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Caught My New Pb Yesterday... 9Lbs 2025

fishing user avatarrbreedi1 reply : 

Decided to take off work a little early yesterday and try to get on the lake after running some errands and I'm glad I did. Caught this girl in about 15 ft of water of the end of a tree top on an alabama rig. She weighed right in at 9 lbs. This has been a great year so far as far as quality fish.


fishing user avatarNEjitterbugger reply : 

Nice fish! Looks like a cool spot too!

fishing user avatarironmike12 reply : 

Nice Fish! Congrats on the PB!

fishing user avatarmjseverson24 reply : 

thats a piggy congrats...



fishing user avatarSiebert Outdoors reply : 

Wow. Awesome fish. Congrats.

fishing user avatarroadwarrior reply : 



Nice fish, great pic!



:respect-059:  :respect-059:

fishing user avatargeo g reply : 

Great looking fish.  I'm sure your heart was pumping when you landed that Hawg! :respect-059:

fishing user avatarDarren. reply : 

Fantastic! Awesome catch!

fishing user avatarCaptain Shane Procell reply : 

Heck of a catch!

fishing user avatarSmokinal reply : 

Good for you dude. That's a sow!

fishing user avatarEvanT123 reply : 

Beauty of a fish nice job on the pb!

fishing user avatarBig-O reply : 

Nice job!

fishing user avatarjbw252 reply : 

Great catch.  Congrats!

fishing user avatarMud River Matt reply : 

Awesome fish man, congrats.... I caught my pb yesterday too....

fishing user avatarAK-Jax86 reply : 

Awesome fish man

fishing user avatarpbrussell reply : 


fishing user avatarCaylub reply : 

Yea that's a beautiful fish. Nice job man.

fishing user avatarfishguy613 reply : 

epic fish!

fishing user avatarreb67 reply : 

Great fish


How long did it take you to stop shaking

fishing user avatarmnbassman23 reply : 

Beautiful fish! Congrats

fishing user avatarRanger363 reply : 

Congrats on that biggun.

fishing user avatarSnazzySenko reply : 

Nice! Hopefully I can beat my PB this year too! It shouldn't be hard living here in Florida :)

fishing user avatarBassinLou reply : 

WTG!! Congrats!!

fishing user avatarlong island basser reply : 

awesome...I can only dream of getting one that big up here.

fishing user avatarpy8pointer reply : 

what a pig, nice looking fish. congrats

fishing user avatarShane J reply : 

Great fish! Congrats on the PB!!

fishing user avatarmacmichael reply : 

WOW!!! Congrats on that hog.

fishing user avatarlanzbass reply : 


fishing user avatarGrizzn N Bassin reply : 

nice slob man congrats!

fishing user avatarricky bobby reply : 

Nice one bro keep on till you break double digits

fishing user avatarhookset on 3 reply : 

Absolute Hawg!   Beautiful colors on her,too.



fishing user avatarBankbeater reply : 

Nice looking bass, congrats on the new PB!

fishing user avatarrbreedi1 reply : 

Thanks guys! I was pretty tore up after landing that beast of a largemouth, it took a little bit to settle down lol.. For those who were wondering, she was released to hopefully produce many more magnum largemouth for me!


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