Hey guys, had a good day on the 'OCC" 05/08/08. Slow morning, but picked up two 16" 2+lbs keepers around 1300hrs. They seemed to be holding on the points. Morning (0600-0900hrs) fishing produced youngsters 12" <1lbs in the same areas. Hope this helps. -G-
Nice! thanks for the report. I wanted to head out to fountain head and fish the Rez soon but was afraid of the fish not feeding yet cuz of all the dead shad people were talking about a few weeks ago. Good to see the fish are biting!
Thanks for the reply! I did notice the shad for the past few weeks, although this week did not seem as bad. Another fisherman asked me about the situation, I figured this was normal. Is this condition not normal for shad during the pre-spawn, spawn, and postspawn season? My fishing partner did catch a lunker on a carolina rig the LMB flashed; it was side hooked. This agressiveness I considered normal during spawn season, threfore the dead shad. any info?
G, nice post. Do you fish any of the tourny's on the res?
Not to sure on the shad deal, but I know a guy that might and I'll talk with him and figure it out.
Good lookin fish G-Rod.
The dead shad is a normal thing. It seems to happen many places around this time of the year. I think it relates to the shad spawn somehow. I read that during spawn and other times, the population can get so thick that they deplete the water of oxygen and kill themselves. I'd believe that, as I have seen them thick as thieves lately on the rez.
Also, they dont do well in water under 60*F and with the weather back and forth that probably makes it harder on them also. regardless od what causes it, it is almost definately a natural occurence, since it happens all over the place, during similar times and conditions.
I don't think it affects the bass much if any.
I have no experience, education, or training on the matter, but when I heard about the dead shad, I attributed it to the spawning runs, figuring they would swim back up the rivers to spawn and then die, just like salmon on the West coast.
If anyone comes across a solid explanation, make sure to let me know, I'm curious about it now.
JEJMoe: Thanks for the explanation on the shad. I'm glad to read this is a natural life cycle.
flippin4it: I have fished 1 tourny this year, had great intentions, but my outboard head gasket blew as we were heading to our second post I'm just thankful it was something I could repair without breaking the bank! With any luck and good fortune I' ll sign up for the event on 5/18. How about you, fish any tourneys at the Rez?
I'll see you there GRod
I haven't caught a nice fish there in a while...mostly buck bass up shallow. Haven't caught a limit yet this year :'( We're not doin too good, but it's too fun to just not fish them.
G-Rod, who hosts the tourney on the 18th? How much is the entrance fee? Can you have your partner picked or do you get matched up?
How often are these tourneys on the rez and how would I go about signing up?
Lastly, are there any boat limitations? Like could we use our 17' Lowe's fishing boat, or does it have to be a jon boat or such?
Fountainhead regional park hosts them.....Entrance is 50 dollars a boat (25 per person that INCLUDES big fish). Fish with whoever you want, you can pick your partner. Tourneys are every 2 weeks, this month there are 3 in a row though. You sign up the day of the tourney, get there early though. No boat limitations. You can use your boat.
Matt Strykul
PS these guys really know what they're doing......
Thanks for the info Matt. Be cool to get out on the Rez and meet some more local guys and learn more about tourneys and such as I've never fished em'. But I feel familiar enough with the rez to put together some fish... so we will see. My dad and I may try signing up for one this month, gonna have to talk to him and see. Later guys.
P:s: I'm in it more for the learning experience. I don't expect to knock guys dead the first few times out. But I'm sure I could pick up a lot. What kind of limits are we talking about on average?
I check the T-results on their website after every tournament usually just to see what the bites like on the reservoir when i'm away and i've seen bags up to 25 lbs there. grant it thats a 6 fish limit thats still over 4 lbs average for fish (that was the biggest i've ever seen though) usually first has around 19 it seems think strykal fishes them though wait for his reply. I would fish them but I'd feel like i was just donating money to the pot as the biggest bag i've been able to put together there was 15 which wouldn't do anything for me at those tournaments normally.
Yeah, winning bags range from 18-25 lbs depending on time of year. Biggest we have had was 19 lbs on a NON tournament day (there was a 3 week span with no tourneys last year) where my brother and I were just SLAMMING huge fish on carolina rigs. We've never caught so many 4 lbers ;D
But honestly, just go and check it out, it's alot of fun. I don't expect to win, but we try to! 50 bucks every 2 weeks is a lot of money for 2 teenagers who have no jobs and have to save lunch money for tourney entries!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I guess thats dedication ;D
QuoteJEJMoe: Thanks for the explanation on the shad. I'm glad to read this is a natural life cycle.flippin4it: I have fished 1 tourny this year, had great intentions, but my outboard head gasket blew as we were heading to our second post
I'm just thankful it was something I could repair without breaking the bank! With any luck and good fortune I' ll sign up for the event on 5/18. How about you, fish any tourneys at the Rez?
G, I fished a few last year and got my butt handed to me. Like Strykul said, these guys are serious. I'm not trying to toot my own horn, but I can fish and never once was in contention for the money. You have to have several things going for you to win. A fast boat, Knowledge of the Quan and the ability not to come unglued when at 1 PM you don't have single a keeper. Trolling motors only will not win. Every tourny I fished was won way up river. The Quan may not be all that large, but it fishes big and I mean real big.
Matt, i like the picture i wonder what chump took that :
flipin4it i would toot your horn for ya but it would cost you like 14 bucks lol :-/ ;D
hahahhahahahhaha Steve 14 bucks haahhahaha I can't stop laughing. ;D
Flippin is right though, some of these guys must be pushing 25 mph and I always hear them talking to their buddies about "oh I beat you to this spot" or "I pulled in right ahead of ya" at the weigh in. One day, when everything is just right, maybe we'll pull of a win. But I'm just lookin for a good time between now and then.
All of the tourneys have been won downriver this year flippin. I think that the upriver bite picks up later, like you said in an earlier topic.
QuoteMatt, i like the picture i wonder what chump took that :flipin4it i would toot your horn for ya but it would cost you like 14 bucks lol :-/ ;D
LOL, where did you come up with 14 bucks???
;D ;D ;D ;D
I don't know if I'm worth all that. 8-)
just my price LOL funny stuff, anyways i'm surprised you havent been able to get a check flippin or at least be a contender must be ten times harder than i thought and i thought it already was the toughest tourney series in NOVA, do you fish the occoquan alot flippin? or just go to the tournament on a whim like those goofy strykul brothers LOL j/k
note the best strykul brother is the youngest, that kids a stick no lie
Quotehahahhahahahhaha Steve 14 bucks haahhahaha I can't stop laughing. ;DFlippin is right though, some of these guys must be pushing 25 mph and I always hear them talking to their buddies about "oh I beat you to this spot" or "I pulled in right ahead of ya" at the weigh in. One day, when everything is just right, maybe we'll pull of a win. But I'm just lookin for a good time between now and then.
All of the tourneys have been won downriver this year flippin. I think that the upriver bite picks up later, like you said in an earlier topic.
All the tourny's I fished where in the late summer/early spring.
hahaha we did fish the 1st T with no pre fishing at all. hadnt been there for the whole season. Didnt sleep at ALL and only caught 1 4 lber. ;D ;D ;D ;D
Everyone says you have to go uplake on the rez to really pull 'em. How far upstream are we talking. I have yet to fish beyond the BR marina. Anyone have any insight on this?
As far as the tourneys go... I saw guys tying fish to stumps out there just to win a tourney the next day!
JK, not really tho. I will agree that it is some serious fishing these guys do. I've looked at the fountainheadbassclub webite and to pull a limit like they are pulling, is beyond me :-?
Thanks for the great responses guys, this I what I know, and how I keep my composure out there on the Occoquan.
Fast boats are out there, great veteran Fountainhead fisherman are out there, and big bass are out there. There are 2100+ acres of water, no need to rush. There are generally 35 boats at any given tourney. Pre-fish days in advance and explore a new cove or tributary each time you go out. When passing other fishermen, watch what they are throwing and where they are throwing, i.e., wood, stumps, dock, etc. The Occoquan has taught me more than I could ever repay. Study the enviroment, watch the Cranes, they generally hold where foolish bass are holding! Anytime you can see a dirt point disappear into the merky deep, its holding fish. Watch your temps, a 2* delta makes big gains. Always talk to the the guy at the rental shed, he is very knowledgable, and I think he brings good fortune everytime I talk to him.
Ol' Smokey knows his stuff. He caught an 8 lber out of there last season! Huge fish.
He always helps my brother and I out too with what he was having luck with, and fishing. Real nice guy
Quotejust my price LOL funny stuff, anyways i'm surprised you havent been able to get a check flippin or at least be a contender must be ten times harder than i thought and i thought it already was the toughest tourney series in NOVA, do you fish the occoquan alot flippin? or just go to the tournament on a whim like those goofy strykul brothers LOL j/knote the best strykul brother is the youngest, that kids a stick no lie
Been fishing the Quan since the late 80's. I have been fishing it alot over the last 4 years or so, though not this year. I fish it for fun, tourny's and pre-fished tourny's for myself and for other anglers that could not make it out to do so. But with tendonitise and while almost getting killed in a not so famous boating accident (made me a little gun shy) while pre-fishing a tounry late last fall.
I feel I know the place well and have put together winning sacks, just not on the day of the tourny.
JEJMoe, if you made it to Bull Run Marina you missed a left turn at the splits.
QuoteThanks for the great responses guys, this I what I know, and how I keep my composure out there on the Occoquan.Fast boats are out there, great veteran Fountainhead fisherman are out there, and big bass are out there. There are 2100+ acres of water, no need to rush. There are generally 35 boats at any given tourney. Pre-fish days in advance and explore a new cove or tributary each time you go out. When passing other fishermen, watch what they are throwing and where they are throwing, i.e., wood, stumps, dock, etc. The Occoquan has taught me more than I could ever repay. Study the enviroment, watch the Cranes, they generally hold where foolish bass are holding! Anytime you can see a dirt point disappear into the merky deep, its holding fish. Watch your temps, a 2* delta makes big gains. Always talk to the the guy at the rental shed, he is very knowledgable, and I think he brings good fortune everytime I talk to him.
G, I hate to tell you. But watch who is in the money every tourny......The ones with the fast boats. I'll have a great and I mean great pre-fish and show up to that spot and there is some one with a faster boat already there. Now don't just cut them off...... That can get real tricky! I would hate to be an outcast with that crew, they can be tough. Run and gun is the ticket. When somebody gets near me I'll stop fishing, move or pick up something else like a c-rigged buzzbait to keep them guessing
A C-rigged buzzbait huh? It's d@mn near illegal to reveal that long kept secret!
Dont forget the old crankbait on a bobber, go-to bait.
Let us not leave out the 100% tungsten popper, probably the most incredible topwater action you will "never" see.
how can some of these guys get there boats so fast? i get that i have an 8 hp so i wont do what all them with a 9.9 have but i'm just wondering if some of these guys are running 15 with 9.9 stickers? also i saw a guy put in somewhere down towards the d**n some private neighborhood launch with what looked like a 40 could have just been me but it was definitely not a small outboard. game warden give people a hard time if they suspect your running a bigger motor? (buddys got a 15 we'd love to use there but have been afraid to)
QuoteHow far upstream are we talking. I have yet to fish beyond the BR marina. Anyone have any insight on this?
If you run up past Bull Run Marina KEEP TO THE LEFT going under the bridge. I didn't >, enough said.
I still need to check out the occoquan river arm. Just put on the 9.9 so now I have the ability without it taking all day.
Quotehow can some of these guys get there boats so fast?
I believe it's called swap out. Either you swap out sticker, carbs, powerheads (since 9.9-18 all kind of look alike) or if they have the $$ porting. I think porting is the last option as it costs the most.
I just don't see how no one has questioned it yet. At $40 a pop times 30 or so boats that is a pretty good purse. Now if caught "cheating" with that kind of money on the line wouldn't that constitute larceny in VA. not to stir the pot or anyting (I don't fish them, just get swamped sometimes by those who do)
I fish the tourneys too. I have talked to a few anglers regarding their boats. Quite a few of them have their casting decks made out of aluminum. I know my boat unfortunately has a ton of wood parts. I have also noticed Hydrofoil Stabilizers being used. In a few trial runs I have conducted I have seen a difference in speed just by moving the live well a few feet. Just a few things I have noticed
My boat is also all plywood...I know some of those guys use honeycomb aluminum as well. It's honeycomb with an aluminum base. Featherweight if you ask me...
Those guys definetly are runnin bigger motors than 9.9s too. I can ASSURE you that.
My secret to speed on the Rez: I have twin 250 Mercury Optimaxes with a 9 sticker on one and a .9 on the other. You should have seen Ole Smokey's face when I did a Fountainhead flyby with my fishing partner water skiing behind me in my 14' Lowe
G-Rod, I may be wrong, but I believe water skiing is prohibited on the rez. Just for future reference. I'd hate to see John Law get ya.
I can't tell if you are being sarcastic, but I'm quite sure he was kidding... ;D
OK, what do you think about the options of disguising a waverunner/jet ski motor to look like a cooler/livewell in a jon boat? I will still have the 9.9 on the back. Might require some duct tape and some epoxy....maybe a few bungee cords, hole saw...Gotta go check out Craig's List.
You forgot the bubble gum.