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Jerkbait PB 2025

fishing user avatarTravisVirginiaAngler reply : 

Caught my PB jerkbait fish today. 2nd largest bass of my lifetime, definitely biggest on a jerkbait. 30 minutes before calling it a day. 9.0 23 1/4" Virginia Stud.


fishing user avatarGundog reply : 

Wow what a hawg. Congrats Travis. 

fishing user avatarTravisVirginiaAngler reply : 

Thanks! She’s was so fat! Put up a great fight too.

fishing user avatarBluebasser86 reply : 

That's a giant. I bet it was a scary fight on a jerkbait. Congrats!

fishing user avatarlong island basser reply : 

Beast of a bass, nice going!

fishing user avatarroadwarrior reply : 

Nice fish, GREAT pic!



fishing user avatarBankbeater reply : 

Nice healthy looking bass! Congrats!

fishing user avatarSmokinal reply : 

What a SOW!! Congrats man! Great fish

fishing user avatarNHBull reply : 

Congrats and thanks for sharing

fishing user avatarTravisVirginiaAngler reply : 
  On 4/1/2018 at 1:22 PM, Bluebasser86 said:

That's a giant. I bet it was a scary fight on a jerkbait. Congrats!

It was on 12 pound fluro, I had no net or help from the boat, until she was caught. Then another boat came by for pics! I was terrified she jumped 2 x's!

fishing user avatarDwight Hottle reply : 

Sweet! Who said jerk baits don't catch big fish? 

fishing user avatarTravisVirginiaAngler reply : 
  On 4/1/2018 at 10:47 PM, Dwight Hottle said:

Sweet! Who said jerk baits don't catch big fish? 

I think what makes it so great this time a year is that it mimicks a dying fish that's a super easy meal for any pre-spawn bass. I will be using this technique for the rest of my life! Jerk jerk jerk....pause. BAM! Cheers man.

fishing user avatarsmalljaw67 reply : 

Congrats on the giant!!!!! Oh you are doomed, once you get a big one on a jerkbait you'll be like me, 5 boxes full and yet I still have to try new ones...LOL!!!!! Once again, congrats on the awesome fish and on a jerkbait, and just as Bluebasser86 said, it must have been scary fighting that fish especially after the first jump when you saw how big it was.

fishing user avatarflyfisher reply : 

Very nice fish.  I am hoping to get out this week myself and catch a few PB if i can make it happen :) 

fishing user avatarBass_Fishing_Socal reply : 

Congrat nice hawg especially on jerkbait.

fishing user avatarAll about da bass reply : 

Nice fish!! I hate it when they jump. Just the thought of them spitting the hooks... It stinks when you don't have a net. We were fishing at a small lake about a week ago, and we were catching those big pre spawners. They wouldn't bite until dark but when they did.. it was a fight. I lost two a little bit smaller than that right at the boat. My friend broke the line at the boat trying to flip a 7+ fish on the deck:D Thanks for sharing

fishing user avatarYakalong reply : 

I caught a few on a jerk bait yesterday nothing like that though congrats 

fishing user avatarsenile1 reply : 

What a tank!  Congratulations!

fishing user avatarPaul Roberts reply : 

True beast, tank, toad... Congrats!

fishing user avatarDarren. reply : 

Dang, dude. That's a Virginny hog, fer sure. Congrats!!

fishing user avatarTravisVirginiaAngler reply : 
  On 4/2/2018 at 7:49 AM, Darren. said:

Dang, dude. That's a Virginny hog, fer sure. Congrats!!

Thanks a lot. I was shaking for about an hour afterwards. That's why we ALL love bass fishing right?? Cheers man.

fishing user avatarLOZSteve reply : 

Giant and beautiful fish. Jerkbaits are a fun way to catch big fish. Love seeing / feeling the jerkbait rod load up. Nice work without a net, sometimes that is scary reaching for all those hooks. 

fishing user avatarBlacktail 8541 reply : 

Very Nice, congratulations!

fishing user avatarmattkenzer reply : 



An absolute Gem ..... Congrats

fishing user avatargbassman519 reply : 

congrats, very nice  fish !

fishing user avatarsoflabasser reply : 

Congratulations on your new personal best bass.

fishing user avatarTravisVirginiaAngler reply : 
  On 4/3/2018 at 8:31 AM, soflabasser said:

Congratulations on your new personal best bass.

This was actually my second best bass ever. PB for a jerkbait though! My biggest came in January of this year, at 9.3. on a keitech 4" swimbait w/ an underspin! Cheers and tight lines!!!!

fishing user avatarGraham reply : 

What a fish dude, congrats! I'm from Midlo as well, glad to see someone from the area is getting em, its gonna be a fun season!

fishing user avatarBlack Bill Dance reply : 

Man that's a "Boss Hawg" right there. Midlothian resident as well, do you always fish from a boat or bank fish too?

fishing user avatarTravisVirginiaAngler reply : 
  On 4/13/2018 at 5:59 AM, Black Bill Dance said:

Man that's a "Boss Hawg" right there. Midlothian resident as well, do you always fish from a boat or bank fish too?

Mostly boat. Sometimes shore, if I'm on a time crunch. Good luck fellas!!


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