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Palomar Or Improved Clinch Knot? 2024

fishing user avatarNewbass112 reply : 

What would you guys recommend using as a standard just for tying hooks/lures to your line? Or tying swivels/weights on to your line?

What about line to line?

I use mono most of the time but sometimes use fluoro as a leader. It looks like the improved clinch is what most of you are using for everything?

fishing user avatarHooligan reply : 

Neither. Pitzen or San Diego Jam.

fishing user avatarCapt.Bob reply : 

I like the simplicity of the improved clinch for terminal tackle. For leader to line I use nothing but the improved Blood knot. Both fast and easy, with good knot strength.  There are others that are marginally better, not as simple and easy,,,, but with the arthritis I have today, I lean hard on easy!!!

fishing user avatarderekxec reply : 

palomar with braid cause it doesnt slip and improved clinch with mono....both have never failed me but the clinch slips with braid.....if i had a lighter to burn the braid then i just use the improved clinch for everything

fishing user avatarCiMo reply : 

For line to line knots the blood knot or improved blood knot, line to hook lure ect... improved reverse clinch, I love the Eugene Bend as well.

fishing user avatarflyfisher reply : 

Palomar for me for pretty much everything except when fly fishing and using smaller eyed flies, then i use the improved clinch.  For braid to leader connections, which i rarely use, i have been using the seaguar knot and not had one slip or break yet and it is super easy to tie or I go with a nail knot.  All those years of fly fishing has made me pretty proficient at tying them without any tools and the strength is as good as anything out there.

fishing user avatarOkeechobeeAngler reply : 

Single or double palomar. Works from the smallest bluegill, bass on up to biggest snook, tarpon and sharks. 

fishing user avatarthehooligan reply : 

double palomar for braid, clinch knot on mono for me.

fishing user avatarTNBassin' reply : 

I like the palomar for all of my needs, but I can't tie one without an over abundance of tag left so I waste a bunch of line every time I retie. Went to dual locks to fix that.

fishing user avatarPondBoss reply : 

San Diego Jam for everything that is line to lure.  Alberto knot for line to line.

fishing user avatarSirSnookalot reply : 

Any of them work when tied correctly.  Leaders get a clinch knot, braid gets an improved clinch, lures get a loop knot and line to line gets an alberto, tag ends get singed.

fishing user avatarBankbeater reply : 

Usually palomar for everything. 

fishing user avatarPABASS reply : 

Line to Line = Modified Albright any line


Mono = Improve Clinch best knot for mono for me


Braid = Double Palomar


FC = Palamor/Improve Clinch I am having problems finding an easy knot for FC, Aron recommends a uni knot even for drop shoting and I might give this a try.


Rapala Knot for mono and Pop-Rs and walk the dog style baits.

fishing user avatarRoachDad reply : 

Palomar is easy and very strong.  I checked this out years ago and at that time it was the strongest knot.  There may be some new ones now. 

Palomar has 2 lines going through the lure.


I know alot of people grew up with the clinch knots , like I did, and unless you are having trouble, why change?


but I did and think the Palomar is just really easy to tie. 

fishing user avatarRoachDad reply : 

I never heard of double palomar.  I'll have to look that one up.

fishing user avataraavery2 reply : 

Both great knots, and I would think probably two of the more commonly used knots out there, add yourself a line to line knot such as the Alberto, and you have a very good group.


I like to use the Palomar when tying to anything like a swivel, obviously for a drop shot and when the bait is smaller in size or does not have trebble hooks.   I use the improved clinch on just about everything else.  The Alberto is easy to tie, has a small enough knot that it comes through even micro guides well and has good holding strength.


These may not be the very best knots in their respective class but they do work very well and are easy to tie, I have had good luck with all of them for a number of years.

fishing user avatarlmbfisherman reply : 

i use Trilene for most of my applications, double uni knot when tying leaders.  I will use a Palomar knot when I tie directly with braid as I feel it doesn't slip as derekxec stated.

fishing user avatartholmes reply : 

I use the Improved Clinch knot for everything except line to line connections, there I use an blood knot.


I should add that I fish exclusively with mono or co-poly.



fishing user avatarB@ssCrzy reply : 


Mono=Improved Clinch

Line-to-Line=Modified Albright


I have been really pleased with all of these knots and never had a problem with any of them.  The modified albright is really small and comes through even micro guides well. 

fishing user avatarbassin is addicting reply : 

between the 2 asked about...


i use the improved clinch.... even on braid.  never had an issue with it slipping

fishing user avatar---=Martin=--- reply : 
  On 5/21/2013 at 1:44 PM, TNBassin said:

I like the palomar for all of my needs, but I can't tie one without an over abundance of tag left so I waste a bunch of line every time I retie. Went to dual locks to fix that.


i had the same problem, then learned that if you keep it loose and pull on the main line it will tighten and you'll not waste 3 feet of line :-)

fishing user avatarTNBassin' reply : 
  On 5/22/2013 at 3:19 AM, mvorbrodt said:

i had the same problem, then learned that if you keep it loose and pull on the main line it will tighten and you'll not waste 3 feet of line :-)

Dang now you tell me lol. I'll have to try that. Thanks.

fishing user avatarCTGalloway21 reply : 

I have yet to break a palomar knot.  

fishing user avatarSam reply : 

At the Boy Scout Jamboree at Fort Lee in Virginia I had the wonderful opportunity to help Berkley with its station and we had the Berkley line testing machine.


A scout would come up and tie his favorite know using 10-pound Trileen flourocarbon line and the machine would stretch the lline until either the knot broke or the line snapped.


It was a fun time and the vast majority of the scouts tied the clinch and improved clinch knot.


They failed.


The best knot was the Palomar.


Of course, these kids were not used to tieing the knots in a professional manner as we do, but they tied the knots and the machine did the rest.


If you go to a Bassmaster Classic look for Pure Fishing or Berkley location and see if they have the knot testing machine and give it whack.

fishing user avatarBassfink86 reply : 

I use the palomar on just about everything except cranks I tie those with the improved clinch, haven't lost anything yet

fishing user avatarHighhawk1948 reply : 


fishing user avatariabass8 reply : 

Palomar on braid

San Diego Jam on mono and fluoro. Super strong knot and barely waste any amount of line at all.

fishing user avatarSirSnookalot reply : 

What those testing machines don't do is utilize a drag which IMO is very important in fishing, especially for larger stronger fish.  The palomar is a good knot, I find too awkward for me and it's a knot I seldom consider using using.  I do vary the way I tie my loop and improved clinch dependent on my target species.

fishing user avatarHooligan reply : 

Palomar is not recommended for fluorocarbon lines at all. Seaguar uses to have on their packaging that you were not to tie the Palomar because of its propensity to weaken fluorocarbon. Many, many pros no longer tie the Palomar for the same reason. It may well pass through the eye twice, but it also crosses on itself which is Terri me for fluorocarbon. It loses strength drastically, it used to be considered one of the strongest knots, but that simply isn't the case any longer.

fishing user avatarMrSwimJig reply : 

I pretty much only use the Palomar knot. I also use it with Seaguar InvizX and AbrazX and have not had a knot failure with it....knock on wood. I do moisten the heck out of it while tying it though.

But after reading this thread I may give the Improved Clinch Knot a shot.

fishing user avatarPABASS reply : 
  On 5/22/2013 at 2:41 PM, Hooligan said:

Palomar is not recommended for fluorocarbon lines at all. Seaguar uses to have on their packaging that you were not to tie the Palomar because of its propensity to weaken fluorocarbon. Many, many pros no longer tie the Palomar for the same reason. It may well pass through the eye twice, but it also crosses on itself which is Terri me for fluorocarbon. It loses strength drastically, it used to be considered one of the strongest knots, but that simply isn't the case any longer.

I have read this as well, Aaron Marten recommends a uni knot when using FC and for dropshoting.  Last week I used a dropshot exclusively with FC and while the Palomar knot didn't fail at the wrong time it did break a few times.  Been using the Berkeley braid knot for FC and Braid and its worked great thus far.

fishing user avatarBrianSnat reply : 

For most of my life it was clinch knot only. I can tie it blindfolded.    Now I use palomar to tie on hooks, for dropshot and for smaller lures. Larger lures are too much of a pain to pass through the loop so I still use clinch knot for those. 

fishing user avatarfishking247 reply : 


fishing user avatarHuskyKMA reply : 

Palomar knot for braid.


Improved Clinch for mono.


San Diego Jam for heavy mono or big (salmon, tuna, etc.) species.

fishing user avatarSodus Bay Scooter reply : 

I use the palomar knot for flouro 17lb. Never had a break off. Until I do I'll switch.

I just watched a *** vid on YouTube about how to tie the palomar for flouro. Even though I never tied it that way I still never had problems.

fishing user avatarPABASS reply : 

The trouble with FC for me is the light test 6#s Palomar knots break easy, improved clinch doesn't fair well either, trying the uni to see how it goes.

fishing user avatarmartintheduck reply : 
  On 5/21/2013 at 1:44 PM, TNBassin said:

I like the palomar for all of my needs, but I can't tie one without an over abundance of tag left so I waste a bunch of line every time I retie. Went to dual locks to fix that.

 I had the same problem, but fixed it..... you double the line through.... then do the overhand knot.... THEN, mess around with the loop (before bringing it back over the hook) and you can pull the excess tag line. Then, once you putt the loop over the hook, just pull the single spool line piece instaead of both line and tag end. 




That might have been a terrible description, but it's the best I can give.

fishing user avatarTNBassin' reply : 
  On 5/24/2013 at 1:44 AM, martintheduck said:

 I had the same problem, but fixed it..... you double the line through.... then do the overhand knot.... THEN, mess around with the loop (before bringing it back over the hook) and you can pull the excess tag line. Then, once you putt the loop over the hook, just pull the single spool line piece instaead of both line and tag end. 




That might have been a terrible description, but it's the best I can give.

I appreciate the tip. Hopefully I will save some line now.

fishing user avatarbackcast88 reply : 

Neither.  Learn the San Diego Jam Knot.  You can use it for braid, mono, and fluoro and is just as easy to tie.  Its all I use anymore and have never had one fail, I can't say the same for the Palomar.

fishing user avatarBassThumb reply : 

I prefer the Improved Clinch for mono, fluoro, and copoly, and the Double Palomar for braid. The Double works especially well with newer styles of braid which tend to be slicker.


I know a lot of people swear by it, but I've had bad luck and a few breakoffs while using the Palomar with fluorocarbon line. Fluoro is highly susceptible to friction burns that badly weaken the knot, and I believe I was burning my line when I tried it, despite using lots of spit.


I'm very comfortable with the Improved Clinch. I can tie it with my eyes closed, so I see no reason to switch.


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