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Pigs on Freshly built Rods 2025

fishing user avatarI Love BassResource reply : 

I took a couple of my new sticks out for break in this past Saturday. I was forced to cancel going to the the WV outing at Jimzee's place. We listed our house, and had 4 people wanting to view on the following Monday.

I built two jig/worm sticks for myself, using Batson RX8+ and Castaway XP3 blanks. Spiral wrapped using micros, as always. I was extremely pleased with the results...

 We caught over 30 fish, these are pics of a few of the larger ones.

Worm Phish


Jig Phish


My co-angler, pink frog phish


fishing user avatarUnder the Radar reply : 

Great Phish Mc

How 'bout a few pics of those rods???

fishing user avatarroadwarrior reply : 


fishing user avatarBig-O reply : 

I reckon those New Rods faired just fine and PASSED THE TEST, I think they're MAGIC rods  :D  Sounded like a fun day for sure  

Big O

fishing user avatarDan: reply : 

How 'bout a few pics of those rods???


fishing user avatarburleytog reply : 

That's OK, we didn't want you there anyway.   ;)

fishing user avatarmichaelkim_9582 reply : 

lets see the rods indeed!

fishing user avatarLCpointerKILLA reply : 

How 'bout a few pics of those rods???


x3 I want to see something megabass quality

fishing user avatarI Love BassResource reply : 

How 'bout a few pics of those rods???


x3 I want to see something megabass quality

Alright, let me get some pics snapped and I'll post info on some of my latest builds.


fishing user avatarMr Jenkins reply : 

I give all credit to the copenhagen soak

fishing user avatarSPEEDBEAD. reply : 
That's OK, we didn't want you there anyway. ;)

Dont be scared Ooten.  We didnt even have chicken.....

Missed ya man.  Maybe next time. Hope all is well with the house and boat.

fishing user avatar5bass reply : 
That's OK, we didn't want you there anyway. ;)

We didnt even have chicken.....

Why not? No expert cooks in the group?  

fishing user avatarMr Jenkins reply : 

I figured they would designate AJ as cook afterall he is kinda womanly!!!!

fishing user avatarJimzee reply : 

Nice looking fish guys, wish y'all could have made the trip.  Maybe in the fall?  Let's see those rods, give me some ideas for the new build.

fishing user avatarMr Jenkins reply : 

Id really like to put a smlake trip together jimzee I really like that place and I havent been there since dad got killed

fishing user avatarJimzee reply : 
Id really like to put a smlake trip together jimzee I really like that place and I havent been there since dad got killed

We can do that.  I been wanting to get down there and fish with 5BassLimit anyway.  He knows the lake real well.

fishing user avatarMr Jenkins reply : 

set it up if ya need help holler

fishing user avatarDan: reply : 

That would be awesome. I'd love to go also if you guys will have me.

fishing user avatarSPEEDBEAD. reply : 
That would be awesome. I'd love to go also if you guys will have me.

Hooking up with guys, and now offering yourself up to be "had".... ::)

Dude, too fun!!!  

fishing user avatarDan: reply : 

well how else am I going to pay for my spot on someone else' boat?

fishing user avatarSPEEDBEAD. reply : 

True dat.

Maybe next time you wont get stuck with Burley.   ;D

Feel free to sing the praises of the Alpster Custom / MG combo.  It's magic, ya know.   ;)

fishing user avatarDan: reply : 

I have to say, it felt very nice in my hands and it also seems to make fish bite somehow.

fishing user avatarburleytog reply : 
well how else am I going to pay for my spot on someone else' boat?

Wait, what payment?   :-?

Did I miss out on something when I was asleep?  Or did I just sleep through it?   :-[

fishing user avatarDan: reply : 
well how else am I going to pay for my spot on someone else' boat?

Wait, what payment? :-?

Did I miss out on something when I was asleep? Or did I just sleep through it? :-[

you let me on the boat without negotiating. That was your mistake.

fishing user avatar5bass reply : 
well how else am I going to pay for my spot on someone else' boat?

Wait, what payment? :-?

Did I miss out on something when I was asleep? Or did I just sleep through it? :-[

Someone said your NASA 'Tool Time' goggles were too tight and cut off all bloodflow to your brain for a while. Maybe you blacked out. The good news is, nobody could poke your eye out.

Whats this I hear about a SML trip?

fishing user avatarburleytog reply : 

I do need to bring the DinkMobile up the road and show you how to fish that place.

fishing user avatar5bass reply : 
I do need to bring the DinkMobile up the road and show you how to fish that place.

I wish you would. Do you have an extra set of those goggles I can borrow?

fishing user avatarburleytog reply : 

No, but I can pick up a set on the way.

fishing user avatarJimzee reply : 

That SML trip might happen this year after all Scott.   I'll see what the guys schedules are like and get back to you on that.  ;)

fishing user avatarBull Hurley reply : 

I believe I could do an SML trip.  

fishing user avatarSPEEDBEAD. reply : 

4.5 hours from my house.

Where is the sign up sheet?

fishing user avatarSMfisher reply : 

nice fish, looks like you guys had a great time. where is the pictures of the rods?


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