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4 bigguns make up 32.3lb sack 2025

fishing user avatar00 mod reply : 

Got a chance at a little "fishing therapy" this afternoon.  That is what I call it when I am by myself.  Never expect to have a day like this when alone, but man are they always welcome! Need to invest in a selfie stick, cause with short arms it is hard to get the big fish in the pics!  Ha, isn't that nice to complain about!!!!  Anyways, caught 7 today with the top 5 going 32.3lb (9.10, 8.77, 6.83, 6.10, 1.5ish)  Wish I could have culled the dink, but not complaining!  All fish were caught on a @Siebert Outdoors brush head jig(couple different colors).

In order of catch:













And the sunset to cap off the AWESOME afternoon!



fishing user avatarA-Jay reply : 

Way To Go Big Fish Jeff ! ! !

Have a Day why don't ya  . . . . .

That had to be something and I know how you LOVE the Jig Bite.

Congrats my friend




fishing user avatarMosster47 reply : 

That's a solid limit right there! That 9'er will be double digits in a month. 

fishing user avatareverythingthatswims reply : 


fishing user avatarshimmy reply : 

Wow Jeff...that is just wow! Great fish. Seems like your spot keeps teasing you. It is trying to lead you to believe you will stick your 10 there, but just won't let you have it. At this point, have you recaught some of the same giants? Great job. Come this fall, I think you will hook the ten.

fishing user avatarBluebasser86 reply : 

And here I was proud of my 20 pound bag this weekend :annoyed1:

Great job man!

fishing user avatarroadwarrior reply : 



:respect-040:  :cheer::cheer::respect-040:

fishing user avatarJtrout reply : 

Awesome! Some nice fatties

fishing user avatarjbw252 reply : 

Nice outing, Jeff.  Congrats.

fishing user avatar00 mod reply : 
  On 8/28/2016 at 1:11 PM, shimmy said:

Wow Jeff...that is just wow! Great fish. Seems like your spot keeps teasing you. It is trying to lead you to believe you will stick your 10 there, but just won't let you have it. At this point, have you recaught some of the same giants? Great job. Come this fall, I think you will hook the ten.

Not sure if some are the same or not honestly. It's a crazy spot. You will literally get skunked with big fish for several trips. And then BAM. They are feeding like crazy!  I haven't caught a bass over 5lbs in over 2 months..........

When this 9 jumped 3 times I though for sure she was a DD. I was shaking like a leaf. I won't stop anytime soon, so I just know my US DD is coming. Wouldn't it be crazy if my first US DD broke my PB!!!!!


fishing user avatarDarren. reply : 

D triple A NG!!!

fishing user avatarDwight Hottle reply : 

Crazy. Heck of a nice bag.

fishing user avatarBassObsessed reply : 

Wow. Can't complain about that. Keep at it and find that DD , maybe prespawn butterball or earlier.

fishing user avatarSiebert Outdoors reply : 


fishing user avatarBiteFiend reply : 

Wow, those are some absolute tanks. Congrats on one heck of an outing. 

fishing user avatarOnvacation reply : 

That's awesome. I had a day of pound and a halfers and was happy.  Don't think I would go home if I had a day like yours.  

fishing user avatarA-Jay reply : 
  On 8/29/2016 at 3:41 AM, Onvacation said:

That's awesome. I had a day of pound and a halfers and was happy.  Don't think I would go home if I had a day like yours.  

LOL ~   I'd be staying late, that's for sure.

There'd be At Least 50 . .  "Last Casts".





fishing user avatarOCdockskipper reply : 

Great bag!!

Interesting contrast between the 9.10 and the 8.77.  The latter is nearly an inch longer, but over a 1/4 lb lighter.  You can see the girth differences on the ruler, the 9.10 takes up nearly the entire width of the ruler while there is substantial space on the 8.77.  Neither fish looks fat nor skinny, the 9.10 is just thicker for a longer amount of length.

The two 8 lb fish I caught this July were both over 24" (61 centimeters), so it seems like the 8.77 is normal for her length while the 9.10 is the unique one.  Hope she has a good spawn next spring.

fishing user avatar00 mod reply : 
  On 8/29/2016 at 4:05 AM, OCdockskipper said:

Great bag!!

Interesting contrast between the 9.10 and the 8.77.  The latter is nearly an inch longer, but over a 1/4 lb lighter.  You can see the girth differences on the ruler, the 9.10 takes up nearly the entire width of the ruler while there is substantial space on the 8.77.  Neither fish looks fat nor skinny, the 9.10 is just thicker for a longer amount of length.

The two 8 lb fish I caught this July were both over 24" (61 centimeters), so it seems like the 8.77 is normal for her length while the 9.10 is the unique one.  Hope she has a good spawn next spring.

Funny you should say that, when I put the 8.77 on the IGFA board, I said out-loud to myself, if that 9.10 had her length she would have been a DD! 


fishing user avatarsoflabasser reply : 

Congratulations!Catching big totals like that is one of my favorite aspects of bass fishing. 

fishing user avatarWIGuide reply : 

That's incredible, heck what I'd give to just catch one of those! Unfortunately our bass up here don't get anywhere near that size.

A quick tip for the pics though, look into the self timer mode on your camera app. You can lean it against something and push the button to take the picture, and I think with I phone your options are 3 second delay and 10 second delay. That should give you enough time to get everything in the shot. On my boat I've got the older style tempress seat in the back, and if I fold it down and raise my pedistal, I can lean my phone against the folded back and it takes a decent picture. It's a lot cheaper than a selfie stick haha. 

fishing user avatar00 mod reply : 

Thanks @WIGuide.  I thought about something like that but didn't want to take the time with the fish out of the water.  These fish were literally out of the water maybe 30 secs. That is why the pics aren't that great and I forgot to get pics on the scale!  HAHA  Oh well.



fishing user avatarWIGuide reply : 
  On 8/30/2016 at 12:14 AM, 00 mod said:

Thanks @WIGuide.  I thought about something like that but didn't want to take the time with the fish out of the water.  These fish were literally out of the water maybe 30 secs. That is why the pics aren't that great and I forgot to get pics on the scale!  HAHA  Oh well.


I hear ya, and It's appreciated that you take care of those fish.  I usually drop mine in the livewell after I unhook it to let it recoup while I get everything set up. That way I can pull it out of the livewell, bump the button to take a few quick pictures and then back into the water they go. And hey you'll just have to get pics of them on the scale next time when they've put on a little more weight!

fishing user avatarbuzzed bait reply : 

wow Jeff, that's an awesome day!  

fishing user avatarfishinfiend reply : 

Way to go!!!!!

fishing user avatar00 mod reply : 
  On 8/30/2016 at 12:50 AM, WIGuide said:

I hear ya, and It's appreciated that you take care of those fish.  I usually drop mine in the livewell after I unhook it to let it recoup while I get everything set up. That way I can pull it out of the livewell, bump the button to take a few quick pictures and then back into the water they go. And hey you'll just have to get pics of them on the scale next time when they've put on a little more weight!

No livewell in my little tin.  Seems like as good a reason as any to get a new boat!!  :eyebrows:


fishing user avatardallasdb reply : 

I've never seen a 60" bass!!! :)

Nice bag!!!

  On 8/30/2016 at 1:37 AM, 00 mod said:

No livewell in my little tin.  Seems like as good a reason as any to get a new boat!!  :eyebrows:


Time to get a crappy spare cooler.

fishing user avatarA-Jay reply : 

I neglected to mention this in my previous post but That just may be "The Bag Of the Year"

Which is pretty wild considering there was a keeper included there.

The only stud with a decent chance to top that one (in conus) is probably You - Big Fish Jeff.

This Fall.  btw - when's the next flight   ?

Congrats Again.

I bet you're still smiling



fishing user avatarOnvacation reply : 
  On 8/30/2016 at 6:08 AM, A-Jay said:

I neglected to mention this in my previous post but That just may be "The Bag Of the Year"

Which is pretty wild considering there was a keeper included there.

The only stud with a decent chance to top that one (in conus) is probably You - Big Fish Jeff.

This Fall.  btw - when's the next flight   ?

Congrats Again.

I bet you're still smiling



I'm like A-Jay. A day later and your day of fishing is the topic of discussion in my house.

 How impressed am I? I am sitting at the kitchen table after a terrible day at work, sucking down Sailor Jerry and showing my wife pictures of your catch.  Your feat has become part of my mistake day at work therapy.  I'm also planning a fishing trip with you in my mind.  

This does come to mind however.  


fishing user avatarBankbeater reply : 

That's the way to do it! Good Going!

fishing user avatar"hamma" reply : 

  That's one impressive day on the water! Congrats, (insert clapping here) ...still shaking? And trust me, you wont forget that afternoon, ever,;.... See why my favorite lure is a jig? I strongly believe when the big girls are biting nothing beats it, NOTHING. And here yet is proof again. I'm happy for you as I know that feeling, that, omg, what a day I  just had, I hope to beat it someday feeling. For some time, you will reflect on it, and still be in awe. relish in it, you deserve it.. its definately an awesome accomplishment. Kudos to you!

 Get one of those collage pic frames, put those lipped fish pics in it. The memory will never leave you. But still, you have the opportunity,.. take it.

 I wish I did just this, as it's nice to reflect back on those days I had like that, memory serves well, but pics remind one more often.

 Again,.. congrats man,....thats awesome! 

fishing user avatarslonezp reply : 

What an awesome day :love-158:


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