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Florida Bass Club September Tournament 2025

fishing user avatarBassinLou reply : 

Some of you know what time it is. August is behind us, and I will like to quickly congratulate AK, for being "King of the Hill", for last month. If I am not mistaken his top 5 length went for 99 inches. I think I may have hit the biggest fish of the month (amongst the BR members of FL who chose to participate last month). My fish went for 6lbs 10oz and MCS came in at very close nail biting 6lbs 8 oz. Many of us would have to agree that August was a tough month. I am curious how September will be.


 I want to throw this out there,  I highly encourage past/current participants to chime in. I would like to spearhead, the tracking of the number's for the month. You guys will still post your catch's, length's and weights but I will do the leg work and do weekly posting of where everyone stands. This way we do not have to navigate through out the thread looking at everyone's numbers. I will post the top 3 participants of the week on Sunday evenings. I would really like to build this up, I find this tournament to be extremely fun and some of the rivalries among us really make me look forward to fishing. What do you guys think if we have a cut off date, let's say Fri, Sept 6, for participants to declare there intention to play? After that date, we encourage pics and stories, however you will not be included for the "King of Hill" bragging right for the month.


Just in case some FL BR members are reading this thread for the first time, I will give you a recap. For the last 3-4 months we have had a bragging rights tournament here in FL. In order for uniformity what we have decided to do is to measure and photograph our LMB catches. If your top 5 fish lengths for the month is the longest amongst the other participants than you are considered the "King of the Hill" for that month. No, you do not win any $$, or get any trophies, but its great, clean, fun amongst guys (no gals have yet to participate) who really love to bass fish. Its also important to note that this an educational thread. We encourage the participants to give us "some" details of their catches for example, the lure that was used, the time of day, and the last one, the general location of the catch. The last example is completely optional. I for example just mention the part of town I was fishing at, not the actual location. Lastly, we also give a honorable mention to the biggest fish that was caught, so having a scale would be highly encouraged.  I think I covered everything, but just in case I missed something someone else will kindly clarify. Best of luck to all you. Let's have a good time. Please remember, measure the fish, take a pic, and do all of this within a reasonable amount of time. Let's do our best to minimize the stress on the fish.





fishing user avatarBassinLou reply : 

All of that typing and I did not declare my intentions. I am in for the month of Sept. Since AK is on his football binge, MCS, this gives us a shot to win this thing this month. LOL. FSTR I hope you are reading this, and maybe you can play this month.

fishing user avatarMCS reply : 

I am in Lou, give it a go tomorrow.

fishing user avatarBassinLou reply : 

Cool MCS, I was waiting for you. I got you down already. I just came in, from trying out a relatively new spot. Caught a few dinks, and that was it. I think this spot will produce, but I am going to have to wait for the weather to cool down a little. Which may be awhile down here.

fishing user avatarAK-Jax86 reply : 

Lou and MCS I am down for this month. Hopefully we get more people involved. I think we ave the usuals and 4 more new people I think from last thread.

Should be fun and a lot cooler in the next few months fish will e enjoyable again from a comfort stand point

Good luck to you all this month

fishing user avatarBassinLou reply : 

AK, so nice to hear from you. Have you come out of your college football cave, for some fresh air? LOL. Good to hear you will be participating this month. (Not really) ;). As of matter of fact I will like to call out some new people, that I would love for them to participate. Juan, Dsidle, new guy from Margate, and new guy from Miami. I apologize off the top of my head I forget your forum names. But you know who you are, I have introduced myself to you already. There are several more that I would like to see participate. Diggy, BP10, and several more. Put your names in the hat and lets have some fun!! So far I have AK, and MCS down. Martin where you at??

fishing user avatar---=Martin=--- reply : 

And there's a $50 gift card to BassPro as the top prize, courtesy of yours truly, and yea, I'm in :)



fishing user avatarAK-Jax86 reply : 

Lou I hope all those people participate it will make for a lot of fun and good conversation.

MCS said he is going on a long trip tomorrow hopefully he sets the bar high for us and has some nice pics for us!

I am going out for a little bit in the AM then heading to Orlando so maybe u can do a little fishing

fishing user avatarJellyMan reply : 

Fished Lochloosa today... fished for 20 min, got ticked, and went home.


I am giving another spot one more shot and I am packing it all up until I move back to Orlando. I hate the fishing here so much. What a joke!

fishing user avatarBassinLou reply : 

Jellyman, sorry to hear your having a tough time catching fish. This summer has been really tough, and hopefully when the weather cools it will help your fishing.

fishing user avatarAK-Jax86 reply : 
  On 9/2/2013 at 9:45 AM, JellyMan said:

Fished Lochloosa today... fished for 20 min, got ticked, and went home.


I am giving another spot one more shot and I am packing it all up until I move back to Orlando. I hate the fishing here so much. What a joke!


where are you fishing right now?


My brother and my girls cousin live in Orlando when you get back if I am down that way you can show me where to catch the biggens

fishing user avatarMCS reply : 
  On 9/2/2013 at 8:42 AM, mvorbrodt said:

And there's a $50 gift card to BassPro as the top prize, courtesy of yours truly, and yea, I'm in :)


Wow Martin, that is cool man but a bit much for me. I am fine playing for nothing or something simple like a pack of bait. I appreciate the gesture but I could never match something like that therefore makes me unable to accept a big prize like that.

fishing user avatarAK-Jax86 reply : 
  On 9/2/2013 at 4:15 PM, MCS said:

Wow Martin, that is cool man but a bit much for me. I am fine playing for nothing or something simple like a pack of bait. I appreciate the gesture but I could never match something like that therefore makes me unable to accept a big prize like that.

MCS this is the earliest/latest I've seen you post depending how you look at it! You are up early ready for your long fishing trip.

When you get back keep us posted! Lets is know how you guys did, I am assuming you went with your buddy or maybe the family. Enjoy yourself man hope you got some good pics or stories for us. I am about to head out now

fishing user avatarBassinLou reply : 

Wow! you guys got your day started early. MCS started at 415am, AK, you are already planning your fishing day. I am here, and not able to go out today. Family commitments. Martin, your gesture of the $50 gift card is extremely generous and it's a gesture that I also will not be able to duplicate nor accept.  However, MCS did mention a pack of baits. How does that sound? Ultimately, its your decision Martin. I just want all of us to remember why we started playing in the first place. Although $50 is attractive to all of us I think its a bit too much. Thank you Martin for the incentive however.

fishing user avatarBassinLou reply : 

So far as you guys have seen only 4 of us have thrown are names in the hat. MCS, AK, Mvorbrodt, and I. For the rest of you following us, and I know you are, you have til Friday, Sept 6, to finally make up your mind. Remember this runs for the whole month of Sept. You know you want to play....

fishing user avatarMCS reply : 

4:30-8:20 2 fish one 17" and one 14" my buddy had a 17" and a dink. Same lures as last week. Best action was around 5 once the sun came up the blue bird skies set in and no wind. Last hour and a half was dead. I will post pics tomorrow I am at 31" to start, gonna keep track no matter what this month and finish with 5.

fishing user avatarBassinLou reply : 

The ice has been broken. Nice job, MCS. You are right. Keep track. 5 fish at 15 inches still equals 75inches compared to someone who only wants to measure big fish. Get your five and then start culling. I have your two fish down already. You catch them and I will track them.

fishing user avatardsidle61 reply : 

Sorry for the hiatus, was on a little vacation back in pennsylvania.  But I am definitely in for this month.  I hopped on a plane this morning at 630am so hopefully i have enough left in me to get out this evening.  best of luck to everyone!!

fishing user avatarBassinLou reply : 

Awesome Dsidle!! Welcome aboard. I was waiting to see when you were going to pop up. I got your name down we are up to five now.

fishing user avatarBassinLou reply : 

I am still waiting for CutlerJay, ZachD, (now I got your names right) and the night stalker Juan_LMB. Where you guys at?

fishing user avatarAK-Jax86 reply : 

I went out today was set to go at 5:20a and mad I fell back asleep since MCS said they were on around then.  Ended up going out from 8a to 1p and the frog was dead.  We traveled light at OPCC, from 8a to 11:30a since there were so many golfers out. We stuck to back ponds that were by houses and in middle of woods using google earth. Caught a bunch on swim baits nothing big didn't bother to measure them. This one pond we caught em at they were all white.  Never seen em like that before. Has anyone else? Dave said its because the pond has sand bottom.


I went to my spot call it Saint. I caught 6 in about a hour. Couple of swim bait and the others on a green and white senko.  I only measured the biggest which was the first caught on the swim bait and it went 19".


I will post pic after I draft my fantasy football team

fishing user avatarAK-Jax86 reply : 
  On 9/3/2013 at 1:21 AM, BassinLou said:

I am still waiting for CutlerJay, ZachD, (now I got your names right) and the night stalker Juan_LMB. Where you guys at?


Lou I'm glad you are keeping track and making this organized. I felt we needed that I didn't want to be the one though ha

fishing user avatarBassinLou reply : 

It's my pleasure to track the groups progress. Like I mentioned to MCS, it keeps me motivated. Also I have something to do. Its been raining down here for a while. The Mrs, went out and the kids are with me watching a movie. I am all organized so tracking will not be a big deal.


AK, to answer your question. Yes, I see bass that light colored like that all the time when I go fishing at the park. It's lime stone lake so the water is clear. Since bass are predators and camouflage is an asset they have, their colors change to adapt to the surroundings. For example, Everglades bass are really black when they migrate from the flats into the canals. AK don't worry about swimbaits, you should sleep in the morning and focus on your fantasy football. Leave MCS and I to do the fishing. ;)

fishing user avatarAK-Jax86 reply : 
  On 9/3/2013 at 12:31 AM, dsidle61 said:

Sorry for the hiatus, was on a little vacation back in pennsylvania.  But I am definitely in for this month.  I hopped on a plane this morning at 630am so hopefully i have enough left in me to get out this evening.  best of luck to everyone!!

Me and Derrick were gonna check out your spot on Collins I think it was where you got that big one. But there are so many spots on Collins we weren't sure.

You from Philly? If so are you an Eagles fan u may become my new best friend lol

fishing user avatarAK-Jax86 reply : 

I have a feeling it's going to be a good month all of us seem ready for this cooler weather

fishing user avatarBassinLou reply : 

Yeah, I have feeling football is going to be great this month. LOL...LOL... AK let me know how your team is doing AK.

fishing user avatarAK-Jax86 reply : 

Lol the nice thing about smart phones I have access to NFL whenever even while fishing lol. During the Philadelphia Eagles games I will be glued to the TV with a few alcoholic beverages and some good food. After that take the jersey off and change shoes grab pole hit the water... That's the game plan anyway

fishing user avatarBassinLou reply : 

Sounds good AK. Also do me a favor and tell Bass Czar to throw his name in the hat. I know Dave is camera shy. There are few others up in Jax that I see on here from time to time. Help me out. We are only going to get this thing really going unless we all get involved.

fishing user avatardsidle61 reply : 
  On 9/3/2013 at 2:26 AM, AK-NJ1986 said:

Me and Derrick were gonna check out your spot on Collins I think it was where you got that big one. But there are so many spots on Collins we weren't sure.

You from Philly? If so are you an Eagles fan u may become my new best friend lol

Luckily I am from the side of the state that puts up championships hahaha no but i have a bunch of family and friends that live in philly so i do travel there often.  To be honest im more a college fb fan but I am still found in front of the tv on sundays.  Im gonna head out here in 30 min or so and see what I can pull in. 

fishing user avatarAK-Jax86 reply : 
  On 9/3/2013 at 2:57 AM, BassinLou said:

Sounds good AK. Also do me a favor and tell Bass Czar to throw his name in the hat. I know Dave is camera shy. There are few others up in Jax that I see on here from time to time. Help me out. We are only going to get this thing really going unless we all get involved.

Yea Dave is a true fishermen lol he doesn't care about the memory of the catch he just catches em and throws em back. It was too hot for me so I went to the car was blowing up his phone a d realized it was in the cup holder lol. I guess that's why he always tells us about fish and only sometimes takes pics

fishing user avatarAK-Jax86 reply : 

DS I like that the side of town that puts up championships lol. Steeler nation is reaching because you guys know your run has been over.

fishing user avatarMCS reply : 

Ak and Disdle that side of town has forgot what a championship is lol....AFC north is run by the RAVENS!!!....but the buccos have had quiet the resurgence, not since bream, vanslyke and drabek...that kid Cole is the real deal.

fishing user avatarAK-Jax86 reply : 

MCS I have always been a Ravens supporter people are sleeping because of all the departures on D but I think Flacco winning the Super Bowl flipped that switch inside him. I see a way different Joe than he was previous years I agree AFC North belongs to the Ravens

fishing user avatarAK-Jax86 reply : 

We don't have to worry about our conversations going off topic we are a bass club lol

fishing user avatarBassinLou reply : 

Yeah, for second I thought I was in the Everything Else Forum. Anyways, back to fishing. I just came in, and unfortunately Jaguars do not count for the competition  because I can catch plenty of those apparently. No bass big enough to measure let alone brag about today.

fishing user avatardsidle61 reply : 

haha yes i dont get to follow the steelers as closely down here but i agree, its the ravens even bengals divison now.  but back to fishing i hope tonight wasnt a preview for my september.  went out from 6-8 and it was DEAD.  got one that was at max 7" . threw out everything i could senko, swimbait, popr, rapala minnow, and buzzbait. ill chalk it up to some non hungry fish tonight!

fishing user avatarAK-Jax86 reply : 

I'm going to be in Orlando I heard the fishing is on down there so hopefully I can catch some. Only thing is I will be there the wrong times to fish but never know the BIGGEN is only one cast away

fishing user avatarMCS reply : 
  On 9/3/2013 at 8:10 AM, BassinLou said:

Yeah, for second I thought I was in the Everything Else Forum. Anyways, back to fishing. I just came in, and unfortunately Jaguars do not count for the competition because I can catch plenty of those apparently. No bass big enough to measure let alone brag about today.

Awh c'mon Lou it is a bragging rights thread, I am on topic lol...Well looks like you have a nice line-up of jaguars going.

fishing user avatar---=Martin=--- reply : 

went you today. hooked a HUGE one around a canal's end near a pipe, and of course he went under the connecting pipe and the 14lbs line went snap! hooked and pulled out 10-12 (I lost count) smaller ones from 13-16", nothing worth posting here (unless i get a 20"+ bass I'm not posting :P) but the bite was definitely on!

fishing user avatarMARsSPEED reply : 

Good luck Gents! I've been watching these threads even though I am in Maryland. If no one starts a NE thread, I may have to post my pics here, haha. I know I could hang last month as I landed 101" (105" end to end) but with temps cooling with fall approaching I expect to see a lot of you over 100". Cheers!

Edit: Looks like Jitterbug will be starting a September thread but I will still be paying close attention to you guys down south.

fishing user avatarNEjitterbugger reply : 

We should get a North VS South for October... Whether we want to do top 3 anglers from each area or top 10 fish from each area??? 

fishing user avatarBassinLou reply : 

Mars I don't see us cooling off anytime soon. NE North vs South in October sounds good to me.

fishing user avatarBassinLou reply : 

Martin if you are going to wait to post only twenty inch fish , I will see you on the What's going in S.FL thread a lot more. ;-)

fishing user avatarAK-Jax86 reply : 
  On 9/3/2013 at 10:34 AM, BassinLou said:

Martin if you are going to wait to post only twenty inch fish , I will see you on the What's going in S.FL thread a lot more. ;-)

Lou great comment gave me a good laugh. Just got back from night fishing caught a few nothing worth posting tho going back out in the AM looking for the 18"+ fish

fishing user avatarMCS reply : 
  On 9/3/2013 at 9:16 AM, MARsSPEED said:

Good luck Gents! I've been watching these threads even though I am in Maryland. If no one starts a NE thread, I may have to post my pics here, haha. I know I could hang last month as I landed 101" (105" end to end) but with temps cooling with fall approaching I expect to see a lot of you over 100". Cheers!

Edit: Looks like Jitterbug will be starting a September thread but I will still be paying close attention to you guys down south.


Cool man, Me and my buddy I fish with here in Jax are both from MD. He is from the Frederick area, I lived in Baltimore and Solomons Island. It is still gonna be hot here til maybe Oct/Nov. So you guys will probably be able to put a hurting on us the next couple months.

fishing user avatar---=Martin=--- reply : 
  On 9/3/2013 at 10:34 AM, BassinLou said:

Martin if you are going to wait to post only twenty inch fish , I will see you on the What's going in S.FL thread a lot more. ;-)


Lou I swear I had a 25 incher on the line yesterday but he snapped my line while going under a metal pipe! HUGE I tell you, HUGE!!! Also had few really aggressive bites while checking out few canals on foot around my house, so I think I'll do fine posting 20+" fish :P

fishing user avatarMCS reply : 
  On 9/3/2013 at 10:55 PM, mvorbrodt said:

Lou I swear I had a 25 incher on the line yesterday but he snapped my line while going under a metal pipe! HUGE I tell you, HUGE!!! Also had few really aggressive bites while checking out few canals on foot around my house, so I think I'll do fine posting 20+" fish :P


Isn't this the second or third time this has happened :Idontknow: ...get some braid man!!!!

fishing user avatar---=Martin=--- reply : 
  On 9/3/2013 at 11:36 PM, MCS said:

Isn't this the second or third time this has happened :Idontknow: ...get some braid man!!!!


will be spooling 50# tonight...

fishing user avatarDynoMyte reply : 

I am in for this month. Went out on sat, only managed to catch two, maybe 10-12 inches, on a whacky rigged senko type worm. not worth a pic or a tape measure.  hope to get something post worthy.

fishing user avatarDynoMyte reply : 
  On 9/3/2013 at 11:56 PM, mvorbrodt said:

will be spooling 50# tonight...

I have been thinking about upping the braid on my rod/reel. I had hooked into something real descent the other day. Line did not snap but the #10 braid must be so thin it pulled out of the little gap in the eye of the hook.  1st time this has ever happened to me.  I reeled in the line my frog was still on, the beads were there, and the knot was still tied (no breaks) but the hook and fish was gone.  So I either have to step up to a larger diameter line or start using swivels or something like that.

fishing user avatarBassinLou reply : 

Dynomyte welcome aboard. I got you down. You know the rules, if you have any questions just ask. Good Luck.

fishing user avatarBassinLou reply : 
  On 9/3/2013 at 10:55 PM, mvorbrodt said:

Lou I swear I had a 25 incher on the line yesterday but he snapped my line while going under a metal pipe! HUGE I tell you, HUGE!!! Also had few really aggressive bites while checking out few canals on foot around my house, so I think I'll do fine posting 20+" fish :P


25 incher huh?? You are talking about a fish that is a minimum of 7lbs? Get some braid, and get us some pics. Every time you have one these "unbelievable" days you go AWOL for a while until your next productive trip. Can't wait for you to post these 20 inchers. ;)

fishing user avatar---=Martin=--- reply : 
  On 9/4/2013 at 12:22 AM, BassinLou said:

25 incher huh?? You are talking about a fish that is a minimum of 7lbs? Get some braid, and get us some pics. Every time you have one these "unbelievable" days you go AWOL for a while until your next productive trip. Can't wait for you to post these 20 inchers. ;)


any day now... :P

fishing user avatarMCS reply : 
  On 9/4/2013 at 12:05 AM, DynoMyte said:

I have been thinking about upping the braid on my rod/reel. I had hooked into something real descent the other day. Line did not snap but the #10 braid must be so thin it pulled out of the little gap in the eye of the hook. 1st time this has ever happened to me. I reeled in the line my frog was still on, the beads were there, and the knot was still tied (no breaks) but the hook and fish was gone. So I either have to step up to a larger diameter line or start using swivels or something like that.

Yeah man I typically use 8, and 10 pound mono but got some 30# braid which is the same diameter as 8 mono. Same thing happened on a cast with a lure, lucky it went in the grass and I found it. Braid deffinately has the way of finding the small opening on hooks and rings and getting through. My buddy who does fly tying will close the gap in the hook up with the string or something. Anyway welcome to the tourney good luck.

fishing user avatarBassinLou reply : 

Just to gic


  On 9/4/2013 at 12:28 AM, mvorbrodt said:

any day now... :P


I have heard all of this before... :grin:

fishing user avatarMCS reply : 

Just think martin if you woulda photographed 5 of the 12inchers you actually caught you would be in the lead right now.....And let me tell you the lead is a sweet place!

I am waiting for someone to top my whopping 31 inches. LOL I almost made it out today, but yesterday took it out of me I rolled over and slept. Definitely going out tomorrow morning to add to my lead. :D

fishing user avatarBassinLou reply : 

Just to give everyone an update. So far the only people who have chosen to participate this month are the following individuals: MCS, AK, Mvorbrodt, Dsidle61, Dynomyte, and me (Bassinlou). APB's have been put out for several others, however, none of those individuals have stepped forward. Remember we are having cutoffs this time, and its on Fri Sept 6. After that, we still luv ya, you can brag as much as you want, but you will have no cred until next month.

fishing user avatarBassinLou reply : 

Just to give everyone a heads up. I extended an invitation to 5 additional FL BR members to play in our friendly monthly tourney. I will not give out their names because I do not want any one to feel pressured to play. We all enjoy fishing in many different ways. To the 5 individuals that I extended invites to, I promise you, you will have a lot of fun, learn a lot, and meet  many new friends.

fishing user avatarjuan_LMB reply : 

I'm in guys. Sorry, haven't been in tune with the forum lately. However, I have been fishing and can't catch nothing but grass or small fish. I guess I need to eat a big meal before I go and make sure my phone is charged so I can text and listen to music. That'll buy me some patience. I haven't been catching a soul lately though

fishing user avatarBassinLou reply : 

Juan, welcome aboard. I will put you down on the tourney list.

fishing user avatarBassinLou reply : 

Alright guys. We have a total of 7 participants. I have an 8th, coming on board possibly tonight, latest tomorrow. So far there two of you on the board officially. Leading the way we have the JAX group with MCS in the lead with 31" and AK with 19". Martin is claiming 100" by the end of the week... LOL just kidding. Have a good night and best of luck to whoever goes out tomorrow.

fishing user avatarzack d reply : 

Thank you for the invite Lou, put my name in the hat please.

This will be my first late summer/fall bass fishing in south florida,so i just hope to land enough to

good luck and tight lines.

fishing user avatarAK-Jax86 reply : 

Was in Orlando all day yesterday. I hit up a few spots that I just stumbled accords and boy what a day! Let me first start off by saying mr. Always prepared with his camera phone dropped the ball yesterday. this one spot where I basically caught all fish over 2lbs, luckily I didn't catch a fish that would have been my PB! I can't recall how many fish I caught but it was atleast 25, I got pics of one 19" and another 20" from the earlier spots.

Here's the story:

Start off by the text I get from Derrick saying (copied and pasted it) "We was killing them!!! I got my pb 10lb Dave caught 2 8lb and 5 6lb I caught 3 5lb ill send you the pics in a minute." I'm like 71lbs of fish! Then he tells me he was kidding and they got skunked at OPCC, I hav to admit I was jealous that I wasn't there to see these fish lol so they got me.

Now to real fish. I park my car at a similar spot to yours Lou on the side of the highway. I parked my car kinda far from lake, only spot that I felt cops wouldn't hassle my car being parked. I take my rod, scale, tape measure, 2 extra frogs and a frog hook, and my phone (oni thought I did) all in my pockets. I walk down to the spot and I see a culvert I cast my frog in front of it and reel it in the boom came right out from underneath and slammed the frog I set the hook fast and sling te fish up out the water like the pros do in the boats lol. I weigh it first because I thought it was 7 or 8 but weighed in at 6.8. Then I'm like Im snapping a pic before he somehow gets back in the water we all know my luck lol. So I go to grab my phone and it's not there!!! I thought I dropped it while walking but ended up being on the charger in my car. So I release the fish and then cast back out an do the same thing bring towards culvert. As I take the frog out the water a fish explodes but the frog was already out so I throw it right back out 2 feet in front and the fish slams it again I set hook and she went 4.9. I moved around the pond and ended up catching 2 more fish in the upper 3s and a few more smaller ones that I didn't weigh. Only stayed for a little over an hour then I had to go pick up my wifey and son from the airport.

Figures I was in Orlando all day and the LAST spot I find is the honey hole and my the graces of the fishing gods Mr Always has his phone DIDN'T.

I would have been well into the 100". I didn't bother measuring em since I didn't have my phone with me so just replaced that step with the scale. I could have posted all 5 fish if not more and took the rest of the month off lol.

I have 3 fish 19, 19, 20

Lou, Derrick said he is competing this month, I don't think he has posted in here yet but he told me he was the other day when we were out.

fishing user avatarMCS reply : 

Hit up a couple new spots, one didn't work out - a strategic placed "private property" sign on a open access golf course/community. So we split as soon as we saw it, and we had to work to find it LOL.....But then next spot was ok, a little fish. Pond across the street had some decent fish, I have one about 14 and I pulled an AK and as I am taking the pic it flops back in. Buddy got a couple that were 15 or 16...It was a young pond, a back up, so we figured the fish were small but hey we stuck a few. My only complaint about the braid so far is when T-rigging man it slices the tip of the worm were as my wimpy mono I can use the same worm all day...Tomorrow I am going to a proven spot. Hope I have something bigger than 15"....Sounds like an outstanding day AK, man too bad no phone. The other thing I hate is when I am alone and you gotta to the long arm shot for the pic. LOL You were getting most on topwater frogs?

fishing user avatarAK-Jax86 reply : 
  On 9/4/2013 at 10:16 PM, MCS said:

Hit up a couple new spots, one didn't work out - a strategic placed "private property" sign on a open access golf course/community. So we split as soon as we saw it, and we had to work to find it LOL.....But then next spot was ok, a little fish. Pond across the street had some decent fish, I have one about 14 and I pulled an AK and as I am taking the pic it flops back in. Buddy got a couple that were 15 or 16...It was a young pond, a back up, so we figured the fish were small but hey we stuck a few. My only complaint about the braid so far is when T-rigging man it slices the tip of the worm were as my wimpy mono I can use the same worm all day...Tomorrow I am going to a proven spot. Hope I have something bigger than 15"....Sounds like an outstanding day AK, man too bad no phone. The other thing I hate is when I am alone and you gotta to the long arm shot for the pic. LOL You were getting most on topwater frogs?


  On 9/4/2013 at 10:16 PM, MCS said:

Hit up a couple new spots, one didn't work out - a strategic placed "private property" sign on a open access golf course/community. So we split as soon as we saw it, and we had to work to find it LOL.....But then next spot was ok, a little fish. Pond across the street had some decent fish, I have one about 14 and I pulled an AK and as I am taking the pic it flops back in. Buddy got a couple that were 15 or 16...It was a young pond, a back up, so we figured the fish were small but hey we stuck a few. My only complaint about the braid so far is when T-rigging man it slices the tip of the worm were as my wimpy mono I can use the same worm all day...Tomorrow I am going to a proven spot. Hope I have something bigger than 15"....Sounds like an outstanding day AK, man too bad no phone. The other thing I hate is when I am alone and you gotta to the long arm shot for the pic. LOL You were getting most on topwater frogs?


It was the black frog at the honey hole. Throughout the day I was using frogs (only got fish on the frog at one of the first spots I went to and the honey hole), swim baits, uvibe worms (watermelon red) , senko (watermelon red/black flake and green/white 2 toned), and mightee worm (june bug)

fishing user avatarAK-Jax86 reply : 




fishing user avatarAK-Jax86 reply : 

I know it's early so hopefully I can replace those 19" with a few 20s. Talked to the wifey just now and she wants to go to Aquatica in Sea World 2 weekends from now so I will be going back to the honey hole with phone!

fishing user avatarBassinLou reply : 

AK, great story. You always get into a mess of quality fish and then something happens. You break a rod, break a reel, forget a phone, drop a fish, can't wake up, yada...yada...yada... and you still win!!!! Your killing me over here. I still have not been able to fish due to weather, and my weekend is also probably shot. Nice catches btw. Those 3 fish put you in at 77inches. Great job.

fishing user avatarBassinLou reply : 

Nice pics, as always you have set the bar high 4 days into Sept.

fishing user avatarBassinLou reply : 
  On 9/4/2013 at 12:10 PM, zack d said:

Thank you for the invite Lou, put my name in the hat please.

This will be my first late summer/fall bass fishing in south florida,so i just hope to land enough to

good luck and tight lines.


Zach D. welcome aboard. Like I said in my message. Get ready to have some fun. Leave it to AK, to get ball rolling with 77 inches 4 days into Sept. Zach, really, if you have any questions or concerns pls do not hesitate and ask. We are all here to help each other out.

fishing user avatarBassinLou reply : 

MCS, nice to see you getting out. You were not blowing smoke. Darn!

fishing user avatar---=Martin=--- reply : 
  On 9/4/2013 at 9:19 AM, BassinLou said:

Alright guys. We have a total of 7 participants. I have an 8th, coming on board possibly tonight, latest tomorrow. So far there two of you on the board officially. Leading the way we have the JAX group with MCS in the lead with 31" and AK with 19". Martin is claiming 100" by the end of the week... LOL just kidding. Have a good night and best of luck to whoever goes out tomorrow.


my new strategy is to hit a spot, and start whining and moaning sooo much that the fish will pity me so much they'll hook themselves :P


  On 9/4/2013 at 10:53 PM, BassinLou said:

AK, great story. You always get into a mess of quality fish and then something happens. You break a rod, break a reel, forget a phone, drop a fish, can't wake up, yada...yada...yada... and you still win!!!! Your killing me over here. I still have not been able to fish due to weather, and my weekend is also probably shot. Nice catches btw. Those 3 fish put you in at 77inches. Great job.


what's wrong with the weather Lou? afraid of little thunder storms are you? ;) man the other day it was blasting hard around Coral Springs, I was glad to be indoors LOL

fishing user avatarBassinLou reply : 

AK, going back to your story. I told you the big ones love to hang out by those culverts. Sometimes you think they are not there but if you look very closely in the shadows you will see them just hangin out. Those big fish are sharp, they are not that easy to coax sometimes.

fishing user avatarBassinLou reply : 

Martin, Heck ya I am afraid of lightning. You saw in the news those 3 guys that got hit in South Dade 2 days ago. One of them is not here today, and another one may be circling the drain. The weather in my neck of the woods has been bad the last three days, as matter of fact, as we speak its getting pretty dark again.

fishing user avatarMCS reply : 
  On 9/4/2013 at 11:28 PM, BassinLou said:

Martin, Heck ya I am afraid of lightning. You saw in the news those 3 guys that got hit in South Dade 2 days ago. One of them is not here today, and another one may be circling the drain. The weather in my neck of the woods has been bad the last three days, as matter of fact, as we speak its getting pretty dark again.


Circling the drain LMAO! nice

fishing user avatar---=Martin=--- reply : 
  On 9/4/2013 at 11:28 PM, BassinLou said:

Martin, Heck ya I am afraid of lightning. You saw in the news those 3 guys that got hit in South Dade 2 days ago. One of them is not here today, and another one may be circling the drain. The weather in my neck of the woods has been bad the last three days, as matter of fact, as we speak its getting pretty dark again.


this is how is done where I come from Lou:

fishing user avatarAK-Jax86 reply : 
  On 9/4/2013 at 11:25 PM, BassinLou said:

AK, going back to your story. I told you the big ones love to hang out by those culverts. Sometimes you think they are not there but if you look very closely in the shadows you will see them just hangin out. Those big fish are sharp, they are not that easy to coax sometimes.


Lou funny you mentioned breaking my rod it happened AGAIN LMAO. I was casting out at this spot over in North Jacksonville and had one break off my 50lb braid lost my swim bait.  Tied on another and cast out and feel a bass bump it twice. Cast out again and wind knot got caught around the pole and when I cast out rod snaps. Fortunately I got it from Academy so I can go exchange it. 

fishing user avatarAK-Jax86 reply : 
  On 9/4/2013 at 10:53 PM, BassinLou said:

AK, great story. You always get into a mess of quality fish and then something happens. You break a rod, break a reel, forget a phone, drop a fish, can't wake up, yada...yada...yada... and you still win!!!! Your killing me over here. I still have not been able to fish due to weather, and my weekend is also probably shot. Nice catches btw. Those 3 fish put you in at 77inches. Great job.


Lou all that happened except the broken reel over the past 4 days.

fishing user avatarAK-Jax86 reply : 

I as talking to Dave and he wanted to do a $10 competition when us 3 go out and do it by biggest fish. I think he just want me and Derrick to give him $20 everytime we go out fishing it always seems like he catches the biggest fish lol.


But he was talking about taking a trip to Okeechobee one weekend when fishing is on fire. We have 3 people in for it so far would be cool if we get enough members interested we could all set something up.  I know they have fishing lodges there and I'm sure there are boat rental places. People with boats like fstr and Lou if you guys are interested could have one of us on boaters hope aboard.  We could also set up a tournament day by day and total for the weekend.  Obviously we would have to see who is willing and book a time we all can get away from the family, or even bring them with, and link up for our own Bassmasters tourney


We can keep the idea out there and if people would be interested we could open up a thread to keep everything organized.

fishing user avatarBassinLou reply : 
  On 9/4/2013 at 11:41 PM, MCS said:

Circling the drain LMAO! nice


Honestly, I would like to take that comment back, however its too late. . My filters were not on all the way, and I was on a roll typing to all of you guys. In hindsight, that is someone's  loved one and I should be respectful.

fishing user avatarAK-Jax86 reply : 

Lou I am at 58" not 77" with 3 fish. I only got a pic of two yesterday and posted the one I had from then other day.

I will get to over 77" hopefully by the end of te motnth

fishing user avatarBassinLou reply : 
  On 9/4/2013 at 11:46 PM, mvorbrodt said:

this is how is done where I come from Lou:


Thanks Martin, great clip from a great movie. In my younger years, I would not have thought twice about it. Now, with the Mrs. and the kids, I respect mother nature a WHOLE LOT.

fishing user avatarBassinLou reply : 
  On 9/5/2013 at 1:46 AM, AK-NJ1986 said:

Lou I am at 58" not 77" with 3 fish. I only got a pic of two yesterday and posted the one I had from then other day.

I will get to over 77" hopefully by the end of te motnth


Ak, I have you down for a 19" inch fish that you caught on Sept 2. You said in the thread that you would post the pic later on that day.

fishing user avatarBassinLou reply : 

AK, this thread if I am not mistaken.

fishing user avatarBassinLou reply : 

AK, my mistake. I re-read your post. In the pics you included the fish from Sept 2. Thank you for clarifying I will fix the mix up.

fishing user avatarAK-Jax86 reply : 

Yea Lou I didn't want any extra added to my lengths, would have made it easier though lol

fishing user avatarzack d reply : 

Ok,I guess you've gotta start somewhere,fished for about an hour today as soon as the rain stopped.

No hits on any soft plastics,so switched i it up and managed a reaction strike.

At least my fear of not landing one fish in the month of sept. is gone. Also i hope this is ok i had to keep recropping to get the pic under the file size limit,so you cant see part of his head if thats unacceptable ill figure something out.



fishing user avatarBassinLou reply : 

Zach, WTG!! Your on the board. I recorded your catch. You gotta start somewhere. Post your 5, and start to cull. You are in 3rd place right now. Let me also put it out there that AK is at 58" and not 77".

fishing user avatarzack d reply : 

At least you can see the tape measure here.


fishing user avatarAK-Jax86 reply : 

Nice fish Zack, your picture is fine we aren't crazy like that over here.

fishing user avatarLgMouthGambler reply : 

Its gonna be a busy month for me, but lets have some fun.

fishing user avatarMCS reply : 
  On 9/5/2013 at 2:48 AM, LgMouthGambler said:

Its gonna be a busy month for me, but lets have some fun.

How nice to grace us with your presence. The rumors of your demise were false. Lol how's it been?

fishing user avatarMCS reply : 
  On 9/5/2013 at 1:41 AM, BassinLou said:

Honestly, I would like to take that comment back, however its too late. . My filters were not on all the way, and I was on a roll typing to all of you guys. In hindsight, that is someone's loved one and I should be respectful.

It is ok Lou is say the wrong thing all the time. You're good man I know you meant no ill will with it just a new expression for me, but I will be careful how I use it, stick with the kids goldfish or gerbils and leave the loved ones out. Lol

fishing user avatarLgMouthGambler reply : 
  On 9/5/2013 at 3:27 AM, MCS said:

How nice to grace us with your presence. The rumors of your demise were false. Lol how's it been?


Rumors of my demise? Meh, been busy the past couple of months. Just finished building my new boat puller. Now its time to get some fishing in. Might get 3 solid days in this month, but come October when I get the big motor on the boat, it should be a different story.

fishing user avatarMCS reply : 

Nice. Some welcomed competetion.

Yeah last month was rough on time for me, but I did land a nice fish.

3 trips and you might spoil AK's party :occasion5:   

fishing user avatar---=Martin=--- reply : 
  On 9/5/2013 at 4:23 AM, LgMouthGambler said:

Rumors of my demise? Meh, been busy the past couple of months. Just finished building my new boat puller. Now its time to get some fishing in. Might get 3 solid days in this month, but come October when I get the big motor on the boat, it should be a different story.


well how am i supposed to win this thing if you're back!!! lame!!!!!! not cool!!!!! go back to U.B. at once!!!!!



fishing user avatarLgMouthGambler reply : 
  On 9/5/2013 at 5:08 AM, mvorbrodt said:

well how am i supposed to win this thing if you're back!!! lame!!!!!! not cool!!!!! go back to U.B. at once!!!!!





fishing user avatarAK-Jax86 reply : 

Lou what's the head count now? Who do we have competing

fishing user avatar---=Martin=--- reply : 

Hey Lou! Create a read only spread sheet on google dock with participants and catches and all and post a link :)

fishing user avatarAK-Jax86 reply : 
  On 9/5/2013 at 6:05 AM, mvorbrodt said:

Hey Lou! Create a read only spread sheet on google dock with participants and catches and all and post a link :)

That's a little much lol

fishing user avatarBassinLou reply : 

Whoa! Whoa! I step away from the computer for a while, and lo behold, LgMouthGambler, has joined the competition and Martin wants an elaborate spreadsheet on google docks??? Easy, Martin. I live by the K.I.S.S. principle. You worry about catching fish first. LgMouth, entering the competition sent you flying off your rocker. LOL. LgMouth welcome aboard. I am sure your input here will be valued. AK, to answer your question we are at 9!! participants. Bass Czar, should be throwing his name into the ring any moment now. When that happens it will be 10. Awesome. I am looking forward to this month. Best of luck everybody.


To recap, as of now: Ak has 58", MCS has 31" Zach D has 16" and Martin is still waiting to catch 20 inchers only. ;)

fishing user avatarLgMouthGambler reply : 

I just realized now I have to carry a ruler with me. 12 inches is big enough right?

fishing user avatarDynoMyte reply : 

Circling the drain was friggin' awesome BassinLou

Nice fish being posted up already. Good catches guys.

Nothing worth posting yet. Largest so far around 15" but I had gut hooked him and wanted to get him back in the water. And than the Parkland/BSO cops showed up. Took my picture like the paparazzi and told me to pound salt. There wasn't any signs anywhere.


I'll keep plugging away at it though!

fishing user avatarzack d reply : 

IM glad that i dont know any of you well enough to be scared,lol,judging from martins reaction

Lgmouthgambler is a lock for the month.

I got out of work early tonight(bartender). Think im about to go wet my line for a bit,wish me luck....

fishing user avatarjuan_LMB reply : 

*deep sigh* ...I'm trying guys. I found a new spot on the golf course that I know will produce. I just can't be a late night creeper for these two ponds. Maybe 5-6PM will be a good time for them. Went to BPS to pick up hooks and Ribbit frogs. Those frogs have amazing action and vibration. However, the more I worked them the more I kept getting frustrated! I missed 4 bass tonight on top water bites. I wanted to cry I was so frustrated hahaha. They had the f***ing frog in their mouth and i set the hook. maybe i need to wear my big boy panties so i can start setting hard enough for the hook to pierce their lip. Switched to the worm, silence! Fluke, silence (think it got too late).

Oh yea, was fishing this other pond and fish are in there...but they're obviously small!! EVERY cast, bite bite bite bite bite...but they were nibbles. Never ATE the stinking worm so I didn't bother setting the hook. I left those little hungry fish alone. Yea, so I'm experiencing you guys frustration! Haha

fishing user avatarAK-Jax86 reply : 

Went out this morning @ 6:30 only for an hour went 3/7 on the white frog

fishing user avatarAK-Jax86 reply : 

Biggest 2 were probably around 16 but didn't bother measuring them

fishing user avatarMCS reply : 

Got 2 this morning biggest was a little over 16" or was a good solid 8" black trick worm 5:20 to 6:30


Here are my 3 so far. That is a 17", 14" and 16"(pics in no order)






fishing user avatarMCS reply : 
  On 9/5/2013 at 10:25 AM, zack d said:

IM glad that i dont know any of you well enough to be scared,lol,judging from martins reaction

Lgmouthgambler is a lock for the month.

I got out of work early tonight(bartender). Think im about to go wet my line for a bit,wish me luck....


Martin only says that because his fishing line is allergic to anything over 20 inches....LMG would be tops in a snakehead tourney tho, bass eh I dunno know top 5 maybe :eyebrows:

fishing user avatarAK-Jax86 reply : 
  On 9/5/2013 at 9:01 PM, MCS said:

Got 2 this morning biggest was a little over 16" or was a good solid 8" black trick worm 5:20 to 6:30

Here are my 3 so far. That is a 17", 14" and 16"(pics in no order)




Was this a new spot or one if your older ones?

fishing user avatarMCS reply : 
  On 9/5/2013 at 9:24 PM, AK-NJ1986 said:

Was this a new spot or one if your older ones?

Two different spots but older ones, the new one didn't work out so well, went to plan b after we saw the no fishing signs which were hidden. and plan be was small fish 12-15 and I lost the one(one of those outta the water flops) I was gonna take a pic of. So I think I am at 47, right behind ya.

fishing user avatarAK-Jax86 reply : 

Yea I went to the SJ golf course this morning but I fished 2 ponds that I haven't fished before. My main ponds I haven't fished in over a week maybe more, I was fishing one that was away from the golfers. The fish in those ponds are probably waiting for the frog to come back lol.

I am going to fish that pond at the top of bartram tomorrow morning around 6, I haven't seriously fished there in months, I've stopped for few casts but that's it

fishing user avatarMCS reply : 
  On 9/5/2013 at 9:41 PM, AK-NJ1986 said:

Yea I went to the SJ golf course this morning but I fished 2 ponds that I haven't fished before. My main ponds I haven't fished in over a week maybe more, I was fishing one that was away from the golfers. The fish in those ponds are probably waiting for the frog to come back lol.

I am going to fish that pond at the top of bartram tomorrow morning around 6, I haven't seriously fished there in months, I've stopped for few casts but that's it


That one by race track? I haven't been there since early spring.....yeah man I can't get out for the next 3 days at least so I will probably have even more catching up to do :cry4: ....Good luck tho, let me know what you gottem on.

fishing user avatarAK-Jax86 reply : 
  On 9/5/2013 at 10:17 PM, MCS said:

That one by race track? I haven't been there since early spring.....yeah man I can't get out for the next 3 days at least so I will probably have even more catching up to do :cry4: ....Good luck tho, let me know what you gottem on.

Yea it's that one I will let you know if I catch any.!im going to try the frog but I usually have more luck with worms and soft plastics there

fishing user avatarMCS reply : 
  On 9/5/2013 at 10:21 PM, AK-NJ1986 said:

Yea it's that one I will let you know if I catch any.!im going to try the frog but I usually have more luck with worms and soft plastics there

last summer the vibe worm right at the edge of the grass or senkos too. I caught the biggest were I guess about 2-3 pounds. Talked to the guy working the machines running dirt. He said that they were pretty big because the fish in there only about 2 yrs. But I know the first time I fished it I got skunked but my buddy had his fly rod with an ant and was pulling some huge bluegills out. So they got food, might be nice and plump now.

fishing user avatarBassinLou reply : 

MCS and AK. Nice to see your part of the state is producing something. Juan, fishing has been slow for me too. Really slow. As far as your frog fishing goes, give the fish a little bit more time to see if they are actually taking it before setting the hook. That might help you hook up better. Zach D. The cool thing about fishing is that no one is a lock. Yeah, AK has been on a roll lately, but his days on top are definitely numbered. As soon as the weather changes down here for us, our numbers down south are going to be ridiculous. Be patient, and stay the course. Summer is very tough for South FL. bass fisherman. Yes, there are exceptions here and there. Lox right now as been doing great. There is one problem for me that is. Time and availability.

fishing user avatarAK-Jax86 reply : 

I know some people's necks hurt, Lou, for always looking up the past 3 months lol just playin

fishing user avatarBassinLou reply : 

GOOD ONE AK!!!  LMAO on that one.

fishing user avatar---=Martin=--- reply : 

i'm going fishing with LgMouthGambler this weekend maybe, and I have what he wants :P so every time he pulls a 20"+ fish I'll bribe him with my wife's delicious sandwiches :D and if that doesn't work i'll just bust a cap in his punk a... LOL 

fishing user avatarMCS reply : 
  On 9/6/2013 at 2:11 AM, mvorbrodt said:

i'm going fishing with LgMouthGambler this weekend maybe, and I have what he wants :P so every time he pulls a 20"+ fish I'll bribe him with my wife's delicious sandwiches :D and if that doesn't work i'll just bust a cap in his punk a... LOL 


Just don't tweat the photo.....Yall sound like a fishing expidition with bugs bunny and yosemite sam

fishing user avatarBassinLou reply : 

Martin you guys staying close to home or venturing out?

fishing user avatarAK-Jax86 reply : 

Lou wants a threesome

fishing user avatarBassinLou reply : 

AK, I wish I could join them. This is an inconvenient weekend for me. Its unlikely that I can fish. I will not be able to settle down and try to focus on getting some numbers on the board til next week.

fishing user avatarLgMouthGambler reply : 
  On 9/6/2013 at 2:20 AM, MCS said:

Just don't tweat the photo.....Yall sound like a fishing expidition with bugs bunny and yosemite sam


He might want to be careful because Im the meanest routin' tootin' sideways shootin' cowboy in the East!

fishing user avatarAK-Jax86 reply : 

Big fish of the competitions history alert! Caught on zoom speed craw

fishing user avatarBassinLou reply : 

I am trying to understand your post AK. Are you saying the biggest fish you caught was on a speed craw? Or you or someone just caught the biggest bass?

fishing user avatarMCS reply : 
  On 9/6/2013 at 3:54 AM, AK-NJ1986 said:

Big fish of the competitions history alert! Caught on zoom speed craw


What? u got a big one?....I have those in bullfrog, usually rig them on a 2/0 with bullet but for my son a shakey head (kinda like a rage rig) and we catch fish just nothing big. How are you rigging and fishing it? You at the Pond you said this morning by my road?

fishing user avatarMCS reply : 
  On 9/6/2013 at 4:42 AM, BassinLou said:

I am trying to understand your post AK. Are you saying the biggest fish you caught was on a speed craw? Or you or someone just caught the biggest bass?


Yeah it didn't make much sense did it.

fishing user avatarAK-Jax86 reply : 

I was saying the biggest fish posted in our competition unfortunately I did not catch it Dave did, he actually sent pics if the two. From pictures I would say he would be 2 fish for @least 45"

fishing user avatarAK-Jax86 reply : 
  On 9/6/2013 at 4:44 AM, MCS said:

What? u got a big one?....I have those in bullfrog, usually rig them on a 2/0 with bullet but for my son a shakey head (kinda like a rage rig) and we catch fish just nothing big. How are you rigging and fishing it? You at the Pond you said this morning by my road?

I t-rig em and fish em top water. Dave showed me that I'm sure that's how he caught it

fishing user avatarAK-Jax86 reply : 

And Lou fortunately Dave's fish don't count lol but good to look at

fishing user avatarAK-Jax86 reply : 





fishing user avatarBassinLou reply : 

Tell u what. Dave can flat out catch them.

fishing user avatar---=Martin=--- reply : 
  On 9/6/2013 at 2:52 AM, LgMouthGambler said:

He might want to be careful because Im the meanest routin' tootin' sideways shootin' cowboy in the East!


not with that girly little .380 of yours you're not :P

fishing user avatarAK-Jax86 reply : 
  On 9/6/2013 at 5:00 AM, BassinLou said:

Tell u what. Dave can flat out catch them.

Lou i know I haven't seen anything like this lol. All the fish he catches and I have witnessed him catch all seem bigger than anything I have in my phone lol

fishing user avatarBassinLou reply : 

Here is what I don't get. You fish with this dude, and you cannot duplicate what he does? You fish the same water, and sometimes right next to each other. Not that I want you catch what he is catching LOL. But if I had a friend that catches fish like that, you better believe that I would be asking questions and duplicating what he does.

fishing user avatarAK-Jax86 reply : 

Funny joe things work out most of the WOW catches he gets by himself! My whole tackle box has changed since fishing with Dave lol

fishing user avatarAK-Jax86 reply : 

He has been fishing for 20 years and he use to be involved in fishing tournament when he was in college and the military... So he is pretty well experienced

fishing user avatarCapitolP reply : 

oh this is gonna be funnnnnnn

fishing user avatarBassinLou reply : 

CapitolIP, does this mean your in?

fishing user avatarCapitolP reply : 
  On 9/6/2013 at 6:44 AM, BassinLou said:

CapitolIP, does this mean your in?

oh dude, not only am i in


i'm starting at 19:00 when i get off work


which is in 7 minutes


i got 3 rigs in my truck ready to rock

fishing user avatarJaxBasser reply : 
  On 9/6/2013 at 5:16 AM, AK-NJ1986 said:

Funny joe things work out most of the WOW catches he gets by himself! My whole tackle box has changed since fishing with Dave lol


He has made me a big time believer in speed craws and Ribbit Top Toads. After fishing with him I always have those in my box lol.


I guess I'll get in on this if I still can.

fishing user avatarAK-Jax86 reply : 
  On 9/6/2013 at 7:47 AM, JaxBasser said:

He has made me a big time believer in speed craws and Ribbit Top Toads. After fishing with him I always have those in my box lol.


I guess I'll get in on this if I still can.

That's funny we were over by industrial and I mentioned u, i remembered seeing you on this site, last weekend and he was telling me u guys fish together sometimes. We all have to link up and do some fishing out that way

fishing user avatarAK-Jax86 reply : 

We got a stacked line up this month for people contributing

fishing user avatarJaxBasser reply : 

You guys catch anything over there? Last few times I've been out there have been terrible.

I stopped fishing for a while (blasphemy,I know) but I've been fishing a lot lately. We all need to get out and fish sometime.

fishing user avatarBassinLou reply : 

Jax B. I see you posting a lot. Are you in with the Jax group for bragging rights??

fishing user avatartightlinesjax reply : 

You guys seem to be having some fun with this tournament. Count me in. Hopefully i can fish more this month. Tight lines to all!

fishing user avatarBassinLou reply : 

Alright.... Alright.... here is our nightly wrap up for the day. Welcome aboard CapitolIP to the group. He just threw his name in a little while ago. Bass Czar where are you??.... The up to date numbers are as follows: Leading the way, AK at 58" just 9" behind is MCS with 47", and lastly, there is Zach D. at 16". I am sure by this weekend many of you will have more numbers on the board. We are growing Gentleman. So far we are at 11 participants.

fishing user avatarBassinLou reply : 

Ding....Ding.... Ding.... another brave soul has thrown his name in the ring. TightlinesJax!!! welcome aboard. Hey South Fl, we are really outnumbered by the Jax Posse.

fishing user avatarJaxBasser reply : 

It's funny. When I first started posting here forever ago I couldn't really find anyone from the Jax area on here. There are a lot now.

fishing user avatarBassinLou reply : 

Awesome. We are officially at 12 participants.


Remember everyone we are cutting off entry to our tourney tomorrow Sept 6. You have until 11:59 pm. For rule clarification read the very first post of this thread. This is going to be fun!! Good Luck to all, any questions just ask away.

fishing user avatarJaxBasser reply : 

I want to get in on this. Seems fun.

fishing user avatarBassinLou reply : 

Uh oh!!! WE HAVE ANOTHER CHALLENGER!!! JaxBasser is stepping up to the plate. This is madness!! 13 participants!! This is going to be crazy. JaxB. Welcome aboard.

fishing user avatarJaxBasser reply : 

About to head out to the pond by my house for some night bassin. Hopefully I'll get a nice one.

fishing user avatar---=Martin=--- reply : 
  On 9/6/2013 at 2:24 AM, BassinLou said:

Martin you guys staying close to home or venturing out?


i know Matt want's to take his boat out, but 6am on sunday may be a no go for me :( not this weekend at least... there was this one time when I wake him up at 5am to go fishing, he pretended to be all awake and ready but i know he was full of it :P i think if i put some fishing in this weekend it will be tomorrow PM and sunday PM...

fishing user avatarAK-Jax86 reply : 
  On 9/6/2013 at 8:24 AM, JaxBasser said:

It's funny. When I first started posting here forever ago I couldn't really find anyone from the Jax area on here. There are a lot now.

Me2 man I just saw you and Dave and now there's like 15 of us if not more

fishing user avatarAK-Jax86 reply : 

That day we both missed 2 big ones but I have had luck out there. I've fished it once with him and 3 other times either by myself or with Derrick. We caught a few I have luck in the AM, haven't been there in the evening yet though

fishing user avatarfstr385 reply : 
  On 9/2/2013 at 5:17 AM, BassinLou said:

All of that typing and I did not declare my intentions. I am in for the month of Sept. Since AK is on his football binge, MCS, this gives us a shot to win this thing this month. LOL. FSTR I hope you are reading this, and maybe you can play this month.

Hey! Just read it. Just came in to see whats going on. Been busy lately. Maybe if I get more than a grand total of 5 hours this month to fish, Ill play too.

fishing user avatarBassinLou reply : 

Shan what's up man, nice to hear from you. It's been a awhile. You have to come back and represent for South FL.

fishing user avatarJaxBasser reply : 

Caught one on a Red Eye Shad but it wasn't even worth measuring. Slow night. More bats and snakes than fish.

fishing user avatarCapitolP reply : 

ok well i didn't measure any officially to throw my numbers up there but here's a couple for warms ups


i got me one and the ladies got themselves one each


everyone caught fish so it was good times all around






fishing user avatarCapitolP reply : 

i wish i knew about this game last week though, the girlfriend unit caught this bad boy behind my buddies house after jiu jitsu


easily the biggest freshwater fish she's ever caught



fishing user avatarMCS reply : 

Nice fish 6 yr grapples, where is your gym at? Seen a place off beaches.

fishing user avatarLgMouthGambler reply : 

Just thought I would share; had a monster blow up last night on my brush hog as soon as it hit the water. I saw the splash, but then nothing. I jigged the hog a bit, and then there it was, the tick and the line walk. I waited about 3 seconds, then set the hook. d**n thing must have had just the tail end in its mouth because I ripped the bait out of its jaws. I would estimate the fish based on what I saw come out of the water a good 5-6lbs. d**n thing almost gave me a heart attack. Havent fished in about a month, so it was heart racing for me. I need to make a trip to BPS tomorrow afternoon to get me some new line for my Super Duty, but need to make it back in time to catch the UM game. FML

fishing user avatarMCS reply : 
  On 9/6/2013 at 7:57 PM, LgMouthGambler said:

Just thought I would share; had a monster blow up last night on my brush hog as soon as it hit the water. I saw the splash, but then nothing. I jigged the hog a bit, and then there it was, the tick and the line walk. I waited about 3 seconds, then set the hook. d**n thing must have had just the tail end in its mouth because I ripped the bait out of its jaws. I would estimate the fish based on what I saw come out of the water a good 5-6lbs. d**n thing almost gave me a heart attack. Havent fished in about a month, so it was heart racing for me. I need to make a trip to BPS tomorrow afternoon to get me some new line for my Super Duty, but need to make it back in time to catch the UM game. FML


AHAHAHA now your hooked again....You WILL make time this month.

fishing user avatarAK-Jax86 reply : 
  On 9/6/2013 at 7:57 PM, LgMouthGambler said:

Just thought I would share; had a monster blow up last night on my brush hog as soon as it hit the water. I saw the splash, but then nothing. I jigged the hog a bit, and then there it was, the tick and the line walk. I waited about 3 seconds, then set the hook. d**n thing must have had just the tail end in its mouth because I ripped the bait out of its jaws. I would estimate the fish based on what I saw come out of the water a good 5-6lbs. d**n thing almost gave me a heart attack. Havent fished in about a month, so it was heart racing for me. I need to make a trip to BPS tomorrow afternoon to get me some new line for my Super Duty, but need to make it back in time to catch the UM game. FML

Yea man I have a lot of stories about missing the monster fish, it's rough especially when you ey to see what you missed!

Man I know the dilemma of fishing but our football dedication trumps fishing lol. Last night for example I went fishing caught a few and around 8ish I noticed a lot of activity on top water, I'm a frog guy, and since the first NFL game was set to kick off at 8:30 I left.

I do a lot of my fishing in the evenings and on weekends. Now that I am following college football this season weekends and some nights when big games are on are no longer fishing days.

fishing user avatarCapitolP reply : 
  On 9/6/2013 at 6:45 PM, MCS said:

Nice fish 6 yr grapples, where is your gym at? Seen a place off beaches.

i train at the gracie academy on phillps highway

fishing user avatarMCS reply : 
  On 9/6/2013 at 9:40 PM, CapitolP said:

i train at the gracie academy on phillps highway

We go to a academy off 210

fishing user avatarCapitolP reply : 
  On 9/6/2013 at 10:17 PM, MCS said:

We go to a academy off 210

force 3?

fishing user avatarMCS reply : 
  On 9/6/2013 at 10:37 PM, CapitolP said:

force 3?

Fighting chance bjj

fishing user avatarCapitolP reply : 
  On 9/6/2013 at 11:33 PM, MCS said:

Fighting chance bjj

very cool! how long you been training?

fishing user avatarMCS reply : 
  On 9/6/2013 at 11:51 PM, CapitolP said:

very cool! how long you been training?


about a yr now. He has fun with it. It is awesome to watch the little ones roll. They go all out.

fishing user avatarCapitolP reply : 
  On 9/7/2013 at 12:23 AM, MCS said:

about a yr now. He has fun with it. It is awesome to watch the little ones roll. They go all out.

haha sure is, they don't gas out as fast as we do haha


i'm actually stopping by my house and grabbing a measuring tape and flashlight before heading out for my nightly bass hunt


also got a couple new recruits on the squad to come thump some lakes with me


pretty d**n excited, if anyone else is game hit me up i'll let you know the lakes we're hittin up!

fishing user avatarMCS reply : 

Good luck man. I know it is suppose to get a little cooler, but as always the weather man is backing off on their drop only a couple degrees. No fishing for me til monday or tuesday, I know Lou is happy he will get a chance to catch up. LOL

fishing user avatarBassinLou reply : 

I don't know if I will be able to go out this weekend. My house is being tented for termites so we had to move out for a couple of days. Don't all of you breathe a sigh a relief though. I brought my rod along with some stuff just in case... LMG, don't you hate it, when you haven't been out for a while you finally get a hit, and the fish becomes unbuttoned. Especially when its really descent fish.

fishing user avatarAK-Jax86 reply : 

Lou had to do the termite thing a while ago when I was young and I was mad. Didn't have all my toys and games as a kid I was very upset, and I know I wasn't fishing during that time.

We were looking forward to seeing you on the board but it's always better when you catch a nice big one at a spot you have never fished good luck to you man. The leader board will probably be shaken up this weekend can't wait to see what everyone is catching good luck

fishing user avatarBassinLou reply : 

Unfortunately, you will see me on here a lot over the weekend recording the catches that you guys will be posting. With 14 participants, a shake up is bound to happen. Especially, with the guys that are out night fishing, or dawn fishing. I am curious in the big fish category what that number will be like this month.

fishing user avatarAK-Jax86 reply : 

I'm saying we will see an 8lber I will say 8.6lbs

fishing user avatarAK-Jax86 reply : 

Going to a movie with my girl going to stop by Wells lake before and after the movie and do some night fishing. Hopefully I can pull in a HAWG

fishing user avatarLgMouthGambler reply : 
  On 9/7/2013 at 2:49 AM, BassinLou said:

I don't know if I will be able to go out this weekend. My house is being tented for termites so we had to move out for a couple of days. Don't all of you breathe a sigh a relief though. I brought my rod along with some stuff just in case... LMG, don't you hate it, when you haven't been out for a while you finally get a hit, and the fish becomes unbuttoned. Especially when its really descent fish.

Ya, thanks for reminding me, lol. Hopefully I find something big Sunday.

fishing user avatarCapitolP reply : 
  On 9/7/2013 at 5:54 AM, AK-NJ1986 said:

I'm saying we will see an 8lber I will say 8.6lbs

i hope so, my group grew to 6 people as of 6:48pm today so it looks like we're gonna have plenty of lures in the water till sunrise


i will for sure be entering some numbers tomorrow


good luck to the rest of you fellers!

fishing user avatarBassinLou reply : 

Best of luck to the night fishing groups. Just a friendly reminder to all of you following this thread and are still on the fence in joining the group. You have until 11:59pm tonight. After that you will have to wait for next month's competition.

fishing user avatardsidle61 reply : 

Had a decent evening tonight.  pulled in 4 and had 3 misses in an hour and a half.  Only 2 competition worthy.  One 18" and one 16".  18 incher was on a wacky senko and the 16 incher was on a wacky trick worm.  Also had my most interesting catch in a while. pulled in a catfish on a wacky trick worm it was a first for me.  I wasnt dragging the bottom either, i was twitching and letting it fall and it hit on the twitch upwards.  Im not much of a catfisherman anyone know what kind this is??  These two fish have me at 34" for the month.  Hoping for MUCH better #s but i just threw the 16" in there to get working towards my 5.








Catfish (help with what kind)


fishing user avatarAK-Jax86 reply : 
  On 9/7/2013 at 7:00 AM, CapitolP said:

i hope so, my group grew to 6 people as of 6:48pm today so it looks like we're gonna have plenty of lures in the water till sunrise

i will for sure be entering some numbers tomorrow

good luck to the rest of you fellers!

CapitolP I need to get out with you one day. That spot in the third pic you posted of your girls friend or your girl looks like it would be perfect for a frog.

That's all I throw

fishing user avatardsidle61 reply : 

Hey AK any luck at the wells pond today?? I was gonna stop there this evening but with the rain looking threatening i just ran to my close by pond.  Weeds dissappearing any over there??

fishing user avatarjuan_LMB reply : 

Chalk me up for 13"...I think it was 13.5 but he kept flopping so I said forget and ran with 13. That was the only catch before it got super windy and dark clouds started rolling in. Caught him on a worm at a golf course pond. Oh yea, the waters levels are insanely low. I can see the bottom about 2ft out from the edge. Ponds and canals.


fishing user avatarCutlerJay reply : 

I guess I am a little bit late getting in on the September tourny. I have been in the middle of the Gulf of Mexico on a ship and just now back to the land of cell service. It's probably for the best anyway. Ill get one more month of practice and then might have a good showing next month when the bite picks up. I hope to get out this week, catch some fish and post some pics. Good luck everyone and cheers.

fishing user avatarAK-Jax86 reply : 
  On 9/7/2013 at 9:23 AM, dsidle61 said:

Hey AK any luck at the wells pond today?? I was gonna stop there this evening but with the rain looking threatening i just ran to my close by pond.  Weeds dissappearing any over there??

I caught three but one came unhooked on land and flopped back into water and the other two didn't look to be in the 18" or higher range so I didn't bother measuring them, and I didn't have my measurer on me anyway.

But the grass is still heavy there DS. I use braided line and frogs so it's doesn't bother me that much but if you are trying to use a crank or swim baits or even worms I can see it being a big pain in the a$$.

I found this new spot kind of by Wells road that looks pretty promising, I will probably go check it out tomorrow sometime while I make my rounds to my weekend spots.

fishing user avatarAK-Jax86 reply : 

O yeah forgot about to tell all about my morning trip. Suppose to go out the the it's but they both ain't wake up, or they were laying in bed with eachother and didn't feel like being interrupted, I thinks it's that lol.

So I stayed local and had an all you can eat fest on my rage craws, u vibe worms, and crank.... I left the frog alone this morning! I must have caught about 20 or so fish nothing big though and surprisingly I didn't miss many strikes it seemed like the dinks were in full force. On top of that I only went through 2 rage craws and 3 u vibe worms which is amazing!!! Seems like everytime I fish the craw one arm gets bit off an with the Uvibe the bite off the tail which ruins the worm after that... Had very good luck today though

fishing user avatarBassinLou reply : 

Dsidle and Juan I got your catches down. CutlerJay did you get my PM? AK, what's up with your hands dude?? You drop fish like crazy.

fishing user avatarAK-Jax86 reply : 
  On 9/8/2013 at 5:08 AM, BassinLou said:

Dsidle and Juan I got your catches down. CutlerJay did you get my PM? AK, what's up with your hands dude?? You drop fish like crazy.

Nah I didn't have it when I brang it onshore it came unhooked and slid back in

fishing user avatarLgMouthGambler reply : 

Just spooled my Super Duty with some fresh XpS flouro and went and played with a Gambler craw for a bit. d**n near caught me 3 nice fish, however they were all Snakeheads. :(

fishing user avatarBassinLou reply : 

LGMouth, too bad, wrong tournament. :wink2:

fishing user avatarJaxBasser reply : 

Had a good day as far as numbers go but nothing of any really good size. They were slamming the Zoom Lizard (watermelon red magic). Had a huge blow up on my buzzbait right before I left but I missed it.


Went ahead and took a pic of this 16" fish. I'm gonna need some way bigger ones though. Don't know why the pic turned out so crappy.

fishing user avatarfstr385 reply : 

Im not in this month because I think Im done with freshwater till Nov-Dec, but figured Id share this little rugby ball I pulled out of the salad with a 1.5oz/rage craw/ 5/0 trokar flip hook in the glades this weekend. I didn't weigh it, but figure around 4.




fishing user avatarLgMouthGambler reply : 

Well, went this morning by myself. Caught a bunch of fish, nothing impressive. I got 2 that were 13", 1 that was 12", 1 at 11", and one at 10". I don't know how you guys take the pics with the fish and the ruler due to mine like to flop, and I'm just not that coordinated, lol. Anyway, most of my posts are on my phone, and unless I get something big, I'm not gonna bother with a pic, just a quick measure and toss. As a side note, I seen plenty of 4-6# range Bass, but they just didn't want to play. All my fish were schoolies chasing small shad balls. The award for the lure of the day goes to Gambler for the Flappin Shad.

fishing user avatarBassinLou reply : 

FSTR, what part of the glades did you go out of?? I here the water level is ridiculous and the corp of Engineers are punching holes in the levees around MM41 to help push some water out. Was that the only fish you pulled out? Either way considering the conditions and location nice chunk. I am pretty much sold on bank fishing until probably NOV and Dec due to those water levels.

fishing user avatarBassinLou reply : 

Lgmouth, fortunately you are seeing signs of life. If you are seeing 4-6lbrs around, they have to eat eventually. I have yet to see a bass above 2lbs for a couple of weeks now.

fishing user avatarBassinLou reply : 

Finally, wrapped up and practically moving back stuff into my house after tenting. Looking forward to go out, but the heavens have opened up and its raining again. At this pace I don't know when I will be able to points up.

fishing user avatarfstr385 reply : 
  On 9/9/2013 at 4:20 AM, BassinLou said:

FSTR, what part of the glades did you go out of?? I here the water level is ridiculous and the corp of Engineers are punching holes in the levees around MM41 to help push some water out. Was that the only fish you pulled out? Either way considering the conditions and location nice chunk. I am pretty much sold on bank fishing until probably NOV and Dec due to those water levels.

Off 27 north or 75. at the opening on the west side of 27 from that airboat park. For some reason the current was flowing back toward the west into that opening, so we mashed all the calm areas right outside of the high flow. Prob got 25-30 dinks between the 2 of us from 7-930. Seen later someone launched their escalade down the ramp just south of that one too lol. Bank fishing is definatly better right now. Good choice.

fishing user avatarBassinLou reply : 

Wow! off 27 huh? Last time I was there, the high water and a thunderstorm ran us out. Still, nice catch.

fishing user avatarBassinLou reply : 

Ok guys, here is your Sunday wrap up. Our first official week of Sept, is quickly coming to a close and here are the top 3 anglers in the lead so far. All from the Jax posse. In third place, the new comer Dsidle61 with 2 fish measuring 34". Holding on in second place, MCS with 3 fish measuring 47". Lastly, in first place, our 3 time consecutive month reigning champion AK, with 3 fish measuring in at 58". Others have put fish up on the board, however Sunday wrap up is to recognize the top 3 anglers. May all of you have great week 2.

fishing user avatarAK-Jax86 reply : 

I didn't do any fishing today I was hoping to see some people shaking up the boards.

I am going out in the morning for 2 hours hope I can post some pics, won't be doin any afternoon fishing my eagles play @ 7p!!!

BTW today was a great opening day of NFL football!!

fishing user avatarzack d reply : 

Havent fished in 3 days just went out for an hour,decided to throw a kvd frog.

And now i remember why i quit using it! 3 huge blowups 3 misses. I even remembered the 1,2, set your hook drill,lol.

Nice catches everyone! Keeps me motivated to get out there.

fishing user avatarAK-Jax86 reply : 

Went out this morning managed to go 3/5 on the frog. 16", 17", 19". I only took picture of the 19" because I don't plan on keeping the 16" and 17" (that'd be funny if I catch nothing for the rest of the month due to my own arrogance lol).

I caught another 5 on a KVD 1.5 crank bait in crawfish color, I haven't used cranks in god knows how long it seems like.

I fished for a little over 2 hours and spent about a hour with frog at one pond on the course with a lot of grass and a few pads and the rest of the time cranking in the main pond that's ideal for cranks, swim baits, spinners things that cover open water

fishing user avatarMCS reply : 

Went out this morning, 5:15, got a couple misses, biting the anteana of the brush hogs. Left early and hit another spot up same result, felt soild but lost anteanas and no fish. Switched to a stick bait, got one little guy. Noticed alot of activity, was cooler this morning. Hope this weather sticks around. Should be a good time if it does.

fishing user avatarAK-Jax86 reply : 

I don't think I will be able to get out fishing until Wednesday or Thursday so hopefully people post some pics of some catches!

fishing user avatarAK-Jax86 reply : 
  On 9/9/2013 at 9:07 PM, MCS said:

Went out this morning, 5:15, got a couple misses, biting the anteana of the brush hogs. Left early and hit another spot up same result, felt soild but lost anteanas and no fish. Switched to a stick bait, got one little guy. Noticed alot of activity, was cooler this morning. Hope this weather sticks around. Should be a good time if it does.

I think I may have to start my mornings a hour earlier! You always go early and notice a lot of activity. When I go out I notice the activity early then it dies off.

Next morning I go out I am starting around 5 like you and hopefully I see some good results. I picked up a pack of brush hogs over the weekend but never fished them, ony got them because I hear people talk about them. I got blue flake I think it was called

fishing user avatarAK-Jax86 reply : 

MCS how do you rig em? T rigged? size hook? weight/weightless?

fishing user avatarMCS reply : 
  On 9/9/2013 at 9:14 PM, AK-NJ1986 said:

MCS how do you rig em? T rigged? size hook? weight/weightless?


T-rigged with a 3/0 or 4/0 for baby, 4/0 or 5/0 for std. I use different bullet weights depending on the rate of fall, also sometimes I peg them. Also throw it on a Jika rig.

fishing user avatarMCS reply : 
  On 9/9/2013 at 9:13 PM, AK-NJ1986 said:

I think I may have to start my mornings a hour earlier! You always go early and notice a lot of activity. When I go out I notice the activity early then it dies off.

Next morning I go out I am starting around 5 like you and hopefully I see some good results. I picked up a pack of brush hogs over the weekend but never fished them, ony got them because I hear people talk about them. I got blue flake I think it was called


Yeah it is usally 15 minutes before and after sun up the fish are most active, but there are always exceptions. With what I saw today, it calls for a fluke or paddletail/vibe worm near the top but not on top.

fishing user avatarCapitolP reply : 

ok here's the damage i did this weekend, not much but hey it's a base to start with


ended up getting skunked friday night


saturday after jiu jitsu we went and caught these 4 little dude's behind my buddies house in mandarin


all 4 were caught on junebug 6'' trick worms using a 3/0 hook T-rigged and bumped slowly across the bottom between 3:30-5pm saturday


the ruler is slightly off so i'm going with 15'', 14'', 14'' and a little 11.5 to round out the day bringing the grand total to 54.5 with 4 fish, it's not much but i gotta start somewhere.







fishing user avatarpiscicidal reply : 
  On 9/3/2013 at 10:55 PM, mvorbrodt said:

Lou I swear I had a 25 incher on the line yesterday but he snapped my line while going under a metal pipe! HUGE I tell you, HUGE!!! Also had few really aggressive bites while checking out few canals on foot around my house, so I think I'll do fine posting 20+" fish :P


Martin,  Did you see him?  Was it a bass?  Big snakehead (10+ lbs) like hanging out at those pipes.

fishing user avatarDynoMyte reply : 

Went out saturday evening with my daughter, trying to teach her bass fishing instead of bread balls, we got skunked! Went out on sunday from about 6am-10am and got skunked again, a couple misses. Tried everything from frogs, t-rig senkos, jerk baits, and super spook jr.  What a bummer to get up earlier than I usually do for work on my only day off this week to get skunked.  Oh well  Dolphins won so there is a silver lining! LOL

fishing user avatarLgMouthGambler reply : 

You know, there is one thing that I am not sure on. Lets just say that the pics are taken of the fish after measuring them, does this count? The reason I ask is Im not about laying the fish on the ground in the grass, or, especially on the hot deck of my boat to take a picture of me measuring the fish. My reasoning for this is that it is not good for the fish as it compromises their protective slime coat and could cause potential damage to the fish. So what I have been doing is while lipping the fish, and after taking the hook out, I hold the tape measurer up to the fish and get the length, then hold the fish out (while lipped) and take a picture. If the rules are against this, than Im out. But so far I haven't caught any big ones, and I am at 59". I am keeping my lengths on a paper in my wallet to write them down in cas of any changes. The funny thing is I had the tape measurer pre set at 15" on the boat, and kept thinking "what if I catch something longer? I could easily extend the measurer when its already out while holding the fish". Serves me right, I didn't even catch something 15", lol.

fishing user avatarAK-Jax86 reply : 

I don't think putting the fish on the ground for a 15 second period to snap a picture is a big deal. If you are worried about your boat deck could put a pillow down and that would also comfort the fish lol jk. But I mean the whole ground thing make sense not wanting to affect their coat, i dont think its that big of a risk. but If you talking about damaging a 7+ lb fish then I can understand that.

fishing user avatarMCS reply : 

Man they just had a little thread on this up in the General section. I am with J Franco....his main point being if you do it in wet grass for a fewthe slime coat isn't really affected plus it is a slime coat that is produced by the fish so the fish will make more so it is not gonna be circling the drain because you laid it in the grass.....beside if it kicks it call it mother nature, it wasn't strong enough. The dinks need to be weeded out, everybody is C&R these days gotta thin the herd somehow :eh: .......... turtle food  :tongue8:

fishing user avatarBassinLou reply : 

Taking care of the fish, is always in fore front of my mind. I make sure that any fish I catch calms down while I am lipping it before I set on the grass. I take a quick snap and back into the water it goes. If I happen to catch a fish on my bass boat, I lay them on the carpet, making sure they do not flop around. We take the pics  with the measurements, basically for proof of the catch. LG Mouth, I respect everyone's way of fishing, and at the end of the month when a "king of the hill" is mentioned we all would like to see the proof. If you have measurements and a system devised that minimizes the stress on the fish and documented properly for all of us to see, then please share. I am documenting everyone's catch.

fishing user avatarAK-Jax86 reply : 

I like the organization this month I feel like I'm on Bassmasters or Major League Fishing

fishing user avatarAK-Jax86 reply : 

Lou I would like to nominate you to be the official thread maker and runner of this tournament. You are on your game and brought even more life to the thread

fishing user avatar---=Martin=--- reply : 
  On 9/9/2013 at 11:03 PM, piscicidal said:

Martin,  Did you see him?  Was it a bass?  Big snakehead (10+ lbs) like hanging out at those pipes.


yea i saw him right before he went under he came up to the surface :(

fishing user avatarBassinLou reply : 

Thanks for the kind words AK. I really enjoy this tournament format also.

fishing user avatarLgMouthGambler reply : 
  On 9/10/2013 at 2:32 AM, BassinLou said:

Taking care of the fish, is always in fore front of my mind. I make sure that any fish I catch calms down while I am lipping it before I set on the grass. I take a quick snap and back into the water it goes. If I happen to catch a fish on my bass boat, I lay them on the carpet, making sure they do not flop around. We take the pics  with the measurements, basically for proof of the catch. LG Mouth, I respect everyone's way of fishing, and at the end of the month when a "king of the hill" is mentioned we all would like to see the proof. If you have measurements and a system devised that minimizes the stress on the fish and documented properly for all of us to see, then please share. I am documenting everyone's catch.


I will take good pics of fish that would actually get me in the number game for sure. I don't have carpet in my boat, so I cant do that, plus the carpet sucks the slime coat off the fish anyway. For tourneys I have a special board and measurer that eliminates the fish from harm, but its only good for 12", so that wont do me any good here. I have a few pics of the fish I caught yesterday, actually 2 pics for that matter. There was just nothing to get excited about.

fishing user avatarBassinLou reply : 
  On 9/10/2013 at 3:15 AM, LgMouthGambler said:

I will take good pics of fish that would actually get me in the number game for sure. I don't have carpet in my boat, so I cant do that, plus the carpet sucks the slime coat off the fish anyway. For tourneys I have a special board and measurer that eliminates the fish from harm, but its only good for 12", so that wont do me any good here. I have a few pics of the fish I caught yesterday, actually 2 pics for that matter. There was just nothing to get excited about.


LGMouth, is there a way to extend that measuring  device to double it size. The device that you are mentioning, if I am not mistaken is to measure the minimum set guidelines for tournaments which is 12 inches right? or am I mistaken? I am sure there is a solution, to measure and photograph, your catches.

fishing user avatarAK-Jax86 reply : 
  On 9/10/2013 at 3:23 AM, BassinLou said:

LGMouth, is there a way to extend that measuring device to double it size. The device that you are mentioning, if I am not mistaken is to measure the minimum set guidelines for tournaments which is 12 inches right? or am I mistaken? I am sure there is a solution, to measure and photograph, your catches.

You can put the fish on his slime protection board and then take a tape measure lay it next to it and atleast there will be 12" of slime that's not affected

fishing user avatarMCS reply : 
  On 9/10/2013 at 3:49 AM, AK-NJ1986 said:

You can put the fish on his slime protection board and then take a tape measure lay it next to it and atleast there will be 12" of slime that's not affected


The ones I have seen are bigger, the yakkers use them all the time. get one of the LMG.

fishing user avatarLgMouthGambler reply : 
  On 9/10/2013 at 3:23 AM, BassinLou said:

LGMouth, is there a way to extend that measuring  device to double it size. The device that you are mentioning, if I am not mistaken is to measure the minimum set guidelines for tournaments which is 12 inches right? or am I mistaken? I am sure there is a solution, to measure and photograph, your catches.


Yes its for minimum size for tourneys. Unless I have someone with me to take the pic, Im pretty much gonna have to hold the fish in one hand and ruler in the other, get the size, then take a pic. I could build another device, but that one cost me about $50 in materials and took many hours to construct. Its kind of big, so it stays on my friends boat because he has more room. To make one that would extend to 30" would be WAY too much room to take up on my boat. Keep in mind that I went by myself yesterday, with 6 rigs, a net, push pole, cooler, and my tackle bag. Still very minimal room. I was thinking of a way with something that stands up, like a yard stick or something, but again, room. I don't know. Maybe I can come up with something humane.

fishing user avatarCapitolP reply : 

This is the first i've ever heard about fish's protective slime layers. I'll have to read up a little more, I certainly dont want to hurt the fish more than need be but at the same time I'm stabbing it's mouth with a metal hook so there is some harm involved with violently catching an animal in the face with a metal spike.

fishing user avatarMCS reply : 

Oh Jeeze what am I fishing with Guy Harvey and the humaniacs? :S j/k fish can't feel pain, cold blood under developed cranial lobe...slime coat replenishes. Fish are tough, they live in some toxic conditions, get all tore up during spawn and by preditors. I have caught some pretty knargley fish. It is all good fellas.

fishing user avatarCapitolP reply : 
  On 9/10/2013 at 5:46 AM, MCS said:

Oh Jeeze what am I fishing with Guy Harvey and the humaniacs? :S j/k fish can't feel pain, cold blood under developed cranial lobe...slime coat replenishes. Fish are tough, they live in some toxic conditions, get all tore up during spawn and by preditors. I have caught some pretty knargley fish. It is all good fellas.

fish can't feel pain? good to know!


makes me feel better about my shark punching legacy





fishing user avatarBassinLou reply : 

Just want to keep everyone up to date. There was a little power play over the last 24hrs, CapitolIP has moved into second place with 4 fish measuring 54.5". MCS has dropped to third with 47" and AK, still maintains a comfortable lead with 4 fish at 77".  Out of the 15 participants that we have competing 7 have posted numbers so far in Sept. The rest of us vaguely remember what bass actually looks like. LOL. Best of luck to all of you tomorrow.

fishing user avatarJaxBasser reply : 

I fully intended on waking up at 5am this morning to get out and do some early fishing on my day off....yeah that never happened. Oh well I'll get after them tomorrow evening.

fishing user avatarLgMouthGambler reply : 

By golly, I got it! Since apparently nobody answered my question, and Im assuming you have to have pics of the fish and length to count (even little dinks under 13"), Im noticing my 59" is deemed not worthy. So here is what I have come up with, and feel free to steal my invention to help protect the fish. Im gonna take the measuring tape and somehow affix the device to the side of either the front or middle beam of the boat. Since its only about 1-1 1/2" thick and about the circumference of a baseball, it wont take up any room that way. Then, I can just pull the tape up and out of the device and lock it down at a desired length. Measuring tape is metal, and mine is thick enough that if I pull out 2-3 feet it will still stand straight up even with a little bit of wind. Then I can just hold the fish up to the tape and take the picture. GENIOUS!

fishing user avatarBassinLou reply : 

There you go LGMouth, where there is a will there a way

fishing user avatarAK-Jax86 reply : 

Lol yea nice LG way to improvise

fishing user avatarMCS reply : 

Went out today to finish out my 5 fish. got three so only the two 15" will get posted up. wacky centipede and sluggo did the trick.




Sorry the second pic is blury and the tape is moved off zero a bit when I laid it down but it is 15" I assure you. LOL

Now rest of the month to cull, hope I can replace some of these guys.

fishing user avatarAK-Jax86 reply : 

Went out this morning around 5:45, MCS Im working closer to that 5 515 time. Caught a few nothing worth talking about though. Caught em on rage craws weightless with size 4 hook, was using my mono spool since I wasn't planning on doing any froggin.

I hear this huge splash to my right, and it's dark so I turn on my head lamp and look over that way. I see a huge wake and then I see pads moving like crazy. I follow the trail and then see two glowing eyes in the water. Gator was BIG I could tell from the distance between its eyes. I tried to snap pics with my phone but you can't see anything.

We are all FL anglers so we run into gators from time to time but this was the biggest, or close to it, gator I have seen in the wild. To see it in my part of Jacksonville is odd too. I've noticed a few this year when last year I didn't see any. But one of this size is very very rare over this way he must have came in through a culvert or something because on one side of the pond is a little woods then a community an the front side has a highway so it didn't cross the street and get in there. Hopefully it's just passing through and doesn't decide to reside here I've been fishing this spot for past two months I don't want to have to deal with him.

fishing user avatarAK-Jax86 reply : 


Here's the 19" I didn't post yet

fishing user avatarMCS reply : 
  On 9/10/2013 at 9:52 PM, AK-NJ1986 said:

Went out this morning around 5:45, MCS Im working closer to that 5 515 time. Caught a few nothing worth talking about though. Caught em on rage craws weightless with size 4 hook, was using my mono spool since I wasn't planning on doing any froggin.

I hear this huge splash to my right, and it's dark so I turn on my head lamp and look over that way. I see a huge wake and then I see pads moving like crazy. I follow the trail and then see two glowing eyes in the water. Gator was BIG I could tell from the distance between its eyes. I tried to snap pics with my phone but you can't see anything.

We are all FL anglers so we run into gators from time to time but this was the biggest, or close to it, gator I have seen in the wild. To see it in my part of Jacksonville is odd too. I've noticed a few this year when last year I didn't see any. But one of this size is very very rare over this way he must have came in through a culvert or something because on one side of the pond is a little woods then a community an the front side has a highway so it didn't cross the street and get in there. Hopefully it's just passing through and doesn't decide to reside here I've been fishing this spot for past two months I don't want to have to deal with him.


Where you see it at? PM if need be. Man I saw an 7 or 8 foot one run over on 95 one morning, right under the bridge for old st aug. came right around the exit and bam it was there. truck must of hit it. but there is a swamp, the canoe trail that runs through there and a creek right under 95. They are all over man, all over. But your right this year they are seen a lot more than last. Oh and by the way they put signs up at the law school. It is official.

fishing user avatarBassinLou reply : 

This tourney is getting intense. Now you guys are jockeying gators for fishing spots. LOL. BTW, MCS and AK, you guys are both tied for first. Both of you have 77". Interesting....

fishing user avatarMCS reply : 
  On 9/11/2013 at 12:16 AM, BassinLou said:

This tourney is getting intense. Now you guys are jockeying gators for fishing spots. LOL. BTW, MCS and AK, you guys are both tied for first. Both of you have 77". Interesting....


Yeah but AK has one less fish right, he is only at 4?

fishing user avatarBassinLou reply : 

That is correct. AK, is getting cocky and he only wants fish 19" or longer. You see how that game plan is working for Martin who only wants 20" 's. Still waiting.... (Had to mess with you Martin I couldn't help it). :lolk:

fishing user avatarCapitolP reply : 
  On 9/10/2013 at 9:52 PM, AK-NJ1986 said:

Went out this morning around 5:45, MCS Im working closer to that 5 515 time. Caught a few nothing worth talking about though. Caught em on rage craws weightless with size 4 hook, was using my mono spool since I wasn't planning on doing any froggin.

I hear this huge splash to my right, and it's dark so I turn on my head lamp and look over that way. I see a huge wake and then I see pads moving like crazy. I follow the trail and then see two glowing eyes in the water. Gator was BIG I could tell from the distance between its eyes. I tried to snap pics with my phone but you can't see anything.

We are all FL anglers so we run into gators from time to time but this was the biggest, or close to it, gator I have seen in the wild. To see it in my part of Jacksonville is odd too. I've noticed a few this year when last year I didn't see any. But one of this size is very very rare over this way he must have came in through a culvert or something because on one side of the pond is a little woods then a community an the front side has a highway so it didn't cross the street and get in there. Hopefully it's just passing through and doesn't decide to reside here I've been fishing this spot for past two months I don't want to have to deal with him.


if you need some gator punching techniques just holler at me

fishing user avatarLgMouthGambler reply : 
  On 9/11/2013 at 12:43 AM, CapitolP said:

if you need some gator punching techniques just holler at me


A .45 ACP +P works pretty good when things get hairy.

fishing user avatarMCS reply : 
  On 9/11/2013 at 12:43 AM, CapitolP said:

if you need some gator punching techniques just holler at me


I think Martin has honed a technique far superior, something about strategic location of thumb :eyebrows: ......I will let him explain, he has a nice little how to video :laugh5:

fishing user avatarCapitolP reply : 
  On 9/11/2013 at 12:50 AM, LgMouthGambler said:

A .45 ACP +P works pretty good when things get hairy.

Gotta go with "true" on this one


As evidence I refer to rule #24 of the gunfight


24. Do not attend a gun fight with a handgun, the caliber of which does not start with anything smaller than “4″.


Personally I carry a 9mm with federal HST 124 gr +P+ so I guess i'm breaking the rules, but then again i'm not carrying it because of the gator problem, I'm carrying it because of the human problem.


Pretty sure if it came down to it I could lauch a couple rounds through the base of it's spinal column and put it down. I do teach people how to shoot after all :grin:

fishing user avatarAK-Jax86 reply : 

This is gearing up to be a good month as far as competition goes. I haven't be out fishing nearly as much as I have been past few months. The weather is getting cooler and that's just how I like it. Hopefully by middle of next week the fish start to turn on again.

fishing user avatarBassinLou reply : 

Consider yourselves fortunate for the cooler weather. We have at least a month and change before anything remotely changes down here, if not longer.

fishing user avatarLgMouthGambler reply : 
  On 9/11/2013 at 1:47 AM, BassinLou said:

Consider yourselves fortunate for the cooler weather. We have at least a month and change before anything remotely changes down here, if not longer.


What are you talking about? Its easily gotten 2 degrees cooler!

fishing user avatarBassinLou reply : 
  On 9/11/2013 at 1:50 AM, LgMouthGambler said:

What are you talking about? Its easily gotten 2 degrees cooler!


LOL, that's good enough for you LGMouth?

fishing user avatarAK-Jax86 reply : 

As far as numbers go it is still in the 90s we just have a breeze now which feels great when you are out.

fishing user avatarLgMouthGambler reply : 
  On 9/11/2013 at 1:55 AM, BassinLou said:

LOL, that's good enough for you LGMouth?


Heat or not, Im still fishing. Long pants, long sleeves, Buff, and a hat. Heat? Aint nobody got time for that!

fishing user avatarMCS reply : 
  On 9/11/2013 at 2:01 AM, AK-NJ1986 said:

As far as numbers go it is still in the 90s we just have a breeze now which feels great when you are out.


It has been below 90 last couple but the real change is less humidity and the lows are 68-72 not 80 like they were a week ago! :dazed-7:

fishing user avatarBassinLou reply : 

I hear that. But, the fishing down here would benefit if it cooled off a little bit more than the 90's day in and out.

fishing user avatarBassinLou reply : 

80, I will take the 80's in a heartbeat. 92-93 with high humidity wears on you after a several months properly clothed or not.

fishing user avatar---=Martin=--- reply : 
  On 9/11/2013 at 12:54 AM, MCS said:

I think Martin has honed a technique far superior, something about strategic location of thumb :eyebrows: ......I will let him explain, he has a nice little how to video :laugh5:


Here you go MCS:


  On 9/11/2013 at 1:55 AM, BassinLou said:

LOL, that's good enough for you LGMouth?


Lou, LMG is sitting there on a boat dressed like he's going skiing, mm'kay! When we fish all I want to do is jump in the water, and he's just like, whatever... weird! That man does not feel any heat nor pain :D

fishing user avatarBassinLou reply : 

Good for LMG. The rest of us and fish do however. LOL

fishing user avatarBassinLou reply : 

Martin great clip. I miss Steve Irwin. Martin you should be our resident Audio/Visual guy. You always come up with the best clips for any situation. Pretty Cool!

fishing user avatarLgMouthGambler reply : 
  On 9/11/2013 at 2:41 AM, mvorbrodt said:

Here you go MCS:



Lou, LMG is sitting there on a boat dressed like he's going skiing, mm'kay! When we fish all I want to do is jump in the water, and he's just like, whatever... weird! That man does not feel any heat nor pain :D


Its called being "ninja". You cant let them see you coming. I have now upgraded status with Fishouflage longsleeve moisture wicking shirt, and hat. So I am virtually invisible to the fish, lol.

fishing user avatarAK-Jax86 reply : 
  On 9/11/2013 at 3:18 AM, LgMouthGambler said:

Its called being "ninja". You cant let them see you coming. I have now upgraded status with Fishouflage longsleeve moisture wicking shirt, and hat. So I am virtually invisible to the fish, lol.

How do you not get uncomfortable? lol I get hot when I'm on the bank in a wife beater to are on a boat dress for snow

fishing user avatar---=Martin=--- reply : 
  On 9/11/2013 at 3:20 AM, AK-NJ1986 said:

How do you not get uncomfortable? lol I get hot when I'm on the bank in a wife beater to are on a boat dress for snow


i know right!!!! you see his avatar pic? that's what he's wearing in 95*F full sun out at noon on a boat!!!

fishing user avatarLgMouthGambler reply : 
  On 9/11/2013 at 3:20 AM, AK-NJ1986 said:

How do you not get uncomfortable? lol I get hot when I'm on the bank in a wife beater to are on a boat dress for snow


I don't know, I guess Im just used to it. Even in the Fire Academy I was the only one not keeling over in full bunker gear in the hot sun. Just make sure you drink water. I guess I would rather sweat than end up with burnt skin. I will say that the moisture wicking fabric does help to keep me cool.

fishing user avatarBassinLou reply : 

I have to agree with LGMouth. Proper clothing; long sleeve shirts and pants with moisture wicking material makes a very big difference. Add on to that a good hat and good pair of sunglasses and you and be outside for a while. I wear the same type of clothing when I go to the glades minus the buff.

fishing user avatarLgMouthGambler reply : 
  On 9/11/2013 at 4:09 AM, BassinLou said:

I have to agree with LGMouth. Proper clothing; long sleeve shirts and pants with moisture wicking material makes a very big difference. Add on to that a good hat and good pair of sunglasses and you and be outside for a while. I wear the same type of clothing when I go to the glades minus the buff.


Lou, you need to get one. The Buff is the best investment I ever made. When in the glades and it gets really muggy, just soak it in the water and put it back on.

fishing user avatarBassinLou reply : 
  On 9/11/2013 at 4:14 AM, LgMouthGambler said:

Lou, you need to get one. The Buff is the best investment I ever made. When in the glades and it gets really muggy, just soak it in the water and put it back on.


Funny thing is I have one. But I use it for the winter on those cold morning runs. I tried using it once in the heat and my glasses kept fogging over. I should have ordered the Columbia buff that has the vented holes by the nose.

fishing user avatarMCS reply : 

My solution is don't fish when it is hot out. I am done by 7, 8 am at the latest most days lol.

fishing user avatarAK-Jax86 reply : 
  On 9/11/2013 at 4:44 AM, MCS said:

My solution is don't fish when it is hot out. I am done by 7, 8 am at the latest most days lol.

I'm usually done around 8:30a whenever I can ge out on weekday mornings and it is so much more enjoyable than later in the day.

fishing user avatarCapitolP reply : 
  On 9/11/2013 at 4:44 AM, MCS said:

My solution is don't fish when it is hot out. I am done by 7, 8 am at the latest most days lol.

fish smarter


not harder

fishing user avatarBassinLou reply : 

Fish longer, catch more fish....

fishing user avatarBassinLou reply : 

You see there's a difference to be said about fishing times. 1. You fish 2 hrs because that's the only time you have available to you, or 2. You fish that long because you can only tolerate so much of the outside conditions. I am mostly # 1. However, when its an Everglades fishing day, the clock goes out the window. I will fish 8-9hrs continuous, except thru thunderstorms. Heat or cold. So AK, be warned....

fishing user avatarAK-Jax86 reply : 
  On 9/11/2013 at 6:50 AM, BassinLou said:

You see there's a difference to be said about fishing times. 1. You fish 2 hrs because that's the only time you have available to you, or 2. You fish that long because you can only tolerate so much of the outside conditions. I am mostly # 1. However, when its an Everglades fishing day, the clock goes out the window. I will fish 8-9hrs continuous, except thru thunderstorms. Heat or cold. So AK, be warned....

8-9 hours an outing is what it's gon take to dethrone me Lou

but if you out that long I stand no chance.

fishing user avatarBassinLou reply : 

After I wrote that sentence, I knew you were thinking our competition. It was meant to inform you when you come down in the spring. I did not want you to think that the outings was going to be short. Because they are not. When I go fishing and I have a timetable, I just won't go. When I fish out there, I like to fish with no mental restraint.

fishing user avatarAK-Jax86 reply : 

I'm going to have to start training and preparing myself for this outing we are going to set up. Ill know what weekend I will be coming down based on the competition. Hopefully the transition from bank fishing to a boat won't be too different.

fishing user avatarAK-Jax86 reply : 

My goal is to go down there one month when peacocks are on fire and post all 5 peas for that month.

You said baitcaster is better fighting the fish and I agree but I still have to get use to that. I gave up on the BC I need to try to get the birds nest out and keep at it.

fishing user avatarMCS reply : 

I think spinning rod and reel is better fighting a fish. You can control the fish better with the rod, there usually is more line on the spinning reel letting it rip out drag if needed. There is a reason people run spinning gear with snook and bones IMHO Now that 6er was fun on casting but it felt way more hairy. It is more like a winch, good for heavy cover and moving a fish I suppose.

fishing user avatarBassinLou reply : 

Just from what you telling me, it's going to be an eye opening experience for you. From a boat the experience is different. Your skills have to be honed in a little more because you have to hit your spot sometimes with the boat moving. You can fish with a spinner if you want, but you will have more muscle with a B/C.

fishing user avatarMCS reply : 
  On 9/11/2013 at 8:42 AM, BassinLou said:

Just from what you telling me, it's going to be an eye opening experience for you. From a boat the experience is different. Your skills have to be honed in a little more because you have to hit your spot sometimes with the boat moving. You can fish with a spinner if you want, but you will have more muscle with a B/C.


I see your point as far as accuracy, I hear BCs are more accurate, however that is not the case with me yet. I do like working the texas rig with them better than a spinner and top water/jerk bait I prefer a spinner still. But controlling the fish once on I feel is all spinning, but like you said BCs are muscle. Each has its own good qualities.

fishing user avatarBassinLou reply : 

MCS each outfit has it's pros and cons. You are still a rookie on the b/c, give it more time and you will pick up on that.

fishing user avatarBassinLou reply : 

Let me try again. That last thread did not make sense. MCS over time you will notice that b/c is more versatility than what you are experiencing now.

fishing user avatarMCS reply : 
  On 9/11/2013 at 9:13 AM, BassinLou said:

Let me try again. That last thread did not make sense. MCS over time you will notice that b/c is more versatility than what you are experiencing now.

Once I get going I am not going to put it down for a loooong while cant wait! I will know what you mean sooner than later come jan

fishing user avatarLgMouthGambler reply : 
  On 9/11/2013 at 9:30 AM, MCS said:

Once I get going I am not going to put it down for a loooong while cant wait! I will know what you mean sooner than later come jan

If you get a good quality reel, you will enjoy the experience much better. I have been fishing Shimano baitcasters since my first one when I was 10, so, 20 years I have been spoiled rotten, lol. You won't regret it, especially for frogging and heavy line applications.

fishing user avatarJaxBasser reply : 

I was a 100% spinning reel user until I bought my first baitcaster 10 or so years ago and really made myself learn it and get better with it. My spinning gear still has its uses but I really enjoy using my bc setups. It was rough at first but it becomes second nature really quickly.

I do wish I had learned on a LH bc though. Just seems to make more sense and be a bit easier. Oh well though.

fishing user avatarMCS reply : 
  On 9/11/2013 at 5:44 PM, LgMouthGambler said:

If you get a good quality reel, you will enjoy the experience much better. I have been fishing Shimano baitcasters since my first one when I was 10, so, 20 years I have been spoiled rotten, lol. You won't regret it, especially for frogging and heavy line applications.


I got a quantum energy pt waiting for me......

fishing user avatarMCS reply : 
  On 9/11/2013 at 7:07 PM, JaxBasser said:

I was a 100% spinning reel user until I bought my first baitcaster 10 or so years ago and really made myself learn it and get better with it. My spinning gear still has its uses but I really enjoy using my bc setups. It was rough at first but it becomes second nature really quickly.

I do wish I had learned on a LH bc though. Just seems to make more sense and be a bit easier. Oh well though.


Yeah it does look like it makes sense, but RW made a good point if you right handed the poin of a BC reel is power so you crank with your dominant hand where spinning is more rod control and playing the fish. I too am learning on a RH and have purchased a RH as my first BC reel. It is all good still catch fish either way

fishing user avatarAK-Jax86 reply : 

Anybody catching any fish with these baitcasters you speak of?

fishing user avatarLgMouthGambler reply : 
  On 9/11/2013 at 9:08 PM, AK-NJ1986 said:

Anybody catching any fish with these baitcasters you speak of?


I have $3,000.00 worth of crap, and I cant catch a cold, lol.

fishing user avatarAK-Jax86 reply : 
  On 9/11/2013 at 9:19 PM, LgMouthGambler said:

I have $3,000.00 worth of crap, and I cant catch a cold, lol.


I still can't get over the ski gear in FL weather I love it!

fishing user avatarMCS reply : 
  On 9/11/2013 at 9:08 PM, AK-NJ1986 said:

Anybody catching any fish with these baitcasters you speak of?


today no didn't go out.....but yeah they do actually work.

fishing user avatarMCS reply : 
  On 9/11/2013 at 9:25 PM, AK-NJ1986 said:

I still can't get over the ski gear in FL weather I love it!


Ski gear in Fl LOL you know I am not so sure that LMG isn't the Polish guy :laugh5:  Martin certainly seems to make sense well except for the mythical 20" fish that he is not photographing :eyebrows:

fishing user avatar---=Martin=--- reply : 
  On 9/11/2013 at 5:44 PM, LgMouthGambler said:

If you get a good quality reel, you will enjoy the experience much better. I have been fishing Shimano baitcasters since my first one when I was 10, so, 20 years I have been spoiled rotten, lol. You won't regret it, especially for frogging and heavy line applications.


people don't listen to LMG!!! he got me in to baitcasters and talked me into cleaning my bank accounts!!! bad bad man!!!

fishing user avatar---=Martin=--- reply : 
  On 9/11/2013 at 9:34 PM, MCS said:

Ski gear in Fl LOL you know I am not so sure that LMG isn't the Polish guy :laugh5:  Martin certainly seems to make sense well except for the mythical 20" fish that he is not photographing :eyebrows:


no there is no polack in him unfortunately, which is why he's not as awesome as me :P I on the other hand was born and raised in Poland till i was 16-yo and came here to live with my dad :D best thing that ever happened to me! God Bless the USA!!!


oh, i'll hopefully be photographing some 20+ inchers today, i found a new spot ;)


and i'm also thinking about making my own "Hitler Finds Out..." video about this tournament, you think admins would give me a boot if i posted it here?

fishing user avatarMCS reply : 
  On 9/11/2013 at 10:20 PM, mvorbrodt said:

no there is no polack in him unfortunately, which is why he's not as awesome as me :P I on the other hand was born and raised in Poland till i was 16-yo and came here to live with my dad :D best thing that ever happened to me! God Bless the USA!!!


oh, i'll hopefully be photographing some 20+ inchers today, i found a new spot ;)


and i'm also thinking about making my own "Hitler Finds Out..." video about this tournament, you think admins would give me a boot if i posted it here?


hahaha, my great grandparents came with their families from Poland on my dads side. I have been handed down a little of the food and drink, a few words or expressions from him and my grandmother. I will try to pass it to my kids but like everything with time it fades away.

fishing user avatarMCS reply : 

I do have a polish soccer Jersey! :eyebrows:

fishing user avatarCapitolP reply : 
  On 9/11/2013 at 6:50 AM, BassinLou said:

You see there's a difference to be said about fishing times. 1. You fish 2 hrs because that's the only time you have available to you, or 2. You fish that long because you can only tolerate so much of the outside conditions. I am mostly # 1. However, when its an Everglades fishing day, the clock goes out the window. I will fish 8-9hrs continuous, except thru thunderstorms. Heat or cold. So AK, be warned....

if i'm fishing 8-9 hours i'm going to do it from 11pm-8am the following morning, i'll stay up all night and forgo a night of sleep for an awesome fishing experience


also less people are around so the beer flows more freely



fishing user avatarLgMouthGambler reply : 
  On 9/11/2013 at 10:37 PM, MCS said:

I do have a polish soccer Jersey! :eyebrows:


Martin made me eat his Polish sausage........wait..........that came out wrong.

fishing user avatarAK-Jax86 reply : 

This just went the wrong direction

I like clean fish I don't mess with sausage

fishing user avatarLgMouthGambler reply : 

Im gonna try to get a few hours of fishing in this afternoon. Got to give this new line a workout.

fishing user avatar---=Martin=--- reply : 
  On 9/11/2013 at 11:16 PM, LgMouthGambler said:

Im gonna try to get a few hours of fishing in this afternoon. Got to give this new line a workout.


hey i'm going today around 5pm. found a new spot, wanna join?

fishing user avatar---=Martin=--- reply : 


fishing user avatarLgMouthGambler reply : 

Holy crap! I was crying I was laughing soo hard. BRAVO! Martin!

fishing user avatarLgMouthGambler reply : 
  On 9/11/2013 at 11:30 PM, mvorbrodt said:

hey i'm going today around 5pm. found a new spot, wanna join?


Leaving work around 530, and have to run to Dicks to get some lures for this weekend. Afterwards I will give you a call and see where you are at.

fishing user avatar---=Martin=--- reply : 
  On 9/11/2013 at 11:44 PM, LgMouthGambler said:

Holy crap! I was crying I was laughing soo hard. BRAVO! Martin!


Glad you enjoyed it! Here's the link again, don't want it to get lost on the "previous page" :)

fishing user avatarBassinLou reply : 

Martin THAT WAS AWESOME!!! I CAN'T STOP LAUGHING!!! You are the man!! Thank you so much for the laugh. I am still laughing. You are very talented indeed.

fishing user avatarAK-Jax86 reply : 

That was the best video I have ever seen on this site!!! Martin thanks for the laugh my girl knows all about these competitions she will get a good laugh at this too thanks man lol

fishing user avatarBassinLou reply : 

Martin I still can't get over that vid. If there were to be a BR award, you won hands down, on best vid category!!

fishing user avatarMCS reply : 
  On 9/11/2013 at 11:35 PM, mvorbrodt said:



Pure Brilliance....Martin = Polands M Night Shaymalanski

fishing user avatarBassinLou reply : 

YOU GUYS ARE OUT OF CONTROL, I tell ya. I just saw the vid with my wife, and I was laughing again like I never saw it. She even laughed to and she doesn't even know you guys. MCS, your last thread was funny as heck. Good One.

fishing user avatar---=Martin=--- reply : 
  On 9/12/2013 at 1:27 AM, BassinLou said:

YOU GUYS ARE OUT OF CONTROL, I tell ya. I just saw the vid with my wife, and I was laughing again like I never saw it. She even laughed to and she doesn't even know you guys. MCS, your last thread was funny as heck. Good One.


you just wait for the "Martin finds out LgMouthGambler Won!" video :P then you'll see some out of control polish humor :D

fishing user avatarMCS reply : 
  On 9/12/2013 at 2:10 AM, mvorbrodt said:

you just wait for the "Martin finds out LgMouthGambler Won!" video :P then you'll see some out of control polish humor :D


Win, the great one still has to figure out how to take pictures of his fish and measurement at the same time :dazed-7:


 Oh wait that is why he invited you to go. LOL The 20" fish your taking pics of are HIS !!!I :laugh5:

fishing user avatarCapitolP reply : 

just got this one of my 30 minute lunch break, we'll call him 15.5


not to shabby for 2:35pm on a wednesday during the blistering heat of the sun


i'm back at the office sweating like mike tyson in a spelling bee


bringing my score from 54.5" to 70'' clean



fishing user avatarBassinLou reply : 

"Mike Tyson sweating at a spelling bee" :clap: You guys are on a roll today. However, finally someone has caught a fish, for me to document. CaptitollP, you are indeed at 70". Still holding at 3rd place.

fishing user avatarjuan_LMB reply : 

I'll be casting out tonight Gents. I haven't been fishing in 3-4 days. Annoyed and frustrated. I know this golf course has fish in it, just not producing for me (except that one), including my canal. It's been raining here lately as well. Don't want to be caught up in the rain or waste my gas driving somewhere when it's going to pour on me.

A quick side question...WHY DO PEOPLE IN FL STEAL SO MUCH!? My 09 R1 motorycle was stolen back in June and now my pistol, 3 days ago. I guess I forgot to lock the doors on my truck or at least thought I did and they stole my little conceal pistol. It was a taurus slim, 7 rd. i hadnt even got a chance to put any rounds through it. i loved how small it was too. fit right in my pocket. I hope he shoot him d**n self in the head thinkin it's not loaded because it for sure is! Can't turn your back for 3secs or someone will get you! My glock is on standby for the next scum bag. Ok BACK TO FISHING! Haha

fishing user avatarLgMouthGambler reply : 
  On 9/12/2013 at 2:28 AM, MCS said:

Win, the great one still has to figure out how to take pictures of his fish and measurement at the same time :dazed-7:

Oh wait that is why he invited you to go. LOL The 20" fish your taking pics of are HIS !!!I :laugh5:

Bwahahahaa. That's funny right there.

fishing user avatarCapitolP reply : 
  On 9/12/2013 at 3:29 AM, juan_LMB said:

I'll be casting out tonight Gents. I haven't been fishing in 3-4 days. Annoyed and frustrated. I know this golf course has fish in it, just not producing for me (except that one), including my canal. It's been raining here lately as well. Don't want to be caught up in the rain or waste my gas driving somewhere when it's going to pour on me.

A quick side question...WHY DO PEOPLE IN FL STEAL SO MUCH!? My 09 R1 motorycle was stolen back in June and now my pistol, 3 days ago. I guess I forgot to lock the doors on my truck or at least thought I did and they stole my little conceal pistol. It was a taurus slim, 7 rd. i hadnt even got a chance to put any rounds through it. i loved how small it was too. fit right in my pocket. I hope he shoot him d**n self in the head thinkin it's not loaded because it for sure is! Can't turn your back for 3secs or someone will get you! My glock is on standby for the next scum bag. Ok BACK TO FISHING! Haha


your first mistake was leaving a weapon in your vehicle, as opposed to carrying it on your person. this rule not only allows you the protection of 100% carry but also keeps you from arming criminals which to me is the biggest mistake a gun owner can make


your second mistake is carrying a pistol that you havn't test fired or "broken in" yet, average break in is 400-500 rounds


me personally i don't carry a gun until i've put 1000+ rounds through it, i don't want to carry something i can't rely on, espically when it's my life or the life of my loved ones


that being said, any gun is better than no gun

fishing user avatarjuan_LMB reply : 

I'm very experienced with weapons and I would have bet my life that gun would've banged if I pulled the trigger. I know its my fault for the doors being unlocked. i know its my fault for my bringing it in the house. I also know how many rounds it would've taken to broke the gun in. I'm always armed...why carry my conceal in the house with me when I have a shotgun beside my bed, pistol in the couch, laundry room and kitchen, and I have a AR-15 in my closet??? No need in hauling my conceal back and fourth out of the house. I'm sure I won't get mugged walking 10 steps in my home. It's all good though. He needed the gun more than me obviously. Hopefully someone run the serial if they try and do something with it

fishing user avatarMCS reply : 
  On 9/12/2013 at 3:47 AM, juan_LMB said:

I'm very experienced with weapons and I would have bet my life that gun would've banged if I pulled the trigger. I know its my fault for the doors being unlocked. i know its my fault for my bringing it in the house. I also know how many rounds it would've taken to broke the gun in. I'm always armed...why carry my conceal in the house with me when I have a shotgun beside my bed, pistol in the couch, laundry room and kitchen, and I have a AR-15 in my closet??? No need in hauling my conceal back and fourth out of the house. I'm sure I won't get mugged walking 10 steps in my home. It's all good though. He needed the gun more than me obviously. Hopefully someone run the serial if they try and do something with it


I dunno buddy since they stole it outta your front yard you might want to reconsider that statement. LOL sorry man I am just kidding around. The whole situation sucks but yeah people will steal anything, anywhere, anytime. World we live in...sad

fishing user avatarCapitolP reply : 
  On 9/12/2013 at 3:47 AM, juan_LMB said:

I'm very experienced with weapons and I would have bet my life that gun would've banged if I pulled the trigger. I know its my fault for the doors being unlocked. i know its my fault for my bringing it in the house. I also know how many rounds it would've taken to broke the gun in. I'm always armed...why carry my conceal in the house with me when I have a shotgun beside my bed, pistol in the couch, laundry room and kitchen, and I have a AR-15 in my closet??? No need in hauling my conceal back and fourth out of the house. I'm sure I won't get mugged walking 10 steps in my home. It's all good though. He needed the gun more than me obviously. Hopefully someone run the serial if they try and do something with it

it's the discipline of it


keeps you from being exposed, even on those 10 steps to your home. couple months ago i had some dude hiding in my bushes at night between me and the house. when i yelled at him he ran off, which is good because if he raised up he might have gotten perforrated.


the harsh reality is most robberies are done when your outside your car and in parking lot type areas, or close to your home. in your case the robery was done right outside your home.


also keeps you from getting your weapons stolen, if someone is going to steal my gun they're going to have to beat me to death with it first because it will be empty.

fishing user avatarBassinLou reply : 

I can see that you guys enjoy your guns. Juan your situation was unfortunate. Live and learn my friend. Let's keep this forum to fishing. You guys can continue the gun topic, at the gun forum.

fishing user avatarMCS reply : 
  On 9/12/2013 at 4:37 AM, BassinLou said:

I can see that you guys enjoy your guns. Juan your situation was unfortunate. Live and learn my friend. Let's keep this forum to fishing. You guys can continue the gun topic, at the gun forum.

Lol there are all kinds of twists n turns on this thread! It is 20 freaking pages and only ten days in! Uhm mods we are going to need another server over here please lmao

fishing user avatarBassinLou reply : 

LOl. I know. The topics have been interesting. We are all becoming close and that's cool. I expect that. However, I would like us to stay on point as best we can. I think we all get along fairly well, and I do not want a particular topic and statement that may seem innocent to one of us be a challenge or an insult to someone else. All h**l will break loose and we will be locked. Believe it or not, we are being followed by many and monitored by mods.

fishing user avatarLgMouthGambler reply : 

Post #321, lol.

fishing user avatarAK-Jax86 reply : 

If the mods are really following they should implement a new forum category call local friendly competitions.

This comp we've been running has caught on in the north with the Mass guys. I'm sure if more people knew about this they would love to put together a competition for their home state.

As far as guns go I don't have one nor do I see the need for one. As far as all you guys who carry them I'm glad I am on your bass resource friends list so we basically like family now

fishing user avatarLgMouthGambler reply : 
  On 9/12/2013 at 5:14 AM, AK-NJ1986 said:

If the mods are really following they should implement a new forum category call local friendly competitions.

This comp we've been running has caught on in the north with the Mass guys. I'm sure if more people knew about this they would love to put together a competition for their home state.

As far as guns go I don't have one nor do I see the need for one. As far as all you guys who carry them I'm glad I am on your bass resource friends list so we basically like family now


If you fish with Martin and I, you wont have to worry about nothing, lol.

fishing user avatarAK-Jax86 reply : 

Lou I think it's cool we go off topic from time to time. We are all grown azz men so if there was something that we didn't agree with we can keep our emotions and "fingers" in check!

Hell we had a Hitler video made about our competition lol that could be taken as offensive but we all see the no harm no foul intent so it's not a big deal.

fishing user avatarBassinLou reply : 

AK, I hope so. You and I, and several of the guys have been on BR for quite some time, and we have seen plenty of innocent topics go off the deep end. I get what you are saying AK, however I am very protective of what we got going on. Since we are on the topic of guns. If Martin and/or LGmouth post pics, please look closely for any bullet holes on their fish. LOL. Martin sounds desperate to catch something.

fishing user avatarCapitolP reply : 

better be careful, those northside fish may return fire!




fishing user avatarBassinLou reply : 

Man... since I volunteered to spearhead this competition this month, as MCS would put it "I can't even catch a cold" its so bad it has me double guessing everything I do. LOL.

fishing user avatarAK-Jax86 reply : 

Maybe its the curse of the thread creator happened to Martin past few months. If you don't win Lou that's what I'm chalking it up as.

fishing user avatarBassinLou reply : 

I think your right AK. Martin, I saw that you liked the post, how did your outing go?? Did you and LGMouth, happen to go out late afternoon?

fishing user avatar---=Martin=--- reply : 
  On 9/12/2013 at 8:30 AM, BassinLou said:

I think your right AK. Martin, I saw that you liked the post, how did your outing go?? Did you and LGMouth, happen to go out late afternoon?


I went out, fished for 2 hours and he never showed up!


And speaking of Karma, I made that video today and my favorite line was about the mono snapping... and what do you know, I hook not one but TWO biggens and my line snaps, twice!!! Once right after the take, he pulled so hard my 14lbs mono went pop (though I suspect a snakehead, then again it was in an unusual spot for snakeheads) and the second one I know was huge and he swam into a ton of vegetation and i couldn't pull him out, and snap the mono went! I know I know you've heard that a million times from me, but it's the honest truth! I came unprepared! Should have brought my other rod with 50# braid on it instead, I didn't think the spot would have so much vegetation. But the good news is they were biting I pulled 4 or 5 smaller ones.


Anyways, I'm really glad you guys enjoyed the video, I was watching it over and over at work and literally crying from laughing so hard! I can tell you I have even better subtitles for "LMG Wins" video :P so, LMG, deliver, and I shall entertain you, and shoot a prize your way (I decided to sponsor a small gift prize this month to the winner, and I'm sure I would love the smirk on your face giving it to you personally) :P

fishing user avatarCapitolP reply : 

i just caught a couple after work to update my collection, i'm gonna put big red numbers to make it easier for me to keep track of my "collection"


my math has me sitting at 74.5'' which is still 3rd place (as of this post) but i'm inching my way towards the heels of #1 and #2


to get my score any higher i'm gonna need to start catching 14'' plus









fishing user avatarLgMouthGambler reply : 

I cant promise the win this month. I dont think I am going to be able to get enough time in to fish. However, next month is a different story. I will then have a 55# thrust trolling motor on the back of the boat. Can you say "day trip to Lake O?". Martin, we will have no problems getting around with the 55# in the back, and the 30# in the front to troll with. I will however post some pics of Snook and Tarpon that I hope to catch this weekend in the Keys.

fishing user avatar---=Martin=--- reply : 
  On 9/12/2013 at 9:08 AM, CapitolP said:

i just caught a couple after work to update my collection, i'm gonna put big red numbers to make it easier for me to keep track of my "collection"


my math has me sitting at 74.5''


to get my score any higher i'm gonna need to start catching 14'' plus












Very nice! BUT... once the guys from up north start posting pics, you'll realize it's futile to post anything under 20" LOL :P

fishing user avatar---=Martin=--- reply : 
  On 9/12/2013 at 9:10 AM, LgMouthGambler said:

I cant promise the win this month. I dont think I am going to be able to get enough time in to fish. However, next month is a different story. I will then have a 55# thrust trolling motor on the back of the boat. Can you say "day trip to Lake O?". Martin, we will have no problems getting around with the 55# in the back, and the 30# in the front to troll with. I will however post some pics of Snook and Tarpon that I hope to catch this weekend in the Keys.


i wish you were here this weekend, I'm ready for another boat trip man! i know it's been a while, but life sort of got in the way... but hell yea! sign me up for big O boat trip!

fishing user avatar---=Martin=--- reply : 

Hey Lou! I was hoping to go out with LMG this Sunday, but since he's gonna be out on his salt water adventures, perhaps you and I should get together Sunday afternoon, say from 5 till sun down? Let me know! I have a ton of nice spots up here in Coral Springs :D

fishing user avatarJaxBasser reply : 

It's been sloooowwww. I should have taken pictures of those 13" and 14" fish I caught a few days ago. Didn't bother because I was sure I'd get bigger fish but I dunno now...

fishing user avatarAK-Jax86 reply : 

I'm going out at 5am to chase the BIGGEN.

I haven't been to my golf course in a few days to extensively fish so hopefully I got something for you guys to look at early morning. I think I'm still with 4 fish at 77".

Sunday I have a feeling I am going to have a showcase of fish for you! I'm going to Orlando for two days so I am going to hit up that spot again but this time I will make sure my phone is in my pocket!

fishing user avatarJaxBasser reply : 

Since I know I have 0 chance of actually waking up early I'm gonna go do some really late night fishing. Going to throw topwater frogs and the 10" rage anoconda and hope for some big fish.

fishing user avatarAK-Jax86 reply : 
  On 9/12/2013 at 11:30 AM, JaxBasser said:

Since I know I have 0 chance of actually waking up early I'm gonna go do some really late night fishing. Going to throw topwater frogs and the 10" rage anoconda and hope for some big fish.

If you are talking about going out Thursday night I was planning on doin some night fishing after the football game.

If you are going out we should link up. Dave will probably be down too but I think he may have work Friday morning but that doesn't always stop him from night fishing

fishing user avatarJaxBasser reply : 

I actually meant going out in about 30 minutes to hit some ponds within walking distance of my house. I work at 6am on Friday so I don't think I'll be able to get out tomorrow night. I'm off again Tuesday so maybe monday night.

fishing user avatarCapitolP reply : 
  On 9/12/2013 at 9:10 AM, mvorbrodt said:

Very nice! BUT... once the guys from up north start posting pics, you'll realize it's futile to post anything under 20" LOL :P


i'm keeping it humble for now, rather build a steady base than wait for something that doesn't happen


i'm only 2.5 inches from the top at the moment


and the weekend is nearly here





fishing user avatarAK-Jax86 reply : 

Went out this morning from 5:30 to 7:30 and the fish were locked in. I ended up catching 9 fish using frogs (black and baby bass). I missed 4 strikes and lost 4 frog, hook, and fish at same time thanks to MONO! Martin I feel the pain of the big one getting off because the mono snaps! Would have had my biggest caught at the golf course. I brought the frog in front of te culvert and the fish jumps out water I hook her and she shoots out pulling drag. I get her by shore going to pick her up and have no idea what happened but the line snaps and the fish is sitting there, tired, with hook frog and string in mouth. I fall to my knees and try to grab her by the tail but she swims off lol.

I wal to another spot caught 2 then go back to the culvert thow my frog same spot and then a bass slurps it. I set hook and it starts to go under ground in culvert then turns around and heads out to open water. I couldn't see it just felt it and it felt like it was the same fish. I get it to shore and realize it wasn't but put up a fight like it was a 6 or 7lber.

Pic shows around 18.5ish but the fish isn't perfectly lined up so I'm calling it 18". All the other fish were around this size but nothing longer.

So I'm at 5 fish 95"


fishing user avatarBassinLou reply : 

AK, I got your fish down. Both you an Martin have yet to learn your lesson with mono. Drop it already. Go braid. Your heartaches will be a lot less. Actually, I am kicking myself in the butt helping you guys. I am at 0 fish still.


Martin, I will take you up on your invite for Sunday. I think the change of city limits may help me get some numbers on the board. PM, me the details. Thanks for the invite, I look forward to it.

fishing user avatarDynoMyte reply : 

Man I can't catch a break, I have either only been catching snakeheads...  Im still at 0 as well.  I went out last sunday off University and Southgate Blvd, casting toward a bridge column, see a bass jump like a foot and a half out of the water and completely miss my spook. LOL  Just been the luck I am having lately.

fishing user avatarAK-Jax86 reply : 
  On 9/13/2013 at 1:17 AM, BassinLou said:

AK, I got your fish down. Both you an Martin have yet to learn your lesson with mono. Drop it already. Go braid. Your heartaches will be a lot less. Actually, I am kicking myself in the butt helping you guys. I am at 0 fish still.


Martin, I will take you up on your invite for Sunday. I think the change of city limits may help me get some numbers on the board. PM, me the details. Thanks for the invite, I look forward to it.

Lou I'm braid all the way I have two of the same reels that came with and extra spool each. So I have 2 with mono and 2 with braid and ran out of both braids, my fault I didn't get more. I need to go to academy over the weekend to get some more braid.

I hate mono my girlfriend likes it for her swim baits and cranks she like to use when she goes with me. I have some fluorocarbon that I bought the other day I never got it spooled on though, will do it when I do braid. You ever use that before?

fishing user avatarAK-Jax86 reply : 
  On 9/13/2013 at 1:29 AM, DynoMyte said:

Man I can't catch a break, I have either only been catching snakeheads...  Im still at 0 as well.  I went out last sunday off University and Southgate Blvd, casting toward a bridge column, see a bass jump like a foot and a half out of the water and completely miss my spook. LOL  Just been the luck I am having lately.

When you said university and south gate I misread it as southside and thought you were in Jacksonville but you are over by Martin

fishing user avatarAK-Jax86 reply : 
  On 9/12/2013 at 9:10 AM, mvorbrodt said:

Very nice! BUT... once the guys from up north start posting pics, you'll realize it's futile to post anything under 20" LOL :P

He is from Jacksonville I think he says he went fishing with a buddy that lives in my area

fishing user avatarBassinLou reply : 

I use all three lines. You want affordable braid, go to Walmart if you have one close by. The sell PP, cheaper than BPS. I have never been to an Academy. On rare occasions I will use fluoro for frogging, and it does well for me. Mono, for frogging is a no, no for me. Too strechy.

fishing user avatarAK-Jax86 reply : 

Yea I go to Walmart to get line academy has power pro too, I use the slick and Walmart never has that academy always does so I go there.

I don't use mono for froggin for what happened today too make break offs and that's too expensive when it comes to these frogs and rare hooks.

fishing user avatarAK-Jax86 reply : 

Never use floro tho, Dave was using it and told me to get a spool of it cuz it's like a cross between mono and braid

fishing user avatarLgMouthGambler reply : 
  On 9/13/2013 at 1:29 AM, DynoMyte said:

Man I can't catch a break, I have either only been catching snakeheads...  Im still at 0 as well.  I went out last sunday off University and Southgate Blvd, casting toward a bridge column, see a bass jump like a foot and a half out of the water and completely miss my spook. LOL  Just been the luck I am having lately.


You were right in my back yard.

fishing user avatarLgMouthGambler reply : 
  On 9/13/2013 at 1:17 AM, BassinLou said:

AK, I got your fish down. Both you an Martin have yet to learn your lesson with mono. Drop it already. Go braid. Your heartaches will be a lot less. Actually, I am kicking myself in the butt helping you guys. I am at 0 fish still.


Martin, I will take you up on your invite for Sunday. I think the change of city limits may help me get some numbers on the board. PM, me the details. Thanks for the invite, I look forward to it.


I have warned him about what lines to use, and what lines not to use. He still insists on sticking with that crappy P-Line 14lb junk. Oh well, you can lead a Donkey to water, but you cant teach him how to fish.......or something like that, lol.

fishing user avatarBassinLou reply : 

I had to log back in when I saw LGMouths post. AK, you have been advised several times I see about your choice of lines, and you have still stuck with yours?? :tsk-tsk: Let me share something with you. When I am on my boat, I carry several outfits. It's more practical that way for obvious reasons, the rods are right there with me. But, when I am  bank fishing its not practical to carry multiple rods. Your asking for trouble IMO. So I carry an outfit where I can maximize my style of fishing. In some cases, I will carry a B/C with braid and that allows me to me switch it up to a Fluro leader if need be. Braid down here is versatile, and you have the security knowing that if the big one shows up, you are geared well to battle.

fishing user avatarAK-Jax86 reply : 

Yea I know I ran out of my braided line. Last time I spooled up my own braid it was fine for a while caught a bunch of fish then one day it all knotted up so I talk to to Academy or DSG to get it done whenever I need line. Like I said I have 2 of the same reels so I keep my spools on me in my backpack. But I never change em unless my braid runs out and past few days I only have mono left losing these hooks and lures is getting expensive new my braid back lol

fishing user avatarLgMouthGambler reply : 

I have braid on most of my rigs, but then again I do not use them everyday. My beat around town rig was spooled with 17# Sufix, but I went back to BPS XPS Fluoro in 20# because its gonna be some big fishing soon.

fishing user avatar---=Martin=--- reply : 
  On 9/13/2013 at 1:47 AM, LgMouthGambler said:

I have warned him about what lines to use, and what lines not to use. He still insists on sticking with that crappy P-Line 14lb junk. Oh well, you can lead a Donkey to water, but you cant teach him how to fish.......or something like that, lol.


Ah! I have exactly the line you recommended!!! Is that how you plan to win this tournament?!??!?! I'm using 14lbs Suffix!!! Yea yea it's to thin go with 17# bla bla bla! I'm spooling braid for the weekend anyways :P

fishing user avatar---=Martin=--- reply : 
  On 9/13/2013 at 1:17 AM, BassinLou said:

AK, I got your fish down. Both you an Martin have yet to learn your lesson with mono. Drop it already. Go braid. Your heartaches will be a lot less. Actually, I am kicking myself in the butt helping you guys. I am at 0 fish still.


Martin, I will take you up on your invite for Sunday. I think the change of city limits may help me get some numbers on the board. PM, me the details. Thanks for the invite, I look forward to it.



  On 9/13/2013 at 1:29 AM, DynoMyte said:

Man I can't catch a break, I have either only been catching snakeheads...  Im still at 0 as well.  I went out last sunday off University and Southgate Blvd, casting toward a bridge column, see a bass jump like a foot and a half out of the water and completely miss my spook. LOL  Just been the luck I am having lately.


maybe we should have a threesome on Sunday afternoon :P DynoMyte, you were fishing in LMG and mine backyards :D you trying to start a turf war :P

fishing user avatarLgMouthGambler reply : 
  On 9/13/2013 at 1:59 AM, BassinLou said:

I had to log back in when I saw LGMouths post. AK, you have been advised several times I see about your choice of lines, and you have still stuck with yours?? :tsk-tsk: Let me share something with you. When I am on my boat, I carry several outfits. It's more practical that way for obvious reasons, the rods are right there with me. But, when I am  bank fishing its not practical to carry multiple rods. Your asking for trouble IMO. So I carry an outfit where I can maximize my style of fishing. In some cases, I will carry a B/C with braid and that allows me to me switch it up to a Fluro leader if need be. Braid down here is versatile, and you have the security knowing that if the big one shows up, you are geared well to battle.


Leaders of Fluoro or Coply are a must for highly abrasive areas, otherwise you really don't need it (at least down here). My beater is Fluoro/Mono due to needein abrasion resistance, and not gonna bother wasting the money with braid when I really don't need it.

fishing user avatarLgMouthGambler reply : 
  On 9/13/2013 at 2:29 AM, mvorbrodt said:

Ah! I have exactly the line you recommended!!! Is that how you plan to win this tournament?!??!?! I'm using 14lbs Suffix!!! Yea yea it's to thin go with 17# bla bla bla! I'm spooling braid for the weekend anyways :P


14#s! I told you to get rid of that light weight crap! Its 17# or more, or you might as well go home!

fishing user avatar---=Martin=--- reply : 
  On 9/13/2013 at 2:34 AM, LgMouthGambler said:

14#s! I told you to get rid of that light weight crap! Its 17# or more, or you might as well go home!


that's what she said!

fishing user avatarAK-Jax86 reply : 
  On 9/13/2013 at 2:30 AM, mvorbrodt said:

maybe we should have a threesome on Sunday afternoon :P DynoMyte, you were fishing in LMG and mine backyards :D you trying to start a turf war :P

You am LGM are both strapped you'd win that turf war

fishing user avatarLgMouthGambler reply : 
  On 9/13/2013 at 2:35 AM, mvorbrodt said:

that's what she said!


Dork, lol.

fishing user avatarLgMouthGambler reply : 
  On 9/13/2013 at 2:36 AM, AK-Jax86 said:

You am LGM are both strapped you'd win that turf war



fishing user avatar---=Martin=--- reply : 
  On 9/13/2013 at 2:38 AM, LgMouthGambler said:

Dork, lol.


well it's your reply to every other thing i say on your boat, so right back at yaaa! :P


back to fishing... i'm going to spool braid on all my rods from now on. i really don't see the benefit of mono over braid anymore, and forget leaders. i've caught just as many fish on straight braid as i did on mono...

fishing user avatarAK-Jax86 reply : 

LGM is in FL dressed in ski gear so if there were a shooting Martin would be the only one who could be identified

fishing user avatarAK-Jax86 reply : 

I like fishing soft plastics, cranks, and swim baits using mono not sure why but I like it better than braid. But since I'm on my frog grind I use braid for whatever I decide to tie on

fishing user avatarLgMouthGambler reply : 
  On 9/13/2013 at 2:43 AM, AK-Jax86 said:

LGM is in FL dressed in ski gear so if there were a shooting Martin would be the only one who could be identified


Ninja my

fishing user avatarDynoMyte reply : 
  On 9/13/2013 at 1:39 AM, BassinLou said:

I use all three lines. You want affordable braid, go to Walmart if you have one close by. The sell PP, cheaper than BPS. I have never been to an Academy. On rare occasions I will use fluoro for frogging, and it does well for me. Mono, for frogging is a no, no for me. Too strechy.


What is this PP you speak of?  I have been using spiderwire (i think) braid and it's fraying really bad, not been happy with it.  Would be interested in checking out another type of braid or even flouro.

fishing user avatarBassinLou reply : 

PowerPro aka "PP". It's been my go to braid for years. It has never let me down.

fishing user avatarLgMouthGambler reply : 
  On 9/13/2013 at 2:58 AM, DynoMyte said:

What is this PP you speak of?  I have been using spiderwire (i think) braid and it's fraying really bad, not been happy with it.  Would be interested in checking out another type of braid or even flouro.


All braid will frey over time. This is due to poor abrasion resistance. Power Pro is the better of the braids, just stay away from Super Slick.

fishing user avatarAK-Jax86 reply : 

I love the super slick

fishing user avatarMCS reply : 
  On 9/13/2013 at 2:25 AM, LgMouthGambler said:

I have braid on most of my rigs, but then again I do not use them everyday. My beat around town rig was spooled with 17# Sufix, but I went back to BPS XPS Fluoro in 20# because its gonna be some big fishing soon.


  On 9/13/2013 at 2:29 AM, mvorbrodt said:

Ah! I have exactly the line you recommended!!! Is that how you plan to win this tournament?!??!?! I'm using 14lbs Suffix!!! Yea yea it's to thin go with 17# bla bla bla! I'm spooling braid for the weekend anyways :P


Yall using siege or elite?

fishing user avatarMCS reply : 
  On 9/13/2013 at 3:28 AM, AK-Jax86 said:

I love the super slick

New name, you finally making this place home LOL no more NJ

fishing user avatarAK-Jax86 reply : 
  On 9/13/2013 at 3:43 AM, MCS said:

New name, you finally making this place home LOL no more NJ

Yea man I finally feel comfortable here lol

fishing user avatarJaxBasser reply : 

I haven't had any problems with the PP superslick. I have it spooled up on 2 reels and I fish it a lot.

fishing user avatarLgMouthGambler reply : 
  On 9/13/2013 at 3:42 AM, MCS said:

Yall using siege or elite?



fishing user avatarMCS reply : 
  On 9/13/2013 at 4:23 AM, LgMouthGambler said:



I love the stuff. elite is good for my topwaters. I like sufix so much I might try their copoly lines superior or tritanium do you have any experience with either?

fishing user avatarLgMouthGambler reply : 
  On 9/13/2013 at 4:36 AM, MCS said:

I love the stuff. elite is good for my topwaters. I like sufix so much I might try their copoly lines superior or tritanium do you have any experience with either?


Coply is a no no from them. If you want Coply, use YoZuri. Siege is the **** from them.

fishing user avatarDiggy reply : 

*Serpentor Voice*


This weekend, will be my weekend... this I command!!! 



fishing user avatarBassinLou reply : 

Diggy, what are you doing over here??

fishing user avatarAK-Jax86 reply : 

Snakehead king

fishing user avatarBassinLou reply : 

Diggy, you sound just like Martin... :neener:  Sorry Martin, I couldn't help myself, he sounds just like you. LOL

fishing user avatarBassinLou reply : 

I wanted to take the time and reach out to the other participants taking part of the September competition. I only see myself and the other resident cast of characters on here lately. How are you guys doing? Is the fishing slow? Do you have questions that we may be able to help? Don't let the banter that we have intimidate you on chiming in. Remember, this is your forum too. We are here to help each other. There is plenty of fishing time left, we are closely approaching the half way mark of Sept only. Best of Luck.

fishing user avatarDiggy reply : 

I haven't been fishing as much but myself and some friends have a meet up at 7am, don't know how much snaking we will do since there is a tournament on Sat. We will be fishing for Bass, Peas, Snook, Tarpon and snakes at a few spots. We will be using live and artificial so if anything good is caught Ill share pics.

fishing user avatarLgMouthGambler reply : 

I'm here in Islamorada reporting that I will be hopefully catching some Snook, Reds, Tarpon, and maybe a shark. Whatever Snook I catch, I will be using Microsoft Paint to modify the picture to make it look like a Bass. I have no chance this month for this tournament as I might not really get any real fishing in till next month. So I am going to take a handicap this month. Thank you. Lol.

fishing user avatarMCS reply : 

Time to do work Lou. I went out this morning and BOOM! 5 in a little over an hour, 2 that were 16" and 2 that were in the 17"s and one dink. all but 1 16" was caught on a watermelon culprit incredi craw 3.5" with a 3/0 EWG and 3/16 bullet. The other was with a black trick worm on the same rig. from 5:30 to 6:45 So I am replacing my lowest 3. I know I had a 14 and 15 dunno what my last lowest one was. so here you go, do the math for me Lou lol I will write down and keep track for next time, sorry man.





fishing user avatarMCS reply : 


Here is the 16"



fishing user avatarAK-Jax86 reply : 
  On 9/13/2013 at 8:59 PM, MCS said:


Here is the 16"

Were these fish from one of your older spots or the new ones you've been fishing

fishing user avatarMCS reply : 
  On 9/13/2013 at 9:17 PM, AK-Jax86 said:

Were these fish from one of your older spots or the new ones you've been fishing


A spot I been fishing for about six months.


Only tried new spots that one day, and it was a bust.


The couple other places I want to try are north and have to wait for a no school day.

fishing user avatarBassinLou reply : 

Nice job, MCS. Don't worry bud, I got you down. Your new total 5 fish = 83.5 inches. You are in a solid 2nd place. AK, still is on top 5 fish with 95 inches. CapitolIP is at 70" with 5 fish, to finish at 3rd.

fishing user avatarMCS reply : 

Man I am going to have to catch 5 more fish all 19" or bigger LOL. I dunno if that is possible with the time and spots I have available.

fishing user avatarCapitolP reply : 
  On 9/13/2013 at 11:15 PM, MCS said:

Man I am going to have to catch 5 more fish all 19" or bigger LOL. I dunno if that is possible with the time and spots I have available.


fishing user avatarAK-Jax86 reply : 

Let's get it men almost half way through

fishing user avatarLgMouthGambler reply : 

Well, I win for the month. Caught me a 9ft 400lb Bullshark today, I think that makes me the champ for September, lol.

fishing user avatarAK-Jax86 reply : 
  On 9/14/2013 at 5:30 AM, LgMouthGambler said:

Well, I win for the month. Caught me a 9ft 400lb Bullshark today, I think that makes me the champ for September, lol.

Did you take any pics? I always wanted to go shark fishing never have yet

fishing user avatarMCS reply : 
  On 9/14/2013 at 5:30 AM, LgMouthGambler said:

Well, I win for the month. Caught me a 9ft 400lb Bullshark today, I think that makes me the champ for September, lol.

That species could count as freshwater lol
fishing user avatarCapitolP reply : 
  On 9/14/2013 at 5:30 AM, LgMouthGambler said:

Well, I win for the month. Caught me a 9ft 400lb Bullshark today, I think that makes me the champ for September, lol.

did you punch it in the face?

fishing user avatarBassinLou reply : 

That's a big bull shark.

fishing user avatarLgMouthGambler reply : 
  On 9/14/2013 at 5:35 AM, AK-Jax86 said:

Did you take any pics? I always wanted to go shark fishing never have yet

Got plenty of pics. Caught a monster Redfish, a decent Snook, Grouper, Jack, and some Snapper. The wife is coooking the Snapper now. Dinner for tonight and tomorrow while we are down here in the Keys.

fishing user avatarLgMouthGambler reply : 
  On 9/14/2013 at 5:55 AM, CapitolP said:

did you punch it in the face?

No, llol. But I did toouch his head.

fishing user avatarMCS reply : 
  On 9/14/2013 at 7:54 AM, LgMouthGambler said:

Got plenty of pics. Caught a monster Redfish, a decent Snook, Grouper, Jack, and some Snapper. The wife is coooking the Snapper now. Dinner for tonight and tomorrow while we are down here in the Keys.

What where u catching them on?

fishing user avatar---=Martin=--- reply : 
  On 9/14/2013 at 5:30 AM, LgMouthGambler said:

Well, I win for the month. Caught me a 9ft 400lb Bullshark today, I think that makes me the champ for September, lol.


Only if you paint it green!

fishing user avatar---=Martin=--- reply : 
  On 9/14/2013 at 7:54 AM, LgMouthGambler said:

No, llol. But I did toouch his head.


Did you put your thumb up its je-ne-sais-quoi :D

fishing user avatarBassinLou reply : 

Wow, you caught a Red fish out of Islamorada?? I didn't know they could be caught down there. Flamingo yes.

fishing user avatardsidle61 reply : 

Not been getting out a whole lot this week.  Went out tuesday and caught 3 id say that were 14-16 but didnt take pics.  But did get out this evening to a new spot ive heard from a few fellow bank fisherman.  Caught 3 in about an hour one dink, one short fat little guy, and a 16" all on a baby bass senko.  Im going to blame AK for ruining me in this but I was about to throw it back bc I know to win i need 20" fish but decided after about 3 16" fish this week i just need to take the picture to start getting towards my 5 fish.  So this 16" puts me at 3 for 49" i belive.  Lou maybe you could confirm this for me.  either way this little competiton is at least getting me on the water trying some new places, im just trying to sneak in the top 3! 



fishing user avatarLgMouthGambler reply : 
  On 9/14/2013 at 8:09 AM, MCS said:

What where u catching them on?

Pinfish and Greenies mostly. Got the Bullshark off a Jack we caught.

fishing user avatarMCS reply : 
  On 9/14/2013 at 8:46 AM, LgMouthGambler said:

Pinfish and Greenies mostly. Got the Bullshark off a Jack we caught.

No artificials? ;) lol U plan on using them?

How deep were the snook and red taken?

fishing user avatarAK-Jax86 reply : 

Could be in for some pics tonight!

I stopped at my golf course to confront the security guard who saw me fishing at a pond he said I could fish few months back and stopped a cop who was passing through and the cop approached me, I think I told you guys about that. So I see the security guard car and someone inside I pull up and it's this old guy. I told him about the story of his coworker and what my intentions were comming here lol. He told me that guy got fired for whatever reason and he is a fellow fishermen so he doesn't care if I fish. He told me to not fish the front 2 from 5p to 10p because that's when he has to patrol and people are still there. As far as the others he said that's fine to fish anytime. He said he gets off at 1a and is going to start to bring his pole incase he sees me there.

I finally got my afternoon spot back and a good night spot, eventhough I have never fished there at night yet tonight will be the first going out around 11:30p see what happens.

fishing user avatardsidle61 reply : 
  On 9/14/2013 at 10:14 AM, AK-Jax86 said:

Could be in for some pics tonight!

I stopped at my golf course to confront the security guard who saw me fishing at a pond he said I could fish few months back and stopped a cop who was passing through and the cop approached me, I think I told you guys about that. So I see the security guard car and someone inside I pull up and it's this old guy. I told him about the story of his coworker and what my intentions were comming here lol. He told me that guy got fired for whatever reason and he is a fellow fishermen so he doesn't care if I fish. He told me to not fish the front 2 from 5p to 10p because that's when he has to patrol and people are still there. As far as the others he said that's fine to fish anytime. He said he gets off at 1a and is going to start to bring his pole incase he sees me there.

I finally got my afternoon spot back and a good night spot, eventhough I have never fished there at night yet tonight will be the first going out around 11:30p see what happens.


this at OPCC??

fishing user avatarLgMouthGambler reply : 
  On 9/14/2013 at 8:50 AM, MCS said:

No artificials? ;) lol U plan on using them?

How deep were the snook and red taken?

I bought a box of DOA Shrimp, but didn't bring it on the charter. The only one I had was on my rig I brought on the charter, and it got broken off. He had some Gulp shrimp and jig heads, but they didn't want to bite them. We were in about 2-8 feet of water off an island. There was some kind of pool/drop there, and the fish were there hunting bait fish and mullet. We had to do the whole match the hatch thing. The wife and I are driving to Key West today, and tomorrow we will be hanging on the side of the road here in Islamorada in the groves. While in the groves I will be tossing the DOAs in the water to see if I can hook up with anything.
fishing user avatarAK-Jax86 reply : 
  On 9/14/2013 at 10:27 AM, dsidle61 said:

this at OPCC??

No I'm talking about the golf course that's by my house. OPCC once you are in you are in since you need clearance to even get in. So they don't bother you because if you are in that means you belong there

fishing user avatarBassinLou reply : 

dsidle, I got you down. I actually have down for 50 inches. You need 20 inches to tie for third as of today.

fishing user avatarMCS reply : 
  On 9/14/2013 at 6:12 PM, LgMouthGambler said:

I bought a box of DOA Shrimp, but didn't bring it on the charter. The only one I had was on my rig I brought on the charter, and it got broken off. He had some Gulp shrimp and jig heads, but they didn't want to bite them. We were in about 2-8 feet of water off an island. There was some kind of pool/drop there, and the fish were there hunting bait fish and mullet. We had to do the whole match the hatch thing. The wife and I are driving to Key West today, and tomorrow we will be hanging on the side of the road here in Islamorada in the groves. While in the groves I will be tossing the DOAs in the water to see if I can hook up with anything.

Mangroves are awesome. Good luck

Talking this kinda stuff makes me miss so florida lol

fishing user avatarAK-Jax86 reply : 

Went out from 12:30a to 2a and managed to catch 5 biggest 1 was 20" and the rest were between 15 and 18".

I was using white frogs and the biggest one came on a baby bass colored frog, lost the frog too my last one figures.

So now my new top 5 is 19, 19, 19, 20, 20 = 97"

I'm at Sea World going to do some fishing while I'm here in Orlando. Hopefully I catch some 20" to replace these 19s. I will post pics when I get home on Sunday after football of course

fishing user avatarBassinLou reply : 

Got you down AK, you are at 97" with 5 fish. You culled out your 18 incher.

fishing user avatarRovingmutt reply : 

I have been watching this forum for for a couple of months and you seem to be having a lot of fun etc... i would like to join in next month if i could,


fishing user avatarBassinLou reply : 

Rovingmutt, we are honored that your first BR post, was in our forum. We would love to have you next month. My recommendation before you come aboard, would be for you to update your profile. What part of Florida are you from etc. etc. Second recommendation is to introduce yourself in the intro forum on this site. Look forward to competing with you next month.



fishing user avatarBassinLou reply : 

Ok guys, after 2 weeks of trying I finally have a fish that's worthy to post. Here is 15 incher I caught at a lake in Weston. I was fishing for 2 hrs, and right before I was about to head home I got a strike. It was little but still he hit my frog. I cast again, and I got another hit. By the third cast I landed this 15 incher. Then it went quiet again.


Martin I am looking forward to our outing tomorrow. Hopefully the weather cooperates.

fishing user avatarBassinLou reply : 

Sorry here is the fish, I forgot to post it duh???


September contest

fishing user avatartightlinesjax reply : 



Finally got to fish.  Nothing good but I know what a bass looks like again.  14, 15, 15, 17, 18  That's the best I could do so far.

fishing user avatartightlinesjax reply : 

2 more pics.  



fishing user avatartightlinesjax reply : 

and the last.  i cant fit them all in on one reply.


fishing user avatarMCS reply : 
  On 9/15/2013 at 7:00 AM, Rovingmutt said:

I have been watching this forum for for a couple of months and you seem to be having a lot of fun etc... i would like to join in next month if i could,



How's it going. We lived in NE St. Pete for a while, loved it, love to move back there. Left because of work.

I never really bass fished there, only know of Tarpon, the Hillsborough and braden rivers for bass. I see you fish over by Lakeland.  I did fish some saltwater from time to time in St. Pete.

fishing user avatarAK-Jax86 reply : 
  On 9/15/2013 at 7:58 AM, BassinLou said:

Sorry here is the fish, I forgot to post it duh???

Lou in glad to see you on the board!

I was a little concerned that you gave up on fishing and picked up knitting for the month lol

fishing user avatarMCS reply : 

Nice fish Lou and Tightlines. hang in there yall are catching up to me and P....We will just forget about AK since he is so far out there and have our own race for second place LOL :respect-059:

fishing user avatarAK-Jax86 reply : 

Tightlines nice catches

What has been working for you when you get to go out?

As far as my secret goes there is none, FROG FROG FROG no matter what time of day, conditions, or if they aren't biting it the frog stays on lol

fishing user avatarNEjitterbugger reply : 
  On 9/15/2013 at 9:09 AM, AK-Jax86 said:

Tightlines nice catches

What has been working for you when you get to go out?

As far as my secret goes there is none, FROG FROG FROG no matter what time of day, conditions, or if they aren't biting it the frog stays on lol


That's what i've been doing up here and I got a 21" ,19.5", and 18" in the past few days... I'm at 93" as of now

fishing user avatarBassinLou reply : 

First off, Tightlines Jax, nice power move. You have jumped into third place, with 5 fish at 79" surpassing CapitolIP's 70".  AK, I have been fishing, just not catching anything worth while. Finally, today I caught a 15incher. The month is not over yet, anything can happen. Remember we still have big fish category. So I may not hit the numbers but I can still land a monster, you never know.

fishing user avatarAK-Jax86 reply : 
  On 9/15/2013 at 9:13 AM, NEjitterbugger said:

That's what i've been doing up here and I got a 21" ,19.5", and 18" in the past few days... I'm at 93" as of now

Yea man the big ones love them frogs!! That's why I keep it tied on seems like dinks are allergic and that's what I like!

fishing user avatarAK-Jax86 reply : 

NE you got me beat for the month my biggest is 20, got two of em so far

fishing user avatarNEjitterbugger reply : 
  On 9/15/2013 at 9:14 AM, AK-Jax86 said:

Yea man the big ones love them frogs!! That's why I keep it tied on seems like dinks are allergic and that's what I like!


Totally agree

fishing user avatarNEjitterbugger reply : 

My 21" fish only weighed 4lbs, I was surprised!

fishing user avatarAK-Jax86 reply : 
  On 9/15/2013 at 9:14 AM, BassinLou said:

First off, Tightlines Jax, nice power move. You have jumped into third place, with 5 fish at 79" surpassing CapitolIP's 70".  AK, I have been fishing, just not catching anything worth while. Finally, today I caught a 15incher. The month is not over yet, anything can happen. Remember we still have big fish category. So I may not hit the numbers but I can still land a monster, you never know.

Man I forgot about the big fish. The 5 fish I posted I didn't weigh but I highly doubt any were over 5lbs.

I recently got a new smaller tackle bag, thanks Felix, to just take what I need wit me fishing I need to throw my scale in there.

I was gonna stay in Orlando but decided to come home so I am gonna be going out tomorrow morning and then again in the evening after the eagles game.

fishing user avatarBassinLou reply : 

Let's see how we do tomorrow. Martin and I are all set, he was kind enough, and taking me to one of his productive spots. Stay tuned. I will report tomorrow night as well as the Sunday night weekly wrap up.

fishing user avatarBassinLou reply : 

Rovingmutt, thanks for updating your profile, that is very helpful.

fishing user avatarAK-Jax86 reply : 
  On 9/15/2013 at 9:16 AM, NEjitterbugger said:

My 21" fish only weighed 4lbs, I was surprised!

Yea man the FL record LMB I forget the weight but it was just under 24". I caught a 24" in one of our competitions and she weighed 7lbs. Should have been well into double digits but she was skinny.

Length can be very misleading with bass. I've caught long skinny ones and short fat ones

fishing user avatarAK-Jax86 reply : 
  On 9/15/2013 at 9:21 AM, BassinLou said:

Let's see how we do tomorrow. Martin and I are all set, he was kind enough, and taking me to one of his productive spots. Stay tuned. I will report tomorrow night as well as the Sunday night weekly wrap up.

Martins productive spots?

I expect to see a bunch of fish under 16" and snakeheads lol just playing good luck guys!

fishing user avatarMCS reply : 
  On 9/15/2013 at 9:16 AM, NEjitterbugger said:

My 21" fish only weighed 4lbs, I was surprised!

Nice fish man! I see the same thing sometimes I hook a fish and it is 4# hook another the same length and it will a pound or two heavy. Funny huh.

fishing user avatarMCS reply : 
  On 9/15/2013 at 9:21 AM, BassinLou said:

Let's see how we do tomorrow. Martin and I are all set, he was kind enough, and taking me to one of his productive spots. Stay tuned. I will report tomorrow night as well as the Sunday night weekly wrap up.

Land of the mythical 20"er? NO MONO Lou remember those bass have teeth like buzz saws where Martin fishes lol

fishing user avatarBassinLou reply : 

If there are 20 inchers I will land them. Time is of the essence so I will take my time on the hooksets. I do not fish mono. If they can cut through 30lb braid, then I am going to have problems.


AK, the state of FL record is 17lbs and some ounces, and it did not measure 24 inches. I have caught 24 inch fish and they are 7-8lb fish. I would think a 17lb fish would be low thirty's to upper, upper 20's

fishing user avatarBassinLou reply : 

AK, go to the FWC sight and look up their Angler recognition program, and you will see some huge bass caught across the state. One guy caught a bass so big its length was in the 30's check it out.

fishing user avatarBassinLou reply : 

AK here is the site.

fishing user avatarNEjitterbugger reply : 
  On 9/15/2013 at 9:23 AM, AK-Jax86 said:

Yea man the FL record LMB I forget the weight but it was just under 24". I caught a 24" in one of our competitions and she weighed 7lbs. Should have been well into double digits but she was skinny.

Length can be very misleading with bass. I've caught long skinny ones and short fat ones


I really wish I got to measure my PB... Any ideas or guesses for length, I know it is hard to tell... Pic on the bottom is 21" 4lbs, pic on top is PB 6lbs 5oz


PB 021

fishing user avatarAK-Jax86 reply : 
  On 9/15/2013 at 9:48 AM, BassinLou said:

AK here is the site.

Lou someone on this site sent me some link saying the record came out of Okeechobee either this year or last, I'm not sure who but one FL membe posted a link in one of our competition threads. That could have been the record caught out of Okeechobee though idk all I know is that I didn't catch her so it doesn't bother me lol

The fish in my avatar was over 24inches and a HAWG, I still to this day think my scale was off. On that site you showed me I have had bookmarked in my phone for a while, I even stored the number to call to verify a fish over 12lbs or whatever it is, labeled BIG FISH lol.

Funny you brought that up because I use that as my "24" means double digits" I have even see fish on there that are double digit and are around 20". That's why I don't put too muc stock in length. For instance the fish fstr posts look like they eat my fish but mine are longer means nothing give me this fatties that fstr is posting anyday!

fishing user avatardsidle61 reply : 
  On 9/14/2013 at 8:49 PM, BassinLou said:

dsidle, I got you down. I actually have down for 50 inches. You need 20 inches to tie for third as of today.

Thanks Lou, i was trying to go off memory bc i didnt feel like digging for my old posts!  Hopefully ill get out tomorrow to get my 5 fish and hopefully I can make a run in the battle for 2nd and 3rd place!

fishing user avatarAK-Jax86 reply : 

I know those biggens can get into the 30s, Dave's PB is 13 and he said his was 33"

fishing user avatarAK-Jax86 reply : 
  On 9/15/2013 at 10:21 AM, dsidle61 said:

Thanks Lou, i was trying to go off memory bc i didnt feel like digging for my old posts!  Hopefully ill get out tomorrow to get my 5 fish and hopefully I can make a run in the battle for 2nd and 3rd place!

First place is what you want.

Why is everyone gunning for second all of a sudden lol

fishing user avatarBassinLou reply : 

AK, that could have been an Okeechobee record. The state record was caught above the lake and below Jax. Our competition can frustrate people, because we are going for length not weight. Fortunately, we have included the big fish category. Trust me, I may not have caught up with you in length but, I can still say I won in the big fish category once.

fishing user avatarAK-Jax86 reply : 

Yea I like that we added the Big Fish category gives you guys something to shoot for since this length things isn't working out lol just playing.

Lou I meant to ask you does your boat have a live well? Because if I catch that south fl monster LMB or Pea I may need that live well lol

fishing user avatarfishingator reply : 

Hey all!  I've been missing off the board since the spring.  This is a great idea!  I wish I had gotten in this month.  I moved and am enjoying finding the local holes.  We have been getting out about once a week so I am going to try to give it a run for October...that is if it's ok to have a Queen of the Hill ;).  Good luck everyone!

fishing user avatarAK-Jax86 reply : 

Queen of the Hill none of us would have a problem with that. Welcome to our little friendly FL competition.

fishing user avatardsidle61 reply : 
  On 9/15/2013 at 10:23 AM, AK-Jax86 said:

First place is what you want.

Why is everyone gunning for second all of a sudden lol

After pulling in 1 20+" fish in the past 3 months Im just being realistic lol but hey maybe ill get hot here towards the end of the month! Or shoot for the big fish of the month.

fishing user avatartightlinesjax reply : 
  On 9/15/2013 at 9:09 AM, AK-Jax86 said:

Tightlines nice catches

What has been working for you when you get to go out?

As far as my secret goes there is none, FROG FROG FROG no matter what time of day, conditions, or if they aren't biting it the frog stays on lol

All my fish were caught on a silver/blue rat l trap.  The pond I was fishing has a bunch of little fish that the bass were chasing.  The baitfish were getting knocked out of the water.  I figured I would try and match the hatch.  Are you fishing a hollow body frog or the rubber Ribbit style?  I fish both kinds but prefer the hollow body one.

fishing user avatarBassinLou reply : 

Fishingator, we would love it if you came on board to our group . There is current thread going on asking where the bass fishing ladies were at, and we can proudly say they are over at the bragging club group. ;)

fishing user avatarDiggy reply : 

We caught a bunch of bass, peas, catfish, a baby tarpon,a water snake, snakeheads and lost a pretty big snook 2x. Nothing was of great size besides the snook which was probably about 15lbs.

My best lmb bass was 2.5 which I caught on a spinnerbait and lost one a bit bigger on a senko... do not use eagle claw wacky hooks BTW, they are dull and almost a guaranteed loss of a fish.

fishing user avatarRovingmutt reply : 
  On 9/15/2013 at 9:06 AM, MCS said:

How's it going. We lived in NE St. Pete for a while, loved it, love to move back there. Left because of work.

I never really bass fished there, only know of Tarpon, the Hillsborough and braden rivers for bass. I see you fish over by Lakeland.  I did fish some saltwater from time to time in St. Pete.

I did do some salt water fishing for awhile, but i find freshwater bass fishing much more enjoyable and peaceful,  i drive over to lakeland because of the many lakes to fish at, over here in pinellas it is very crowded etc, 

fishing user avatarLgMouthGambler reply : 

25 lb Redfish. About 38"

fishing user avatarLgMouthGambler reply : 

400lb, 9ft Bullshark. I win for the month! :) (this time I have pics Lou, lol)

fishing user avatardsidle61 reply : 

Got out for an hour after giving up on the jags in the 4th quarter.  Caught 3, two not competition worthy and one 17".  Puts me at 4 fish for 67".  Caught the first two on a trick worm and the bigger one on a white zoom horny toad.  Ive been reading about you guys loving the frogs ive had it in the box for awhile but ive never fished one so ive been putting it off.  also missed one on the frog which is pretty common from what i have gathered.  AK ive got a question for ya, i know you love the horny toads that float, I noticed mine doesnt lol did i do something terribly wrong rigging it up or do i have the wrong kind.  I got the zoom hooks and screwed the frog down in the mouth and fit the hook through the slit in the stomach.  I feel a little silly asking but as a first time frog user im just trying to get it right!  thanks



fishing user avatarBassinLou reply : 

I went out with Martin (aka:mvorbrodt) and came back home a little while ago. We caught some fish. Not that much bass. I caught a decent 15" bass on a frog, and Martin caught a nice 18". The highlight of our trip was that I caught for the first time 2 snakehead. A little one and according to Martin a decent one. We had a very good time. Martin, thanks again for the invite. It was pleasure meeting you.


15 inch bass caught in West Coral Springs


This fish puts me at 30". Pitiful I know. It's been tough out there.

fishing user avatarBassinLou reply : 

Here is our weekly wrap up. 1st Place AK with 5 fish 97", 2nd place MCS with 5 fish 83.5 inches. Jumping to 3rd place TightlinesJax with 5 fish at 79". Good luck to all of you this week.

fishing user avatar---=Martin=--- reply : 
  On 9/16/2013 at 8:49 AM, BassinLou said:

I went out with Martin (aka:mvorbrodt) and came back home a little while ago. We caught some fish. Not that much bass. I caught a decent 15" bass on a frog, and Martin caught a nice 18". The highlight of our trip was that I caught for the first time 2 snakehead. A little one and according to Martin a decent one. We had a very good time. Martin, thanks again for the invite. It was pleasure meeting you.



This fish puts me at 30". Pitiful I know. It's been tough out there.


Glad I could help you pop your snakehead cherry Lou :P


It was surprising to see them in the canal right next to the Everglades, only one dam separating them from wrecking havoc in the swamps!


Now where are those snakehead pictures Lou?!? You know the rules... pic or it didn't happen :P

fishing user avatarMCS reply : 
  On 9/16/2013 at 8:01 AM, LgMouthGambler said:

25 lb Redfish. About 38"

Beautiful fish man! I am more impressed with this than the shark :P

fishing user avatarMCS reply : 
  On 9/16/2013 at 8:59 AM, mvorbrodt said:

Glad I could help you pop your snakehead cherry Lou :P

It was surprising to see them in the canal right next to the Everglades, only one dam separating them from wrecking havoc in the swamps!

Now where are those snakehead pictures Lou?!? You know the rules... pic or it didn't happen :P

Something tells me there already in the glades......python food, keeps the big snakes from snacking on the green fish lol

fishing user avatar---=Martin=--- reply : 
  On 9/16/2013 at 9:10 AM, MCS said:

Something tells me there already in the glades......python food, keeps the big snakes from snacking on the green fish lol


Lou and I saw a baby python we think! I picked him up and threw him in the canal we were fishing but I think he escaped the wrath of the bass... is this a python:



fishing user avatarBassinLou reply : 

Oh the Snakehead catch did happen...


My first baby snakehead


My second Snakehead


They were fun to catch, I did not expect to catch these guys.


fishing user avatarBassinLou reply : 

Oh Dsidle, btw, I documented your catch. You and CaptiolIP are battling it out at 4th and 5th place. He is at 70" and you are at 67"

fishing user avatar---=Martin=--- reply : 

Here's my 18" so far, that should put me in a solid 4th place :P





fishing user avatarAK-Jax86 reply : 
  On 9/16/2013 at 8:26 AM, dsidle61 said:

Got out for an hour after giving up on the jags in the 4th quarter.  Caught 3, two not competition worthy and one 17".  Puts me at 4 fish for 67".  Caught the first two on a trick worm and the bigger one on a white zoom horny toad.  Ive been reading about you guys loving the frogs ive had it in the box for awhile but ive never fished one so ive been putting it off.  also missed one on the frog which is pretty common from what i have gathered.  AK ive got a question for ya, i know you love the horny toads that float, I noticed mine doesnt lol did i do something terribly wrong rigging it up or do i have the wrong kind.  I got the zoom hooks and screwed the frog down in the mouth and fit the hook through the slit in the stomach.  I feel a little silly asking but as a first time frog user im just trying to get it right!  thanks



I use the Stanley frogs not the zoom or any other brand for that matter. They make frog hooks and that's what I use, the double with the screw

fishing user avatarAK-Jax86 reply : 
  On 9/16/2013 at 9:15 AM, BassinLou said:

Oh the Snakehead catch did happen...




They were fun to catch, I did not expect to catch these guys.

I guess I was pretty spot on with my prediction fish under 16" and snakeheads

fishing user avatarAK-Jax86 reply : 
  On 9/16/2013 at 9:13 AM, mvorbrodt said:

Lou and I saw a baby python we think! I picked him up and threw him in the canal we were fishing but I think he escaped the wrath of the bass... is this a python:



I don't think that's a baby python I thinks it's a banded water snake or some type of water snake

fishing user avatarAK-Jax86 reply : 


That's the 20" I caught the other night. I won't be getting out much this week

fishing user avatarMCS reply : 
  On 9/16/2013 at 9:13 AM, mvorbrodt said:

Lou and I saw a baby python we think! I picked him up and threw him in the canal we were fishing but I think he escaped the wrath of the bass... is this a python:




Corn/rat snake



  On 9/16/2013 at 9:25 AM, mvorbrodt said:

Here's my 18" so far, that should put me in a solid 4th place :P






Nice you stuck the tape down its throat.

fishing user avatarBassinLou reply : 

The bass down here are so tough that they swallow tape measures.

fishing user avatarCaylub reply : 

This is a really cool thing you guys have going on. I keep up with it on a regular basis. I always root for Martin because I feel like he is the underdog. J/k Bro. Maybe we can get this going for the Alabama guys some time. Good luck guys and keep it going.

fishing user avatarMCS reply : 

Went out this morning for a bit. Throwing the incredicraw again, 3/0 and 3/16 oz this time on BC setup.

Was slow, saw lots of surface action but i was bottom hopping trying for a bigger fish.  Finally got a decent fish towards the end throwing it in the action. Decent fish too, nice heathly 15 or 16" but not good enough. I am only taking pics of the 20"ers now ;) There is a flurry of activity, cold front coming later. Gonna try to make it out tomorrow and wed before I go on vacation.

fishing user avatarAK-Jax86 reply : 

Martin I like the new name ha

fishing user avatarAK-Jax86 reply : 
  On 9/16/2013 at 9:49 PM, MCS said:

Went out this morning for a bit. Throwing the incredicraw again, 3/0 and 3/16 oz this time on BC setup.

Was slow, saw lots of surface action but i was bottom hopping trying for a bigger fish. Finally got a decent fish towards the end throwing it in the action. Decent fish too, nice heathly 15 or 16" but not good enough. I am only taking pics of the 20"ers now ;) There is a flurry of activity, cold front coming later. Gonna try to make it out tomorrow and wed before I go on vacation.

I'm gonna try to go out early the next two days since you say there is going to be a cold front. Going to shoot for 5:30a.

Only taking pics of 20" seems to be the norm now your the 4th person to say that lol no1 has cracked the 100" mark this month or last so it looks like that's what it's gonna take.

The fish you have been catching have they been fat? Because I have noticed that I am catching smaller fish but they have bellies on them. The bigger ones 18"+ this month have been more solid than fat if that makes any sense.

fishing user avatar---=Martin=--- reply : 
  On 9/17/2013 at 12:02 AM, AK-Jax86 said:

Martin I like the new name ha


thanks, i wonder how many people would get confused, so I added my name to it :P

fishing user avatarAK-Jax86 reply : 
  On 9/17/2013 at 12:22 AM, CountBassula (Martin) said:

thanks, i wonder how many people would get confused, so I added my name to it :P


got to admit I was confused I figured it was you because of your name ha

fishing user avatarLgMouthGambler reply : 
  On 9/17/2013 at 12:02 AM, AK-Jax86 said:

Martin I like the new name ha


I get it. CountBassula, like Count Dracula. A mythical thing, like his 20# Bass, lol. Sorry Martin, I couldn't help myself. I still love you brother.

fishing user avatarAK-Jax86 reply : 
  On 9/17/2013 at 1:21 AM, LgMouthGambler said:

I get it. CountBassula, like Count Dracula. A mythical thing, like his 20# Bass, lol. Sorry Martin, I couldn't help myself. I still love you brother.


that's hilarious you said that cuz that's what I was thinking but just didn't elaborate on my comment lol

fishing user avatarCapitolP reply : 

just got a 2 new ones this weekend, not uploading the photos until i get more but right now i'm sitting at 79'' with 15'' 15'' 15.5'' 16'' and 17.5''


i guess i'm gonna have to go out today and catch more


i'm now in a wrestling match for 3rd place


d**n you boys are good!

fishing user avatar---=Martin=--- reply : 
  On 9/17/2013 at 1:21 AM, LgMouthGambler said:

I get it. CountBassula, like Count Dracula. A mythical thing, like his 20# Bass, lol. Sorry Martin, I couldn't help myself. I still love you brother.



fishing user avatarBassinLou reply : 

Martin, I gotta say, its going to get some getting use to the new name. Unless its a Halloween theme. Since Halloween is next month. LOL.

fishing user avatarBassinLou reply : 

CapitolIP, When you post the catches, I will make the changes. Yes, I agree, the group you are competing against, play around a lot, but know what they are doing.

fishing user avatarBassinLou reply : 

CapitolIP, I made the changes pending pics.

fishing user avatarCapitolP reply : 

i gotcha, i'm waiting until i get 3 new fish and change the tide a little more.

fishing user avatar---=Martin=--- reply : 
  On 9/17/2013 at 3:03 AM, BassinLou said:

Martin, I gotta say, its going to get some getting use to the new name. Unless its a Halloween theme. Since Halloween is next month. LOL.


Fine, I changed it to something less confusing :P

fishing user avatarAK-Jax86 reply : 
  On 9/17/2013 at 6:42 AM, ---=Martin=--- said:

Fine, I changed it to something less confusing :P

You folded to the peer pressure lol make sure you tell your children not to do that

fishing user avatarMCS reply : 
  On 9/17/2013 at 6:42 AM, ---=Martin=--- said:

Fine, I changed it to something less confusing :P

It woulda been less confusing if the proper avatar was used.....


fishing user avatarAK-Jax86 reply : 
  On 9/15/2013 at 11:05 AM, dsidle61 said:

After pulling in 1 20+" fish in the past 3 months Im just being realistic lol but hey maybe ill get hot here towards the end of the month! Or shoot for the big fish of the month.

I haven't been fishing by OP in lately do you know if Wells has cleared up at all? Last time I was there it seemed like it cleared up a little.

I need to get braid on my spools but I have been over by OP yet. So I have been froggin with mono in ponds that doesn't have too much vegetation.

One time I pulled out a fish from wells prob between 3 and 4lbs and must have had another 10lbs of vegetation on my braid. I thought I pulled in a swamp monster until I cleared all the crap

fishing user avatarBassinLou reply : 

Martin, too many name changes, choose one!! LOL

fishing user avatarBassinLou reply : 

OK, its taking me a while, but fortunately this contest is for a month. I caught an 18" at the park little while ago. Don't worry I am not a threat yet..... this puts me at 48" , and the week just got started.


September Contest

fishing user avatarAK-Jax86 reply : 

Nice fish Lou what u catch it on

fishing user avatarMCS reply : 
  On 9/17/2013 at 7:43 AM, AK-Jax86 said:

Nice fish Lou what u catch it on


A frog or a senko :eyebrows:  LOL those are the only two bait Lou throws, I believe he does use a centipede too from time to time. :Idontknow:

fishing user avatar---=Martin=--- reply : 
  On 9/17/2013 at 7:33 AM, BassinLou said:

Martin, too many name changes, choose one!! LOL


It's final Lou! New name and new avatar of my 5-yo catching his first bass :) i'll try not to change 2 things at the same time again, i see it's very confusing for you guys :P and since i have a brand name like reputation established, I want to make sure i'm remembered :P

fishing user avatarBassinLou reply : 

Oh, you are remembered all right. Apparently we must be a sitcom to a lot of people outside our group. A member from Alabama is rooting for you. You have fans Martin!!

fishing user avatarBassinLou reply : 

BTW, cute pic of your son. It's proud moment for a Dad to see his little one catch a fish.

fishing user avatarBassinLou reply : 
  On 9/17/2013 at 7:43 AM, AK-Jax86 said:

Nice fish Lou what u catch it on


Oh, my mistake. I caught this one on a u-vibe worm. I caught him on my third cast. I thought the fishing was going to be awesome, but I only caught this one and 13". I didn't post it because my cutoff is at least 15".

fishing user avatarBassinLou reply : 
  On 9/17/2013 at 7:48 AM, MCS said:

A frog or a senko :eyebrows:  LOL those are the only two bait Lou throws, I believe he does use a centipede too from time to time. :Idontknow:


Senko??? That is my least used from my arsenal. People swear by them, but they just don't do it for me. I am an equal opportunity bait user. However, when a area looks froggy I can't resist. Just ask Martin.

fishing user avatarLgMouthGambler reply : 
  On 9/17/2013 at 7:48 AM, MCS said:

A frog or a senko :eyebrows:  LOL those are the only two bait Lou throws, I believe he does use a centipede too from time to time. :Idontknow:

He has been fishing with Martin, so they both have the same tactic, lol.

fishing user avatarLgMouthGambler reply : 
  On 9/17/2013 at 7:33 AM, BassinLou said:

Martin, too many name changes, choose one!! LOL

I think he should go with "The Polish Pole Slinger", lol.

fishing user avatarBassinLou reply : 

Funny, Lgmouth, that's what Martin said about you. LOL....

fishing user avatarAK-Jax86 reply : 
  On 9/17/2013 at 8:50 AM, LgMouthGambler said:

He has been fishing with Martin, so they both have the same tactic, lol.

Yea same tactic landing dinks lol

fishing user avatarBassinLou reply : 

AK, you are funny. I am going to love to see you fall.

fishing user avatardsidle61 reply : 
  On 9/17/2013 at 6:52 AM, AK-Jax86 said:

I haven't been fishing by OP in lately do you know if Wells has cleared up at all? Last time I was there it seemed like it cleared up a little.

I need to get braid on my spools but I have been over by OP yet. So I have been froggin with mono in ponds that doesn't have too much vegetation.

One time I pulled out a fish from wells prob between 3 and 4lbs and must have had another 10lbs of vegetation on my braid. I thought I pulled in a swamp monster until I cleared all the crap

Havent been over there in about 2 or 3 weeks.  Was still pretty full when i checked it out then.  im thinking of heading there tomorrow evening, if i make it over ill let ya know. 

fishing user avatardsidle61 reply : 
  On 9/17/2013 at 8:50 AM, BassinLou said:

Senko??? That is my least used from my arsenal. People swear by them, but they just don't do it for me. I am an equal opportunity bait user. However, when a area looks froggy I can't resist. Just ask Martin.

I am definitely one of those people Lou, ive caught probably 90% of my fish on senkos.  i wacky rig them which is frustrating bc i go through them so quick but i get better results than T-rigging. why i have no idea.  Ive been trying the O rings lately on the wacky rig, all ive discovered is the o ring may keep the bait on but it cuts into the worm when i get a fish ive had a few break in half on a cast bc they were sliced.  Anyone else have anything that keeps wacky rigs on and not destroyed???

fishing user avatarAK-Jax86 reply : 
  On 9/17/2013 at 9:06 AM, BassinLou said:

AK, you are funny. I am going to love to see you fall.

Man I've been waiting too!! Seriously I wanna see some nice fish

I haven't been out that much at all this month this weekend my girl and son are going to Orlando for the weekend so I will be free to do some fishing

fishing user avatarBassinLou reply : 
  On 9/17/2013 at 9:18 AM, dsidle61 said:

I am definitely one of those people Lou, ive caught probably 90% of my fish on senkos.  i wacky rig them which is frustrating bc i go through them so quick but i get better results than T-rigging. why i have no idea.  Ive been trying the O rings lately on the wacky rig, all ive discovered is the o ring may keep the bait on but it cuts into the worm when i get a fish ive had a few break in half on a cast bc they were sliced.  Anyone else have anything that keeps wacky rigs on and not destroyed???

There's nothing that could be done once a bass decides to take that bait. My advice, have plenty of bags ready on a good day.

fishing user avatarBassinLou reply : 
  On 9/17/2013 at 9:20 AM, AK-Jax86 said:

Man I've been waiting too!! Seriously I wanna see some nice fish

I haven't been out that much at all this month this weekend my girl and son are going to Orlando for the weekend so I will be free to do some fishing

Every time I go out it's my goal to catch nice fish. But I am telling you, the fishing has been off. Every fish I have caught has been work. Take advantage of the conditions you have up there in Jax

fishing user avatarAK-Jax86 reply : 
  On 9/17/2013 at 9:29 AM, BassinLou said:

Every time I go out it's my goal to catch nice fish. But I am telling you, the fishing has been off. Every fish I have caught has been work. Take advantage of the conditions you have up there in Jax

Is it still hot as the devil down there Lou? Up here it cooled off a lot makes the evening fishing a lot more enjoyable. The spot I have been fishing in the evenings I just started seeing a lot of top water activity last week when I was there. That's a good sign because I was catching them there with no signs of top water action, I need to spool up my braid so I don't have any issues.

fishing user avatarBassinLou reply : 
  On 9/17/2013 at 9:35 AM, AK-Jax86 said:

Is it still hot as the devil down there Lou? Up here it cooled off a lot makes the evening fishing a lot more enjoyable. The spot I have been fishing in the evenings I just started seeing a lot of top water activity last week when I was there. That's a good sign because I was catching them there with no signs of top water action, I need to spool up my braid so I don't have any issues.

Yeah we are still in the 90's with high humidity. The fish are lethargic.

fishing user avatarMCS reply : 
  On 9/17/2013 at 9:18 AM, dsidle61 said:

I am definitely one of those people Lou, ive caught probably 90% of my fish on senkos. i wacky rig them which is frustrating bc i go through them so quick but i get better results than T-rigging. why i have no idea. Ive been trying the O rings lately on the wacky rig, all ive discovered is the o ring may keep the bait on but it cuts into the worm when i get a fish ive had a few break in half on a cast bc they were sliced. Anyone else have anything that keeps wacky rigs on and not destroyed???

Big bite has wacky stick with the o rings molded into them. I put the hook in the center, it tears but doesn't break in half, stays together longer. Never had an issue casting. I also use centipedes a lot wacky w/o the o ring and they last a few fish at least just because zooms plastic is tough. Work equally as well or better. And sluggos are pretty durable wacky, fall the slowest of them all again it is a harder plastic. Just a few different ideas. The big bite wacky sticks sold at both academy and gander.

fishing user avatarLgMouthGambler reply : 
  On 9/17/2013 at 8:51 AM, BassinLou said:

Funny, Lgmouth, that's what Martin said about you. LOL....


It wasn't fair game, he forced me to do it. He said if I told anyone he would kill me. Ooops.

fishing user avatarDiggy reply : 

This weekend I predict 3 inches of rain and 219 inches of fish for me

fishing user avatarAK-Jax86 reply : 
  On 9/17/2013 at 9:01 PM, Diggy said:

This weekend I predict 3 inches of rain and 219 inches of fish for me

Must be ocean fishing or know a nice snakehead honey hole

fishing user avatarDiggy reply : 
  On 9/17/2013 at 9:27 PM, AK-Jax86 said:

Must be ocean fishing or know a nice snakehead honey hole

all bream and cichlids

fishing user avatar---=Martin=--- reply : 

Alright, who's ready for another video?! :D

fishing user avatarAK-Jax86 reply : 

Post it Martin we are ready lol

fishing user avatar---=Martin=--- reply : 
  On 9/17/2013 at 9:48 PM, AK-Jax86 said:

Post it Martin we are ready lol


Working on it, and still deciding if I want to post "Martin finds out..." or "Martin calls Siebert Outdoors..." LOL

fishing user avatarDiggy reply : 

You should make one because it is pouring right now!!! Hopefully this will get the fish biting.

fishing user avatarAK-Jax86 reply : 
  On 9/17/2013 at 9:58 PM, ---=Martin=--- said:

Working on it, and still deciding if I want to post "Martin finds out..." or "Martin calls Siebert Outdoors..." LOL

Make both post one then work on the other. That first one was great

fishing user avatarLgMouthGambler reply : 

Its the peak time of the day for fishing boys. You got 2 hours, go get 'em!

fishing user avatardsidle61 reply : 

AK, swung by wells lake this afternoon to check it out.  Took these two pictures, both from right behind the golf store there looking out.   Pretty packed full still, actually this is the worst that ive seen it.  Not sure if this is the area of the lake you fish but if so maybe hold off making the trip for a few more weeks. 




fishing user avatarAK-Jax86 reply : 
  On 9/18/2013 at 5:29 AM, dsidle61 said:

AK, swung by wells lake this afternoon to check it out. Took these two pictures, both from right behind the golf store there looking out. Pretty packed full still, actually this is the worst that ive seen it. Not sure if this is the area of the lake you fish but if so maybe hold off making the trip for a few more weeks.

wells lake.jpg

wells lake 2.jpg

Man thank god you just posted!! Lol I was going to head out to Wells at 6:15.

I fish to the left of where you took the picture. I try to cast along the bank by where the golf store is and bring it back towards me.

You are absolutely right it looks like it did get a lot worse. The first pic by the pipe is where I caught a nice one but there was go vegetation there and there were a lot of gaps, seems like the vegetation covered up a lot of the open gaps it's a shame.

Wonder how long it's going to be like this.

fishing user avatarMCS reply : 

Frog it...right Lou?

fishing user avatarAK-Jax86 reply : 
  On 9/17/2013 at 9:46 PM, ---=Martin=--- said:

Alright, who's ready for another video?! :D

Martin where is this masterpiece?

fishing user avatar---=Martin=--- reply : 
  On 9/18/2013 at 7:01 AM, AK-Jax86 said:

Martin where is this masterpiece?


Patience, I'm working on it! Oh this one will be GOOOOOOOOD :D

fishing user avatarBassinLou reply : 

It does look pretty froggy, however if you were to catch a biggun, far out, the fish would have a field day in that thick grass. If you still manage to land him, you will have 20lbs of grass to pick through before you find the fish. Sadly, sometimes the fish even isn't there anymore just your frog. LOL.

fishing user avatarBassinLou reply : 

I am still fuming. I just got back in from my neighborhood canal, and I caught a nice 17". I take my pic release the fish, every thing is all good. I go check the pic.... didn't take!!! All I got was blur of my feet. That fish would have helped my numbers. The good news, I was seeing a lot of signs of life in the bass variety. The storms the last couple of days, must have cooled off the water. Now we have some current and the water is very clear, for canal standards. Full moon any day now, so lets see what I can do.

fishing user avatarAK-Jax86 reply : 
  On 9/18/2013 at 8:00 AM, BassinLou said:

It does look pretty froggy, however if you were to catch a biggun, far out, the fish would have a field day in that thick grass. If you still manage to land him, you will have 20lbs of grass to pick through before you find the fish. Sadly, sometimes the fish even isn't there anymore just your frog. LOL.

Never had that problem there a few of my 20" came out of there in the exact conditions in which you describe sir

I don't like removing the Grass I don't want my nails to get dirty lol

fishing user avatarAK-Jax86 reply : 

Frogs are the only thing to fish at that spot anything else is gonna be more work than its worth removing crap off your lure every cast

fishing user avatarBassinLou reply : 

"DEEPDISHPANDA" seriously!! What is going on with you guys!! Must be the full moon coming soon. LOL.

fishing user avatarBassinLou reply : 

LOL... still.... I had to check if it was really you AK, twice. I didn't want to offend someone.

fishing user avatarAK-Jax86 reply : 

Man those guys in the Northeast comp are putting in work! Making all you guys look real bad lol including me. They have been posting some nice fish lookin like tey were caught down here. The leader is at 107", I think that was my highest total a while back. I didn't know they had fishing like that up there, I mean I was practically right next door in NJ for 25 years and never knew.

fishing user avatarAK-Jax86 reply : 
  On 9/18/2013 at 8:24 AM, BassinLou said:

LOL... still.... I had to check if it was really you AK, twice. I didn't want to offend someone.

Yea some NFL player uses this name as their video game name I liked it so I stole it

fishing user avatarBassinLou reply : 
  On 9/18/2013 at 8:14 AM, DEEPdish Panda said:

Never had that problem there a few of my 20" came out of there in the exact conditions in which you describe sir

I don't like removing the Grass I don't want my nails to get dirty lol


That's why you keep dropping the real big ones. :lol-047:

fishing user avatarBassinLou reply : 

Sorry to tell you but I am not calling you deepdishpanda. You will always be AK.

fishing user avatarBassinLou reply : 

I have respect for Maine. Those fish are unbelievable!!

fishing user avatarAK-Jax86 reply : 
  On 9/18/2013 at 8:27 AM, BassinLou said:


That's why you keep dropping the real big ones. :lol-047:

I hope you know I am joking Lou lol

fishing user avatarAK-Jax86 reply : 

Yea Lou AK is my birth initials

And that guy Mainbass posted that pic of that real nice 8lber and a few others over 20". I knew they had big lobsters in Maine not big bass

fishing user avatarBassinLou reply : 
  On 9/18/2013 at 8:40 AM, DEEPdish Panda said:

I hope you know I am joking Lou lol


I know, AK, but its still funny.

fishing user avatartightlinesjax reply : 

more inches to add to my total.  got a 17, 18, 18, and a 20 this past sunday.  no football today so i am finally posting.  was having a hard time getting the tape measure to lay flat on the grass, so the measurements look off.  gonna steal the lay the bass on the tape trick next time.  



fishing user avatartightlinesjax reply : 

the other 2



fishing user avatarAK-Jax86 reply : 
  On 9/18/2013 at 12:01 PM, tightlinesjax said:

the other 2

Nice fish what did you catch them on?

fishing user avatarBassinLou reply : 

Wow!! Tightlines made a big power move. You jumped to 2nd place. Nice job. You are 6 inches behind AK. I love it. Competition from the same zip code.

fishing user avatarMCS reply : 
  On 9/18/2013 at 11:14 PM, BassinLou said:

Wow!! Tightlines made a big power move. You jumped to 2nd place. Nice job. You are 6 inches behind AK. I love it. Competition from the same zip code.


So how far behind am I? man this morning killed me.

fishing user avatarAK-Jax86 reply : 
  On 9/18/2013 at 11:14 PM, BassinLou said:

Wow!! Tightlines made a big power move. You jumped to 2nd place. Nice job. You are 6 inches behind AK. I love it. Competition from the same zip code.


You should love if YOU were 6 inches behind me you are really praying for me to lose this month Lou I thought we were friends lol

fishing user avatarAK-Jax86 reply : 

I have a feeling that this weekend might be the weekend that I land the BIGGEN with pictures to support it lol. I met a guy at DSG that showed me 6 pictures of bass from 6-9lbs that he caught in a pond that never gets fished over by the Town Center, all on frogs too. He said they were all caught within a 2 day period. Told me where the spot was and I checked it out before I left the area, didn't fish it though. I am meeting him over there Saturday and Sunday, Eagles play Thursday night so I will be FISHING all weekend!

fishing user avatarMCS reply : 
  On 9/19/2013 at 12:16 AM, DEEPdish Panda said:

You should love if YOU were 6 inches behind me you are really praying for me to lose this month Lou I thought we were friends lol



That just don't sound right. :embarassed2:

fishing user avatarLgMouthGambler reply : 
  On 9/19/2013 at 12:28 AM, MCS said:

That just don't sound right. :embarassed2:


Whats funny about that is that even at only 6 inches, he still wasn't touching him! :respect-059:  :respect-040:  :lol-045:

fishing user avatarBassinLou reply : 
  On 9/18/2013 at 11:22 PM, MCS said:

So how far behind am I? man this morning killed me.


MCS you are holding at 83.5". Unfortunately, you dropped to 3rd place and CaptiolIP is closing in behind you at 79".

fishing user avatarAK-Jax86 reply : 
  On 9/19/2013 at 12:28 AM, MCS said:

That just don't sound right. :embarassed2:



fishing user avatarBassinLou reply : 

You guys are hilarious!! It was only a matter a time.

fishing user avatarLgMouthGambler reply : 

Martin text me last night that he wants to go out on the boat Sunday. Specifically that he is "boat horny", lol. I wasn't planning on taking the boat out till I got my new motor for the back, but what the hell. If I don't he may make me do those unmentionable acts that he threatens me with, lol. I will go get the boat this afternoon and get that tape measurer mounted in case he or I get something worth posting.

fishing user avatarAK-Jax86 reply : 
  On 9/19/2013 at 1:01 AM, LgMouthGambler said:

Martin text me last night that he wants to go out on the boat Sunday. Specifically that he is "boat horny", lol. I wasn't planning on taking the boat out till I got my new motor for the back, but what the hell. If I don't he may make me do those unmentionable acts that he threatens me with, lol. I will go get the boat this afternoon and get that tape measurer mounted in case he or I get something worth posting.


how can't you go get the boat when he says boat horny lol 


tell him we are STILL waiting on his epic videos

fishing user avatarBassinLou reply : 

These  posts are really going the wrong direction real quick. With the changing of people's names and innuendo's flying around, this sounds to me like a runaway train. LOL. Soon a new vid is going to get posted. I can't begin to imagine how this one is going to be with Martin behind the wheel.

fishing user avatarLgMouthGambler reply : 
  On 9/19/2013 at 1:13 AM, DEEPdish Panda said:

how can't you go get the boat when he says boat horny lol 


tell him we are STILL waiting on his epic videos


Because he fishes from the back, if you know what I mean.

fishing user avatartightlinesjax reply : 
  On 9/18/2013 at 9:42 PM, DEEPdish Panda said:

Nice fish what did you catch them on?

Biggest was on a FROG! The others were caught on a Zoom fluke.

fishing user avatarMCS reply : 
  On 9/19/2013 at 2:07 AM, tightlinesjax said:

Biggest was on a FROG! The others were caught on a Zoom fluke.


Both horny toads and flukes did me well last year. But this year I cannot put down the T-rigs.

Maybe I should listen to you and AK then yall won't be whooping me LOL

fishing user avatarBassinLou reply : 
  On 9/19/2013 at 2:21 AM, MCS said:

Both horny toads and flukes did me well last year. But this year I cannot put down the T-rigs.

Maybe I should listen to you and AK then yall won't be whooping me LOL


MCS if your fishing area looks anything like the pics Dsidle shared yesterday. Then a frog on braid will definitely be something you must consider. Even zoom horny toads will do well too.

fishing user avatarMCS reply : 
  On 9/19/2013 at 2:39 AM, BassinLou said:

MCS if your fishing area looks anything like the pics Dsidle shared yesterday. Then a frog on braid will definitely be something you must consider. Even zoom horny toads will do well too.


maybe a frog from BPS since I do have braid now....What kind? I don't want AK's hybrids. I want to try a real FROG Lol

fishing user avatarBassinLou reply : 
  On 9/19/2013 at 2:45 AM, MCS said:

maybe a frog from BPS since I do have braid now....What kind? I don't want AK's hybrids. I want to try a real FROG Lol


A nice budget frog in my opinion, is Booyah pond crasher. It comes in a variety of colors and you can walk it easily. I use Booyah and Live Target frogs.

fishing user avatarMCS reply : 
  On 9/19/2013 at 2:51 AM, BassinLou said:

A nice budget frog in my opinion, is Booyah pond crasher. It comes in a variety of colors and you can walk it easily. I use Booyah and Live Target frogs.


I have that live target mouse, it is ok, but leaks. I might give the booyah a try though the Live Targets look good.

fishing user avatarBassinLou reply : 

No, put the mouse on the shelf for now. Especially if its taking on water. Trust me you will not be disappointed with the Booyah frog. I would say Koppers also but they are $11 vs 7$.

fishing user avatarLgMouthGambler reply : 
  On 9/19/2013 at 2:45 AM, MCS said:

maybe a frog from BPS since I do have braid now....What kind? I don't want AK's hybrids. I want to try a real FROG Lol


I only use the Booyah Pad Crushers. Best bang for the buck at $6, and the hookups are never an issue. Believe it or not, I have fished a real frog before, and I get more strikes from the hollow bodies due to I can control them.

fishing user avatarAK-Jax86 reply : 
  On 9/19/2013 at 3:01 AM, MCS said:

I have that live target mouse, it is ok, but leaks. I might give the booyah a try though the Live Targets look good.

You can have all my spro and booyah frogs for free they just sit in my trunk I have 4 I have no use for them

fishing user avatarAK-Jax86 reply : 
  On 9/19/2013 at 3:44 AM, LgMouthGambler said:

I only use the Booyah Pad Crushers. Best bang for the buck at $6, and the hookups are never an issue. Believe it or not, I have fished a real frog before, and I get more strikes from the hollow bodies due to I can control them.

Yea man I swear by hollow body frogs love em I don't use the others similar to the horny toad. My buddy and I were fishing at night and found a crawfish and a frog while night fishing so we threw em on a hook but no action surprisingly, I definitely thought crawfish would get the attention of a BIGGEN on the bottom but not that night

fishing user avatarAK-Jax86 reply : 

Frogs have become the norm in this comp I think only people who don't fish em are MCS and Martin. Have a feeling they will come around sooner than later and then maybe they can compete lol jk

fishing user avatarBassinLou reply : 
  On 9/19/2013 at 3:48 AM, DEEPdish Panda said:

You can have all my spro and booyah frogs for free they just sit in my trunk I have 4 I have no use for them


Wait... Wait... let me give you my address, hold on.... LOL. When you come down to fish the glades with me in the Spring. You are going to regret, this last post.

fishing user avatarAK-Jax86 reply : 
  On 9/19/2013 at 3:55 AM, BassinLou said:

Wait... Wait... let me give you my address, hold on.... LOL. When you come down to fish the glades with me in the Spring. You are going to regret, this last post.

If I still got em you can have em Lou

fishing user avatarBassinLou reply : 

Lgmouth, did you really use a real live frog to bass fish? When ever I see a live frog in the water, which is rare, the haul a** out of the water. They know what will happen to them if they stay in the water long enough. LOL.

fishing user avatarBassinLou reply : 
  On 9/19/2013 at 3:59 AM, DEEPdish Panda said:

If I still got em you can have em Lou


Seriously?? I will gladly take them off your hands, and then gladly let you borrow them when you come down in the spring. LOL...

fishing user avatarAK-Jax86 reply : 

I love my hybrid frogs best of both types with no negative can fish them however

fishing user avatarBassinLou reply : 

That's why I love bass fishing. We all have our confidence baits

fishing user avatarMCS reply : 
  On 9/19/2013 at 3:53 AM, DEEPdish Panda said:

Frogs have become the norm in this comp I think only people who don't fish em are MCS and Martin. Have a feeling they will come around sooner than later and then maybe they can compete lol jk


Well I am hanging around, So the difference between us non frogging guys is I catch fish, albeit smaller fish than two guys this month, and martin sees fish, ok they are 25" inches but still not catching. So that makes me numero uno of the non froggers.


What happened to ol buzz bait'n Czar man? You feed him to the gators he ain't even post a fish this month did he?

fishing user avatardsidle61 reply : 

I gave the stanley frogs a go yesterday, dicks didnt have any of the hollow body ones so i just got what they had.  had 2 hits but didnt land either.  I do think they have a little better action than the zoom horny toads.  but i definitely want to check out the hollow body ones.  Pulled in a 15" on a wacky senko but didnt take a picture.  Not sure if ill get out tonight.  got over 3" of rain here in jax today so may be a bit swampy.

fishing user avatarMCS reply : 
  On 9/19/2013 at 4:16 AM, dsidle61 said:

I gave the stanley frogs a go yesterday, dicks didnt have any of the hollow body ones so i just got what they had.  had 2 hits but didnt land either.  I do think they have a little better action than the zoom horny toads.  but i definitely want to check out the hollow body ones.  Pulled in a 15" on a wacky senko but didnt take a picture.  Not sure if ill get out tonight.  got over 3" of rain here in jax today so may be a bit swampy.


Yeah I got dumped on this morning, nothing doing before the skies opened up. Buddy went out last night and had a 30 minute flurry before the heavens opened up.

fishing user avatarBassinLou reply : 

There are differences between using a buzzing frog like the horny toads and ribbits vs a hollowbody frog. I find more versatility in the hollow body frog vs a soft plastic frog imho, however, in certain situations the soft plastic frog does illicit some real aggressive strikes.

fishing user avatarAK-Jax86 reply : 
  On 9/19/2013 at 4:07 AM, MCS said:

Well I am hanging around, So the difference between us non frogging guys is I catch fish, albeit smaller fish than two guys this month, and martin sees fish, ok they are 25" inches but still not catching. So that makes me numero uno of the non froggers.


What happened to ol buzz bait'n Czar man? You feed him to the gators he ain't even post a fish this month did he?


IDK what happened to him I haven't even seen him all month lol he might have gotten eaten by gators

fishing user avatarAK-Jax86 reply : 
  On 9/19/2013 at 4:16 AM, dsidle61 said:

I gave the stanley frogs a go yesterday, dicks didnt have any of the hollow body ones so i just got what they had.  had 2 hits but didnt land either.  I do think they have a little better action than the zoom horny toads.  but i definitely want to check out the hollow body ones.  Pulled in a 15" on a wacky senko but didnt take a picture.  Not sure if ill get out tonight.  got over 3" of rain here in jax today so may be a bit swampy.


Me, Dave, and Derrick (texted him waitin on response) are going fishing this weekend in the OP area if you are free you should join us.  Probably going to hit up OPCC or Industrial Saturday morning. I will be out all weekend since the Eagles play tomorrow night and my girl and son are going to a wedding in Orlando for the weekend, I don't like her cousin who is getting married so I am not going lol 

fishing user avatarLgMouthGambler reply : 
  On 9/19/2013 at 3:59 AM, BassinLou said:

Lgmouth, did you really use a real live frog to bass fish? When ever I see a live frog in the water, which is rare, the haul a** out of the water. They know what will happen to them if they stay in the water long enough. LOL.


Yes, it was a toad. Like the size of a baseball. Hooked it with a 5/0 EWG in the mouth, and cast that thing out. Watched it swim around for about 20 minutes and gave up. Threw the Pad Crusher out, and within 5 minutes had me a nice chunker. It was pretty funny.

fishing user avatardsidle61 reply : 
  On 9/19/2013 at 4:39 AM, DEEPdish Panda said:

Me, Dave, and Derrick (texted him waitin on response) are going fishing this weekend in the OP area if you are free you should join us.  Probably going to hit up OPCC or Industrial Saturday morning. I will be out all weekend since the Eagles play tomorrow night and my girl and son are going to a wedding in Orlando for the weekend, I don't like her cousin who is getting married so I am not going lol 

haha nice move there!  Saturday im only gonna be available in the evening have a racquetball tourney in the morning then my school plays at 330 ill probably be available around 7 ish.  Let me know if you end up out around then and ill definitely join you guys. 

fishing user avatarAK-Jax86 reply : 
  On 9/19/2013 at 5:52 AM, dsidle61 said:

haha nice move there!  Saturday im only gonna be available in the evening have a racquetball tourney in the morning then my school plays at 330 ill probably be available around 7 ish.  Let me know if you end up out around then and ill definitely join you guys.

Yea we prob will be going out in the AM and in the evening too. I'll PM you my number and you can text me and ill let you know what we are doing

fishing user avatar1234567 reply : 

Hey guys, the first cold snap of the year should be coming soon (late Oct.nov) if there is such a thing in s. florida.  When this happens drag a horny toad or whatever on the bottom super slow just outside the first weedline.  I used to only night fish and what I noticed that when the temps dip, by accident I flashed my flashlight into the shoreline and saw glowing eyes everywhere!  In my opinion the frogs took refuge to the water to stay warm during the cool night.  Air temps that night were upper 50's.  Needless to say I caught about 25 bass in two-3 hours I was there and left them biting.  Just another option if you're out.  Good luck guys!

fishing user avatardsidle61 reply : 
  On 9/19/2013 at 6:05 AM, DEEPdish Panda said:

Yea we prob will be going out in the AM and in the evening too. I'll PM you my number and you can text me and ill let you know what we are doing

sounds good!

fishing user avatardsidle61 reply : 

got out this evening to a pond over on off argyle. pulled in this 17".  thats my 5th fish and i believe my total is at 84", Lou any confirmation on this??  Caught it on a wacky senko.  missed a nice one on my frog dragging it through some grass right out front of a culvert.  now im looking for some big guys to replace my 16s and 17s!



fishing user avatarAK-Jax86 reply : 

Lou I think you should start keeping track of the top 5 since the race is gettig close.

Do something similar to how NE does it and when someone adds a fish post the list so people can see how much they need to catch ya boy lol

fishing user avatarBassinLou reply : 

1. Deepdishpanda has 97inches

2. Tightlines Jax has 91 inches

3.Dsidle has 84 inches

4. MCS has 83.5 inches

5. CapitolIP has 79 inches

fishing user avatarMCS reply : 
  On 9/19/2013 at 9:29 AM, BassinLou said:

1. Deepdishpanda has 97inches

2. Tightlines Jax has 91 inches

3.Dsidle has 84 inches

4. MCS has 83.5 inches

5. CapitolIP has 79 inches

Wow Disdle knocking me down by a 1/2"...

For the record Lou could u list Martin and your place. Now it is strictly for the record. Just to see where we are all at. :P

fishing user avatarMCS reply : 
  On 9/19/2013 at 8:30 AM, dsidle61 said:

got out this evening to a pond over on off argyle. pulled in this 17". thats my 5th fish and i believe my total is at 84", Lou any confirmation on this?? Caught it on a wacky senko. missed a nice one on my frog dragging it through some grass right out front of a culvert. now im looking for some big guys to replace my 16s and 17s!


I am with you, need to get over the 17" hump

Start racking in the 20's might need a frog to do that tho ;)

fishing user avatarAK-Jax86 reply : 

Lou MCS is calling you out lol I know you won't stand for that. Go out and get you some inches

fishing user avatarBassinLou reply : 

The good news is we still have time to fish and help our numbers, because I sure need it. I am glad you guys up in Jax are doing well. Notice the top five are all from Jax. That tells you something. My region is not primed and ready yet. But don't worry it will be.

fishing user avatarAK-Jax86 reply : 
  On 9/19/2013 at 10:27 AM, BassinLou said:

The good news is we still have time to fish and help our numbers, because I sure need it. I am glad you guys up in Jax are doing well. Notice the top five are all from Jax. That tells you something. My region is not primed and ready yet. But don't worry it will be.

When that happens I have a feeling we will all be in trouble. Those south Florida fish stay at the all you can eat buffets that's why they are so fat

fishing user avatarDiggy reply : 

I just bought some new stick baits, vmc wacky and tournament circle hooks so that only means this weekend will be my weekend!

fishing user avatarJaxBasser reply : 

This month has been really bad for me. Almost no time to fish and when I do its all just little fish. Hopefully i'll get something in the next few days.

fishing user avatarCapitolP reply : 
  On 9/19/2013 at 9:29 AM, BassinLou said:

1. Deepdishpanda has 97inches

2. Tightlines Jax has 91 inches

3.Dsidle has 84 inches

4. MCS has 83.5 inches

5. CapitolIP has 79 inches

man, i don't check in for a couple days and POW


i'll have updates soon enough though


don't you worry

fishing user avatarBassinLou reply : 

Yeah, with this group never get complacent, shifts in the numbers can happen at any moment. Especially, now that we are in the 3rd quarter.

fishing user avatartightlinesjax reply : 
  On 9/19/2013 at 2:45 AM, MCS said:

maybe a frog from BPS since I do have braid now....What kind? I don't want AK's hybrids. I want to try a real FROG Lol

Go to Academy and get the store brand frog. Its like 4 bucks and ive caught plenty of fish on them.

fishing user avatarNEjitterbugger reply : 

The leader up here is at 111.75"!!! I'm in 2nd with 93", I wanna cull all but one fish, if not all... It'll be very tough to catch up to him!

fishing user avatarAK-Jax86 reply : 
  On 9/20/2013 at 11:28 AM, NEjitterbugger said:

The leader up here is at 111.75"!!! I'm in 2nd with 93", I wanna cull all but one fish, if not all... It'll be very tough to catch up to him!

He just set the length record in the history of both competitions

fishing user avatarAK-Jax86 reply : 

The Eagles just lost a game we gave away! So this weekend I am shutting it down no football straight fishing! I need to let out this frustration on some bass, horrible horrible game!

fishing user avatarAK-Jax86 reply : 

I went out this morning for a little over an hour and caught 6. I was using craws and junebug trick worms (can't afford to lose anymore frog hooks on mono going to get braid spooled this afternoon). Biggest fish was 18". I only caught 2 on the craw, top water style, and the rest on weightless trick worm.

fishing user avatarBassinLou reply : 

AK, you still have not gotten braid??

fishing user avatarAK-Jax86 reply : 
  On 9/21/2013 at 1:47 AM, BassinLou said:

AK, you still have not gotten braid??


Nope. I have been fishing spots that braid isn't really needed. But this weekend I am going hard so braid is a must, going tonight to get my braid spooled on.

fishing user avatar---=Martin=--- reply : 

I'm all braid all the time now. From reel to hook! Tried frogging today, got one strike, no fish :( But i have some great lines for my new video... to give you a taste... LgMouthGambler's 10 inch bass is longer than my 20 inch bass... and his grandfather invented the fishing hook... and spawning females think his boat is a bead... stay tuned... it's gonna be GOOOOOOOOD :D

fishing user avatarLgMouthGambler reply : 
  On 9/21/2013 at 8:05 AM, ---=Martin=--- said:

I'm all braid all the time now. From reel to hook! Tried frogging today, got one strike, no fish :( But i have some great lines for my new video... to give you a taste... LgMouthGambler's 10 inch bass is longer than my 20 inch bass... and his grandfather invented the fishing hook... and spawning females think his boat is a bead... stay tuned... it's gonna be GOOOOOOOOD :D

Yep, he's gone loco.

fishing user avatar---=Martin=--- reply : 
  On 9/21/2013 at 9:14 AM, LgMouthGambler said:

Yep, he's gone loco.


I've been loco since day one! It's awesome!!!

fishing user avatarAK-Jax86 reply : 

Big fish of the month... Check

fishing user avatarBassinLou reply : 

AK, imagine my excitement with this spot I found.


New Spot

Then imagine my heartache when I worked this entire area, with a frog and zero fish decided to play.

fishing user avatarBassinLou reply : 

As far as big fish goes, no one has submitted any big fish nominations. So as it stands 1lb weighed fish with pic will win.

fishing user avatardsidle61 reply : 

Missed myself a freaking pig tonight, thing ran me across the pond and back, jumped in front of me and got a second wind and took off again and spit me out.  Would have been my pb by a few pounds easy.  Havent seen a fish that big except in pictures.  But in good news i had several strikes on my frog in a place where frog fishing had previously been slow so hopefully our big ones up here are finally coming out to play..

fishing user avatarBassinLou reply : 

Dsidle, too bad you lost the big one, but now you know your on the right track.

fishing user avatarJaxBasser reply : 

Caught some nice fish on frogs this afternoon. Missed a really really big fish though, made me sick seeing that thing then seeing the hook pop out.

I'll upload pics in a bit.

fishing user avatarAK-Jax86 reply : 
  On 9/22/2013 at 7:41 AM, BassinLou said:

As far as big fish goes, no one has submitted any big fish nominations. So as it stands 1lb weighed fish with pic will win.

Yea Lou my fish will not be able to qualify I didn't take a picture of it on the scale. I had a show and tell type day lol. I caught the fish and then there was a family walking by, with kids of course. First thing I did was weigh her cuz I could feel she was heavy. The kids were all excited to see the big fish and the father was kind enough to take my picture holding it. After they all touched it I layed it on the ground to measure and snapped a quick pic. Then I released her.

Obviously they stayed while I was fishing asking me EVERY question under the sun about fishing lol. It was cool though the 6.3lb was 21" and then I caught a few others 2nd biggest was 19". It was cool to see their reactions when the fish exploded on the frogs. I think I made their day the kids were really excited so that was pretty cool. I'm going back tomorrow hopefully they are not there lol

fishing user avatarAK-Jax86 reply : 
  On 9/22/2013 at 7:38 AM, BassinLou said:

AK, imagine my excitement with this spot I found.

Then imagine my heartache when I worked this entire area, with a frog and zero fish decided to play.

Lou that spot looks like heaven on earth! Doesn't seem like there are too many spots where you can get broken off either.

There are many spots like that around me but you need a SUV to get to them my charger is too low to the ground to get to them. Funny when I first moved here I was at the tackle shop and I was talking to this guy by my car and he was like "boy that's a nice car you got but fishing here in FL you want to get yourself a truck or a SUV" and he was right. So many times I am driving and I see spots that my car just can't get to

fishing user avatarBassinLou reply : 
  On 9/22/2013 at 9:05 AM, DEEPdish Panda said:

Yea Lou my fish will not be able to qualify I didn't take a picture of it on the scale. I had a show and tell type day lol. I caught the fish and then there was a family walking by, with kids of course. First thing I did was weigh her cuz I could feel she was heavy. The kids were all excited to see the big fish and the father was kind enough to take my picture holding it. After they all touched it I layed it on the ground to measure and snapped a quick pic. Then I released her.

Obviously they stayed while I was fishing asking me EVERY question under the sun about fishing lol. It was cool though the 6.3lb was 21" and then I caught a few others 2nd biggest was 19". It was cool to see their reactions when the fish exploded on the frogs. I think I made their day the kids were really excited so that was pretty cool. I'm going back tomorrow hopefully they are not there lol


That fish qualifies. As long as you have a pic and measurement of the fish its good to submit. You do not need a pic of the of the fish on the scale. Congrats, big fish and longest string all in the same month. That's awesome...... (Not really...) ;)

fishing user avatarAK-Jax86 reply : 
  On 9/22/2013 at 9:34 PM, BassinLou said:

That fish qualifies. As long as you have a pic and measurement of the fish its good to submit. You do not need a pic of the of the fish on the scale. Congrats, big fish and longest string all in the same month. That's awesome...... (Not really...) ;)

It ain't over yet Ninjas may emerge

fishing user avatarBassinLou reply : 

AK, remember we corrected for ninja's. That's why we had a cutoff date to participate. I think the stage is set. However, TightlinesJax, can make something happen. With about a week left, I think the battle will be for 2nd and 3rd place, big fish can happen at any moment.

fishing user avatarJaxBasser reply : 

I have a 20, 16.5, and a 16 I need to upload pics of when I get off of work. That should give me 4 fish for 68.5" which will make me just one solid fish short of a move into the top 4.

fishing user avatarDiggy reply : 

I didnt even fish

fishing user avatarJaxBasser reply : 
20 on a baby ribbit frog



16.5 on a baby ribbit frog



16 on a speed craw



The picture of the last fish kinda sucks with the measurement. Couldn't get him to hold still and I was in a hurry to get him back in the water. 

fishing user avatarBassinLou reply : 

Here are this weeks top 5 leaders.


1. AK (aka:deepdishpanda): 97" 5 fish

2. Tightlines Jax: 91" 5 fish

3. Dsidle61: 84" 5 fish

4. MCS: 83.5" 5 fish

5. CapitolIP: 79" 5 fish


Big fish recognition so far goes to AK for a 23", 6lb 3oz fish.


We have 1 more week left folks, anything could still happen.

fishing user avatarBassinLou reply : 

Correction the big fish was 21" not 23"

fishing user avatarJaxBasser reply : 




Should put me at 83"

fishing user avatarBassinLou reply : 
  On 9/23/2013 at 7:15 AM, BassinLou said:

Here are this weeks top 5 leaders.


1. AK (aka:deepdishpanda): 97" 5 fish

2. Tightlines Jax: 91" 5 fish

3. Dsidle61: 84" 5 fish

4. MCS: 83.5" 5 fish

5. CapitolIP: 79" 5 fish   Jaxbasser 83" 5 fish


Big fish recognition so far goes to AK for a 23", 6lb 3oz fish.


We have 1 more week left folks, anything could still happen.


Jaxbasser, just moved up to 5th place with 83" with 5 fish. WTG!!

fishing user avatardsidle61 reply : 

Yikes! Only one inch has me between 3rd and out of the top 5.  Wish i woulda pulled in that hog last night, had another 16" last night but ive already got to many of those bad boys!  I wont be out again until at least wednesday.  well see if i get caught by then.

fishing user avatarAK-Jax86 reply : 

Lou 21" and 6.3lbs

Goin out early morning and evening I will post pics before the Monday night game

fishing user avatarAK-Jax86 reply : 

Lou 21" and 6.3lbs

Goin out early morning and evening I will post pics before the Monday night game

fishing user avatarDynoMyte reply : 

Geez I cant even get on the board this month, doesn't help im holed up in the living room playing GTA V LOL

fishing user avatarBassinLou reply : 

Yeah Dynomyte, the only chance you got is by getting a line wet. LOL.

fishing user avatarAK-Jax86 reply : 
  On 9/23/2013 at 10:04 PM, DynoMyte said:

Geez I cant even get on the board this month, doesn't help im holed up in the living room playing GTA V LOL

Lol I got GTA5 too yesterday it's going to cut into my fishing time significantly

fishing user avatarMCS reply : 

Good thing I don't play video games LOL I am about to make a run watch out.

fishing user avatarLgMouthGambler reply : 

Got out with Martin yesterday afternoon. Caught a fair share with only one good one at 21", I will post the pic later when I get home.

fishing user avatarBassinLou reply : 

Ak, did you see the thread on the 9lb 3oz bass hitting that frog? I think I saw you post. Anyways, the fish in my avatar struck the same way. It launched itself out of the water. Unfortunately, it wasn't a 9 lb bass, but I am ok for it being a 6Lb 3oz.

fishing user avatarJaxBasser reply : 

I got GTA V at the midnight release but I haven't played in the last 3 days because the fishing has been so good

fishing user avatarBassinLou reply : 
  On 9/24/2013 at 2:28 AM, JaxBasser said:

I got GTA V at the midnight release but I haven't played in the last 3 days because the fishing has been so good


Finally!! Someone with priorities. AK, keep playing your game and watch one of your JAX posse beat you.

fishing user avatarMCS reply : 

Man I am itching to get out. I hope this weekend is better than last. LOL I will have plenty of time to fish

fishing user avatarzack d reply : 

Havent fished nearly as much as id have liked to the past couple weeks,and when i have its been mostly dinks.

I did manage this 20" today in about a foot and a half of water. I was looking for snakeheads and saw 3 3-5 lb bass in a canal 10 feet wide & 2 feet deep. Pretty cool.



fishing user avatarJaxBasser reply : 
  On 9/24/2013 at 3:15 AM, MCS said:

Man I am itching to get out. I hope this weekend is better than last. LOL I will have plenty of time to fish

All of this rain seems to have them really active, especially in shallow grass.

fishing user avatarBassinLou reply : 
  On 9/24/2013 at 3:30 AM, JaxBasser said:

All of this rain seems to have them really active, especially in shallow grass.


Down in my neck of the woods, the bass seem to be doing the same thing. Yesterday at the canal I was fishing, there were wolf packs of bass busting up the bait fish along the edges. one of the wolf packs was a group of 3 between the 3-5lbs. those would have seriously helped out my numbers, but they were pretty dialed in on what they wanted. They ignored everything I was throwing at them. Pretty frustrating.

fishing user avatarBassinLou reply : 

ZachD, I saw your status update. Catching up...? If you were relating to our tourney, you and I have some serious work to do. The heads of the pack are in the 80's and 90's.

fishing user avatarAK-Jax86 reply : 
  On 9/24/2013 at 2:25 AM, BassinLou said:

Ak, did you see the thread on the 9lb 3oz bass hitting that frog? I think I saw you post. Anyways, the fish in my avatar struck the same way. It launched itself out of the water. Unfortunately, it wasn't a 9 lb bass, but I am ok for it being a 6Lb 3oz.

Yea I saw that vid that fish was beast. I've caught a few like that, not that size) but mostly I miss the hook set. I have this guy on my YouTube subscription and he always pulls in huge fish.

I went out for a few hours little rain on and off and I caught 6. Biggest was 17". I was usng the frog but didn't get any strikes. I caught em all on a Black and blue trick worm

fishing user avatarBassinLou reply : 

Yeah, the hit on that video was unbelievable!!! Those that you least expect, scare the living crap out of you. Especially when they are big. Sounds like grenade blew up next to you.

fishing user avatarzack d reply : 
  On 9/24/2013 at 3:47 AM, BassinLou said:

ZachD, I saw your status update. Catching up...? If you were relating to our tourney, you and I have some serious work to do. The heads of the pack are in the 80's and 90's.

Yeah,that was kind of sarcastic,i see the leaders are only about 80" ahead of me .lol.

Im going to go back out in few once this rain lets up a bit. I knew this was gonna be a tough month for me once i decided to play with the big boys.I havent given up yet though.

fishing user avatarJaxBasser reply : 

I only had 16" for like 2 weeks and then boom I got up to 83" in just the past 2 days. You never know.

fishing user avatarzack d reply : 

I only have 2 fish so far at 36" i believe.

Honestly at this point anything over a foot is getting measured and a pic snapped!

I should have been doing that from the beginning and culled from there,oh well, i guess in my mind i was only was going to be catching lunkers.

fishing user avatarBassinLou reply : 

Caught this 15" a little while ago at the park. Took me a while, but toward the end of my trip, I finally dialed in one they want. I am confident to finally getting the 5th fish by Wed. Slowly but surely I am climbing. Hopefully I have enough time.


Sept Contest 15"

fishing user avatarzack d reply : 

Nice Lou!

Good luck on that 5th fish!

fishing user avatarBassinLou reply : 

ZackD cool avatar! How did you do that?

fishing user avatarzack d reply : 

Thanks! To be honest i have no idea.

A buddy sent it to me after he jazzed it up on his iphone,ill have to ask him,

That pic was from boca woods golf course,probably my p.b.

fishing user avatarLgMouthGambler reply : 

Here is the one from the other night. Not gonna be a game changer, lol, but its about the only decent fish from this sorry month of me not fishing for Bass much.

fishing user avatarBassinLou reply : 

Lgmouth nice fish, that one should fatten up nice during the spawn.

fishing user avatarMCS reply : 
  On 9/24/2013 at 8:33 AM, LgMouthGambler said:

Here is the one from the other night. Not gonna be a game changer, lol, but its about the only decent fish from this sorry month of me not fishing for Bass much.

I am not sure that is you, no hat, no mask, no jacket...I am not buying that. Who did you pay to give you that picture? Lou we need I witnesses to confirm this is the REAL LMG, and not from his crafty cohort Myth Master Martin! Lol...

fishing user avatarMCS reply : 

Nice fishes all that have posted. I am gonna have to get some up reeeal soooon!

fishing user avatarLgMouthGambler reply : 
  On 9/24/2013 at 9:31 AM, MCS said:

I am not sure that is you, no hat, no mask, no jacket...I am not buying that. Who did you pay to give you that picture? Lou we need I witnesses to confirm this is the REAL LMG, and not from his crafty cohort Myth Master Martin! Lol...

Its my alter ego, like Superman, lol.

fishing user avatarMCS reply : 
  On 9/24/2013 at 10:17 AM, LgMouthGambler said:

Its my alter ego, like Superman, lol.

I could see u as batman and Martin as Robin

"Holy Perogis LMG, did u see that 25"er?"

fishing user avatarLgMouthGambler reply : 
  On 9/24/2013 at 11:18 AM, MCS said:

I could see u as batman and Martin as Robin

"Holy Perogis LMG, did u see that 25"er?"

Bassman and Frog'n. Oh no, he may make a video of this, lol.
fishing user avatarMCS reply : 
  On 9/24/2013 at 6:29 PM, LgMouthGambler said:

Bassman and Frog'n. Oh no, he may make a video of this, lol.

Lol good one!...his videos are like his fish only rumored to exist. Ha!

fishing user avatarLgMouthGambler reply : 
  On 9/24/2013 at 6:54 PM, MCS said:

Lol good one!...his videos are like his fish only rumored to exist. Ha!


Oh crap. Now you gone and done it, lol..

fishing user avatarBassinLou reply : 
  On 9/24/2013 at 9:31 AM, MCS said:

I am not sure that is you, no hat, no mask, no jacket...I am not buying that. Who did you pay to give you that picture? Lou we need I witnesses to confirm this is the REAL LMG, and not from his crafty cohort Myth Master Martin! Lol...


I cannot confirm that individual is indeed Lgmouth since I have never personally seen him before. I only confirm Martin's identity.

fishing user avatarAK-Jax86 reply : 
  On 9/24/2013 at 6:54 PM, MCS said:

Lol good one!...his videos are like his fish only rumored to exist. Ha!

Yea man I've been waitin on this video more so than his rumored fish atleast the video he has control of and we still haven't been blessed with it yet

fishing user avatarAK-Jax86 reply : 

This weather prevented me from getting out this morning hopefully this evening it's cleared up so I can check out this new spot I found while driving last night.

Lou it's similar to that picture you posted hopefully I have some good luck.

fishing user avatarzack d reply : 

I was able to snag this lil 15" today.

Hopefully i can get out tonight once it cools down a bit.


fishing user avatartightlinesjax reply : 

Alright I braved the rain this morning and continued the search for the elusive LONG bass.  Went to a new pond and hooked up with 19" on my 2nd cast.  I later found a 23" at a pond that I regularly find skinny fish at.  She weighed in at only 4.8 lbs.  Can't wait till the spawn when she will be 7-8 lbs.


I'm inching my way up to the top haha.



fishing user avatarAK-Jax86 reply : 

Nice fish Jax I should have went out this morning during the light rain you prove they were on

fishing user avatarBassinLou reply : 





He is currently at 98" and Deepdishpanda is at 97" Deepdish has not been behind this tournament since ***. WTG!! Tightlines. There might be a new sheriff in town!!

fishing user avatarMCS reply : 

Nice Tightlines! Glad you went out I have braved the rain before but took a look out and decided not to today. That 23" shoulda been big fish of the month too!! Keep at it, am rooting for you now!!> nothing against AKthaPanda except for I am tired of hearing how he won last month and the month before that and the month before that LOL

fishing user avatarAK-Jax86 reply : 

Congrats on the official lead I didn't post my replacement fish tho lol

fishing user avatardsidle61 reply : 

got out this evening and got one replacement fish a 17" on a baby bass senko.  This should replace my 16" fish and put me at 85".  I need all the extra inches i can get to stay in third!!  My frogs  are really testing my patience, missed 3 on a frog this evening put me about 0 for my last 6 or 8 fish or so.  Any frog experts on here have any little tricks they use??  I got the double hooks in hopes of that increasing my chances.   At first i was definitely ripping the frog to quick, but now ive been making sure i feel the fish before i go to set, seems like everytime i have it on for a few seconds then gets off.  One hit it about 3 feet in front of me almost on the shore and was a solid 3-5lber but didnt get a view of the other 2.



fishing user avatarDiggy reply : 

This weekend will be my weekend!!!!......*sighs* *cries*

fishing user avatarJaxBasser reply : 

Nothing but little fish today. I'll be heading to the good spot tomorrow so hopefully I'll catch a couple replacement fish.

fishing user avatarzack d reply : 

Congrats tightlines jax!

I finally had it happen tonight,i lost a fish i already landed.

Ive read about it happening to a few of yall and i told myself "that wont happen to me!"

Easily 20" and fat, i had it about 10 feet up on shore,took off my backpack to grab the tape and 2 flops later,and a dive any running backs coach would be proud of,


fishing user avatarAK-Jax86 reply : 
  On 9/25/2013 at 8:40 AM, dsidle61 said:

got out this evening and got one replacement fish a 17" on a baby bass senko. This should replace my 16" fish and put me at 85". I need all the extra inches i can get to stay in third!! My frogs are really testing my patience, missed 3 on a frog this evening put me about 0 for my last 6 or 8 fish or so. Any frog experts on here have any little tricks they use?? I got the double hooks in hopes of that increasing my chances. At first i was definitely ripping the frog to quick, but now ive been making sure i feel the fish before i go to set, seems like everytime i have it on for a few seconds then gets off. One hit it about 3 feet in front of me almost on the shore and was a solid 3-5lber but didnt get a view of the other 2.

bass eighty five.jpg

Unfortunately there is no trick to help improve the hook set on frogs. It just depends on how the fish takes the frog. With the ones we use, in assuming you are using the Ribbit brand, they take the tail a lot, I can tell by the wear on mine. As far as the double hooks go that's all I use with my frogs.

fishing user avatarAK-Jax86 reply : 
  On 9/25/2013 at 12:48 PM, zack d said:

Congrats tightlines jax!

I finally had it happen tonight,i lost a fish i already landed.

Ive read about it happening to a few of yall and i told myself "that wont happen to me!"

Easily 20" and fat, i had it about 10 feet up on shore,took off my backpack to grab the tape and 2 flops later,and a dive any running backs coach would be proud of,


Man this was happening to me a lot, hasn't happened recently thank god hope I don't jinx myself.

My new thing is I back up further from the water incase I get a case of the butterfingers the fish will have further to go to escape lol

fishing user avatarAK-Jax86 reply : 

I went out this morning and hooked into 4 nice ones ranging from 16 to 20". I got there a little late and they didn't want the frog I only had 2 strikes and I missed one of them. I saw a lot of bait fish so I tied on a KVD 1.5 crank bait in sexy shad and that's what they wanted. I caught 7 over all on it

fishing user avatarBassinLou reply : 
  On 9/25/2013 at 8:23 AM, DEEPdish Panda said:

Congrats on the official lead I didn't post my replacement fish tho lol


Where are these replacement fish??

fishing user avatarBassinLou reply : 
  On 9/25/2013 at 8:40 AM, dsidle61 said:

got out this evening and got one replacement fish a 17" on a baby bass senko.  This should replace my 16" fish and put me at 85".  I need all the extra inches i can get to stay in third!!  My frogs  are really testing my patience, missed 3 on a frog this evening put me about 0 for my last 6 or 8 fish or so.  Any frog experts on here have any little tricks they use??  I got the double hooks in hopes of that increasing my chances.   At first i was definitely ripping the frog to quick, but now ive been making sure i feel the fish before i go to set, seems like everytime i have it on for a few seconds then gets off.  One hit it about 3 feet in front of me almost on the shore and was a solid 3-5lber but didnt get a view of the other 2.


attachicon.gifbass eighty five.jpg


Dsidle, what I do using that type of soft plastic frog is the following: As the frog is buzzing on top, once I see the hit, I am looking at  my rod tip. When I notice there is a slight bow on the tip, I set the hook. By doing this, I am recognizing the fish has the frog before I set the hook. Keep the tension constant, and try not to overpower or over play the fish. We usually set when we see the first signs of commotion, and the fish could have simply missed or striked short.  Hopefully that makes sense and/or it works for you.

fishing user avatarBassinLou reply : 
  On 9/25/2013 at 11:06 PM, DEEPdish Panda said:

I went out this morning and hooked into 4 nice ones ranging from 16 to 20". I got there a little late and they didn't want the frog I only had 2 strikes and I missed one of them. I saw a lot of bait fish so I tied on a KVD 1.5 crank bait in sexy shad and that's what they wanted. I caught 7 over all on it


If you caught a 20" it will replace one of your 19's  and you will be tied with Tightlines. Pics we need pics.  

fishing user avatarAK-Jax86 reply : 

The month isn't over yet

fishing user avatarAK-Jax86 reply : 
  On 9/25/2013 at 11:51 PM, BassinLou said:

If you caught a 20" it will replace one of your 19's  and you will be tied with Tightlines. Pics we need pics.

My 5 posted are 97"

fishing user avatarAK-Jax86 reply : 

Haven't really fished OPCC this month it's getting late too

fishing user avatarAK-Jax86 reply : 

I'm uploading the 20"s

fishing user avatarAK-Jax86 reply : 





20, 20, 20, 20, 21 I think is that right or wrong Lou?

And how do I use upload these pics to my gallery? Can I do it from my phone or does it have to be done on a computer?

fishing user avatar---=Martin=--- reply : 
  On 9/24/2013 at 9:31 AM, MCS said:

I am not sure that is you, no hat, no mask, no jacket...I am not buying that. Who did you pay to give you that picture? Lou we need I witnesses to confirm this is the REAL LMG, and not from his crafty cohort Myth Master Martin! Lol...


i took that picture, it's him :P

fishing user avatar---=Martin=--- reply : 

the video is coming. i've been swamped with work recently, we're in software closedown and release to market in 3 weeks, so it's been a fire drill every day at work...

fishing user avatarBassinLou reply : 
  On 9/26/2013 at 12:35 AM, DEEPdish Panda said:





20, 20, 20, 20, 21 I think is that right or wrong Lou?

And how do I use upload these pics to my gallery? Can I do it from my phone or does it have to be done on a computer?


AK I have you at 100"  I have here 19" (9/9) 20" (9/4) 20" (9/14) 20" (9/25) 21" (9/25).

AK, pls double check, but those are the dates and lengths I have after culls. I do not want to cheat you, that's why I highly recommend uploads the day of or latest the following day.

fishing user avatarBassinLou reply : 

What I do for pics, is that I transfer the pics into my computer in a fishing file, then I go from my computer to the gallery. By doing that, I am leaving a signature print of the date and time of my catches. It's a security measure for the contest. Instead of scrolling through 300 and something threads. AK, your way, you have to sift through all your pics and match up the dates. Which in this case, you will have to do. I only have you down for 3, 20" fish.

fishing user avatarBassinLou reply : 

While the rest of us battle for 3rd,4th, and 5th place, the first place position is a close battle between Deepdish and Tighlines. Right now Deepdish has jumped to first again at 100" and Tightlines is at 98". Awesome battle, guys, I am envious that I am not in this dogfight. Remember what hangs in the balance this month. Martin, if I am not mistaken, is donating a $50 BPS card to the winner. This is still anybody's contest. One amazing trip can change the balance of this tourney. Good Luck to everyone. You have 5 days left. NO PRESSURE!!

fishing user avatarAK-Jax86 reply : 
  On 9/26/2013 at 1:02 AM, BassinLou said:

AK I have you at 100"  I have here 19" (9/9) 20" (9/4) 20" (9/14) 20" (9/25) 21" (9/25).

AK, pls double check, but those are the dates and lengths I have after culls. I do not want to cheat you, that's why I highly recommend uploads the day of or latest the following day.


yea thats right I had three 19s, and two 20s

fishing user avatarAK-Jax86 reply : 
  On 9/26/2013 at 1:08 AM, BassinLou said:

What I do for pics, is that I transfer the pics into my computer in a fishing file, then I go from my computer to the gallery. By doing that, I am leaving a signature print of the date and time of my catches. It's a security measure for the contest. Instead of scrolling through 300 and something threads. AK, your way, you have to sift through all your pics and match up the dates. Which in this case, you will have to do. I only have you down for 3, 20" fish.

Yea that's too much I am going to start next month and upload them to the gallery so it's easier

fishing user avatarBassinLou reply : 

AK, I have double and triple checking everything, I am glad you are concurring. Either way, you are doing well. A little competition will help you focus on holding on to those fish better. LOL. :grin:

fishing user avatarBassinLou reply : 
  On 9/26/2013 at 1:20 AM, DEEPdish Panda said:

Yea that's too much I am going to start next month and upload them to the gallery so it's easier


Or you could do that. Either way, you are leaving a signature print and its easier to track.

fishing user avatarAK-Jax86 reply : 
  On 9/26/2013 at 1:20 AM, BassinLou said:

AK, I have double and triple checking everything, I am glad you are concurring. Either way, you are doing well. A little competition will help you focus on holding on to those fish better. LOL. :grin:

I haven't dropped one in a while my new system works lol

I haven't been to OPCC a lot this month maybe once for a little. Hopefully I can get out there this weekend

fishing user avatarBassinLou reply : 
  On 9/26/2013 at 1:25 AM, DEEPdish Panda said:

I haven't dropped one in a while my new system works lol

I haven't been to OPCC a lot this month maybe once for a little. Hopefully I can get out there this weekend


I hope not. :pray: ..... LOL

fishing user avatarAK-Jax86 reply : 
  On 9/26/2013 at 1:27 AM, BassinLou said:

I hope not. :pray: ..... LOL

You have to remember I rarely pull anything out I just have stories of the ones I should have caught lol and I'm usually the camera man for Dave's fish

fishing user avatarBassinLou reply : 

AK, I am going to the spot where I caught the big one. Hopefully, somebody is home this weekend so I can at least win in one of the categories.

fishing user avatarzack d reply : 

Just got back in fished for a lil over an hour nothing big,but at least now hopefully i can start culling.

Got a 12"(i know,i know) and a 13". Like i said nothing big but that should put me at 5 for the month.



fishing user avatarBassinLou reply : 

Zach those 2 fish put you at 76" for total of 5 fish. WTG!! man you got your five.

fishing user avatarAK-Jax86 reply : 
  On 9/26/2013 at 1:49 AM, BassinLou said:

AK, I am going to the spot where I caught the big one. Hopefully, somebody is home this weekend so I can at least win in one of the categories.

Lou good luck hopefully you catch some nice fish and can make a late run at first. It just takes one good day like tightlinesjax showed us

fishing user avatarBassinLou reply : 

I couldn't resist and I went to the park for a little bit. Within 5 minutes I missed a nice 4+ lbr, that would have really helped my numbers. Anyhow I stuck with it and landed a 15.5" right before I was run out by a big thunderstorm.


Fish #5 Sept contest

This makes it my 5th, finally!! I have a few more days to cull. Right now I am at 78.50. I am shooting for top 3. I am swinging for the fences!!

fishing user avatarBassinLou reply : 
  On 9/26/2013 at 3:46 AM, DEEPdish Panda said:

Lou good luck hopefully you catch some nice fish and can make a late run at first. It just takes one good day like tightlinesjax showed us


Tx AK. It's still warm, but the fish are showing signs of activity these last few days. I am seeing wolf packs with 3-5lbrs in the group. Once you convince one to bite in a wolf pack, the others turn on as well.

fishing user avatarAK-Jax86 reply : 
  On 9/26/2013 at 3:47 AM, BassinLou said:

I couldn't resist and I went to the park for a little bit. Within 5 minutes I missed a nice 4+ lbr, that would have really helped my numbers. Anyhow I stuck with it and landed a 15.5" right before I was run out by a big thunderstorm.



This makes it my 5th, finally!! I have a few more days to cull. Right now I am at 78.50. I am shooting for top 3. I am swinging for the fences!!

What were you using?

fishing user avatarBassinLou reply : 

Sorry AK, I keep doing that don't I. I explained the bait I used in the gallery, and not the thread. I was using a u-vibe worm buzzing the surface. Missing the 4lbr was clearly my fault. I was not expecting a big one to come around and I was not paying attention until I heard the strike. When I looked up she spit the hook. If I were paying attention and saw the strike at its entirety, I would done things differently. Oh well, live and learn I guess. She was 20"+. Oh! to make matters worse the bass swam close to the bank and stayed there for me to really take a look at what I missed. LOL. Then she swam off.

fishing user avatarBassinLou reply : 

Went out to the park again after the storm, and I missed a 5.5-6lbr. This fish came barreling down from 10yds out toward my u-vibe that was less than 8ft from shore. This thing was a heat seeking missile. It struck my worm, and connected. She ran out to the deep and did three hard runs and then....nothing, the hooked quietly pulled out. The bass then proceeded to swim parallel to shore showing me how big she was again!! Those 2 fish alone today, would have easily put me in the top 3, and maybe.... compete with your fish AK. I am still crushed. What a productive, come home empty handed type of day. Now I am leaving for a baseball game with the family. No more fishing til, Fri.

fishing user avatarLgMouthGambler reply : 

OK boys the count down begins. 1 more week till my Birthday, and you know what that means?! New trolling motor, and then its game on to get some numbers for the October tourney. My Sundays are going to be a lot more exciting!

fishing user avatardsidle61 reply : 
  On 9/25/2013 at 10:55 PM, DEEPdish Panda said:

Unfortunately there is no trick to help improve the hook set on frogs. It just depends on how the fish takes the frog. With the ones we use, in assuming you are using the Ribbit brand, they take the tail a lot, I can tell by the wear on mine. As far as the double hooks go that's all I use with my frogs.



  On 9/25/2013 at 11:49 PM, BassinLou said:

Dsidle, what I do using that type of soft plastic frog is the following: As the frog is buzzing on top, once I see the hit, I am looking at  my rod tip. When I notice there is a slight bow on the tip, I set the hook. By doing this, I am recognizing the fish has the frog before I set the hook. Keep the tension constant, and try not to overpower or over play the fish. We usually set when we see the first signs of commotion, and the fish could have simply missed or striked short.  Hopefully that makes sense and/or it works for you.


AK i keep flipping back and forth between the ribbits and zoom.  I seem to have about equal luck (or lack of) on both kinds. Lou ive really been working on this, im new to frogging so obviously the natural instinct is to rip it at the strike but im getting much better at waiting to feel it on there. AND THIS LEADS ME TO MY STORY OF THE EVENING.  Went out to my hot spot, got nothing, not even a bump which is the first time for me at this place.  So i walked around the pond to a part ive fished only once w no luck.  Walked down the bank its probably 50 yards or so with nothing, on the way back i chucked out the frog for one more cast and BOOM.  fish absolutely demolished the frog, i waited, felt the fish and set it and it was on.  took a nice leap and saw it was a good 5lber.  fish took off for the shore i was on so i literally walked down to the fish til it was right in front of me, saw it again and confirmed my previous thoughts of this guy, very very nice fat fish.  felt like the fish finally gave up so i was dragging her to my feet and then GONE, spit me out right in front of me.  Almost gave my pole a toss into the pond.  The good news however is that i waited felt the fish and got a hook set (apparently not a good enough one!!)  I swear one of these days im gonna get one on shore im getting closer each time lol. 

fishing user avatarBassinLou reply : 
  On 9/26/2013 at 8:29 AM, dsidle61 said:

AK i keep flipping back and forth between the ribbits and zoom.  I seem to have about equal luck (or lack of) on both kinds. Lou ive really been working on this, im new to frogging so obviously the natural instinct is to rip it at the strike but im getting much better at waiting to feel it on there. AND THIS LEADS ME TO MY STORY OF THE EVENING.  Went out to my hot spot, got nothing, not even a bump which is the first time for me at this place.  So i walked around the pond to a part ive fished only once w no luck.  Walked down the bank its probably 50 yards or so with nothing, on the way back i chucked out the frog for one more cast and BOOM.  fish absolutely demolished the frog, i waited, felt the fish and set it and it was on.  took a nice leap and saw it was a good 5lber.  fish took off for the shore i was on so i literally walked down to the fish til it was right in front of me, saw it again and confirmed my previous thoughts of this guy, very very nice fat fish.  felt like the fish finally gave up so i was dragging her to my feet and then GONE, spit me out right in front of me.  Almost gave my pole a toss into the pond.  The good news however is that i waited felt the fish and got a hook set (apparently not a good enough one!!)  I swear one of these days im gonna get one on shore im getting closer each time lol. 


Stick with it Dsidle, trust me I feel your frustration, same thing happen to me today, twice!!

fishing user avatarBassinLou reply : 
  On 9/26/2013 at 7:38 AM, LgMouthGambler said:

OK boys the count down begins. 1 more week till my Birthday, and you know what that means?! New trolling motor, and then its game on to get some numbers for the October tourney. My Sundays are going to be a lot more exciting!


Good to here your going to stick with us for another month.

fishing user avatarAK-Jax86 reply : 
  On 9/26/2013 at 8:29 AM, dsidle61 said:

AK i keep flipping back and forth between the ribbits and zoom. I seem to have about equal luck (or lack of) on both kinds. Lou ive really been working on this, im new to frogging so obviously the natural instinct is to rip it at the strike but im getting much better at waiting to feel it on there. AND THIS LEADS ME TO MY STORY OF THE EVENING. Went out to my hot spot, got nothing, not even a bump which is the first time for me at this place. So i walked around the pond to a part ive fished only once w no luck. Walked down the bank its probably 50 yards or so with nothing, on the way back i chucked out the frog for one more cast and BOOM. fish absolutely demolished the frog, i waited, felt the fish and set it and it was on. took a nice leap and saw it was a good 5lber. fish took off for the shore i was on so i literally walked down to the fish til it was right in front of me, saw it again and confirmed my previous thoughts of this guy, very very nice fat fish. felt like the fish finally gave up so i was dragging her to my feet and then GONE, spit me out right in front of me. Almost gave my pole a toss into the pond. The good news however is that i waited felt the fish and got a hook set (apparently not a good enough one!!) I swear one of these days im gonna get one on shore im getting closer each time lol.

Yea man I am all too familiar with these stories I think I made them famous among our competitions lol.

It's frustrating when we miss big fish but it's cool we can talk about it and joke around. Wait til you get the fish of your life time on and you lose her! Hard to get the picture out my head still to this day

fishing user avatartightlinesjax reply : 

Alright I saw that we had a lead change so I just had to go out at sunset and try my luck.  I ended up with 3 with a long of 20 inches.  All three fish caught on a Senko style worm.


fishing user avatardsidle61 reply : 

AK and Lou, the big ones definitely keep coming me back. As you guys know I'm relatively new to Florida bassing having lived in Pennsylvania for pretty much my entre life so I'm still fascinated by bass 5lbs and more! Fish up there just don't get big in the amount if numbers they do down here. They day I pull in one I'll be like a kid at Christmas while a lot of people down here toss them back and wish it was bigger.

fishing user avatarAK-Jax86 reply : 
  On 9/26/2013 at 9:35 AM, tightlinesjax said:

Alright I saw that we had a lead change so I just had to go out at sunset and try my luck. I ended up with 3 with a long of 20 inches. All three fish caught on a Senko style worm.

Nice fish Jax! You are having luck with worms I may have to go back to senkos seems like that's what the fish want. Nice catches

I went out but only managed 4 biggest was 18.

fishing user avatarAK-Jax86 reply : 
  On 9/26/2013 at 10:19 AM, dsidle61 said:

AK and Lou, the big ones definitely keep coming me back. As you guys know I'm relatively new to Florida bassing having lived in Pennsylvania for pretty much my entre life so I'm still fascinated by bass 5lbs and more! Fish up there just don't get big in the amount if numbers they do down here. They day I pull in one I'll be like a kid at Christmas while a lot of people down here toss them back and wish it was bigger.

You guys have bigger fish in PA than we do in NJ. I still feel like a kid on Christmas when I hook into a 4lb fish. Especially on the frog strikes nothing beats catching a fish that way IMO.

fishing user avatarzack d reply : 
  On 9/26/2013 at 9:35 AM, tightlinesjax said:

Alright I saw that we had a lead change so I just had to go out at sunset and try my luck.  I ended up with 3 with a long of 20 inches.  All three fish caught on a Senko style worm.

Tight linesjax,how are you fishing the senko?


Youre slaying em up there!

fishing user avatarBassinLou reply : 

This is really getting intense. DeepDish and Tighlines are exactly tied at 100". AWESOME!!!! Coming down to 4 days. GO GET EM !!!

fishing user avatarBassinLou reply : 
  On 9/26/2013 at 9:35 AM, tightlinesjax said:

Alright I saw that we had a lead change so I just had to go out at sunset and try my luck.  I ended up with 3 with a long of 20 inches.  All three fish caught on a Senko style worm.


Tighlines, if you would have corrected that fish's tale a little bit more, it would have easily gone for 21" and put up by an whole inch.

fishing user avatarBassinLou reply : 

AK, you have a 19" to cull still, and Tightlines you have 18" to cull as well. This one is going to be close, unless one of you catches a lunker!! This month has been the closest race to first since we started this in MAY.

fishing user avatar---=Martin=--- reply : 
  On 9/26/2013 at 7:38 AM, LgMouthGambler said:

OK boys the count down begins. 1 more week till my Birthday, and you know what that means?! New trolling motor, and then its game on to get some numbers for the October tourney. My Sundays are going to be a lot more exciting!


you mean OUR Sundays :P

fishing user avatartightlinesjax reply : 
  On 9/26/2013 at 8:51 PM, BassinLou said:

Tighlines, if you would have corrected that fish's tale a little bit more, it would have easily gone for 21" and put up by an whole inch.

Yeah. The fish kept flopping around and i was in a rush to put it back. I just snapped the pic and kept fishing.

fishing user avatartightlinesjax reply : 
  On 9/26/2013 at 1:50 PM, zack d said:

Tight linesjax,how are you fishing the senko?T-rigged,wacky?Youre slaying em up there!

I was fishing t-rigged yesterday. My favorite way to use a senko is with no weight and weedless.

fishing user avatarBassinLou reply : 
  On 9/26/2013 at 10:59 PM, tightlinesjax said:

Yeah. The fish kept flopping around and i was in a rush to put it back. I just snapped the pic and kept fishing.


I hate it when that happens. Some of those fish are definitely camera shy. LOL

fishing user avatarDynoMyte reply : 

nice fish tightlines, i managed to get out for about 2 1/2 hrs on tuedays and 4 hrs on wed. skunked both days, had one bite. nothing else to talk about.  was fishing at the west end of c-14 and you could have rode the current coming out of the culvert on a surf board lol.

fishing user avatarJellyMan reply : 

LOTS of rain the past few days so water level will be up quite a bit along with the first cold front of the year. Giving it a shot this Saturday.


I need some smelly hands and rough thumbs! 

fishing user avatardsidle61 reply : 

Water levels are definitely way up here in Jax.  Went out this evening only about an hour and a half bc I had to take the wife along.  Started out with a wacky senko, got nothing again.  2 days in a row w no bite on the wacky senko is a rarity for me.  Hesitantly switched over to a frog (ribbit bullfrog) first cast put it about 2 feet off the bank and boom got hit, fish jumped and spit me out.  kept working the same bank got another hit, this one a nice size this time jumped and snapped me off, must have had a bad tie on or something bc thats the first time in a very long time ive had a break off and the fish was nice but not THAT nice, ive been putting off using braid bc honestly ive never used or needed it but im gonna get it spooled on for the spawning fish anyone have a favorite??.  got another hit a little later on but didnt take it all the way.  SO long story short i was skunked again lol.  The good news im taking away from today is that i had a nice hook up on a big fish with a frog that this time snapped me off. I swear one of these days im gonna land one of these frog hits and probably shed some tears of joy. May only get out one more time before the end of the competition so im hoping i either land the big one then or can hold on to third w my slim lead!

fishing user avatarAK-Jax86 reply : 
  On 9/27/2013 at 8:18 AM, dsidle61 said:

Water levels are definitely way up here in Jax. Went out this evening only about an hour and a half bc I had to take the wife along. Started out with a wacky senko, got nothing again. 2 days in a row w no bite on the wacky senko is a rarity for me. Hesitantly switched over to a frog (ribbit bullfrog) first cast put it about 2 feet off the bank and boom got hit, fish jumped and spit me out. kept working the same bank got another hit, this one a nice size this time jumped and snapped me off, must have had a bad tie on or something bc thats the first time in a very long time ive had a break off and the fish was nice but not THAT nice, ive been putting off using braid bc honestly ive never used or needed it but im gonna get it spooled on for the spawning fish anyone have a favorite??. got another hit a little later on but didnt take it all the way. SO long story short i was skunked again lol. The good news im taking away from today is that i had a nice hook up on a big fish with a frog that this time snapped me off. I swear one of these days im gonna land one of these frog hits and probably shed some tears of joy. May only get out one more time before the end of the competition so im hoping i either land the big one then or can hold on to third w my slim lead!

I use 30lb Power Pro braid. They sell it basically everywhere, a majority of guys in the comp use it.

I had to pick my girl up from work and stopped at this pond for half hour. Got 6 strikes but didn't land any of them. One cast I get a hit and set the hook feel the fish on and then it spits the frog, the frog floats up I reel it in and have it 2 feet in front of me then a huge wake comes from the left and the fish launches itself at my frog which just goes out the water and the fish hits the shore face first half it's body is on land and then shoots off. I've never seen anything like that before it was pretty cool

fishing user avatarJaxBasser reply : 

Suffix 832 is really good.

fishing user avatardsidle61 reply : 
  On 9/27/2013 at 8:52 AM, DEEPdish Panda said:

I use 30lb Power Pro braid. They sell it basically everywhere, a majority of guys in the comp use it.

I had to pick my girl up from work and stopped at this pond for half hour. Got 6 strikes but didn't land any of them. One cast I get a hit and set the hook feel the fish on and then it spits the frog, the frog floats up I reel it in and have it 2 feet in front of me then a huge wake comes from the left and the fish launches itself at my frog which just goes out the water and the fish hits the shore face first half it's body is on land and then shoots off. I've never seen anything like that before it was pretty cool

Well at least im not the odd man out missing some fish on frogs. I will say though its the best action ive seen on a lure, some of the hits are fantastic.  Had a situation like yours the other day had the frog in about a foot  of water in front of me i was turned around for some reason and as im lifting it out of the water i hear an assault right in front of me and then see the bass wiggle its way back into the water and take off

fishing user avatarBassinLou reply : 

Reading both Dsidle and Deepdish. Both situations, unless deepdish changes already, braid would have increased your chances of a hook up. Especially if your frogging. You're looking to maximize the hookset. on a frog, be it soft plastic or hollowbody, you have to secure the hookset with those big hooks. Braid in my opinion, increases that chance by having zero stretch. That and the backbone of the right  B/C will increase the chance even more.

fishing user avatarBassinLou reply : 

I almost forgot, my everyday outfit has 30lb power pro, on a 7ft MH Avid. My everglades outfit is a 7'4" Rage on 50lb braid. Trust me either set up, when you hook up on a nice bass, you feel the connection right away. When my arm and shoulder act like the shock absorber, I know that fish isn't going anywhere.

fishing user avatarBassinLou reply : 



I have a feeling many of us are going to hit the water pretty strong this weekend. At least I know I am and my gameplan is in place. Here is the latest top 5 and their numbers.


1. Tightlines Jax  5 fish 100"

1. Deepdish Panda 5 fish 100"

2. Dsidle 5 fish 85"

3. MCS 5 fish 83.5"

4. JaxBasser 5 fish 83"

5. CapitolIP 5 fish 79"


I am currently in 6th with 78.5", I will closing that gap really quick, beginning today. Dsidle and MCS, I luv ya, but I am aiming for one of your spots.



*** Big fish honors right now go to DeepdishPanda with a 6.3lb 21" fish. BTW AK pics pls!!


Good luck everyone. This is going to be a mad dash to the finish line!!

fishing user avatarAK-Jax86 reply : 
  On 9/27/2013 at 10:55 PM, BassinLou said:

Reading both Dsidle and Deepdish. Both situations, unless deepdish changes already, braid would have increased your chances of a hook up. Especially if your frogging. You're looking to maximize the hookset. on a frog, be it soft plastic or hollowbody, you have to secure the hookset with those big hooks. Braid in my opinion, increases that chance by having zero stretch. That and the backbone of the right B/C will increase the chance even more.

All these past trips have came on braid. I only have one spool of mono and floro all other 4 are braid. MCS told me they are opening an Academy on our side of town about 10mins from me I can't wait for that save me a lot of time and gas.

fishing user avatarAK-Jax86 reply : 
  On 9/27/2013 at 11:00 PM, BassinLou said:

I almost forgot, my everyday outfit has 30lb power pro, on a 7ft MH Avid. My everglades outfit is a 7'4" Rage on 50lb braid. Trust me either set up, when you hook up on a nice bass, you feel the connection right away. When my arm and shoulder act like the shock absorber, I know that fish isn't going anywhere.

I'm gonna have to go out and buy me a more stable rod for those glade fish. I have a 7' St Croix Medium Heavy Inshore Rod and a abu Garcia spinning reel.

Lou keeps telling me to work on the baitcaster so I may just purchase a nice heavy rod and put one of my bird nested baitcast reels on it and get back to practicing.

fishing user avatarBassinLou reply : 

AK, the time is approaching, where you would have wished you were more proficient on the B/C.

fishing user avatarAK-Jax86 reply : 
  On 9/28/2013 at 12:44 AM, BassinLou said:

AK, the time is approaching, where you would have wished you were more proficient on the B/C.

Yea it's looking more like I will buy another spinning rod and reel combo lol. My only problem is birds nests lol every baitcasters only problem

fishing user avatarBassinLou reply : 
  On 9/28/2013 at 1:10 AM, DEEPdish Panda said:

Yea it's looking more like I will buy another spinning rod and reel combo lol. My only problem is birds nests lol every baitcasters only problem


I highly recommend you do not buy another spinner. You have enough of those. You really need to practice on the B/C. Practice...practice.... practice. You have to train your thumb. TRUST WHAT I AM TELLING YOU. Many years ago, I was just like you. Spinners galore. Then a old timer friend of mine showed me the ropes on using a B/C and I slowly started to learn how to use one. Was is frustrating and challenging? YES!! But, I stuck with it, and I am very glad I did. You will only understand through time, that your leverage is different on a B/C imho. Your hooksets are different, the list will go on and on. Bottom line, its a very important skillset to have for LMB fishing. Some will disagree, but many more will agree.

fishing user avatarAK-Jax86 reply : 
  On 9/28/2013 at 2:29 AM, BassinLou said:

I highly recommend you do not buy another spinner. You have enough of those. You really need to practice on the B/C. Practice...practice.... practice. You have to train your thumb. TRUST WHAT I AM TELLING YOU. Many years ago, I was just like you. Spinners galore. Then a old timer friend of mine showed me the ropes on using a B/C and I slowly started to learn how to use one. Was is frustrating and challenging? YES!! But, I stuck with it, and I am very glad I did. You will only understand through time, that your leverage is different on a B/C imho. Your hooksets are different, the list will go on and on. Bottom line, its a very important skillset to have for LMB fishing. Some will disagree, but many more will agree.

I understand that and I agree it's just easier to do something she you have someone that shows you. Like you said it's about training your thumb before I got my birdnests I had a nice streak of casts.

My problem is the birdnests. I don't know how to get them out seems like when Urey I make it worse. The wind knots I get from using braid on my spinners can be bad too but manageable. I do to even know where to start when it happens on te BC

Any insight to that would be helpful but every best is different lol

fishing user avatarBassinLou reply : 

AK, if you are getting birdnests that big and hard to get out, then unfortunately you are not using your thumb at all. LOL. The best thing I can tell you is practice with one of your frogs, a used one preferably. They have the right weight to practice. When you go to cast, do your best to cast easily at first. Avoid trying to whip it to other side of the lake. You will definitely overrun the spool by doing that. I started side arm at first, and over time I went over hand. My next challenge this upcoming season, is perfecting the pitch. Guys make that look so easy. Also remember to adjust the reel like explained to you months ago in one of our PM conversations. You should look up that conversation as reference again.

fishing user avatarLgMouthGambler reply : 

You can adjust the baitcaster so that the only time you need to use your thumb is when the bait hits the water to stop the spool. I do exactly this, and its very easy to cast and get great distance and control. If you really want to get good with one you need to buy the right reel. Spend the money the first time, and you wont have any regrets. Go buy a Chronarch200E, spool it with 50# Power Pro, put it on a good MH F rod, and call it a day. Start with 3 breaks and some spool tension, and work your way by backing off the spool tension. Once you got that down you can go to 2 breaks and adjust the spool tension as needed.

fishing user avatarDiggy reply : 
  On 9/28/2013 at 12:04 AM, DEEPdish Panda said:

I'm gonna have to go out and buy me a more stable rod for those glade fish. I have a 7' St Croix Medium Heavy Inshore Rod and a abu Garcia spinning reel.

Lou keeps telling me to work on the baitcaster so I may just purchase a nice heavy rod and put one of my bird nested baitcast reels on it and get back to practicing.

Which reel do you have? (bait casting)

fishing user avatarAK-Jax86 reply : 
  On 9/28/2013 at 4:59 AM, Diggy said:

Which reel do you have? (bait casting)

I have an abu Garcia Orra sx and a revo STX

fishing user avatarJaxBasser reply : 

You should be able to set that STX up to where it will give no problems.

Turn on 3 of the centrifugal brakes, set your spool tension to where the spool stops as soon your baits hits the ground when you drop it from the tip, set the mag brakes to about halfway.

You won't get amazing distance but it will help with the birdnests. Work your way down from there.

fishing user avatarBassinLou reply : 

Operation come back is underway. I caught a 17" to cull out one of my 15". This puts me at 80.5.  Three days left!!!


Sept Contest

fishing user avatarDiggy reply : 
  On 9/28/2013 at 5:21 AM, DEEPdish Panda said:

I have an abu Garcia Orra sx and a revo STX

I dont know what to tell you except turn the brakes up high, even with a loose spool you shouldnt be backlashing. My gen 2 sx is a backlash machine unless I baby it or turn up the brakes 3/4 of the way up. I keep the spool tension super loose, just enough to take out side to side play in it.


Set the mags on the stx and see, im not to familiar with the centrifugal brakes on those models, but try messing with those also.

fishing user avatardsidle61 reply : 

well maybe hell has frozen over but i had some good success on my frogs this evening.  Went 3 for 6 nothing worth a picture all about 13-15".  But success none the less.  Got 2 of them on a bullfrog ribbit and the other on a white zoom horny toad.  On the topic of braid, like i said ive never used it or needed it, when i started up here i spooled up some 12 pound mono (up in PA i usually used 6)  and i noticed i lost a lot of feel on my lures, mainly my lighter soft plastics.  Im hoping that the braid will give me some of the feel back and obviously give me some more strength in my line. On the baitcaster topic, ive never used one of them either.  Ive always been intrigued by them but ive strickly been a spinner guy.  Honestly if i ever decided to switch id need to do some serious research bc i wouldnt even know where to start.  I also use a pretty short pole at 5 1/2 feet, ive found that im much more accurate with my casts with the smaller pole and I feel like i can rip the hook hard and quick.  I know the one downfall is i lose some of my ability to eat up slack line on a hookset.  Im about due for a new rod, ive had mine for probably 8 years or so but i dont think i could make the jump to a 7' rod, ive fished several before and its just so strange to me. 

fishing user avatarAK-Jax86 reply : 
  On 9/28/2013 at 7:26 AM, BassinLou said:

Operation come back is underway. I caught a 17" to cull out one of my 15". This puts me at 80.5. Three days left!!!

Nice fish Lou in tryna get out this weekend but plans usually fall through

fishing user avatarAK-Jax86 reply : 
  On 9/28/2013 at 9:02 AM, dsidle61 said:

well maybe hell has frozen over but i had some good success on my frogs this evening. Went 3 for 6 nothing worth a picture all about 13-15". But success none the less. Got 2 of them on a bullfrog ribbit and the other on a white zoom horny toad. On the topic of braid, like i said ive never used it or needed it, when i started up here i spooled up some 12 pound mono (up in PA i usually used 6) and i noticed i lost a lot of feel on my lures, mainly my lighter soft plastics. Im hoping that the braid will give me some of the feel back and obviously give me some more strength in my line. On the baitcaster topic, ive never used one of them either. Ive always been intrigued by them but ive strickly been a spinner guy. Honestly if i ever decided to switch id need to do some serious research bc i wouldnt even know where to start. I also use a pretty short pole at 5 1/2 feet, ive found that im much more accurate with my casts with the smaller pole and I feel like i can rip the hook hard and quick. I know the one downfall is i lose some of my ability to eat up slack line on a hookset. Im about due for a new rod, ive had mine for probably 8 years or so but i dont think i could make the jump to a 7' rod, ive fished several before and its just so strange to me.

What size pole do you use? Because you ain't gonna be able to hold up with some of those Orange Park spawn fis froggin.

I was using a 6'9" but now I use a 7' medium heavy rod. That's not a big jump but it makes a difference I feel

fishing user avatarAK-Jax86 reply : 
  On 9/28/2013 at 7:26 AM, BassinLou said:

Operation come back is underway. I caught a 17" to cull out one of my 15". This puts me at 80.5. Three days left!!!

Did it again what you catch em on

fishing user avatarBassinLou reply : 
  On 9/28/2013 at 10:01 AM, DEEPdish Panda said:

Did it again what you catch em on


You're right I did, sorry. This one was also caught on a u-vibe, buzzing 2 ft from the shoreline.

fishing user avatarBassinLou reply : 
  On 9/28/2013 at 9:02 AM, dsidle61 said:

well maybe hell has frozen over but i had some good success on my frogs this evening.  Went 3 for 6 nothing worth a picture all about 13-15".  But success none the less.  Got 2 of them on a bullfrog ribbit and the other on a white zoom horny toad.  On the topic of braid, like i said ive never used it or needed it, when i started up here i spooled up some 12 pound mono (up in PA i usually used 6)  and i noticed i lost a lot of feel on my lures, mainly my lighter soft plastics.  Im hoping that the braid will give me some of the feel back and obviously give me some more strength in my line. On the baitcaster topic, ive never used one of them either.  Ive always been intrigued by them but ive strickly been a spinner guy.  Honestly if i ever decided to switch id need to do some serious research bc i wouldnt even know where to start.  I also use a pretty short pole at 5 1/2 feet, ive found that im much more accurate with my casts with the smaller pole and I feel like i can rip the hook hard and quick.  I know the one downfall is i lose some of my ability to eat up slack line on a hookset.  Im about due for a new rod, ive had mine for probably 8 years or so but i dont think i could make the jump to a 7' rod, ive fished several before and its just so strange to me. 


Changing, a piece of equipment that you are so used to it hard. However, considering a 7ft rod for frogging is strongly advised. Like I tell AK in regards to the b/c , just practice until you start getting used to it.

fishing user avatarBassinLou reply : 

Dsidle, I was compelled to comment again on your rod height. I re-read your thread, and if you are fishing a 5 1/2 ft rod for frogging, although you may be using braid, you will not get the right amount of leverage to set the hook properly. Although the 5 1/2 rod has suit you in other applications, it will hurt you for frogging. That's just my humble opinion. Lastly, the distance you will gain, with a 7ft rod and braid is ridiculous, especially when using a frog. We will leave the discussion on using a b/c for another day.

fishing user avatarAK-Jax86 reply : 

Yea I was thrown off by the short rod too.

Lou I was going to take out the baitcaster this morning but the weather was iffy so I just stuck with what I knew.

I went out with Czar for a few hours was very very slow, he and I both caught 1, but WELL worth it!

fishing user avatarJaxBasser reply : 

This weather seems to have the fish shut down or something. Fished OPCC with dave when it first started to roll in and we caught 1 14" fish between us. That never happens out there.

fishing user avatarAK-Jax86 reply : 
  On 9/29/2013 at 12:33 AM, JaxBasser said:

This weather seems to have the fish shut down or something. Fished OPCC with dave when it first started to roll in and we caught 1 14" fish between us. That never happens out there.

Recently it has it's not like it was back when you and Dave fished there a lot. We haven't really caught numbers there just size.

fishing user avatarBassinLou reply : 

Wow! So the weather has you guys shut down today huh? I have not headed out yet, I will be heading out in short while. My weather down here  is turning from Sunny to cloudy and stormy. I actually prefer cloudy and stormy looking days to fish. I will keep you guys posted of course.

fishing user avatarAK-Jax86 reply : 
  On 9/29/2013 at 2:52 AM, BassinLou said:

Wow! So the weather has you guys shut down today huh? I have not headed out yet, I will be heading out in short while. My weather down here  is turning from Sunny to cloudy and stormy. I actually prefer cloudy and stormy looking days to fish. I will keep you guys posted of course.

The weather produced a new big fish of the month! We were fishing gate I didn't get the monster I lost but I caught her little sister

fishing user avatarBassinLou reply : 
  On 9/29/2013 at 3:44 AM, DEEPdish Panda said:

The weather produced a new big fish of the month! We were fishing gate I didn't get the monster I lost but I caught her little sister


You are missing some details like size? weight? pic?

fishing user avatartightlinesjax reply : 

went out for about an hour and finished with 4.  two at 19 inches.  thats about it.



fishing user avatarBassinLou reply : 

I just got in from one of my new spots. The fish ran small, and the decent one that I did mange to catch, I horsed it too much and I pulled the hooks. Caught that one on a frog it looked to be about a 17" + but I lost it. I still have 2 more days left. The good news is the new areas I was fishing at have historically produced numerous 6,7,8lb fish in the winter and spring months, so I am excited for that.

fishing user avatarBassinLou reply : 
  On 9/29/2013 at 8:15 AM, tightlinesjax said:

went out for about an hour and finished with 4.  two at 19 inches.  thats about it.


Congrats thus far, because that one 19" culled out your last 18" to put you on top at 101"  Deepdish are you holding out on pics of the big one to keep everyone in suspense?? Because right now your in second again.

fishing user avatartightlinesjax reply : 
  On 9/29/2013 at 8:20 AM, BassinLou said:

Congrats thus far, because that one 19" culled out your last 18" to put you on top at 101"  Deepdish are you holding out on pics of the big one to keep everyone in suspense?? Because right now your in second again.

I'm assuming he has some monster fish to add so I guess I will hit the water some more to put the pressure on him!  2 more days to go.

fishing user avatarAK-Jax86 reply : 
  On 9/29/2013 at 8:20 AM, BassinLou said:

Congrats thus far, because that one 19" culled out your last 18" to put you on top at 101" Deepdish are you holding out on pics of the big one to keep everyone in suspense?? Because right now your in second again.

No I uploaded it to my gallery thing was trying to figure out how to put it here but gave up.

And I will leave it up to you guys to determine the size lol because me and Czar think the scale was lying on this one!

You can leave me at 2nd til Monday night lol going to OPCC so tryna get these 20s out my line up (which probably won't happen)

fishing user avatarAK-Jax86 reply : 
  On 9/29/2013 at 8:27 AM, tightlinesjax said:

I'm assuming he has some monster fish to add so I guess I will hit the water some more to put the pressure on him! 2 more days to go.

You motivated me man!

You said you caught your nice ones, I think it was when you posted that 23", in the rain so that's what I did. Stuck it out and the big girl came out when it was wet.

fishing user avatartightlinesjax reply : 
  On 9/29/2013 at 8:30 AM, DEEPdish Panda said:

You motivated me man!

You said you caught your nice ones, I think it was when you posted that 23", in the rain so that's what I did. Stuck it out and the big girl came out when it was wet.

its more fun this way.  you are up by an inch i guess.  i'm gonna keep chasin ya till monday night!

fishing user avatarAK-Jax86 reply : 
  On 9/29/2013 at 8:34 AM, tightlinesjax said:

its more fun this way.  you are up by an inch i guess.  i'm gonna keep chasin ya till monday night!


You will probably win because I'm limited to only a few hours sunday. And OPCC Monday is up in the air. I almost busted out the senkos thinking about the fish you were getting, after all that time with nothing lol.

fishing user avatarAK-Jax86 reply : 


fishing user avatar---=Martin=--- reply : 
  On 9/28/2013 at 3:38 AM, LgMouthGambler said:

You can adjust the baitcaster so that the only time you need to use your thumb is when the bait hits the water to stop the spool. I do exactly this, and its very easy to cast and get great distance and control. If you really want to get good with one you need to buy the right reel. Spend the money the first time, and you wont have any regrets. Go buy a Chronarch200E, spool it with 50# Power Pro, put it on a good MH F rod, and call it a day. Start with 3 breaks and some spool tension, and work your way by backing off the spool tension. Once you got that down you can go to 2 breaks and adjust the spool tension as needed.


I did exactly that, with the exact hardware he recommends, and I'm now a bait casting master (you did see the video right?) LOL!

fishing user avatarJaxBasser reply : 

Had a good day fishing one of my hard to reach spots. They were smashing the speed worms and frogs and I got a few fish that could have culled some smaller fish...then I realized I forgot my tape measure.

fishing user avatar---=Martin=--- reply : 
  On 9/27/2013 at 11:08 PM, BassinLou said:



I have a feeling many of us are going to hit the water pretty strong this weekend. At least I know I am and my gameplan is in place. Here is the latest top 5 and their numbers.


1. Tightlines Jax  5 fish 100"

1. Deepdish Panda 5 fish 100"

2. Dsidle 5 fish 85"

3. MCS 5 fish 83.5"

4. JaxBasser 5 fish 83"

5. CapitolIP 5 fish 79"


I am currently in 6th with 78.5", I will closing that gap really quick, beginning today. Dsidle and MCS, I luv ya, but I am aiming for one of your spots.



*** Big fish honors right now go to DeepdishPanda with a 6.3lb 21" fish. BTW AK pics pls!!


Good luck everyone. This is going to be a mad dash to the finish line!!




I may hit the water tomorrow, if not I'm out for this month. I've been sick again, plus overworked at my job. It sucks! 

fishing user avatarBassinLou reply : 

AK nice fish , what happen to the tape measure pic? I had to go into your gallery to find the measurement. Your 22" puts you back on top with 103" tightlinesjax has to cull out those two 19" to tie. Nice battle you two. AK to post a pic from your gallery to the thread, all you have to do is click on the media box that is inside the box where you type to post a thread. From there it will direct you to your gallery for pics. Really easy.

fishing user avatarAK-Jax86 reply : 
  On 9/29/2013 at 11:43 AM, BassinLou said:

AK nice fish , what happen to the tape measure pic? I had to go into your gallery to find the measurement. Your 22" puts you back on top with 103" tightlinesjax has to cull out those two 19" to tie. Nice battle you two. AK to post a pic from your gallery to the thread, all you have to do is click on the media box that is inside the box where you type to post a thread. From there it will direct you to your gallery for pics. Really easy.

Yea I figured it out. I'm going out in the AM will update tomorrow

fishing user avatarBassinLou reply : 

BTW, AK, what was the weight discrepancy between you and bass czar scales? The fish looks over 6 for sure, but you left that interesting detail out. It also looks like you are fishing with a sense of urgency since Tightlines is nipping at your heels. LOL. I think the forum is going to be quiet today with all of you guys fishing. Good luck everyone.

fishing user avatarAK-Jax86 reply : 
  On 9/29/2013 at 9:49 PM, BassinLou said:

BTW, AK, what was the weight discrepancy between you and bass czar scales? The fish looks over 6 for sure, but you left that interesting detail out. It also looks like you are fishing with a sense of urgency since Tightlines is nipping at your heels. LOL. I think the forum is going to be quiet today with all of you guys fishing. Good luck everyone.

Funny I was going to be fishing with a sense of urgency that's why I wanted to go to Industrial Park with czar yesterday morning but decided to go to gate instead to save gas lol.

Yea she felt upper 8 scale read 6.10 tho. One of the heaviest fish I've felt but according to the scale it's not lol. But that 21" I posted the other day was nowhere near as fat and weighed 6 so that's weird, that one was solid though no belly. So I think I need to check me scale by using a weight it's a berkley digital scale that I've had for years since I was a teen.

When I had her in my hands I'm like yea my new PB. My motto is scale don't lie though

fishing user avatarAK-Jax86 reply : 

I woke up ten fell back asleep so I didn't get out this morning. If they are televising the Eagles Broncos game then no fishing for me today

Good luck to whoever goes out hopefully you catch some nice fish, even you too tightlinesjax

fishing user avatarJellyMan reply : 

No go again for me. I decided I needed to study. Exams on Monday and Tuesday. 



fishing user avatarJaxBasser reply : 

Hey DEEPdish have you fished the Industrial Park lately? If so which ponds have been producing? I'm thinking about heading out there this afternoon

Also has anyone ever fished the pond beside the Gander Mountain, the one covered in pads. I want to go out there to buy a new rod and I was wondering if it would be worth it to bring some gear and fish there.

fishing user avatarAK-Jax86 reply : 
  On 9/29/2013 at 11:32 PM, JaxBasser said:

Hey DEEPdish have you fished the Industrial Park lately? If so which ponds have been producing? I'm thinking about heading out there this afternoon

Also has anyone ever fished the pond beside the Gander Mountain, the one covered in pads. I want to go out there to buy a new rod and I was wondering if it would be worth it to bring some gear and fish there.

Nah I haven't been there in a while. I've only been there few times and fished te same two spots I don't know how to direct you to them though. I have a video on my phone of a huge fish that I lost got she got wrapped around a tree in the water. The game is on so I'm not fishing today

Which gander are you talking about I fished the one that's south by the outlets

fishing user avatarBassinLou reply : 
  On 9/29/2013 at 10:33 PM, DEEPdish Panda said:

Funny I was going to be fishing with a sense of urgency that's why I wanted to go to Industrial Park with czar yesterday morning but decided to go to gate instead to save gas lol.

Yea she felt upper 8 scale read 6.10 tho. One of the heaviest fish I've felt but according to the scale it's not lol. But that 21" I posted the other day was nowhere near as fat and weighed 6 so that's weird, that one was solid though no belly. So I think I need to check me scale by using a weight it's a berkley digital scale that I've had for years since I was a teen.

When I had her in my hands I'm like yea my new PB. My motto is scale don't lie though


Although that fish is beautiful, to say upper 8, is suspect. I would rely on what the scale told you. 6.10 looks more like it. I was shown a pic of 8lb fish yesterday and just the girth and length made the fish you were showing look significantly smaller. Never the less AK, that fish was beautiful. Heck, I wish I would have caught it.

fishing user avatarAK-Jax86 reply : 
  On 9/30/2013 at 1:24 AM, BassinLou said:

Although that fish is beautiful, to say upper 8, is suspect. I would rely on what the scale told you. 6.10 looks more like it. I was shown a pic of 8lb fish yesterday and just the girth and length made the fish you were showing look significantly smaller. Never the less AK, that fish was beautiful. Heck, I wish I would have caught it.


yea she felt heavy I weighed a 20lb weight scale read 19lbs 9oz so I'm saying its accurate, I doubt the weight is exactly 20lbs

fishing user avatarAK-Jax86 reply : 

also that 7lb 24" fish I caught few months back was nowhere near the girth of this fish the 24" is long that's why can't go by pictures need the eye test. Felt heavier than any fish I held. So to say this one was only 6oz less than that no way. If that weight is actually 20lbs on the dot that would make the fish 7.1lbs

fishing user avatarBassinLou reply : 

Thank goodness for scales, I have been there and done that. I have caught a few 6 - 6.5lbs bass and I could have sworn that they were my PB and that  they were at least 8-9lbs LOL. Put them on the scale and you get a totally different number than what you thought. The good news is that the scale you have had for several years is not to far off.

fishing user avatarAK-Jax86 reply : 

hopefully the fish are on tomorrow morning. This weather has been perfect not hot and it has been overcast. Only problem is the water has been really choppy. I don't like frogging when the water is rough like that.

fishing user avatarBassinLou reply : 

AK, my scale I know is not accurate. I have caught some fish this year alone that have come close to my PB, and because of the scale discrepancy I could not make it official. Soon enough however, fingers crossed, I will be pulling the trigger on a Chatillon scale. Rest assured with one of those the weight will be spot on.

fishing user avatarAK-Jax86 reply : 
  On 9/30/2013 at 2:01 AM, BassinLou said:

AK, my scale I know is not accurate. I have caught some fish this year alone that have come close to my PB, and because of the scale discrepancy I could not make it official. Soon enough however, fingers crossed, I will be pulling the trigger on a Chatillon scale. Rest assured with one of those the weight will be spot on.

I don't need an expensive ultra accurate scale the digi I got is fine and accurate enough

I've seen the ones they use on TV I imagine that is the one or type you are talking about.

fishing user avatarBassinLou reply : 

Idk if they have commercials for these scales. I do have to admit they are pricey. But for me, when weight is concerned, its a personal goal of mine to hit the DD mark and to miss that goal because of equipment error, would suck. The beauty of fishing is that only we (the individual) determines what is worth buying or not.

fishing user avatar---=Martin=--- reply : 

Still sick like a dog. d**n!


Lou, please have the winner PM me their email address as well as shipping address :)



fishing user avatarBassinLou reply : 
  On 9/30/2013 at 6:03 AM, ---=Martin=--- said:

Still sick like a dog. d**n!


Lou, please have the winner PM me their email address as well as shipping address :)




Will do. Feel better man.

fishing user avatarBassinLou reply : 

Caught this 17" at a new spot today. I was using a booya frog to catch this one. This one puts me at 82.5" with 5 fish


Sept contest

fishing user avatarAK-Jax86 reply : 

Nice fish Lou I went out cuz the eagles game wasn't even a game we got BLOWNNNNN OUT! Looked like a basketball score

I was out for little under 2 hours and caught 6. 2 that were 19", 1 18", the rest were under that. I was using my frog in bullfrog never really had success with that color

fishing user avatarBassinLou reply : 

Guys check out this pig my brother-in-law caught today with me at this new spot he took me to. I wish I would have caught this one, because that one would have definitely helped my numbers. I am so happy for him, he has been having a challenging time sticking fish using the frog. By the looks of it he is getting the hang of it.


My brother-in-law and his nice bass

fishing user avatarBassinLou reply : 

AK for a second there I thought I read you caught a 6.2, I was saying "ANOTHER ONE" LOL.... then I read it again. Whew!

fishing user avatarBassinLou reply : 

Alright gentleman its that time of the week. Contest Numbers. Note we have one more full day left, it sucks that its a Monday I know.


1st place: DeepDish at 103"

2nd place: Tightlines at 101"

3rd place: Dsidle at 85"

4th place: MCS at 83.5"

5th place Jaxbasser at 83"


I am at 6th place with 82.5", I have one more day left to cull a 15" to hit top five. It's been tough.


You guys know what's on the line, courtesy of Martin, a $50 BPS card.

Good luck Gents.

fishing user avatarBassinLou reply : 

Lastly, and I am done for the night. Are there any objections for me to spearhead the October contest? I really enjoyed doing it, however if there is someone who wants to take a stab at it let us know. Is there anything you guys would like to see differently as far as format for next month? Let's hear it.....

fishing user avatardsidle61 reply : 

Lou I think you did an awesome job with this months tourney and you definitely get my vote for next months tourney.  Quick question, do i have any 16"ers left that i could remove?  Caught a 17" yesterday but wasnt sure if id gotten rid of all my 16s.  I feel like im getting into some much fatter fish, maybe its just the new spot but its on the same pond so i dont know what to think.  Also missed another pig at my new spot again. Its an extremely narrow area so it jumped right in front of me and literally as i was saying to myself thats a monster my frog came flying out.  I worked all weekend so im gonna have the day off tomorrow well see what wins me over, GTA V or some day fishing. 

To jump back to the pole subject.  I know im using some pretty light gear.  The mono line is definitely going, maybe tomorrow actually.  The pole could take some time, like i said ive  used 7' poles before and its just so odd to me.  My casting is way off and i lost a ton of touch using them as well.  I do know i need an update.  I think a jump up to 6 1/2" is probably going to be what i do.  IN your opinion would i really lose that much with a 6 1/2" instead of 7?? 

fishing user avatarBassinLou reply : 

Dsidle, yes, you still have one more 16" to cull, that 17" will increase your length to 86" WTG. Thanks for your vote. As far as the rod thing goes. Although I still recommend a 7, maybe a 61/2 will be the middle ground and lead you to a 7ft down the road.

fishing user avatarAK-Jax86 reply : 
  On 9/30/2013 at 9:04 AM, BassinLou said:

Lastly, and I am done for the night. Are there any objections for me to spearhead the October contest? I really enjoyed doing it, however if there is someone who wants to take a stab at it let us know. Is there anything you guys would like to see differently as far as format for next month? Let's hear it.....

This competition took off with you at the helm Lou you are the permanent runner of this unless someone wants to do it before Tuesday.

Only thing we should do and I think you have in some posts is show the total and put the lengths of our 5 fish so we can look to see what we can replace. Also since we are all announcing our participation you should just include everyone's numbers so we can see where we stand unless that's too much then 5 is cool

fishing user avatarAK-Jax86 reply : 
  On 9/30/2013 at 9:42 AM, dsidle61 said:

Lou I think you did an awesome job with this months tourney and you definitely get my vote for next months tourney.  Quick question, do i have any 16"ers left that i could remove?  Caught a 17" yesterday but wasnt sure if id gotten rid of all my 16s.  I feel like im getting into some much fatter fish, maybe its just the new spot but its on the same pond so i dont know what to think.  Also missed another pig at my new spot again. Its an extremely narrow area so it jumped right in front of me and literally as i was saying to myself thats a monster my frog came flying out.  I worked all weekend so im gonna have the day off tomorrow well see what wins me over, GTA V or some day fishing. 

To jump back to the pole subject.  I know im using some pretty light gear.  The mono line is definitely going, maybe tomorrow actually.  The pole could take some time, like i said ive  used 7' poles before and its just so odd to me.  My casting is way off and i lost a ton of touch using them as well.  I do know i need an update.  I think a jump up to 6 1/2" is probably going to be what i do.  IN your opinion would i really lose that much with a 6 1/2" instead of 7??

I used a 6 1/2 before the 7 and it's not a big difference except that the 7 is stronger. So instead of putting the money into the 6 1/2 id just go wit the 7.

I'm fishing tomorrow so text me if you going out I may go early morning. I've been playing some GTA too going to be doing that and fishing tomorrow that's the plan anyway

fishing user avatardsidle61 reply : 
  On 9/30/2013 at 11:33 AM, DEEPdish Panda said:

I used a 6 1/2 before the 7 and it's not a big difference except that the 7 is stronger. So instead of putting the money into the 6 1/2 id just go wit the 7.

I'm fishing tomorrow so text me if you going out I may go early morning. I've been playing some GTA too going to be doing that and fishing tomorrow that's the plan anyway

yeah i wish i could go take a 6 1/2 and a 7 and try them both out and pick lol ill shoot you a text, i wont be out in the morning but both monday and tues ill be out during the day ill let you know.

fishing user avatardsidle61 reply : 
  On 9/30/2013 at 10:37 AM, BassinLou said:

Dsidle, yes, you still have one more 16" to cull, that 17" will increase your length to 86" WTG. Thanks for your vote. As far as the rod thing goes. Although I still recommend a 7, maybe a 61/2 will be the middle ground and lead you to a 7ft down the road.

Sweet ill post it scraping for inches!

fishing user avatarJaxBasser reply : 

Went out tonight and got nothing. I won't be able to fish tomorrow so I'm done for this month.

Still cant believe I forgot my tape measure yesterday when I was actually catching fish. Could have culled that 14.5 and probably a 16".

fishing user avatarDynoMyte reply : 
  On 9/30/2013 at 1:21 PM, JaxBasser said:

Went out tonight and got nothing. I won't be able to fish tomorrow so I'm done for this month.

Still cant believe I forgot my tape measure yesterday when I was actually catching fish. Could have culled that 14.5 and probably a 16".


Oh man, that sucks, least you were catching fish. Managed to get out a little on saturday, skunked again.

fishing user avatarDynoMyte reply : 
  On 9/30/2013 at 9:04 AM, BassinLou said:

Lastly, and I am done for the night. Are there any objections for me to spearhead the October contest? I really enjoyed doing it, however if there is someone who wants to take a stab at it let us know. Is there anything you guys would like to see differently as far as format for next month? Let's hear it.....


From a spectator's point of view, you did a good job handling the contests. No objections from myself. Maybe next month I will actually get a fish to post. Thanks for taking your time to post up the running order in a timely manner each day.  It made watching the competion from the sidelines enjoyable.

fishing user avatarzack d reply : 

Went out this morning for a lil while,missed a pig,but managed to land this 18.5.

So my goal of culling at least one fish is done! ;)

This is my first time participating,so i cant comment on other months,but i think you did a great job Lou. Thanks for putting this together it really made this month of fishing more exciting.


fishing user avatarBassinLou reply : 

Zach you and I are tied at 82.5" buddy. We have our own South FL, competition going. LOL. Nice job for your first month with us. You still have hours left to make something happen. I know I do. I will be heading out later this afternoon, this is my last at bat, and I am swinging away.

fishing user avatarBassinLou reply : 

Thanks you guys for the positive comments, in regards to spearheading the competition. In the past we have had fun, but I think the format we have come up with raises the competition a bit, and the involvement is a lot more focused. I am looking forward to next month already, however this day is not over yet!!!

fishing user avatarLgMouthGambler reply : 

I am in for Oct. I have already warned the wife that she better not make any plans for Sunday mornings because I will not be home until 2-3 in the afternoon. I also will say that I may be taking a ride to the "Big O" to do some fishing in the boat since I will have my new trolling motor by this weekend. Though I really can only get out on the weekends, I still may be able to pull it off. I really would like to know what you guys do for a living, because there seems to be too much fishing everyday of the week for some of you, lol. Anyway, good job to the top 5 this month, you guys put on a hell of a read for me. I fished vicariously through you all, lol.

fishing user avatarMCS reply : 

Ok I see LMG and Lou are in and you know I am in for Oct. can't wait the cooler weather is upon us!

fishing user avatarBassinLou reply : 

LGMouth aren't you a fireman? If I am not mistaken. Unless you have a second job, you should have a lot of time off. I don't know what city or municipality you work with but you also get those CR or Kelly weeks every 3 weeks no?

fishing user avatarBassinLou reply : 

I fish similar to MCS. You see when he can he will fish in the wee hours of the morning. I am the opposite. I have a 1-2hr window to fish at a park that I fish close to my house at the end of the day. Same thing  during the weekend. Small pockets of time, that I have to figure out what the fish want and hopefully dial them in before time runs out. Unfortunately, I will not be experiencing any long fishing trips any time soon until the water in the glades comes down, and that's only on Saturdays.

fishing user avatarAK-Jax86 reply : 
  On 10/1/2013 at 1:53 AM, BassinLou said:

I fish similar to MCS. You see when he can he will fish in the wee hours of the morning. I am the opposite. I have a 1-2hr window to fish at a park that I fish close to my house at the end of the day. Same thing during the weekend. Small pockets of time, that I have to figure out what the fish want and hopefully dial them in before time runs out. Unfortunately, I will not be experiencing any long fishing trips any time soon until the water in the glades comes down, and that's only on Saturdays.

So when I make my weekend trip I only get Saturday at the glades lol? I'm going to have to schedule it so I can meet up with fstr Friday, you Saturday, and LGM Sunday to get my full south fl boating fishing experience (I may even ask captain Shane to let me hop on his boat for a YouTube video lol)

fishing user avatarMCS reply : 
  On 10/1/2013 at 1:53 AM, BassinLou said:

I fish similar to MCS. You see when he can he will fish in the wee hours of the morning. I am the opposite. I have a 1-2hr window to fish at a park that I fish close to my house at the end of the day. Same thing  during the weekend. Small pockets of time, that I have to figure out what the fish want and hopefully dial them in before time runs out. Unfortunately, I will not be experiencing any long fishing trips any time soon until the water in the glades comes down, and that's only on Saturdays.


Man me and you need to get out more LOL....I am going to push and try the AM it is gonna be figuring what they want with this chill in the air :eyebrows: ....It is funny how 69 i put the long sleeves on, it is such a big difference from the 81 in the morngings during the dog days. :Idontknow:

fishing user avatarLgMouthGambler reply : 
  On 10/1/2013 at 1:47 AM, BassinLou said:

LGMouth aren't you a fireman? If I am not mistaken. Unless you have a second job, you should have a lot of time off. I don't know what city or municipality you work with but you also get those CR or Kelly weeks every 3 weeks no?


Couldn't find steady full time Fire job. I run an Automotive shop in Sunrise. Better pay too, lol.

fishing user avatarLgMouthGambler reply : 
  On 10/1/2013 at 3:47 AM, MCS said:

Man me and you need to get out more LOL....I am going to push and try the AM it is gonna be figuring what they want with this chill in the air :eyebrows: ....It is funny how 69 i put the long sleeves on, it is such a big difference from the 81 in the morngings during the dog days. :Idontknow:


It takes 69 to make you put long sleeves on? And here I am wearing them all the time. :punch-2:

fishing user avatarBassinLou reply : 
  On 10/1/2013 at 3:30 AM, DEEPdish Panda said:

So when I make my weekend trip I only get Saturday at the glades lol? I'm going to have to schedule it so I can meet up with fstr Friday, you Saturday, and LGM Sunday to get my full south fl boating fishing experience (I may even ask captain Shane to let me hop on his boat for a YouTube video lol)


Uh....Yeah, you only get a Saturday trip, I hope you didn't think I implied I was going to be your guide your entire stay. LOL. You are making out like a bandit, if you can get me, Shan, and Lgmouth in one weekend.

fishing user avatarBassinLou reply : 
  On 10/1/2013 at 4:08 AM, LgMouthGambler said:

Couldn't find steady full time Fire job. I run an Automotive shop in Sunrise. Better pay too, lol.


My brother was in a similar situation as you a few years back. Fortunately, the training he received helps him to be better at his current job. Would you consider fire if the full time job became available, LgMouth?

fishing user avatarAK-Jax86 reply : 
  On 10/1/2013 at 4:17 AM, BassinLou said:

Uh....Yeah, you only get a Saturday trip, I hope you didn't think I implied I was going to be your guide your entire stay. LOL. You are making out like a bandit, if you can get me, Shan, and Lgmouth in one weekend.

Lol yea I would make out like a bandit, I was joking about the weekend thing. I was planning on going to a Miami heat game that weekend when I make my trip

fishing user avatarLgMouthGambler reply : 
  On 10/1/2013 at 4:21 AM, BassinLou said:

My brother was in a similar situation as you a few years back. Fortunately, the training he received helps him to be better at his current job. Would you consider fire if the full time job became available, LgMouth?


Right now the way the Govt is going about things, Im better off where I am, lol. I get paid better and don't have all the physical and political hassle. Plus my boss has a nice house in Hawks Cay, and we go there to fish on his boat once in a while.

fishing user avatarLgMouthGambler reply : 
  On 10/1/2013 at 4:50 AM, DEEPdish Panda said:

Lol yea I would make out like a bandit, I was joking about the weekend thing. I was planning on going to a Miami heat game that weekend when I make my trip


I would take you if you wanted. I owe that back to the realm of things since a guy in SC was nice enough to take me on Lake Murray when I was up there.

fishing user avatarzack d reply : 

Ok,i planned on fishing all day today,bt as soon as i posted that last fish i caught i got called into work.

Just got home,about to try a spot where i know there are a lot of fish just not too many bigguns.

Just trying to cull my 13" now. Im coming for ya Lou! J/k This has been a ton of fun guys!

fishing user avatarMCS reply : 
  On 10/1/2013 at 5:04 AM, LgMouthGambler said:

Right now the way the Govt is going about things, Im better off where I am, lol. I get paid better and don't have all the physical and political hassle. Plus my boss has a nice house in Hawks Cay, and we go there to fish on his boat once in a while.

Well u see what they did to the pentions of the Fire Fighters up here in Jax. U are right u are better off. Stay far far away from anything that has to due with gov't or politics when a job is concerned.

fishing user avatarLgMouthGambler reply : 
  On 10/1/2013 at 5:45 AM, MCS said:

Well u see what they did to the pentions of the Fire Fighters up here in Jax. U are right u are better off. Stay far far away from anything that has to due with gov't or politics when a job is concerned.

There are no pentions any more. They closed 5 firehouses in Miami lately due to budget cuts. There are hirings, but for petty money, and nothing to show for. This Obama care crap is only going to make things worse now.

fishing user avatarAK-Jax86 reply : 
  On 10/1/2013 at 5:05 AM, LgMouthGambler said:

I would take you if you wanted. I owe that back to the realm of things since a guy in SC was nice enough to take me on Lake Murray when I was up there.

That would be cool! Never really fished on a boat before. I rented a boat at a local Resivour in NJ but it wasn't the real boating experience lol

fishing user avatarBassinLou reply : 

I am officially done for Sept. I left it all on the water. Couldn't catch me a 16"+ if my life depended on it. My arm is dead. But my head is held high. Great job to the Jax group. I will post official numbers tomorrow, tightlines has been too quiet, so I will wait. I have a feeling he is fishing tonight. Remember, to the winner of this contest which by the looks of it its between Deepdish and Tightlines, pls PM Martin to claim your well deserved gift card. Let's see what October brings.

fishing user avatarBassinLou reply : 
  On 10/1/2013 at 5:45 AM, zack d said:

Ok,i planned on fishing all day today,bt as soon as i posted that last fish i caught i got called into work.

Just got home,about to try a spot where i know there are a lot of fish just not too many bigguns.

Just trying to cull my 13" now. Im coming for ya Lou! J/k This has been a ton of fun guys!


Zach, I tried for couple for couple of hours and all I caught was 1 14". That was not going to help. I am glad you came on board and enjoyed yourself. We are looking forward to having you in October.

fishing user avatarAK-Jax86 reply : 

Got 4 hours to go!

I'm heading out to my golf course for some night fishing. I was there earlier for about a hour and some change caught 3 biggest being 20", lol I tried to stretch the fish out to get that extra inch didn't work lmao

Had a really good day I was talking to DS through text. At gate I ended up with 6 1 20" and 2 18" rest under that. Caught the 20 and one 18" on a frog this morning then tey weren't biting so I switched to swim bait and caught the other 4. The 3 from the golf course came on a bullfrog colored frog, same one I never had luck with except for the last few times out.

The 20" exploded on my frog and bent one of the hooks so it doesn't sit right on the frog. Down to 2 hooks left, hopefully I have some hooks that are on the frog somewhere in my tackle bag or it's time for another TW order, or BPS if these lengths hold up its close

fishing user avatarAK-Jax86 reply : 

LMG said he may be taking a trip to Lake O. I wish the drive was closer or u would be there too lol. It says it's over 100 miles from Orlando so it's roughly 215miles away from Jacksonville.

Lake O has been my dream spot to fish I have seen so mAny beast fish caught out of there and I heard on average the lake is shallow so you already know what I am thinking.

I will get out there one day hopefully sooner than later, long drive though

fishing user avatarzack d reply : 

Just got back,WOW, talk about dinks.

I caught 5-6 fish in an hour or so,none over 12" lol,i guess i found the spot to try out new baits.

Still not done though,about to eat dinner then hit up my local pond for a bit.

Good luck Ak,and tightlinesjax!

fishing user avatarBassinLou reply : 

WOW!! guys are going out tonight?? Good luck. Remember to submit measured fish with pic when you report. AK, that means you!!

fishing user avatartightlinesjax reply : 

Deepdish go home and relax. I havent fished since saturday. Im watching football now lol. Congrats on the win. Its been fun guys. Im in for October. Hopefully I can fish more next month. I do like October for saltwater fishing though.

Lou, great job keeping things organized. Hopefully more people participate in October. Im looking forward to the challenge. Its fun trying to keep up with one another.

fishing user avatarCutlerJay reply : 

We'll fellas I wish I could have been more vocal this month, but I could not buy a bite. I caught 4 dinks (10 inches maybe). However, I did get one on a frog (my first frog fish). Also managed a dozen nice peacocks so at least my pole got bent a few times.

Gotta say keep up the good work Lou. And I am in for next month as well.

My conspiracy theory........ The reason I could not catch bass with any size is because I had a measuring tape in my tackle box.

Cheers everyone.

fishing user avatarJaxBasser reply : 

Couldn't fish today but the bait monkey got me at Gander Mountain. Picked up one of those *** *** Black rods I've heard so many great things about. It's a pretty sweet rod.

fishing user avatarAK-Jax86 reply : 
  On 10/1/2013 at 8:54 AM, tightlinesjax said:

Deepdish go home and relax. I havent fished since saturday. Im watching football now lol. Congrats on the win. Its been fun guys. Im in for October. Hopefully I can fish more next month. I do like October for saltwater fishing though.

Lou, great job keeping things organized. Hopefully more people participate in October. Im looking forward to the challenge. Its fun trying to keep up with one another.

I forgot that the game was on tonight. Hope you are a Saints Fan cuz this dolphins run ends tonight and then it's back to mediocrity for them.

I got Jimmy Graham in my fantasy pay league and I'm down by 2 points... I've been watching this a lot closer fishing competition is for fun my ongoing fantasy league is for the pockets lol

fishing user avatarAK-Jax86 reply : 
  On 10/1/2013 at 9:16 AM, JaxBasser said:

Couldn't fish today but the bait monkey got me at Gander Mountain. Picked up one of those *** *** Black rods I've heard so many great things about. It's a pretty sweet rod.

How much do those rods run? I'm looking to get a new rod when I buy a another reel this weekend

fishing user avatarAK-Jax86 reply : 

Now I cAn officially turn off the game Graham came thru and won me my week matchup with 1 catch for 27yds and a TD. He gave me my win and a nice $100 in my pocket for this NFL week

Was going to go out but my girl wants to watch one of those chick flicks lucky me lol

fishing user avatarJaxBasser reply : 

$100. They are the nicest rod in that price range I've owned. I like it a lot better than my Veritas.

fishing user avatarfstr385 reply : 

Dang, this competition thread has gotten popular! 3 pages into the novel,I just skipped to the back lol. Whos leadin this thing?

Looks like I might join in October n dust off the boats n poles. Seein some hints of pre spawn activity out back this weekend and the weather feels like its dropping off some :)

fishing user avatarRovingmutt reply : 

Boy this was fun to read about this month,  i am in for oct lou,

fishing user avatarBassinLou reply : 

Congratulations DeepDish!! You pulled off another win!! Remember to PM Martin for your gift card. It was an awesome tournament. We had our hi's and low's but the main thing is we had fun. I am glad we made for good reading to many of you. I will begin the new thread for October a little later. Congrats again Deepdish aka AK.

fishing user avatar---=Martin=--- reply : 
  On 10/1/2013 at 7:56 PM, BassinLou said:

Congratulations DeepDish!! You pulled off another win!! Remember to PM Martin for your gift card. It was an awesome tournament. We had our hi's and low's but the main thing is we had fun. I am glad we made for good reading to many of you. I will begin the new thread for October a little later. Congrats again Deepdish aka AK.


wait, is DeepDish and AK-Jax86 the same person? I just sent AK an e-giftcard to BassPro :) I'm very confused now...

fishing user avatarMCS reply : 
  On 10/2/2013 at 12:31 AM, ---=Martin=--- said:

wait, is DeepDish and AK-Jax86 the same person? I just sent AK an e-giftcard to BassPro :) I'm very confused now...

Go left not right.

fishing user avatarAK-Jax86 reply : 
  On 10/2/2013 at 12:31 AM, ---=Martin=--- said:

wait, is DeepDish and AK-Jax86 the same person? I just sent AK an e-giftcard to BassPro :) I'm very confused now...

Yes we are. The same person Martin lol thanks for the girt card it's much appreciated

fishing user avatarBassinLou reply : 

I just noticed you changed again LOL. You have always been AK, to me so I never paid attention to Deepdish. Are you set for now?

fishing user avatarAK-Jax86 reply : 
  On 10/2/2013 at 1:30 AM, BassinLou said:

I just noticed you changed again LOL. You have always been AK, to me so I never paid attention to Deepdish. Are you set for now?


yea Lou you were right DEEPdishPanda doesn't flow right... had to go with my initials AK it just flows and is permanent lol 

fishing user avatarMCS reply : 
  On 10/2/2013 at 1:58 AM, AK-Jax86 said:

yea Lou you were right DEEPdishPanda doesn't flow right... had to go with my initials AK it just flows and is permanent lol 


Everytime I saw deepdish it made me hungry...I would always wanna go to little cesars and grab on of their hot n ready $8 pizzas lol.

fishing user avatarBassinLou reply : 

I wanted to close out this thread with the final numbers. Out of 15 participants, I just posted the top 8.


1. AK 5 fish 103"

2. Tighlines Jax 5 fish 101"

3. Dsidle 5 fish 86"

4. MCS 5 fish 83.5"

5. JaxBasser 5 fish 83"


6. Bassinlou 5 fish 82.5"

6. ZachD 5 fish 82.5"

7. CapitolIP 5 fish 79"

fishing user avatar---=Martin=--- reply : 
  On 10/2/2013 at 8:58 AM, BassinLou said:

I wanted to close out this thread with the final numbers. Out of 15 participants, I just posted the top 8.


1. AK 5 fish 103"

2. Tighlines Jax 5 fish 101"

3. Dsidle 5 fish 86"

4. MCS 5 fish 83.5"

5. JaxBasser 5 fish 83"


6. Bassinlou 5 fish 82.5"

6. ZachD 5 fish 82.5"

7. CapitolIP 5 fish 79"


What what what?!?!??! I'm not in the top 5 with my 18" monster?!?!?!??!? This calls for a video :P

fishing user avatarMCS reply : 
  On 10/2/2013 at 9:42 AM, ---=Martin=--- said:

What what what?!?!??! I'm not in the top 5 with my 18" monster?!?!?!??!? This calls for a video :P

Your like a new kids on the block reunion album....NOT EVEN ON THE CHARTS!!! lol


Hope this month is better for you, get back to the 90" you had the month before.


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