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Never could have imagined... 2025

fishing user avatarnUgZ reply : 

There's a pond in a field in the undeveloped part of my neighborhood. I fish almost everyday, and fish there quite often. There's a homeless guy that used to live out there in his van, but some of the people who own the property told him he couldn't stay out there anymore. He left for a while, but has recently been frequenting the pond more and more often.

I went out there this afternoon after work and he was there. I parked at the opposite end of the pond where I usually do and went to fishing. I made my way up and down the bank with a few bites, but no fish caught. On my way back up the bank towards my car I passed a Hispanic family that was coming down to catch dinner for tonight. I have seen the homeless man harass Hispanic people fishing out there before, so I kept my attention in their direction as I packed my car to leave. It didn't take long for the homeless guy to start verbally assaulting the family. I saw him walking towards them and once he was 30 or so feet away he threw a 6" or so rock at them. I'd seen enough so I got in my car and drove down to where they were.

By the time I got to his van, he was beginning to leave. I got out of my car, approached the van, and asked him why he was harassing the family and throwing things at them. He jumped out and went on a tangent about how the Mexicans and young punks like me with my imported cars are ruining America. I kept my cool and told him that the Hispanic family had as much of a right as anybody to fish out there. I don't always agree with the size of the fish they keep, but some people aren't as fortunate as I am and have to do what they can to feed their family. He got in my face and I pushed him away. He reached into his van and pulled out a machete. I told him he didn't want to do that...all the while he's ranting about me ruining our country. I just stood there while he yelled trying to decide if I should destroy him or not. I'm proud to say that is the first time someone has gotten in my face like that, let alone pulled a weapon on me, and I didn't lose my crap. He got back in his van almost immediately and peeled out towards me. I got into my car in pursuit while I called the police.

I caught up with him towards the other end of the pond and he stopped. He put the van in reverse and backed into the front of my car. It's a dirt road, and he pushed my car back 20-30 feet down the road. He took off again and soon pulled a u-turn. He drove towards me on this dirt road at 30-40 MPH and I had to pull into the field to avoid being hit. He drove out into the neighborhood and I followed him until the police caught up with us. At the end of it all he went to jail for Assault with a Deadly Weapon and Felony Hit and Run among other charges. Didn't catch any fish, but it was full of excitement. :D

fishing user avatarFat-G reply : 

Good god. If he was asked to leave, why would he go on a rant about how they shouldn't be there. What an a**hole.

fishing user avatarK_Mac reply : 

There are a lot of people living on the streets with serious mental issues. This guy getting locked up may be the best thing that could happen to him. Life sure can be interesting. ;)

Nice job telling the story-glad you weren't hurt.

fishing user avatarPez reply : 
There are a lot of people living on the streets with serious mental issues. This guy getting locked up may be the best thing that could happen to him. Life sure can be interesting. ;)

Nice job telling the story-glad you weren't hurt.

x2, me fishing in a nyc public parks I see a lot of home-less. Anyway last summer I was fishing at silver lake (staten island) in broad day light and supposely a drug deal went wrong and the guy was stabbed to death. I talked to the cops, and the scene was only maybe 400 feet from the spot I was at.

fishing user avatarbreakyourrod reply : 

What a butthole. He is probably going to be looking for you when he gets out!

fishing user avatarpaul. reply : 

my nomination for the t.r.o.y. award.  (trip report of the year).  glad the dude went to jail and nobody got seriously hurt.  could have been a lot worse.   :o

fishing user avatardaviscw reply : 

Which part of NC was this?

fishing user avatarnUgZ reply : 

Thanks everybody.

Which part of NC was this?

In between Greensboro and Winston Salem...Kernersville.

fishing user avatarJ-B reply : 

Glad you got out of it ok man.

fishing user avatarchubaka reply : 

Oh wow the dudes crazy!! But glad your okay and the Hispanic family.

fishing user avatarnUgZ reply : 

Thanks guys.  I'm glad it ended with him being the only one in handcuffs and nobody needing medical attention.

fishing user avatarchristopherjake reply : 

Man, that is scary!  I'm glad you're okay but it could have ended up a lot worse.  Tight lines.  

fishing user avatarGrey Wolf reply : 

I'm glad you're OK.

fishing user avatardaviscw reply : 
Thanks everybody.

Which part of NC was this?

In between Greensboro and Winston Salem...Kernersville.

Wow, that hits close to home. I live just West of Winston.

fishing user avatarFrog Turds reply : 

you handled the situation better than i probably would have...he won't have to worry about being homeless any more...and will get his 3 squares in the D.O.C system...

good thing it didn't get real your car got smashed up though, bummer  >:(

fishing user avatarroadwarrior reply : 
my nomination for the t.r.o.y. award. (trip report of the year). glad the dude went to jail and nobody got seriously hurt. could have been a lot worse. :o

No kidding!

You might want to consider getting a CC Permit.

fishing user avatarI.rar reply : 

wow man. glad i didnt meet up with you this weekend  ;D !!

but on a more serious note , thats great you kept your cool. things could of got way out of hand very fast. good job man.

fishing user avatarnUgZ reply : 
you handled the situation better than i probably would have...he won't have to worry about being homeless any more...and will get his 3 squares in the D.O.C system...

good thing it didn't get real your car got smashed up though, bummer >:(

There wasn't much damage to the car actually.

my nomination for the t.r.o.y. award. (trip report of the year). glad the dude went to jail and nobody got seriously hurt. could have been a lot worse. :o

No kidding!

You might want to consider getting a CC Permit.

I've been considering it for a while now. My wife's against it, but maybe now I can change her mind.

wow man. glad i didnt meet up with you this weekend ;D !!

but on a more serious note , thats great you kept your cool. things could of got way out of hand very fast. good job man.

Yeah I know. I'm surprised it went as well as it did.

fishing user avatarRandall reply : 
my nomination for the t.r.o.y. award. (trip report of the year). glad the dude went to jail and nobody got seriously hurt. could have been a lot worse. :o

No kidding!

You might want to consider getting a CC Permit.

Yep that's what I would do. I have had a few crazy experiences and found that some people often have little to lose in life and will not think twice about coming back looking for you. He may be happy he went to jail if he is homeless. He gets hot meals and a roof over his head so he might come back looking for you to go back to jail.

fishing user avatarnUgZ reply : 
my nomination for the t.r.o.y. award. (trip report of the year). glad the dude went to jail and nobody got seriously hurt. could have been a lot worse. :o

No kidding!

You might want to consider getting a CC Permit.

Yep that's what I would do. I have had a few crazy experiences and found that some people often have little to lose in life and will not think twice about coming back looking for you. He may be happy he went to jail if he is homeless. He gets hot meals and a roof over his head so he might come back looking for you to go back to jail.

Not really worried about this guy. He's got 100 pounds on me, but I never really felt threatened throughout the event...even after he pulled the machete.  I could have disarmed him without issue, but I was afraid of what I would do next once I had the weapon.  I don't usually take kindly to people pulling weapons on me.  If you want to fight, that's fine, but if you pull a weapon, be ready to retreat quickly once I take it from you.

fishing user avatar32251 reply : 

Were the mexicans legal?? Did you make an attempt to find out?

fishing user avatarBig Bait Fishing reply : 
Were the mexicans legal?? Did you make an attempt to find out?

what does that have to do with ANYTHING !!!! that is a lame question ............

fishing user avatar32251 reply : 
Were the mexicans legal?? Did you make an attempt to find out?

what does that have to do with ANYTHING !!!! that is a lame question ............

Because if they are not here legally then they deserve NO rights. They do not have the right to fish that pond or drive the car to the pond or put their kids in a school that an American taxpayer has paid for or to take a job from an American citizen or anything else.

The fact that you think it is a lame question says a lot for what you think about your country and what has become of it. You must be from Mexifornia.

Once again to the guy who first posted about all of this..


fishing user avatarnUgZ reply : 
Were the mexicans legal?? Did you make an attempt to find out?

what does that have to do with ANYTHING !!!! that is a lame question ............

Because if they are not here legally then they deserve NO rights. They do not have the right to fish that pond or drive the car to the pond or put their kids in a school that an American taxpayer has paid for or to take a job from an American citizen or anything else.

The fact that you think it is a lame question says a lot for what you think about your country and what has become of it. You must be from Mexifornia.

Once again to the guy who first posted about all of this..


First off, I never said they were Mexican.  I'm not an Immigration Agent and don't make it a habit of checking people for their Green Cards.  No matter where someone is from they don't deserve to be assaulted for no reason. 

fishing user avatarDalton Tam reply : 

Lol maybe this 32251 guy is the homeless guy that got arrested.  Maybe they have computers in prison?

Anyway... even though I agree with your stands on the immigration issue that question was completely irrelevent to the story.

fishing user avatarK_Mac reply : 
Lol maybe this 32251 guy is the homeless guy that got arrested. Maybe they have computers in prison?

Anyway... even though I agree with your stands on the immigration issue that question was completely irrelevent to the story.

That is an intelligent and funny answer to a disturbing question.

I'll be less funny. The idea that throwing rocks at children would somehow be acceptable if their parents brought them here illegally, and trying to put a patriotic spin on it is against every principle this country stands for.

Our declaration of independence justified our breaking from England because all men have certain inalienable rights. I think throwing rocks at children would violate those fundamental human rights.

fishing user avatar.dsaavedra. reply : 
I just stood there while he yelled trying to decide if I should destroy him or not.

best line ever.

nUgZ, you are Chuck Norris.

fishing user avatar32251 reply : 
I passed a Hispanic family that was coming down to catch dinner for tonight. I have seen the homeless man harass Hispanic people fishing out there before, so . :D

OK so you did not say they were mexicans.........

Let's play a little game.  How many illegal "Hispanics" are in America......zillions.  If you see a truck load of them by a pond catching "dinner" then are the chances pretty good that they are not legally here--yes or no?

If they were here illegally then they are breaking the law just as much as the homeless weirdo are they not?

And yet only the homeless weirdo gets arrested. The illegals get to go home, eat the fish, and get up in the morning to go take a potential American citizens' job and send their kids to a school provided by American citizens and go crowd out emergency rooms provided by American citizens......yes or no?

fishing user avatarGlenn reply : 

2 things:

1.  You're making a TON of assumptions based on your prejudice.

2.  This will NOT become a thread/debate over immigration!  Any further off-topic posts will be deleted.  >:(

fishing user avatarnUgZ reply : 
2 things:

1. You're making a TON of assumptions based on your prejudice.

2. This will NOT become a thread/debate over immigration! Any further off-topic posts will be deleted. >:(

Thank you Glenn.

fishing user avatarI.rar reply : 

will seemed like a very nice guy when i met him but i would hate to get on his bad side.  ;D

i still would like to meet up sometime and do some fishing though.

fishing user avatarnUgZ reply : 

Got my subpoena this morning.  Court is in a couple weeks.  The two cops that served me said I should have killed they guy.  Oh well. 


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