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Your biggest limit? 2025

fishing user avatarfourbizz reply : 

A little bored. What is your biggest 5 fish bag you have ever had? Fun fishing, tournament, with a partner, or by yourself, doesnt matter. I've been lucky enough to have some good ones, but figured there are some guys on here that have probably had some gigantic sacks! just curious!

fishing user avatarLow_Budget_Hooker reply : 

Permit allows 1 fish per boat per day.

1011 lbs


fishing user avatarfourbizz reply : 


Largemouth, Spotted, Smallmouth. Before you start chucking out salty bass too :P

fishing user avatarCatt reply : 

November 2007 first bass was 10. 66, second bass 10.89, third bass 8.99 for a 3 bass total of 30.54 & finished with a total of 8 more between 3 & 5 lbs; so I'm looking at a 5 bass limit around 41-42 lbs.

fishing user avatarMattlures reply : 

This year a friend and I had 3 giant sacks just fun fishin. Each time I caught only two of the fish and each time they were the 2 biggest.

The biggest sack was roughly around 60lbs. To be honest I dont remember the exact weights of ALL the fish we got in those 3 trips

here is a pic of the 4 biggest fish in our "middle" sack. These four went a little over 40lbs and the fith fish would have put it around 46lbs but I couldnt hold 5 fish at a time. I was doing a "mad" face for fun. Aslo we had planned on taking a big group photo in advance. We had one of those giant coolers rigged with an areator and a pump that was pumping in fresh lake water the whole time. the cooler/livewell has an overflow hose and the fish were all very strong and healthy when released. I am standing on the cooler for the pic trying to hide the background. However there is still just enough background in the pick to recognize the lake so I had to white it out. Sorry if this bothers some of you.


Fourbiz I sent you a PM

fishing user avatarroadwarrior reply : 

The day I caught the smallmouth in my avatar,

I had several more 5-6 lbs. The total weight of

the best five would have been a little north of 30 lbs.

This was in January 2005. Oddly, the  following

Saturday was much better overall. Fishing the

Tennessee River two days in an eight day period

produced well over twenty smallmouth 5 lbs or



fishing user avatarJ_Zink reply : 

If you hit the wiggle wart bite just right on Lake of the Ozarks, a big string is possible.  Mine went a tad over 30lbs one day a few years ago.

My fastest big string was around 18-20lbs in 20 minutes at the same lake.

fishing user avatarfishfordollars reply : 

Sam Rayburn on a hot July day fishing the grass with a 1 oz. brown jig and green pumpkin trailer just off  an 18-20 creek. Best five weighed 36.89 and did not win the tournament. Biggest was 10.37 and two others that were over 8 lbs.

fishing user avatarmatt metzger reply : 

well you guys got me good but im young so i have some time to catch up biggest five would probably be 17 lbs one day on lake wylie last year after a big rain when we were throwin black and blue jigs in muddy water around laydowns

fishing user avatarMobydick reply : 

I have nothing like all you guys, but i'll post it anyway. My biggest limit was all smallies, 5 of them, totaling 18 pounds 15 ounces. All caught on a spinnerbait.

fishing user avatarLow_Budget_Hooker reply : 


Matt, this picture is "publishable". Have you offered it to any of the mags? Okuma?  I think Bizz has a few like that too but that one, the angle and everything,...sends a message.

fishing user avatarLow_Budget_Hooker reply : 

oh, and by the way,......I got your message ;);D ;D 8-)

                                                                                     I'm on it :)

fishing user avatarJimzee reply : 

My biggest five fish limit was just north of 21 lbs., half of what some have posted on here.  I felt good about it until I read some of the limits. :-[

fishing user avatarRandall reply : 

My biggest five weighed was 47.4. I have had another time that might have beat it but I didn't weigh the three smaller fish before releasing them so I can't give the exact weight.  Both times my two biggest fish were ten and twelve pounds and the others were eight to nine pounders.

fishing user avatarfourbizz reply : 

Nice Matt! I can't imagine a 12lb average!

All of mine have been fun fishing with a partner too

47lbs10.5ozs: 13-1, 11-8, 8-2, 8-1.5, 6-14. Also lost a fish that would have easily put us over 50lbs



I also had a day where my personal top ten was over 65lbs. That was fun!

fishing user avatarMuddy reply : 

Geez I catch that in a week! Way to go

fishing user avatarLow_Budget_Hooker reply : 

In all seriousness though, my biggest limit is like 110 lbs, up to 130,135 if I'm drinking.

fishing user avatarthetr20one reply : 

Fun fishin 31.3 Tournament 29.71.  All Smallmouth.

fishing user avatarsupreme reply : 

My pictures suck but I caught 13 LMB friday & Saturday morning ranging from 1.5 lbs - 6.5 lbs. I caught a 5 llbs Frid & a 23" 6+ pounder. All on my new bait from ***

fishing user avatar5bass reply : 
My biggest five fish limit was just north of 21 lbs., half of what some have posted on here. I felt good about it until I read some of the limits. :-[

Jimzee, dont feel bad. Just remember where some of these guys with the huge bags are fishing. They have chances at monster bags every time they hit the water. It must be nice. I'm jealous. Good bags guys!

My best 5 just out fishing is 23-7. In a tournament it's 21-4.

fishing user avatarMattlures reply : 

My 3 biggest bags were a combined effort by myself and a friend. I am not even sure what my own personal 5 fish would be. Probably only 35lbs.

fishing user avatarBassinAssassin171 reply : 

ONLY 35 lbs.!??  :o  why are you saying ONLY? haha. man a bag like that would be amazin out here in the suburbs of GA!  mine is 23lbs. 10 oz. from the other day

fishing user avatarBass XL reply : 
If you hit the wiggle wart bite just right on Lake of the Ozarks, a big string is possible. Mine went a tad over 30lbs one day a few years ago.

Wow. I don't know if anyone could have said it better.

Mine was a tad over 24 pounds.

fishing user avatarRed reply : 

hmmm, well i have yet to catch five keepers in one outing, so i dont know!  i know, pretty sad.  :(  my PB is only 5lbs so you can figure if i did catch 5 bass, it probably wouldnt be much!


fishing user avatarfishinfiend reply : 

WOW!!  :o Very impressive, gentlemen.

My best 5 is between 18-20 lbs.

fishing user avatarbocabasser reply : 

in a tournament i had 34 pounds 15 ounces. i had first big fish @ 8.6 and i had 2nd big fish with 7.15. i doubt i will ever duplicate that weight in a tourney, but man what a great day that was. every fish was caught on topwater.

fishing user avatarGeorge Welcome reply : 

Country location is everything:

26 July 2004: My son Scott and myself -

This morning we called Don Willis to see if he wanted to share the boat but he was off for a trip to the doctor's. "Yippee" said Scott, "the fish are going to bite today." We headed out at daybreak to the Marsh and baited up with Senkos. Bass proceeded to jump into the boat:


1st lunker of the day - 8 pounds - off the grass with a Senko - purple


2nd lunker of the day - 7 pounds - off the grass with a Senko - cinnamon


3rd lunker of the day - 11 pounds - off the grass - watermelon 7X cut tail


4th lunker of the day - 13 pounds - 27.5 X 19.5 - off the grass - red Senko


5th lunker of the day - 7 pounds - off the grass with a purple 7X cut tail

I've had three days in 13 years where customers had 5 or more over 10, with two of those trips occuring within 2 days of each other. It's a rare occurence however based on the number of trips that I have done over that time span.

fishing user avatarJ Francho reply : 

This going to have a lot more to do with location, as the biggest bags from Maine will invariably smaller than the biggest bags from So Cal. or elsewhere.

My biggest "5-fish bag" was rec. fishing for LMB in a small bay off Lake Ontario.  23 lbs., including this 6-2 lunker.  All on a jig :).


fishing user avataravid reply : 

Hmmmmmmmm.....I used to limit myself to one sixpack, two shots of tequilla, and a huge (deleted).

Now my limit is much much lower.

Oh, mean bass?


fishing user avatarInfidel. reply : 

Those are some nice sacs guys... that doesn't sound right.  Biggest bag was 27lbs some odd ounces all on deep cranks.  Of course it was fun fishing.  Even if there was a tounry that day I would have only had 14 pounds or so.  All the big girls bit between 3 and 5 pm.


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