Scales that lie!
No personal attacks or examples here but I have never seen so many fish that were weighed on scales in the past few weeks that are a lot smaller than what they are said to be. Just because most are pre spawn and full of eggs does not mean you can add 1-10 extra pounds lol. Most guys on here are not dumb and realize these things. Some of you should be so lucky that Glenn and the Mods go for the family friendly atmosphere. I have seen some brutal threads on other boards where people get chased off or threatened not to go to certain lakes or tournaments. Keep it honest because it is getting really annoying.
Yeah, that fish I posted about yesterday, which I said was 1/2 lbs., was actually 11.2.
;D ;D ;D
Don't know what you're talking about....this one weighed 18.7lbs, she was chalked full of eggs....caught her off a bed with a 19" musky jerkbait with 20/0 hooks....the picture shows her small cause shes at the end of a 15'3'' SuperDutyHeavy rod with 57lb test
LOL, nice.
I just posted this because there was a huge blow up on another board I belong to where there was debate if a fish was 2 pounds or 6 pounds and it resulted in the police getting involved because of threats and about 6 bannings lol.
Get real Rick, they don't make 57# test 8-)
I rarely post in this section for that very reason... I know it's exciting to catch a nice fish, and easy to over-estimate, but the scale doesn't lie... anglers, however, are obviously a different story. I see it in person, on the boards, and everywhere else. The worst part is that these people are now telling the story about how they caught a 9pound fish that was really 3 pounds.
I'm not saying every person needs to go out and buy a scale, and not to post pics unless they weighed it... but absolutely, under no circumstances should you be claiming a weight, especially a pb, if you don't own a scale.
I think the numbers really measure self esteem, not fish. That's the whole problem. Ego's normal, but inferiority complexes gets tiresome fast.
I really hate the BassMaster "lunker club" with it's 10lb cutoff, which pretty much excludes half the country and 90% of lakes, rivers, and ponds in this country. I'm tired of hearing NY and Colorado anglers tell me about the 10lber they caught out of such-n-such pond. Or the 8s, or the 5s -odd how it's ALWAYS those three numbers. : Where I live, except in very rare circumstances or waters, 99% of those fish weighed 5lbs or under.
Bugs me because it diminishes the accomplishments of truly decent anglers.
im a giant. my thumbnail is like 2ft in diameter and that trap is like 30oz. so that makes the fish 19.2lb.
QuoteBugs me because it diminishes the accomplishments of truly decent anglers.
or even those of us who are truly lousy, but are comfortable admitting it.
sqhertz, now that takes skill. And I bet you were sight fishing. Or did you do it by feel?? Ah, so few can appreciate true mastery.
I'm not sure if I posted that link right or not...but try cut and paste into your browser. It's funny that this topic comes up today when I was just reading this article published by one of our local newspapers. Tell me if you think that bass weighs anywhere close to what they claim...have a nice day folks!!
Quotesqhertz, now that takes skill. And I bet you were sight fishing. Or did you do it by feel?? Ah, so few can appreciate true mastery.
it certainly does take skill. i did my secret fish call , but they didnt answer. this one called back , then i set the hook. the rest is history.
QuoteI think the numbers really measure self esteem, not fish. That's the whole problem. Ego's normal, but inferiority complexes gets tiresome fast.I really hate the BassMaster "lunker club" with it's 10lb cutoff, which pretty much excludes half the country and 90% of lakes, rivers, and ponds in this country. I'm tired of hearing NY and Colorado anglers tell me about the 10lber they caught out of such-n-such pond. Or the 8s, or the 5s -odd how it's ALWAYS those three numbers. :
Where I live, except in very rare circumstances or waters, 99% of those fish weighed 5lbs or under.
Paul- I was watching an episode of Bill Dance the other day and he had a pie chart on there showing percentages of people who catch fish from 5-10lbs. It said only 2% of bass fishermen catch a bass over 10lbs in their lifetime.
Quote'm not sure if I posted that link right or not...but try cut and paste into your browser. It's funny that this topic comes up today when I was just reading this article published by one of our local newspapers. Tell me if you think that bass weighs anywhere close to what they claim...have a nice day folks!!
Wow wow and wow. That truly is sickening. My family, i can't afford to lie. In our family a big bass does not count unless it is weighed and verified. I always film my weigh ins with the camera. Kinda weird i know, but i always save it so i can verify with my competitive bass fishing family. Without a scale, it is dangerous to report a big bass
Quote'm not sure if I posted that link right or not...but try cut and paste into your browser. It's funny that this topic comes up today when I was just reading this article published by one of our local newspapers. Tell me if you think that bass weighs anywhere close to what they claim...have a nice day folks!!
looks familiar... the 3 pounder suddenly tripples in weight
QuoteQuoteI think the numbers really measure self esteem, not fish. That's the whole problem. Ego's normal, but inferiority complexes gets tiresome fast.I really hate the BassMaster "lunker club" with it's 10lb cutoff, which pretty much excludes half the country and 90% of lakes, rivers, and ponds in this country. I'm tired of hearing NY and Colorado anglers tell me about the 10lber they caught out of such-n-such pond. Or the 8s, or the 5s -odd how it's ALWAYS those three numbers. :
Where I live, except in very rare circumstances or waters, 99% of those fish weighed 5lbs or under.
Paul- I was watching an episode of Bill Dance the other day and he had a pie chart on there showing percentages of people who catch fish from 5-10lbs. It said only 2% of bass fishermen catch a bass over 10lbs in their lifetime.
And that's only in certain parts of the country. In Colorado and NY, where I've lived, that percentage would be WAY smaller. Now, take that to each specific water in those two states and the number for all practical purposes, disappears.
In the two states I've lived and fished, I know of one each verified 10lber -both the state records -and both were 11-4. Now, there were likely others, but VERY VERY VERY few.
One of my favorite things in tournaments is how everyone looses only fish 3 pounds or bigger. It doesn't matter if you had one 12" fish lost a 1.5 fish at the boat that would have given you an extra half pound to win the T or come in higher. It's always a 3,4,5, or 6 pound fish that was lost. ;D
QuoteOne of my favorite things in tournaments is how everyone looses only fish 3 pounds or bigger. It doesn't matter if you had one 12" fish lost a 1.5 fish at the boat that would have given you an extra half pound to win the T or come in higher. It's always a 3,4,5, or 6 pound fish that was lost. ;D
;D Some people are so good they can estimate the weights of fish they haven't even seen! I think that one takes the cake.
QuoteOne of my favorite things in tournaments is how everyone looses only fish 3 pounds or bigger. It doesn't matter if you had one 12" fish lost a 1.5 fish at the boat that would have given you an extra half pound to win the T or come in higher. It's always a 3,4,5, or 6 pound fish that was lost. ;D
Tin, bigger fish are more savvy than small fish when it comes to breaking lines, throwing hooks or running for know that....dont play dumb.
I dont own a scale and am not good at guessing weights. Dont claim to be neither. I may take a guess at the weight but I will not say that a bass definitley weighs such and such lbs if I do not know for sure.
All of mine are weighed, and I actually go through the extra trouble of checking my scale with a certified five pound postal weight and it is always right on. I'm very picky and want to make sure that I get the exact weight of a fish.
Quote'm not sure if I posted that link right or not...but try cut and paste into your browser. It's funny that this topic comes up today when I was just reading this article published by one of our local newspapers. Tell me if you think that bass weighs anywhere close to what they claim...have a nice day folks!!
If that fish is 11 lbs., then the 5 I caught on Guntersville was a 10. That fish is 7 lbs. at most.
I've gotten pretty good at estimating weights over the last year while helping with my club's weigh-ins. It's pretty easy to tell the difference between an 11 lb. fish and a 7 lb. fish.
I estimate the weights of all my fish and then I just add a pound or two if needed or depending on my mood. I'm always spot on too....cuz i am the best!!!! I don't trust those d**n scales..they are always wrong!!!
You can only be true to yourself. If you want to lie about your fish, go for it! Go ahead and put a replica fish on your wall that really isn't the weight of the bass you caught, so everyday you can look at it and tell yourself how big of a jackass you really are. Or post a bass with it's weight so you can read it and tell yourself I'm a lying pos that needs to lie about a fish weight because I don't ever catch one. what a joke.
QuoteLOL, nice.I just posted this because there was a huge blow up on another board I belong to where there was debate if a fish was 2 pounds or 6 pounds and it resulted in the police getting involved because of threats and about 6 bannings lol.
Dang dude. Police getting involved?
Some ppl need to chill out and stop worrying if a fish weighed 2 lbs. or 6 lbs. Does it really matter that much?
Our fish here in New Jersey are heavier on account of all of the lead and other heavy metals in our waterways :
Any nuts or bolts found in their stomachs ARE NOT an attempt to bolster weight. They're part of their normal diet......
WTH Tin, R you questioning my 7lb rating on this beast?
QuoteOur fish here in New Jersey are heavier on account of all of the lead and other heavy metals in our waterways :Any nuts or bolts found in their stomachs ARE NOT an attempt to bolster weight. They're part of their normal diet......
;D ;D ;D
I remember a few months ago a member who's no longer on this forum, posted a new PB thread with one shotty pic of the fish on the ground, claiming it was over 7 pounds. The fish was probably around 5 or so judging by the pic, who knows. I just thought it was funny that a few months earlier he told me his PB was 7 pounds on a weighed fish. Yet his new unweighed fish was now his PB. Some ppl are just so full of themselves that all I can do is step back and have a good laugh. I also think it's funny when I hear guys saying" we caught a bunch but nothing over 3 pounds" In reality they caught a bunch of 1-2 pound fish. So I guess the "nothing over 3 pounds" is kinda true eh.
and plz dont try and tell me this isnt at least a pound cmon now