that went out the window when i saw the size of that beast.

So thats what you pulled out of Tree Tops? I may have to try and do some fishing out there one day. Nice fish right there. WTG

yes ;D i was NOT expecting that. ill be up that way again tonight through sat afternoon if you wanted to meet up.

btw ,why is the font so tiny and gray when i type in the reply box , but when its posted , its normal?

fishing user avatarpitchNbass reply : 

Nice bass! In Miami she looks like she is spawned out or she would probably be closer to 7lbs. Congrats on the new PB!

fishing user avatarendless reply : 

Congrats on PB! I wear socks with my sandles cause I get blisters otherwise.

fishing user avatarXPSbasser reply : 

Congratulations on a very nice fish!!.. 8-)

fishing user avatarlooking4structure reply : 

Congratulations on your new PB.

fishing user avatarI.rar reply : 

thanks again guys!

Congrats on PB! I wear socks with my sandles cause I get blisters otherwise.

my step brother is the same way. i find it quite comfortable  8-)

fishing user avatarSoFlaBassAddict reply : 
thanks guys. just looking at the pic again gets me pumped.

as for the socks and sandals , ive been sick since sunday and im just now getting over it. was trying to keep my feet comfortable , but that went out the window when i saw the size of that beast.

So thats what you pulled out of Tree Tops? I may have to try and do some fishing out there one day. Nice fish right there. WTG

yes ;D i was NOT expecting that. ill be up that way again tonight through sat afternoon if you wanted to meet up.

btw ,why is the font so tiny and gray when i type in the reply box , but when its posted , its normal?

I'll let you know if I'm free on Saturday.  I'm trying to go out on the boat sat or sun to nail some fish on the reefs.  Snapper and kingfish for dinner sounds mighty nice.  All depends on what the weather does though.

As far as the font being tiny, resize it back up at the bottom right corner of the reply box.  It happens to me once in a while also.

fishing user avatarpinesangleroff178th reply : 

Nice fish again bro! Got me soo hyped up I had to go out there and try out Tree Tops Park. Didn't expect much company out there but was nice to run into you today man and sorry about that fish that spit the hook but seems like they were kicking both our butts out there today well at least mine. lol! Next on the list is T.Y. Park.  ;D 

fishing user avatarSoFlaBassAddict reply : 

I was talking to my kids P.E teacher today while I was out on the lake.  One spot he highly recommended is Quiet Waters park in Deerfield.  He said they sink a lot of trees at whatnot out there.  He landed a good 40 fish out of there last weekend.  Most were small fish, but he said he picked up several larger fish.  Apparently electric motors are allowed up there.  I'm trying to plan a trip to drive out there one of these days.

fishing user avatarSoFlaBassAddict reply : 
Nice fish again bro! Got me soo hyped up I had to go out there and try out Tree Tops Park. Didn't expect much company out there but was nice to run into you today man and sorry about that fish that spit the hook but seems like they were kicking both our butts out there today well at least mine. lol! Next on the list is T.Y. Park. ;D

You and I really need to get together one of these days seeing how close we live to each other :P

fishing user avatarpinesangleroff178th reply : 

For sure man! You need to pass on the wisdom as I only been in this area about a year now. =)

fishing user avatarI.rar reply : 
Nice fish again bro! Got me soo hyped up I had to go out there and try out Tree Tops Park. Didn't expect much company out there but was nice to run into you today man and sorry about that fish that spit the hook but seems like they were kicking both our butts out there today well at least mine. lol! Next on the list is T.Y. Park. ;D

thanks man. they didnt want anything to do with what we had lol. didnt we get some high pressure system in? maybe thats what threw them off.

ill be checking out TY park next time im up there. it does look pretty nice. may have to find someone to rent a boat with me if my fiance doesnt want to go out  ;D. the other guy we were chatting with said they threw some xmas trees out there a while back... i wanna find em.

fishing user avatarnUgZ reply : 

Nice fish!  So are you back in Florida full time now?

fishing user avatarI.rar reply : 
Nice fish! So are you back in Florida full time now?

yeah we are. it just wasnt happening up there for the fiance and i.

fishing user avatarMuad Dib reply : 

man thats a nice fish. for weight i cant tell and i think the only who can is you. it looks really long though. 24 inches? wozer

fishing user avatarI.rar reply : 
man thats a nice fish. for weight i cant tell and i think the only who can is you. it looks really long though. 24 inches? wozer

thanks bro.

i would say shes around 24". i really need a scale , measuring tape or both lol.

fishing user avatarI.rar reply : 

so i think i cought the same fish today, lol. got some pics but havnt uploaded them yet. looks very similar in size , weight and pattern , so im assuming its the same bass. this time i got her on a 5" trick stick in his 'bull frog' color. i kept it in a bag with other colored plastics so it had more of a swirl pattern. either way , she fought hard today digging on the bottom , trying to shake my bait out.

after that, i went to the dock and lost a couple decent sized ones that were hanging out in the brush along the shoreline. couldnt of been more than 3 FOW there. i definitely pulled an ike when i lost those. thankfully no one was around to hear the wrath ;D i really need to give those straight shanks a shot. BPS , here i come!

fishing user avatarI.rar reply : 




fishing user avatarpinesangleroff178th reply : 

Congrats again bro but honestly it might just be a different fish. The first catch doesn't seem to have that dark circular birth mark like the second pic does right below the lip. Wish I was out there we could have weighed that big mofo. lol!

fishing user avatarYNCBASSMAN reply : 

congrats bro!!  i have fished Quiet Waters Park quite a bit and it's pretty nice.  there's more than one lake there, which is nice and you can rent jon boats and trolling motors.  we should put together a little shore fishing or jon boat tourney there one weekend.  it's $30 to rent a jon boat for the day.

fishing user avatarSoFlaBassAddict reply : 
congrats bro!! i have fished Quiet Waters Park quite a bit and it's pretty nice. there's more than one lake there, which is nice and you can rent jon boats and trolling motors. we should put together a little shore fishing or jon boat tourney there one weekend. it's $30 to rent a jon boat for the day.

I really need to call Quiet Waters and other parks like Markham to see if they'll let me launch my jon at them as well.  Hell, I'll pay the rental fee if I can use my boat.  I'm game for doing something one weekend though.

fishing user avatarI.rar reply : 
Congrats again bro but honestly it might just be a different fish. The first catch doesn't seem to have that dark circular birth mark like the second pic does right below the lip. Wish I was out there we could have weighed that big mofo. lol!

good point. though the first pics didnt turn out that great/detailed because of the sun , im starting to see differences too. just means theres more big fish in that lake  ;D

btw , which scale do you own?

fishing user avatarpinesangleroff178th reply : 
Congrats again bro but honestly it might just be a different fish. The first catch doesn't seem to have that dark circular birth mark like the second pic does right below the lip. Wish I was out there we could have weighed that big mofo. lol!

good point. though the first pics didnt turn out that great/detailed because of the sun , im starting to see differences too. just means theres more big fish in that lake ;D

btw , which scale do you own?

I believe it's the 25# Tube Scale by Rapala.


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