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What Canadian Smallmouth Fishing Is All About To Me. ***pics***updates Sept. 2015 2025

fishing user avatarMothercanucker reply : 

I'm out here working at a lodge in Northwestern Ontario called Eagle Lake Island Lodge. It is on an island in the middle of Eagle Lake in Ontario. 99% of our guests are american from the midwest. Eagle is a world famous walleye and musky where not many people target smallmouth at all. Smallies are my passion and I was determined to find some early season bass because at home we can't legally fish for bass until the 3rd Saturday in June. Here are a few beauties from the last few days. 



















fishing user avatara1712 reply : 

Heaven!!!! Good fish. Brian.

fishing user avatarFisher-O-men reply : 

Beautiful fish, eh?  How far north?

fishing user avatarMarkH024 reply : 

Sweet. I'm coming up to Eagle 3rd weekend in june. I hope those big gals are eating still.

fishing user avatarDwight Hottle reply : 

Very nice. Eagle Lake rocks.

fishing user avatarA-Jay reply : 

Fantastic Colors !





fishing user avatarDypsis reply : 

Yeah, I agree with A-Jay the color is simply spectacular.  



fishing user avatarThatFishin'Guy reply : 

Those look amazing. Makes me wanna go out for some smallies. 

fishing user avatarSenko lover reply : 

Let me guess. Did they all hit Jackall Lures?

fishing user avatarJtrout reply : 

Those smallies look awesome! I'd love to catch some like that!

fishing user avatar00 mod reply : 

Great smallies!



fishing user avatarjtharris3 reply : 

Very nice fish!

fishing user avatarJanderson45 reply : 

That looks awesome. Great job!

fishing user avatarFloridaBasser1 reply : 

BronzeBack Slabs! Fish Monster Pig- Beast of The WEEK! :respect-059:

fishing user avataraceman387 reply : 

Great post !

fishing user avatarsenile1 reply : 

Wow!  These northern smallies are just beautiful.  Nice size to them as well.

fishing user avatarbuzzed bait reply : 


fishing user avatarSmokinal reply : 


fishing user avatarEvanT123 reply : 

Wow! Awesome fish!

fishing user avatarOntarioFishingGuy reply : 

Nice fish! A friend of mine fishes Eagle Lake for musky quite often. The fishing looks spectacular up there.

fishing user avatarDubyaDee reply : 

Beautiful color on those. Is CIR legal right now up there? I know you said 3rd Saturday in June, which is when we go up to the Big Rideau for our annual trip. We'd love to come up for the pre spawn instead of post spawn. 

fishing user avatarHoosierHawgs reply : 

Those are some chunks my friend. Real beauts

fishing user avatarMothercanucker reply : 
  On 6/16/2015 at 11:44 PM, DubyaDee said:

Beautiful color on those. Is CIR legal right now up there? I know you said 3rd Saturday in June, which is when we go up to the Big Rideau for our annual trip. We'd love to come up for the pre spawn instead of post spawn. 


 The 3rd Saturday in June is when the season starts for bass back home in Montreal. Up here in Northern Ontario on Eagle Lake it is always bass season. lol

fishing user avatarMothercanucker reply : 



fishing user avatarSturgeon reply : 

Holy smokes those are some beautiful fish! Great Pics

fishing user avatarMothercanucker reply : 

been stuck guiding walleye n musky. Hoping to get on some fall bass nearing the end of our season.

fishing user avatarlou304 reply : 

Those have to be some of the prettiest smallmouth I've seen. Nice fish!!!

fishing user avatarMothercanucker reply : 

Mini update





fishing user avatarGotfishyfingers? reply : 

WOW!!! Cool Pics! Those are some beautiful fish..

fishing user avatarMothercanucker reply : 

3 pounder length, 5 pounder belly. Fall chunking




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