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New PB!!! So Excited!!! Thank god for CHATTERBAIT! 2025

fishing user avatarBassboy15 reply : 

So Yesterday we went to the local park, Everyone is catching tons of perch. I for one am not a good perch fishermen (ask skipper62 ;)) Well so anyway I'm down in the fish count like 10-0 lol. So we go down to the local house when my friend gets his chatter bait stuck...I almost went over to help him get it out when BAMMMM hit when it jumps out of the water with my chatter bait in its mouth...woooooo was I excited!! haha enough talk, heres the pic ( 3 pounds 18 inches)


O ya, and the REAL show!


Welp Im out!

fishing user avatarSkipper62 reply : 

lol.. Good day of fishing :P..

Here's my bass that I caught.. with a net :P... Yall said it couldn't be done.. cuz bass are too smart..


And this is the huge perch and fairly large shad I caught with my casting net..


Tight lines ;)

fishing user avatarBassboy15 reply : 

O, and all fish were released, just for the record

fishing user avatarT-rig reply : 

Well done! Congrats on the PB! The fish in the pic with the shad is not a perch but a bream ;)

fishing user avatarguest reply : 

Always glad to hear about a new pb.

Those chatterbaits are very hit or miss for me.

When there hot there hot but when there not there not.

fishing user avatarrocknfish9001 reply : 

we were night fishing once, i couldnt get too much action, but my buddy was burning a chatterbait and was slaying them. I had one but lost it the first day. Never got another. Id say they work, however

fishing user avatarmattm reply : 

Congrats....File Mob

fishing user avatarJayW reply : 

Congrats on your new PB!

fishing user avatarT-rig reply : 
Well done! Congrats on the PB! The fish in the pic with the shad is not a perch but a bream ;)

This is a perch:


fishing user avatarKU_Bassmaster. reply : 

Congrats on the PB!!!!!

fishing user avatarTroutfisher reply : 

Great job File Mob!  ;)

fishing user avatarJimzee reply : 

Atta Boy!!  I love to see people that get excited while fishing.  I know I do.  ;D

fishing user avatarFivePoundBluegill reply : 

Thats a nice looking bass. Looks like it had a beer belly too but I cant realy tell since your pushing it in. Just a tip though when you take a picture with a fish its often better to stand closer to the camera and hold the far out infront of you. The viewer gets a better view of the detail of the fish and makes your fish look bigger. I can still tell its a nice bass from this pic though.

fishing user avatarRed reply : 
Well done! Congrats on the PB! The fish in the pic with the shad is not a perch but a bream ;)

This is a perch:

and a big one too

nice catch file


fishing user avatarFish Chris reply : 

Hey File Mob, congrats on the great catch ! BTW, if you cradle the bass further back under the anal fin, the belly will hang down more, and make the fish look fatter, bigger, and more comfortable. Just a little fish photo secret.

Hey T-Rig, that's not a Perch, or a Bream, it's a Chinkipin :-) .... no wait... I think it's a Shellcracker.... hold on.... I'd say its a Red Ear Sunfish :-) In reality, any of these names could be used just as easily, because what it really is, is a Lepomis Microlophus. Okay... I cheated. I had to look up the second half of this name :-)



fishing user avatarDan: reply : 

^yeah, lots of people call species of sunfish perch in certain regions.

fishing user avatarguest reply : 


Any small plate shaped freashwater fish, is a bream.

Makes it alot easier to identify that way.

And since when does Fish Chris know anything  about fish that weigh less than 10 lbs.

Sheesh, some guys  8-)

fishing user avatarroadwarrior reply : 

Way to go, File Mob!


fishing user avatarbighed reply : 

That's a fine catch young man!!!  Congrats

fishing user avatar-hydrillagorilla- reply : 

AWESOME FILW MOB!  For what it's worth, here in Kansas we have abused the 'perch' name for a long time.  I still call them perch.  Must be something in the water over here! LOL

Great catch and nice PERCH!  Keep it up!  

fishing user avatarSkipper62 reply : 

lol.. In kansas, we kind of call every little fish a perch.. We distinguish catfish, bass, and like shad and stuff.. then all the other technical stuff we call perch..

Blazik didn't kyle say it was a bluegill?

fishing user avatarKU_Bassmaster. reply : 
AWESOME FILW MOB! For what it's worth, here in Kansas we have abused the 'perch' name for a long time. I still call them perch. Must be something in the water over here! LOL

Great catch and nice PERCH! Keep it up!

Yep me too ::)

Although I have gotten away from that. I now usually refer to them as some expletive. Just pains in a.. that bite baits they have no business biting ::)

fishing user avatareastkybass reply : 

Congrats on the new PB.

fishing user avatarbassbob08 reply : 

great job nice fish.

fishing user avatarLightninrod reply : 

Good catchin' FM and Congratulations on your new PB!!!  

Might want to capitalize "God" though and not just "Chatterbait". ;)


fishing user avatarbigdog reply : 

Perch jerker (lol) Nice fish young feller..

fishing user avatarejtaylor822 reply : 

Congrats on the PB!  Nice pics.  

Glad someone has luck with the chatter baits - not me.

fishing user avatarMattDPVN reply : 


fishing user avatarMattlures reply : 

Proper fish names has always been one of my pet peieves. That fish is a red eared sunfish. there is no such thing as a bream or brim in north america. Bream are a european fish. Yeah I know a lot of folks callem bream and brim and perch but their wrong. I dont even know why it bothers me. To me calling a bluegill a bream is like calling a bass a tuna. or even worse calling all species of bass(not true ones but the ones in the sunfish family) tuna. Oh well I just need to get over it  :'(

fishing user avatarSkipper62 reply : 

Read eared sunfish?

So in Kansas that translates to Sun Perch ;)

lol. File caught a pb bass, who cares what my fish was called! :P


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