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Took my GF out fishing 2025

fishing user avatarjasonl reply : 

Man shes the greaest guys. u have no idea. she loves to come fishing with me. she watches fishing shows with me all the time and doesnt complain at all. always asks me if she can tag along when i go to dicks to buy new lures.  i love her. shes the best

so we went fishing the other day and she usually uses plastic worms so i dont have to wrry about here using my expensive lures. plus there one of the easiest to fish and they usually always catch atleast one fish in my lake.

but she was kinda tired of always using the worm and she was sometimes having trouble feeling the nibble on the worm.  so i gave her a spinnerbait. here firt actual lure besides a platic. i figure she wouldnt have any trouble feeling the bite on it.

on her second cast a fished just slammed it. here old 20 year old shimano rod was bent in half. it took her a wile to get it in.

biggest fish she ever caught. close to 4 founds i'd say. 20 inches long


fishing user avatarroadwarrior reply : 


;D ;D ;D

fishing user avatar32251 reply : 

Beautiful!!!........and the fish looks good too! ;-)

fishing user avatarjasonl reply : 

lol thanks alot guys

fishing user avatarBig-O reply : 

Congratulations to you two, that's awesome  

Big O

fishing user avatarJosh. reply : 

Haha its always good to have a GF who fishes  ;D


fishing user avatarRoLo reply : 

That's a photo of two nice catches...WTG

My wife and I have been fishing together for 45 years.

There's no better fishing partner in the world, but you already know that.


fishing user avatarjasonl reply : 

haha thanks alot rolo.  :)

fishing user avatarfishinfewl reply : 

Gorgeous!  Yeah, the fish is nice too.   ;)

fishing user avatarNJAngler609 reply : 
Haha its always good to have a GF who fishes ;D


its always good to have a GF that is hot. ; gf always asks to go fishing with me...but she gets denied...thats my time to get away from her  ;D

fishing user avatarBassin_Fin@tic reply : 

She's a keeper

fishing user avatarDINK WHISPERER reply : 

Two keepers in one pic! WAY TO GO MAN!

BTW, you didn't pay some girl to take that pic and then say she is your GF, right!?! Just kidding man!

fishing user avatarBig Mike in Fl reply : 

you're doing quite well for yourself my friend...and apparently, so is she

fishing user avataracmaul13 reply : 

Awesome dude

fishing user avatarMottfia reply : 

How many members do we have on to forum now? Yea I believe you made just about 100% of them jealous. Thats what I'm talking about dude.  8-)


fishing user avatarTokyo Tony reply : 

Congrats to you and your GF :-)

I got my GF addicted to fishing this year as well. If we have a free day and I ask, "What do you want to do?" she usually says, "Can we go fishing?" My response is always, "I was hoping you'd say that."

Nothin' better than the smile on her face when she gets a good one.

fishing user avatarfarmpond1 reply : 

Let's see how you feel when she begins to regularly outfish you!   ;)

That's a great fish!  She had to be thrilled!  I'd say she's worth keeping in the livewell.  Both of them, I mean.

fishing user avatarUse ONLY Stren reply : 

lucky guy.

fishing user avatarilovefooffur reply : 

Nice catch.  This is one of the few times you catch and don't let go.

fishing user avatarDave D reply : 

That's great! Just have to keep taking her out and you'll have a fishing partner for a long time!

fishing user avatarmrlitetackle reply : 

good stuff man!!!!

she's touching the fish!!!!!!

now thats quality.

*******my gf finds fishing completely boring, which is FINE by me.... it gives me my time!!! but on the occasion that she comes with to the pond by the house, no way in hell that she'll ever touch a fish!!!!...... its more than a little ridiculous ;)

fishing user avatarVolman482 reply : 

You are one lucky guy!!!!

fishing user avatarFish Chris reply : 

Now that is one fine catch ! And a nice bass too  ::)

Take good care of that one :)



fishing user avatarLCpointerKILLA reply : 

she looks like my girl (not girlfriend) you sick b@stard. JK. Decent fish!

fishing user avatarBassDeaton01 reply : 

Wow! Nice one!!

fishing user avatarcart7t reply : 

Nice fish.

Just my opinion, if she ever wants to try one of your more expensive lures let her. Don't make a big deal of it. If she would lose it, console her (she'll be upset about the cost of the lure and losing it) but don't make her feel guilty at all about the cost of said lure. Shrug it off as no big deal. She'll be even more impressed and putty in your hands. ;)

fishing user avatarGonzoFishing reply : 

Sounds like you got it made! ;D My GF loves to fish too but only if its saltwater. I told her that once she hooks on to a decent LM she'll be hooked but so far she aint taking the bait :-/ I'll convince her one of these days ;D

fishing user avatarBig Phish reply : 

after reading reading the first post i planned to respond with "looks like you got two keepers today" but i guess it's too late for that lame joke.

fishing user avatardmac14 reply : 

Now don't do anything stupid to lose her, its hard to find a women that enjoys to fish. I got my girlfriend hooked, and gift ideas became alot easier...just get her fishing stuff lol

fishing user avatarjasonl reply : 
Nice fish.

Just my opinion, if she ever wants to try one of your more expensive lures let her. Don't make a big deal of it. If she would lose it, console her (she'll be upset about the cost of the lure and losing it) but don't make her feel guilty at all about the cost of said lure. Shrug it off as no big deal. She'll be even more impressed and putty in your hands. ;)

thanks thats actually really good advice. i was thinking about that. cause she sees me get ticked and throw a hissy fit when iloose a decent lure so shes prob scared of me getting angry at her. ill keep that in mind i appreciete it.

How many members do we have on to forum now? Yea I believe you made just about 100% of them jealous. Thats what I'm talking about dude. 8-)


lol. idk about that. im jealous about u guys having boats and all these awsome outings i read about. it ends up beng even. haha

Congrats to you and your GF :-)

I got my GF addicted to fishing this year as well. If we have a free day and I ask, "What do you want to do?" she usually says, "Can we go fishing?" My response is always, "I was hoping you'd say that."

Nothin' better than the smile on her face when she gets a good one.

I dont care if i catch anything. as long as i see that smile on her face when she catches a bass, im a happy fella.

fishing user avatarSpanky SC reply : 

Looks like you got a keeper there so don't throw her back. The fish she is holding is nice as well. I wouldn't care if my wife lost my best lure because I can always go to the tackle shop and buy another.

Stay happy and healthy for a long, long time

fishing user avatarDRhodes reply : 

great catch, so she showed you up that day?

Shes a keeper

good luck to the both of you this season.


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