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another swimbait Toad 2025

fishing user avatarDoghouse. reply : 

Got off work alittle early today and hit the water Randall has been killing me with the bigfish stories since i have been slamed at work . Looked hard for a big fish for about 3 hours the water is just covered in polen the hole lake is yello . i was about to give up on finding a big fish when i found this little girl and she didn't want to hit anything jigs,flukes,worms nothing .but she could not stand the matts bluegill sitting in her nest Lol she killed it one of the hardest hits i have ever had on the bluegill she was just over 10lbs and after a quick pic she was sitting right back on her bed just a little smarter ;D IMAG0044.jpg

fishing user avatar5bass reply : 

Thats a good 'un doghouse! So you actually caught it on a Mattlures "sit-bait"  ;D....I'm real impressed with those ML bluegills, if for nothing else, putting the fish into attack mode. I gotta get a couple of them here will be spawning REAL SOON.

fishing user avataraggiebassin reply : 

nice fish man!!! congrats

fishing user avatarDoghouse. reply : 

they work great to get a fish all fired up . then you can catch them with about anything or just let them crunch the bluegill and hang on brother  ;)

fishing user avatarfourbizz reply : 

Killer dude! Gotta love those bluegill! Nice fish!

fishing user avatarBucketmouthAngler13 reply : 

Sweet bass! what a hog!

I got some hits on my ML bluegill today. (3 big ones to be exact) But for one reason or another didnt hook up with them. :-/ Oh well, it got my heart racing (the first one was right at my feet) and I'm going back tomarrow. From what I've heard and seen, Mattlures is the hot bait to be had. (and you got to love the name! :D)

Tight lines


fishing user avatarclipper reply : 

Nice lady, the "large and in charge kind" :).  I tried another brand of bluegill bait last week at CE and they paid it no more attention than a tube or fluke.  I tried swimming it thru the bed and also letting it sit there.  They ignored it.  That Matt Lures Bluegill must be something else.  It's terrible to have to work during the spawn.  I'm already getting the urge to go again.    

fishing user avatarT-rig reply : 

Wow! Very nice! Congrats!

fishing user avatarMattlures reply : 

Man you guys are realy tearing them up out there. When I first made my gills it was easy to catch big fish. People would give up on fish and I would go behind them and catch them. Now everybody out here has them and its not as easy anymore. I sure would like to fish "virgin" waters like that.

Thanks Doghouse and Randall for sharinng.


fishing user avatarPa Angler reply : 


fishing user avatarCaptain Cali reply : 

Nice! Did you throw the bait back a second time to make sure she learned her lesson??

fishing user avatarroadwarrior reply : 

Great pic, too!

fishing user avatarDoghouse. reply : 

come on down to Ga matt we will find you a east coast toad ;)

fishing user avatarFish Chris reply : 

Awesome fish Doghouse !

Continued success to you :-)


fishing user avatarRedlinerobert reply : 

Holy smokes!  Great looking fish man.  

fishing user avatarBD reply : 

Nice fish Doghouse.

fishing user avatarSneakySnook reply : 

WTG! Nice hawg.

fishing user avatarLightninrod reply : 

Absolutely outstanding young man!!!  I am in awe! :o.


fishing user avatarGotta Love It reply : 

Looks like you and Randall have a gold mine there!  

Why are you pointing at me in the pic telling me I should move to GA and fish Varner everyday?  ;)

fishing user avatarDoghouse. reply : 
Looks like you and Randall have a gold mine there!  

Why are you pointing at me in the pic telling me I should move to GA and fish Varner everyday?  

Lol well if you realy want to know i was bleeding on the back of that finger where she clamped down and gave me one of those good head shakes and ripped my finger open . It was worth it tho ;D

fishing user avatarbuzzbaitfool12 reply : 

Nice fish...... :o..By the way you and randall look like twins with those hats lol..

fishing user avatarBassassasin12 reply : 

WHAT A HAWG! Those mattlure gills never even crossed my mind as being a bait you could just sit on a nest but now that i think about it it's a great pattern. Go get you another one of those varner hogs!

fishing user avatarhi_steel_basser reply : 

I shoulda went to Varner instead of CE lake Barnett last weekend. The males were up, but the females never made it to the party. :'(

fishing user avatarDoghouse. reply : 

thanks for the info Hi Steel i was thinking about going to CE this sunday

fishing user avatarBadKarma42 reply : 

nice work

fishing user avatarCravin reply : 

Real nice fish, I gotta try that bait I guess. Nice taste in fishing hat, Mine looks alot like it!

fishing user avatarLightninrod reply : 

This is why they 'work':


Note the way they sit naturally without any line


fishing user avatarchs773 reply : 

nice fish

fishing user avatarDoghouse. reply : 

they sit that way with 50lb brade tied to them to thats what makes them so good and the way they sit on a bed  looks just like they are feeding on the eggs a big female just can't take it ;D

fishing user avatarBlue Eyed Fisher Chick reply : 

Nice Fish!!  Craig and I were using the ML Bluegill the other day in my neighborhood pond, but no takers.  Did make em mad though!!


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