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A few { Trophy Bass } pic's to share. 2025

fishing user avatarHawg Bass Assassin reply : 

Caught these Hawg's in the last 2 year's here in S.W.Oklahoma.

All on the same creek right below my house.



5 lbs


10 lbs 2 oz


13 lbs 3oz

fishing user avatarHawg Bass Assassin reply : 


14 lbs 2 oz

Thought,I had the other 2 of the 9 pounder's. They weren't loaded up.


fishing user avatarX-Rap reply : 

Holly Crap! Nice fish

fishing user avatarroadwarrior reply : 


Those are some fine bass!


fishing user avatarTin reply : 

Wow, nice fish, that little creek you fish must be something special.

fishing user avatarTokyo Tony reply : 


fishing user avatartallydude reply : 

Great looking fish! Welcome to the site!

fishing user avatarKU_Bassmaster. reply : 

Nice creek!!!!!!!!!

fishing user avatar.dsaavedra. reply : 

killin' em as always, craig!

good job out there. it is interseting how you catch such monsteres out of this creek. you should tell us about the creek...

fishing user avatarmoloch16 reply : 

Can you post some pics of the creek?  I'm curious what environment grows these monsters!

fishing user avatarHawg Bass Assassin reply : 

Thank's Ya,all.

I'll tell ya about this creek.

Sorry, I deleted all the the pic of the creek last summer.

It start's north in Meer's OK,Then flow's south to Lake Lawtonka.

Then it pick's back up underneath the Dam @ Lake Lawtonka and head's south on to FT.Sill Army Base.

Their are many snag's / dead timber / & Big Boulder's that run through the entire creek.

Their is are two spillway's on the creek head'n south of the Dam.Before it run's onto FT.Sill.

This creek is plum full of Panfish & has alot of baitfish as well- some kind of shad is the baitfish.

It must have crawdad's...Since, I have landed more then 4 Hawg's over 10 pound's off of a 4" Craw-Dady color: Black on Blue flake.

Hawg Bass Assassin

fishing user avatarMrs. Matstone reply : 

Awesome fish Congrats. ;D

fishing user avatarHawg Bass Assassin reply : 

Thank you,



fishing user avatarmattm reply : 

Right behind your house.  Thats Awesome.  

fishing user avatarFish Chris reply : 

13's and 14's are considered trophy bass anywhere in the country ! But those have to be within a few lbs of the OK record, huh ?

Awesome fish ! Good job !


fishing user avatarHawg Bass Assassin reply : 

Fish Chris~ Yes, the 14.2 was just off by 6 oz  :'(.  {Thank's for the comp.}

It is the 2nd biggest of the 2, I have ever landed.

My P.B. came from Lake Castaic in S.California she was 15 pound's & 30 1/4"  long.

Lived in Central California for over 20 year's.

I really miss catch'n 10 pound + Hawg's from California. :(

 I'm gonna try to make it back home this late spring...Gotta see if, I still have what it take's to catch'n them Hawg's.


fishing user avatarmichbass reply : 

Very nice fish, send some of them up to Michigan  ;)

fishing user avatarHawg Bass Assassin reply : 

michbass~ _ Thank's.

I would but they would die in that ice water up their ;D.

fishing user avatarFishin-Psyantist reply : 

  Hey Wow!! Nice fish !!!!  I see your from SW Oklahoma Check your PM box.

Congratulations. :)

fishing user avatarHawg Bass Assassin reply : 

I sent ya back a reply.


fishing user avatarbassnleo reply : 


Defiantely picture and memory worthy!

fishing user avatareastkybass reply : 

Awsome loking hogs.

fishing user avatarpreach4bass reply : 

Wow!  When I think of a creek, I think of dinks and panfish, not HUGE bass.  Congratulations, and thanks for sharing.

fishing user avatarLightninrod reply : 

Beautiful, BIG BASS HBA!!!  

What I'd give for just one double-digit Bass...... :-?


fishing user avatarSneakySnook reply : 

WTG! Great looking bass.

fishing user avatarJayW reply : 

Those are some nice Bass!  8-)

fishing user avatarfisherdave reply : 

Now thats some thing to be proud of and welcome the site.

fishing user avatarHawg Bass Assassin reply : 

Thank's Ya'all.

Seen some Hawg's on the way home for lunch in the creek,Time to break out the pole & go.


fishing user avatarBassinWill301 reply : 

Awesome fish H.B.A.

What did you get that 14 lbs 2 oz on? ;)

fishing user avatarHawg Bass Assassin reply : 


3-4" Hawg Daddy -crawdad. Black on blue flake.



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