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Beat My Pb By Almost A Pound! 2025

fishing user avatarCatch and Grease reply : 

Caught this girl flipping a missle D bomb into some thick cover, yelled so loud a kayaker came thinking I was hurt/drowning... Thanks for all the help bass resource community y'all are the best!

My old PB was 5lb flat but this fished weighed 5lb 14oz!

I'm still fishing but I had to post this real quick...


fishing user avatarBrownBear reply : 

Nice fish and good job!

fishing user avatarBankbeater reply : 

Nice bass, and nice looking spot!

fishing user avatarA-Jay reply : 

Excellent ~ !


PB's are Always a Blast





fishing user avatar00 mod reply : 

Congrats on the new PB!



fishing user avatarJtrout reply : 

Awesome fish man! Go get a bigger one!

fishing user avatarDwight Hottle reply : 

Sweet new PB. I love that water your fishing, it looks great.

fishing user avatarTurtle135 reply : 

monster! love the color on that bass

fishing user avatarSturgeon reply : 

That's a nice fish man! Looking forward to this season. Congrats!

fishing user avatarshimmy reply : 

Congrats man! Hootin and hollerin is mandatory. 

fishing user avatarwuchr20 reply : 

Nice one!!!

fishing user avatarRoLo reply : 
  On 4/26/2015 at 9:57 PM, Catch and Grease said:

Caught this girl flipping a missle D bomb into some thick cover, yelled so loud a kayaker came thinking I was hurt/drowning...

Thanks for all the help bass resource community y'all are the best!

My old PB was 5lb flat but this fished weighed 5lb 14oz!

I'm still fishing but I had to post this real quick...



There you go, the matriarch of Banks Lake

Congratulations on your new PB!



fishing user avatarPhilo Beddoe reply : 

Congrats on the new PB!!

fishing user avatarCatch and Grease reply : 

Hey Rolo I googled what a matriarch is, its a woman who is the head of a tribe... You think your a funny guy ehhh?? Haha

I'm gonna assume you meant patriarch lol

fishing user avatarDwight Hottle reply : 

I think Roger means what he said. Your fish is a female so that would make her a matriarch.

fishing user avatarRoLo reply : 
  On 4/27/2015 at 2:21 AM, Catch and Grease said:

Hey Rolo I googled what a matriarch is, its a woman who is the head of a tribe... You think your a funny guy ehhh?? Haha

I'm gonna assume you meant patriarch lol


It's rare for a male bass to exceed 3 pounds, so I'm afraid you'll have to settle for "matriarch"

"I Love Fat Girls" is a spinoff of that factoid   :smiley:

fishing user avatarCatch and Grease reply : 

Oooooooohhhh, I thought you were talking about me not the fish hahaha!

fishing user avatarFin Stalker reply : 

Solid fish congrats.

fishing user avatarSenko lover reply : 

I love the fact that you stopped fishing to post that. You'll probably catch a bigger one by the end of your trip :).

Nice job and well done!

fishing user avatarDarren. reply : 

Really nice! Well done.

fishing user avatarjbw252 reply : 

Great looking catch.  Congrats on the new PB.

fishing user avatar*Hank reply : 

Wow nice fish!             New PB`s are awesome! :respect-059:

fishing user avatarBluebasser86 reply : 

Bigger than any I've held this year, congrats on the new PB!

fishing user avatarZach Dunham reply : 

Congratulations! Now to top that one... haha

fishing user avatarTX18_E90 reply : 

nice one

fishing user avatarCRANKENSTIEN reply : 

That is a black bass.  She is pretty though.  Great job

fishing user avatarTHE BASS WHISPERER reply : 

giddy up!!!!!!! nice fish bro!!!!!

fishing user avatarwhitwolf reply : 

You are having a great Spring thusfar, congratulations Grease!

fishing user avatarwisconsin heat reply : 

Wow what a hog!

fishing user avatarBooyahMan reply : 

SWEET fish! I would have been yelling like crazy too if I had just broke my PB. Good stuff man!


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Caught My Pb 6.10 Lbs -- Fishing Reports