today saw a break from the heat, so I decided to go out in the canoe. There was some recent rains and the lake is up a little. One of the storms was a hairy Florida Thunderstorm, but I believe that's where my good fortune came in.
Remember the Loomis GLX / Daiwa TD-Z combo I lost last summer?
I FOUND IT !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Here's what I think happened.
The drought has dropped the water level in my lake by about 4 feet.
But a few days ago, we had a holacious florida thunderstorm. Gale force winds even hail. It was hairy.
Well, I'm fishing today and the bite is next to nill. In an 8 hour trip I caught two fish.
It was so slow that I almost didn't bother going to "lost rod cove" because it is the farthest point from the ramp. But the day was really beautiful. Warm but not hot, with a nice breeze.
Anyway I decided to go to the cove.
So I'm fishing around it and getting nothing. Put on the hud. Figure if I ain't catchin fish, may as well not catch bigguns. Had something bump it but no hookup.
I notice a black peice of wood looking thing, off in the distance toward where the cove narrows. It's a good spot so I motor over figuring the storm blew some limbs into the lake and the low water conditions made it visible. As I'm approaching though I see the "stick" has a yellow dot on it.
My heart immediately starts pounding because I know it's the musky jitterbug I was throwing on that outfit. I'm telling myself "stay calm, it's just the lure" but as I get closer I see a string of moss covered line going down towards bottom. Now I'm really pumped.
I pick up the lure. Big sucker and slow and easy pull up on the slimey line.
And there it is. Totally covered in muck but I got the entire outfit back.
Here' what it looked like
When I got home I cleaned it up. Except for some stains on the cork handle the rod is perfect. This is a BCR model so the guides are 100% titanium. = No rust.
The reel, has some cosmetic damage and will get a check up with reelmech, but it cleaned up real nice, and after oiling the spool and worm gear it was casting great.
Like I said in the subject line. "Somebody up there likes me"
PS I'm also posting a pic of the launch ramp. Notice the end of the ramp is in mud. And the storm we had actually raised the level. It was worse than this.
Hope it's over. But I feel sooooooooooooooooooooooooooo good.
I remember that, you were dragging for it or something. Thats crazy!! Nice job Avid!!
As soon as I saw the title, I knew what this thread contained.
thats the craziest thing ever. not just a tacklebox but the rod to. crazy. maybe you should hold onto things a little better ;D
hah that just plain old fashion luck ;D
how long was it out there for?
and how the heck did you lose it
just wondering
The tacklebox first, now the combo, did you lose anything else or have you found everything now?
That's great!!!!
Hey Avid, would you consider picking out some lottery numbers for me? Congrats! And here I thought I was lucky catching my cutie bass yesterday. Remember, send me some numbers...... deb
im happy for you avid
Congrats, that is so cool.
That is too freakin cool!!! Good for you Avid!
Nobody up there likes me, my last rod that went overboard STILL hasn't come back >...of course it is in about 65 feet of water, but still!!!
Thats awesome Avid way to go man.
Somebody up there does like you
I'm still walking on air.
this drought has done a number on the lawns but man, it was great for finding stuff
I lost the outfit while night fishing. I had a muskie jitterbug on it. Big lure bristling with hooks.
I have no idea how it went over, in a canoe things get a little crowded.
I'm guessing that the storm dislodged the jitterbug from the bottom and because the water is so shallow there was enough line so just floated to the surface and I was fortunate enough to be the first one on the scene.
Thanks for the high fives.
Hey niksmom, I don't how many numbers you need but here you go.
8 13 17 23 28 32
Hope your luck is as good as mine.
So, is this it?? Or do you have any other treasures "down there"??
I knew you would find it! good job avid
that is too cool...good job man!
That's really something.
I fished yesterday too,..all I could catch was a boatload of bass,lol.
I am still hoping to find my kistler, it's in about 10 ft.
Good for you buddy, that's excellent!
thats WAY cool avid...somebody is definately looking out for you!!!
Cool This couldnt have happened top a better man!!!!!!!!!!!! 8-)
Sweet! Thats got to suck to lose a rod and its got to rock when you get it back! Like christmas early lol.
Moral of the story, Always leave floating lures with plenty of slack on your combo, incase it goes in the drink. ;D
I did it!!!! I splurged and spent $1 on a powerball ticket, if we win tonight, I guess I'll have to split it with you. It's only bout $30 million, you couldn't use half could you???
Go Avid!
Amazing! Very happy for you.
Lucky you!!! You deserve it bro.
QuoteI did it!!!! I splurged and spent $1 on a powerball ticket, if we win tonight, I guess I'll have to split it with you. It's only bout $30 million, you couldn't use half could you???![]()
You are toooooooooooooooooooooooooo funny,
Ok Deb, your on.
If "we" win, I'll take my crummy little 15 mil.
PS - Nope, that's it as far as lost stuff goes. I mean there are a couple lures that broke off and are gone, but that doesn't count, we all do that,
But the tackle box with much of the best takle in it and a Loomis GLX/TD-Z combo.............. Now that's a salvage operation.
And just think. tonight Deb and I split $30 million dollars.
Life has been worse. 8-)
This is great timing for for this thread, cause my buddy just lost his rod catfishing a few days ago. We had been pulling em out all week, when he set down one rod propped up on a chair, going to set another rod up, when the whole chair just goes over and into the lake with the whole pole taking off into the middle of the darkness. Scene was straight outta Jaws lol, and now we know theres a real monster in there, and theres actually hope for finding his rod!
High Fives my man!!!
Avid I serously think you should send your story to Loomis and Diawa. That is great advertising for them. It shows their products are still good even after being under water for a year. Who know mayb you can be thier next ad campaign. Mayb they will send you new gear if they use your pictures and story. Couldnt hurt.
It's great to hear that you got your rod and reel back!