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My Lunker Of The Year!! 2025

fishing user avatarGrizzn N Bassin reply : 

So ive been struggling with a jig and i think i got it down now. this is my personal best im very proud of it 7.8 pounds. this bass was an absolute beast. took some pics and put that baby back in. i keep seening all these posts about it being a tough year but ive been doing ohk. i was getting ready to leave becuase i only landed 2 fish in 4 hours then i got em!! i hope you guys get a monster just like this keep realing, their in there good luck and stay safe





fishing user avatarrockchalk06 reply : 

Great job man. Now you can change your profile to say your personal best is 7-8 pounds.

fishing user avatarGrizzn N Bassin reply : 

HECK YEA man im estatic right now hah!!

fishing user avatarGrizzn N Bassin reply : 

and thank you btw !

fishing user avatarBroke bass fisherman reply : 

Great fish!!! Hope I can get one like that soon. Great job!

fishing user avatarCaptain Shane Procell reply : 

Awesome Bass!

fishing user avatardeep reply : 

Great fish. Thanks for sharing!

fishing user avatarCharlie 2una reply : 


fishing user avatarAK-Jax86 reply : 

That's a nice big heathy looking fish man nice job

fishing user avatarGrizzn N Bassin reply : 

thanks everyone! that thing was soo fat and healthy i was in shock haha

fishing user avatarJake P reply : 

Nice slob brutha!

fishing user avatarClackerBuzz reply : 

now thats a NY pig!

fishing user avatarbkohlman reply : 

Nice Catch!

fishing user avatarBasswhippa reply : 

That is a monster NY fish. Congrats. You really got a great fish there!

fishing user avatarbknap reply : 

Real good fish !!

fishing user avatarBig-O reply : 

WTG! Great Fish and keep it up ;)

fishing user avatarJig Meister reply : 

She's a 'bute Clark

fishing user avatarlogan9209 reply : 

Wow, great catch. I started to have my doubts that my lake had any until I pulled a 6# a few days ago. It made me happy. Now if I can get one that beats my personal best. Great Job! :respect-059:

fishing user avatarSiebert Outdoors reply : 

awesome fish congrats

fishing user avatarDwight Hottle reply : 

Congrats on your NY PB.

fishing user avatarTexfisherman reply : 

Man, that is a HAWG!!!!! Heck of a bass!!!!

fishing user avatarMCS reply : 

Awesome fish, nice work.

fishing user avatarGrizzn N Bassin reply : 

thanks everyone!! im glad i was able to figure out how to share it..

fishing user avatarGoTakeANap reply : 

very nice fish man!

fishing user avatarAR21angler reply : 

Great fish

fishing user avatarislandbass reply : 

She puts the "p" in Hawg! Wouldn't mind landing one like that myself.

fishing user avatarGrizzn N Bassin reply : 

yeah man she puts every letter in hawg!! haha

fishing user avatargarland7 reply : 

very nice!

fishing user avatarRangerphil reply : 

Great job!

fishing user avatarDBSULLY reply : 

That's a nice one for sure. Great catch.

fishing user avatarGrizzn N Bassin reply : 

thanks everyone i was see what guys are catching goo get emm!!


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